Usenet 1994 October
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398 lines
Newsgroups: rec.music.info,rec.music.misc,rec.answers,news.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sun4nl!tudelft.nl!recmusic
From: rec-music-info@cp.tn.tudelft.nl (Leo Breebaart)
Subject: REC.MUSIC.INFO: List of Internet Musical Resources
Message-ID: <rec-music-info-resources_756277202@draconis.cp.tn.tudelft.nl>
Followup-To: rec.music.misc
Summary: This is a bi-weekly article that lists and describes places where
music-related information can be found on the Internet.
Originator: recmusic@cygnus
Lines: 377
Sender: news@news.tudelft.nl (UseNet News System)
Supersedes: <rec-music-info-resources_754808402@draconis.cp.tn.tudelft.nl>
Nntp-Posting-Host: cygnus.cp.tn.tudelft.nl
Reply-To: rec-music-info@cp.tn.tudelft.nl
Organization: Delft University of Technology
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1993 04:59:19 GMT
Approved: rec-music-info@cp.tn.tudelft.nl
Expires: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 05:00:02 GMT
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu rec.music.info:2769 rec.music.misc:137172 rec.answers:3395 news.answers:15961
Archive-name: music/resources
Last-modified: $Date: 1993/10/13 09:19:00 $
Version: $Revision: 1.14 $
*** rec.music.info - List of Internet Musical Resources ***
This fortnightly posted list of resources is maintained by the current
rec.music.info moderator, Leo Breebaart, who can be reached at
All comments, updates, new additions, etc. are more than welcome -- I rely
entirely on reader feedback to keep this list up-to-date.
If you are not familiar with some of the concepts mentioned below (e.g.
mailing lists, finger, WAIS), check out the introductory articles found in
news.announce.newusers and news.answers, or ask somebody more experienced
to help you.
By the way: many Usenet informational articles (or FAQs), including this
one, are available for anonymous ftp from the archive site rtfm.mit.edu in
the directory pub/usenet/news.answers. The name under which a FAQ is
archived appears is the one that appears in the 'Archive-name' line at the
top of the article. The FAQ you are now reading is, for instance, archived
as music/rec-music-info/welcome.
If you can't do or don't know about ftp: the FAQs are also available from a
mail server. Just send an e-mail message to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
containing the word "help" in the body of the message.
*** Mailing Lists
At the moment of writing there are over 165 mailing lists one can subscribe
to for in-depth discussions about specific artists or specific musical
John Rowland from the Cleveland Free-Net Music SIG is the maintainer of a
canonical list of information about these mailing lists, including the
addresses to write to if you want to subscribe.
This list is called the Musical List of Lists (or mlol), and is
periodically posted to rec.music.info as a companion article to the one you
are reading right now.
*** Mail Servers
-- mwilkenf@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Sid's Music Servier)
Sid (also mwilkenf@silver.ucs.indiana.edu) maintains this server and
database for "rare live recordings and unreleased demos" as well as
a listing of over 800 CDs, LPs and Cassettes for sell. For more
information send e-mail to the server's address with a subject of "help".
-- used-music-server@wang.com (Used CD Server)
fitz@wang.com maintains this database of CD's, cassettes, and (gasp)
LP's for sale or trade. For more information, send e-mail to the
server's address with a subject of "HELP".
-- netjam-request@xcf.berkeley.edu (The NetJam server)
The NetJam server provides email access to the NetJam archive, and
also performs all NetJam services, such as subscription and
software/documentation serving.
To receive the document describing the NetJam server and NetJam at
length email netjam-request@xcf, with the subject line "request for
-- mail-server@theory.lcs.mit.edu (David Wald's folk concert-calendar)
An online calendar of (mostly) folk music concert listings. To get this
file, send the line "send wald concert-calendar" in the body of an e-mail
message to the server.
*** Finger Daemons
-- recmusic@cp.tn.tudelft.nl (Rec.music.info Moderator)
Finger this address for information about the moderator's whereabouts and
his favourite albums of the moment.
-- buckmr@rpi.edu (Rondel K. Buckmire)
Finger this address for the most recent Billboard Top 10 charts. These
charts are also posted to r.m.info each week.
-- chart@biodec.wustl.edu (FUNG Alexander Yok-Wai)
Finger this address for the most recent Radio & Records Top 40 chart. This
chart is also posted to r.m.info each week.
*** Buying stuff through e-mail
-- 088940@doluni1.bitnet (Robert Steinberger)
Disaster Area
Industrial, Noise, strange, experimenta and Punk.
-- dante!mason@uunet.UU.NET (Mason Jones)
Charnel House Productions
Noisy, percussive and experimental.
-- kmg@esd.sgi.com (Kevin Goldsmith)
Unit Circle 'zine mailing list and catalogue.
Experimental, industrial, alternative rock tapes.
-- ranjit@netcom.com (Ranjit Padmanabhan)
Ranjit Padmanabhan
Specializes in import CDs pertaining to Progressive Rock and Electronic
-- spikep@tau-ceti.isc-br.com (Spike Pierson)
CD's We Bee
Sells all kinds of CD's, pop & classical.
-- Compact Disc Connection
These people cannot (as far as I know) be reached through
e-mail, but they do sell CD's online through the Internet.
They can be reached by telnetting to holonet.net, using
"cdc" as a username.
I suppose it's necessary to make this explicit: these addresses are
provided as is, and I accept no responsibility for what these people may or
may not do with your precious money. All risks are yours.
There are other e-mail addresses around. I have included above only those
people who replied when I e-mailed them
*** Gopher links
-- gopher.micro.umn.edu (University of Minnesota)
The directory 'Fun & Games/Music' contains a number of interesting
services, including heavy metal information, discographies, lyrics and a
gopher link to cs.uwp.edu (see next entry).
-- cs.uwp.edu (University of Wisconsin-Parkside)
The directory '(dir) Files available for public access/(dir) Music FTP
archives' contains the gopher version of Dave Datta's Music FTP Archives
(see the "Internet FTP Sites" article).
-- wiretap.spies.com (??)
The directory 'Wiretap Online Library' contains the gopher version
of the wiretap ftp-site (see the "Internet FTP Sites" article).
-- syrinx.umd.edu port: 2112
Gopher site for the Rush archives. Interviews, tourbooks, press kits,
and other misc. Rush-related info available. There is also an ftp
version of this site (see FTP-sites article).
*** WAIS Sources
There are a number of WAIS music-related databases. If you don't know
what WAIS is, please don't ask me. If you do know: here are all the
WAIS-sources I could find.
If the list groes much larger, I will probably split it off into a
separate periodical article, but for now I think it can still remain
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "cs.uwp.edu"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "lyrics"
:cost 0.00
:cost-unit :free
:maintainer "datta@cs.uwp.edu"
:subjects "liberal arts music lyrics songs singers"
:description "Server for the Lyrics archives.
The lyrics archives consists of complete lyrics to over 3000 songs made
up of over 500 artists. All lyrics are gracefully donated by USENET
readers and archive users. Please send any contributions or questions
to datta@cs.uwp.edu. If you would like to get lyrics by artist instead
of via wais searches, you can ftp cs.uwp.edu ( and look in
the /pub/music/lyrics directory for an Index file. I will also service
e-mail requests.
Search for the word 'index' to get the index file.
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "sol.acs.unt.edu"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "/usr/local/data/wais/midi"
:cost 0.00
:cost-unit :free
:maintainer "billy@unt.edu"
:subjects "liberals arts music computers MIDI musicial instrument digital "
:description "MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) documents
It is commonly used to connect keyboards and sometimes computer together.
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "iliad.lib.duke.edu"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "Sheet_Music_Index"
:cost 0.00
:cost-unit :free
:maintainer "lois@iliad.lib.duke.edu"
:description "Server created with WAIS release 8 b5 on Jun 1 17:53:42 1993 by root@iliad.lib.duke.edu
The files in this WAIS server index the sheet music
in Duke University Libraries collection. The collection chiefly
consists of popular music (e.g., songs, dance music for piano, etc.)
from the 19th-20th centuries and includes items published in the
United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Austria. Of
particular note are items from the Justin Herman collection of
\"tin-pan alley\" publications and illustrated material from the
Alexander Weinmann collection of Viennese publications. Most records
have very brief information. They consist of indexing by
composer, lyricist, publisher (one name each), title (one title only),
and call number of the item in Special Collections. Some of the
records, particularly those in the Justin Herman and Weinmann
collections, have received more extensive indexing, including subject
access to the illustrations. To receive further information about the
material, contact Special Collections, Duke University, or contact the
Keywords: sheet music ; popular music ; music publishing ; performers
; illustrated covers or title pages
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "wais.wu-wien.ac.at"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "rec.music.early"
:cost 0.00
:cost-unit :free
:maintainer "Gerhard.Gonter@wu-wien.ac.at"
:description "Archives of EARLYM-L@AEARN.bitnet and rec.music.early.
EARLYM-L and the newsgroup rec.music.early are linked. They were
created to provide a forum for exchange of news and views about
i) medieval, renaissance and baroque music
(sacred and secular - both `art' and `folk')
derived as part of European culture, its
researchers, performers, instruments,
instrument-makers, festivals, concerts and
societies, records, song texts and translations,
machine-readable notations of (early) music;
ii) authenticity in music of (these and) later periods,
e.g. classical and romantic.
To obtain a list of available files in the EARLYM-L archives send
the command INDEX EARLYM-L to LISTSERV at AEARN.bitnet.
An introduction to the archives can be obtained by sending the
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "cs.uwp.edu"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "music-surveys"
:cost 0.00
:cost-unit :free
:maintainer "datta@cs.uwp.edu"
:description "Server created with WAIS release 8 b4 on Apr 10 21:05:13 1992 by datta@cs.uwp.edu
This server contains the results of the rec.music.* Eclectic Music
surveys. The surveys are "off the top of the head" comments about
musicians and bands. Highly entertaining!
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "wais.wu-wien.ac.at"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "earlym-l"
:cost 0.00
:cost-unit :free
:maintainer "Gerhard.Gonter@wu-wien.ac.at"
:description "Archives of EARLYM-L@AEARN.bitnet and rec.music.early.
EARLYM-L and the newsgroup rec.music.early are linked. They were
created to provide a forum for exchange of news and views about
i) medieval, renaissance and baroque music
(sacred and secular - both `art' and `folk')
derived as part of European culture, its
researchers, performers, instruments,
instrument-makers, festivals, concerts and
societies, records, song texts and translations,
machine-readable notations of (early) music;
ii) authenticity in music of (these and) later periods,
e.g. classical and romantic.
To obtain a list of available files in the EARLYM-L archives send
the command INDEX EARLYM-L to LISTSERV at AEARN.bitnet.
An introduction to the archives can be obtained by sending the
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "ndadsb.gsfc.nasa.gov"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "BGRASS-L"
:cost 0.00
:cost-unit :free
:maintainer "warnock@Hypatia.gsfc.nasa.gov"
:description "Server created with WAIS release 8 b5 on Sep 4 17:24:42
1992 by warnock@Hypatia Archives of the BGRASS-L mailing list, and is
dedicated to sharing an interest in bluegrass music. To join the
mailing list, send a electronic mail to listserv@ukcc.uky.edu. Put HELP
in the contents of the message to receive a list of commands. The
BGRASS-L mailing list is maintained by Frank Godbey
(uka016@ukcc.uky.edu). This server is maintained by Archie Warnock
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "sol.acs.unt.edu"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "/usr/local/data/wais/midi"
:cost 0.00
:cost-unit :free
:maintainer "billy@unt.edu"
:subjects "liberals arts music computers MIDI musicial instrument digital "
:description "MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) documents
It is commonly used to connect keyboards and sometimes computer together.
Leo Breebaart -- Moderator rec.music.info & rec.music.reviews
+++ Requests for information do *not* belong in r.m.info! +++