Usenet 1994 October
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Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!grapevine.lcs.mit.edu!olivea!charnel.ecst.csuchico.edu!yeshua.marcam.com!MathWorks.Com!news.duke.edu!convex!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!news.ccs.queensu.ca!dalamb
From: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Lamb)
Newsgroups: soc.college,soc.net-people,soc.answers,news.answers
Subject: FAQ: College Email Addresses 3/3 [Monthly posting]
Supersedes: <faq3_774793869@qucis.QueensU.CA>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 30 Aug 1994 12:10:49 GMT
Organization: Queen's University, Kingston
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Distribution: world
Expires: 23 Oct 1994 12:10:03 GMT
Message-ID: <faq3_778248603@qucis.QueensU.CA>
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Reply-To: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca
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Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu soc.college:16183 soc.net-people:3046 soc.answers:1605 news.answers:24834
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part3
Last-Modified: Sun Mar 20 18:07:18 1994 by David Lamb
Version: 3.34
This is the last third of the summary of how to find email addresses
for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff at various
colleges and universities.
;;; ********************************
;;; Email Database: U-Z ************
;;; ********************************
Univ. of Dayton (Ohio):
School of Engineering: udecc.engr.udayton.edu
CPS: udcps3.cps.udayton.edu
General: udavxb.oca.udayton.edu
Univ. of Delaware:
All undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty have
accounts on the university system. The computer name is
also there are chopin.udel.edu, bach.udel.edu and ravel.udel.edu, but
these are redundant because they share accounts and files with brahms.
The login name is a random 5-digit number until the user changes it,
then it is whatever the user picks. Fingering last names will work to
find the login name, but since there are thousands of accounts, it may
produce an overload of information.
The College of Marine Studies maintains a computer system. Students
and faculty have accounts with login names of their choosing on
several computers, such as
There are several other sparcstations around but they share accounts
with the ones named above.
Univ. of Dortmund (Germany): Created: Mon Aug 23 1993
Students: firstname_lastname@ls<#chair>.<faculty>.uni-dortmund.de
#chair faculty
1-12 informatik (= computer science)
1-?? mathematik
1-?? physik
Univ. of Exeter (Exeter, Devon, UK): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
exeter.ac.uk. Various departments have their own mail servers, e.g.:
Computer Science: dcs.exeter.ac.uk
Mathematics: maths.exeter.ac.uk
Camborne School of Mines: csm.exeter.ac.uk
Univ. of Florida (Gainesville, FL):
Finger lastname@wasp.eng.ufl.edu. Contains complete listings
for people in the College of Engineering, and some listings
for people in other departments.
Univ. of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Hosts: klaava.helsinki.fi, plootu.helsinki.fi. Finger available.
Univ. of Houston (Houston, Texas) Changed: Mon Feb 15 1993
Host: cs.uh.edu.: All graduate students, staff, and faculty in the CS
dept. have accounts on cs.uh.edu. Undergrads have accounts on
either menudo.uh.edu (Unix) or jetson.uh.edu (VAX).
Try "finger lastname@cs.uh.edu" for information on graduate students,
staff, or faculty. Use "finger lastname@menudo.uh.edu" or "finger
lastname@jetson.uh.edu" for undergrads.
Anonymous ftp host: beethoven.cs.uh.edu (
Undergraduate and graduate information can be found under pub/gradinfo.
To request for information and/or application forms, send name and
address to gradinfo@cs.uh.edu
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
In general, finger name@uiuc.edu, where name can be firstname,
lastname, or firstname-lastname. Also try
whois -h uiuc.edu <names>
CS: try mail to lastname@cs.uiuc.edu or flastname@cs.uiuc.edu
Campus: try f-lastname@uiuc.edu and firstname-lastname@uiuc.edu. It
is usually possible to send mail to f-lastname@uiuc.edu or
firstname-lastname@uiuc.edu. If that fails, you will get a message
which tells you why the email could not be sent.
Student Accounts: As of Fall 1992: ux4.cso.uicc.edu (those entering
before then have accounts on uxa.cso.uiuc.edu) Every freshman gets
an account on this machine. Usernames are usually flastname (old
accounts were the user's three initials, followed by five random
Math (Grads, Faculty, Staff): lastname@math.uiuc.edu
Classes: ux1.cso.uiuc.edu, hendrix.ece.uiuc.edu
(Purely instructional. 1 semester accounts on this machine.)
Faculty: some are on on ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Engineering: coewl.cen.uiuc.edu; finger isn't supported.
Electrical engineering faculty: ece.uiuc.edu
From BITNET, it is possible to get information about any student by
executing the command
Univ. of Illinois/Chicago: Changed: Mon Jul 5 1993
uic.edu (Most userids of the form Uxxxxx)
For Staff and Faculty info, use 'finger lastname@uic.edu' or Gopher to
uic.edu, and select "The Campus" menu entry, then "Phonebook". Use
the e-mail alias for best response.
Student Info: Not yet easily available. However, if you know the
person's userid, you can 'finger U12345@uic.edu' which will give you
stats on the account, if active.
Engineering: Use 'finger name@bert.eecs.uic.edu'
The PostMaster will NOT help you in finding people, as the only
resources available are described above.
Univ. of Iowa (Iowa City, IA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Finger name@uiowa.edu, or telnet to chop.isca.uiowa.edu and enter "go
phone" to use the Uiowa phone book.
Engineers - on the Apollo ring: fmlastname@icaen.uiowa.edu
Others - @weeg.uiowa.edu
Univ. of Joensuu (Joensuu, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Hosts: cc.joensuu.fi, joensuu.fi. Finger available.
Univ. of Jyvaskyla (Jyvaskyla, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Hosts: tukki.jyu.fi, network.cc.jyu.fi. Finger with first or last
Univ. of Kansas:
Student Accounts: kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
Most user ID's are their last names (first 6 letters).
Univ. of Kentucky:
The WHOIS server at UK maintains user databases for the following
Kentucky universities:
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Morehead State University, Morehead, KY
Murray State University, Murray, KY
Transylvania University, Lexington, KY
Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY
Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
If you have BITNET access, you can query the WHOIS server interactively,
using the TELL command. For instance:
If you don't have access to BITNET, you can query the WHOIS server via
electronic mail. Send your email to whois@ukcc.uky.edu, and place your
commands in the body (NOT the Subject line) of the message. The HELP
command will send you back a full list of commands.
Univ. of Kuopio (Kuopio, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Student Accounts: redrock.nevada.edu
uns-helios.nevada.edu is used by some students, but may be
changing into a research machine.
Univ. of Louisville: @ULKYVX.BITNET
Univ. of Maine:
Campus mainframe: username@maine.bitnet
CS Faculty and Students: userid@gandalf.umcs.maine.edu
Univ. of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
Dept. of Computer Science:
Staff & Graduate Students: Firstname_Lastname@cs.umanitoba.ca
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering: UserId@ee.umanitoba.ca
All other depts and undergraduate students: UserId@cc.umanitoba.ca
Univ. of Maryland/College Park: Changed: Mon Sep 6 1993
U.Md. has several campuses, but we currently have information only for
the College Park campus.
Employees (faculty and staff): Finger name@umail.umd.edu. Names are
usually flnumber or firstname_MI_LASTNAME (e.g. dm17 or
All students (grad and undergrad) may request an account on
wam.umd.edu (Workstations At Maryland). All undergrads (and
probably graduate students too) may request accounts on eng.umd.edu;
most engineering graduate students have accounts there, but so do
non-engineering studentss. Finger using the lastname at these hosts.
CS Faculty/Staff/Graduate Students: cs.umd.edu; sometimes
umiacs.umd.edu or cfar.umd.edu
telnet umail.umd.edu and login as lookup for faculty/staff E-mail
directory. Campus has universal faculty/staff E-mail on
info.umd.edu (aka umail.umd.edu). Whois and finger do not work off
campus for this computer, though. If you know the name, try
Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst: Changed: Tue Jun 29 1993
Students/Faculty: first.{mi.}last@student.umass.edu (This is on the
CDC Cyber NOS/VE system.) Another common format is
first.{mi.}last@saturn.ucc.umass.edu. Saturn is the name of the
computer. Many people, especially faculty, have a departmental
abbreviation in place of "student" or "saturn.ucc". Another
possible form is FML@titan.ucs.umass.edu
Graduate CS students: cs.umass.edu Username is person's lastname.
Intro CS courses: S#######@tethys.ucc.umass.edu, where ####### is a
7-digit student number.
Engineering: {fi}lastname@ecs.umass.edu. Names defaults to last name,
but may include the first initial if the last name is not unique.
Student directory service: (413)-545-1515 for finding a phone number.
Univ. of Massachusetts/Lowell:
All CS students and University UNIX users are generally
addressable as flllllll@cs.ulowell.edu. Adjustments are made
for conflicts such as adding the middle initial after the
first, or adding additional letters from the first name.
Not all students automatically get accounts on the VMS system,
but if they do they can be addressed as llllllf@woods.ulowell.edu.
Finger works on this machine, but isn't very informative. If there is
a name conflict, they will add letters from the first name or numeric
digits (1, 2, etc.) until it is unique.
Univ. of Miami Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences:
whois -h UMIGW.MIAMI.EDU name
finger name@phone.rsmas.miami.edu
Univ. of Michigan:
The best place to try to find an e-mail address for a faculty,
students, and staff at U-M is via the X.500 White Pages service.
There are many ways in which this can be accessed, but one easy
way is through finger (finger firstname.lastname@umich.edu).
(The X.500 Directory also contains business addresses, business
phone numbers, titles, and home addresses and phone numbers in
the case where the person has granted such permission.)
If the person has registered an e-mail address, it will appear;
if the person has not, follow the advice of the X.500 server and
try fingering the person at um.cc.umich.edu (the mainframe),
caen.engin.umich.edu (the College of Engineering mail hub), or
med.umich.edu (the Medical Campus mail hub).
People with accounts on um.cc.umich.edu also have a Bitnet
address: USERxxx@UMICHUM.BITNET where 'xxxx' is the person's
account on the mainframe.
A database of U of Michigan student and faculty phone numbers
and addresses (not email addresses, just phones) is available through
the "gopher" server running at gopher.uis.itd.umich.edu port 70, also
available via telnet to gopher.micro.umn.edu (login: gopher) in the
"Other gophers" menu or the "phone books" menu. This gopher
phone number database has been changed to access X.500.
Grad students in EECS get accounts on eecs.umich.edu. (The
specific machine names are dip and zip, but eecs forwards
Usernames are either lastname, or of the form Fname_Lname.
313- ann arbor info 764-1817 998-7999
If all else fails, you can always mail the request to the U-M
postmaster at postmaster@umich.edu.
telnet to or hermes.merit.edu
press return until you get a "Which Host?" prompt
type FINGER UM <return> NAME <return>
to get finger information for NAME
Univ. of Minnesota: Changed: Mon Sep 6 1993
In general, try fingering fname.mname.lname@umn.edu. Fingering any
reasonable fragment of the name should work.
CS Grad students: @cs.umn.edu. General policy is "last name as
account name, plus first and middle initials if that's not unique",
but there *are* exceptions.
Undergrads in technical majors will have temporary accounts on
maroon.tc.umn.edu or vx.cis.umn.edu. The account names are
serialized so aren't useful in finding out names. Recently (as of
late 1992) most class accounts are on mermaid.micro.umn.edu, and are
named. All Twin Cities campus students have e-mail on
gold.tc.umn.edu, whether they know it or not.
Chemistry (faculty, staff, grads): lname@chemsun.chem.umn.edu. The
login is usually the person's last name.
Statistics: umnstat.stat.umn.edu. Userid varies; use finger.
Biochemistry & genetics: often molbio.cbs.umn.edu or lenti.med.umn.edu
Univ. of Missouri/Rolla:
Univ. of Missouri/St. Louis:
CS: arch.umsl.edu
This machine isn't fingerable, but its address info is
available by fingering at aber.umsl.edu.
Undergrads: clemens.umsl.edu, twain.umsl.edu
The id can be obtained by fingering either of these machines using the
last name of the student.
Univ. of Montreal: Changed: Mon Feb 15 1993
General: username@ere.umontreal.ca
Usernames are typically last names (maximum = 8 letters).
Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha: Changed: Tue Jun 29 1993
Any currently enrolled UNO student and faculty and staff may obtain
accounts on CWIS (Campus Wide Information System), host
The university no longer subscribes to Bitnet, only Internet.
Undergraduate Students and Faculty: zeus.unomaha.edu
Main academic VAX running VMS. All computer science students
receive academic accounts of the form CCXXX where CC is a
2-character class code and XXX is a number from 000 (usually the
instructor) up to 999 (usually smaller than 050 in practice). These
accounts are reset each semester.
Permanent accounts are also on Zeus, usually a last name or nickname.
Permanent student accounts are of the form ZAXXX for unaffiliated
students, or organizational forms like ACMXXX and IEEEXXX for
members of their respective student organizations. Any
undergraduate student who asks nicely can get a ZA account, or an
organizational account if they are a member.
UNO Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery: acm.unomaha.edu
All members have accounts, usually some form of the name (not
fingerable, this computer is also the former unocss.unomaha.edu in
case you haven't guessed). Polite mail to
postmaster@acm.unomaha.edu may yield information about an ACM member
or math/CS student.
Univ. of Nebraska at Lincoln:
Engineering: engvms.unl.edu
Computing Staff and some students: crcvms.unl.edu
CS students: cse.unl.edu
All students above the classification of sophomore have name accounts
on cse.unl.edu (first initial appended to the last name) but you can
also finger the machine.
Univ. of New Brunswick: (Fredericton, NB, Canada)
Computing Services: csd.unb.ca
All students are automatically given MUSIC accounts on the VM
service and can send and receive mail, however, there is at
present no easy way to determine the MUSIC id knowing the name
of the student. Depending on course requirements, students may
also have accounts on the MVS or UNIX systems.
Requests for non-student userids can be sent to our on-line
directory server. Send mail to Directry@UNB.Ca, If the 1st
non-blank line of the mail is Help or Find name, the name will be
searched and the results mailed back to the address in the From:
field of the mail. The server is bilingual (English/French) and
will also respond to the commands Aide or Recherche name.
MVS machine: unbmvs1.csd.UNB.ca
VM machine: unbvm1.csd.UNB.ca
UNIX machine: jupiter.sun.csd.UNB.ca (finger works)
Univ. of New Hampshire:
General university users: unhh.unh.edu (same as
hilbert.unh.edu). User names, both student and staff, are
generally of the form F_LAST where F is the person's first
initial and LAST is the person's last name.
CS class accounts and undergrad CS: kepler.unh.edu. User
names are usually the person's initials (sometimes postfixed
by a 3 digit course number for intro classes).
Grad CS and Faculty: cs.unh.edu. With only a few exceptions,
all logins are the person's initials.
Univ. of New Mexico
Try finger lastname@carina.unm.edu. User names are usually of the
form FLLLLLLL (8 characters max). Accounts may be on many different
hosts within unm.edu but the finger database on carina seems to know
where all the accounts are. If carina is unavailable try vesta.
Univ. of New Orleans Created: Tue Mar 30 1993
Faculty Accounts: fml@uni.edu
Student Accounts: Initials followed by 2 letter name of department,
e.g. fmlEE@uno.edu
Class Accounts: Two letters signifying department that issued account,
6 numbers or letters signifying a unique id and then the four digits
of the class e.g. EE_123tt2551
Univ. of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) Created: Thu Jul 1 1993
Faculty and staff: F.Lastname@UNSW.edu.au
Students: Yxxxxxxx@UNSW.edu.au, where Y is U for undergrads and P for
graduates/postgraduates, and xxxxxxx represents the student ID number
Univ. of North Carolina at Asheville: Created: Mon Aug 23 1993
Username is either the last name or the last name preceded by an
initial. unca.edu runs VMS, so usernames aren't limited to 8
Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Changed: Tue Apr 13 1993
General: Firstname_Lastname@unc.edu. In case of conflict try
The UNC BBS is Firstname.Lastname@launchpad.unc.edu
CS: All CS students get an account on the network of workstations.
The login is usually just the first 8 characters of the student's
last name. Name conflicts are usually resolved by appending the
first initial and/or the middle initial to the last name. Mail may
be sent to username@cs.unc.edu. You may finger both by userid and
real name at cs.unc.edu.
Faculty and Staff: One can get an email address from the online
telnet to info.oit.unc.edu
login as info
follow the menus to Campus Directory
Medical School: students, staff, and faculty. Finger
name@who.med.unc.edu OR send mail to request@med.unc.edu asking for
the address. Once you find the login name, send mail to
Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte:
Userids are of the form fmlastname.
Univ. of North Dakota: see North Dakota Network
Univ. of North Florida
CS undergrads, grads, faculty: flast@unf6.cis.unf.edu, where last may
be limited to 6-8 characters.
Information Science undergrads: unf1vm.cis.unf.edu. Unfortunately
names are assigned randomly, so it's nearly impossible to guess
unless you already have contact with someone.
Others generally don't have accounts unless they ask for them.
Univ. of Northern Iowa. Created: Tue Mar 30 1993
Finger username@uni.edu
Univ. of Notre Dame:
The University of Notre Dame now supports full name human readable
e-mail addresses, such as John.Q.Student.1@nd.edu. All members
of the Notre Dame community have e-mail addresses on nd.edu; however,
at this time (June, 1992) the vast majority of them are
"uninitialized". This means the user has not specifically told the
server how to deliver e-mail to this user, so e-mail to this user will
All members of the Notre Dame community also have userids in our AFS
file space. Userids in this file space tend to be of the form
flllllll or flllllln. Some users who use the AFS file system might
not have initialized their entries on the nd.edu name server;
conversely, many community members who can receive mail via nd.edu
ignore their AFS userids.
Notre Dame also has many other central and departmental computer
systems which can send and receive e-mail. As more and more users
initialize their nameserver accounts there will be less need to
remember these specific local systems and userids. However, for the
time being, they are often the best addresses for some members
of the Notre Dame community.
All students are given accounts on darwin.cc.nd.edu, but not
all students use them. Usernames are of the form flllllll. In
case of name conflicts, numbers are added to the end to disambiguate.
Questions can be sent to info@nd.edu.
Univ. of Oklahoma/Norman:
Univ. of Oregon:
CS Grads and Faculty: <username>@cs.uoregon.edu
CS Undergrads/CIE: <username>@cie.uoregon.edu (this is only
for CS undergrads subscribing to the campus information
Others?: fmlast@oregon.uoregon.edu for those with email accounts
U-mail: first.middle.last@oregon.uoregon.edu for those without
email. Such letters are printed out with a cover sheet and
delivered through the normal campus mail system (graduate
students, staff, and faculty only -- undergrads do not have
on-campus addresses).
Univ. of Oslo (Norway) Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
Department of Informatics: userid@ifi.uio.no
Faculty and staff mailboxes may be f.lastname or firstname.lastname
or f.m.lastname
Univ. of Pennsylvania: Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Undergrad engineering, SEAS course accounts: eniac.seas.upenn.edu
Undergrad/Grad Business: wharton.upenn.edu
(all business students can get an account if they want one)
Lastname plus two number identification string (arbitrary)
Grad CS: grad1.cis.upenn.edu
CS faculty/staff: central.cis.upenn.edu
Medical School: lastname_f@a1.mscf.upenn.edu. Medical students, biomed
grad students, and some faculty have accounts on this system.
Undergrad Arts&Science: @sas.upenn.edu
Try whois -h whois.upenn.edu lname, or
whois -h whois.upenn.edu ? for help.
Univ. of Pittsburgh:
Students get their choice of Unix or VMS accounts, addressed
as user@unix.cis.pitt.edu and user@vms.cis.pitt.edu,
respectively. Student user names are of the form fmlst, where
fml are their initials and "st" stands for "student". To
finger the VMS accounts you must finger at vm1.cis.pitt.edu or
vm2.cis.pitt.edu. Mail addressed to user@cis.pitt.edu won't be
rejected, but doesn't seem to be readable for the user's VMS account.
Computer Science : cs.pitt.edu
Electrical Eng : ee.pitt.edu
Library & Info Science : lis.pitt.edu
Medical School : med.pitt.edu
Univ. of Rochester:
Undergraduate, Student Staff, and a few others: uhura.cc.rochester.edu
(fingerd has been re-enabled on uhura, but will be permanently
disabled if finger attacks resume)
All incoming students now receive accounts on uhura - but whether they
use them is another matter.
Graduate CS: cs.rochester.edu
Class Accounts, Faculty, and Graduate: troi.cc.rochester.edu
Psychology: prodigal.psych.rochester.edu
Anyone _who does not already have an account on another
machine_ can also get an account on db1.cc.rochester.edu (vax).
Whois server: whois -h db1.cc.rochester.edu <name>
Gives phone but not email for most faculty and staff at the
University of Rochester and Strong Memorial Hospital.
Userids are set up as follows: (Where xxxx is a 4 letter code based on
your name, yyy is a 3 character random code and DPCRN is
DePartment, Course Reference Number)
xxxx_ltd: Standard account before August 1992; anyone can get one
flnnnx: Standard accounts for incoming students and all new
limited accounts. (fl initials, nnn a number, x a letter)
xxxx_ss: Student Staff
xxxx_eng: Some english accounts
xxxx: Usually system staff or administrators
yyydpcrn: Class accounts (I.E. aa1CS100 would be a computer science
100 class account, aa1eg150 would be English 150, etc...)
Anyone who has an account on db1 can also mail/post from the following
hosts: db{2,3,4,5,6,7}.cc.rochester.edu
Univ. of Saskatchewan:
Whois server available on access.usask.ca. Not a definitive
list. Undergraduates generally do not have mail access and are
not registered with the whois server.
Other queries should be addressed to postmaster@sask.usask.ca.
Univ. of Scranton, (Scranton, PA):
All students are entitled to free accounts, many students don't
use them. Generally, all math, CS, engineering, accounting and
psychology majors use VAX accounts. Fingering by first and last
names works.
Students: fmlxx@jaguar.uofs.edu where f is first initial, m is
middle initial and l is last initial, and XX is a number usually
between 1 and 20, but sometimes higher.
Faculty: lastname@jaguar.uofs.edu lastname is sometimes followed
by a number but usually not.
Univ. of South Carolina (Columbia, SC):
Graduate CS : usceast.cs.scarolina.edu,calvin.cs.scarolina.edu
Graduate ECE: charlie.ece.scarolina.edu
Univ. of Southern California:
General: usc.edu
Undergrad: aludra.usc.edu
Graduate: pollux.usc.edu
Robotics: iris.usc.edu
Faculty: pollux.usc.edu
Computing Staff: skat.usc.edu
Others: merlin.usc.edu and castor.usc.edu
Univ. of Southern Maine: Created: Tue Aug 3 1993
Finger userid@portland.caps.maine.edu
Univ. of Southern Mississippi: Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
Try finger lastname@whale.st.usm.edu
All students have an account on USMCP6.BITNET but many don't know it.
The student must make a special request to use bitnet mail and there
is no way to tell if he/she has been so set up. This machine is
soon to acquire TCP/IP software, which may then provide finger.
Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana:
The entire campus population has the option to participate in
electronic mail. One system is reserved for campus communications,
but users can recieve mail directly at other machines without
participating in the centralized system.
Name look-up:
telnet usl.edu -or- telnet bss.usl.edu
login as user "motd"
select terminal type - type dumb exists if you must!
select motd program - "mail-directory"
for name search - n <CR>
enter partial name then <CR>
use "f" and "b" to flip pages
second column is user mail address
enter "a" or "c" to end program
Sending mail:
mail to address abc1234@usl.edu
accounts typically are initials and last four digits of
university ID #
Users can also have easy to remember aliases setup, ask when you make
contact. Users receiving mail at usl.edu may forward their mail to a
machine they use more often, you will be notified after 24 hours if
usl.edu can not forward the mail to its destination.
Users who do not participate in the centralized mail system can have
independant mail address on campus. Typically locations are ...
CS/CE Grads: gator.cacs.usl.edu, swamp@cacs.usl.edu
CE Grads: a2fay.cacs.usl.edu
Undergrads & other grads: ucs.usl.edu, ea.usl.edu
Univ. of Tampere (Tampere, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Host: uta.fi. Finger available.
Univ. of Texas/Austin: Changed: Mon Aug 23 1993
The University of Texas at Austin maintains an X.500 directory
containing e- mail, phone, and address information for students,
faculty, and staff supplied by those individuals. The directory can
be accessed through any X.500 client software participating in the
Internet White Pages Pilot project and though numerous gateways
finger fffffff.m.lllllll@x500.utexas.edu
whois -h x500.utexas.edu "fffffff m llllllll"
gopher - gopherhost.cc.utexas.edu, port 70, in the section
UT Austin/General UT Information
mail - to: whitepages@x500.utexas.edu
subject: find ffffff m llllllll
or - to: whitepages@x500.utexas.edu
subject: help
The University of Texas at Austin maintains another online database
which contains, among other things, a Faculty/Staff/Student
directory. Telnet to utcat.utexas.edu to log on, hit a couple of
returns, and just follow the prompt to get to the directory.
Additional places to try include:
Student/Faculty/Staff: X.cc.utexas.edu for X= ccwf, or emx
Class Accounts: bongo.cc.utexas.edu, emx.utexas.edu
CS: cs.utexas.edu
ECE Research Group: unga-gw.ece.utexas.edu, ece.utexas.edu
Chemical Engineering (Grads, Faculty): che.utexas.edu
Univ. of Texas/Dallas: Changed: Tue Feb 23 1993
finger <part of person's name>@utdallas.edu
lists all the matching full names and the corresponding user ids.
For more information about most of the graduate students (irrespetive
of major), staff and professors, use:
finger <user id>@apache.utdallas.edu
Univ. of Texas/San Antonio:
Student/Faculty/Staff: lonestar.utsa.edu
CS: ringer.cs.utsa.edu
Usernames are typically first initial last name except
for faculty usernames on ringer which are last name only.
Univ. of Toronto: (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
The University has two domains: toronto.edu and utoronto.ca.
Generally, undergraduates are not given free accounts unless if
they are in Engineering or Computer Science. Undergraduates that
do research with any of the departments listed below will usually
get an e-mail account. Fingering is available in almost every site.
Astronomy Department: astro.utoronto.ca
Botany Department: botany.utoronto.ca
Chemistry Department: alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca
Computer Science Department: cs.utoronto.ca
Computer Systems Research Institute: csri.utoronto.ca
C.S. Undergrads (Computing Disciplines Facility): cdf.utoronto.ca
Engineering Computing Facility: ecf.utoronto.ca
Geography Department: geog.utoronto.ca
Geophysics Department: mantle.physics.utoronto.ca
Geology Department: geology.utoronto.ca
Library and Information Science: flis.utoronto.ca
Mechanical Engineering: me.utoronto.ca
Mathematics Department: math.utoronto.ca
Pharmacy/Medicine: phm.utoronto.ca, med.utoronto.ca
Physics Department: physics.utoronto.ca
Psychology Department: psych.utoronto.ca
Scarborough College: scar.utoronto.ca
Statistics Graduates and Professors: utstat.utoronto.ca
Zoology: zoo.utoronto.ca
Univ. of Trondheim (Norway): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Students at the University of Trondheim can be reached at the
following mail adresses:
NTH (Norw. Inst of Techn.) : userid@solan.unit.no
AVH (Coll. of Arts and Science) firstname.lastname@avh.unit.no
A postmaster service exists at both sites. Employees and
students at AVH can also be found in the EAN Directory Service.
The Norwegian Institute of Technology, aka NTH (Norges Tekniske
Hoegskole). All students at NTH have the right to open an account
on the the email machines, but this right is not very heavily
advertized, so most people don't use the machines. Login names may
be FLLLLLLL, LLLLLLLL, FFFFFFFF, FMLLLLLL, or (for people with very
common first and last names) MMMMMMMM (8 characters maximum).
FLLLLLLL is probably the most common; MMMMMMMM and especially
FMLLLLLL is probably quite rare. LLLLLLLL and FFFFFFFFF may be used
if the user's last or first names are not not very common,
especially if they are foreign.
NTH Department of Computer Systems and Telematics: @idt.unit.no
Univ. of Turku (Turku, Finland): Created: Tue Apr 6 1993
Finger firstname.lastname@utu.fi, or "anyname*"@utu.fi
Gopher server: gopher.utu.fi
Postal address: University of Turku, FIN-20500 Turku
General questions: utu.kysymykset.sekalaiset@utu.fi
University telephone exchange: +358 21 633 51
Computing centre operators: +358 21 633 5928
Computing centre office time (GMT +2) help line: +358 21 633 6000
Univ. of the Pacific: Changed: Thu Jul 1 1993
Main computer center machines (both fingerable0:
vms1.cc.uop.edu (VAX VMS)
unix1.cc.uop.edu (Ultrix <Unix>)
Most accounts (but not all) are FLastname (limited to 8 characters on
unix1.) Contact postmaster@unix1.cc.uop.edu for further help.
Computer Science: uop.cs.uop.edu. Most of the internet users are on
this machine. Finger service is available. Recent accounts use
FLLLLLLL. Older accounts use a variety of account name formats.
Contact: postmaser@uop.cs.uop.edu.
Univ. of Ulm (Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany): Changed: Mon Jul 5 1993
Main campus system: rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de (dulruu51 on bitnet).
Every university member can get accounts on this VMS-cluster, but
not everyone does.
Students: firstname.lastname@student.uni-ulm.de
Other: firstname.lastname@departement.uni-ulm.de
departments are: rz (computer centre staff), physik (physics),
chemie (chemistry), biologie (biology), mathematik (math),
informatik (cs), medizin (medical), e-technik (EE)
Contact address: postmaster@rz.uni-ulm.de
Computer Science:
Undergraduates: login@pcpool1.informatik.uni-ulm.de; login names
consists of maximal 6 letters of the last name and the first and
last letter of the first name, e.g. muellehs for Hans Mueller
Contact address: patzel@informatik.uni-ulm.de
Graduate Students and Faculty: lastname@informatik.uni-ulm.de
Neuroinformatik: lastname@neuro.informatik.uni-ulm.de
Undergraduates: CFLLLLLL@colossix.mathematik.uni-ulm.de: C
represents the course (P: Programmieren, S: Software, W:
Wahlpflicht, F: Fan), F the first letter of the first name, and
LLLLLL up to six letters of the last name
Graduate Students and Faculty: lastname@mathematik.uni-ulm.de and
firstname.lastname@mathematik.uni-ulm.de; finger
lastname@laborix.mathematik.uni-ulm.de is possible
Contact address: borchert@mathematik.uni-ulm.de
Botanical Science: Contact address: hoppe@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de
School of Medical Documentation:
Students: logins are owned by groups of two students each:
FFFFSSSS@smdmv2.klinik.uni-ulm.de, FFFF represents the first four
letters of the first member and SSSS of the second member of a group
finger lastname@smdmv2.klinik.uni-ulm.de is supported
Contact address: smd@smd.klinik.uni-ulm.de
Univ. of Utah:
For accounts being managed by the University of Utah Computer Center,
and any accounts that the department have turned in to the center, the
directory is on
and is accessible via the internet PH protocol. It is also accessible
via the GOPHER program and it's related protocols. A limited version
is availiable via the finger server at PH.CC.UTAH.EDU It is from this
directory that the printed e-mail directory is made.
CS Graduate Students: asylum.utah.edu
CS Undergraduate Students: peruvian.utah.edu
Pre-majors: cadehp0.eng.utah.edu
CS Department: cs.utah.edu is the cs department main machine,
for faculty, staff, and grads.
Lots of departments have machines: [Very incomplete list]
Elec. Eng.: ee.utah.edu
Mathematics: math.utah.edu
Physics: physics.utah.edu
Chemistry: chemistry.utah.edu
Chem. Eng.: che.utah.edu
Mech. Eng.: mech.utah.edu
Civ. Eng.: civil.utah.edu
Biology: biology.utah.edu
Mining: mines.utah.edu
postmaster@xanadu.cc.utah.edu is the postmaster for more than half of
the email accounts on campus, but not any cs machines.
postmaster@cs.utah.edu is postmaster for CS machines
postmaster@m.cc.utah.edu is postmaster for most unassigned students
postmaster@science.utah.edu is postmaster for College of
Science Machines.
postmaster@cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned departments.
postmaster@m.cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned students.
postmaster@cave.cc.utah.edu gets cavers and most imaginary users.
The medical center handles their own stuff separately, but
they often appear in the online directory at ph.cc.utah.edu
Univ. of Vaasa (Vaasa, Finland): Created: Wed Sep 8 1993
Host: uwasa.fi. Finger available.
Univ. of Vermont:
There are two main computing organizations on campus:
UCS (University Computing Services) and
EMBA-CF (Division of Engineering, Mathematics, and Business
Administration, Computer Facility). As a general rule,
people with accounts at EMBA-CF do not bother to obtain accounts at
UCS. UVM's domain name is `uvm.edu', and sub-domains are not
generally used. Most of the UVM network has most TCP ports blocked
off, but one machine, emily.uvm.edu, can serve as a gateway for, for
example, the finger program, (i.e., finger
UCS has three main machines: uvmvax.uvm.edu (UVMVAX.BITNET),
uvmvm.uvm.edu (UVMVM.BITNET), and UVMADMIN.BITNET. Accounts on UVMVAX
(a VMS system) are generally of the form Lastname_F; accounts on
UVMVM and UVMADMIN don't seem to follow any particular scheme, but
Lastname and LastnameF seem to be popular. Many UCS staff people use
their initials. UVMVAX supports unspecified finger only; UVMVM
doesn't support finger at all.
EMBA-CF supports computing for the departments of Math/Stat, Business
Administration, CS/EE, and Civil/Mechanical Engineering, as well as
the administration of the College of Engineering and Mathematics; all
students, faculty, and staff in the Division are entitled to an
account, although many students do not bother to get a
non-class account. Sometimes, other people may be given
accounts on EMBA-CF machines.
EMBA-CF has three separate mail-spool servers, and users are free
to forward their mail to whichever one they happen to prefer; these
machines are uvm-gen.uvm.edu, hal.uvm.edu, and trantor.uvm.edu.
uvm-gen is also known as just plain UVM.EDU, and most faculty and
staff with accounts at EMBA-CF have a alias of the form
Firstname{.M}.Lastname installed at uvm-gen. All other users, except
for class and staff accounts, are assigned by last name, with a
numeric suffix in case of collision. Staff accounts for work-study
employees are usually of the form operfml. Class accounts are of the
form ddNNNfml, where dd is the department
(cs,ce,me,ee,ma,st,ba) and NNN is the class number; in case of
collision, the class number or middle initial may be changed.
There are two sub-domains: msg.uvm.edu belongs to Mach Systems Group,
a group of graduate students involved porting operating systems (most
notably, Mach 2.5 and 3.0) to local hardware; and med.uvm.edu belongs
to the UVM School of Medicine, which is not very well networked as
Univ. of Virginia: Changed: Mon Sep 6 1993
Use host virginia.edu for all mail. To find people, use
whois -h whois.virginia.edu name
or else gopher. If the server says someone doesn't have an account,
that's not necessarily true. Other machines to try:
All students/faculty: uva.pcmail.virginia.edu (PCMail server)
College of Arts and Sciences (CLAS): faraday.clas.virginia.edu,
fermi.clas.virginia.edu, darwin.clas.virginia.edu
Engineering School (SEAS): fulton.seas.virginia.edu,
kelvin.seas.virginia.edu, watt.seas.virginia.edu
Computer Science (mostly grads/faculty): uvacs.cs.virginia.edu
Univ. of Washington, Seattle: Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
CS Grads and Faculty: lastname@cs.washington.edu
Most folks are on carson.u.washington.edu or stein.u.washington.edu.
Usernames can be anything. Mail sent via u.washington.edu should
forward to the appropriate account.
CS students, grads, and faculty can generally be looked up by last
name at cs.washington.edu; if not, try june.cs.washington.edu for
grads and faculty, and wolf.cs.washington.edu for undergrads.
Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario:
Userids are of of the form <initials>+<surname> (e.g. mbmulroney, ghwbush),
and may be any length (for most machines; some still restrict them to
8 characters. Mail servers send you back a list of possible userids
if the one you tried doesn't match any known user.
Math/CS undergraduates: undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
CS graduate students: neumann.uwaterloo.ca
CS and Math Graduate Students: violet.uwaterloo.ca and jeeves.uwaterloo.ca
CS faculty may be found on one or more of the primary machines
{watdragon, maytag, watcgl, daisy, jeeves, grand, poppy, vlsi, watmsg,
math, watserv1}.uwaterloo.ca (there are lots more)
Engineering undergraduate students: userid usually of form
<surname>+<initials> or <initials>+<surname>, at one of
{chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical}.watstar.uwaterloo.ca
Also try @1302 and @108 for chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical
engineering -- these are used mainly for lower-year students
from all engineering departments.
Systems Design Engineering: watnow.uwaterloo.ca
Physics students: physics.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
Art Students: artspas.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
Univ. of West Sydney (Hawkesbury, Australia) Created: Tue Jun 29 1993
Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario: Changed: Tue Mar 30 1993
Computing and Communications Services operates a campus directory
service as well as a campus E-mail forwarding service. This covers
all of the faculty and staff listed in the campus telephone directory
as well as many students. Registration is voluntary but for faculty
and staff is reasonably complete and accurate.
% whois -h whois.uwo.ca name
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca smith
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca j.smith
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca john.smith
The mail forwarding service works for common names as well:
% mail common-name@uwo.ca
eg. mail smith@uwo.ca
eg. mail j.smith@uwo.ca
eg. mail john.smith@uwo.ca
Mail will either be forwarded to the user with that common name, or
if the name is not unique, you will receive a returned message listing
all users with that common name.
Univ. of Wisconsin/Center-System: Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
A system of 13, two-year liberal arts "feeder" colleges to the 4-year
Universitys. There are about 7000 students.
Students do not have addresses; most faculty do.
Faculty: usually flllllll@uwcmail.uwc.edu
Univ. of Wisconsin/La Crosse:
Usernames are arbitrary. Try fingering by the lastname.
Univ. of Wisconsin/Madison:
Phone book server (staff only): finger lname@wisc.edu
CS: cs.wisc.edu
Engineering: cae.wisc.edu
Undergrads: Class accounts based on first and last name,
For other departments, you can sometimes guess the hostname
from the department name. Thus: meteor.wisc.edu for
Meteorology, math.wisc.edu for Mathematics.
Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee:
Many students - csd4.csd.uwm.edu, convex.csd.uwm.edu
EE ugrad and grad - ee.uwm.edu
CS grad - point.cs.uwm.edu
CS fac - blatz.cs.uwm.edu
Students taking Comp Sci Classes: miller.cs.uwm.edu
In fact if you finger cs.uwm.edu you get:
Computer Science users at UWM are normally on workstations or
other backbone computing machines. To locate a faculty member,
graduate student or undergraduate student, you can use the
finger program.
The finger program can help you locate a user who is known to the CS
machines at UWM. To locate a user do
finger person-X@cs.uwm.edu
Where X=F|f if the person is a CS faculty member
X=G|g if the person is a CS grad student
X=U|u if the person is a CS undergraduate student
X=E|e if the person is an Engineering student
X=O|o Other University machines(Just some of them!)
Undergraduates are for the most part on miller.cs.uwm.edu. Graduate
students are usually on cvax.cs.uwm.edu. To get a complete list of
cs-faculty, finger csfac@cs.uwm.edu.
Univ. of Wisconsin - River Falls:
University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY) Created: Mon Mar 22 1993
The main computer on which every student/faculty/ employee can have an
account on (if they wish) is CORRAL.UWYO.EDU (a vaxcluster made up
of OUTLAW.UWYO.EDU or POSSE.UWYO.EDU) The username is completely
unpredictable (totally at the choice of the user). Finger at
corral or posse.
The graduate Cosci students often have an account on RODEO.UWYO.EDU
with the same username as on CORRAL.
The engineering students all have accounts on DS1.UWYO.EDU.
Most incoming freshman these days will get an account on our Vax
(Corral) because it looks like the freshman orientation class
requires it.
Ursinus College (Collegeville, PA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
finger userid@acad.ursinus.edu. Usernames are often fflastname.
Utah State University:
cc.usu.edu - This is the MAIN VAX. A Vax 6510 that is usually the
system that everyone uses for most purposes. Our
usenet news is on this computer as well as other
utilities. This is also the system that is a bitnet
node (USU). So mail can be sent to usu.bitnet as well.
mua.usu.edu - This is our Micro-VAX that is running ultrix. Because
this is the popular domain for TinyTALK and TinyFUGUE
programs, the active Gamers use this system.
You can finger both systems, the account names are given in a random
fashion that consists of a five letter code. The first two
letters usually denoting whether the user is a student or a
faculty member. SL___ account belong to students and FA___
accounts belong to faculty members. The easiest way to locate
a user is to send mail to OPERATOR@cc.usu.edu or, if your
system supports the bitnet SEND command, use SEND OPERATOR@USU
and ask them to look up the name for you.
Vanderbilt University:
Engineering faculty and grad students: @vuse.vanderbilt.edu
(most user IDs are the three initials)
Undergrads and other grad students: @ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
Most user IDs are llllllfm (8 chars max). You can't finger
on this VAX cluster; try sending mail to
userserv@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu; you should get a response
within a business day or so.
Vassar: Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Students: FFLastname@vaxsar.vassar.edu. (Formerly FMLLLLLLLLLL).
Every student is given a VAX account, but few actually activate them
(by asking for a password).
Faculty: Faculty must request an account in order to get it, but most
of those who have accounts use them. Recent faculty usernames are of
the same form as students; previously they were lastnames followed
by enough letters of the first name to ensure uniqueness. Their
accounts are also on vaxsar.vassar.edu.
Fingering with the username or the lastname will usually work.
Virginia Tech: Changed: Tue Jan 4 1994
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, normally just
called Virginia Tech.
As of June 7, 1993, try finger lastname@finger.vt.edu first. It
replaces the older SSImail system, and augments the stuff described
in the rest of this entry.
CS faculty/staff: lastname@cs.vt.edu
CS grad students: lastname@csgrad.cs.vt.edu
CS undergrads: try userid@csugrad.cs.vt.edu first
non-CS: To find CoSY users: CoSY users can only get mail from other
CoSY users; become one by telnetting to vtcosy.cns.vt.edu and
following directions. Find people by finger @vtcosy
Physics students: try LastnameFM@vtcc1.cc.vt.edu
Physics staff: try LasstnameFM@vtvm2.cc.vt.edu
Wake Forest University:
Washington University, St. Louis MO: Changed: Thu Jul 1 1993
Arts&Sciences undergrads: fmllllll@pear.wustl.edu or @artsci.wustl.edu
Undergrad Engineers: All have accounts on cec1.wustl.edu and
cec2.wustl.edu (cec2.uucp). finger lastname@cec_userfs_u.wustl.edu.
Userids are the user's three initials followed by a single digit for
disambiguating name conflicts. If there is no name conflict, the
extra digit is a 1. Fingering from outside the university sometimes
works. Also, some computer science students have accounts on wucs1,
and anyone can have an account on maria. On these machines, the user
chooses his/her own login name to be enabled. Usernames for
engineering faculty are just their three initials.
Wayne State University, Detroit MI
All students in the University, regardless of their major or college
can have access to an account.
Engineering: ss0.eng.wayne.edu (or nova, or ece, or any solar planet,
e.g. sun, venus, ...)
CS: jupiter.cs.wayne.edu, zeus.cs.wayne.edu
These machines support finger. Most other students' accounts
are on wu.cc.wayne.edu; try 'finger partial-name@wu.cc.wayne.edu'
to find information about anyone with "partial-name" in their name.
Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
FLastname#@lucy.wellesley.edu, where F is first initial, and digit #
is used only to disambiguate (e.g. JSMITH1). Finger not accepted from
remote sites. Faculty names never get the #.
Accounts are on eagle.wesleyan.edu. The username is of the
form FLname, where F is the first initial and Lname is the
lastname of the individual.
West Chester University:
Users (at least undergraduates, if not others) are given
accounts on a machine whose name is the same as the first
letter of their last name. Usernames are of the form fllllll.
So John Doe would be jdoe%d%wcu@isn.wcupa.edu. Send mail
to postmaster@isn.wcupa.edu if you have questions.
West Point, the United States Military Academy
Host names are of the form usmaX.usma.edu, for X from 1 to 18.
Try 'finger lastname@host', starting with usma18 (since lower-numbered
machines tend to refuse a finger connection). Actual mailboxes for
cadets are of the form xYNNNNCC where x is the letter x, Y is last
digit of graduating year (e.g. 6 for 1996), NNNN is a student ID code,
and CC is company (letter-digit, e.g. D4).
Western Montana College
Try f_llllllll@wmc.edu. This site has no finger server.
Address: 710 S. Pacific, Dillon, MT 59725
Wheaton College (Norton, MA): Created: Mon Jul 12 1993
Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) Changed: Thu Jul 1 1993
Try llllfffm@david.wheaton.edu. Finger works.
Whitman College (Walla Walla, WA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
LLLLLLLL@marcus.whitman.edu works for faculty and students. The node
does support finger.
Widener University:
General: First.Last@cyber.widener.edu (it may also need a
middle initial)
CS: lastname@cs.widener.edu
Wilfrid Laurier Univ. (Waterloo, Ontario): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
Use finger or gopher at mach1.wlu.ca.
Willamette University, Salem OR:
userid is <first initial><lastname> (e.g. ksmith)
up to 8 characters
all students, faculty and staff
Williams College: Changed: Mon Jan 24 1994
Students: Firstname.M.Lastname@williams.edu, possibly with _N (N a
number) to disambiguate.
Usernames *used to be* YYFML (YY = year, F = first initial, M = middle
initial, L = last initial); these can still be found by fingering
@bigbird.cc.williams.edu. You *must* finger one of these IDs to get
Finger information; fingering by names doesn't work.
Williams' postmaster will not give out user ids to outside requests.
Wright State University (Dayton, Ohio): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
flastnmame@discover.wright.edu or @desire.wright.edu
Discover supports finger.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute:
Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH): Created: Tue Aug 3 1993
Students: studentID@xavier.xu.edu, where the ID is a six-digit number
assigned by the university.
Faculty: lastname@xavier.xu.edu
Administration: lastname@admin.xu.edu
These sites support whois and finger.
Yale: Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Fingering name@directory.yale.edu will give you all Unix people's
email addresses, as well as their phone numbers. Finger
Finger@directory.yale.edu for further directions.
Grad CS, Undergrad CS: lastname-firstname@cs.yale.edu (yalecs.bitnet)
Undergrad Accounts (plus faculty & grad students in many non-CS
Graduate School depts.):
YALEVM: (about 10% of students): finger LLLFFFM@yalevm.ycc.yale.edu
(or LLLFFFM@yalevm.bitnet). Users can also request custom names.
Mail queries can go to consult@yalevm.bitnet or
postmaster@cs.yale.edu, as appropriate.
MINERVA: (about 85% of students): host minverva.cis.yale.edu.
Students choose login names, so there is no rule. Many use
<FFFFFFFL> or <FLLLLLLL> or <FFFFFFFF> or <LLLLLLLL>... try every
combination you can think of. If this doesn't work, the following
way to find the MINERVA login name, and then to use it when
fingering <@minerva.cis.yale.edu> should do: finger
<Lastname-Firstname@yale.edu> will give you (after one or two
trials) the MINERVA login name.
QUICKMAIL: <First_M_Last@quickmail.cs.yale.edu>.
Medical School: yalemed.bitnet
York University (Toronto, Ontario) Changed: Mon Feb 15 1993
Try ``finger name@yorku.ca'' using first name, last name and probable
userid. Also try ``whois -h horton.yorku.ca name'', also with first
and last names. The faculty and staff phone book is available on
gopher from gopher.yorku.ca and experimentally by ph from the same
About 1/3 of the faculty and staff have email, and perhaps 1/8 of the
Faculty, Staff: userid@yorku.ca or userid@faculty.yorku.ca
Userids are often first-initial last-name, but do vary.
Student userids do not follow a simple pattern. Students with email
are on ariel,yorku.ca (computer science), glade.yorku.ca (cs and
part-time students), writer.yorku.ca (computer aided writing centre)
and calumet.yorku.ca. Most of these clusters are fingerable.
Questions can be sent to postmaster@yorku.ca; they're not too useful
when searching for students, as there is no student phonebook.
However ``whois -h horton.yorku.ca name'' discovers many student
;;; *EOF*
Software Technology Laboratory dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Alex Lamb)
Computing and Information Science phone: (613) 545-6067
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6