Usenet 1994 October
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Newsgroups: rec.scuba,rec.answers,news.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!uunet!scifi!scifi!njs
From: njs@scifi.uucp (Nick Simicich)
Subject: [rec.scuba] FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Scuba, Monthly Posting
Message-ID: <1994.Jan.15.scuba.faq@scifi.uucp>
Followup-To: rec.scuba
Sender: njs@scifi.uucp (Nicholas J. Simicich)
Supersedes: <1994.Dec.15.scuba.faq@scifi.uucp>
Organization: N.J. Simicich, Peekskill, NY
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1993 10:00:47 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 28 Jan 1994
Lines: 684
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu rec.scuba:25418 rec.answers:3357 news.answers:15832
Archive-name: scuba-faq
This posting was last modified on 2/28/93 to delete the question on
mail order information.
Additionally, a network-wide general disclaimer for all of rec-scuba
is included. The FAQ is now being posted twice a month, on the first
and 15th. Please feel free to follow-up with comments or email them
to uunet!bywater!scifi!njs or scifi!njs@uunet.uu.net.
Welcome to rec.scuba. The newsgroup is for discussion of scuba,
diving, snorkeling, dive travel, and other underwater activities.
Frequent topics are safety, equipment, and certification. We welcome
postings from new folks and old hands.
Rec.scuba has had a fairly flame-free history. Not that we don't
speak out against practices that we disagree with, but we do try to
avoid flaming people. Flaming for flaming sake is to be discouraged.
Before posting to this group for the first time, please check the FAQ
list (this posting), and also read the newsgroup news.announce.newusers,
which contains many answers to questions about usenet in general.
Summary of rec.scuba FAQ:
1. Differences between certification agencies. (PADI/NAUI/YMCA/SSI
2. New Diver buying first piece of equipment.
3. Author's personal opinion on mail order.
4. rec.scuba archive sites and how to access them.
5. How to find out about dive destinations.
6. Basic discussion of thermal protection (wetsuit, drysuit,
7. Liquid breathing in the movie "Abyss".
8. Scuba magazines and periodicals.
9. Diving in contact lenses.
10. What about Spare Air or Pony Bottles?
11. What about Casio Dive watches and the depth ratings thereon?
12. I lost my C-card. What do I do?
13. I need a resort referral, cause I want to do my checkout dives on
my upcoming vacation to TinyIsland. Who do I call?
14. I think I got a shoddy course. What can I do?
15. They are cutting off my rec newsfeed. How can I get rec.scuba by
General Disclaimer:
Scuba Diving is a dangerous sport which can only be performed in
relative safety if you (a) get training (b) pay attention to that
training and apply it (c) recognize that no matter who you are and
how trained you are, there are dives which are beyond your personal
ability, dives which cannot be safely done with your equipment, and
dives that are beyond your training.
Finally, some dives are just plain more dangerous. Your
certification course should have trained you to recognize your
limitations, or, conversely, to recognize the sorts of diving you
were trained to do.
Various people who post to rec.scuba discuss advanced diving. This
stuff is just a discussion. It is not meant to be a replacement for
a certification course with an instructor, and it is not meant to be
an encouragement to you to go out and engage in similar diving
without evaluating your personal skills, and/or getting the
appropriate training and equipment, as required. Specifically, Cave
or Wreck or Deep diving requires advanced equipment, training, and a
careful self examination.
Finally, it should be obvious that not everyone who posts their
opinions to the net is or can be (a) an expert or (b) correct. It
is likely that your instructor, for example, would disagree with a
number of the points of view expressed herein, and would probably
disagree with part of this FAQ.
The fact that someone who identifies themselves as an instructor
posts to rec.scuba does not create an instructional situation.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1: I'm planning on getting certified. I've been to several shops,
and they all offer different certifications. I've heard of PADI,
NAUI, YMCA, NASDS and SSI. Which one should I go with?
1a: This question has frequently come up in rec.scuba. One of the
discussion threads has been summarized as whosbest.txt in the
rec.scuba archives at ames. See the explanation of Peter Yee's
archive, below, for how to access the ames archives. The short,
widely agreed answer, is that agencies all must follow a minimum
standard set by an industry organization, so they differ less than
you might expect. However, instructors differ a lot, and you
should try to talk to the instructor you will be taking the course
from and determine exactly what will be offered, and how you feel
about them. Finally, some instructors add significantly to the
standard course (and may also charge more). You should ask
exactly what you are going to get for your course fees, what else
you will have to buy, and where you have to buy it.
2: I'm new to diving, and I want to buy some equipment. Which piece
of equipment should be the first?
2a: There are two schools of thought on this. One is that you should
consider only purchasing your personal gear until you are sure
what type of diving you like. This school believes you should buy
only mask, fins, and snorkel, for fit and sanitary reasons. The
other school of thought is that the rental gear you can rent,
especially in tropical locations, is second rate and poorly
maintained, and that gear you purchase will be better and more
reliable. Typically, people agree that you should not buy a tank
until you believe that you will be doing a significant amount of
local diving.
3: Where are good sources for mail order equipment? All of the local
shops seem to be very expensive.
3a: The purpose of a FAQ is to answer commonly asked questions which
have answers that can be agreed to by the majority of the group.
There are many conflicting opinions on mail order that have little
to do with scuba, and, after long consideration, I felt that it
was impossible to write a mail order question answer that was
informative, covered all views, and which generated more light
than heat. I suggest a scubasearch (question 4) with:
Subject: mail order
before bringing it up again.
It is my personal opinion that if you are asking this question in
this group that there is a very good chance that you do *not* have
enough knowledge or skill to safely purchase either life support
equipment or equipment ancillary to that, and should reconsider
doing so.
4. Are there any archive sites for rec.scuba? If so, how do I access
the rec.scuba archives?
4a: There are two rec.scuba archives. The first, and oldest, is
maintained by Peter Yee. Peter has collected travelogues,
equipment reviews, and so forth into pre-organized files. In
Peter's own words:
You can also use the SCUBA archives on ames.arc.nasa.gov. Send
mail to archive-server@ames.arc.nasa.gov (or ames!archive-server)
and use a subject with a line like "send scuba index". This
will get you an index of articles in the archive. They are
sorted by subject and you will that you get pretty much what you
ask for. To get Florida info, try sending a subject of "send
scuba florida.txt keys.txt".
-Peter Yee
Advantages to Peter's archives are that they are organized by subject,
allow instant access if you have FTP, and are actually about the
subject in question rather than just randomly containing that word
or phrase.
The second archive is maintained by (me) Nick Simicich. This is
sort of a minimalist archive. There are over a years worth of
articles in the backlog, and you can run an "egrep" against them
and the responses will be organized and sent back to you. To use
the archive, mail to uunet!bywater!scifi!scubasearch or
bywater!scifi!scubasearch@uunet.uu.net. You place the search
pattern you want in your Subject: line. The search is CaSe
InDePeNdEnT. Up to 10,000 result lines will be sent to you if you
put in a general enough search pattern. As an example, to find
articles which contain the string "dive watch", "diving watch" or
close approximations, send mail to scubasearch with "Subject:
div.*watc". "div.*wat" would not be good because that would get
you "dive...water". Another bad search pattern is "cuba" because
that will select every article, because cuba is part of scuba.
Try "\<cuba\>" instead. Multiple level searches: Supposing you
want to find a posting that mentions accidents in the Cayman
islands. You could search for "accident.*Cayman|cayman.*accident",
and that would tend to find some of them, but it wouldn't find
postings where caymans was mentioned in the subject line (for
example) and "accident" was mentioned somewhere in the body. To
get around this, I've added a syntax that the shell script will
use to run multiple grep passes. You just separate the arguments
to the successive grep passes with an &. For our example above,
you could code "Subject: cayman & accident". The shell script
will run grep against all of the files with the argument "cayman"
as he search string, and then run grep again with the search
string "accident" against the files that result from the first
pass. You can stack these to an arbitrary depth. You can also
get as complex as you want using this feature. For example, you
might want to do a search for articles that I didn't write with
cayman in the subject. This pattern might do it:
Subject: ^Subject:.*cayman & -v ^From:.*njs
-v can be specified on a second or subsequent grep pattern (after
the &, as shown above) and eliminates all articles that contain
the grep target. This is not a hook for general grep options.
This is a special option that changes the action of the shell
You can limit your searching to a particular date range by
specifying a line as follows:
Searchdates: [fromdate] [;todate]
The format of the date is pretty liberal, and can include patterns
such as "01 Jan 91" as well as "1 year ago". You can leave out
the todate, or leave out the fromdate just by starting with a
You can get further information about egrep patterns by sending
mail to scubasearch with "Subject: help". There are more detailed
instructions regarding the date and the inverse searching in the
help file, as well.
You can get a copy of this FAQ by sending mail to scubasearch with
"Subject: FAQ". You can do a search for someone else by naming
them in a reply-to line, either in your mail header or the
message body.
Advantages are that every posting is there. Disadvantages are
that you will get random stuff which happens to mention your
search string if it is not specific enough, and you might get tons
of stuff you don't want. If you do make a successful scubasearch,
consider editing the result and mailing it to Peter Yee for
inclusion into the organized rec.scuba archives so that the next
person has instant access to the information.
I'm on a uucp path, so a scubasearch will take either several
hours or overnight.
5: What can anyone tell me about diving in [Florida, Cozumel,
Belize, Bonaire, Great Barrier Reef, etc.]?
5a: Seriously consider doing a scubasearch or looking in the archives
at ames before asking your question. If there hasn't been any
conversation on your destination recently, then by all means ask.
6: I'm thinking about buying a [wetsuit/drysuit/diveskin/Darlexx
skin]. What are the differences between them, and what are they
good for?
6a: Diveskins are typically made of Lycra or some other stretchy
fabric. The warmth supplied is minimal. Typically, they are used
to prevent stings from jellyfish, and to protect from accidental
coral contact. Sport divers tend to wear skins in water warmer
than 80F degrees, or under wetsuits, so that the wetsuit will
slide on easier.
Next up in warmth is the Darlexx suit. This is a suit that is
similar to a diveskin, but which is made out of a fabric that
slows water flow. There have been reported problems with the
Darlexx fabric "delaminating" or coming apart. An alternative is
made by Aeroskin, and uses polypropylene and lycra. Depending on
how warm blooded you are, you might be able to wear Darlexx
comfortably down to 72F. A Darlexx suit is a wetsuit. It does
not fit like a diveskin, and is not really a substitute for a
Wet suits are made of neoprene rubber. The suits serve two
purposes: They reduce water circulation over your skin, and the
air impregnated neoprene insulates you from the cold water. At
the worst, a poorly fitting wetsuit can ruin your dive by letting
you get so cold that you get hypothermic, or by being so tight
that it cuts off your circulation. If you are not well fitted by
stock wet suits, you can have one custom made. Custom made
wetsuits are not that much more expensive than stock ones, and fit
much better. Wet suits come in several thicknesses and styles.
People wear different styles of wet suits between 32F-85F. Most
people find that temperatures below 45-50F are not comfortable for
longer than a few minutes in a wetsuit.
Dry suits are used by prople between 70F-28F. (For extended
commercial operations at near freezing temperatures, heated water
is pumped through a special suit or underwear set.) (Temperatures
below 40 require special environmental protection for regulators,
controlled use of inflators, and (hopefully) redundant breathing
systems.) You should consider getting special training before you
wear a drysuit. Even fitting the drysuit is not quite as
straightforward as fitting a wetsuit. A drysuit is useful at a
wide range of temperatures because you can vary the amount of
warmth by wearing different underwear with the suit.
7: I just saw a really great movie called the Abyss. In it, they had
a rat breathing liquid. Is that really possible? Is there
equipment like that for humans?
7a: Yes, it is really possible. The rat was breathing liquid in the
scene you saw in the movie. No, it is not done with people
(except possibly with premature babies to replace missing
surfactants). A widely cited study involved a single adult
subject who had one lung filled with the liquid, but who had
problems with pneumonia afterwards. It is considered highly
risky. To pull an old thread on this from rec.scuba, send mail to
scubasearch with the subject: ^subject:.*liquid scuba
The liquid is a chloroflourocarbon, like freon, but with a higher
boiling point.
8: I want to learn more about diving, and read a lot of diving
magazines. My local newsstand only carries Skin Diver Magazine,
which I hear a lot of derogatory comments about on the net.
What other Magazines/periodicals are there, how do I subscribe,
and what is the orientation of these magazines?
8a: There are many, many magazines and journals. I've created a file
called scubamag, which I have placed in the archive at ames (see
question 4). This file, too long to place here, reviews many of
the magazines which are around.
9: Can I dive in contact lenses (contacts)? Is it safe? Will I go
9a: The safety of contacts revolves around several issues issues:
1. Will nitrogen absorption affect the contacts?
1a. It is possible that non-gas-permeable contacts will get
bubbles under them. For this reason, if you do wear contacts,
they should be gas permeable or soft, or they should have
holes drilled in them.
2. What is the likelihood of losing a contact under water?
2a. If you get water in your mask, and you open your eyes, you
might lose a contact. It might stay in your mask, in which
case you can possibly recover it. If you will be dangerous to
yourself without contacts, (not able to see well enough to
find the boat, and not used to dealing with things by sound)
then this could be serious. You also have to consider the
possibility that your mask will come off underwater, and that
you will have to open your eyes to find it and replace it, and
that your contacts might come off during this process. Losing
contacts in the water has happened to a number of people.
3. What about the possibility of infection?
3a. You are always at increased risk of eye infection when you
wear contacts. There is some possibility that there are
bacteria in the water that will increase the risk of eye
infection. Quick treatment in the case of contact related
infection is important, and you are not likely to get that
treatment on, for example, a liveaboard.
At least one study has indicated that there is an increased
possibility of Acanthamoeba infection when swimming with
contact lenses. Other practitioners, who do prescribe soft
contacts for swimmers, claim that there is no proof that the
contacts were the proximate cause of the infections, but give
no arguments as to why they feel that there is no correlation.
4. Are there any special considerations regarding soft contact
4a. Yes. Dr. Soni, Associate professor of Optometry at Indiana
University has participated in a study which showed that 100%
of soft contact lenses used in pool swimming were
contaminated, when cultured. Normally, soft contact lenses
are made up of a certain percentage of water. They absorb
this water from your tears, and the amount of water they
absorb is at least partially dependent on the salt content of
your tears. When you swim with contact lenses, and you open
your eyes, the lens readjust to the water content of the
liquid you are swimming in. This causes them to stick to your
corneas. It is claimed that it takes 1/2 hour after swimming
for the lenses to equilibriate to tears, and that removal of
the lenses before they equilibriate can damage the cornea,
creating a "clear passage into the cornea for the bacteria
from the contaminated lenses, which will cause infection."
Even practitioners who strongly believe in swimming with
contact lenses feel that disclaimers should be given when
prescribing the lenses for this purpose. The lenses are not
approved by the US FDA for swimming, but this may be just
because no tests have been done. Some of the above
information was extracted from an article from "Eyecare
Business" magazine, the June '91 issue.
Now, many people wear contacts in the ocean without problems,
whereas others prefer prescription masks. If you have simple
myopia, there are several brands of masks with snap in lenses that
can be made up quickly in your dive shop. If you have a more
complex prescription, there are optometrists who can glue lenses
into your mask. Many people seem to really like these.
Whatever you do, please avoid asking this question in rec.scuba.
It is a very frequently asked question. Do a scubasearch on
"contacts" or "prescription", and you will get many thousands of
lines of opinion. People should follow up to this question by
email if it is asked again [IMHO], unless they have new study
information or something to quote that is substantive. (If it is
substantive enough, I'll put it in as part of the FAQ answer.)
10: I'm thinking of getting a redundant breathing system, in case I
have a hose failure or run out of air, and can't find my buddy.
I've heard about something called "Spare Air", and also "Pony
Bottles". Should I buy one? Or is there something better?
10a:First off, carrying a redundant breathing system is a good idea.
There are a couple of important questions. (1) What are the types
of redundant systems, and how much do they cost? (2) How much air
do you need to be safe in case of a problem? (3) How likely are
you to carry your redundant system with you when you dive and
What sorts of redundant systems are there? First, by "redundant
system" I'm referring to a system that will continue to work no
matter how catastrophic the failure of your main system. Thus, I
won't consider a Y valve a redundant system because of the fact
that a burst disk could rupture or an O-ring could fail and
exhaust your entire air supply, or, that because of an error or a
bad gauge, you could exhaust your entire air supply. The three
most frequently used redundant systems are (1) the bailout bottle,
(2) the pony bottle and (3) the independent twin tank.
Some British BCs have a small air bottle attached to the BC. With
proper training and practice, it is possible to use this air for
breathing. But since this isn't a straightforward regulator
system, we won't discuss it here either.
The bailout bottle is available in sizes as small as 1.2 cu ft,
and as large as 3 cu ft. The best known brand is "Spare Air".
The bottle has a regulator that must be switched on before use.
Bailout bottles can cost between $200-$300. The ones sold at a
discount by mail order houses are typically smaller bottles of
older design.
The pony bottle is a smaller spare tank that is actually a small
standard scuba bottle, and attaches to a standard regulator. Many
people use an inexpensive regulator on their pony bottles. You
also need some sort of mounting system. Pony bottles can cost
between $250-$350 depending on the regulator selected, the size of
the pony, and the care you take while shopping. You can get a 13
cubic foot pony (in 2000 PSI and 3000 PSI models), a 17 cubic foot
pony, a 30 cubic foot pony, a 40 cubic foot pony, and some other
The independent twin tank is a second tank which is the same size
as your first tank, and which has its own regulator. Since the
two tanks fit into a single double tank bracket, they may look
like a set of doubles, but, in fact, they are two separate tanks.
The independent twin tank is a good option for certain specialty
diving, like wreck penetrations or extreme deep diving, but I
won't discuss it further here. Costs vary widely depending on how
much the mounting costs, the type of tank, and so forth.
How much air do you need to be safe? The following chart was
produced by Dave Waller, and presents a picture that I feel is
conservative. You should probably assume that, in an emergency,
you will be breathing at one of the higher breathing rates. It
also assumes a 60 fpm ascent rate, which is considered too fast by
many computer models and some training agencies. Therefore, these
numbers should be considered minimums, and any deviation from
these conditions would be likely to cause these numbers to
Total consumption (ft^3) # Total consumption (ft^3)
without 15_ft Safety Stop [1] # with 15_ft Safety Stop [1,2]
Consumption rate (ft^3/min) # Consumption rate (ft^3/min)
Depth | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0 # 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0
60 | 1.66 | 3.32 | 4.98 | 6.64 # 2.75 | 5.50 | 8.25 | 11.00
80 | 2.33 | 4.66 | 6.99 | 9.32 # 3.42 | 6.84 | 10.27 | 13.69
100 | 3.10 | 6.21 | 9.31 | 12.41 # 4.19 | 8.39 | 12.58 | 16.78
130 | 4.45 | 8.90 | 13.36 | 17.81 # 5.54 | 11.08 | 16.63 | 22.17
150 | 5.48 | 10.95 | 16.43 | 21.91 # 6.57 | 13.13 | 19.70 | 26.27
200 | 8.48 | 16.96 | 25.45 | 33.93 # 9.57 | 19.14 | 28.72 | 38.29
[1] Total consumption includes 30 seconds at indicated depth, and
a 60_ft/min ascent rate.
[2] Assuming a 1/2 consumption rate during a 15_ft safety stop
for 3 minutes.
The numbers beyond sport diving depths are here only for
reference, and not to encourage you to dive those depths.
Redundant air only reduces one of the dangers you would face in
diving to those depths.
The largest Spare Air holds just under 3 cubic feet. The smallest
available pony bottle holds 13 cubic feet. You can look at the
chart, estimate your surface consumption rate, try to estimate
what it would be in an emergency, and see where you fit in.
It is almost certain that if you were diving deep, you'd want more
air than the chart shows, as you might need to make a longer
decompression stop.
While some people have tested bailout bottle ascents from as deep
as 100 fsw, it should be emphasized that these tests were not
performed under stressful conditions. Typically, they are already
neutrally buoyant, ready to ascend, and are consuming less air
than they would in an emergency. Referring to the above chart,
you can see that this would be possible for a diver who had a
consumption rate of 1/2 cubic foot per minute, and who left
immediately upon switching to their bailout bottle rather than
taking time to get settled.
People who prefer bailout bottles to pony bottles say that a pony
bottle is too cumbersome to transport and wear and in fact is not
carried, making it a useless boat decoration. Pony bottle
proponents who carry their pony bottles with them when they travel
say that they don't have a problem carrying them, and many wear
them all of the time when they dive. They disagree that it is too
hard/painful/time consuming to dive with a pony bottle.
Opponents of bailout bottles believe that bailout bottles are
useless diver decorations, mainly because the bailout bottles do
not contain enough air for an emergency. They argue that from the
time you switch to the bailout bottle, you have only enough air to
ascend directly to the surface. You have no time to solve
problems and little or no air to make yourself positively buoyant.
A final argument is that a bailout bottle might actually give you
a false sense of security, and make you less safe than you might
be without one.
Perhaps the final judgment should be made using the above chart,
and the depth to which you plan to dive. If $$/cubic foot is a
consideration for you, then you would probably prefer a pony
bottle to a bailout bottle. Many people do all of their diving
between 15-40 feet, and never dive deeper than 60 feet. These
people would probably find the largest bailout bottle useful. If
you go deeper, or if you might go deeper someday, consider a pony
bottle of the appropriate size.
There have been rare occasions (one reported, at the Hong Kong
airport only) where people have been told that they simply can't
bring their scuba bottles on their flight, valves on or off, and
have had to abandon them at the airport. This would probably
equally apply to bailout bottles and pony bottles. You should
plan on draining your bottles of any type completely before flying
to comply with airport regulations, and you may have to remove the
valves to prove to the airline's satisfaction that the bottles are
completely drained. It is a violation of US FAA regulations to
transport a bottle on an airliner pressurized to more that 41
PSIA. Airlines may have more stringent regulations.
11. My Casio dive watch flooded. It was rated to 50M and I was only
at 15M. What gives?
11a.The Casio dive watches are supposedly rated in static pressure,
not dynamic pressure. The act of swimming, moving your wrist,
bumping the watch, using the controls, etc., causes large amounts
of dynamic pressure, which can flood your watch.
Casio used to rate their watches by activity. 100M watches were
rated for snorkeling, and only 200M watches were rated for scuba
diving. 50M watches were for showering.
Net experience seems to indicate that your 50M watch is quite
likely to flood if you use it for diving, your 100M watch is
somewhat likely to flood, although some people have used 100M
watches for diving successfully, and your 200M watch is probably
not going to flood. A few people have used 50M watches for
diving, but pushing the buttons at depth, accidentally or on
purpose, may flood the watch.
Given that a Casio G-Shock is only about $50 at a discount store,
and that a regular 200M Casio is likely to be around $40, many
people seem to think that skimping further than that (since that
is about the cost of a dive) is false economy, since, if your
watch was your only timing device, you'd have to abort if it
12. I've lost my C-card. What do I do?
12a.Um, how long has it been since you have done any diving? And
how much diving did you do when you were current? If it has been
a long time, maybe you should consider taking a new certification
course. Your old certification card may still be good, but
equipment changes all of the time, diving practices and techniques
change all of the time, and unless you've been keeping up, you may
find yourself either at a loss, or not diving as safely as you
might without current training.
Now, the first step in replacing your C-card to consult your
instructor, or the dive shop you were taught through. They should
have a copy of your records. If you can't contact them, calling
the certification agency might well be your best bet. Here are
some certification agency numbers.
Scuba Schools International (SSI)
+1 (303) 482-0883
National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI)
(800) 553-NAUI (USA) or +1 (714) 621-5801
NAUI Canada (416) 493-NAUI
Handicapped Scuba Association (HSA)
+1 (714) 498-6128
Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI)
USA (714) 540-7234
National Young Men's Christian Association SCUBA Program (YMCA)
(404) 662-5172
American Nitrox Divers Inc. (ANDI)
(516) 546-2026
International Diving Educators Association (IDEA)
National Association of Scuba Diving Schools (NASDS)
(714) 687-8792, Fax (714) 689-2137
Professional Diving Instructors Corp. (PDIC)
(717) 342-9434, Fax (516) 546-6010
13. I'm going to somesmallisland, and I'm looking for a shop that will
complete a referral from (NAUI/PADI/SSI/etc). Can someone suggest
13a.It depends. If you're looking for a referral, try talking to your
instructor, or to your dive shop. Alternatively, a dive travel
agent might be able to help you get into a good place, and arrange
your checkout dives for you as well. Finally, do a scubasearch
for your area, and then maybe ask on rec.scuba.
Also, the certification agencies maintain referral lists. See
the answer to question 12, and call them. They may be able to
refer you to an instructor or a facility that can complete your
14. Um, I got certified, and I'm reading the stuff on rec.scuba, and I
think that I got a shoddy course from my instructor. What should
I do?
14a.Call your agency (see answer to question 12) and get the address
to write to complain to them. The general rule is that they will
investigate (especially if they get several complaints) only based
on complaints in writing, and that they will not contact you to
tell you the results of any action that they take. They will
investigate one complaint, if it is really blatant.
15. They are cutting off my rec.scuba newsfeed. What can I do to
still get rec.scuba?
15a.There are two ways to get scuba related mail. Both involve the
bitnet listserv system, and both are run from Brown University.
The LISTSERV administrator there is Catherine Yang, but these
things are designed to be administered automatically. The two
lists are scuba-d, which holds the scuba digests that are
constructed from the postings to rec.scuba, and scuba-l which is a
completely independent scuba related discussion list.
You never send subscribe or unsubscribe requests to the address of
the list. In fact, if you do, they will be relayed to all of the
people who get stuff from the list (and probably ignored). To
sign onto or sign off from a listserv list, you send mail to
userid LISTSERV. For example, to sign on to scuba-d so that you
still get the rec.scuba postings, send mail to
SUB scuba-d your name
You must replace the string 'your name' with your own name. To
subscribe to scuba-l, send the same message, but replace scuba-d
with scuba-l.
To find out more about how to use the listserv system, send mail
to LISTSERV with a text line that says 'HELP'. For your
convenience, the response to a HELP command is reproduced below.
If you don't have the ability to post to rec.scuba locally, you
can mail your postings to rec-scuba@cs.utexas.edu.
Revised LISTSERV version 1.7c -- most commonly used commands
Info <topic|?> Get detailed information files
List <Detail|Short|Global> Get a description of all lists
SUBscribe listname <full_name> Subscribe to a list
SIGNOFF listname Sign off from a list
SIGNOFF * (NETWIDE - from all lists on all servers
REView listname <options> Review a list
STats listname <options> Review list statistics
Query listname Query personal distribution options
SET listname options Set personal distribution options
INDex <filelist_name> Obtain a list of LISTSERV files
GET filename filetype Obtain a file from LISTSERV
REGister full_name|OFF Tell LISTSERV about your name
There are more commands (AFD, FUI, PW, etc). Send an INFO REFCARD
for a complete reference card, or INFO ? for a list of available
documentation files.
Postmasters are:
Peter DiCamillo / ListMaint <CMSMAINT@BROWNVM>
Nick Simicich - uunet!bywater!scifi!njs - njs@watson.ibm.com
SSI #AOWI 3958, HSA 318, NAUI #14065, PSI #3286