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From: sko@wimsey.bc.ca (Samuel Ko)
Newsgroups: comp.archives.msdos.d,comp.os.msdos.apps,comp.os.msdos.misc.comp.binaries.ibm.pc.wanted,comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Useful MSDOS Programs at SimTel and Garbo (Changes)
Supersedes: <msdos-archives/diff_737092805@GZA.COM>
Followup-To: comp.archives.msdos.d
Date: 11 Nov 1993 00:00:40 -0500
Organization: The Smart One Information Services, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Lines: 619
Sender: faqserv@security.ov.com
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Expires: 10 Dec 1993 05:00:28 GMT
Message-ID: <msdos-archives/diff_752994028@GZA.COM>
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Summary: A list of recommended MSDOS Programs at SimTel and Garbo
Keywords: SimTel,Oak,Garbo,sharewares,freewares,PD programs,ftp
X-Last-Updated: 1993/11/11
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.archives.msdos.d:4578 comp.os.msdos.apps:13794 comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc:48479 comp.answers:2582 news.answers:14516
Archive-name: msdos-archives/diff
Last-modified: Nov 11 1993
Version: 2.8
Useful MSDOS Programs at SimTel and Garbo
**** The Ultimate Guide to MSDOS Archive Files ****
Compiled by Samuel Ko (kko@sfu.ca, sko@wimsey.bc.ca)
Note: This is an interim update to my useful-msdos-program list (available
as useful27.zip in /pub/msdos/info at oak.oakland.edu or /pc/filelist
at garbo.uwasa.fi). A new version will (I hope) come out soon.
Please, if possible, forward any comments to the newsgroup
comp.archives.msdos.d ...
The following is a good selection of the "best" sharewares, freewares and
public domain programs that are available from the new SimTel Software
Repository (its files can be obtained from oak.oakland.edu and other mirror
sites) and the Garbo ftp site (garbo.uwasa.fi).
** As most files listed here are zipped, you will need ...
either pkunzip.exe v.2.04g in pkz204g.exe
or unzip.exe v.5.0p1 in unz50p1.exe to unzip them.
Please refer to Section B below to find where these can be obtained. **
The list should be (more or less) accurate as of Nov 10, 1993. However, as
the world of archive files is rapidly changing, many entries here may be
dated soon. So, please read the newsgroup comp.archives.msdos.announce or
consult the index files of the archive sites to keep yourself informed of the
latest uploads and changes. [ you may regard this as a disclaimer :-) ]
## - Highly Recommended (by me :-)
Part I
Section A: Application Programs
## PC-Write Advanced Level Word-Processor - pcw41{a,b,c}.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/editor
AsEasyAs Spreadsheet - asa55c-{1,2}.zip
Size: 409.045 bytes (total)
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/spreadsheet
garbo: /pc/spreadsheet
## Buttonware's PC-File Database - pcf70{a,b,c,d}.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dbase
Alternatives: RExL (rexl211{a,b,c}.zip in /pub/msdos/database)
File expresss (fe51-{a,b,c}.zip)
## EnVision Publisher - evp10{a,b}.zip (the latest version is 1.5* ?)
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/deskpub
## Draft Choice CAD - dc20.zip + dcfonts.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/cad
garbo: /pc/cad
X(Plore) Mathematical Toolchest - cc4-9206.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/calculator
garbo: /pc/math
Alternatives: Symbolic Calculator (sm221a.zip) - doing symbolic math
Mercury (mrcry209.zip) - solving equations (in /.../math for oak)
BTW, a good plotting program is GNUPLOT (gpt35exe.zip in /pub/msdos/plot)
Section B: Compression / Decompression Programs
## PKWare pkzip, pkunzip, pkzipfix and zip2exe package - pkz204g.exe
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/archivers
garbo: /pc/arcers (the old version (pkz110eu.zip ) is in /pc/goldies)
Info-Zip's Zip - zip20x.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/zip
garbo: /pc/arcers
Info-Zip's Unzip - unz50p1.exe
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/zip
garbo: /pc/arcers
## ARJ file archiver - arj241a.exe
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/archivers
garbo: /pc/arcers
If you just want to decompress *.arj files, get unarj241.zip ...
LZH archive make / extract program - lha213.exe
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/archivers
garbo: /pc/arcers
And you can get the new version 2.55b (lha255b.exe) from garbo ... But the
enclosed documentation is in Japanese ...
ARC file packer / unpacker - pk361.exe
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/archivers
garbo: /pc/arcers
Dhesi's make/extract/view ZOO archiver - zoo210.exe
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/zoo
garbo: /pc/arcers
If you only want a *.zoo file extractor, get booz20.zip ...
Hpack multisystem archiver - hpack078.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/archivers
garbo: /pc/arcers
And if you want another slow - but pretty efficient - archiver, get
HA (ha098.zip) (garbo only) ...
SQZ - SQUEEZE - sqz1083e.exe
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/archivers
garbo: /pc/arcers
## Buerg's archive files viewer - fv143.zip (a newer version is included
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/arcutils in list90c.zip)
garbo: /pc/arcutil
Alternative: RView (rv249.zip) - also RV-Shell (rvs110.zip)
General Unpack Shell - gus_170.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/arcutils
garbo: /pc/arcutil
ZZAP converter - zzap66a.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/zip
garbo: /pc/arcutil
Alternative: AC (ac300.zip - oak: /pub/msdos/arcutils) - menu driven
BTW, for a comparison of different compression programs, take a look at
the file arctst02.zip (oak: /pub/info) ... And according to Greg Flint who
did the tests: "In general, the fastest archiver and de-archiver were PKZIP
2.04g and its companion PKUNZIP. The greatest compression was achieved by
ha 0.98 although it was the second slowest (trailed only by "scrnch")."
## Shez compression shell - shez95.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/arcutils
garbo: /pc/arcutil
Alternative: ArcMaster (am97.zip) - good
Unix-compatible 16bit Compress/Uncompress/Zcat - comp430d.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/compress
garbo: /pc/unix
The best thing to do is to copy comp430d.exe to compress.exe, uncompre.exe
and zcat.exe ... To uncompress a *.Z file, simply type uncompre(ss) *.Z ...
## GNU zip - gzip124.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/compress
garbo: /pc/arcers
To uncompress *.z or *.gz (files compressed with gzip), type
gzip -d *.z or gzip -d *.gz ...
Tar (tape archiver) - tar4dos.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/filutl
garbo: /pc/unix (as tar4dos.zoo)
To untar a *.tar file ... enter tar xvf *.tar ...
## Pklite - Executable File Compressor - pklte115.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/execomp
garbo: /pc/execomp
Alternatives: Lzexe (lzexe91e.zip + unlzexe8.zip)
Diet (diet145f.zip) - can compress not only executables, but
also data files ... (for oak: in /pub/msdos/dsktul)
BTW, ## Dirx (drx110.zip) can tell you which executables are compressed ...
UNP (unp315.zip) can unpack all (?) types of compressed executables ...
DISLITE (dislt115.zip) can uncompress "unextractible" executables ...
Section C: Utilities
Area 1: 4DOS
## 4DOS command.com replacement - 4dos402p.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/4dos
Documentation is in 4dos402d.zip ...
Area 2: Disk Utilities
Patriquin Copy - pcopy93.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dskutl
garbo: /pc/filecopy
## Disk Copy Fast - onepass "diskcopy" utility - dcf43.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dskutl
garbo: /pc/diskcopy
Alternative: COPYQM (copyq310.zip), OnePass (1pass155.zip)
BTW, to copy specified files to the least number of diskettes, get
FFIT (ffit162.zip) ...Also, A good program to break a large file up into pieces
and copy it to floppies is slice (oak: /pub/msdos/pcmag/slice13.arc) ... And
to simply break up a large file to pieces of a certain size, use chop (oak:
/pub/msdos/filutl/chop31.zip) ...
MegaBack disk system backup - mback230.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dskutl
garbo: /pc/diskutil
FormatMaster - menu-driven format utility - fm55.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dskutl
garbo: /pc/format
FD-Format - fdform18.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dskutl
garbo: /pc/diskutil (as fdform18.lzh)
Alternative: FMT (atfmt100.zip)
DOG - Disk OrGanizer - dog316.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dskutl
garbo: /pc/diskutil
Do not use this on "compressed" drive ...
HDTEST - hdts535a.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dskutl
garbo: /pc/diskutil
For analyzing "floppy" disks, get ANADISK (anad207.zip) ...
Area 3: Directory Utilities
## Another Change Directory - acd221.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dirutl
garbo: /pc/dirutil
Alternative: CCD (ccd20.zip)
Treeview - treevw11.arc
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/filutl
garbo: not available
Alternative: StupenDOS (sd-400.zip) - newer and supporting pkzip 2.04
## Vernon Buerg's file viewer and disk utility - list90c.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/txtutl
garbo: /pc/fileutil
The Director: Hard disk file/menu manager - directr5.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/menu
garbo: /pc/dirutil
Directory Scanner - ds421.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dirutl
garbo: /pc/dirutil (not the latest)
Alternatives: Directory Freedom (df460.zip)
EDDY (eddy7a.zip (garbo only))
Area 4: File / Text Utilities
## Derr's FileFinder - fff44.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dirutl
garbo: /pc/filefind
Alternatives: FastFileFind (ffff360.zip)
Target (target15.zip) - a good file locator and manupulator
## Fgrep - text-searching utility - fgrep172.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/txtutl
garbo: /pc/fileutil
Flip - Dos <-> Unix text-file translation - flip1exe.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/txtutl
garbo: /pc/unix (as flip1exe.zoo)
Alternatives: crlf15b.zip, DOSCVT (doscvt24.zip)
Binary Editor and Viewer - beav140.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/binedit
garbo: /pc/binedit
## R.E. Marks' UU/XX en/decoder - uuexe522.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/filutl
garbo: /pc/decode
Pretty Good Privacy - public key encryption program - pgp22.zip
Where? garbo: /pc/crypt
pgp23a.zip is available from ghost.dsi.unimi.it (in /pub/security)
And there is a front-end shell program for PGP - get pgpshe22.zip (which can
also be found in oak: /pub/msdos/security) ...
Alternatives: Encrypt (encrypt.zip), Tangle (tangle.zip), Ncrypt (ncrypt31.zip)
Dosnx - Unix-like utilities - dosnx20e.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/sysutl
garbo: /pc/unix
Alternatives: GNU file/text utilities (futil14ax.zip in /pub/msdos/gnuish)
Rutils (rutils40.zip from /pub at ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
or as file10.zip, rfile10.zip, rtextu10.zip, and rpgmu10.zip
in /pc/unix at garbo)
BTW ... Some other "common" Unix Tools for Dos:
less - oak: /pub/msdos/txtutl/less177e.zip
garbo: /pc/unix/less177e.zip
awk - oak: /pub/msdos/awk/gawk211.zip or mawk10.zip
sed - oak: /pub/msdos/gnuish/sed106ax.zip
ksh - oak: /pub/msdos/sysutl/ms_sh21b.zip (386+ preferred)
perl - oak: /pub/msdos/perl/bperl2x.zip
make - oak: /pub/msdos/c/dmake38e.zip or /pub/msdos/gnuish/make358ax.zip
garbo: /pc/unix/dmak38e.zip
rcs - oak: /pub/msdos/gnuish/rcs55ax.zip
## diff - oak: /pub/msdos/txtutl/gdiff22a.zip
ispell - oak: /pub/msdos/gnuish/ispell40x.zip
For other Unix and Unix-like programs ... take a look at ...
wuarchive: /systems/msdos/gnuish or oak: /pub/msdos/gnuish
garbo: /pc/unix ...
BTW2 ... linux is a freely distributable unix clone for 386+ ... The official
site for linux is tsx-11.mit.edu ...
BTW3 ... If you need some suggestions regarding good books and documents on Unix
and related areas (like the Interent), get my "A Concise Guide to UNIX Books"
from rtfm.mit.edu (as /pub/usenet/news.answers/books/unix) ...
## CompuShow *.gif files viewer - cshw860a.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/gif
garbo: /pc/gifutil
Alternatives: ## VPIC (vpic60e.zip)
GIFV (gifv412.zip)
BTW ... a bit on jpeg files ...
(most files below can be found in oak: /pub/msdos/graphics)
viewers: HiView (hv12.zip)
ColorView (dcview21.zip)
## DVPEG (dvpeg30.zip) - sunee.uwaterloo.ca: /pub/jpeg/viewers
Convertors: jpeg <--> gif - jpeg4.zip / jpeg4386.zip
Image Alchemy (alch17.zip) - this can convert files between
many different graphics formats ...
Ghostscript - gs261286.zip (for 286) or gs261386.zip (for 386+) and gs261ini.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/postscript
PCPS - pcps760.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/postscript
SbTeX - sb38tex.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/tex
garbo: /pc/tex
BTW ... Detex (hdetex25.zip) is good for TeX/LaTeX --> text only ...
BiBTeX (bibdb13a.zip) - a good bibliography manager ...
Alternative: emTeX is a comprehensive PD package of TeX, LaTeX, Metafont, etc.
It is obtainable from archives.umich.edu (in /msdos/TeX/emTeX)
ShareSpell - ss23.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/txtutl
garbo: /pc/spell
Alternative: amSpell (amspel20.zip) - can spellcheck TeX/LaTeX files
PC-Proof - pc-pro18.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/txtutl
garbo: /pc/spell
Alternative: Thelma's grammar/style checker (thlm5081.zip) - this can
handle only WordPerfect files ... (oak: /pub/msdos/wordperf)
## View - word-processed file viewer - wpview86.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/wordperf
WordPerfect Password Decryption - wppass2.zip
Where? garbo: /pc/crypt
Version 3.0 is passwp.zip and is available from ftp.uwp.edu (in /pub/msdos/wp) ...
Part II
Area 5: Screen Utilities
## Explosiv Screen Saver - explosv3.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/screen
Alternative: ## DAZZLE (dazzle50.zip) - very impressive ... with evolving
displays ... requires EGA/VGA
## SCROLLit screen scroll-back utility - scrlit18.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/screen
garbo: /pc/screen
Alternative: BUFFIT (buffit30.zip)
Snipper text-capture utility - snippr26.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/screen
garbo: /pc/screen
BTW, to capture text and graphics screen to gif,pcx,bmp,etc files, try
Screen Theft (scthf101.zip) ...
THEDRAW - screen image generator/editor - tdraw462.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/screen
garbo: /pc/screen
Area 6: System Utilities
InfoPlus - screens of system info - ifp1p158.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/sysinfo
garbo: /pc/sysinfo
Secure System Login - login.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/security
garbo: /pub/security
Alternative: CCP (ccp11.zip) - a more secure system control program
BTW, a nice program to lock your keyboard is pestikid.exe (in the file
tsutle22.zip (garbo: /pc/ts) ...
## HyperDisk - disk caching utility - spkt465s.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/dskutl
garbo: /pc/diskutil
BTW ... Cache Test (ct50.zip) is good for evaluating your disk's cache
performance ...
TSR Utilities - tsrcom34.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/sysutl
garbo: /pc/memutil
File Completion - filec15.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/sysutl
garbo: /pc/keyboard
Shell Room - shroom2d.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/sysutl
garbo: /pc/sysutil
## Hbreak - system crash recovery utility - hbreak52.zip
Size: 7,031 bytes
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/sysutl
Area 7: Other Utilities
PC ReadMail - rmail41.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/txtutl
garbo: /pc/mail
## Cal (unix-like) - cal30.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/deskaccess
garbo: /pc/unix/calendar
Ample Notice - an300.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/deskaccess
garbo: /pc/calendar
PCCLOCK - pcclk215.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/clock
garbo: /pc/sysutil (as pccl215e.zip)
Ultimate Calculator - ucalc18.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/calculator
garbo: /pc/math
Alternative: MEC (mathfc23.zip)
Thumb Print Software's Electric Typewriter - tp-et.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/education
garbo: /pc/editor
TypeFast - typefast.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/education
garbo: /pc/educgames
Alternative: Typemate - typeen50.zip - a good typing tutor ...
## The Animated Series - aalpha.zip(Alphabet), aclockmp.zip(Clock), amath1.zip(
Math), amdcm1{a,b}.zip(multi/division), amem20.zip(Memory), animshap.zip(Shapes)
and awcmp{1,2}.zip(Words)
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/education
garbo: /pc/educgames
## SkyGlobe - skyglb36.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/astronomy
garbo: /pc/astronomy
Alternative: COSMOS (cosmos16.zip)
ACCU Music System - ac33musc.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/music
Section D: Anti-Virus Programs
Note: New versions for these programs are released pretty frequently ...
## McAfee anti-virus utilities - scanv108.zip, clean108.zip, vshld108b.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/virus
garbo: /pc/virus
BTW ... McAfee's anti-virus utilities can also be obtained from
/pub/antivirus at the ftp site mcafee.com ...
F-Prot anti-virus program - fp-209f.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/virus
garbo: /pc/virus
## ThunderByte anti-virus - tbav608.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/virus
garbo: /pc/virus
Integrity Master - i-m201.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/virus
garbo: /pc/virus (not the latest)
VIRx - virx28.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/virus
garbo: /pc/virus
Section E: Editors
## QEdit - qedit215.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/qedit
garbo: /pc/editor
QEdit Version 3.0 (with, e.g. spell-checking) is out!!!
Alternatives: can be found in oak: /pub/msdos/editor
Boxer (box500a.zip) - a good, fully functional editor
## BREEZE (breeze50.zip) - a good WP/editor with spell checker ...
can convert text to text.exe
E4 (e4v160.zip) - a nice, easy-to-use editor
TDE (tde3.zip) - a fine, public domain editor
VDE (vde17.zip) - an efficient editor/quasi-word-processor
Vision-Edit (vised35.zip) - can edit files up to 4 megabytes
## Elvis - 99.9% vi clone - elv17exe.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/editor
garbo: /pc/editor
Alternatives: Calvin (calvin21.zip) - a partial vi clone
XVi (xviexe.zip) - another vi clone
vi imitation (vim127x.zip) - a nice vi clone
Oak Hill Vi (vi62a1.zoo) - a pretty good (but not-free) vi clone -
obtainable from plains.nodak.edu (in /pub/pc/editors)
MicroEmacs - ue312ibm.zip and ue312cmd.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/uemacs
Also, documentation: ue312doc.zip
ansi version: ue312ans.zip
protected mode (DMPI) version: ue31216m.zip
MicroSpell: us20exe.zip + us20doc.zip
Alternatives: Freeamcs (emacs16d.zip in /pub/msdos/freemacs) - this one is
more compatible with GNU emacs
Demacs (dem120e.zip in /pub/msdos/demacs) - MSDOS implementation
of GNU emacs - requires 386+ and lots of disk spaces
Oemacs (oemacs{1,2,3,4}.zip in /pub/msdos/oemacs) - a version of
GNU Emacs 18.59 ... which requires lots of disk space and memory
Mutt Editor (me_cd25.zip in /pub/msdos/editor) - another emacs-
look-alike program
JED (jed091.zip) - yet another emacs-look-alike ... obtainable
from amy.tch.harvard.edu (in /pub/jed)
Ted (Tiny Editor) - ted.com as part of vol7n19.arc (oak) or vol7n19.zip (garbo)
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/pcmag
garbo: /pc/pcmag
A good rewrite of this program is Terse 1.4 which is obtainable from garbo
as /pc/editor/trs140a.zip ...
Section F: Communication Programs
MS Kermit - msker313.zip + msr31312.pch
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/kermit
Alternatives: COMMO (commo552.zip) (for oak: in /pub/msdos/modem)
RBComm (rbcom341.zip) (ditto)
## GSZ - X/Y/Zmodem file transfer program - gsz0503.zip
Where? : oak: /pub/msdos/zmodem
garbo: /pc/termutil
Alternatives: DSZ (dsz0503.zip) - the non-graphical version of GSZ
Texas Zmodem (txzm225.zip) - a _free_ Zmodem transfer program
## Telemate - tm412-{1,2,3,4}.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/modem
garbo: /pc/termprog
Telix - tlx321-{1,2,3,4}.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/telix
garbo: /pc/termprog
Alternatives: Terminate (ter99.zip) (garbo: /pc/termprog) - the latest is
version 1.1 which should be on a BBS near you ...
Odyssey (odysy150.zip) (oak: /pub/msdos/modem)
COM-AND (ca29-{1,2,3,4}.zip) (ditto)
BGFT - Background File Transfer - bgft300{a,b}.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/modem
garbo: /pc/termutil (not the latest)
Alternative: SZModem (szmod200.zip) (for oak: in /pub/msdos/zmodem)
ZIP - fast file transfer utility - zip163.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/lan
garbo: /pc/comm
And to remotely control another PC, try TeleReplica (tr4-26.zip in oak:
/pub/msdos/modem) ...
Modem Doctor - modemd52.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/modem
garbo: /pc/comm
Section G: Miscellaneous Files
## Master index file of oak: /pub/msdos - simindex.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/filedocs
With ## simdir (simdir22.zip), one can easily look for msdos files ...
Alternative: simlist.zip (plain text)
## The master index file of garbo's pc directory - INDEX.ZIP
Where? garbo: /pc
## A list of MS-DOS FTP sites and their moderators - moder32.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/info
garbo: /pc/pd2
Timo Salmi: Frequently asked questions & answers - tsfaqn37.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/info
garbo: /pc/ts
Also read the FAQ list for c.a.m.* groups (camfaq.zip - garbo: /pc/pd2) ...
There are also many other interesting stuffs in /pc/ts and /pc/pd2 ...
e.g.tsbat43.zip - a collection of useful batch files and tricks ...
author22.zip - SW & PD authors reachable on the Internet ...
bestpr25b.zip - Timo's choice of 25 best MSDOS SW & PD program ...
post*.zip - information e-mails & postings ...
Association of Shareware Professionals Catalog - asp7101.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/info
garbo: /pc/doc-soft
There is also a monthly update - upd7101.zip ...
The ShareWare Book - sharebk1.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/info
garbo: /pc/doc-soft
"The Online World" book - online12.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/info
World Fact Book Reader - ccworld{1,2}.zip
Where? oak: /pub/msdos/info
garbo: /pc/education
=========================Thank You For Reading This ...=======================
| Samuel C. Ko (aka The Smart One / BOZO) <--> a celebrity & DOS/UNIX wizard :)
:) kko@sfu.ca <--> Outspoken,Highly-talented,Charming... I post this for You! |