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- Path: uunet!zephyr.ens.tek.com!master!saab!billr
- From: billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM (Bill Randle)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.games
- Subject: v13INF10: archivers13 - Listing of archive sites
- Message-ID: <2118@masterCNA.TEK.COM>
- Date: 5 Dec 91 02:10:33 GMT
- Sender: news@masterCNA.TEK.COM
- Lines: 377
- Approved: billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM
- Submitted-by: Bill Randle <billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM>
- Posting-number: Volume 13, Info 10
- Archive-name: archivers13
- Environment:
- This is the tenth of several introductory messages about comp.sources.games:
- 1. How to submit sources to comp.sources.games.
- 2. List of sources posted to this newsgroup arranged numerically
- by volume/issue number. It provides a listing of the
- Volume/Issue, the Archive-name and the Subject for each
- posting. [Part 1/2: vols 1-7]
- 3. List of sources posted to this newsgroup arranged numerically
- by volume/issue number. It provides a listing of the
- Volume/Issue, the Archive-name and the Subject for each
- posting. [Part 2/2: vols 8-12]
- 4. List of sources posted to this newsgroup arranged
- alphabetically by name. It provides a listing of the the
- Archive-name, Volume/Issue, and the Subject for each posting.
- [Part 1/3: a-l]
- 5. List of sources posted to this newsgroup arranged
- alphabetically by name. It provides a listing of the the
- Archive-name, Volume/Issue, and the Subject for each posting.
- [Part 2/3: m-o]
- 6. List of sources posted to this newsgroup arranged
- alphabetically by name. It provides a listing of the the
- Archive-name, Volume/Issue, and the Subject for each posting.
- [Part 3/3: p-z]
- 7. List of the patches that have been posted in c.s.g.
- 8. Index of sources in the games archive on saab. (This
- includes some games that have not been posted to the c.s.g.
- newsgroup (e.g. X-windows games). [Part 1/2: a-s]
- 9. Index of sources in the games archive on saab. (This
- includes some games that have not been posted to the c.s.g.
- newsgroup (e.g. X-windows games). [Part 2/2: t-z]
- *10. The list of archive sites and how to contact them.
- Last updated: September 12, 1991
- Here is what each field means:
- Site: The name of the site nice enough to act as an archive site.
- Contact: The name of the person to contact and their mail address
- Location: The general area of the world the site is located in.
- Modems: For providing UUCP access, what types of modems are available.
- UUCP: Type of UUCP access is available.
- FTP: Type of FTP access is available.
- Mail Server: Account address of the automated mail server if available.
- Bitnet Lsrv: For BITNET sites, address of LISTSERVER if available.
- Additional: Additional information pertaining to accessing the archive.
- ************************
- ************************
- Site: acf3.nyu.edu
- Contact: Gary Rosenblum (rosenblg@cmcl2.nyu.edu)
- Location: NY
- Modems: N/A
- UUCP: None
- FTP: Anonymous
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Has 800/1600 bpi tape drive and can support tapes for 4.2,
- 4.3, System V, etc.
- Site: ftp.uu.net, uunet.uu.net
- Contact: Shaun O. (postmaster@uunet.uu.net)
- Location: Fairfax, VA
- Modems: Telebit T2500s
- UUCP: uunet uucp customers and Anonymous
- ANON-UUCP: uunet Any ACU 19200 1-900-GOT-SRCS ogin: uucp
- FTP: Anonymous
- Mail server: netlib@uunet.uu.net
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Files are stored by volume number and game name:
- ~ftp/usenet/comp.sources.games/volumeN. Newly posted articles
- may be in the directory usenet/comp.sources.games/new. Check
- there if it's not in the proper volume.
- The 900 number costs $.40/minute. Get the file uunet!~/help
- for more info. The charges will appear on your next telephone
- bill.
- Site: madhat
- Contact: Phil Harbison (alvitar@madhat.uucp)
- Location: Huntsville, AL
- Modems: N/A
- UUCP: Anonymous
- FTP: None
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Will also make 96tpi 5.25" floppy disks using cpio or tar.
- Phone: 205-881-4317, 205-461-2957.
- Site: PUCC, PUCC.BITNET, pucc.princeton.edu
- Contact: MAINT@PUCC, MAINT@pucc.princeton.edu
- Location: Princeton, NJ
- Modems: None
- UUCP: None
- FTP: None
- Mail server: BITFTP@PUCC [bitnet], BITFTP@pucc.princeton.edu [internet]
- Bitnet Lsrv: ?
- Additional: PUCC does not itself archive the games, but it does run a
- mail server with which people who can not ftp are able to
- access the archives on ftp only sites.
- BITFTP provides a mail interface to the FTP portion
- of the IBM TCP/IP product ("FAL") running on the
- Princeton VM system, to allow BITNET/NetNorth/EARN users
- to ftp files from sites on the Internet.
- BITFTP currently accepts requests only via RFC822-format
- mail, IBM NOTE-format mail, PROFS-format messages, or
- files with no headers at all. BITFTP currently returns
- the requested files as NETDATA-format files or as mail files
- containing UUENCODED data. If you specify "UUENCODE" or
- "NETDATA" on your "FTP" command, BITFTP will attempt to
- use that format. If you do not specify the format, BITFTP
- will attempt to select the appropriate format for your node.
- BITFTP attempts to send NETDATA-format files through the gateway
- from EARN into Janet via the NIFTP facility at Rutherford Lab.
- To use BITFTP, send mail containing your ftp commands to
- "BITFTP@PUCC". The first command to BITFTP must be "FTP"
- or "HELP".
- The recommended syntax for ftp requests is:
- FTP hostname NETDATA --or-- FTP hostname UUENCODE
- USER username password
- <other ftp subcommands>
- For more info, send a request with the word "HELP" as the
- first word of the mail message to the mail server.
- Site: schizo.samsung.com
- Contact: Andy Rosen (rosen@samsung.com)
- Location: Andover, MA
- Modems: N/A
- FTP: Anonymous
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Files are stored by volume number, archive name and
- are compressed. All volumes are present. Examples:
- /pub/usenet-archives/comp.sources.games/volume01/xtrek/part01.Z
- /pub/usenet-archives/comp.sources.games/volume05/puzzle15.Z
- ************************
- ************************
- Site: wuarchive.wustl.edu
- Contact: archives@wugate.wustl.edu
- Location: Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- Modems: N/A
- FTP: Anonymous
- Mail server: N/A
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Files saved by volume number:
- usenet/comp.sources.games/volumeN. Archive access also available
- via NFS. Contact archives@wugate.wustl.edu for more info.
- ************************
- ************************
- Site: aeras
- Contact: Jason Winters (jason@aeras), 408-432-1200, ext, 365
- Location: San Jose, CA
- Modems: 1200, 2400, Telebit
- UUCP: Anonymous
- FTP: None
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: SnailMail tapes (Under duress)
- Systems/L.sys information:
- aeras Any 1200 4089439152 "" "" ogin:--ogin: uugarch word: freebee
- aeras Any 19200 4089439246 "" "" ogin:--ogin: uugarch word: freebee
- aeras Any 2400 4089439396 "" "" ogin:--ogin: uugarch word: freebee
- Suggested places to get additional information:
- /u3/archive/sources/LISTING
- LISTING contains the names of all the programs stored in the
- archives, and the sizes. Note: all archives have probably been
- stored in compressed form, with 12 bit compression (for machines
- that can't handle 16 bit). All multiple file programs have been
- stored in seperate directories, then compressed.
- More information about the files stored in a particular volume are
- kept in files called LOGFILE. Such as:
- /u3/archive/sources/games/vol1/LOGFILE
- would be the one to get to examine the exact contents of volume 1
- of the games section. Additional information from files: sample command
- to recover files:
- uucp aeras!/u3/archive/sources/games/vol1/LOGFILE /tmp/.
- Special note: wild cards have been proven to not be reliable, so
- to assure success they are not recommened tools.
- Site: hoptoad
- Contact: John Gilmore (gnu@hoptoad.com)
- Location: <SF Bay area>, CA
- Modems: N/A
- UUCP: None
- FTP: None
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Will email to local sites. To get copies of archived stuff,
- mail to: games-archive@toad.com. (Don't ask me for things if you
- have to mail through uunet to get to hoptoad -- why send it
- through an extra hop?)
- Site: hrc
- Contact: Dan Troxel (hrc!dan@asuvax.eas.asu.edu)
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Modems: N/A
- UUCP: Yes
- FTP: None
- Mail server: hrc!archives
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: This archive server is set up mainly for the southwest
- region of the United States. If you are outside this area,
- please contact an archive site closer to you. For additional
- help, send a mesage with body of "send help" to archives@hrc.
- For a top-level index, "send index.main". Possible mail paths:
- asuvax!hrc!archives, zardoz!hrc!archives, hrc!archives@asuvax.eas.asu.edu.
- Site: otto
- Contact: Rex Jolliff (rex@otto.UUCP), 702-454-4636
- Location: Henderson, NV
- Modems: N/A
- UUCP: None
- FTP: None
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Can make 1600/6250 bpi tar/cpio tapes, 1/4" cartrige tapes
- (either format) and VMS (1600/6250 bpi) BACKUP format tapes
- (in a pinch, if you grovel...). Contact for details.
- Site: pyramid
- Contact: Claudia Dimmers/Carl Gutekunst (usenet@pyramid)
- Location: Mountain View, CA
- Modems: N/A
- UUCP: On Request
- FTP: None
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Somewhat willing to make tapes for people to come by and
- pick up, provided you call WELL in advance and bring lunch money.
- Site: saab
- Contact: Bill Randle (billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM), 503-923-4422
- Location: Redmond, OR
- Modems: Courier V.32bis
- UUCP: Anonymous
- FTP: None
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Can make 1/4" cartrige tapes, 8mm Exabyte tapes and
- 3 1/2" and 5 1/4" floppys. A sample L.sys file for anon uucp:
- saab Any ACU 19200 5039234494 in:-\r-in: ugames ssword: letmein
- An index can be retrieved by (example):
- uucp saab!/usr1/ftp/games-archive/Index /usr/spool/uucppublic/Index
- The Index file also contains further uucp instructions. Will
- email selected missing parts for desperate people.
- Note that ftp to this site is not available (except from
- inside Tektronix).
- Site: sandia
- Contact: Mike Arms (marms@sandia)
- Location: New Mexico
- Modems: N/A
- UUCP None
- FTP: None
- Mail server: None
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Will email to other NM sites.
- ************************
- Unknown US
- ************************
- ************************
- Austrailia
- ************************
- Site: munnari
- Contact: Robert Elz (kre@munnari.OZ)
- Location: Australia
- Modems: N/A
- FTP: N/A
- Mail server: N/A
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Access for Australian sites only. Contact Robert for more
- info.
- ************************
- Belgium
- ************************
- Site: blekul11
- Contact: Philippe Bekaert (SAAAA02@BLEKUL11.BITNET)
- Location: Belgium
- Modems: N/A
- UUCP: None
- FTP: None
- Additional: All files are compressed. Example archive retrieval commands:
- For VM/CMS:
- For VMS:
- For other, send an email message containing one or more
- commands, e.g.:
- For additional information on the BLEKUL11 archive, send email
- to the moderator (billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM) for an info file.
- ************************
- France
- ************************
- Site: irisa.irisa.fr
- Contact: N/A
- Location: France
- Modems: N/A
- FTP: Anonymous
- Mail server: N/A
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Files stored by volume number:
- News/comp.sources.games/volumeN. Missing volume1, volume5 and
- volume6.
- ************************
- Germany
- ************************
- Site: ifi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de []
- Contact: ftp@ifi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
- Location: Stuttgart, FRG
- Modems: N/A
- FTP: Anonymous
- Mail server: N/A
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Files stored by volume number and/or name:
- pub/comp.sources/games/volumeN or pub/comp.sources/games/gamename.
- Missing several volumes.
- ************************
- Sweden
- ************************
- Site: sunic.sunet.se
- Contact: N/A
- Location: Sweden
- Modems: N/A
- FTP: Anonymous
- Mail server: N/A
- Bitnet Lsrv: None
- Additional: Files stored by volume number:
- comp/sources/games/volumeN.