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- *Tel Cont Monster controls where it teleports to
- Thick Hide Monster has thick hide (kicking attacks do no damage to it)
- Tunnel Monster can tunnel through rock
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | The Dungeon |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Castle Level:
- Contrary to popular belief, the castle (or stronghold) level is not where the
- wizard is. The castle level is more of a proving ground - if you can get by
- it, you can probably finish the game, and if you do finish it, there are
- excellent rewards (specifically, there is a wand of wishing in one of the
- outer four rooms). Beware, though. Although this level is littered with
- loot (four whole rooms full of stuff to start with), it's also littered with
- monsters. Guards abound, as well as at least four dragons, several lichs,
- some nagas, and so on. An example castle level is below:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |< |}}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}}| | |
- | ----|}-------}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}-------}| | | |
- | | |}| |-----------------------------------------------| |}| | |
- | | | |}| + + |}|---- |
- | | |}-------------------------------------------------------------}| |
- | --- |}}}}}}| | + | + + |}}}}}}| --- |
- | | | }| | | | | | |} | | |
- | | | | }| |----------| |-----------------|} --| | |
- | | | | }# { + + \ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^+ | | |
- |-- |-- }| |----------| |-----------------|} | | --|
- | | }| | | | | | |} | | |
- | --- |}}}}}}| | + | + + |}}}}}}| --- |
- | | |}-------------------------------------------------------------}| | |
- | | --|}| + + |}| --- |
- | | |}| |-----------------------------------------------| |}| | |
- | --- |}-------}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}-------}|-- | |
- | |}}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}}| |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The first hint that you are on the castle level is the fact that you will
- appear in the upper-left corner of the map, and in a maze to boot. You will
- also tend to hear 'courtly sounds'. The maze you are in (see map above) is
- not large, but beware, for a minotaur lurks within, and they are more than a
- little trouble.
- After you complete the maze, you will be on a large landing, with the castle
- in front of you and the moat around it. The moat will drown you in a second,
- so beware. Also, there are invisible giant eels in the water and they will
- attack you. The first question asked is: How do I get in? Well, there are
- many answers, so I will outline several ideas below:
- If you have sacrificed enough, your god will have given you five musical
- notes when you pray. Play these notes on an instrument, and the drawbridge
- will open. If your god hasn't given you the five musical notes, try random
- notes. You'll get a series of sounds. Use these sounds like the old Master
- Mind game to determine the correct notes. (One sound means correct note,
- correct spot. The other means correct note, wrong spot.) Keep trying until
- the drawbridge comes down.
- A wand of opening or a spellbook of knock will cause the drawbridge to come
- down - but watch out! If you are standing directly in front of the
- drawbridge, it will fall on you and squash you. A wand of striking will
- disintegrate the portcullis, but you still have to bridge the moat to get in.
- Try pushing in a boulder, zapping a wand of cold or fire at the moat, or
- using water walking, levitation, or jumping boots.
- Another method of entering the castle is by polymorphing yourself into a
- xorn. A xorn can walk through the walls of the castle straight into the
- middle. Be warned, though - xorns can't swim, so you'll still have to bridge
- the moat.
- A final method of getting in is using the back door. Using boots of
- levitation or water walking (or equivalent items or spells), walk through the
- moat around to the back of the castle. Pick the lock on the back door and
- walk in. Be careful of the trapdoors, though!
- Once you're into the castle, if you're not prepared to fight for your life
- against ravenous hordes of monsters, there are two ways of getting rid of
- most of them (albeit forfeiting the experience for killing them). Either use
- a ring of conflict or walk back over the trapdoors, letting them all go
- falling down into the upper level of hell as they try to follow you. Kill
- off the rest, grab the wand of wishing, try sitting on the throne for another
- wish or two, and then go for the ultimate challenge - the Wizard himself, by
- teleporting down to level fifty or so.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Special Levels:
- Nethack has several "special levels." The actual level of each of these
- varies from game to game, so we can't tell you what level to look for each
- on, but we can give you a description of each so that you recognize what
- you're running into.
- Big Level: Basically, this level is exactly what the name implies. The
- entire level is one big room. This is a bad level to have aggravate monster
- on, and a ring of conflict is really handy here. Here's an example of a big
- level:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |.....d...).................o...ooo....................................|
- |............................o.o.oo....................................|
- |.............................oo...........Z...........................|
- |......................................w<.............oo...............|
- |.....................................................o................|
- |............................................P............a............|
- |.......................i......................f.......................|
- |?.....................................................................|
- |.....[................................................................|
- |....................!...a................[.............q..............|
- |.........................a............................................|
- |.........................aa...........................................|
- |....................................%.............................T...|
- |...............................>......................................|
- |................................$.......f.............................|
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Castle/Stronghold Level: see section CASTLE LEVEL
- Medusa Level: Of all the creatures of Greek mythology, the gorgons -------
- were among the most powerful. One of these was the medusa, whose |.``..|
- visage was so terrible to behold that one look at her countenance -...`.|
- would turn any living creature instantly to stone. She was finally |...`.|
- slain by Perseus with the use of a reflective shield given him by |.@..`|
- Athena. It is rumored that the only two ways to kill a medusa are -------
- to fight her without gazing upon her, or to reflect her terrible gaze back
- upon her, so that she, looking upon her own reflection, should turn to stone.
- The medusa is raised back to life in nethack, so beware of the level upon
- which she resides. You will know you are there when you begin to see an
- inordinately large number of statues, hear nothing but silence, etc. A sample
- room in which the medusa might reside is above at right.
- Oracle of Delphi: The Oracle of Delphi was reknowned in ancient -|-@--
- times for her ability to tell the future with admirable accuracy. |.```|
- For instance, a great king once came to the Oracle and asked if he |....|
- should send his armies against the armies of another nation. The |..{.|
- Oracle told him, "I tell you truly. If you do so, you will destroy ------
- a mighty army." Enheartened, he attacked, and sure enough, a mighty army was
- destroyed - his own! The Oracle in nethack will give you minor or major
- consultations. Minor ones are cheap, and are the same as a fortune cookie.
- Major ones are expensive, but can give some good clues. The oracle room will
- have the oracle sitting in a niche in the wall, with statues of mountain,
- plain, and forest centaurs in front of her, and a fountain in the room. An
- example is shown above at right.
- Rogue Level: Rogue was one of the first of the hack and slash games. Hack,
- Nethack, UltraRogue, Moria, UMoria, Larn, Omega, and undoubtedly many more,
- were all based on the idea started by rogue. Now, rogue, like early versions
- of hack, had a very distinctive look. There were always nine rooms on each
- level, and each wall of each room never had more than one doorway. In memory
- of rogue, the nethack engineers have added a "rogue level," that looks very
- much like the original rogue game, and the game will tell you that it seems
- like you've been on that level before. Here's an example of one:
- ----- -------------------- ---------------------
- | +##########+ | | |
- | | | +######+ |
- | | -------------------- | > |
- ----- | |
- ---------------------
- #
- ####
- ------------- -----------------
- | | ##########+ |
- | +############################## | |
- ------------- ######## | |
- # -----------------
- # #######
- # ------------------
- --------------------- -----------------####+ |
- | |########+ +# | |
- | +# | | | < |
- --------------------- ----------------- ------------------
- Tower Levels: The three tower levels are the three levels that probably
- generate more confusion that the entire rest of the game combined (a little
- hyperbole, but not a lot). Basically, the tower levels are three consecutive
- maze levels in hell. In the center of each of these maze levels is the a
- section of the tower proper. The tower can only be entered from the lowest
- level, and there's no exit at the top. Inside the tower are many riches, and
- vampires galore. On the top level of the tower, you'll find Vlad the
- Impaler, master of the tower. (Oh, did I forget to mention that he's also a
- Vampire Lord?) Below is an example of the three tower sections. Put each of
- them in the center of a maze level, and you've got a tower level!
- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
- | | L | | M | | U
- | --- --- --- | o | --- --- --- | i | --- --- --- | p
- | | | | | | | | w | | | | | | | | d | | | | | | | | p
- | --------------- | e | --------------- | d | --------------- | e
- | | | | | | r | | | | | | l | | . . | | r
- | --| |-- - | --| ------.---- - e | --------| |---- -
- | | + L | | | <| | | \ | .>| L
- | --| |-- | e | -------- |----- - L | --------| |---- | e
- | | |< | | | v | | |> . | | | e | | . . | | v
- | --------------- | e | --------------- | v | --------------- | e
- | | | | | | | | l | | | | | | | | e | | | | | | | | l
- | --- --- --- | | --- --- --- | l | --- --- --- |
- | | | | | |
- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
- Wizard Level: The wizard level is (you guessed it) where the Wizard }}}}}}}
- of Yendor lives. He has a little room in the middle of an otherwise }}---}}
- normal maze level. Now, the trick is that this little room looks }--^--}
- just like the little rooms that are on about half of the maze }|^^^|}
- levels. Only one of them holds the Wizard of Yendor, and the real }--^--}
- Amulet of Yendor, though, so don't be fooled. The best way to tell }}---}}
- where you are in relation to the Wizard is to put on a blindfold and }}}}}}}
- apply a mirror to yourself (use '.' for direction). After a few tries, this
- will tell you whether the wizard is above you, below you, or very close.
- When you're on the same level, trek in towards the middle, get past the moat,
- break into his home, and take the Amulet! An example of the Wizard's room is
- above at right. Incidentally, the traps are squeaky boards which will
- instantly wake up the Wizard.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Special Rooms:
- There are many varied and interesting rooms to explore in nethack. Besides
- your standard room with the possibility of randomly generated items, traps,
- monsters, etc., there are several special room types that can be found within
- the dungeon. These are listed below:
- Beehives: Beehives are (you guessed it) rooms completely filled -------
- with killer bees. There are usually one or more queen bees in one |.aaaa|
- as well. Beehives can be quite nasty for the inexperienced -.aaaa|
- character, but if you can manage to kill them off, run around |.aaaa|
- picking up the royal jelly that will be left behind. Eat it, and |.aaaa|
- hey presto -instant strength! -------
- Barracks: The barracks are a room type that will usually only show -------
- up on lower levels due to the fact that it will kill of all but the |.@@@@|
- most powerful characters. Barracks are rooms filled with soldiers. -.@@@@|
- Be careful not to blow a whistle or play a bugle on the level if you |.@@@@|
- don't want to face them. Soldiers will always wake up for a whistle |.@@@@|
- or a bugle, and come to investigate what woke them! -------
- David's Treasure Zoo: David's Treasure Zoo is a room totally filled -------
- with random monsters of all types and sizes. This room can be quite |.DooQ|
- deadly, but each monster in the room will carry a sizeable sum of -.aggh|
- gold, so if you can kill off all of them, you'll probably end up |.dCkq|
- quite rich. Wands and other ray type weapons, rings of conflict, |.qoGc|
- the ability to teleport out if you have to can be quite handy here, -------
- as in any room filled with monsters.
- Graveyards: If you have a character with a bad AC, you'd better -------
- pray that you don't run into one of these. Graveyards are rooms |W WZV|
- filled with nasty undead creatures - wraiths and vampires that will -ZZSWS|
- drain your levels away, and zombies and skeletons and ghosts. (Note |VSW V|
- that ghosts in a graveyard are randomly generated, although they may |WWZZ |
- take names from the high score file. Thus, they won't leave ghost -------
- stacks.) If you have a character with a good AC, these can be quite a boost:
- Kill off all the wraiths and eat the corpses to go up many levels!
- Shops: Shops can be an adventurer's best friend. Note that I said -------
- shops, not shopkeepers - shopkeepers can be an adventurer's worst |@??!!|
- nightmare! Shops come in all sizes and types. There are shops that -.%[))|
- sell everything, and shops that specialize in an item type (wands, |.[!%(|
- for instance). Shopkeepers always carry a key and a lot of gold, |.!?/=|
- and they guard their wares jealously. Check out the section on -------
- ROBBING SHOPS for more information on how to rob shopkeepers blind.
- Temples: A temple is a room that is dedicated to a particular -------
- deity. Temples invariably contain an altar to that deity in the |.....|
- center of the room, and a priest(ess) of that deity nearby. You can -..@..|
- give an offering to the deity by #chatting to the priest(ess), and |.._..|
- will perhaps have a blessing bestowed upon you. You'll know you're |.....|
- entering a temple when you get a message along the lines of -------
- "Pilgrim, you enter a holy place."
- Throne Rooms: A throne room is a room filled with monsters. The -------
- major difference between this room and David's Treasure Zoo is that |.kodk|
- throne rooms have a throne in them. Sitting on this throne can -.ooG\|
- produce all sort of interesting effects, and gold can be gotten (if |.dkgh|
- you're lucky) by kicking the throne. See the THRONE EFFECTS and |.qCoc|
- KICKING sections for more information about thrones. -------
- Vaults: Vaults are scattered about the various levels, and can ----
- never be entered except by digging, teleporting, or walking through |$$|
- walls (they have no doors). Most levels with one of these two by |$$|
- two rooms filled with gold will also have a closet with a single use ----
- teleport trap in it. That teleport trap will teleport you into the vault
- (just be sure you have a way to get out). Oh, and remember - Croesus was the
- king who commissioned the vaults, and all of the vault guards know him.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | The Game |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Damage:
- If you would like to figure out how much damage you can do to a given monster
- upon a successful hit, this section will tell you how. Please note that all
- computations will involve ranges, so you will end up with a minimum and
- maximum amount of damage you can do to a monster.
- The following formula can be used to compute damage when attacking a monster:
- weapon damage value (see explanation)
- + undead/demon bonus (see explanation)
- + weapon enchantment (see explanation)
- + relative damage bonus (see explanation)
- + special bonuses (see chart)
- + ring bonus (see explanation)
- + strength bonus (see chart)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- total damage done
- Weapon damage value: The weapon damage value will be listed in the WEAPONS
- section as a minimum and maximum value. Just look up the weapon that you're
- using and take either the small or large monster value depending upon what
- type of monster you're fighting. If the "weapon" you're using isn't really a
- weapon, but is some other object, look at the chart at the end of this
- section for information on the damage values of other objects. Undead/demon
- bonus: If the weapon you are fighting with is blessed, and the monster you
- are fighting is undead or a demon, you will do an extra one to four points of
- damage.
- Weapon enchantment: This is whatever the "plus" on the weapon is. For
- instance, if it's a +3 crysknife, you can add another +3 here.
- Relative damage bonus: The relative damage bonus is only figured in for
- artifacts (named weapons). See the section on ARTIFACTS to look up the
- relative damage bonus on a named weapon. Also, please note that if "x2" is
- listed for the relative damage bonus, it means to total everything up to the
- relative damage bonus in the above equation and double it. Then you can
- continue adding the other bonuses.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |Special bonuses: | Bonus |
- |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- |weapon is boomerang, is thrown, and breaks | +1 |
- |weapon is silver arrow, and is used versus a lycanthrope, | |
- | minor demon (except tengus) or major demon | +1-20 |
- |if the weapon drains life (also removes one level from monster) | +1-8 |
- |if the weapon is poisoned (or can kill monster outright) | +1-6 |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ring bonus: The ring bonus is only figured in if you are wearing a ring of
- increase damage. If so, take the enchantment on the ring (for instance, 2 if
- you're wearing a +1 ring of increase damage) and add it in here.
- -----------------------
- | Strength | Bonus |
- |---------------------|
- | 01-05 | -1 |
- | 06-15 | 0 |
- | 16-17 | +1 |
- | 18 | +2 |
- | 18/01-18/75 | +3 |
- | 18/76-18/90 | +4 |
- | 18/91-18/99 | +5 |
- | 18/**-25 | +6 |
- -----------------------
- These objects use the following for the weapon damage value:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | Object | Dam |
- |--------------------------------------------------------|
- | bare hands | 1-2 |
- | boulder | 1-20 |
- | bow (any type when used to bash) | 1-2 |
- | clove of garlic (undead will flee) | 1 |
- | egg | 1 |
- | corpse (depends on size) | 1-5 |
- | heavy iron ball | 1-25 |
- | mirror (also -2 luck) | 1 |
- | potion | 1 |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Finally, all other objects except cameras and cream pies use a weapon damage
- value based upon their weight (cameras and cream pies cannot do damage):
- damage value = weight/10 (minimum of 1, maximum of 6)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fountain Effects:
- There are basically two things you can do at a fountain. You can either
- quaff of dip something. Different effects can occur when you do these as
- follows:
- Quaffing at the fountain:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |Chance | Effect |
- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | 9/30 | "The cool draught refreshes you." |
- | | You gain 1-10 nutrition points (i.e. makes you less hungry). |
- | | |
- | 9/30 | "This tepid water is tasteless." |
- | | Nothing happens. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "You feel self knowledgeable..." |
- | | Lists all of your intrinsics for you. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "The water is foul! You gag and vomit!" |
- | | You lose 11-30 nutrition points (i.e. makes you hungrier). |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "The water is contaminated!" |
- | | If you are poison resistant, you will lose 1-4 hit points. |
- | | Otherwise, you will lose 1-10 hit points and 3-6 points of |
- | | strength.) |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "An endless stream of snakes pour forth!" |
- | | "You hear something hissing!" (if blind) |
- | | "The fountain bubbles furiously for a moment, then calms." (if |
- | | water moccasins have been genocided) |
- | | Creates several water moccasins around you. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "You have unleased a water demon!" |
- | | "You feel the presence of evil." (if blind) |
- | | This creates a water demon. The water demon will give you a wish |
- | | (20 - dungeon level)% of the time. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "This water's no good!" |
- | | Each item you have has a percentage chance of being cursed. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "You see an image of someone stalking you. But it disappears." |
- | | You gain the intrinsic of see invisible. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "You sense the presence of monsters." |
- | | You detect monsters, as the spell or potion of detect monster. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "You spot a gem in the sparkling waters." |
- | | A gem appears where the fountain is. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "You have attracted a water nymph!" |
- | | "You hear a seductive voice." (if blind) |
- | | "A large bubble rises to the surface and pops." (if nymphs have |
- | | been genocided) |
- | | "You hear a loud pop." (if blind and nymphs are genocided) |
- | | Creates a water nymph next to you. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "This water gives you bad breath." |
- | | Monsters around you will flee for one round. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "Water gushes forth from the overflowing fountain." |
- | | Just exactly like it sounds - creates several pools in the room. |
- | | (Note: this cannot happen in a room with a staircase.) |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dipping an item at a fountain:
- If the item is a longsword, your experience level is five or greater, the
- longsword dipped is not an artifact, and Excalibur does not yet exist in your
- dungeon, then you have a one out of six chance of gaining Excalibur. "A
- murky hand from the depths reaches up to bless the sword. As the hand
- retreats, the fountain disappears."
- Otherwise the following effects can occur:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |Chance | Effect |
- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- |16/30 | "The [object name] gets wet." |
- | | Nothing happens. |
- | | |
- | 4/30 | "The water glows for a moment." |
- | | "A feeling of loss comes over you." (if dipped item is not |
- | | cursed) |
- | | The dipped item will become uncursed if it is currently cursed. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | No message. |
- | | The item becomes cursed. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | A water demon is summoned (same messages and effects as in |
- | | quaffing). |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | A water nymph is summoned (same messages and effects as in |
- | | quaffing). |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | Water moccasins are created (same messages and effects as in |
- | | quaffing). |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | You find a gem (same message and effect as in quaffing) |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | The fountain overflows (same message and effect as in quaffing). |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "A strange tingling runs up your arm." |
- | | Nothing happens. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "You feel a sudden chill." |
- | | Nothing happens. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "An urge to take a bath overwhelms you." (only if gold > 10...) |
- | | You will lose some of your gold in the fountain. |
- | | |
- | 1/30 | "Far below, you see coins glistening in the water." |
- | | You will find some gold (the lower the dungeon level number, the |
- | | greater the treasure). |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Game Messages:
- "The hair on the back of your neck stands up" - graveyard on level
- "You feel a momentary chill." - fire resistance gained
- "You feel a strange mental acuity." - telepathy gained
- "You feel controlled." - teleport control gained
- "You feel feverish." - lycanthropy gained*
- "You feel foolish." - wisdom decreased
- "You feel full of hot air." - cold resistance gained
- "You feel healthy." - poison resistance gained
- "You feel hardy." - poison resistance gained
- "Your health currently feels amplified."- shock resistance gained
- "You feel hidden." - invisibility gained
- "You feel in control of yourself." - teleport control gained
- "You feel sensitive." - warning gained
- "You feel strong." - strength increased
- "You feel tough." - constitution increased
- "You feel very firm." - disintegration resistance gained
- "You feel very jumpy." - teleportation gained
- "You feel vulnerable." - constitution decreased
- "You feel wide awake." - sleep resistance gained
- "You hear a low buzzing." - beehive on level
- "You hear an angry drone." - beehive on level
- "You hear the sound of crashing rock." - dwarf, rock mole, or umber hulk on
- level
- "You hear a jackal howling at the moon."- werejackal on level
- "You hear a slurping sound." - gelatinous cube on level
- "You hear a gulping sound." - ochre jelly nearby
- "You hear a gurgling noise." - sink on level
- "You seem to hear Donald Duck." - fountain on level
- "You hear a dishwasher." - sink on level
- "You hear a mumbled curse." - monster trying to curse you
- "You hear a slow drip." - sink on level
- "You hear bubbling water." - sink on level
- "You hear someone counting money." - vault on level
- "You hear someone cursing shoplifters." - shop on level
- "You hear the chime of a cash register."- shop on level
- "You hear someone searching." - vault on level
- "You hear the sound of a door opening." - monster has opened a door
- "You hear the splashing of a naiad." - fountain on level
- "You hear water falling on coins." - fountain on level
- "Your health currently feels amplified!"- shock resistance gained
- "You hear the howling of CwnAnnwn." - character in bad shape
- "You hear the wailing of the Banshee." - you have 1 HP left
- "You hear a rushing sound." - an invisible swallower just missed
- you
- * Lycanthropy means that you will periodically change into a were-thing.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hit Probability:
- Computing your probability to hit a monster involves many variables, and is
- quite a complicated procedure (which is why the computer does it so much
- better). However, here is an outline of how you can figure out your
- probability of hitting a given monster with a given weapon...
- First of all, compute your chance to hit by using the following formula:
- character luck
- + character level
- + monster AC (see MONSTER INFORMATION section)
- + dexterity bonus (see chart)
- + strength bonus (see chart)
- + level bonus (see chart)
- + special bonuses (see chart)
- + to hit modifier (see chart)
- + weapon enchantment (see explanation)
- + relative hit bonus (see explanation)
- - weight modifier (see formula)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- chance to hit
- The chance to hit is out of twenty. Thus, to determine your percentage
- chance of hitting, use the following formula:
- percent chance to hit = 100 * (chance to hit) / 20
- ------------------ --------------------- ------------------
- | Dex |Bonus| | Str |Bonus| | Level | Bonus |
- |----------------| |-------------------| |----------------|
- | 01-03 | -3 | | 01-05 | -2 | | 01-03 | +2 |
- | 04-05 | -2 | | 06-07 | -1 | | 04-05 | +1 |
- | 06-07 | -1 | | 08-16 | 0 | | 05-30 | 0 |
- | 08-13 | 0 | | 17-18/50 | +1 | ------------------
- | 15 | +1 | | 18/51-18/99 | +2 |
- | 16 | +2 | | 18/**-25 | +3 |
- | 17 | +3 | ---------------------
- | * | * | * Both the Dex and the bonuse just keep increasing
- | 25 | +11 | by one until the hit maximum at 25 and +11.
- ------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- | Special bonuses: | Bonus |
- |----------------------------------------------------------|
- | character is an elf and monster is an orc | +1 |
- | character is trapped | -3 |
- | monster cannot move | +4 |
- | monster is fleeing | +2 |
- | monster is sleeping | +2 |
- | monster is stunned | +2 |
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- | To hit modifier: | Bonus |
- |----------------------------------------------------------|
- | athame | +2 |
- | crysknife | +3 |
- | dagger (elven/orcish) | +2 |
- | dwarvish mattock | -1 |
- | katana | +1 |
- | scalpel | +2 |
- | two handed sword | -1 |
- | blessed weapon vs. undead or demon | +2 |
- | spear (elven/orcish/dwarvish) or javelin vs. | |
- | xorn, dragon, naga, or giant | +2 |
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Weapon enchantment: This is whatever the "plus" on the weapon is. For
- instance, if it's a +3 crysknife, add +3 for the weapon enchantment.
- Relative hit bonus: The relative hit bonus is only figured in for artifacts
- (named weapons). See the section on ARTIFACTS to look up the relative hit
- bonus on a named weapon.
- Weight modifier: the weight modifier is computed as follows (to determine
- carrying capacity, see the section on CARRYING CAPACITY, and to determine
- weight you are carrying, total the weights of all items in your inventory):
- (weight you are carrying - carrying capacity + 40) / 20
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kicking:
- Kicking is one of the more useful functions in nethack. Basically, you can
- kick any creature or object within the game. You cannot, however kick
- anything if you are polymorphed into a monster with no legs (a snake, for
- instance) or a monster that is too small, if your legs are wounded, if your
- load is too heavy, or if you are stuck in a pit or bear trap. The effects of
- kicking certain things are listed below (although be careful - kicking things
- can make a lot of noise and wake up monsters on the level):
- Altars - kicking an altar is, in general, a bad idea. Deities can do all
- sorts of nasty things to you if you get them pissed off.
- Doors - if a door is locked and you don't have a lock-pick, one way to get
- through the door is to kick it down. Watch out for lost hit points and
- wounded legs if you do this, though. Similarly, it is possible to kick down
- a secret door, even if you haven't found it. So... if you're pretty sure
- there's a secret door there, and you haven't found it after the last five
- searches, you might want to try kicking it a bit.
- Chests - it is possible to break the lock on a locked chest by kicking it. Of
- course, it is also possible to lose hit points and damage your legs by doing
- so, so be careful to keep on eye out when at lower experience levels.
- Empty space - kicking at empty space isn't terribly smart. Although you
- probably will get away with it, you do have a chance of straining a muscle,
- which wounds your right leg.
- Monsters - in general, when you kick a monster you will damage it. Kicking a
- monster is a good alternative if you have no weapon. It is also a good
- alternative if you are confused, as you will not then randomly wander around
- if you miss the monster aimed at. There are however a few exceptions to the
- rule with kicking monsters... notably, kicking dragons and other thick-
- skinned creatures will do no damage.
- Objects - in general, when you kick an object, it will move in the direction
- in which you kick it. The distance it moves will depend on your strength and
- the weight of the object. Fragile objects are not good to kick. For
- instance, kicking an egg will cause it to go splat, and kicking a potion will
- generally break it. Of course, this can be a way of identifying potions, as
- you will then get the vapor effect if the potion has any.
- Sinks - kicking a sink will produce various effects. 75% of the time, you
- will merely get the message "Klunk! The pipes vibrate noisily." (or just
- "Klunk!" if you're blind). Otherwise, there is a 1/3 chance of having a
- black pudding ooze up from the drain and attack you (assuming they haven't
- been genocided yet). If this doesn't happen, you have a 1/3 chance of "the
- dish washer" returning. It just so happens that the dish washer is a
- succubus/incubus, however, so you might want to watch out for this. Assuming
- that doesn't happen, you've got a 1/3 chance that a ring (only one per sink)
- will pop up from the drain in a bunch of muddy waste.
- Thrones - kicking a throne can have several effects. If your luck is
- negative, you will always end up destroying the throne and finding several
- gold pieces in the rubble (probably after a few sore toes, however). If your
- luck is positive, you have a chance of kicking loose some ornamental coins
- and gems instead.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Luck:
- Your luck begins at 0, (+/-1 depending on the moon), and can range from -10
- to +10. When modified, it will decrease or increase (time-out) by 1 toward
- its starting value every 600 moves (300 for angry gods) unless you're
- carrying a luckstone (see TOOLS for more information about luckstones).
- While carrying a luckstone it is still possible to change your luck.
- Increasing Luck
- 1. Throw a gem at a unicorn.
- +5 luck if the jewel is identified and the unicorn is co-aligned.
- +1 luck if the jewel is unidentified.
- -3 to +3 luck if the jewel is identified and the unicorn is non-co-
- aligned.
- 2. Sacrifice on a co-aligned altar.
- +0 to +5 luck if the sacrifice is accepted, depending on monster
- difficulty factor. Seeing a four-leaf clover is a sign that your luck
- has improved.
- =0 if your luck is negative luck your god is not angry.
- +1 luck if your luck is negative and your god is angry.
- 3. Sacrifice on a non-co-aligned altar.
- +1 if your luck is negative, the sacrifice is accepted and your god is
- not angry. Chance of success is (3 + exp. level) / (8 + exp. level)
- 4. Sacrificing a human corpse at a chaotic altar.
- +2 luck if you are chaotic too.
- 5. Sitting on a throne.
- +1 luck if your luck is negative (sometimes).
- 6. Prayer.
- =0 if your luck is negative and your god is not angry (small chance)
- Decreasing Luck
- 1. Killing a co-aligned unicorn.
- -5 luck no matter what.
- 2. Sacrificing a human.
- -5 luck if you are non-chaotic.
- 3. After converting to a new god, trying to sacrifice at the altar of your
- original god. Conversion is accomplished by sacrificing at a non-co-
- aligned altar while your god is angry.
- -5 luck no matter what.
- 4. Converting to a new god.
- -3 luck always.
- 5. Praying before your between prayer time-out expires.
- -3 luck. Moral: don't pray too often.
- 6. Breaking a mirror.
- -2 luck. (It figures, doesn't it?)
- 7. Killing a friendly human.
- -2 luck always.
- 8. Killing a pet (or other tame monster).
- -1 luck each time.
- 9. Desecrating (kicking or digging) a co-aligned altar.
- -1 luck (Ouch!)
- 10. Killing a peaceful monster.
- -1 luck (50% chance).
- 11. Sacrifice at a non-co-aligned altar.
- -1 luck if you fail and your god is not angry. Chance of success is (3
- + exp. level) / (8 + exp. level).
- 12. Hitting a blind monster.
- -1 luck (0.2% chance).
- Robbing shops does not lower your luck.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Magic:
- Many people have asked for a section which details information about how the
- reading of spellbooks and casting of spells works. Well, here it is!
- Memorizing spellbooks: If the spellbook is cursed, it will be impossible to
- memorize under any conditions. Otherwise, the following test must be passed
- in order to successfully memorize a spellbook:
- (your intelligence + 4)
- + (your experience level / 2)
- - (2 * the spell level of the spellbook)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Must be greater than a randomly generated number from 0 to 20.
- The possible effects from failing to memorize a spellbook are as follows
- (chances of each effect are equal):
- 1. Your character is teleported.
- "You feel a wrenching sensation."
- 2. Your character gains the aggravate monster intrinsic.
- "You feel threatened."
- 3. You are blinded for 250 to 349 turns.
- 4. You lose all of your gold.
- "You realize that you have no gold."
- 5. You become confused for 16 to 22 turns.
- "These runes were just to much to comprehend."
- 6. Poison! Gloves, if being worn, are corroded (assuming they're not
- rustproof) by 1 (i.e. +2 gloves become +1, +0 gloves become -1. -2 is
- the worst your gloves will corrode to). If you are poison resistant,
- you will lose 2 points of strength and 1 to 6 hit points. Otherwise,
- you will lose 3 to 6 points of strength and 1 to 10 hit points.
- "The book was coated with contact poison!"
- 7. The book explodes, doing 7 to 25 points of damage. If you are magic
- resistant, no damage ensues.
- "As you read the book, it explodes in your face."
- When a spellbook is successfully memorized, it is placed in the list of
- spells that you know. You will then be able to use that spell (i.e. cast or
- attempt to cast it) from 2 to (10 - the spell level) times before you will
- need to "re-memorize" the spell by reading another spellbook of that type.
- Casting memorized spells: Attempts to cast a spell while you are confused
- will always fail. Otherwise, in order to successfully cast a spell, the
- following test must be passed:
- your intelligence
- + your luck
- - (3 * the level of the spell)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Must be greater than or equal to 0.
- If a spell is successfully cast, the appropriate effects take place and a
- number of energy points equal to the level of the spell is removed from your
- current EP.
- If the spell is failed, a number of energy points equal to the level of the
- spell is still removed from your current EP, and the following message is
- given:
- "The air around you crackles as you goof up." or
- "Far out... a light show!" (if you are hallucinating)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pets:
- Pets are one of the most useful things in the dungeons and so should be
- treated as such. Here are a few useful hints regarding pets:
- They will eat only what they need in order to survive and will leave food
- rations alone unless they are very hungry or you throw them one.
- Pets will become violent if they are too hungry, or if you leave them on a
- level, go down the stairs and them come back later.
- You can actually chat with your pets to gain knowledge about how hungry they
- are.
- "You feel worried about your [pet]" means that your pet is starving. "You
- have a sad feeling for a moment" means that your pet has snuffed it. "You
- hear noises in the distance" means that your pet is in battle.
- Kittens change into housecats and then large cats, whereas little dogs become
- dogs, and then large dogs.
- Watch out when you are confused, blind, etc. You do not want to accidentally
- kill your pet.
- The minute you eat a dog or cat, every non-tame, non-peaceful monster that is
- on the level will head for you with blood in its eye(s). That is, you gain
- an intrinsic: Aggravate monster
- What monsters your pets will attack is directly dependent on the level of the
- pet and the level of the monster. Pets will not attack monsters more
- powerful than them. The one exception is if you have on a ring of conflict.
- If so, your pets will attack anything. (Ever seen a minotaur make doggie
- pancake? Moral: keep your ring of conflict off if you're near a big nasty.)
- If you think your pet is a bit wimpy, use a wand of polymorph on him. If
- this makes him wimpier, don't blame us - try again!
- A scroll of taming can create more pets for you, but having devils as pets
- can be a minor problem (although not as much of a problem in current
- versions).
- If you meet a wild pet, the best bet is to throw food at it - anything you
- could eat. Tripe is wonderful, but don't bother throwing rotted corpses.
- You can even tame pets with names given by other people, i.e. bones levels.
- A leash will allow you to keep the animal with you at all times (even if you
- get teleported or go through a trap door), but also tends to make him get in
- your way more often.
- A whistle will attract your pet to you when applied. Even better, a magic
- whistle will teleport your pet to your side when applied. Very useful when
- going up or down levels with your pet.
- Pets will not pick up cursed objects or even cross over them, which will help
- you to avoid these items. However, keep in mind that you may have to clear
- cursed items from halls if you want your pet to follow you, and that if you
- throw a food item (especially tripe) on a cursed item, your pet will be
- trained to step on cursed items in the future. A warning: dead-end corridors
- can be very bad if there is a cursed item in the exit and the pet is between
- you and the cursed item (this can happen if your pet kills a creature that
- was carrying a cursed item).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Praying:
- Praying can get you out of a lot of jams in the game of nethack, if your god
- is pleased with you. On the other hand, if the gods are angry at you, you
- can get into an awful lot of trouble.
- If your deity is pleased with you, chances are that your worst problem will
- be fixed, although all of your problems could be fixed, or none of them might
- be fixed (this is dependent on your luck). The following are problems that
- your deity might fix, from worst (in the deity's eyes, not necessarily
- yours!) to least:
- 1. You are turning to stone.
- 2. You are being strangled (by an amulet of strangulation).
- 3. You are sick.
- 4. You are starving.
- 5. Your hp are below 5, or your hp are below 1/7 of max.
- 6. You have lycanthropy.
- 7. You are stuck in a wall.
- 8. You are wearing a cursed item which levitates you.
- 9. You are wearing a cursed blindfold.
- 10. You are being punished.
- 11. You have a cursed loadstone or cursed luckstone.
- 12. You are wielding/wearing a cursed weapon/armor.
- 13. You are blind.
- 14. You are hungry.
- 15. You are poisoned.
- 16. You have wounded legs.
- 17. You are stunned.
- 18. You are confused.
- 19. You are hallucinating.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Removing Curses:
- There are several ways to uncurse cursed items - and several other ways to
- get rid of cursed items:
- 1. Dipping in fountains will eventually remove the curse from stuff - "The
- water glows for a moment" indicates that your item has been uncursed.
- You can dip items even if you are wearing them.
- 2. Reading a scroll of remove curse will remove the curse from stuff you are
- wearing. If the scroll of remove curse is blessed, everything in your
- pack will be uncursed.