Usenet 1994 October
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Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: Bob Hathaway <rjh@geodesic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.object,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Comp.Object FAQ Version 1.0.6 (9-15) Part 6/9
Supersedes: <object-faq/part6_777166834@rtfm.mit.edu>
Followup-To: comp.object
Date: 17 Sep 1994 12:04:30 GMT
Organization: Geodesic Systems
Lines: 1747
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 31 Oct 1994 12:03:01 GMT
Message-ID: <object-faq/part6_779803381@rtfm.mit.edu>
References: <object-faq/part5_779803381@rtfm.mit.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bloom-picayune.mit.edu
Summary: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List and Available Systems For Object-Oriented Technology
X-Last-Updated: 1994/09/15
Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu comp.object:12655 comp.answers:7314 news.answers:25854
Archive-name: object-faq/part6
Last-Modified: 9/15/94
Version: 1.0.6
> Statice (Symbolics)
From: fischerm@darmstadt.gmd.de (Markus Fischer)
Newsgroups: comp.databases.object,comp.lang.lisp
Subject: Statice now runs on Unix
Date: 15 Jun 93 14:55:48 GMT
Hi there,
since I've never seen 'Symbolics' or 'Statice' in
comp.database.object, this might be interesting:
A few days ago, Symbolics announced the availability of a beta-
release of their ODBMS 'Statice' on Unix platforms. It is quite
powerful and tightly integrated within Common Lisp.
Currently, Symbolics and LUCID are supported.
People (like me) used to Symbolics' Genera development environment
can continue to use Statice there (where it has been already
successfully employed in 'real world' applications)
and now also use it on Unix Workstations. (Those are the cheaper
boxes, I guess). Both kinds of platforms can be freely intermixed
in a network.
Statice is based on standards of Lisp: CLOS and CLIM
(Common Lisp Object System, resp. Common Lisp Interface Manager)
Here's the address of Symbolics in Germany; they're mostly
responsible for Statice on Unix:
Symbolics Systemhaus GmbH
Mergenthalerallee 77
6236 Eschborn (til June 31)
65760 Eschborn (from July 1)
Tel. (49) 6196-47220, Fax (49) 6196-481116
Contact person is Dr. Thomas Neumann (TN@symbolics.de).
"Update Database Schema" brings an existing database into conformance
with a modified schema. Changes are classified as either compatible
(lossless, i.e., completely information-preserving) or incompatible
(i.e., potentially information-losing in the current implementation).
Basically, any change is compatible except for the following:
-- If an attribute's type changes, all such attributes extant
are re-initialized (nulled out). Note that Statice permits
an attribute to be of type T, the universal type. Such an
attribute can then take on any value without schema
modification or information loss.
-- If a type's inheritance (list of parents) changes, the
type must be deleted and re-created, losing all extant
instances of that type. This is Statice's most serious
current limitation. The simplest workaround is to employ a
database dumper/loader (either the one supplied by Symbolics
or a customized one) to save the information elements and
then reload them into the modified schema.
[Lawrence G Mayka <lgm@IExist.ATT.COM>]
> UniSQL
UniSQL offers a state-of-the-art suite of integrated object-oriented database
systems and application development products which can be used separately or
together to support complex development projects which use object-oriented
development techniques, integrate sophisticated multimedia data, and require
true multidatabase access to relational and object-oriented databases. The
UniSQL product suite includes:
UniSQL/X Database Management System;
UniSQL/M Multidatabase System; and
UniSQL/4GE Application Development Environment
User interfaces include: C++, C, Object SQL, SmallTalk, and ODBC
Database interfaces include: Ingres, Oracle, Sybase, UniSQL/X, and EDA/SQL
UniSQL offers:
- A wide selection of user interfaces including C++, SmallTalk, C, Microsoft's
ODBC, both embedded (static and dynamic) and interactive Object SQL, and UniSQL
and 3rd-party development tools.
- Mission-critical database features such as a high-level query language
(SQL/X), cost-based query optimization, automatic transaction management,
automatic concurrency control, dynamic schema evolution, dynamic authorization,
physical disk structuring options, and installation tuning parameters.
- The UniSQL Multimedia Framework which provides natural and uniform database
system support for all types of large unstructured data objects. The Multimedia
Framework also provides for seamless integration of multimedia devices such as
fax machines, CD jukeboxes, satellite feeds, image compression boards, etc.
- The UniSQL/M Multidatabase System enables developers to manage a collection
of multi-vendor databases -- Ingres, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, UniSQL/X, and others
-- as a single federated database system with full object-oriented
UniSQL has well over 150 customers around the world, the majority of which are
using UniSQL database products for mission-critical applications which require
object-oriented, multimedia, post-relational, and heterogeneous database
A typical UniSQL customer is a Fortune 500 company, a commercial software
developer, or government organization that is using UniSQL database products
- support mission-critical application development projects which are being
developed using object-oriented programming languages and development
- support applications which must integrate many different types of corporate
data -- text and documents, tabular data, images and audio, engineering
drawings, GIS data, procedural data (programs), etc. -- into a single
application context.
- support the full object-oriented development paradigm using existing
relational database systems such as Ingres, Oracle, Sybase, and DB2.
- logically integrate one or more relational and object-oriented databases to
form a single, homogenized database server which supports both relational and
object-oriented facilities.
In September 1992, UniSQL was selected by the Petrotechnical Open Software
Corporation (POSC) -- over more than 25 other industry vendors -- to provide
database technology which is being used by POSC in their development of a new
data management specification for the oil & gas industry. Also during 1992,
because of its powerful multimedia capabilities, UniSQL was selected by the MIT
AthenaMuse Consortium on multimedia as the consortium's multimedia database
During the DB/EXPO '93 Conference and Exhibition, UniSQL was chosen in
competition with major industry database vendors as a finalist in the
``RealWare Awards''. The ``RealWare Awards'' honor companies that have
had a major impact in the user community.
UniSQL was founded in May 1990 by Dr. Won Kim, President and CEO, delivering
the UniSQL/X DBMS in March of 1992. With its world-class database research and
architectural team, UniSQL has perfected what the database industry has sought
since the mid-1980s: a fully object-oriented data model that is a natural
conceptual outgrowth of the popular relational model. Both the UniSQL/X DBMS
and the UniSQL/M Multidatabase System represent the first of a powerful new
generation of client-server database systems that support the full
object-oriented paradigm yet retain all of the strengths and capabilities of
relational database systems including support for ANSI-standard SQL.
UniSQL currently has 45 employees and is privately owned and managed by Dr.
Kim. The company has secured long-term funding from NTT Data Communications
Systems Corp. (NTT Data), a $2 billion company, which is Japan's foremost
systems integrator and UniSQL's exclusive distributor in Japan.
For more information, contact:
UniSQL, Inc.
9390 Research Blvd., II-200
Austin, Texas 78759-6544
Tel.: 512/343-7297
Tollfree: 800/451-DBMS
Fax.: 512/343-7383
From: jonh@unisql.UUCP (Jon Higby)
Newsgroups: comp.databases,comp.databases.theory,comp.databases.object,comp.object
Subject: Re: SQL3, Itasca, & UniSQL/X
Message-ID: <6143@unisql.UUCP>
Date: 10 Sep 93 14:26:04 GMT
References: <CD1Ln5.9G3@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk>
Organization: UniSQL, Inc., Austin, Texas, USA
For UniSQL/X, feel free to contact me (email, snail-mail or phone).
UniSQL/X is a SQL compliant database with Object Oriented extensions
(classes, inheritance, methods, etc). We have an information packet
available which includes a white-paper on our OORDMS approach.
Jon Higby
Technical Services Consultant
UniSQL, Inc.
9390 Research II, Suite 200
Austin, Texas 78759-6544
(512) 343-7297
Standard disclaimer ... All opinions expressed are my own and not of my
> Versant (Versant Object Technology)
Versant is a client/server object database management system (ODBMS) targeted at
distributed, multi-user applications. Versant runs on UNIX and PC platforms,
including Sun, IBM, HP, DEC, SGI, Sequent, OS/2, with support for Windows NT is
planned during 1993.
Versant provides transparent language interfaces from object-oriented
programming languages such as C++ and Smalltalk. Versant also supports a C API.
Versant is built with an object-level architecture, which means that operations
are generally performed on the object (or group thereof) level. Key Versant
features include:
* Object-level locking for fine granularity concurrency control
* Server-based query processing to reduce network I/O
* Dual caching to speed warm traversals
* Dynamic space reclamation and reuse
* Immutable, logical object identifiers for data integrity
* Object migration (transparent relocation across nodes)
* Transparent cross-node references (distributed db)
* Automatic two-phase commit
* Schema evolution (online via lazy updates)
* Standard workgroup features (e.g., versioning, checkin/out)
* Detachable, personal databases
* DBA utilities
Additional information available from
info@versant.com (General information)
davek@versant.com (Dave Kellogg)
Versant Object Technology
1380 Willow Road
Menlo Park, California 94025
415-329-7500 phone.
415-325-2380 fax.
On Schema Evolution (from original survey):
We support run-time schema evolution. It uses a lazy scheme, so
schema operations are very fast. Objects on disk may have an older
`storage class' and they will be updated to the new schema when they
are used.
In older releases schema evolution was allowed only on leaf classes
(those with no subclasses). In our new release 2 (going to beta test
soon) you can do schema evolution on any class.
In the future we're working on more general view mechanisms so you can
see a subset of the attributes in memory, or some more complicated
transformation. This goes together with support for multiple
compilers and multiple languages.
[Joe Keane <osc!jgk@amd.com>]
Also: 1-800-Versant
Other Models
Research Systems
GRAS - A Graph-Oriented Database System for SE Applications
Copyright (C) 1987-1993 Lehrstuhl Informatik III, RWTH Aachen
See the GNU Library General Public License for copyright details.
Contact Adresses:
Dr. Andy Schuerr
Lehrstuhl fuer Informatik III,
University of Technology Aachen (RWTH Aachen),
Ahornstr. 55,
D-5100 Aachen
Email to
GRAS is a database system which has been designed according
to the requirements resulting from software engineering
applications. Software development environments are composed
of tools which operate on complex, highly structured data.
In order to model such data in a natural way, we have selected
attributed graphs as GRAS' underlying data model.
A first prototype of the GRAS (GRAph Storage) system - described
in /BL 85/ - was already realized in 1985. Since this time
gradually improving versions of the system have been used at
different sites within the software engineering projects
IPSEN /Na 90/, Rigi /MK 88/, MERLIN /DG 90/, and CADDY /EHH 89/.
Based on these experiences, almost all parts of the original
prototype have been redesigned and reimplemented.
Thus, nowadays a stable and efficiently working single-process
version of the system GRAS with interfaces for the programming
languages Modula-2 and C is available as free software for Sun
workstations (the GRAS system itself is implemented in Modula-2
and consists of many layers which might be reusable for the
implementation of other systems):
Via anonymous ftp from ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
in directory /pub/unix/GRAS in file gras.<version-no>.tar.Z.
There are several files containing documentation, sources, binaries,
application examples, and libraries. All binaries are for Sun/4
machines. Sun/3 binaries are shipped only if explicitly requested.
You have to use the following sequence of operations for installing
the GRAS system at your site:
1) 'ftp ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de' (with login name "anonymous"
and password equal to your mail address).
2) 'cd pub/unix/GRAS' (for changing the current directory).
3) 'binary' (command for changing ftp mode).
4) 'get gras.<version-no.>' (use 'ls' for finding the currently used
GRAS version nr.).
5) 'bye' (for exiting ftp).
6) 'uncompress gras.<version-no>.tar'.
7) 'tar xvf gras.<version-no>.tar' (creates a subdirectory GRAS_2 for
the Modula-2 implementation of GRAS including its C-interface).
8) Follow the instructions in file GRAS_2/README.
The current version has programming interfaces for Modula-2 and C
and supports:
- the manipulation of persistent attributed, directed node- and
edge-labeled graphs (including the creation of very long
attributes and of attribute indexes).
- the manipulation of temporary/volatile generic sets/relations/lists,
- the coordination of graph accesses by different GRAS applications
(multiple-read/single-write access with graphs as lock units),
- error recovery based on shadow pages and forward logs,
- nested transactions and linear undo/redo of arbitrarily long
sequences of already committed graph modifying operations based
on forward and backward logs,
- event-handling (with certain kinds of graph-modifications
as events and graph-modifying transactions as event-handlers),
- primitives for version control comprising the capability
for efficiently storing graphs as forward/backward deltas to
other graphs,
- and primitives for declaring graph schemes and for incremental
evaluation of derived attributes.
Furthermore, tools for (un-)compressing graphs and a X11R5-based
graph browser are part of this release.
A multi-process version of the system GRAS supporting the inter-
action of multiple client and multiple server processes within
one local area network is nearby completion (version 6.0/0).
Thus, the GRAS system may be considered to be the core of a graph
oriented DBMS environment. The development of such an environment
based on a very high-level specifications language named PROGRES
is under way (the underlying calculus of this specifcation language
are so-called PROgrammed GRaph REwriting Systems).
This environment will comprise the following tools (a prerelease
of this environment might be made available upon request):
- a syntax-directed editor for graph schemes, graph rewrite rules,
and sequences of graph rewrite rules,
- an incrementally working consistency checker,
- an incrementally working compiler&interpreter translating
PROGRES specifications into sequences of GRAS procedure
calls (for C as well as for Modula-2),
- and an "enhanced" graph (scheme) browser.
Refer to the following publications for further info about GRAS, PROGRES,
and related topics:
/BL85/ Brandes, Lewerentz: A Non-Standard Data Base System within
a Software Development Environment. In Proc. of the Workshop
on Software Engineering Environments for Programming-in-the-
Large, pp 113-121, Cape Cod, June 1985
/DHKPRS90/ Dewal, Hormann, Kelter, Platz, Roschewski, Schoepe: Evaluation
of Object Management Systems. Memorandum 44, University
Dortmund, March 1990
/Feye92/ Feye A.: Compilation of Path Expressions (in German), Diploma
Thesis, RWTH Aachen (1992)
/Hoefer92/ Hoefer F.: Incremental Attribute Evaluation for Graphs (in
German), Diploma Thesis, RWTH Aachen (1992)
/HPRS90/ Hormann, Platz, Roschweski, Schoepe: The Hypermodel Benchmark,
Description, Execution and Results. Memorandum 53, University
Dortmund, September 1990
/KSW92/ * Kiesel, Schuerr, Westfechtel: GRAS, A Graph-Oriented Database
System for (Software) Engineering Applications. Proc. CASE 93,
Lee, Reid, Jarzabek (eds.): Proc. CASE '93, 6th Int. Conf. on
Computer-Aided Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society
Press (1993), pp 272-286
Also: Technical Report AIB 92-44,
/Klein92/ Klein P.: The PROGRES Graph Code Machine (in German), Diploma
Thesis, RWTH Aachen (1992)
/Kossing92/ Kossing P.: Modelling of Abstract Syntax Graphs for normalized
EBNFs (in German), Diploma Thesis, RWTH Aachen (1992)
/LS88/ Lewerentz, Schuerr: GRAS, a Management System for Graph-
Like Documents. In Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Data and Knowledge Bases, Morgan Kaufmann
Publ. Inc. (1988), pp 19-31
/Nagl89/ Nagl (ed.): Proc. WG'89 Workshop on Graphtheoretic Concepts
in Computer Science, LNCS 411, Springer-Verlag (1989)
/NS91/ Nagl, Schuerr: A Specification Environment for Graph Grammars,
in Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Graph-Grammars and Their
Application to Computer Science, LNCS 532, Springer-
Verlag 1991, pp 599-609
/Schuerr89/ Schuerr: Introduction to PROGRES, an Attribute Graph Grammar
Based Specification Language, in: /Nagl89/, pp 151-165
/Schuerr91a/ * Schuerr: PROGRES: A VHL-Language Based on Graph Grammars,
in Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Graph-Grammars and Their
Application to Computer Science, LNCS 532, Springer-
Verlag 1991, pp 641-659
Also: Technical Report AIB 90-16
/Schuerr91b/ Schuerr: Operational Specifications with Programmed Graph
Rewriting Systems: Theory, Tools, and Applications,
Dissertation, Deutscher Universitaetsverlag (1991) (in German)
/SZ91/ * Schuerr, Zuendorf: Nondeterministic Control Structures for
Graph Rewriting Systems, in Proc. WG'91 Workshop in Graph-
theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, LNCS 570, Springer-
Verlag 1992, pp 48-62
Also: Technical Report AIB 91-17
/Westfe89/ Westfechtel: Extension of a Graph Storage for Software
Documents with Primitives for Undo/Redo and Revision Control.
Technical Report AIB Nr. 89-8, Aachen University of Technology,
/Westfe91/ Westfechtel: Revisionskontrolle in einer integrierten Soft-
wareentwicklungsumgebung, Dissertation, RWTH Aachen, 1991
/Zuendorf89/ Zuendorf: Kontrollstrukturen fuer die Spezifikationssprache
PROGRES, Diplomarbeit, RWTH Aachen, 1989
/Zuendorf92/ * Zuendorf A.: Implementation of the Imperative/Rule Based
Language PROGRES, Technical Report AIB 92-38, RWTH Aachen,
Germany (1992)
/Zuendorf93/ * Zuendorf A.: A Heuristic Solution for the (Sub-) Graph
Isomorphism Problem in Executing PROGRES, Technical
Report AIB 93-5, RWTH Aachen, Germany (1993)
* : All reports marked with an asterisk are available via anonymous ftp from
ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de in directory /pub/reports/... .
See also PROGRES documentation.
[See also APPENDIX E]
> IRIS (HP Labs)
[Iris is a system out of HP Labs that began as a prototype and eventually
became a commercial product. I believe it was eventually incorporated into
the new HP product, OpenODB. - clamen]
Long and short system summaries can be found in:
[FISH89] D.H. Fishman et. al. Overview of the Iris DBMS. In Won.
Kim and Frederick H. Lochovsky, editors,
Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases and Applications,
chapter 10, pages 219--250. Addison-Wesley, Reading,
MA, 1989.
[FBC+87] D.H. Fishman, D. Beech, H.P. Cate, E.C. Chow,
T. Connors, J.W. Davis, N. Derrett, C.G. Hock, W. Kent,
P. Lyngbaek, B. Mahbod, M.A. Neimat, T.A. Tyan, and
M.C. Shan. Iris: An object-oriented database
management system. ACM Transactions on Office
Information Systems, 5(1):48--69, January 1987.
The abstract of the latter (written early in the project) follows:
The Iris database management system is a research prototype of
a next-generation database management system intended to meet
the needs of new and emerging database applications, including
office automation and knowledge-based systems, engineering
test and measurement, and hardware and software design. Iris
is exploring a rich set of new database capabilities required
by these applications, including rich data-modeling
constructs, direct database support for inference, novel and
extensible data types, for example to support graphic images,
voice, text, vectors, and matrices, support for long
transactions spanning minutes to many days, and multiple
versions of data. These capabilities are, in addition to the
usual support for permanence of data, controlled sharing,
backup and recovery.
The Iris DBMS consists of (1) a query processor that
implements the Iris object-oriented data model, (2) a
Relational Storage Subsystem (RSS) -like storage manager that
provides access paths and concurrency control, backup and
recovery, and (3) a collection of programmatic and interactive
interfaces. The data model supports high-level structural
abstractions, such as classification, generalization, and
aggregation, as well as behavioral abstractions. The
interfaces to Iris include an object-oriented extension to
On Schema Evolution (from original survey):
Objects in the Iris system may acquire or lose types dynamically.
Thus, if an object no longer matches a changed definition, the user
can choose to remove the type from the object instead of modifying the
object to match the type. In general, Iris tends to restrict class
modifications so that object modifications are not necessary. For
example, a class cannot be removed unless it has no instances and new
supertype-subtype relationships cannot be established.
Commercial Systems
> IDL (Persistent Data Systems)
IDL is a schema definition language. Schema modifications are defined
in IDL, requiring ad-hoc offline transformations of the database, in
general. A simple class of transformations can be handled by
IDL->ASCII and ASCII->IDL translators (i.e., integer format changes,
list->array, attribute addition).
[conversation with Ellen Borison of Persistent Data Systems]
John R. Nestor. "IDL: The Language and Its
Implementation". Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ., 1989.
> Kala
Kala Technical Brief
Kala(tm) is a Persistent Data Server managing distributed, shared,
arbitrarily complex and evolving persistent data. Kala is highly
efficient and secure. Kala manages the visibility of persistent data
elements to its clients, thus supporting any types of transactions,
versions, access control, security, configurations. Kala does not
restrict you to any particular model. Kala provides the mechanism, but
imposes no policy. Usable as either a link library communicating to a
server or as a standalone, Kala is compact and simple.
Kala is used for applications such as: kernel of DBMS products,
substrate for extended file systems, implementation of language
persistence, data manager for groupware applications as well as
applications which deal with large, complex, and changing volumes of
data (text databases, financial distributed transaction systems). Our
current customers use Kala in applications ranging from CASE
repositories to CAD systems, from document management for financial
institutions to OODBMS platforms, from real-time applications to
database research. Kala is a component of broad reuse.
The simplest persistent data storage available to you is the file
system on your disk drive. File systems have some attractive
characteristics; their performance is good, they can hold any data,
they're easy to use, and, of course, the price is right. Conversely,
files are unreliable. They provide no mechanism for in maintaining
data consistency and only primitive data sharing facilities. Few file
systems offer version control and all require that you transform data
between "internal" and "external" forms all the time.
Unlike a file system, a true database management system provides
mechanisms for sharing data and for ensuring the integrity of the
data. It supports transactions and version control, although the
specifics of these functions may not be exactly what your application
needs. Finally, a database system is scalable, and much more robust
than a file when your hardware or software fails.
The downside to a database system is that, compared to a file system,
it is slower by an order of magnitude or more. Also, a database system
generally confines you to dealing only with the kind of data that it
can handle. In addition, a database is usually very complicated,
difficult to learn and use, and expensive, both in terms of your cost
of operation and in the amount of system resources they consume.
Whether you choose a file system or a database manager, then, you
have to sacrifice either economy or performance. Is there a happy
medium? Something with the speed and flexibility of files, the
reliability, shareability and robustness of databases, and at a cost
that won't break your wallet or the available hardware? Sure there is!
Kala is a first in a new breed of products, persistent data servers,
aimed squarely at the yawning gap between DBMSs and file systems.
Kala is *not* a DBMS. Instead, you use Kala whenever the few canned
combinations of DBMS features do not meet the needs of your
application. A DBMS product constrains you to accept *its* choice of
an end-user graphical interface, a query language binding, a specific
high level data or object model, a particular transaction model, a
single versioning scheme, etc. This either compromises your
application's functionality, or forces your to spend substantial
development effort and money to bridge the impedance mismatch to the
application. Instead, Kala allows *you* to develop no more and no
less than the functionality you need. You build your domain specific
functionality our of a small set of primitives with very little code.
Your gains in productivity, efficiency, and flexibility are
To sustain this level of flexibility and reuse, Kala manages any data
that you can represent in machine memory out of bits and references.
Examples include records, dynamically linked graphs and lists,
executable code, and object encapsulations.
Kala can handle data as small as one bit, and as large as the virtual
memory and more, while being totally unaware of the data's semantics.
Its stores and retrieves data efficiently, and compactly over a
distributed and dynamically reconfigurable set of Stores. Upon
retrieval, Kala dynamically relocates embedded references to retain
the original topological structure of the data, thus preserving
referential integrity. Kala also supports active data, physical store
management, and automatic archiving.
Kala repackages the fundamentals and universals of data management in
one reusable data server, separating them from the application domain
specific models and policies. Kala defines a low level interoperabi-
lity point for the data storage domain, just as X does for the display
domain and Postscript does for the printing domain.
Kala has matured through four successive versions to its present
industrial strength implementation and stable API. Kala is lean,
compact, and portable. Kala is a high performance, low overhead
system. We call it a Reduced Instruction Set Engine (RISE). Unlike
large, complex, and typically bulky DBMS products, Kala is small,
simple, and suitable for managing anywhere from a single diskette to
terabytes of distributed data.
* For those who need functionality traditionally associated with
databases, but cannot tolerate the overhead and complications DBMS
products introduce, Kala offers a flexible, compact, performant,
elegant, and simple alternative.
* For those whose application domain requires data models where the
mapping to those offered by today's DBMS products is cumbersome,
introduces development and execution overhead, and is not portable
across multiple linguistic and environmental platforms, Kala offers
a data model independent interface against any data model
expressible in terms of bits and pointers can be easily built.
* For those who need DBMS functionality or qualities that no single
DBMS product now has, Kala offers the opportunity to build that
functionality now with little effort out of a simple set of
primitives, and not wait for one vendor or another to deliver
it later.
* For those who have determined that the only viable option for their
application's persistent data needs is the file system, and have
resined to the idea that they will have to build everything else
they need from scratch, Kala offers an off-the-shelf implementation
without loss of any of files' advantages.
* For those who need performance, size, portability, storage
compactness, and industrial strength that no single DBMS product can
now satisfy, Kala offers all of the above now.
* For those who realize that while object-level interoperability is a
strong desideratum, the likelihood of a single, universal such model
in the foreseeable future is quite low, Kala offers a solid, long
term alternative. Data store interoperability that brings us beyond
file systems is the best practical bet. Kala is the basis for data
store interoperability now.
* Finally, for all of you who are concerned about the economics of
software, and take the view that there are many elements that
could contribute negatively to the soundness of your business, such
as operational costs, software maintenance costs, software licensing
costs, software development and learning costs, etc., you will find
Kala an economically sound, sensible, and practical product.
- The execution architecture is that of multiple (communicating)
servers and multiple clients. Kala can also be configured in a
standalone (single process) mode. Kala's IPC is built for maximum
performance, portable to any given datagram protocol.
- The managed data elements are made out of uninterpreted bits and
references. Data elements (named `monads') are universally uniquely
identified. Bits are stored with no overhead. References,
represented in memory as native machine pointers, are stored
very compactly, introducing an average of 2.5 bytes overhead.
- Kala is a fully recoverable system, short of media damage. Recovery
from hardware failures can be supported by the layer beneath Kala.
- The Kala primitives support arbitrary transaction models, including
classic short transactions, long (persistent) transactions, nested
transactions, shared transactions, pessimistic and optimistic
policies, etc. Concurrency control is achieved through two locking
mechanisms (short-term and long-term (persistent, shared) locking),
with full support for atomicity of operations and two-phase commit.
- The Kala primitives support arbitrary versioning models, allowing
versions to co-exist in split/rejoined networks, various version
organization strategies (single-thread, tree, DAG, etc.). Kala
primitives provide mechanisms for arbitrary access and update
triggers, such as notifications, security checks upon access/update,
etc. __ with no limitations on what the trigger code does. Kala
provides protection measures against virus and other intruding
- The Kala primitives support a wide range of access control, security
and protection models, including revocable access rights, access
control without the overhead of ACL management, arbitrary access
validation routines, etc. Kala does not introduce any more security
holes than the operating environment already has.
- Kala has primitives for physical store allocation and de-allocation
management, for a wide spectrum of store administrative tasks, as
well as licensing administration. The latter includes application-
sensitive time-limited client-connect-based licensing, as well as
metered (connect/load/store) usage. Kala can be set up to do
automatic archiving and backup of its physical store.
- Kala provides a wide spectrum of licensing schemes, usable by
platforms and applications built upon Kala to their customer base.
Kala provides renewable licenses, perpetual licenses, full
protection against duplication without hardware (hostid) support,
metered (pay-by-use) usage, etc.
- And more ... not fitting on this page-long Technical Brief.
o Kala is available now on Sun platforms (SunOS / 68K & SPARC), as
well as on 80x86/MS-DOS (both Microsoft and Borland compilers &
runtimes supported) platforms. If you are interested in a port to
your favorite platform, call us to discuss our Development and
Porting Partnership Programme.
o Kala's interface is ANSI C, also callable from C++. If you are
interested in an interface or a binding to your favorite programming
language, please call us to discuss out Development Partnership
o For pricing and other information, please contact us by phone, fax
or via e-mail at Info@Kala.com
_ _ ____ _ ____ tm ____________________________________
\\ / | \ \ | \ \\\\
\\ /__ \ __ \ \ \ __ \ \\\\
\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\
\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ No more than you need !!!
\\' \' \' \' '____' \' \' \\\\ No less than you want !!!
Penobscot Development Corporation email: Info@Kala.com
One Kendall Square Building 200 Suite 2200 Cambridge MA 02139-1564 USA
voice +1-617-267-KALA fax +1-617-859-9597 tech support +1-201-539-7739
...............(5252) fax +1-617-577-1209.............................
| Copyright (c) 1992-93, Penobscot Development Corporation. |
| Kala is a Trademark of Penobscot Development Corporation. |
On Schema Evolution (from original survey):
Kala manages an untyped persistent store, implementing the semantics
of robust, distributed, secure, changing, and shareable persistent
data. Layers built upon the Kala platform can implement the semantics
of objects with the same properties.
As it operates below the schema layer, Kala does not address schema
evolution directly. However, It supports the building of schema'ed
layers above it and below the application, and those layers can
provide for schema evolution conveniently using Kala primitives.
This parts-box approach requires extra work on the part of the developer
compared to out-of-the-box solutions, but provides power and
flexibility sufficient for relatively low cost solutions in
difficult environments (e.g. graph-structured data, dynamic classing)
where no out-of-the-box solution is available.
Sergiu Simmel sss@kala.com
Ivan Godard ig@kala.com
general information info@kala.com
subscription to moderated newsletter forum-request@kala.com
Segui S. Simmel and Ivan Godard. "The Kala Basket: A
Semantic Primitive Unifying Object Transactions,
Access Control, Versions, annd Configurations
> Pick
With Pick and its variants you only have problems if you want to
redefine an existing field. Because of the way the data are stored
and the separation of the data and the dictionary you can define
additional fields in the dictionary without having to do anything to
the data - a facility which we have found very useful in a number of
There is no general facility to redefine an existing field - you just
make whatever changes are required in the dictionary then write an
Info Basic program to change the data. We have seldom needed to do
this, but it has not been complicated to do.
If a field in the database is no longer used, it is often easiest
simply to delete the reference to that field in the dictionary, and
accept the storage overhead of the unused data. In such cases, while
the data cannot be accessed through the query language, (Pick)Basic
programs can still access them.
[Geoff Miller <ghm@ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au>]
Research Systems
> Penguin (Stanford)
Penguin is an object-oriented interface to relational databases.
Penguin has its own simple language-independent object model with
inheritance for composite objects defined as views (called
view-objects) of a relational database. These view-objects represent
data according to application requirements in such a way that multiple
applications can share overlapping, but different, sets of data.
Multiple applications may share data by having overlapping schemata
with differing composite objects and differing inheritance mappings.
We have a C++ binding, which supports multiple inheritance. The
result is a framework for collaboration among multiple users, each
with differing perspectives about the system and its data.
For additional information, please contact ark@db.stanford.edu
``A C++ Binding for Penguin: a System for Data Sharing among
Heterogeneous Object Models,'' Arthur M. Keller, Catherine Hamon,
Foundations on Data Organization (FODO) 93, October 1993, Chicago.
``Querying Heterogeneous Object Views of a Relational Database,''
Tetsuya Takahashi and Arthur M. Keller, Int. Symp. on Next Generation
Database Systems and their applications, Fukuoka, Japan, September
1993, to appear.
``Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views,'' by
Thierry Barsalou, Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold,
ACM SIGMOD, Denver, CO, May 1991.
``Unifying Database and Programming Language Concepts Using the Object
Model'' (extended abstract), Arthur M. Keller, Int. Workshop on
Object-Oriented Database Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Pacific
Grove, CA, September 1986.
Commercial Systems
See Databases & Development Sept. 5, 1994, p1.
"Lisp, Smalltalk Languages Given Database Systems"
Franz, based in Berkeley, Calif., is now shipping AllegroStore, which the
company calls the first object database system designed for object-oriented
[...] The database is based on the ObjectStore engine from Object Design, also
in Burlington. It supports multiple clients and servers, [...]
Franz is at 800-333-7260 or 510-548-3600.
> Persistence
Persistence is an application development tool which provides object
oriented access to existing relational data. Persistence uses an
automatic code generator to convert object models into C++ classes
which know how to read and write themselves to a relational database.
Leverage existing data
Persistence enables object oriented access to existing relational
databases. Applications built with Persistence can work side by side
with legacy systems.
Automate database access
By generating the methods to convert relational data into objects,
Persistence saves the developer from having to write literally hundreds
of lines of code per class.
Speed application development
With Persistence, major changes to the application object model can be
completed in minutes, not weeks.
Persistence generates tested, bug-free code. Using Persistence helps
ensure the reliability and reusability of your applications.
At Runtime, Persistence manages an object cache to enhance performance
while ensuring data integrity. The Persistence object cache can provide
a factor of ten performance improvement for data intensive
Code generated by Persistence is database independent. You can choose
which database to work with at link step, increasing application
The Persistence Database Interface Generator converts object schemas
into C++ classes.
Object schema ---> Persistence ----> Generated
Generator Classes
Object Cache
Legacy Data
Each class generated by Persistence maps to a table or view in the database.
- Query using ANSI SQL or attribute values
- Add custom code to generated classes
- Preserve custom code when model changes
Persistence supports inheritance of attributes, methods and relationships.
- Propagate superclass queries to subclasses
- Use virtual methods for polymorphism
Persistence maps associations to foreign keys in the database. Each class has methods to access related classes.
- Ensure referential integrity between classes
- Specify delete constraints for associations
Object Caching
The Persistence Runtime Object Management System caches objects during
transactions and ensures data integrity. In the object cache,
Persistence "swizzles" foreign key attributes into in-memory pointers,
speeding object traversal.
When a transaction is committed, Persistence walks through the object
cache and writes out changes to the database.
Platforms/Operating systems
Persistence will support all major Unix and Intel platforms
- Sun/SunOS 4.x, Solaris 2.x
- HP/HP-UX 8.0, 9.0
- IBM/AIX (planned 11/93)
- Intel/NT (planned 3/94)
Development Tools
Persistence supports all major C++ compilers and integrates with GE's
OMTool, allowing developers to go straight from an object model to a
running C++ application.
- Cfront 2.1: ObjectCenter 1.0, SPARCompiler, ObjectWorks
- Cfront 3.0: ObjectCenter 2.0, SPARCompiler, Softbench C++
- GE's OMTool
Persistence provides database independence. With our Objectivity
integration, we also provide a clear migration path to object
- Oracle V6, V7
- Sybase 4.x
- Ingres 6.x
- Objectivity ODBMS
- Informix (planned 9/93)
- ODBC (planned 3/94)
"We wanted to use object technology while continuing to support our
legacy systems. Persistence made this feasible by automating over 30
percent of our development cycle." Steve Hunter, Sterling Software
"Persistence cut our development time by approximately 40%, because we
would have had to do all the mapping functions ourselves." Jim
Adamczyk, Partner, Andersen Consulting
"I'm convinced we'll save weeks or months of time because of
Persistence." Mike Kubicar, SunSoft Defect Tracking Team
"The good thing is that you can change your object model and just
re-generate the database interface classes at the press of a button."
Richard Browett, Product manager, K2 Software Developments, Ltd.
"The Persistence package saved at least 25 to 50 percent of the
development time, and seemed extremely robust. Support has been nothing
short of phenomenal." Stew Schiffman, DuPont Research and Development
For more information on Persistence, please contact Carl White, VP Sales:
- By phone: (415) 341-1280
- By fax: (415) 341-8432
- By email: information@persistence.com
Persistent Data Systems
PO Box 38415
Pittsburgh, PA 15238-9925
> Subtlware
From: subtle@world.std.com (Ted p Kyriakakis)
Subject: Re: OOP access to relational databases?
Summary: C++ to SQL RDBMS Mapping Tool and Literature
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 06:51:48 GMT
koch@eis.cs.tu-bs.de (Andreas Koch) writes:
>I am interested in approaches and examples of transparent access to
>relational databases within OOPLs such as C++ and Smalltalk. Of interest
>are pointers to literature and articles as well as ftp'able sample code.
>Any hints are appreciated.
There is a book out from MIS Press by Al Stevens called "C++ Database
Development" which addresses this topic in detail for C++ OO development. The
book does a good job of describing issues with object persistence and the
implications of using a RDBMS as an object database.
There is also a C++ to SQL mapping product, Subtlware for C++/SQL, that
provides a tool and framework which addresses many of the issues mentioned in
the book. The tool automates the production of the code necessary to map C++
objects to a SQL RDBMS using C++ header files as input.
If you want more information, you can contact me at:
or you can contact Subtle Software at:
(508) 663-5584
> Synchronicity
See Databases & Development Sept. 5, 1994, p1.
"Lisp, Smalltalk Languages Given Database Systems"
Easel's Synchronicity 2.0 is a new release of the company's business object
modeling system, fromerly known as Synchrony. The new version, which will
run under Windows and OS/2, lets developers using Easel's Enfin development
system map Smalltalk objects to relational databases.
Easil is at 617-221-2100.
See also APPENDIX D.
tool name,
description and methods
operating systems
Vendor name,
city/state, phone (if known)
ACTOR ($495)
*Prototyping & Code generation (ACTOR, access to C, Pascal)
The Whitewater Group Inc.
600 Davis, Evanston, IL 60201
Allegro CL
*Advanced Object Oriented Development System based on CLOS. Incremental
compiler; automatic memory management; integrated editor, debugger class
browsers, and profilers; multiple inheritance, method combination, multiple
argument discrimination, meta-object protocol.
*Unix workstations (Sun/Sparc, IBM RS/6000, HP, Silicon Graphics)
PCs with Microsoft Windows
Franz Inc.
1995 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 548-3600, FAX (510) 548-8253
Email info@franz.com
Modular Software System
*Browser, Static Analysis, no compiler (yet), Editor Debugger, Profiler, ...
Silicon Graphics
*Object-Oriented Ada Environment (to Ada translator)
Software Productivity Solutions
(407) 984-3370.
Comeau C++ 3.0.1 With Templates
* compiler
* many OS's (MS-DOS, AmigaDOS, UNIX (SVR4, SPARC, UNIX 386, etc), etc)
Comeau Computing
91-34 120th Street
Richmond Hill, NY 11418-3214
718-945-0009, comeau@csanta.attmail.com
Distributed Smalltalk (HP)
*ParcPlace's VisualWorks Extension, world's first complete implementation of
*the OMG CORBA 1.1.
European Knowledge Systems Centre (HP's European software tools specialists)
ph: 44 272 228794
email: wjb@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Energize (5 $16250, single $4250, lcc 1500)
*Debugger, Class Language Calltree Error Project Browsers
*SunOS 4.1
707 Laurel St.
Menlo Park, CA 95025
(415) 329-8400
Frameworks 3.1 ($495.)
*IDE, Browser, Debugger, Compiler, ...
*DOS, Windows
Borland International
1800 Greenhills Road
Scotts Valley, CA 95067
FUSE ($1560 C++, $1944 FUSE)
*Distr Builds, Editor, Debugger, Profiler, Call Graphs, Call Tree Animation,
Browser, ...
*Ultrix RISC, OSF/1 AXP (planned to alpha NT)
14475 Northeast 24th St.
Bellvue, WA 98007
GNU GCC (g++)
*C++ compiler, (non-graphical) debugger.
GNU GCC (g++)
*C++ compiler, (non-graphical) debugger.
Hamilton C-Shell
*A shell
*OS/2, Windows
Hamilton Labs
HighC/C++ (basic $795, w/Phar Lap $995)
*Editor, Debugger, Windows ADK, Unix Utilities, Speedkit
MetaWare Inc.
2161 Deleware Ave.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(408) 429-6382
Iconix Power Tools
*Multiuser, OO development toolset
Iconix Software Engineering
Santa Monica, Ca.
*testing tool, code coverage, lint-style chking, C, C++, tests mem alloc errors
QASE (Quality Assured Software Engineering)
938 Willowleaf Dr.
Suite 2806
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 298-3824 ext. 5
MKS Toolkit
*Make, ...
*PC (Unix-Like)
*GUI-type builder, rule based, objects, classes, subclasses, rule inheritance,
embedded, but you can call external routines.
Neuron Data Elements
From: jrp@accint.com (Jason R. Pascucci) (abstract from a post)
*Application, DB, Windows, Indexing, 3D Graphics Kits, Project and Interface
Builder, Viewers, Modelers, Compilers/Debuggers, Performance, PostScript, ...
*Next, 486, ???
Next Computer, Inc.
900 Chesapeake Drive
Redwood City, CA 94063
*C++ programming environment, high quality graphics, browser, debugger,
*Sun, ???
*OO devel environ. Objects, rules, debugger, browser, GUI builder, more.
*RAD and intelligent decision support applications.
European Knowledge Systems Centre (HP's European software tools specialists)
ph: 44 272 228794
email: wjb@hplb.hpl.hp.com
ObjectWorks, VisualWorks
*Smalltalk programming environment from the Smalltalk people.
ParcPlace Systems, Inc.
999 E. Arques Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
email: info@parcplace.com
fax: 1-408-481-9095
voice: 1-800-759-PARC
*Smalltalk to C++ and C Translator.
TNI Industries (Techniques Nouvelles d'Informatique)
ZI du Vernis
29200 Brest
tel 98 05 24 85, fax 98 49 45 33
*C++ program animator.
*Suns, PCs, others coming.
Admiral Software
193-199 London Road
Tel: (44) (276) 692269
Fax: (44) (276) 677533
*OO visual programming environment
TGS Systems
Halifax, Nova Scotia
SDE WorkBench/6000 ($918 - $7350)
*Editor (syntax Highlighting), Browser, Flow Grapher, Make, Test Coverage
Analysis, Debugger, Profiler, ...
*HP Apollo 9000, Sparcstations
IBM, Canada
PRGS Toronto Laboratory
895 Don Mills Road
North, York
Ontario, Canada, M3C 1W3
*Template based devel. environment for building distributed OO applications
Template Software Inc.
13100 Worldgate Drive, Suite 340
Herndon, VA 22070-4382
(703) 318-1000
*C/C++ development environment with fuzzy parser, Emacs integration and code
browsers, free to universities. See APPENDIX E, TOOLS AND CASE
*SunOS 4.x, Solaris 2.x, AIX 3.2, HP/UX 8.0/9.0
takeFive Software
Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 8
5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA
phone: +43 662 457 915
fax: +43 662 457 915 6
email: sniff@takefive.co.at
SoftBench ($1785 C++, $4500 Softbench)
*C++ class constructor, CASE (graphically modify C++), Browser, Analyzer,
Editor, Builder, Debugger, ...
3404 E. Harmony Rd. MS 81
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Cupertino, Ca.
800-752-0900 ext. 2707
or 303-229-2255
SparkWorks ($1995, $995 C++)
*Debugger, Profiler, Source Browser, File Merge, MakeTool
2550 Garcia Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94043
(800) 926-6620
Zortech C++ v. 3.1 ($499)
*Debugger, Workbench, Resource Workshop
Symantec Corp
10201 Torre Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 253-9600
See also APPENDIX C.
Below is a list of available OO CASE environments. Many thanks to James Odell
<71051.1733@compuserve.com> for his extensive list and to Ron Schultz
<ron@bse.com> for a list posted to comp.object on 9/13/92. Many additional
entries have been added and additional entries are encouraged; please send
additions and updates to the author of the FAQ (and/or to James and Ron).
Second is a collection of articles, products, and papers on CASE systems.
These appeared as posts to comp.object.
I. graphic-only OO-CASE
╖ EasyCASE
╖ HOOD Toolset
╖ Model 5w
╖ Stood
╖ TurboCASE
II. OO-CASE with some code generation (1 to 60%)
╖ AdaVantage
╖ Bachman/Analyst
╖ EiffelCase
╖ HOMSuite
╖ IE\O (canceled)
╖ MacAnalyst/Designer
╖ ObjectCraft
╖ Objecteering
╖ ObjecTime
╖ ObjectModeler
╖ ObjecTool
╖ ObjectOry
╖ ObjectTeam
╖ OMTool
╖ Prosa/om
╖ Rational Rose
╖ Select/OMT
╖ SES/Objectbench
╖ System Architect
╖ 001
III. Meta OO-CASE (CASE that builds CASE)
╖ Envision
╖ Excelerator II
╖ GraphTalk
╖ MetaEdit
╖ Object Maker
╖ Paradigm Plus
╖ Toolbuilder
IV. Full execution OO-CASE
╖ BridgePoint
╖ Ptech
Available CASE Systems
tool name,
description and methods
operating systems(price, if known)
vendor name,
vendor contact information
*Object-oriented, full life cycle CASE
*VAX/VMS, Unix ($24,000)
Hamilton Technologies Inc
17 Inman St., Cambridge MA 01239
(617) 492-0058
AdaVantage ($1095--$1780)
*analysis, design (Ada) Generators: production code, Ada compiler and tool set
reusable components library
*PC AT/XT, Mac, Unix Workstations
Meridian Software Systems, Inc.
23141 Verdugo Dr., Ste 105, Laguna Hills CA 92653
Bachman Data Analyst
*Data Modeling and analysis with OO support
*PC-DOS, OS/2, Unix
Bachman Information Systems
8 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803
(617) 273-9003
*Semantic Nets, Object-Message Diagrams, State Transition Diagrams, Petri-Nets
*Generates C++
*PC-DOS, OS/2, Windows Macintosh ($595)
Berard Software Engineering
902 Wind River Lane, Suite 203
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
*Shlaer/Mellor notation
*general purpose code generator from"Action Language" psuedo code
*based on user-defined templates
*simulation tool
*Unix ($6,000)
Objective Spectrum
901 Kildaire Rd
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 460-1500
(919) 380-6463 (fax)
*Parts of Shlaer/Mellor method plus lots of other non-OO notations
*Windows, DOS ($495 to $1,295)
Evergreen CASE Tools, Inc
8522 154th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052
(206) 881-5149
(206) 883-7676 (fax)
*ISE's BON (Better Object Notation)
*Generates Eiffel class templates
*Unix, Windows NT ($1,995)
Interactive Software Engineering, Inc
270 Storke Road, Suite 7
Goleta, CA 93117
(805) 685-1006
(805) 685-6869 (fax)
*Methodology independent, user defined. Meta-CASE. Template code
generation. Examples include BPR, Yourdon/ER, OMT.
*Windows,NT,OS/2,(Chicago),Network Servers (8,000 Single, Multiple discounts).
Future Tech Systems (Leon Stucki)
824 E. Main
Auburn, Washington 98002
(206) 939-7552
(206) 735 6763 (fax)
Excelerator II
*Odell/Martin, Rumbaugh, Jacobson, and Wirfs-Brock notation
*Can customize and mix parts of on approach with another in a user-friendly manner
*LAN, meta-CASE with customizable graphics and rules
*OS/2, Windows NT ($9,500)
Intersolv, Inc
3200 Tower Oaks Blvd
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 230-3200
(301) 231-7813(fax)
*many notations (IE, NIAM, HOOD, Merise, SADT)
*configurable meta-CASE tool
*executable code generation of C (via enhanced pseudo code) and GQL
*Sun, DEC, RS6000, UNIX, Motif, PS/2, PC 386, OS/2
Rank Xerox
AI & CASE Division
7, rue Touzet Gaillard
93586 Saint-Ouen Cedex
+33 (1) 494 85085
*responsibility-driven design
*Generates C++ and Smalltalk/V
*Windows ($595)
Hatteras Software Inc
208 Lochside Dr
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 851-0993
HOOD Toolset (design only)
*HOOD notation
*Unix, DOS
CASET Corporation
33751 Connemara Dr
San Juan Cap., CA 92693
(714) 496-8670
*Rumbaugh notation
*generates SQL and C++
Westmount Technology
1555 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 875-8799
(703) 527-5709 (fax)
IE\O IEF (IE\O canceled)
*OO version of IEF. IEF now handles some OO CASE?
Texas Instruments
*knowledge-based system (KBS) approach named KADS, part is OO to
*capture knowledge, part involves rules that capture decision-making logic,
*generates C++
*Unix, DEC VMS
2, ave Gallieni, BP 85
94523 Gentilly Cedex
+33 1 4663-6666
+33 1 4663-1582 (fax)
LOV/Object Editor
*Rumbaugh notation
*generates C++
*interfaces with Verilog product suite
*Unix, OSF/Motif
Logiscope, Inc.
3010 LBJ Freeway, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75234
(214) 241-6595
(214) 241-6594
MacAnalyst and MacDesigner
*various notations
*screen prototyping
*Macintosh ($995-2,590)
Excel Software
PO Box 1414
Marshalltown, IA
(515) 752-5359
(515) 752-2435 (fax)
*Analysis and design tool that supports most available structured
and OO analysis and design methods, and can be easily be customized.
OO methods supported: Booch, Coad/Yourdon, Demeter, Rumbaugh, OSA and MOSESA.
*MetaEdit is available for MS-Windows 3.1 (499$ - 1500$).
MetaCase Consulting OY
P.O. Box 449
FIN-40101 JyvΣskylΣ
tel. & fax. +358-41-650 400
[The shareware version can be found from Simtel, Cica, and their mirrors. The
version 1.0 is shareware but the latest version 1.1 is fully commercial.]
[MetaEdit 1.1 - MetaCase Consulting Oy - metacase@jsp.fi
shareware version "metaed10.zip" can be ftp'd from ftp.funet.fi
(other sites also have the file, check archie)]
Model 5w
*prototype, free with purchase of OOA text "The Problem Space".
GUI front end for integrated repository supporting OO requirements
analysis, including events, rules, participants, and locations.
*Windows 3.X under DOS or OS/2
Dan Tasker Consulting
Sydney, Australia
Phone/Fax +61 2 909-8961
*OOT's own graphic notation
*Generates C++
*DOS ($99)
Object-Oriented Technologies
2124 Kittredge St, Suite 118
Berkeley, CA 94704
(415) 759-6270 (voice/fax)
*Softeam's "Class Relation" approach notation
*Generates C++ ("up to 60%"), open with multiple, concurrent user
*Sun, DEC, HP, RS6000, Unix, X Windows/Motif ($9,500)
One Kendall Square, #2200
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 621-7091
(617) 577-1209 (fax)
*ROOM methodology (Real-Time Object-Oriented Modelling) notation
*OO state charts with methods specified in own Smalltalk-like language or C++
*generates Smalltalk, C, C++ and interfaces with C++ environment
*internally used product by Bell-Northern for several years
*Unix ($20,000 includes training and support)
ObjecTime Limited
340 March Road, Suite 200
Kanata, Ontario,
Canada K2K 2E4
(613) 591-3400
*supports many diagramming notations
*customize methods, checking, and semantics with external rules
*configurable meta-CASE tool
*Cobol, Ada, C, and C++ generation (shell) and reverse engineering
*Macintosh, VAX, Windows 3, X Windows/Motif ($8,000 to $25,000)
Mark V Systems Ltd
16400 Ventura Blvd
Encino, Ca.
(818) 995-7671