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- Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!torn!news.ccs.queensu.ca!qucis.queensu.ca!dalamb
- From: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Alex Lamb)
- Newsgroups: comp.software-eng,comp.answers,news.answers
- Subject: Comp.software-eng periodic postings and archives
- Supersedes: <faqmsg_775569907@qucis.QueensU.CA>
- Followup-To: comp.software-eng
- Date: 3 Sep 1994 12:05:36 GMT
- Organization: Computing and Information Science, Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada
- Lines: 236
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Distribution: world
- Expires: 22 Oct 1994 12:05:07 GMT
- Message-ID: <faqmsg_778593907@qucis.QueensU.CA>
- Reply-To: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Alex Lamb)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: quilt.qucis.queensu.ca
- Keywords: FAQ
- Originator: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca
- Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu comp.software-eng:14813 comp.answers:7079 news.answers:25081
- Last-Modified: 18 Jun 1994
- Archive-name: software-eng/part0
- Welcome to comp.software-eng, a newsgroup for discussion of software
- engineering and related topics. This message is followed by three others,
- each summarizing a set of "frequently asked questions" (FAQs):
- FAQ 1: comp.software-eng questions and answers
- FAQ 2: CASE tools summary
- FAQ 3: Software engineering readings
- Be warned: the only mechanism we use to compose these lists is to gather
- information submitted by people around the net, post it regularly, and
- incorporate feedback. All evaluations are the opinions of those who submitted
- them; your mileage may vary. Send comments to dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David
- Alex Lamb).
- Many FAQs, including this one, are available on the archive site
- rtfm.mit.edu in the directory pub/usenet/news.answers. The name under which a
- FAQ is archived appears in the Archive-name line at the top of the article.
- This FAQ, and the parts that follow, are archived as software-eng/part0
- through software-eng/part3.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: other newsgroups
- The following other newsgroups discuss topics related to software engineering;
- consequently, coverage of these topics in this newsgroup (and thus the
- comp.software-eng archives) tends to be sparse. Many of these groups have
- their own FAQ's, which you can find in the appropriate *.answers group (e.g.
- comp.answers for any group whose name starts with "comp.").
- comp.groupware Software & hardware for shared interactive environments
- comp.lang.* Discussion of specific programming languages.
- comp.newprod Announcements of new products
- comp.object Object-oriented analysis, design, programming, & systems
- comp.programming Programming, especially algorithms and data structures
- comp.realtime Computer-based realtime systems
- comp.specification Formal specification methods
- comp.specification.z The Z formal specification notation
- comp.sw.components Reusable software components
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: comp.software-eng archives
- The following files are available via anonymous FTP from directory
- pub/software-eng on host ftp.qucis.queensu.ca ( Log in with
- user ID 'anonymous' and use your mailing address as the password. Each file
- has a header (in e-mail or news format) that credits the original collector.
- If you cannot use FTP, send mail to archive-server@qucis.queensu.ca containing
- a line of the form
- send software-eng f1 f2 ...
- where f1, f2, and so on are the names of the files from this list; the mail
- server should respond within an hour or so plus mailing delays (which can
- themselves be substantial if you're not directly on the internet). If you
- want to find out more about the archive server, send mail to the same address
- with a line containing the word 'help'; if you do this you can't also request
- files in the same message. If your mailer has trouble with large files, use
- the 'size <bytes>' command to set a threshold, above which the server will
- split files into several messages.
- Name Changed Description
- faqmsg comp.software-eng periodic postings and archives
- questmsg FAQ 1: comp.software-eng questions and answers
- casemsg FAQ 2: CASE tools summary
- readmsg FAQ 3: Software engineering readings
- README This list of files
- 2167a 31 Jul 1993 DoD-Std-2167a and life cycle models
- ada 26 Jan 1993 bibliography on Ada and software engineering
- aiswe 13 May 1992 readings: artificial intelligence and soft.eng.
- anecdote 31 Jul 1993 Anecdotes/stories about software engineering
- bachman 10 Sep 1991 Bachman information modeling
- bookTOC 9 Jul 1993 Tables of contents of books
- bookreview 10 Apr 1992 Book reviews
- CASEexp 2 Oct 1991 experience with CASE tools
- cdif 31 Jul 1993 CASE Data Interchange Format
- cleanroom 30 Jul 1993 Cleanroom software development
- cmtools 31 Jul 1993 Configuration management tools
- color 4 Jun 1992 Ergonomics of color displays
- concur 31 Jul 1993 Concurrent Engineering
- cubicle 28 Feb 1992 Productivity effect of offices vs. cubicles
- defect 26 Mar 1993 Defect tracking
- designchange 7 Jul 1992 Effect of design changes
- diagramedit 31 Jul 1993 Diagram editors and tools for building them
- education 30 Jul 1993 Software Engineering education and degree programs
- environment 15 May 1992 Software Engineering environments
- ethics 11 Dec 1992 ACM code of ethics
- facet 18 Sep 1991 Faceted classification and multiple inheritance
- fault 7 Jul 1992 Fault Tolerance references
- formal 31 Jul 1993 formal methods in the USA
- funcpoints 10 Apr 1992 function/feature points
- hood 2 Oct 1991 Hierachical Object-Oriented Design
- horror 31 Jul 1993 Computer horror stories
- hungarian 11 Oct 1991 papers on Hungarian notation
- ieee 2 Oct 1991 IEEE software engineering standards
- inspect 30 Jul 1993 Code inspection techniques
- knowuser 31 Jul 1993 Discussion on whether to ``know the user''
- lotos 31 Jul 1993 Language of Temporal Ordering of Specifications
- maint 9 Apr 1992 Software maintenance laws
- manuals 6 Mar 1992 Guidelines for software manuals
- maturity 31 Jul 1993 SEI Capability Maturity Model
- oodb 30 Jul 1993 Object-oriented databases
- ooformat 10 Jan 1992 Format for object-oriented design documents
- oomaint 10 Apr 1992 maintenance and complexity in o-o systems
- oomethod 31 Jul 1993 Object-oriented methodologies
- pdcase 7 Jul 1992 Public-domain CASE tools
- performance 26 Mar 1993 performance analysis tools
- petri 7 Jul 1992 Petri net tools
- pmtools 30 Jul 1993 Project management and design tools
- portableC 30 Jul 1993 writing portable C code
- probtrack 13 Apr 1992 Problem tracking tools
- productivity 18 Sep 1991 Feature point productivity for several countries
- proto 7 Jul 1992 Prototyping
- readcase 13 Feb 1992 Bibliography on CASE
- readintro 15 Feb 1992 Introducing your manager/customer to SE ideas
- realtime 15 Feb 1992 Information on realtime software development
- reflist 22 May 1992 Tero Ahtee's software engineering reference list
- reqelicit 31 Jul 1993 Requirement Elicitation
- restruct 7 Jul 1992 Tools for restructuring and reverse engineering
- reuse 31 Jul 1993 Discussion of software re-use.
- safety 31 Jul 1993 Formal methods and software safety
- SEorigin 31 Jul 1993 Origin of term ``software engineering''
- specmark 15 Feb 1992 SPEC modern architecture benchmarks
- spiral 10 Jan 1992 References on Spiral life-cycle model
- standards 31 Jul 1993 standards relevant to software engineering
- statecharts 15 Feb 1992 Reference list on Harel's statecharts
- static 31 Jul 1993 Software metrics and static analysis
- statsTool 21 Oct 1991 X-based statistics and graphing packages
- strucAD 31 Jul 1993 Stuctured analysis and design and SADT
- syslevel 30 Jul 1993 Realtime/hardware system-level CASE tools
- techTransfer 10 Apr 1992 Technology transfer
- testing 31 Jul 1993 Discussion of testing (and inspection)
- testTools 31 Jul 1993 Tools for testing
- transynth 15 Feb 1992 Transformation/synthesis systems
- uims 3 Aug 1993 User Interface Management Systems
- vdm-z 31 Jul 1993 formal methods Z and VDM
- verification 10 Apr 1992 References on program verifier design
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: more detailed information on specific products
- The following files are in the "blurb" subdirectory of the software
- engineering archives at qucis.queensu.ca; retrieve them as described for the
- main archives, except that for the mail archive server you say
- send software-eng/blurb f1 f2 ....
- The files consist of comments on individual products or companies. When a
- vendor sends me detailed information on a product that won't fit into the FAQ,
- I put it here - along with other comments from the net.
- Name Changed Description
- FIELD 9 Jul 1993 Brown University FIELD environment
- IFAD 9 Jul 1993 VDM-SL toolbox
- PCTE-ATIS-CAIS 31 Jul 1993 Discussion of PCTE vs ATIS vs CAIS
- ParaSET 9 Jul 1993 parametric software development
- PurePulse 9 Jul 1993 Pure software newsletter
- aegis 29 Mar 1993 project change supervisor
- autoplan 26 Jan 1993 project scheduling tool
- cadreTeam 31 Jul 1993 Cadre TEAMWORK
- caseware 26 Jan 1993 configuration management and problem tracking
- cvs 30 Jul 1993 CVS version management tool
- ief 31 Jul 1993 TI Information Engineering Facility
- jaloteSEtext 31 Jul 1993 P.Jalote's "An Integrated Approach to Software Engi
- objectime 26 Mar 1993 real-time object-oriented methodology
- parcplace 22 Mar 1993 Smalltalk and C++ tools
- rational 26 Jan 1993 Rational Inc. Ada environment, Rose OOD tool
- razor 26 Jan 1993 issue tracking, configuration management
- rcs 5 Oct 1992 version control system
- rdd-100 31 Jul 1993 Requirements Driven Developer
- robochart 26 Jan 1993 diagram editor
- schach2e 28 Apr 1993 Schach's "Basic Software Engineering" text
- sextant 9 Jul 1993 UNIX/C environment
- shapetools 26 Jan 1993 shapetools version management/make-like tool
- specbox 31 Jul 1993 VDM support tool
- stp-teamwork 31 Jul 1993 Comparison of Software Thru Pictures and Cadre Team
- telelogic 26 Jan 1993 Environment for CCITT SDL
- vista 26 Mar 1993 Vista Technologies
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: WAIS server
- I have created a WAIS database that indexes the comp.software-eng archives.
- It's still experimental; I'm still playing with appropriate "file types" for
- the various files, so you get a subsection of a file in response to a query,
- instead of the whole giant file (at the moment only a few of the files are
- subdivided, and not always in a useful way). The .src file follows at the end
- of this message.
- The following is taken from the WAIS FAQ.txt file: WAIS is available via
- anonymous FTP from a variety of sources. The main distributor is think.com,
- in the wais subdirectory.
- a. a mac client?
- think.com:/wais/WAIStation0.62.hqx
- b. a unix client?
- a few UNIX based clients are available in the core distribution, which
- can be found on think.com:
- think.com:/wais/wais-8-b#.tar.Z, where # is the most recent version (4 at
- this time). This includes the server, and clients for X Windows, GNU
- Emacs and a couple of simple shell-based clients.
- c. a dos client?
- The University of North Carolina has been a main developement site for
- WAIS software. Several DOS clients can be found in the FTP archives on
- wais.oit.unc.edu.
- d. a NeXT client?
- A client for NeXT can be found in think.com:/wais/XXX
- e. a VMS client?
- WAIS has been ported to VMS by the folks at the University of North
- Carolina.
- f. the server?
- An example WAIS server is part of the core distribution.
- (:source
- :version 3
- :ip-address ""
- :ip-name "ftp.qucis.queensu.ca"
- :tcp-port 210
- :database-name "software-eng"
- :cost 0.00
- :cost-unit :free
- :maintainer "dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca"
- :description "Server created with WAIS release 8 b5.1 on Jun 17 16:10:48 1993 by dalamb@quilt
- The files of type mail_digest used in the index were:
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/casemsg
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/questmsg
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/readmsg
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/color
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/testTools
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/pmtools
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/static
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/petri
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/inspect
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/proto
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/fault
- /usr/local/ftp/pub/software-eng/performance
- "
- )
- --
- Software Technology Laboratory dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Alex Lamb)
- Computing and Information Science phone: (613) 545-6067
- Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6