Usenet 1994 October
Text File
1,035 lines
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| | | | | |__ |__ | | | ANNOUNCES
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The absolute best resource file for nethack just got better!
The Nethack Spoilers
Revision 7.00
Copyright 1991, Paul Waterman
This file contains revision 7.00 of the WCST Spoilers. Revision 7.00
incorporates more changes than any previous release of the spoiler files.
Many new sections have been added, and the entire file has been re-arranged
for maximum usefulness. In addition, extensive formatting changes have been
done in order to make the tables and text as readable as possible.
Essentially, the entire file has been revised.
For revision 7.00, we will be trying something unique. We will be releasing
the spoiler files in ASCII format on rec.games.hack and comp.sources.games
(and we have an ongoing commitment to continue doing so in future releases).
However, in addition, we will be offering a laser printed version of the
spoilers for sale.
The commercial version is beautifully formatted on a desktop publishing
system, and includes "extras" that the public release doesn't have such as
page numbers, a table of contents, a complete index, and eye-pleasing
graphics. The entire 100+ pages is spiral bound with durable covers for
those late night hacking sessions. Additionally, the commercial version
includes a useful command summary sheet and several "cheat sheets." One of
these cheat sheets has a complete summary of all objects available within the
game, and there are also cheat sheets for each object type, which include
complete price lists, check-off lists, and identifying information.
This commercial version is available for $13, plus $2.00 postage and
handling. Also, quantity discounts are available with as few as five copies,
so get together with some fellow nethackers from your site and take advantage
of the lowest price you can get.
Simply fill out the following form and send it in to get your copy of the
WCST Nethack Spoilers:
Remit to: Paul Waterman
WCST Spoilers, 817 College Ave. #1, Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: (708) 682-5085
Quantity Item Price
________ WCST Spoiler File @ $13 each (1-4 copies) $________
@ $12 each (5-10 copies)
@ $11 each (11-15 copies)
@ $10 each (16+ copies)
Postage and Handling
(U.S. and Canada) @ $2 each (1-15 copies)
@ FREE (16+ copies)
(Foreign) @ $5 each (1-15 copies)
@ $2 each (16+ copies) $________
TOTAL $________
Check or money order payable in U.S. dollars accepted.
Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
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[-_-_-_-_-] | | [-_-_-_-_-]
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( (__________---_________________---__________) )
The Nethack Spoilers
Revision 7.00
Copyright 1991, Paul Waterman
All Rights Reserved
Copyright Paul Waterman, 1991. All rights reserved.
This document (hereafter referred to as the "public" version of the WCST
Nethack Spoiler File, or just "the spoilers") is copyrighted material and is
*not* in the public domain. Permission is hereby granted to you (the user)
to distribute copies of this document, subject to the following conditions:
1) The spoilers may be electronically distributed only in unmodified form.
Any such distribution must contain the complete document, including the title
page, copyright notices, and this section.
2) The spoilers may be distributed in other than electronic form,
(specifically, in the form of a printout) only as a direct, unmodified dump
of the complete document. For instance, if you were to print out a copy of
the spoilers for distribution, that printout must be an unmodified dump of
the complete document. Reformatting this document to include multiple
fonts, graphics, or line drawing, for instance, for distribution is
specifically prohibited.
3) No fee may be charged for the copying or distribution of the spoilers
other than compensation which shall match the cost of materials for that
distribution (i.e., you cannot charge for time/labor), not to exceed $5 US.
(Examples: If you were to print the spoilers out for a friend and the paper
cost you $0.25, you could ask your friend for $0.25 - not a penny more.)
4) The spoilers may not be distributed free in conjunction with any other
product without the written consent of the author.
This document has been compiled from various sources (including play, usenet
e-mail and news groups, long term experience, source code, and general
hearsay). Information in this file has been verified as well as possible.
However, information in this document is not guaranteed to be correct, is
subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the
part of the author.
Paul Waterman and WCST are not affiliated with any other group, including but
not limited to the Nethack Development Team or Wheaton College.
Special thanks to:
Alan Light, for the original compilation of rec.games.hack postings.
Dan Reifsnyder, for the great graphics.
Ken Roth, for proving that a human could beat my script to play nethack.
Laura Waterman, for constant encouragement and intelligent questions.
Peter Waterman, for showing me what a great artist you are.
Table of Contents:
The Beginning
Revision Numbers
Using The Spoilers
Commonalities and Generalities
Common Questions
General Hints
The Character
Carrying Capacity
Character Classes
Character Stats
Status Line
The Beasts
Monster Attacks
Monster Information
The Dungeon
Castle Level
Special Levels
The Game
Fountain Effects
Game Messages
Hit Probability
Removing Curses
Robbing Shops
Sink Effects
Throne Effects
Unicorn Horns
The Items
Identifying Amulets
Armor Effects
Identifying Armor
Food - Corpses
Potion Quaffing Effects
Potion Throwing Effects
Potion Vapor Effects
Identifying Potions
Ring Effects
Identifying Rings
Scroll Effects
Confused Scroll Effects
Identifying Scrolls
Tool Effects
Identifying Tools
Wand Effects
Identifying Wands
Nethack Abuse
Expected In Version 3.1
| The Beginning |
Once upon a time, there was a game called hack. Hack was a pretty good game,
and a lot of people really enjoyed playing it. Then a strange and wonderful
creature called "The Dev Team" got hold of it, and hack was never the same
again. For starters, it suddenly got a name change, and was called nethack.
But the biggest change was in the game itself. No longer was it a fun
afternoon show to watch in black and white on a nine inch set. It suddenly
became a three dimensional color holovision show with dolby surround sound
and much, much more. (Our thanks to the dev team for a job well done.)
The problem with this is that people started getting addicted to the action,
the adventure, their character getting killed over and over again... In
order to prevent the untimely demise of characters whose rated lifespan was
about double the actual lifespan, a bunch of people came together and began
giving each other hints about how to dodge that nasty shopkeeper, and how to
get rid of that awful wizard, and this worked well... for a time.
There was still a problem with this, though, for once the suggestion was
given, unless carefully hoarded away, it was gone forever, and there were
always new people who hadn't heard the suggestions. Thus, the nethack
spoiler file was created.
Within this file is a large collection of lore about the game of nethack.
Some of it may not be true, but we have made the best effort possible to
verify all of the information contained herein. Much of it has been
verified, corrected, or added since the original posting of revision one on
the net.
Also, we would like to request that any corrections, modifications,
suggestions, etc. be e-mailed directly to nhspoil@wheaton.UUCP and not posted
to the net. We will attempt to verify any information sent us and then we
will both add it to the spoiler file (for the next release) and post an
official correction/addition to rec.games.hack.
Note: Please do not send e-mail to us asking for a copy of the spoilers or
for a copy of nethack itself (or the source code, etc.). We do not honor
these requests, and often just ignore them.
Be warned: If you use the knowledge contained herein, your game will never
be the same. Your horizons will suddenly be expanded, but you may end up
thinking that the game is less than it once was. That is the risk you must
take if you choose to read this file.
Good luck, and happy hacking!
Revision Numbers:
In order to keep a decent idea of how the spoiler file is progressing, we
have set up an official policy on how Revision Numbers will change. Any
minor revisions corrections or amplifications will advance the revision
number by .01. New sections added (such as this one), or complete re-writes
of existing sections will advance the revision number by .10. Any complete
rewrite of the entire file (just in case - it might actually happen) will
advance the revision number to the next integer.
Well, this should actually be a very large list. Among others, it should
include almost everyone who has posted any hints of value to the net within
about the last year (or even longer in some cases). Some people who have
made contributions to the cause of these spoilers above and beyond the call
of duty, however, are listed here:
Kenneth Arromdee
Bill de Beaubien
Alan Edwards
Walter Fergusson
David Goldfarb
Laurence Gordon
Kate Gregory
Dolf Grunbauer
David Hairston
Michael Heggen
Douglas Henke
Greg Hudson
Lucas B. Kruijswijk
Alan Light
Stephen Marino
Andrew Pearce
Robert Potter
Ken Roth
Brajesh K. Singh
C. G. J. Thompson, et.al
David Throop
Steve Warren
Laura C. Waterman
Dominik Zemmler
If any of the rest of you out there know you contributed something to the
cause, but don't see your name listed here - don't get us wrong. It's not
that we're ungrateful! We probably just nuked your name by mistake!
Note: All names are listed in alphabetical order by last name, and not by
order of importance of contribution.
Using The Spoilers:
There's really not much to say on this subject, other than a few intuitive
pointers. How you use the spoilers is simple: You read them, and apply the
knowledge contained within to your game of nethack.
Those of you who are using the commercial version of the spoilers will have a
complete index at your disposal, which should aid greatly in looking up just
about anything you'd like to know about. For those of you who are using the
public version, however, we do have one major hint for getting at what you
want within the file quickly.
The section titles tend to be fairly unique, and are always followed by a
colon. This should make it very simple to get to whatever section you want
quickly. Just load the file into your editor (or if you're on a unix system,
even use 'more' for that matter), and use the search function to look for the
section. For instance, from within more or vi, use the slash key ("/") and
what you'd like to search for ("Armor:" for example).
This technique is also very useful for finding every reference to a
particular topic. If you'd like to know about wishing for instance, just
search for every occurance of the word "wish" in the file.
| Commonalities and Generalities |
Common Questions:
Q: I've made it to the first level of hell (probably by falling through a
trap in the castle level), but I can't find any down staircases? How
can I get down farther?
A: You'll find that if you're confused and read a scroll of teleportation
you'll get teleported to a different level. Cursed scrolls of
teleportation and level teleporters also do this. If you have teleport
control (via a ring or intrinsic), you can choose what level to teleport
to. Teleport down to about level fifty and then work your way up.
Q: I've got the amulet, and I'm on my way up through the levels of Hell, but
I'm stuck. I'm in a relatively small area in the middle of the level, I
can't find a way out, and there's no stairway up - only one going back
A: Sounds like you've found Vlad's Tower. Try going back down two levels and
exiting from the base of the tower. Then try looking in the upper left
hand corner of the maze for another stairway going up. The tower levels
always have an up staircase placed there. See the section on SPECIAL
LEVELS for more information.
Q: I've got the amulet, and I'm on my way up, but the Wizard keeps popping in
and I'm tired of killing him. Is there anything I can do to get him off
of my case?
A: Most things you can do won't stop him from coming after you again. I saw
a post once on rec.games.hack that had about thirty suggestions, but
none of them would work. Basically, the only way to stop him from
coming after you is to exploit a "feature" of the game. Wait near the
up staircase for him. Then, throw a potion of paralysis at him. During
the 1-15 turns that he will be paralyzed, go up the staircase. He won't
come after you any more. The reason for this is that the game only
updates the paralysis counters for creatures on the same level as you -
thus, it realizes that the Wizard is still around, but paralyzed, and it
won't un-paralyze him unless you go back to that level. (Incidentally,
don't count on this working in the next version of nethack.)
Q: I'm in the endgame and I'm in a long hallway that runs north-south. I
can't seem to find a secret door, though, and I can't teleport. How do
I get to the other side of the level?
A: Be patient and keep searching. There's a secret door in the upper left
wall of the corridor. However, there's a lot of nasty creatures in the
center of the endgame level, so if you're willing to sacrifice the
experience, and you can polymorph, it might be better to turn into a
xorn and go around the center area.
Q: I've heard a lot about "named weapons," but I can't seem to get one. How
can I get one?
A: Well, there are five ways of getting named weapons, also known as
artifacts. The first, and perhaps most obvious one, is to wish for it.
When you are asked what you want to wish for, type "a (blessed) (+n)
[weapon type] named [name]," where blessed and +n (be sure to substitute
a number for n!) are optional, and the weapon type is correct for that
named weapon (see the ARTIFACTS section and WISHING section for more
information). Another way to get a named weapon is to have it given to
you by your deity. If you sacrifice (#offer) enough, eventually you
will probably see an object appear at your feet. This will be a named
weapon. A third way to get a named weapon is to find it. Some of them
will just be randomly generated (although very rare), so be on the
lookout. You will know it's named when you pick it up - it's not
necessary to identify it. You can also gain some of the named weapons
by simply finding the appropriate weapon type and using the #name
command. Sting and Orcrist are notable in this regard. Finally, you
can get Excalibur by #dipping a normal longsword in a fountain (see
FOUNTAIN EFFECTS for more details about this).
Q: I was playing a character and he/she got polymorphed into a new human. I
was asked to give the character a different name, and now I can't get
the character back. What do I do?
A: Nethack allows you to have multiple characters with different names, and
whenever nethack saves a character it always uses the character's name,
regardless of whether that character used to have a different name. In
order to access a character of a particular name (or start one with a
different name), the easiest thing is to give nethack a -u flag and your
name. For instance, type "nethack -u name" where "name" is your
character's name ("Endiel" in my case - and I'll send you updates to the
spoilers if you can figure out where it came from).
Q: I was playing nethack when I hit the '!' key by mistake. Now I'm sitting
at my prompt, and I don't know what's happened to my game. What gives?
A: In nethack, the '!' key will create a shell for you. What this does is
allow you to quickly pop out of nethack in order to do stuff, without
messing up your nethack game. On most systems, you can exit the shell
and get back to your nethack game by typing "exit."
Q: I've found a hawaiian shirt lying around, and I've heard them mentioned in
the spoilers. What use are they?
A: Basically, Hawaiian shirts let you effectively drop your AC by several
more points, as they can be worn under a suit of armor (the more pieces
of armor, the better the possible AC). When not enchanted, they don't
do much good (and actually can do harm, as shopkeepers will try to cheat
you if they see it). But if it's enchanted and under a suit of armor or
cloak (where the shopkeeper can't see it), it can be quite useful.
Q: I've been punished, and I can't stand lugging around this ball and chain.
What can I do to get rid of it?
A: There are several ways to accomplish this. In the meantime, though,
unless you have a pretty good weapon, pick up the iron ball and wield
it. To get it off, try reading a scroll (or casting a spell) of remove
curse. Or, try feeding it to a rust monster, rock mole, or iron golem.
A nymph may steal it. Or, you can polymorph into a rust monster, rock
mole, or iron golem, and eat it yourself. Finally, you can polymorph
into a nymph and remove it. Note that lock-picks and keys won't work to
get it off.
Q: I've come up with some cool ideas for additions/modifications to nethack.
What should I do with them?
A: You should send your ideas (also bugs) to nethack-bugs@linc.cis.upenn.edu.
Don't expect to receive back a confirmation that they received it - the
nethack-bugs account receives a lot of mail.
Q: I'm interested in making some modifications to nethack (or already have
done so), and think they would make a cool addition to the game. I'd
like to make these modifications/additions public. What should I do?
A: Once again, send some e-mail to nethack-bugs@linc.cis.upenn.edu. Here's
some hints as to what all you should send: 1) If you have already made
the modifications, make sure it is well documented with comments, and
then send the changes (*not* the whole source code) to the Dev Team (at
nethack-bugs...). 2) Send a description of the planned (or finished)
code changes and how this affects other sections of the code. 3)
Include a description of how you think the idea will impact the game,
and why you think your idea is good or necessary. 4) Be prepared for a
rejection on grounds that appear totally arbitrary to you. If you do,
consider the reasons given and think about re-working your ideas and
repeating the process. 5) If you really think your ideas are worthwhile
but the Dev Team refuses to agree (possible, but unlikely), consider
distributing them as optional add-ons through net newsgroups such as
rec.games.hack and comp.sources.games.
Q: I have these spoilers, but where can I get a copy of nethack from?
A: Please don't send e-mail to us! We're not in the habit of sending out
copies of nethack, and rarely reply to messages asking where to get it
from. Information is posted on a regular basis on rec.games.hack about
where to get the latest version of nethack.
Q: I was playing nethack via modem from my personal computer when I lost the
connection. I dialed back into the system immediately, and my login was
sitting there idle, still playing nethack. What should I do to get it
to save out?
A: This problem tends to happen only on unix systems. If you're non-
technical, and don't know much about unix, you should contact the games
administrator, system administrator, or any person with superuser
priveleges and ask them to "please send a hangup signal to my nethack
process." If you know a little more, you might want to try doing this
yourself. First of all, find the process ID (PID) of the nethack
process. This can be accomplished with the 'ps' command (see your
manual for more information about the ps command). Next, use the 'kill'
command to send a 'HUP' (hangup) to the process (again, see your manual
for more information about the kill command). Don't send a 'KILL'
signal, as this will cause the game to die instantly and not save.
Sending a 'HUP' should cause the program to exit, saving your game, and
you should then be able to load it in again normally. If the computer
won't allow you to kill the process, your nethack game is probably
running with special priveleges, and you'll need to contact the games
administrator, system administrator, or a superuser in order to send it
a hangup signal.
General Hints:
Lizard corpses, like food rations, won't ever spoil.
It is a great idea to give like-aligned priests 400*your level in gold.
If you attack a rival priest in his temple, his god will fight for him, so
make it your temple first (i.e. convert the altar).
A guaranteed way to change your alignment is to kill a unicorn of your
alignment and offer the fresh corpse at an altar of the god whose
alignment you wish to convert to.
Friendly monsters may become tame if you give them the right food (try
Zombie and mummy corpses are already old corpses, so can't be sacrificed
(however, they can be eaten before they spoil).
The bigger the sacrifice, the better the reward.
Eating a clove of garlic cures lycanthropy. Prayer can too.
A ring of warning warns: white, pink, red, ruby, purple, and run at black.
Kicking is great for killing monsters at low levels (especially for Samurais
and Priests).
Don't kick in shop doors that are closed for inventory.
A wand of digging makes a quick way down (use '>' for the direction).
Fill trap doors with boulders. You can also cross water this way.
When dipping in holy water, amber means uncursed, light blue means blessed.
Dipping a corpse in holy water will make it take longer to rot.
Dipping a dart may identify a potion of sickness (it poisons the dart).
To make a scroll blank and or holy/unholy water normal, zap a wand of
cancellation at it.
To use a wand on yourself, use '.' for the direction.
Blessed magic lamps always give wishes if they have a charge.
When you run into a great number of statues, don't look out.
Zap monsters that engulf you with a wand of digging.
To find the mimics in a shop, walk in, then back out.
To create a scroll with a magic marker just write the name of the scroll on a
blank scroll (i.e. "magic mapping").
If you are wearing dragon scale mail and get polymorphed, you will polymorph
into the same type of dragon as your dragon scale mail.
Being magic resistant prevents teleport traps from working properly.
You cannot pick up items while levitating, therefore it is not always good to
be levitating. However, vampire lords levitate but can pick up objects.
If you want to stop levitating, just fly over a sink, and you will.
Mirrors may be used to scare some monsters. They also, of course, kill
If you cannot eat it now, tin it or freeze it.
You can wield a cockatrice corpse if you're wearing gloves, but don't go down
stairs while carrying one, especially if you are overloaded. They are
wonderful for clearing out zoos, barracks, and throne rooms.
To determine whether an item is blessed, regular, or cursed, drop it on an
altar. If the glow is amber, it's blessed. Black means cursed.
Dropping water or unholy water at a lawful altar will turn it into holy
Dropping water (holy or unholy) at a neutral altar will make it normal water.
Dropping water or holy water at a chaotic altar will make it unholy water.
A ring of levitation will protect you from a xan (they're real short).
It is possible to lose telepathy if you are not chaotic and you kill a
peaceful human.
Gremlins can steal intrinsics from you.
It is possible to jump through an escaped trapdoor by hitting '>'.
| The Character |
Every character and monster in nethack has an alignment. Even some objects
(specifically artifacts, or named weapons) have alignments. Describing
exactly what alignment is and what it entails is tricky, however. Expressed
simply, alignment is what side you've aligned yourself with - good, evil, or
neither. What is considered "good" and "evil" in nethack is very much the
traditional medieval picture of good and evil. Thus, a brief description of
the three alignments and the behavior expected from a character of that
alignment follows:
Chaotic: A chaotic character has basically aligned him/herself with the side
of evil. He/she likes doing things that would normally be considered "bad"
just for the joy of it. Chaotics tend to have the attitude of "looking out
for number one." A chaotic character will probably kill anything that walks,
just for fun, and will tend to rob shops as a principle.
Neutral: Neutrality tends to be a refusal to take sides. The attitude of a
neutral is basically "live and let live." A character who is neutral
probably won't kill creatures that aren't bothering it, but won't have any
qualms about killing those that do. A neutral character won't really care
about robbing from shops, as long as it will benefit him/her.
Lawful: A lawful character has aligned him/herself with the side of good.
He/she will tend to follow societal rules, even if it won't benefit him/her.
A lawful character will have the attitude that "there is a higher good."
Lawful characters usually will try to befriend other creatures, but may
attempt to hunt down and kill those creatures that are by their very nature
"evil." (Chaotic monsters especially would be considered to be "evil" by a
lawful type.) A lawful character would never even think of robbing a shop.
Now, here's how alignment works in nethack: There is a number associated
with your alignment, which will determine if you are "stridently aligned,"
etc. This number is increased for every action you perform which is in
keeping with your alignment, and decreased for every action you perform which
would be against your alignment. Thus, if a lawful character were to rob a
shop or kill a lawful creature, this alignment would be decreased. If a
chaotic character, on the other hand, were to do the very same thing, the
number would be increased.
Carrying Capacity:
In order to compute the carrying capacity of a character, you need to know
three things: the character's strength, level, and if either leg is wounded.
Strength is divided into two parts, and is shown as str/nn. Str ranges from
1 to 18 (and can jump to 25 with gauntlets of power), and nn ranges from 01
to ** (** is used since 100 won't fit in the two digit space).
There are two different methods for computing your carrying capacity,
depending on how your game of nethack was originally compiled. On most
systems, nethack is compiled with the HARD option set to on. If that is the
case on your system, use Method 1 for computing your carrying capacity. If
your system has HARD set to off, use Method 2 for computing your carrying
In either case, how strength affects carrying capacity varies depending upon
the strength. The character's level is always multiplied by five and added
into the carrying capacity (although in Method 1, you only can count the
first 16 levels for this), and finally, for each wounded leg (either the
left, right, or both can be wounded) you have to subtract ten from the
carrying capacity. Thus, the formulae for figuring out your carrying
capacity are as follows:
Method 1:
| Strength | Capacity |
| 1-18 | 5*level + 5*str - 10*(wounded legs) |
| 18/01-25 | 5*level(up to level 16) + 40 - 10*(wounded legs) |
Method 2:
| Strength | Capacity |
| 1-18 | 5*level + 5*str - 10*(wounded legs) |
| 18/01-18/50 | 5*level + 90 + nn - 10*(wounded legs) |
| 18/51-18/75 | 5*level + 140 + 2*(nn-50) - 10*(wounded legs) |
| 18/76-18/90 | 5*level + 190 + 3*(nn-75) - 10*(wounded legs) |
| 18/91-18/95 | 5*level + 235 + 5*(nn-90) - 10*(wounded legs) |
| 18/96-18/99 | 5*level + 260 + 10*(nn-95) - 10*(wounded legs) |
| 18/** | 5*level + 410 - 10*(wounded legs) |
| 25 | 5*level + 380 - 10*(wounded legs) |
Interestingly enough, with Method 2, a strength of 25 doesn't allow as much
of a carrying capacity as 18/** does.
In either case, when you are levitating, your carrying capacity is
automatically at maximum.
Character Classes:
The Archeologist
| Starting equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +2 bull whip |
| 1 uncursed of blessed +0 leather armor |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 fedora |
| 3 uncursed food rations |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +(random) pick axe |
| 1 uncursed or blessed tinning kit |
| 1 uncursed sack |
| 10% chance of 1 uncursed tin opener - otherwise |
| 25% chance of 1 uncursed lamp - otherwise |
| 10% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1 | Digger | speed, stealth |
| 2 | Digger | |
| 3-5 | Field Worker | |
| 6-9 | Investigator | |
| 10 | Exhumer | searching |
| 11-13 | Exhumer | |
| 14-17 | Excavator | |
| 18-21 | Spelunker | |
| 22-25 | Speleologist | |
| 26-29 | Collector | |
| 30 | Curator | |
Alignment: Lawful
The archeologist in nethack is basically an Indiana Jones clone. The
clothing is the same, the abilities are the same, and to all intents and
purposes, the goals are the same: Survive, explore, and bring back lots of
exotic treasures!
The archeologist starts with the innate ability to identify any gem.
The Barbarian
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 two-handed sword |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 axe |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 ring mail |
| 1 uncursed food ration |
| 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1 | Plunderer | poison resistance |
| 2 | Plunderer | |
| 3-5 | Pillager | |
| 6 | Bandit | |
| 7 | Bandit | speed |
| 8-9 | Bandit | |
| 10-13 | Brigand | |
| 14 | Raider | |
| 15 | Raider | searching |
| 16-17 | Raider | |
| 18-21 | Reaver | |
| 22-25 | Slayer | |
| 26-29 | Chieftain | |
| 30 | Conqueror | |
Alignment: Chaotic
Conan was, is, and always will be the classic example of a barbarian. Good
wine, good food, good money, and good women are what a barbarian considers to
be the most important aspects of life, and they will do almost anything in
their pursuit of these things, including delving deep into the dungeons of
The Caveman
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 club |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 bow |
| 13-42 uncursed or blessed +0 arrows |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 leather armor |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1-2 | Troglodyte | |
| 3-5 | Aborigine | |
| 6 | Wanderer | |
| 7 | Wanderer | speed |
| 8-9 | Wanderer | |
| 10-13 | Vagrant | |
| 14 | Wayfarer | |
| 15 | Wayfarer | warning |
| 16-17 | Wayfarer | |
| 18-21 | Roamer | |
| 22-25 | Nomad | |
| 26-29 | Rover | |
| 30 | Pioneer | |
Alignment: Lawful
"You Jane, Me Stupid." That about sums up the eloquent vocabulary, stunning
personality, and puissant brain-power of a caveman.
The Elf
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven short sword |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven bow |
| 16-35 uncursed or blessed +0 elven arrows |
| 50% chance of 1 uncursed or blessed +0 mithril |
| otherwise 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven cloak |
| 2 uncursed lembas wafers |
| 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold - otherwise |
| 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1 | Edhel | searching, see invis. |
| | | sleep res., speed |
| 2-5 | Edhel | |
| 6-9 | Ohtar | |
| 10-13 | Kano | |
| 14-17 | Arandur | |
| 18-21 | Hir | |
| 22-25 | Aredhel | |
| 26-29 | Ernil | |
| 30 | Elentar | |
Alignment: Lawful
Elves are hardy folk of humanoid stock. Nethack elves are fashioned after
Tolkien's elves, and as such are tall, thin, and light of foot. Elves have
excellent vision, and thus are more likely to notice things like secret
The Healer
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 scalpel |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 pair of leather gloves |
| 1 uncursed stethoscope |
| 4 uncursed or blessed potions of healing |
| 4 uncursed or blessed potions of extra healing |
| 1 uncursed or blessed wand of sleep |
| 1 blessed spellbook of healing |
| 1 blessed spellbook of extra healing |
| 5 uncursed apples |
| 4% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1-2 | PreMed | poison resistance |
| 3-5 | Med Student | |
| 6-9 | Medic | |
| 10-13 | Intern | |
| 14 | Doctor | |
| 15 | Doctor | warning |
| 16-17 | Doctor | |
| 18-21 | Physician | |
| 22-25 | Specialist | |
| 26-29 | Surgeon | |
| 30 | Chief Surgeon | |
Alignment: Lawful
The healer has dedicated his life to medicine and have the capability to
restore hit points through their spells. Healers are not trained in the
skills of fighting, but when in need, healers can turn their sharpened
scalpel against a foe.
The Knight
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 long sword |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +2 spear |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 ring mail |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 helmet |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 small shield |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 pair of leather gloves |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1-2 | Gallant | |
| 3-5 | Esquire | |
| 6 | Bachelor | |
| 7 | Bachelor | speed |
| 8-9 | Bachelor | |
| 10-13 | Sergeant | |
| 14-17 | Knight | |
| 18-21 | Banneret | |
| 22-25 | Chevalier | |
| 26-29 | Seignieur | |
| 30 | Paladin | |
Alignment: Lawful
The knight is considered by many to be one of the hardest nethack characters
to play. The knight does not start with exceptional items, does not gain
much as he goes along, and is constrained by many more rules than normal
characters, because of the code of chivalry that a knight must follow.
The Priest
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 blessed +1 mace |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 chain mail |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 small shield |
| 4 potions of holy water |
| 1 uncursed clove of garlic |
| 2 uncursed or blessed random spellbooks * |
| 10% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker - otherwise |
| 10% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1-2 | Aspirant | |
| 3-5 | Acolyte | |
| 6 | Adept | |
| 7 | Adept | warning |
| 8-9 | Adept | |
| 10-13 | Priest | |
| 14-17 | Curate | |
| 18-19 | Canon | |
| 20 | Canon | fire resistance |
| 21 | Canon | |
| 22-25 | Lama | |
| 26-29 | Patriarch | |
| 30 | High Priest | |
Alignment: Neutral
The priest is a cleric who has set him/herself apart for service to his/her
deity. Priests begin the game blessed with the ability to immediately
determine whether items are cursed, uncursed, or blessed. Also, since many
orders have injunctions against the shedding of blood, priests are trained in
kicking instead, and get bonuses when doing so.
The Rogue:
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 short sword |
| 6-15 uncursed +0 daggers |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 leather armor |
| 1 uncursed potion of sickness |
| 1 uncursed lock pick (9 charges) |
| 1 uncursed sack |
| 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1 | Footpad | stealth |
| 2 | Footpad | |
| 3-5 | Cutpurse | |
| 6-9 | Rogue | |
| 10 | Pilferer | searching |
| 11-13 | Pilferer | |
| 14-17 | Robber | |
| 18-21 | Burglar | |
| 22-25 | Filcher | |
| 26-29 | Magsman | |
| 30 | Thief | |
Alignment: Chaotic
The rogue is an outlaw, a bandit who makes his living off of the misery of
others. Killing, maiming, and despoiling passing strangers gives a rogue
great glee.
The Samurai
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 katana (long sword) |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 wakizashi (short sword) |
| 9 uncursed or blessed shurikens (throwing stars) |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 splint mail |
| 3 uncursed or blessed fortune cookies |
| 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1 | Chigo | speed |
| 2 | Chigo | |
| 3-5 | Bushi | |
| 6-13 | Genin | |
| 14 | Chunin | |
| 15 | Chunin | stealth |
| 16-21 | Chunin | |
| 22-30 | Jonin | |
Alignment: Lawful
The samurai is an ancient order of Japanese warrior, the oriental equivalent
of a european knight. The samurai follows the code of bushido, much like the
knight follows the code of chivalry.
Samurai get bonuses when kicking due to their martial arts training.
The Tourist
| Starting Equipment: |
| 21-40 uncursed or blessed +2 darts |
| 10 uncursed random food items |
| 2 uncursed or blessed potions of extra healing |
| 4 uncursed or blessed scrolls of magic mapping |
| 1 uncursed expensive camera |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 hawaiian shirt |
| 1 uncursed credit card |
| 4% chance of 1 uncursed tin opener - otherwise |
| 4% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker - otherwise |
| 4% chance of 1 uncursed leash |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1-2 | Rambler | |
| 3-5 | Sightseer | |
| 6-9 | Excursionist | |
| 10 | Peregrinator | searching |
| 11-13 | Peregrinator | |
| 14-17 | Traveler | |
| 18-19 | Journeyer | |
| 20-21 | Journeyer | poison resistance |
| 22-25 | Voyager | |
| 26-29 | Explorer | |
| 30 | Adventurer | |
Alignment: Neutral
"Oh Wanda! Take a look at that beautiful lake! (*CLICK*)" Tourists are just
what they sound like - loud, hungry, overweight people carrying cameras and
wearing ugly clothing who have no business being where they are. As
adventurers, it must be said that playing a tourist is truly a challenge.
The Valkyrie
| Starting Equipment: |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 long sword |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 dagger |
| 1 uncursed or blessed +3 small shield |
| 1 uncursed food ration |
| 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
| Level | Title | Intrinsics |
| 1 | Stripling | stealth, cold res. |
| 2 | Stripling | |
| 3-5 | Skirmisher | |
| 6 | Fighter | |
| 7 | Fighter | speed |
| 8-9 | Fighter | |
| 10-13 | Woman-at-arms | |
| 14-17 | Warrior | |
| 18-21 | Swashbuckler | |
| 22-25 | Heroine | |