Usenet 1994 October
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Newsgroups: comp.lang.tcl,comp.answers,news.answers
Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!yeshua.marcam.com!MathWorks.Com!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!swiss.ans.net!malgudi.oar.net!chemabs!lvirden
From: lvirden@cas.org (Larry W. Virden)
Subject: FAQ: comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (5/5)
(Last updated: August 19, 1994)
Message-ID: <tcl.p5_780761786@cas.org>
Followup-To: comp.lang.tcl
Summary: A regular posting of the comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) and their answers. This is the fifth of five parts.
This part is a catalog of Tcl-based extensions.
Originator: lvirden@cas.org
Keywords: tcl, expect, extended tcl, wish, tk
Sender: lvirden@cas.org
Supersedes: <tcl.p5_778352339@cas.org>
Reply-To: lvirden@cas.org (Larry W. Virden)
Organization: Chemical Abstracts Service
References: <tcl.p4_780761786@cas.org>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 14:16:51 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 14:16:26 GMT
X-Url: http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/tcl-faq/part5/faq.html
Lines: 2120
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu comp.lang.tcl:18138 comp.answers:7487 news.answers:26439
Archive-name: tcl-faq/part5
Version: 6.0
Last-modified: August 19, 1994
For more information concerning Tcl (see "tcl-faq/part1"),
(see "tcl-faq/part2"), (see "tcl-faq/part3"), or (see "tcl-faq/part4").
Note that a Contact address with ??? at the end means that I was
unable to verify the address. Also, Contacts without addresses or marked
as Unknown mean that I had limited to no information about the contact
Index of questions:
XIII. Since Tcl/Tk appear to be extensible, are there any common extensions?
o adatcl
o addinput
o after command extended
o Ak extension
o argument processing for Tcl
o argument parsing with defaults
o array name string matching extension
o ask
o base 64 encoding
o Berkeley DB library interface
o binary I/O
o big integer to floating enhancement to tcl
o Blinking widgets
o BLT toolkit
o Bumgarner misc tcl functions
o busy window
o C or C++ function called from Tcl
o C++ compilation of tk
o Calc_Object
o calculator
o calendar
o Canvas bitmap mask extension (Earls)
o Canvas bitmap mask extension (Fine)
o Canvas clipping speedup
o Canvas postscript output color change
o Canvas support of open Tcl file
o Canvas support of polygon outlines and Hermite smoothing
o Canvas support of printing umlaut
o command line bindings for entry widget
o colorfocus replacement system
o color settings
o color approximation matching
o Connect to TCP/IP socket
o Convert strings to and from WWW escape notation
o Tcl crypt
o ctaxt
o dashproc
o dashed items in canvas
o database (Otto)
o DBM 1.6 interface
o define bitmaps in tk scripts
o deck.tk
o Dialog box maker
o Diehard
o Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) widgets
o Directory Tree Widget
o Disjoint listbox selections (Ewing)
o Disjoint listbox selections (Ewing/Lutz)
o Disjoint listbox selections (Raines)
o Disjoint listbox selections (Wunderli)
o Drag and Drop in Tcl
o Dynamic loading wish
o eiftcl
o Enabled Mail
o entry widget numeric edit
o event dispatching library, non-X based
o every command
o file I/O as events
o file select (da Silva)
o file select (sherman)
o file select (Silva)
o find center of X display
o font settings
o foreach additional list enhancement
o FreeBSD math fix
o French keyboard bindings
o FSBox - file selection box
o fumx
o GDBM Tcl interface (Doan)
o GDBM Tcl interface (Lindig)
o getdate
o GLXAux bindings
o graph
o GRASS GIS widget
o GroupKit
o hierarchy class
o hierQuery
o HTML for Alpha
o Hush
o iconbutton
o image browser
o [incr Tcl]
o [incr Tcl] Compound widget class
o [incr Tcl] file selection dialog
o [incr Tcl] Message Box
o [incr Tcl] Paned Window
o [incr Tcl] Panner Window
o [incr Tcl] stacks and queues
o [incr Tcl] table widget
o [incr Tcl] Transportable Objects
o [incr Tcl] widget base class
o [incr Tcl] wigwam
o Informix interface
o Kerberos-authenticated safe RPC
o Key List printing procedures
o Key symbol dynamic support
o Key symbols enhanced support
o Lamda functions (Demailly)
o Lamda pure Tcl functions (Noble)
o Lamda anonymous procedures (Thomas)
o Lamda functions (Tromey)
o Lamda functions (Wallach)
o lassign
o Lightweight plotting to canvas
o Linear sort on list of lists
o lisp2wish (Kaye)
o lisp2wish (Kramer)
o list select
o list quicksort
o listbox replace command
o lmatch
o Tk login window
o Common Menu support
o Metacanvas
o Metalbase interface
o miniSQL database interface
o Moat/TclMotif
o Modula 3 interface to Tcl/Tk
o moreButtons
o mouse button release command
o Multibyte Support for Tk
o Multi-column menus for Tk 3.6
o Multiple Extensions Management and Dynamic Linking
o Multiple interpreter support
o net CDF
o Network management
o NextStep / Tcl interface (Johnson)
o NextStep / Tcl MAB
o NIS+ interface library
o Numeric Array extension to Tcl
o Objective C / Tcl library
o Open Scripting Architecture (Apple) Extension
o OpenWindows tkBind mod
o Oracle extension to Tcl.
o Pacco (Pavia Active-Component Compound Objects)
o Pack widget with no shrink option
o package extension
o Password widget
o Photo widget
o Pie menus
o Pixel position of a character
o Pixmap support
o Portable Tk
o Postgres extensions
o procedure tracing
o Prolog / Tcl interface
o pset
o PV-WAVE interface
o random numbers (Eichin)
o random numbers (Libes)
o random numbers (Salmon)
o random numbers (Schoenwaelder)
o random numbers (Shiono)
o readline-like function support for tcl (West)
o readline-like function support for tk (Miguel)
o Rectmap
o RenderMan bindings
o Reregister interpreter name
o Safe Tcl Interpreter (NeoSoft)
o Safe Tcl Interpreter (MRose)
o Save Variables
o Scheme extension
o searchbox
o secure tcl
o showproc.tcl
o SIPP extensions
o Spreadsheet
o SQL support
o sticker
o structure like objects in Tcl
o SunOS dld package
o Sybase Tcl
o System V ipc
o tcl and tk shared library support (Brown)
o tcl and tk shared library support (Salmon)
o tcl and tk shared library support (Zhu)
o tcl debugger (extended tcl)
o tcl debugger (libes)
o tcl debugger (tromey)
o Tcl extension tools
o Tcl getopt (Earls)
o Tcl getopt (Mangin)
o Tcl getopt (Roydhouse)
o Tcl invocation
o Tcl IPC interface
o Tcl modifications to support threads
o Tcl Packages
o Tcl Packages simplified
o Tcl SQL
o Tcl-DP
o Tcl-DP fix (pauba)
o Tcl-DP with Multicast IP
o Tcl/Tk Japanized; support for Kanji
o tcl_object
o Tcl_SetVar2 fix for append operations
o tcl_streams
o tcl2array
o tclbind
o tclcompare
o tclIV
o tclMIDI
o tclMotif extension of a Matrix widget
o tclOBST
o tclprof
o tclRawTCP
o tclsockets
o tclTCP
o tclTCP+
o tclvogle
o Extended Tcl (tclX)
o tclX dynamic library patches
o tclX / Tk merge
o tclXt
o tclXtsend
o tcpConnect
o TDebug
o testevent
o textView
o text widget 16 bit text support
o text widget enhancements
o text widget improved bindings
o text widget with mathematical notation display support
o text widget underline colors
o theObjects
o this
o thread support
o Tihsho
o Tix widget set
o Tk and C++
o Tk auxiliary library of bindings
o tk Bell and Cutbuffer patches
o tk benzier cubic splines with arbitrary control points
o Tk Canvas Segments
o Tk Emacs bindings (Karrels)
o Tk Emacs bindings (Weissman)
o Tk Emacs widget
o tk equivalent of XTextWidth
o Tk focus follows pointer
o Tk menu insert subcommand
o Tk menu postcommand fix
o tk mwm enhancements
o Tk private color maps (Crocker)
o Tk private color maps (Kliese)
o Tk raster widget
o tk RichText Format widget
o tk send security enhancement
o Tk table widget
o Tk terminal widget
o Tk triangular button
o Tk without X (beta)
o tkFScale
o tkGLXwin
o TkIcon
o tkInput
o TkMegaWidget
o TkMobal
o TkSteal
o tkText (Tk 1.3 compatible - Christenson)
o tkText (Tk 1.3 compatible - Cole)
o tkText (Tk 2.0 compatible)
o TkWindow access
o Tooltalk interface
o Tooltalk interface mods
o Tree Table
o tree widget (brighton)
o turtle graphics
o user event package
o validate
o varframe
o VUM widgets
o warp
o widgetTree
o wincr
o window manager raise command
o fast window manager raise command
o wk
o wmstuff
o WWWinda
o X11 Selection support enhancement
o X11 visual selection subcommand
o X11 XID enhancement (Kaplan)
o X11 XID enhancement (Hoegeman)
o XPG patch to Tcl 7.3
o Xt replay library
o XView Drop support
End of FAQ Index
From: FAQ Tcl/Tk Package Catalog
Subject: -XIII- Since Tcl/Tk appear to be extensible, are there any
common extensions?
What: adatcl
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.cs.colorado.edu/pub/cs/distribs/arcadia/adatcl7.3.tar.Z>
Description: Interface between Verdix/Sunada compiler and Tcl.
Contact: dennis@cs.colorado.edu (Dennis Heimbigner)
What: addinput
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/pub/distrib/addinput-3.6b.Z>
Description: Implements two new Tk file handle callback commands.
Contact: markd@grizzly.com (Mark Diekhans)
What: after command extended
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/TknewAfterCmd3.6a.tar.gz>
Description: The after command is extended to support new subcommands to
query pending commands, abort pending commands, prevent
resubmission of identical commands, edit the command script
after submission, or reschedule submitted command.
Contact: wolf@molout.tutkie.tut.ac.jp (Wolf-D. Ihlenfeldt)
What: Ak extension
Where: <URL:ftp://crl.dec.com/pub/misc/ak-0.7.tar.Z>
Description: Audio toolkit extension for dealing with the AudioFile
environment. Add a prototype for strtod() in ak.h
if you see an error about this.
Contact: payne@openmarket.com (Andrew Payne)
What: argument processing for Tcl
Where: From the contact
Description: Provides Tk-like argument processing to Tcl proc writers.
Contact: karl@NeoSoft.com (Karl Lehenbauer)
What: argument parsing with defaults
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl code to parse arguments and provide default values.
See theObjects-2.x for a C version.
Contact: gandalf@Csli.Stanford.EDU (Juergen Wagner)
Juergen.Wagner@iao.fhg.de (Juergen Wagner)
What: array name string matching extension
Where: From the contact
Description: A small extension to tclVar to allow a pattern to be
used with the "array names" command. An array used as a
2D-array by having elements of the form: matrix(x,y) could be
accessed by: array names matrix "1,*" to return all elements in
the first column.
Contact: sau@dspg.com (Stephen A Uhler)
What: ask
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl routine which prompts the user and then accepts responses
in various data formats (dates, money, boolean, char, integer,
real, string).
Contact: rjk@sparcmill.grauel.com (Richard J Kuhns)
What: base 64 encoding
Where: From the contact
Description: A small Tcl routine to do base 64 encoding.
Contact: cwg@mcc.com (Chris Garrigues)
What: Berkeley DB library interface
Where: In development by the contact
Description: A Tcl interface to the Berkeley DB library.
Contact: eijk@cec.uto.dec.com (Pim van der Eijk)
What: binary I/O
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/binary-io-hack.shar.gz>
Description: Tcl based way of reading binary data containing nulls.
Contact: John@LoVerso.Southborough.MA.US (John Robert LoVerso)
What: big integer to floating enhancement to tcl
Where: From the contact
Description: Change tclExpr so that numbers too large for an integer become
floating point. Change also to treat numbers with leading zeros
as octal.
Contact: nishimu@macro.co.jp (Tosh Nishimura)
What: Blinking widgets
Where: From the contact
Description: Set of Tk procs to blink the widgets
Contact: phil@aic.lockheed.com (Phil Gordon)
What: BLT toolkit
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/BLT-1.7.tar.gz>
Description: Library of Tk extensions. Includes new versions of
x/y graph, barchart, hypertext, and busy widgets, a table geometry
manager, read and write bitmap commands, cut buffer, bell,
minor window manager interfaces, drag and drop support,
and several useful debugging commands.
Contact: george.howlett@att.com (George A. Howlett)
What: BOS
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/bos-1.31.tar.Z>
Description: BOS - the Basic Object System; SELF-like Tcl objects extension.
Contact: snl+bos-requests@cmu.edu (Admin. requests for BOS mailing list)
snl+box@cmu.edu (BOS mailing list)
What: Bumgarner misc tcl functions
Where: From the contact
Description: A set of misc Tcl functions, such as a version of file
that returns true if all the list of options supplied return true,
a proc to clear an array of all elements, a proc to determine
whether a proc exists, and a proc to evaluate a command and then
undefine it.
Contact: bbum@friday.com (Bill Bumgarner)
What: busy window
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/busy-1.1.tar.gz>
Description: Tk extension to create a busy command which prevents the
user from clicking on application buttons while the program is busy.
The author/contact recommends you move to the BLT toolkit.
Contact: george.howlett@att.com (George A. Howlett)
What: C or C++ function called from Tcl
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.forwiss.uni-passau.de/pub/unix/x11/programming/tcl/extensions/min_extention.tar.gz>
Description: A minimal example (in German) of including a C or C++
function in Tcl or Tk.
Contact: iglhaut@turgon.forwiss.uni-passau.de (Stefan Iglhaut)
What: C++ compilation of tk
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tk3.6forC++.patch.gz>
Description: A patch that allows tk 3.6 main.c and other extension routines
to be compiled with a C++ compiler.
Contact: ken@syd.dit.csiro.au (Ken Yap)
What: Calc_Object
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/bc.tar.Z>
Description: A Tcl object which talks to bc via expect.
Contact: tb06@cs1.cc.lehigh.edu (Terrence Brannon) ???
What: calculator
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/calculator.tk.tar.gz>
Description: Simple Tk calculator
Contact: richard.v.booth@att.com (Richard V. Booth)
What: calendar
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk calendar widget
Contact: sani@att.com (Sani Nassif [227]) ???
What: Canvas bitmap mask extension (Earls)
Where: From the contact
Description: Patch tkCanvBmap to add a -mask option to Canvas Bitmaps.
Contact: darkfox@netcom.com (Johnson Michael Earls)
What: Canvas bitmap mask extension (Fine)
Where: From the contact
Description: Patch file for tkCanvBmap to add a -mask option for drawing
Contact: fine@cis.ohio-state.edu (Thomas A Fine)
What: Canvas clipping speedup
Where: From the contact
Description: Patch to 3.6p1 to give a -bufferoutput flag which discards
output outside the scrollregion.
Contact: gs@ivu-berlin.de (Gregor Schmid)
What: Canvas postscript output color change
Where: From the contact
Description: Currently, some color conversions to monochrome by the
canvas command turn out unexpected - green prints out as white
instead of black for instance.
Contact: DAHMS@ifk20.mach.uni-karlsruhe.de (Heribert Dahms)
What: Canvas support of open Tcl file
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk 3.6 canvas postscript subcommand enhancement to accept
open Tcl file in -file option.
Contact: tromey@busco.lanl.gov (Tom Tromey)
What: Canvas support of polygon outlines and Hermite smoothing
Where: From the contact
Description: Adds an outline option to the canvas polygon. It also implements
a new smoothing algorithm, using Hermite polynomials instead of
Bezier curves.
Contact: oliver@hera.fysik4.kth.se (Oliver Trepte)
What: Canvas support of printing umlaut
Where: From the contact
Description: Patch to prolog.ps to allowing printing of umlauts.
Contact: fritz.heinrichmeyer@fernuni-hagen.de (Johann Friedrich Heinrichmeyer)
Where: From the contact
Description: o-o programming based on Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)
Contact: braver@cs.berkeley.edu (Michael Braverman)
What: command line bindings for entry widget
Where: From the contact
Description: Bindings to turn an entry widget into a command line.
Contact: schmid@fb3-s7.math.TU-Berlin.DE (Gregor Schmid)
What: colorfocus replacement system
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk replacement code to inform the window manager about
non-standard colormaps.
Contact: paulus@cs.anu.edu.au (Paul Mackerras)
What: color settings
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl procedure to select appropriate color whether machine is
color or monochrome
Contact: gandalf@Csli.Stanford.EDU (Juergen Wagner)
Juergen.Wagner@iao.fhg.de (Juergen Wagner)
What: color approximation matching
Where: From the contact
Description: Patch to Tk 3.6 tkcolor which allows one to get the closest
available color in the color map using color distance measure.
Contact: mahadev@ERC.MsState.Edu (Shekhar Mahadevan)
What: Connect to TCP/IP socket
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl command to connect to a TCP/IP socket
Contact: ymi@structure.Stanford.EDU (Youssef Ismail)
What: Convert strings to and from WWW escape notation
Where: From the contact
Description: Set of routines to do the expansion and condensation of
special characters to escape characters for HTML. These
were called xh2a and ah2x.
Contact: jmu@fokus.gmd.de (Joachim Mueller)
What: Tcl crypt
Where: From the contact
Description: While useful in it's own right, the intention here was
to provide a very small example of how to integrate C functions
into Tcl and Tk.
Contact: nickel@prz.tu-berlin.de (Juergen Nickelsen)
What: ctaxt
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/ctaxt1.2.tar.gz>
Description: Combine Tcl/Tk with other X Window toolkits (like Motif)
into a single graphical user interface.
Contact: pleiss@expgb.esrf.fr (Holger Pleiss)
What: dashproc
Where: From the contact
Description: Defines procedures that take Tk like options and forces them
to become variables in your procedure.
Contact: phil@aic.lockheed.com (Phil Gordon)
What: dashed items in canvas
Where: <URL:ftp://zenon.inria.fr/pub/tk/tkCanvDashed.tar.Z>
Description: New function to be linked into interpreter.
Contact: frank.mangin@sophia.inria.fr (Frank Mangin)
What: database (Otto)
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl/Tk frontend to a simple database.
Contact: rgotto@vnet.ibm.com (Richard G. Otto)
What: DBM 1.6 interface
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tcl interface to db-1.6 , the new BSD DBM replacement.
Contact: phk@login.dkuug.dk (Poul-Henning Kamp)
What: define bitmaps in tk scripts
Where: From the contact
Description: Add a Tk command called defbitmap which allows you to define the
hex codes for a bitmap to be used in a script.
Contact: ishisone@sra.co.jp (Makoto Ishisone)
What: deck.tk
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/deck.tk.gz>
Description: A simple implementation of InterViews "deck" widget
Contact: vanandel@ncar.ucar.edu (Joe VanAndel)
What: Dialog box maker
Where: <URL:http://www.cygnus.com/%7Eeichin/grapheditor/mkdialog>
Description: Tk dialog box code.
Contact: eichin@cygnus.com (Mark Eichin)
What: Diehard
Where: From the contact
Description; A set of packages to provide distribution functions,
random number generators, and a package of test driver, with
a Tk wrapper to provide a point and click interface.
Contact: naras@euler.bd.psu.edu (Balasubramanian Narasimhan)
What: Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) widgets
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk DAG display widget (computed in LISP and visualized in Tk).
To be made available in May, 1993.
Contact: gandalf@Csli.Stanford.EDU (Juergen Wagner)
Juergen.Wagner@iao.fhg.de (Juergen Wagner)
What: Directory Tree Widget
Where: From the contact
Description: An MS-Windows File Manager like widget, written in C for Tk.
Contact: ioi@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Ioi Kim Lam)
What: Disjoint listbox selections (Ewing)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/Listbox.patch.gz>
Description: Tk 3.x listbox Disjoint selections. MListbox-patch is
specifically for Tk 3.6.
Contact: redhat@netcom.com (Marc R. Ewing)
heiko@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Heiko Schroeder)
What: Disjoint listbox selections (Ewing/Lutz)
Where: From the contact
Description: Port of Ewing's patch to the latest Tk.
Contact: dal@wimsey.com (Dale Lutz)
What: Disjoint listbox selections (Raines)
Where: <URL:ftp://bohr.physics.upenn.edu/pub/tk/disjoint-1.4.tar.gz>
Description: Code similar to that used by TkMail generalized.
Contact: raines@bohr.physics.upenn.edu (Paul E. Raines)
What: Disjoint listbox selections (Wunderli)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/MListbox-patch>
Description: Enables Tk 3.6 to have non-contiguous selections.
Contact: wunderli@inf.ethz.ch (Martin Andre Wunderli)
What: Drag and Drop in Tcl
Where: From the contact
Description: Implementation of Drag and Drop without using BLT.
Contact: flores@ebi.ac.uk (Tom Flores)
What: Dynamic loading wish
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/dlwish.tar.gz>
Description: Assists in building a wish with a load command which can
be used to incorporate a Tcl/Tk library which has been
dynamically linked and follows the Bollini format. Has been
superseded by shells-1.1.
Contact: mdm@cis.ohio-state.edu (Michael D. Moore)
What: eiftcl
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/eiftcl.tar.gz>
Description: Provide basic facilities for combining the programming
languages Eiffel and Tcl into a hybrid program
Contact: stephan@cs.tu-berlin.de (Stephan Herrmann)
What: Enabled Mail
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mrose/safe-tcl/safe-tcl.tar.Z>
Description: Incoming email processing tool based on Tcl. Software
also available which can build MIME messages and send them.
Incoming email processing includes ability to execute
encapsulated Tcl programs at delivery or upon viewing.
Contact: safe-tcl-request@uunet.uu.net
What: entry widget numeric edit
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk code to enter numbers only in an entry widget.
Contact: gerd@intellektik.informatik.th-darmstadt.de (Gerd Neugebauer)
What: event dispatching library, non-X based
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/libnix-1.1.tar.gz>
Description: A non-X based Event Dispatching library.
Contact: alexm@vlsi.gsfc.nasa.gov (Alex Measday)
What: every command
Where: From the contact
Description: Execute a command immediately and every n seconds thereafter.
Contact: burdick@ars.rtp.nc.us (Bill Burdick)
What: file I/O as events
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tk file handler command which uses Tk_CreateFileHandler().
Contact: sclayman@cs.ucl.ac.uk (Stuart Clayman)
What: file select (da Silva)
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tk file selection procedure based on the Amiga standard
file requestor.
Contact: peter@taronga.com (Peter da Silva)
What: file select (Sherman)
Where: From the contact
Description: A "more over-developed file-selection mechanism".
Contact: asherman@i-kinetics.com (Aaron Sherman)
What: file select (Silva)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/fileselect.tcl.gz>
Description: file selector box
Contact: msilva@cs.Berkeley.EDU (Mario Jorge Silva)
What: find center of X display
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk procedures to find the location so that window can be
Contact: vishy@gamma.radiology.wisc.edu (Viswanathan Narayanan)
What: font settings
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl package "getfont" which returns a font matching request
as closely as possible.
Contact: spencer@med.umich.edu (Spencer W. Thomas)
What: foreach additional list enhancement
Where: From the contact
Description: Enhance the Tcl foreach to support more than one list.
Contact: wayne@pmac.com (Wayne A. Christopher)
What: FreeBSD math fix
Where: From the contact
Description: Two small fixes required for the port of tcl to FreeBSD
to be completely successful.
Contact: bri@qualcomm.com (Brian Ellis)
What: French keyboard bindings
Where: From the contact
Description: Set of Tk bindings to allow input of French special keys.
Contact: xavier@spider.cma.fr (Xavier Fornari)
What: FSBox - file selection box
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/FSBox.tar.Z>
Description: Tk 3.x File Selection dialog box
Contact: garfield@cs.tu-berlin.de (Sven Delmas)
What: fumx
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.dcs.gla.ac.uk/pub/glasgow-fp/authors/Duncan_Sinclair/fumx.*>
Description: Tk/Tcl extension that allows it to front-end other languages.
Contact: sinclair@dis.strath.ac.uk (Duncan Sinclair)
What: GDBM Tcl interface (Doan)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclgdbm1.0.tar.gz>
Description: A Tcl interface to the GNU DBM database software.
Contact: tdoan@bnr.ca (Tuan Doan)
What: GDBM Tcl interface (Lindig)
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.ips.cs.tu-bs.de/pub/local/sw/tcl+gdbm-0.1.tar.gz>
Description: A rewrite to Tcl for GNU gdbm file access. Implements
persistent maps from key strings to data strings.
Contact: lindig@ips.cs.tu-bs.de (Christian Lindig)
What: getdate
Where: From the contact
Description: Adds getdate command to tcl interpreter.
Contact: mh@wx.gtegsc.com (Michael Hoegeman)
What: GLXAux bindings
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.cs.princeton.edu/pub/dwallach/glxaux-1.0.tar.gz>
Description: Set of Tcl bindings for most GL commands and
Perl script to generate Tcl bindings given prototypes of
C procedures.
Note there is an Xlib emulation of SGI's GL at
Contact fred@thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE (Fred Hucht) for
Contact: dwallach@cs.princeton.edu (Dan Wallach)
What: graph
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/graph-1.1.tar.gz>
Description: XY graphic plot and hypertext widgets for Tk 2.x
The author/contact recommends you move to the BLT toolkit.
Contact: george.howlett@att.com (George Howlett)
What: GRASS GIS widget
Where: From the contact
Description: Contact has an alpha version of a GRASS GIS display only
widget. Can display multiple themes in overlay or replace mode.
More details when contact has progressed.
Contact: tmoore@pnfi.forestry.ca (Tom Moore) ,
grassu-request@moon.cecer.army.mil (GRASS Users' email list)
What: GroupKit
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/pub/projects/grouplab/software/groupkit-2.3.tar.Z>
Description: Tcl/Tk based version of InterViews GroupKit.
Contact: saul@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Dr Saul Greenberg) ,
roseman@edm.isac.ca (Mark Roseman)
What: hierarchy class
Where: From the contact
Description: Mentioned in passing by a comp.lang.tcl poster as
being related to a query made about collapsible hierarchy widgets.
Not yet released.
Contact: phil@aic.lockheed.com (Phil Gordon)
What: hierQuery
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/tcl/code/hierQuery.tcl.gz>
Description: Tk based interactive widget browser and configuration tool,
now used by XF.
Contact: normanb@citi.umich.edu (david richardson)
What: HTML for Alpha
Where: From the contact.
Description: an early version of an HTML editing mode for
the MacOS Tcl-based Alpha editor.
Contact: swb1@cornell.edu (Scott W Brim)
What: Hush
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.cs.vu.nl/eliens/hush-1.2.tar.Z>
Description: C++ API for Tcl/Tk
Contact: eliens@cs.vu.nl (A Eliens)
What: iconbutton
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk 1.4 button widget which displays bitmap
Contact: Trevor.Lowe@comp.vuw.ac.nz (Trevor Lowe) ???
What: image browser
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk image browser, based on a extended canvas widget.
Displays P[BGP]M files, overlays files, etc.
Contact: mdw@cs.cornell.edu (Matt Welsh)
What: [incr Tcl]
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/itcl-1.5.tar.gz>
Description: Set of extensions to support object-oriented programming in Tcl.
Provides the notion of a class of objects, allowing related
procedures to be encapsulated together with their shared data
in a local namespace hidden from the rest of the program.
This will, for example, allow you to create new widgets based
on previously existing widgets.
Contact: michael.mclennan@att.com (Michael J. McLennan)
What: [incr Tcl] Compound widget class
Where: From the contact
Description: An itcl abstract base class for compound widgets.
Contact: np2@doc.ic.ac.uk (Nat Pryce)
What: [incr Tcl] file selection dialog
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/itcl_FileSelect.src.gz>
Description: Motif-like file selection dialog using [incr Tcl].
Contact: mulferts@spd.dsccc.com (Mark L. Ulferts)
ellis@sctc.com (Shawn Ellis)
What: [incr Tcl] Message Box
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/MessageBox.itcl.gz>
Description: Motif like MessageBox widget with bitmaps.
Contact: mulferts@spd.dsccc.com (Mark L. Ulferts)
What: [incr Tcl] Paned Window
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/itcl_PanedWindow-1.3.tcl.gz>
Description: Paned window widget using primitive widgets.
Contact: mulferts@spd.dsccc.com (Mark L. Ulferts)
What: [incr Tcl] Panner Window
Where: From the contact
Description: A Panner widget build as a wigwam [incr Tcl] widget.
Contact: j.k.wight@newcastle.ac.uk (Jim Wight)
What: [incr Tcl] stacks and queues
Where: From the contact
Description: Stacks and queues implemented in [incr Tcl] arrays.
Contact: dmeggins@aix1.uottawa.ca (David Megginson)
What: [incr Tcl] table widget
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/table-1.01.tar.gz>
Description: Port of a C++/InterViews table widget to incr_tcl.
Contact: khan@pslu1.psl.wisc.edu (Mumit Khan)
What: [incr Tcl] Transportable Objects
Where: From the contact
Description: A [incr Tcl] class implementing a base transportable object class.
Contact: donald@strawberry.UK.Sun.COM (Donald Edgar - SUN Scotland) ???
What: [incr Tcl] widget base class
Where: From the contact
Description: A modification of Pryce's widget base class to
support proper destroy handling.
Contact: mark@lannet.com (Mark Sterin)
What: [incr Tcl] wigwam
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/wigwam-1.5b.tar.gz>
Description: A 'bundle of tricks' that enables the Tk widgets
to be regarded as [incr Tcl] classes.
Contact: J.K.Wight@newcastle.ac.uk (Jim Wight)
lindsay.marshall@newcastle.ac.uk (Lindsay Marshall)
What: Informix interface
Where: From the contact
Description: Interface between Informix and Tcl/TK.
Contact: Sean.Levy@cs.cmu.edu
What: Kerberos-authenticated safe RPC
Where: In development by the contact
Description: A secure distributed processing package using Kerberos.
Contact: madere@bga.com (Steve Madere)
What: Key List printing procedures
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/keylprint.tlib.Z>
Description: Pretty printing TclX keylists for human consumption.
Contact: spencer@med.umich.edu (Spencer W. Thomas)
What: Key symbol dynamic support
Where: From the contact
Description: patch to tkBind.c to look up non-standard Key symbols using Xlib.
Contact: Nick.Ing-Simmons@tiuk.ti.com (Nick Ing-Simmons)
What: Key symbols enhanced support
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk enhancement for additional keysym support.
Contact: Michael.Salmon@eos.ericsson.se (Michael Salmon)
What: Lamda functions (Demailly)
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl code to implement Lamda like functions.
Contact: dl@hplyot.obspm.fr (Laurent Demailly)
What: Lamda pure Tcl functions (Noble)
Where: From the contact
Description: Provide support for unnamed procs in Tcl.
Contact: kjx@comp.vuw.ac.nz (R James Noble)
What: Lamda anonymous procedures (Thomas)
Where: From the contact
Description: Set of Tcl modifications to allow definition of anonymous
(unnamed) procedures
Contact: spencer@med.umich.edu (Spencer W. Thomas)
What: Lamda functions (Tromey)
Where: From the contact
Description: Hack to the unknown function to provide a simple
implementation of anonymous Lamda functions.
Contact: tromey@busco.lanl.gov (Tom Tromey)
What: Lamda functions (Wallach)
Where: From the contact
Description: Simple proc to provide a Lamda-like capability in Tcl.
Contact: dwallach@cs.Princeton.EDU (Dan Wallach)
What: lassign
Where: From the contact
Description: Assign elements of list to the given variables.
Contact: halazar@media.mit.edu (Michael Halle)
What: Lightweight plotting to canvas
Where: From the contact
Description: Extension to TkPixmap to support plotting, clearing and
copying of user-defined pixmaps to a canvas.
Contact: martin@ner.com (Martin Smith)
What: Linear sort on list of lists
Where: From the contact
Description: Alphanumeric comparison for linear sort of lists.
Contact: matt@deshaw.com (Matthew Newman)
What: lisp2wish (Kaye)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/lisp2wish6.tar.Z>
Description: Modified version of Kramer's package.
Contact: kaye@linc.cis.upenn.edu (Jonathan Kaye)
What: lisp2wish (Kramer)
Where: From the contact
Description: Common Lisp to tk interface. Demonstrates how one
may communicate synchronously between a lisp process and a
tcl/tk process.
Contact: kramer@cs.toronto.edu (Bryan M Kramer)
What: list select
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/listselect.tcl.gz>
Description: Simple file selector
Contact: msilva@cs.Berkeley.EDU (Mario Jorge Silva)
What: list quicksort
Where: From the contact
Description: short set of Tcl routines which implement the quicksort
algorithm over lists using user-defined comparison function.
Contact: np2@doc.ic.ac.uk (Nat Pryce)
What: listbox replace command
Where: From the contact
Description: Rather than deleting and inserting items, this new command
replaces text in place.
Contact: rtb@lata.demon.co.uk (Rob Blackbourn)
What: lmatch
Where: From the contact
Description: TclX code to return subsets of lists, based on patterns.
Contact: loverso@osf.org (John Robert LoVerso)
What: Tk login window
Where: From the contact
Description: A Login and Password proc for logging into ORACLE. Could
be adapted for other types of login needs.
Contact: Andy.Caiger@bbsrc.ac.uk (Andy Caiger)
What: Common Menu support
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk code to define menu panes and use those panes in menu bars
or popup menus.
Contact: mark@lannet.com (Mark Sterin)
What: Metacanvas
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk extension to read and write canvas metafiles.
Contact: np2@doc.ic.ac.uk (Nat Pryce)
What: Metalbase interface
Where: From the contact
Description: A dirty little interface between Metalbase 5.0 and Tcl.
This author also has written a DiamondBase extension.
Contact: poenisch@wirtschaft.tu-chemnitz.de (Jens Poenisch)
What: miniSQL database interface
Where: <URL:ftp://Bond.edu.au/pub/Bond_Uni/Minerva/msql/contrib/tcl_msql.tar.gz>
Description: MiniSQL is a simple database that uses a subset of SQL for
data definition and manipulation. It lacks features like join,
integrity checks, etc. but has enough to be useful.
It can be located in the second URL above.
Contact: pepersb@cuug.ab.ca (Brad Pepers)
What: Moat/TclMotif
Where: <URL:ftp://csc.canberra.edu.au/pub/motif/tclMotif/tclMotif.*.tar.z>
Description: A Tcl shell (moat) which uses Motif widgets rather than
Tk widgets. A mailing list is available on
listserv@ise.canberra.edu.au ; send a subscribe tclMotif <your name>
line to join.
Contact: jan@pandonia.canberra.edu.au (Jan Newmarch)
What: Modula 3 interface to Tcl/Tk
Where: From the standard Modula 3 distribution
Description: Interface to Tcl/Tk. See distribution for more details
Contact: Unknown
What: moreButtons
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/moreButtons-1.2.tar.gz>
Description: Small collection of extensions to Tk 3.4 which add a simple
triangular button like the ones at the ends of scroll bar
and a button which can have both bitmap and text.
Contact: simmdan@isu.edu (Daniel Simmons)
Where: <URL:ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/rom/euuc-freeware/MISCELLA/TCL/TCLMOTIF.Z>
Description: Ultrix port of Tcl 6 with Motif extension.
Contact: barlow@decwet.enet.dec.com (Doug Barlow, DECwest NSM/AD)
What: mouse button release command
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tk command to indicate explicitly that the mouse button
has been released - resolves problems where local grabs and
mouse button conflicts are encountered.
Contact: golding@merl.com (Andy Golding)
What: Multibyte Support for Tk
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/patch-16bit.0.2.1.tar.gz>
Description: Tk 3.2 support for 2 byte character strings.
Contact: furukawa@apricot.kek.jp (Kazuro Furukawa)
What: Multi-column menus for Tk 3.6
Where: From the contact
Description: Patch to implement multi-column menus for tk3.6.
Contact: schilz@mpi-sb.mpg.de (Thomas Schilz)
What: Multiple Extensions Management and Dynamic Linking
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/shells-1.1.tar.gz>
Description: A small package for dynamic loading of Tcl/Tk extensions as
suggested during the Tcl 93 Workshop. Includes a basic Tcl shell,
a modified wish shell, and a dynamic extension loader for SunOS.
Contact: bollini@ipvvis.UNIPV.IT (Alessandro Bollini)
rubini@ipvvis.unipv.it (Alessandro Rubini)
What: Multiple interpreter support
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/minterp-0.9.tar.gz>
Description: Create/control Multiple Interpreters from TCL, and also
Object Oriented Programming.
Contact: david@davids.mmdf.com (David Herron)
What: net CDF
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/net_tcl.tar.gz>
Description: Tcl wish with hooks for netCDF (???)
Contact: Unknown
What: Network Management / SNMP
Where: <URL:ftp://nexus.yorku.ca/pub/tcl_snmp/>
Description: An initial implementation of an API for SNMP. This is currently
being reworked in the light of SNMPv2. Please check with the mail-
server for current status. Send a help line to the mailserver
for details of signing up for the SNMP tcl mailing list.
Also note that packages such as
tcl_curses, tcl_dbm, tcl_mib, tclnm, and tcl_snmp or tk_snmp
are available.
Contact the mailing list to ask for details.
Contact: majordomo@data.fls.dk (Mailing service daemon)
What: NeXTSTEP / Tcl interface (Johnson)
Where: <URL:ftp://media.mit.edu/pub/WavesWorld/WW1.0B2Complete.tar>
Description: This is a strictly NeXTSTEP interface. One of the two palettes
included in this release is WWTCLWidgets one take on how to integrate
Tcl into the NeXTSTEP development environment.
The other palette makes use of the Tcl widget palette.
The other WavesWorld palettes, on <URL:ftp://media.mit.edu/pub/WavesWorld/,>
integrate Tcl into IB, complete with a suite of UI objects,
and a 3D modeling language called eve, which is basically tcl with a
full RenderMan binding. The WWTCLWidgetsPalette includes a WWTCLInterp,
which is an objective-C wrapper around a Tcl interp.
Contact: wave@media.mit.edu (Michael B. Johnson)
What: NextStep / Tcl MAB
Where: <URL:ftp://cs.orst.edu/pub/next/submissions/>
Description: A Tcl 7.3 MAB - unfortunately, I don't speak NextStep so
that's about all I know.
Contact: Unknown
What: NIS+ interface library
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/nistcl-0.02.tar.gz>
Description: Super pre-alpha release of a TCL interface SunOS 5.x NIS+ library.
Contact: mwette@csi.jpl.nasa.gov (Matt Wette)
What: Numeric Array extension to Tcl
Where: <URL:ftp://overload.lbl.gov/pub/narray/>
Description: Provide support for large in-memory multi-dimensional numeric
arrays. Also provides support for applying Tcl functions over each
element of the array in a byte code compiled format.
Contact: slshen@lbl.gov (Sam Shen)
What: Objective C / Tcl library
Where: <URL:ftp://cs.rochester.edu/pub/libcoll/libtclobjc-1.0.tar.gz>
Description: A library consists of objects and support functions for
communicating between Objective-C and Tcl/Tk. From Tcl you can send
messages to Objective-C objects and get textual representations of
what's returned. The library requires gcc-2.5.8 or higher,
tcl-7.3, tk-3.6, libcoll-931026, libreadline and GNU make.
There is also a NextSTeP version available as well.
Contact: mccallum@cs.rochester.edu (R. Andrew McCallum)
What: Open Scripting Architecture (Apple) Extension
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.msen.com/pub/vendor/ice>
Description: Mac tickle extension for Apple's OSA communication.
Contact: Tim Endres
What: OpenWindows tkBind mod
Where: From the contact
Description: One line patch to change the Alt modifier from using Mod2
to using Mod4.
Contact: darkfox@netcom.com (Johnson Michael Earls)
What: Oracle extension to Tcl.
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/oratcl-2.11.tar.gz>
Description: Provide access to a Oracle Database server from within Tcl.
Based on Tcl 7.3.
Contact: tpoind@advtech.uswest.com (Tom Poindexter) or
tpoindex@nyx.cs.du.edu (Tom Poindexter)
What: Pacco (Pavia Active-Component Compound Objects)
Where: <URL:ftp://iride.unipv.it/pub/Pacco/pacco-0.6.tz>
Description: A way to manage binary objects in a distributed environment.
Adds image display capabilities to the tk widget set.
Uses Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6, and prefers use of the shells-1.1 environment.
Contact: rubini@ipvvis.unipv.it (Alessandro Rubini)
alberto@ipvvis.unipv.it (Alberto Biancardi)
What: Pack widget with no shrink option
Where: From the contact
Description: Code to add a noshrink option to Pack so that each button
can be the same size.
Contact: welch@parc.xerox.com (Brent Welch)
What: package extension
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/package0.1.patch.gz>
Description: Tcl 7 extension to allow collections of related variables
and procedures.
Contact: cimarron@montage.com (Cimarron Taylor)
What: Password widget
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk entry box widget which does not show it's contents.
Should appear in tkauxlib 2.0.
Contact: kennykb@crd.ge.com (Kevin B. Kenny)
What: Photo widget
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/photo-2.4.tar.gz>
Description: widget which displays a monochrome or color image using dithering
Contact: paulus@cs.anu.edu.au (Paul Mackerras)
What: Pie menus
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/tkpie.tar.Z>
Description: Menus presented as a slice of a pie rather than a box.
Contact: don@toad.com (Don Hopkins)
What: Pixel position of a character
Where: From the contact
Description: Get the pixel positions of characters.
Contact: eric@pandora.Las-Vegas.NV.US (Eric J. Schwertfeger)
What: Pixmap support
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/TkPixmap3.6h.tar.gz>
Description: Tk 3.x tkBitmap.c modification to support pixmap images with
-bitmap option. Supports Xpm3, bitmap, and gif.
Contact: garfield@cs.tu-berlin.de (Sven Delmas)
What: Portable Tk
Where: <URL:ftp://sauna.cs.hut.fi/pub/tk/>
Description: A proof of portability project to make a version of tk which
is portable between Microsoft Windows 3.1, X Window System and
hopefully at some time in the future MacOS, Amiga, and OS/2.
Contact: ohttk@niksula.hut.fi (Portable Tk group)
What: Postgres extensions
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/PQTcl.tar.gz>
Description: C and C++ versions of interface to the UCB libPQ Postgres
relational database.
Contact: rmaxwell@ossi.COM (Robin J. Maxwell)
What: procedure tracing
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl procedure tracing package.
Contact: bsmith@CS.cornel.EDU (Brian Smith)
What: Prolog / Tcl interface
Where: <URL:ftp://clement.info.umoncton.ca/pub/BinProlog/BinProlog.2.20.tar.gz>
Description: Prolog environment which allows one to also manipulate
Tcl and Tk objects.
Contact: binprolog@info.umoncton.ca.
What: pset
Where: From the contact
Description: Proc which allows a parallel set command. Note that at least
two versions of this were posted.
Contact: ted@crl.nmsu.edu (Ted Dunning)
What: PV-WAVE interface
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl interfaces to PV-WAVE.
Contact: vanandel@ncar.ucar.edu (Joe VanAndel)
What: random numbers (Eichin)
Where: <URL:http://www.cygnus.com/%7Eeichin/random-tcl.html>
Description: Tcl random number generator using Knuth 3.6 algorithm to
generate 16 bit numbers.
Contact: eichin@cygnus.com (Mark Eichin)
What: random numbers (Libes)
Where: From the contact
Description: Modified Samon random function for better behavior.
Contact: libes@cme.nist.gov (Don Libes)
What: random numbers (Salmon)
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk script displaying Salmon random function.
Contact: glen_fullmer@pts.mot.com (Glen Fullmer)
What: random numbers (Schoenwaelder)
Where: From the contact
Description: Simple Tcl script to generate random numbers.
Contact: schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de (Juergen Schoenwaelder)
What: random numbers (Shiono)
Where: From the contact
Description: Simple random number generator.
Contact: tshiono@cv.sony.co.jp (Toru Shiono)
What: readline-like function support for tcl (West)
Where: From the contact
Description: Mods to tclMain to provide support for the GNU readline
interface or with a few changes another similar interface.
Contact: west@lux.tsd.itg.ti.com (Roger West)
What: readline-like function support for tk (Miguel)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tk_readline-1.2.patch.gz>
Description: Tk 3.6 patches for GNU readline support.
Contact: miguel@roxanne.nuclecu.unam.mx (Miguel de Icaza)
What: Rectmap
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tk drawing widget which one can use to create various
Contact: helthuis@cs.utwente.nl (Bert Helthuis)
What: RenderMan bindings
Where: From the contact
Description: Set of bindings to external RenderMan toolkit.
Contact: wave@media.mit.edu (Michael B. Johnson)
What: Reregister interpreter name
Where: From the contact (or from the mxedit source code)
Description: Code allows user to change the name of the interpreter.
Contact: welch@parc.xerox.com (Brent Welch)
What: Safe Tcl Interpreter (MRose)
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mrose/safe-tcl/safe-tcl.tar.Z>
Description: Safe Tcl by M. Rose.
Contact: mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us (M Rose)
What: Safe Tcl Interpreter (NeoSoft)
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl cmds to provide some level of security.
Contact: karl@NeoSoft.com (Karl Lehenbauer)
What: Save Variables
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl procedures to save off Tcl variables and their values.
Contact: David.Martland@brunel.ac.uk (David Martland)
What: Scheme extension
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/kfisler/>
Description: Schemepkg is a Tcl/Tk package that provides an interface to
a Scheme interpreter from within Tcl scripts. This is not
a Scheme interpreter for Tk - it is merely a set of Tcl commands
that can be used to evaluate Scheme code from within Tcl scripts.
It is based on Brent Benson's Libscheme, which is required
to use Schemepkg.
Contact: kfisler@cs.indiana.edu (Kathi Fisler)
What: searchbox
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/searchbox-1.0.1.tar.Z>
Description: Tk widget written that provides Emacs-like searching bindings
and incremental, exact and regular expression searching
abilities to Tk text widgets.
Contact: phelps@cs.berkeley.edu (Tom Phelps)
What: secure tcl
Where: From the contact
Description: Extension to provide a send message evaluator
Contact: fine@cis.ohio-state.edu (Thomas A Fine)
What: showproc.tcl
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/showproc.tcl.Z>
Description: A new showproc
Contact: lance@markv.com (Lance Ellinghouse)
What: SIPP extensions
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tsipp-3.1a.tar.gz>
Description: 3D rendering toolkit for Tcl and Tk based on the SImple
Polygon Processor (SIPP)
Contact: markd@grizzly.com (Mark Diekhans)
What: Spreadsheet
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/newspread.tar.Z>
Description: Tk spreadsheet like widget, built using canvas and text
Contact: cstruble@gnu.ai.mit.edu. (Craig Struble)
What: SQL support
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/isqltcl.tar.gz>
Description: A standard document for adding SQL support in Tcl and
full blown support for INFORMIX in Tcl/Tk. Now at version 2.1.
Contact: skumar@netcom.com (Srinivas Kumar)
What: sticker
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tksticker-1.0.tar.gz>
Description: A "sticker" is a rectangle with text inside but which truncates
if it's too long e.g. after the canvas is scaled. The text can be
drawn vertically and/or repeated. You can also draw a (filled) bar;
we use it showing percentage of a job's completeness. You may use
mouse enter/leave bindings to put the complete text in a status line.
No hacks nor patches to TCL7.2-3/TK3.5-6 and dynamically loadable.
Contact: dahms@ifk20.mach.uni-karlsruhe.de (Heribert Dahms)
What: structure like objects in Tcl
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tcl command that lets you use arrays similarly to structs.
Contact: burdick@ars.rtp.nc.us (Bill Burdick)
What: SunOS dld package
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl front end for SunOS 4.x dynamic loading routines.
Contact: jlc@adaclabs.com (Jean-Luc Chatelain)
What: Sybase Tcl
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/sybtcl-2.11.tar.gz>
Description: Tcl 7.3 interface to Sybase database server, using SQL.
Also requires the Sybase Open Client (DB-Library) package.
Contact: tpoindex@nyx.cs.du.edu (Tom Poindexter)
tpoind@advtech.uswest.com (Tom Poindexter)
What: System V ipc
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/svipc-2.1.1.tar.gz>
Description: Tcl interface to System V IPC facilities. Supports
Tcl 7.3, Tk 3.6, TclX 7.3a.
Contact: kelsey@mdd.comm.mot.com (Joe Kelsey)
What: tcl and tk shared library support (Brown)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tk3.6.sharedlibs.patch.gz>
Description: Set of patches which assume you use gcc 2.x.x which supports
the -shared option
Contact: philb@soda.berkeley.edu (Philip Brown)
What: tcl and tk shared library support (Salmon)
Where: From the contact
Description: Patches to Makefile.in that allows both HP/UX and SunOS 4
to build shared libraries.
Contact: Michael.Salmon@eos.ericsson.se (Michael Salmon)
What: tcl and tk shared library support (Zhu)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/tcltk_shlib0.4.tar.Z>
Description: new Makefile.in files for Tcl and Tk to support
building both shared and static libraries.
Contact: xiaokun@stats.gla.ac.uk (Xiaokun Zhu)
What: tcl debugger (extended tcl)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tcl.debugger.gz>
Description: tclX source level limited debugger (patch to tclX)
Contact: karl@NeoSoft.com (Karl Lehenbauer)
What: tcl debugger (libes)
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.cme.nist.gov/pub/expect/tcl-debug.tar.Z>
Description: Tcl debugger patterned after gdb and dbx which can be added
easily to any Tcl/Tk application.
Contact: libes@cme.nist.gov (Don Libes)
What: tcl debugger (tromey)
Where: From the contact
Description: An extension to Libes' Tcl debugger which provides filename
and line number associations with statements.
Contact: tromey@klab.caltech.edu (Tom Tromey)
What: Tcl extension tools
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/majorminor.tar.gz>
Description: Extension to provide a development environment to ease
implementing new commands within Tcl/Tk.
Contact: david@davids.mmdf.com (David Herron)
What: Tcl getopt (Earls)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/tclGetOpts.tar.gz>
Description: A Tcl-based getopt function.
Contact: darkfox@netcom.com (Johnson Michael Earls)
What: Tcl getopt (Mangin)
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tcl based getopt function.
Contact: frank.mangin@sophia.inria.fr (Frank Mangin)
What: Tcl getopt (Roydhouse)
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tcl getopt function with expanded options.
Contact: Aaron.Roydhouse@comp.vuw.ac.nz (Aaron Roydhouse)
What: Tcl invocation
Where: From the contact
Description: A C routine which invokes Tcl command passing the
appropriately escaped strings.
Contact: nichols@parc.xerox.com (David Nichols)
What: Tcl IPC interface
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclipc1-0.tar.gz>
Description: Implements Tk's send command without requiring Tk or X11.
Contact: gillies@noao.edu (Kim Gillies)
What: Tcl modifications to support threads
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tcl-7.3-earl.tar.Z>
Description: A set of changes to Tcl 7.3 to make it more thread-sturdy.
Contact: earl@hpato.aus.hp.com (Earl Chew)
What: Tcl Packages
Where: <URL:ftp://toadflax.cs.ucdavis.edu/pub/TclPackage.tar.Z>
Description: Provide ability to create enclosed groups of code which the
user can load as a unit.
Contact: beard@cs.ucdavis.edu (Patrick C. Beard)
What: Tcl Packages simplified
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.fzi.de/pub/OBST/OBST3-3/tclshells.tar.Z>
Description: Small support package which simplifies building a
customized Tcl/Tk interpreter.
Contact: stone@fzi.de
What: Tcl SQL
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclsql-1.1.tar.gz>
Description: tclsql is an INGRES specific Tcl interface to SQL
(Structured Query Language).
Contact: cxh@arsenic.berkeley.edu (Christopher Hylands) ???
What: Tcl-DP
Where: <URL:ftp://mm-ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/multimedia/Tcl-DP/tcl-dp3.2.tar.Z>
Description: Tcl Distributed Programming - a public domain extension
which adds TCP/IP connection management, remote
procedure call and distributed object protocols to Tcl/Tk.
Version 3.0 is a major rewrite.
Contact: tcl-dp@roger-rabbit.CS.Berkeley.EDU or
What: Tcl-DP fix (pauba)
Where: From the contact
Description: A fix to dp_UndistributeObject.
Contact: klp@oh.att.com (kevin.l.pauba)
What: Tcl-DP with Multicast IP
Where: <URL:ftp://agate.lut.ac.uk/pub/mbone/tdpm3.2.tar.Z>
Description: A version of Tcl-DP 3.2 which is patched to include
support for multicast IP communications. It also has an early
prototype of a late-binding RPC system.
Contact: J.P.Knight@lut.ac.uk (Jon P. Knight)
What: Tcl/Tk Japanized; support for Kanji
Where: <URL:ftp://srawgw.sra.co.jp/pub/lang/tcl/jp/tcl7.3jp-update1.gz>
Description: Patch to enable Tk/Tcl to use Kanji.
Contact: tcl-jp-bugs@sra.co.jp (Japanized Tcl Project)
What: tcl_object
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tcl_object.tar.gz>
Description: C++ code which allows you to develop a bi-directional interface
to Tcl. Especially designed for using with the xf interface
Contact: stephan@cs.tu-berlin.de (Stephan Herrmann)
What: Tcl_SetVar2 fix for append operations
Where: From the contact
Description: Fix for above code so that read traces are invoked on
Contact: booga@Sun.COM (Steve Jankowski)
What: tcl_streams
Where: From the contact
Description: System V stream I/O library for Tcl
Contact: peter@taronga.com (Peter da Silva)
What: tcl2array
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.isi.edu/pub/hpcc-papers/touch/tcl2array.tar.Z>
Description: This package assists a developer in creating stand-alone
tk/tcl applications. This treats Tcl/Tk as truly embedded - the
user of an application using this package won't have to install
Tcl/Tk before using the application.
Contact: touch@isi.edu (Joe Touch)
What: tclbind
Where: <URL:ftp://cs.unc.edu/pub/TclBind/>
Description: Code to perform bindings of Tcl commands to C++ member functions.
Required TclX, but can also support TCL-DP.
Contact: menges@cs.unc.edu (John Menges)
What: tclcompare
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclcompare.gz>
Description: Compare two lists for equality
Contact: david@davids.mmdf.com (David Herron)
What: tclIV
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/pub/roseman/tclIV.tar.Z>
Description: Tk wrappers for InterViews 3.1 widgets.
Contact: roseman@edm.isac.ca (Mark Roseman)
What: tclMIDI
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclmidi-2.0.tar.gz>
other comp.sources.misc archives
Description: Tclm is Tcl extended with Standard MIDI file manipulation
Contact: durian@advtech.uswest.com (Mike Durian)
What: tclMotif extension of a Matrix widget
Where: From the contact
Description: Changes to tclMotif to integrate the XbaeMatrixWidget
(a freely distributable Motif efficient, editable matrix widget) into
Contact: sriram@tcs.com (Sriram Srinivasan)
What: tclOBST
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.fzi.de/pub/OBST/OBST3-3/>
Description: Tcl library for the OBST persistent object management system.
Contact: stone@fzi.de
What: tclprof
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclprof.shar.gz>
Description: Tcl performance profiling facility. Works with Tcl 6.4.
Comes as a part of tclX, but does not require it.
Contact: markd@grizzly.com (Mark Diekhans)
What: tclRawTCP
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclRawTCP.shar.gz>
Description: Raw TCP package for Tcl/Tk based on tcpConnect.
Contact: khera@cs.duke.edu (Vivek Khera)
What: tclsockets
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl extension to BSD sockets
Contact: lance@markv.com (Lance Ellinghouse)
What: tclTCP
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclTCP2.1.tar.gz>
Description: Tcl BSD socket library extension
Contact: vanandel@ncar.ucar.edu (Joe VanAndel)
What: tclTCP+
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.wag.caltech.edu/pub/kis/bin/tclTCP+1.0.tar.gz>
Description: Adds inetd, timer, and a few other extensions to tclTCP.
Contact: info@pgrams.com
What: tclvogle
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclvogle.tar.gz>
Description: Tk [23]-D drawing widgets (alpha)
Contact: mh@wx.gtegsc.com (Mike Hoegeman)
What: Extended Tcl (tclX)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclX7.3b.tar.gz>
Description: An essential package of extensions for Tcl. Version 7.3b
is compatible with Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6.
Adds advanced code loading facility, new programming constructs,
debugging and profiling facilities, unix access commands, file
i/o facilities including awk-like scanning for strings, extended
list and a new key list capability, extended character and
string manipulation commands, and time and date manipulation
Contact: tcl-project@NeoSoft.com
What: tclX dynamic library patches
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclX_dld.shar.gz>
Description: Patches to tclX 6.x to support GNU dld (v. 3.2.3) dynamic
Contact: adrianho@nii.ncb.gov.sg (Adrian J Ho)
What: tclX / Tk merge
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tclX-tk2.0.shar.gz>
Description: Replacement files to incorporate tclX with Tk 2.x
Contact: markd@grizzly.com (Mark Diekhans)
What: tclXt
Where: posted to comp.lang.tcl - other locations unknown
Description: Tk hooks to allow calls to Xt routines.
Contact: Unknown
What: tclXtsend
Where: <URL:ftp://csc.canberra.edu.au/pub/motif/tclXtSend/tclXtSend.1.0.tar.Z>
Description: Allow Xt applications to send msgs to Tk applications.
Contact: jan@pandonia.canberra.edu.au (Jan Newmarch)
What: tcpConnect
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tcpConnect.shar.gz>
Description: Tcl/Tk TCP extensions
Contact: pnr@innopoli.ajk.tele.fi (Pekka Nikander)
What: TDebug
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/tdebug-0.9.tar.gz>
Description: Tk debugger one sources into their scripts. Allows single
stepping, etc.
Contact: schmid@fb3-s7.math.TU-Berlin.DE (Gregor Schmid)
What: testevent
Where: From the contact
Description: Code for one of Tk 4.0's extended test commands, testevent,
which allows one to generate arbitrary events.
Contact: John.Ousterhout@eng.sun.com (John Ousterhout)
What: textView
Where: From the contact
Description: Provide a scrolling window on the last few lines of a stream.
Sort of a window on a combination of less and tail -f.
Contact: sclayman@cs.ucl.ac.uk (Stuart Clayman)
What: text widget 16 bit text support
Where: <URL:http://srg01.csd.hku.hk:8000/%7Eypyau/chinese-patch-for-tk>
Description: tkFonts.c change to make it display Chinese text.
Contact: ypyau@hkuxb.hku.hk (Carl Y.P. Yau)
What: text widget enhancements
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/text.constrained.shar.gz>
Description: A variety of constrained Tk text widget, placing a set of
wrappers around the text widget.
Contact: John@LoVerso.Southborough.MA.US (John Robert LoVerso)
What: text widget improved bindings
Where: From the contact
Description: Improved text widget bindings, allowing you to get the
pixel XY coordinates of an index, move up and down one display
line, and select text using shift cursor movements.
Contact: eric@pandora.Las-Vegas.NV.US (Eric J. Schwertfeger)
What: text widget with mathematical notation display support
Where: From the contact
Description: Extended text widget that allows arbitrary geometry
management as well as some [incr Tcl] extended text widgets.
Supports radicals, fractions, equations, and sub-superscripts.
Contact: ilya@runge.mit.edu (Ilya Zakharevich)
What: text widget underline colors
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/TextUnderline.patch.gz>
Description: Modification to text widget to support color for tagged text
and different color for underline.
Contact: xavier@cma.cma.fr (Francois-Xavier Fornari)
What: theObjects
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/theObjects-3.1.tar.gz>
Description: Small prototype-oriented object system.
Contact: Juergen.Wagner@iao.fhg.de (Juergen Wagner)
gandalf@Csli.Stanford.EDU (Juergen Wagner)
What: this
Where: From the contact
Description: An easy way to build Tcl objects.
Contact: cball@etsd.ml.com (Charles Ballance)
What: thread support
Where: From the contact
Description: Set of Tcl commands for the Solaris 2 thread library.
Contact: booga@eng.sun.com (Steve Jankowski)
What: Tihsho
Where: <URL:ftp://catless.ncl.ac.uk/pub/tihsho.tar.gz>
Description: Set of Tcl procs to allow C++ like exception handling.
Contact: lindsay.marshall@newcastle.ac.uk (Lindsay Marshall)
What: Tix widget set
Where: <URL:http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~ioi/tix/3.9a/tix3.9a.html>
Description: FileSelectBox, ComboBox, LabelFrame, ScrolledListBox
DialogButtons widgets and more, all implemented in Tcl scripts.
Includes more Motif-like bindings as well.
Also includes a paper on writing Tk widgets in Tcl.
Contact: ioi@graphics.cis.upenn.edu. (Ioi Kim Lam)
What: Tk and C++
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tk3.3forC++.patch.Z>
Description: A patch to make tk3.3 usable with C++.
Contact: ken@syd.dit.csiro.au (Ken Yap)
What: Tk auxiliary library of bindings
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tkauxlib.tar.gz>
Description: Extensive set of Tk enhancements to add more Motif
compatibility in keyboard bindings, as well as add validation
capabilities and other things.
Contact: kennykb@crd.ge.com (Kevin B. Kenny)
What: tk Bell and Cutbuffer patches
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/bellcut3.2.pat>
Description: Tk 3.2, 2.3, and 2.1 patches to add bell and cutbuffer commands.
Note: Similar capabilities are in the BLT extension.
Contact: davis@dri.cornell.edu (Jim Davis)
Rick_Ohnemus@Sterling.COM (Richard Ohnemus)
What: tk benzier cubic splines with arbitrary control points
Where: From the contact
Description: A proc to calculate curve points
Contact: t-flores@nimr.mrc.ac.uk (Tom Flores)
What: Tk Canvas Segments
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tkCanvSeg.patch.gz>
Description: Create a Canvas Segment object which is one or more disjoint
line segments. A version for Tk 3.3b1 is also available.
Contact: schwartz@cse.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz)
What: Tk Emacs bindings (Karrels)
Where: From the contact
Description: A set of Tk bindings to look like Emacs.
Contact: karrels@mcs.anl.gov (Edward L. Karrels)
What: Tk Emacs bindings (Weissman)
Where: From the contact
Description: A set of Tk bindings for Text and Entry widgets to look like
Emacs. This includes a kill ring, keyboard macros, undo,
numeric prefixes and multikey chords.
Contact: weissman@gte.com (Mark Weissman)
What: Tk Emacs widget
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/TkEmacs1.3.tar.gz>
Description: Emacs widget for the Tk widget set. Allows emacs-lisp code to
be sent to emacs and Tcl code to be sent from emacs to Tcl.
Works with tk2.3 and tk3.0 (and should work with tk3.1 when it
is available). Contains patches for GNU Emacs 18.58 and 18.59.
Contact: garfield@cs.tu-berlin.de (Sven Delmas)
What: tk equivalent of XTextWidth
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk wrapper for XTextWidth that computes the width of
a medium width character in pixels.
Contact: johnmay@cs.ucsd.edu (John May)
What: Tk focus follows pointer
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/focus3.1a.PATCH.gz>
Description: Tk 3.[12] patch to implement focus follows pointer and
key propagation model.
Contact: kennard@ohm.eecs.Berkeley.EDU (Kennard White)
What: Tk menu insert subcommand
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk 3.6 menu widget insert subcommand allowing you to
insert anywhere in the menu.
Contact: tromey@busco.lanl.gov (Tom Tromey)
What: Tk menu postcommand fix
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk 3.6 tkMenu -postcommand fix for keeping menu on-screen.
Contact: tromey@cns.caltech.edu (Tom Tromey)
What: tk mwm enhancements
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk patches to allow you to set the mwm decoration, add
protocols to the mwm menus, etc.
Contact: ioi@graphics.cis.upenn.edu (Ioi Kim Lam)
What: Tk private color maps (Crocker)
Where: From the contact
Description: Some C++ code which trys to determine when to allocate a
private color map, and when doing so, attempts to allocate the colors
in a way to minimize flashing.
Contact: whc@analog.com (Bill Crocker)
What: Tk private color maps (Kliese)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/TkPC0.03.tar.gz>
Description: Add private colormaps to Tk.
Contact: stester@ag4.ruhr-uni-bochum.de (Rainer Kliese)
What: Tk raster widget
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/raster0.1.tar.Z>
Description: A Tk drawing bitmap graphics widget . There is support
for a backing pixmap, points, rectangles, lines, and polygons.
There is also an extension to raster called image, which allows
to you manipulate areas of the pixmap and even load and save
them as ppm images.
Contact: esperanc@umiacs.umd.edu (Claudio Esperanca)
What: tk RichText Format widget
Where: <URL:ftp://multimedia.cc.gatech.edu/pub/tk-rtf-0.1.tar.Z>
Description: Tk based Microsoft RichText File Format widget reader (pre-alpha).
Contact: iansmith@haring.cc.gatech.edu (Ian Smith)
What: tk send security enhancement
Where: From the contact
Description: If PARANOID_SEND is defined at compile time, check before
every send command to see if an xhost has occured.
Contact: js@bu.edu (Jay Sekora)
What: Tk table widget
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tktable.0.1.tar.gz>
Description: Written in C, variable width table columns and rows, titles,
attaches to an array variable, supports standard Tk fonts, reliefs,
support scrollbars, has tag styles, in-cell editing, different
drawing modes, can stretch rows and columns.
Contact: rols@lehman.com (Roland King)
What: Tk terminal widget
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tk terminal emulator-like widget.
Contact: rs6y+@andrew.cmu.edu (Rudi Stouffs)
What: Tk triangular button
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk code for triangular buttons on scrollbars, or whatever.
Contact: John Robert LoVerso <John@LoVerso.Southborough.MA.US>
What: Tk without X (beta)
Where: <URL:ftp://toe.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/multimedia/misc/tknx0.3.tar.Z>
Description: A version of Tk without the X dependent code. Allows the
construction of programs using send, after and a few of the
other non-X specific commands. Useful to use with Tcl-DP.
Contact: bsmith@cs.cornel.edu (Brian Smith)
What: tkFScale
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tkFScale-1.4.tar.gz>
Description: Tk 3.3 Scale widget which uses floating-point values.
Contact: paulus@cs.anu.edu.au (Paul Mackerras)
What: tkGLXwin
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tkGLXwin-1.3.2.tar.gz>
Description: Tk 3.x Silicon Graphics Graphics Library widget interface.
Note there is an Xlib emulation of SGI's GL at
Contact fred@thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE (Fred Hucht) for
Contact: halazar@media.mit.edu (Michael Halle)
What: TkIcon
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/TkIcon3.6e.tar.gz>
Description: An extension to the canvas widget that adds native support
for icons, edges and graphs.
Contact: garfield@cs.tu-berlin.de (Sven Delmas)
What: tkInput
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tkInput.tar.gz>
Description: A transparent input-only Tk widget.
Contact: mgc@cray.com (Mark G. Christenson)
What: TkMegaWidget
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/TkMegaWidget3.6e.tar.gz>
Description: Support new Tcl/Tk widgets allowing you to attach minor commands
and options to a widget, or even a private interpreter.
Contact: garfield@cs.tu-berlin.de (Sven Delmas)
What: TkMobal
Where: From the contact
Description: An interface for the KI system named mobal, developed by the
Contact: garfield@cs.tu-berlin.de (Sven Delmas)
What: TkSteal
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/TkSteal3.6f.tar.gz>
Description: Package to allow embedding of external applications
(like emacs, ghostscript, xterm, etc.) into a Tk widget
without changing the application. Replaces TkEmacs.
Contact: tkemacs@cs.tu-berlin.de
What: tkText (Tk 1.3 compatible - Cole)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tkText-inst.tar.gz>
Description: A Tk 1.3 tkText text widget and installation patches
Contact: dcc@ssds.com (Derrick C. Cole)
What: tkText (Tk 1.3 compatible - Christenson)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tkText.shar.gz>
Description: A Tk 1.3 tkText text widget
Contact: mgc@cray.com (M. G. Christenson)
What: tkText (Tk 2.0 compatible)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tkText-2.0.tar.gz>
Description: A Tk 2.0 tkText text widget
Contact: mgc@cray.com (M. G. Christenson)
What: TkWindow access
Where: From the contact
Description: Trivial function to get at the Tk_Window of an event.
Contact: Nick.Ing-Simmons@tiuk.ti.com (Nick Ing-Simmons)
What: Tooltalk interface
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/toocl-1.4.tar.gz>
Description: A Tcl/Tk interface to Tooltalk, based on Tcl 6.7 and Tk 3.2a.
Contact: beust@sophia.inria.fr (Cedric Beust)
What: Tooltalk interface mods
Where: From the contact
Description: Set of diffs to get toocl to work under Tcl 7.
Contact: matthew.r.wette@jpl.nasa.gov (Matt Wette)
What: Tree Table
Where: <URL:ftp://archive.cis.ohio-state.edu/pub/tknews/treetable.tar.gz>
Description: C code to link into you interpretor which allows you to
display n-ary trees in a tabular hierarchical form.
Contact: mdm@cis.ohio-state.edu (Michael Moore)
What: tree widget (Brighton)
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tree3.6.tar.gz>
Description: Tk 3.6 based widget for displaying dynamic trees,
written in C++.
Contact: allan@piano.sta.sub.org (Allan Brighton)
What: turtle graphics
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/TkTurtle-1.0.shar.Z>
Description: Extended Tcl/Tk simple Logo-like turtle graphics package.
Contact: kjx@comp.vuw.ac.nz (R James Noble)
What: user event package
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/uevent-0.95.tar.gz>
Description: Implement user generated events in tk, which allow one to
do event driven programming separate from X events.
Contact: mhalle@media.mit.edu (Michael Halle)
What: validate
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/validate.shar.Z>
Description: example of using bindings to validate entry widget data.
Contact: vanandel@ncar.ucar.edu (Joe VanAndel)
What: varframe
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/varframe.tar.gz>
Description: Extension to provide variable environment language-visible
objects (user defined call frames) within Tcl.
Contact: cimarron@montage.com (Cimarron Taylor)
What: VUM widgets
Where: <URL:ftp://ftphost.comp.vuw.ac.nz/>
Description: Tk bargraph, dial, pie, strip chart widgets.
Steve just ported the widgets to the latest Tcl/Tk.
Contact: sysseh@devetir.qld.gov.au (Steve Hocking)
What: warp
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk warp command to move the mouse point to specific locations.
Contact: fine@cis.ohio-state.edu (Thomas A Fine)
What: widgetTree
Where: From the contact
Description: Provide the ability to describe a tree of widgets to ease
creation, etc. Also includes matrix, a widget which supports a two
dimensional plane of widgets or widget trees.
Contact: sakoh@sra.co.jp (Hiroshi Sakoh)
What: wincr
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tcl 'word' increment command - increment string 'aa' to
'ab', 'ac', etc.
Contact: bbum@friday.com (Bill Bumgarner)
What: window manager raise command
Where: From the contact
Description: Small mod to tkWm to add a raise subcommand, used to raise
specific windows.
Contact: chaffee@cs.berkeley.edu (Gordon Chaffee)
What: fast window manager raise command
Where: From the contact
Description: Raise a window to the top of a stack.
Contact: ka0p+@EDRC.CMU.EDU (Kirk Abbott)
What: wk
Where: In development by the contact
Description: A set of windowing widgets for MS-Windows. It is NOT Tk
but instead was intended to be a quick demo of the windowing
type things one could do in Tcl. Contact is interested in
advising a larger effort to make a stab at MS-Windows Tk.
Contact: chi@netcom.com (Curt Hagenlocher)
What: wmstuff
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/wmstuff.tar.gz>
Description: Tk support for ICCCM WM_PROTOCOLS & WM_DELETE
Contact: mh@wx.gtegsc.com (Mike Hoegeman)
What: WWWinda
Where: From the contact
Description: A Linda like language based on Tcl-DP.
Contact: sgutfreund@gte.com (Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund)
What: X11 Selection support enhancement
Where: <URL:ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/extensions/tk_select_patch.gz>
Description: Tk 3.6 Patch for non-XA_PRIMARY selections. Useful for
cut and paste support between Tk and XView toolkit-based tools.
Contact: Nick.Ing-Simmons@tiuk.ti.com (Nick Ing-Simmons)
What: X11 visual selection subcommand
Where: From the contact
Description: Adds a -visual subcommand to Tk's frame and top-level widgets.
Contact: paulus@cs.anu.edu.au (Paul Mackerras)
What: X11 XID enhancement (Kaplan)
Where: From the contact
Description: Set of replacement functions for default X Consortium XID
management routines.
Contact: gckaplan@ssl.berkeley.edu (George C. Kaplan)
What: X11 XID enhancement (Hoegeman)
Where: From the contact
Description: tkXID function to allow tk to override the default
XID allocation scheme. Add included header to tk.h and tkInt.h
to have it used by libtk.a.
Contact: mh@wx.gtegsc.com (Michael Hoegeman)
What: XPG patch to Tcl 7.3
Where: <URL:ftp.neosoft.com/pub/tcl/distrib/tcl7.3-XPG.patch.gz>
Description: Provides XPG localization support to Tcl. This allows
one to change the way that floating point numbers are
displayed, etc.
Contact: markd@sco.com (Mark Diekhans)
What: Xt replay library
Where: <URL:ftp://csc.canberra.edu.au/pub/motif/ReplayXt.*.tar.z>
Description: A library with one entry point that allows an Intrinsics
or Xt based application to be executed from a script file.
In particular, Athena or Motif toolkit applications
can be played back. Scripts are written in Tcl.
Requires X11R5, Motif 1.2, Tcl 7.3.
Contact: jan@pandonia.canberra.edu.au (Jan Newmarch)
What: XView Drop support
Where: From the contact
Description: First hack at receiving XView drops in Tk.
Contact: Nick.Ing-Simmons@tiuk.ti.com (Nick Ing-Simmons)
End of comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (5/5)
:s Great net resources sought...
:s Larry W. Virden INET: lvirden@cas.org
:s <URL:http://www.mps.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/hpp?lvirden_sig.html>
The task of an educator should be to irrigate the desert not clear the forest.
:s Great net resources sought...
:s Larry W. Virden INET: lvirden@cas.org
:s <URL:http://www.mps.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/hpp?lvirden_sig.html>
The task of an educator should be to irrigate the desert not clear the forest.