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- So you want to know how this all got started?
- Well, Keith Messing and Mark Galassi each decided to attend
- SUNY at Stony Brook in the fall of 1987. Keith was a first semester
- undergraduate of electrical engineering, and Mark was a first semester
- graduate student of the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP).
- It must have been fate (kismet, etc) that brought them together in
- Physics 101, section 13 (a lucky number, no doubt). This was the
- Introduction to Classical Physics (a requirement for e.e. majors)
- that had its disgustingly boring lab section on Thursday nights.
- Mark, was the instructor of that Thursday night lab section. He
- was interesting/weird, yet very friendly all at the same time...
- Just the kind a guy you would want to get to know.
- Well one week, Keith was way behind in his work (truly uncharacteristic
- behavior) and he was not going to be able to submit his lab report
- on time. He timidly approached Mark, and asked for an extension.
- Mark obliged, and yet expressed a concern for what seemed like
- a terrible lack of motivation on Keith's part.
- On that day, and after an extensive conversation, their friendship was
- born. In no time, Mark showed Keith around the ITP and introduced
- him to all these great computers that they had.
- Then there was this game.
- It was called Conquer.
- Mark had put "his nation" on the screen for him to see, but all Keith could
- see were a bunch of characters... letters and dashes and squiggles all over
- the place, and none of it really made any sense.... but
- by the way Mark talked about it, it fascinated him!
- Keith was interested, although he didn't know why. Mark offered to add him
- to the game, and therefore also give him an account on the machine.
- As a freshman, he had never dreamed of having access to these machines,
- or knowing the super-user of them personally.
- He watched as Mark became the superuser and added his account.
- HE ACTUALLY GOT TO CHOOSE my login name. Wow!!!!
- For lack of any other creative name, he asked for 'keith'.
- Soon after, Mark created Keith's nation to be added to the conquer
- world.
- He played nation "The_Bronx", and his leader was Randolph.....
- Little did he realize that he was playing Conquer version 2.
- Little did he realize that this incident would come back to haunt
- him two years later.
- ==================
- Two years later....
- It was late in the fall of 1989. Mark and Keith are still friends,
- although they don't often find much time to spend together.
- At some point late in the fall, Keith approached Mark with the idea
- of porting the latest version of Conquer and playing it campus wide
- on the new HP system.
- Mark enthusiastically supported his idea, and said they would do it.
- Thus began the adventure and trauma. There was FIRST_EARTH,
- the first attempt at playing the game. This featured nations like
- Rochelle, Belegost, Theorland, Nightmare, Avalon, and many more....
- Avalon had two consecutive peasant revolts!!! And then the world
- crashed, because some evil High School student wanted to be added to the
- game. UGH!
- Meanwhile, Avalon, had gone wimpering off to start his own game....
- This became known as SECOND_EARTH. But Dave Buksbaum learned little
- from the tragedy of FIRST_EARTH. He did not back up his world, and it
- too crashed!
- We all know it well. The personalities that were there in that dimension
- will long be remembered. Ender of Skighton, Lapu-Lapu of Pilipinas,
- Mattingly of Rochelle, Jubel of Uruz, Durin of Belegost, Geiserich of
- Pthor, and Antryg Windrose of Nimiria were all dominating forces.
- What a glorious world it was........
- But meanwhile, back in reality, Mark and Keith, now joined by a host
- of other awesome dudes, were getting really fed up with the crippling
- nature of all the bugs in Conquer.
- - There was Alan and Mike that had a "groo" and a "brok" for no apparent
- reason.
- - There was Mark and Jon that lost 200000 talons for breaking treaties
- that the computer forced them to break.
- - There was the turn that the trade board exploded and everyone
- got everybody elses commodities....
- - Oh, and don't forget the NOMADS that appeared in Tim's nation out
- of nowhere...
- - Not to mention that the conquer world was flat and was a quadragon.
- - Selling sectors, and getting all the people on them even of a different
- race.
- - Jungles, next to deserts, next to tundra.
- - Some nations had many leaders born, some had none.
- - Relocating people that don't exist.
- - And what did terror, popularity, and poverty really do?
- - Who would want to spend hundreds of thousands of jewels just to
- suddenly be able to draft Cavalry from your population?
- - Who wanted Mercs that always ran away?
- And hundreds of other inconsistencies, annoyances and flat out BUGS,
- that drove all who played crazy!
- Mark was most fed up of all! He knew that we could do something about
- this. He knew that we did not have to stand by and watch as poor
- innocent hackers and gamers got ulcers as they had to deal with someone's
- "first C program!"
- It was Mark who inspired us, united us under a common goal:
- How can we rewrite Conquer?