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Text File | 1992-01-13 | 49.9 KB | 1,035 lines |
- _ _ _ ____ ____ _____
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- | | | | | |__ |__ | | | ANNOUNCES
- |_____| |____| |____| |_| -----------
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- The absolute best resource file for nethack just got better!
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- The Nethack Spoilers
- Revision 7.00
- Copyright 1991, Paul Waterman
- This file contains revision 7.00 of the WCST Spoilers. Revision 7.00
- incorporates more changes than any previous release of the spoiler files.
- Many new sections have been added, and the entire file has been re-arranged
- for maximum usefulness. In addition, extensive formatting changes have been
- done in order to make the tables and text as readable as possible.
- Essentially, the entire file has been revised.
- For revision 7.00, we will be trying something unique. We will be releasing
- the spoiler files in ASCII format on rec.games.hack and comp.sources.games
- (and we have an ongoing commitment to continue doing so in future releases).
- However, in addition, we will be offering a laser printed version of the
- spoilers for sale.
- The commercial version is beautifully formatted on a desktop publishing
- system, and includes "extras" that the public release doesn't have such as
- page numbers, a table of contents, a complete index, and eye-pleasing
- graphics. The entire 100+ pages is spiral bound with durable covers for
- those late night hacking sessions. Additionally, the commercial version
- includes a useful command summary sheet and several "cheat sheets." One of
- these cheat sheets has a complete summary of all objects available within the
- game, and there are also cheat sheets for each object type, which include
- complete price lists, check-off lists, and identifying information.
- This commercial version is available for $13, plus $2.00 postage and
- handling. Also, quantity discounts are available with as few as five copies,
- so get together with some fellow nethackers from your site and take advantage
- of the lowest price you can get.
- Simply fill out the following form and send it in to get your copy of the
- WCST Nethack Spoilers:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Remit to: Paul Waterman
- WCST Spoilers, 817 College Ave. #1, Wheaton, IL 60187
- Phone: (708) 682-5085
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Quantity Item Price
- ________ WCST Spoiler File @ $13 each (1-4 copies) $________
- @ $12 each (5-10 copies)
- @ $11 each (11-15 copies)
- @ $10 each (16+ copies)
- Postage and Handling
- (U.S. and Canada) @ $2 each (1-15 copies)
- @ FREE (16+ copies)
- (Foreign) @ $5 each (1-15 copies)
- @ $2 each (16+ copies) $________
- TOTAL $________
- Check or money order payable in U.S. dollars accepted.
- Name: ________________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- _ _ _ ____ ____ _____
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- |_____| |____| |____| |_|
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- -| |- [-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-] -| |-
- [-_-_-_-_-] | | [-_-_-_-_-]
- | o o | | o o o | | o o |
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- | o | | o | | o |
- | | o o | _____ | o o | |
- _____----- | | | |:::| | | | -----_____
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- _-_-|_____|-----|____|:::|____|-----|_____|-_-_
- ( (__________---_________________---__________) )
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- The Nethack Spoilers
- Revision 7.00
- Copyright 1991, Paul Waterman
- All Rights Reserved
- Copyright Paul Waterman, 1991. All rights reserved.
- This document (hereafter referred to as the "public" version of the WCST
- Nethack Spoiler File, or just "the spoilers") is copyrighted material and is
- *not* in the public domain. Permission is hereby granted to you (the user)
- to distribute copies of this document, subject to the following conditions:
- 1) The spoilers may be electronically distributed only in unmodified form.
- Any such distribution must contain the complete document, including the title
- page, copyright notices, and this section.
- 2) The spoilers may be distributed in other than electronic form,
- (specifically, in the form of a printout) only as a direct, unmodified dump
- of the complete document. For instance, if you were to print out a copy of
- the spoilers for distribution, that printout must be an unmodified dump of
- the complete document. Reformatting this document to include multiple
- fonts, graphics, or line drawing, for instance, for distribution is
- specifically prohibited.
- 3) No fee may be charged for the copying or distribution of the spoilers
- other than compensation which shall match the cost of materials for that
- distribution (i.e., you cannot charge for time/labor), not to exceed $5 US.
- (Examples: If you were to print the spoilers out for a friend and the paper
- cost you $0.25, you could ask your friend for $0.25 - not a penny more.)
- 4) The spoilers may not be distributed free in conjunction with any other
- product without the written consent of the author.
- This document has been compiled from various sources (including play, usenet
- e-mail and news groups, long term experience, source code, and general
- hearsay). Information in this file has been verified as well as possible.
- However, information in this document is not guaranteed to be correct, is
- subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the
- part of the author.
- Paul Waterman and WCST are not affiliated with any other group, including but
- not limited to the Nethack Development Team or Wheaton College.
- Special thanks to:
- Alan Light, for the original compilation of rec.games.hack postings.
- Dan Reifsnyder, for the great graphics.
- Ken Roth, for proving that a human could beat my script to play nethack.
- Laura Waterman, for constant encouragement and intelligent questions.
- Peter Waterman, for showing me what a great artist you are.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Table of Contents:
- The Beginning
- Introduction
- Revision Numbers
- Credits
- Using The Spoilers
- Commonalities and Generalities
- Common Questions
- General Hints
- The Character
- Alignment
- Carrying Capacity
- Character Classes
- Character Stats
- Score
- Status Line
- The Beasts
- Monster Attacks
- Monster Information
- The Dungeon
- Castle Level
- Special Levels
- The Game
- Damage
- Fountain Effects
- Game Messages
- Hit Probability
- Kicking
- Luck
- Magic
- Pets
- Praying
- Removing Curses
- Robbing Shops
- Sink Effects
- Survival
- Throne Effects
- Unicorn Horns
- Wishes
- The Items
- Amulets
- Identifying Amulets
- Armor
- Armor Effects
- Identifying Armor
- Food
- Food - Corpses
- Gems
- Potions
- Potion Quaffing Effects
- Potion Throwing Effects
- Potion Vapor Effects
- Identifying Potions
- Ring Effects
- Identifying Rings
- Scrolls
- Scroll Effects
- Confused Scroll Effects
- Identifying Scrolls
- Spellbooks
- Tools
- Tool Effects
- Identifying Tools
- Wands
- Wand Effects
- Identifying Wands
- Weapons
- Artifacts
- Appendices
- Nethack Abuse
- Expected In Version 3.1
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | The Beginning |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction:
- Once upon a time, there was a game called hack. Hack was a pretty good game,
- and a lot of people really enjoyed playing it. Then a strange and wonderful
- creature called "The Dev Team" got hold of it, and hack was never the same
- again. For starters, it suddenly got a name change, and was called nethack.
- But the biggest change was in the game itself. No longer was it a fun
- afternoon show to watch in black and white on a nine inch set. It suddenly
- became a three dimensional color holovision show with dolby surround sound
- and much, much more. (Our thanks to the dev team for a job well done.)
- The problem with this is that people started getting addicted to the action,
- the adventure, their character getting killed over and over again... In
- order to prevent the untimely demise of characters whose rated lifespan was
- about double the actual lifespan, a bunch of people came together and began
- giving each other hints about how to dodge that nasty shopkeeper, and how to
- get rid of that awful wizard, and this worked well... for a time.
- There was still a problem with this, though, for once the suggestion was
- given, unless carefully hoarded away, it was gone forever, and there were
- always new people who hadn't heard the suggestions. Thus, the nethack
- spoiler file was created.
- Within this file is a large collection of lore about the game of nethack.
- Some of it may not be true, but we have made the best effort possible to
- verify all of the information contained herein. Much of it has been
- verified, corrected, or added since the original posting of revision one on
- the net.
- Also, we would like to request that any corrections, modifications,
- suggestions, etc. be e-mailed directly to nhspoil@wheaton.UUCP and not posted
- to the net. We will attempt to verify any information sent us and then we
- will both add it to the spoiler file (for the next release) and post an
- official correction/addition to rec.games.hack.
- Note: Please do not send e-mail to us asking for a copy of the spoilers or
- for a copy of nethack itself (or the source code, etc.). We do not honor
- these requests, and often just ignore them.
- Be warned: If you use the knowledge contained herein, your game will never
- be the same. Your horizons will suddenly be expanded, but you may end up
- thinking that the game is less than it once was. That is the risk you must
- take if you choose to read this file.
- Good luck, and happy hacking!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Revision Numbers:
- In order to keep a decent idea of how the spoiler file is progressing, we
- have set up an official policy on how Revision Numbers will change. Any
- minor revisions corrections or amplifications will advance the revision
- number by .01. New sections added (such as this one), or complete re-writes
- of existing sections will advance the revision number by .10. Any complete
- rewrite of the entire file (just in case - it might actually happen) will
- advance the revision number to the next integer.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Credits:
- Well, this should actually be a very large list. Among others, it should
- include almost everyone who has posted any hints of value to the net within
- about the last year (or even longer in some cases). Some people who have
- made contributions to the cause of these spoilers above and beyond the call
- of duty, however, are listed here:
- Kenneth Arromdee
- Bill de Beaubien
- Alan Edwards
- Walter Fergusson
- David Goldfarb
- Laurence Gordon
- Kate Gregory
- Dolf Grunbauer
- David Hairston
- Michael Heggen
- Douglas Henke
- Greg Hudson
- Lucas B. Kruijswijk
- Alan Light
- Stephen Marino
- Andrew Pearce
- Robert Potter
- Ken Roth
- Brajesh K. Singh
- C. G. J. Thompson, et.al
- David Throop
- Steve Warren
- Laura C. Waterman
- Dominik Zemmler
- If any of the rest of you out there know you contributed something to the
- cause, but don't see your name listed here - don't get us wrong. It's not
- that we're ungrateful! We probably just nuked your name by mistake!
- Note: All names are listed in alphabetical order by last name, and not by
- order of importance of contribution.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Using The Spoilers:
- There's really not much to say on this subject, other than a few intuitive
- pointers. How you use the spoilers is simple: You read them, and apply the
- knowledge contained within to your game of nethack.
- Those of you who are using the commercial version of the spoilers will have a
- complete index at your disposal, which should aid greatly in looking up just
- about anything you'd like to know about. For those of you who are using the
- public version, however, we do have one major hint for getting at what you
- want within the file quickly.
- The section titles tend to be fairly unique, and are always followed by a
- colon. This should make it very simple to get to whatever section you want
- quickly. Just load the file into your editor (or if you're on a unix system,
- even use 'more' for that matter), and use the search function to look for the
- section. For instance, from within more or vi, use the slash key ("/") and
- what you'd like to search for ("Armor:" for example).
- This technique is also very useful for finding every reference to a
- particular topic. If you'd like to know about wishing for instance, just
- search for every occurance of the word "wish" in the file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | Commonalities and Generalities |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Common Questions:
- Q: I've made it to the first level of hell (probably by falling through a
- trap in the castle level), but I can't find any down staircases? How
- can I get down farther?
- A: You'll find that if you're confused and read a scroll of teleportation
- you'll get teleported to a different level. Cursed scrolls of
- teleportation and level teleporters also do this. If you have teleport
- control (via a ring or intrinsic), you can choose what level to teleport
- to. Teleport down to about level fifty and then work your way up.
- Q: I've got the amulet, and I'm on my way up through the levels of Hell, but
- I'm stuck. I'm in a relatively small area in the middle of the level, I
- can't find a way out, and there's no stairway up - only one going back
- down.
- A: Sounds like you've found Vlad's Tower. Try going back down two levels and
- exiting from the base of the tower. Then try looking in the upper left
- hand corner of the maze for another stairway going up. The tower levels
- always have an up staircase placed there. See the section on SPECIAL
- LEVELS for more information.
- Q: I've got the amulet, and I'm on my way up, but the Wizard keeps popping in
- and I'm tired of killing him. Is there anything I can do to get him off
- of my case?
- A: Most things you can do won't stop him from coming after you again. I saw
- a post once on rec.games.hack that had about thirty suggestions, but
- none of them would work. Basically, the only way to stop him from
- coming after you is to exploit a "feature" of the game. Wait near the
- up staircase for him. Then, throw a potion of paralysis at him. During
- the 1-15 turns that he will be paralyzed, go up the staircase. He won't
- come after you any more. The reason for this is that the game only
- updates the paralysis counters for creatures on the same level as you -
- thus, it realizes that the Wizard is still around, but paralyzed, and it
- won't un-paralyze him unless you go back to that level. (Incidentally,
- don't count on this working in the next version of nethack.)
- Q: I'm in the endgame and I'm in a long hallway that runs north-south. I
- can't seem to find a secret door, though, and I can't teleport. How do
- I get to the other side of the level?
- A: Be patient and keep searching. There's a secret door in the upper left
- wall of the corridor. However, there's a lot of nasty creatures in the
- center of the endgame level, so if you're willing to sacrifice the
- experience, and you can polymorph, it might be better to turn into a
- xorn and go around the center area.
- Q: I've heard a lot about "named weapons," but I can't seem to get one. How
- can I get one?
- A: Well, there are five ways of getting named weapons, also known as
- artifacts. The first, and perhaps most obvious one, is to wish for it.
- When you are asked what you want to wish for, type "a (blessed) (+n)
- [weapon type] named [name]," where blessed and +n (be sure to substitute
- a number for n!) are optional, and the weapon type is correct for that
- named weapon (see the ARTIFACTS section and WISHING section for more
- information). Another way to get a named weapon is to have it given to
- you by your deity. If you sacrifice (#offer) enough, eventually you
- will probably see an object appear at your feet. This will be a named
- weapon. A third way to get a named weapon is to find it. Some of them
- will just be randomly generated (although very rare), so be on the
- lookout. You will know it's named when you pick it up - it's not
- necessary to identify it. You can also gain some of the named weapons
- by simply finding the appropriate weapon type and using the #name
- command. Sting and Orcrist are notable in this regard. Finally, you
- can get Excalibur by #dipping a normal longsword in a fountain (see
- FOUNTAIN EFFECTS for more details about this).
- Q: I was playing a character and he/she got polymorphed into a new human. I
- was asked to give the character a different name, and now I can't get
- the character back. What do I do?
- A: Nethack allows you to have multiple characters with different names, and
- whenever nethack saves a character it always uses the character's name,
- regardless of whether that character used to have a different name. In
- order to access a character of a particular name (or start one with a
- different name), the easiest thing is to give nethack a -u flag and your
- name. For instance, type "nethack -u name" where "name" is your
- character's name ("Endiel" in my case - and I'll send you updates to the
- spoilers if you can figure out where it came from).
- Q: I was playing nethack when I hit the '!' key by mistake. Now I'm sitting
- at my prompt, and I don't know what's happened to my game. What gives?
- A: In nethack, the '!' key will create a shell for you. What this does is
- allow you to quickly pop out of nethack in order to do stuff, without
- messing up your nethack game. On most systems, you can exit the shell
- and get back to your nethack game by typing "exit."
- Q: I've found a hawaiian shirt lying around, and I've heard them mentioned in
- the spoilers. What use are they?
- A: Basically, Hawaiian shirts let you effectively drop your AC by several
- more points, as they can be worn under a suit of armor (the more pieces
- of armor, the better the possible AC). When not enchanted, they don't
- do much good (and actually can do harm, as shopkeepers will try to cheat
- you if they see it). But if it's enchanted and under a suit of armor or
- cloak (where the shopkeeper can't see it), it can be quite useful.
- Q: I've been punished, and I can't stand lugging around this ball and chain.
- What can I do to get rid of it?
- A: There are several ways to accomplish this. In the meantime, though,
- unless you have a pretty good weapon, pick up the iron ball and wield
- it. To get it off, try reading a scroll (or casting a spell) of remove
- curse. Or, try feeding it to a rust monster, rock mole, or iron golem.
- A nymph may steal it. Or, you can polymorph into a rust monster, rock
- mole, or iron golem, and eat it yourself. Finally, you can polymorph
- into a nymph and remove it. Note that lock-picks and keys won't work to
- get it off.
- Q: I've come up with some cool ideas for additions/modifications to nethack.
- What should I do with them?
- A: You should send your ideas (also bugs) to nethack-bugs@linc.cis.upenn.edu.
- Don't expect to receive back a confirmation that they received it - the
- nethack-bugs account receives a lot of mail.
- Q: I'm interested in making some modifications to nethack (or already have
- done so), and think they would make a cool addition to the game. I'd
- like to make these modifications/additions public. What should I do?
- A: Once again, send some e-mail to nethack-bugs@linc.cis.upenn.edu. Here's
- some hints as to what all you should send: 1) If you have already made
- the modifications, make sure it is well documented with comments, and
- then send the changes (*not* the whole source code) to the Dev Team (at
- nethack-bugs...). 2) Send a description of the planned (or finished)
- code changes and how this affects other sections of the code. 3)
- Include a description of how you think the idea will impact the game,
- and why you think your idea is good or necessary. 4) Be prepared for a
- rejection on grounds that appear totally arbitrary to you. If you do,
- consider the reasons given and think about re-working your ideas and
- repeating the process. 5) If you really think your ideas are worthwhile
- but the Dev Team refuses to agree (possible, but unlikely), consider
- distributing them as optional add-ons through net newsgroups such as
- rec.games.hack and comp.sources.games.
- Q: I have these spoilers, but where can I get a copy of nethack from?
- A: Please don't send e-mail to us! We're not in the habit of sending out
- copies of nethack, and rarely reply to messages asking where to get it
- from. Information is posted on a regular basis on rec.games.hack about
- where to get the latest version of nethack.
- Q: I was playing nethack via modem from my personal computer when I lost the
- connection. I dialed back into the system immediately, and my login was
- sitting there idle, still playing nethack. What should I do to get it
- to save out?
- A: This problem tends to happen only on unix systems. If you're non-
- technical, and don't know much about unix, you should contact the games
- administrator, system administrator, or any person with superuser
- priveleges and ask them to "please send a hangup signal to my nethack
- process." If you know a little more, you might want to try doing this
- yourself. First of all, find the process ID (PID) of the nethack
- process. This can be accomplished with the 'ps' command (see your
- manual for more information about the ps command). Next, use the 'kill'
- command to send a 'HUP' (hangup) to the process (again, see your manual
- for more information about the kill command). Don't send a 'KILL'
- signal, as this will cause the game to die instantly and not save.
- Sending a 'HUP' should cause the program to exit, saving your game, and
- you should then be able to load it in again normally. If the computer
- won't allow you to kill the process, your nethack game is probably
- running with special priveleges, and you'll need to contact the games
- administrator, system administrator, or a superuser in order to send it
- a hangup signal.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- General Hints:
- Lizard corpses, like food rations, won't ever spoil.
- It is a great idea to give like-aligned priests 400*your level in gold.
- If you attack a rival priest in his temple, his god will fight for him, so
- make it your temple first (i.e. convert the altar).
- A guaranteed way to change your alignment is to kill a unicorn of your
- alignment and offer the fresh corpse at an altar of the god whose
- alignment you wish to convert to.
- Friendly monsters may become tame if you give them the right food (try
- tripe).
- Zombie and mummy corpses are already old corpses, so can't be sacrificed
- (however, they can be eaten before they spoil).
- The bigger the sacrifice, the better the reward.
- Eating a clove of garlic cures lycanthropy. Prayer can too.
- A ring of warning warns: white, pink, red, ruby, purple, and run at black.
- Kicking is great for killing monsters at low levels (especially for Samurais
- and Priests).
- Don't kick in shop doors that are closed for inventory.
- A wand of digging makes a quick way down (use '>' for the direction).
- Fill trap doors with boulders. You can also cross water this way.
- When dipping in holy water, amber means uncursed, light blue means blessed.
- Dipping a corpse in holy water will make it take longer to rot.
- Dipping a dart may identify a potion of sickness (it poisons the dart).
- To make a scroll blank and or holy/unholy water normal, zap a wand of
- cancellation at it.
- To use a wand on yourself, use '.' for the direction.
- Blessed magic lamps always give wishes if they have a charge.
- When you run into a great number of statues, don't look out.
- Zap monsters that engulf you with a wand of digging.
- To find the mimics in a shop, walk in, then back out.
- To create a scroll with a magic marker just write the name of the scroll on a
- blank scroll (i.e. "magic mapping").
- If you are wearing dragon scale mail and get polymorphed, you will polymorph
- into the same type of dragon as your dragon scale mail.
- Being magic resistant prevents teleport traps from working properly.
- You cannot pick up items while levitating, therefore it is not always good to
- be levitating. However, vampire lords levitate but can pick up objects.
- If you want to stop levitating, just fly over a sink, and you will.
- Mirrors may be used to scare some monsters. They also, of course, kill
- Medusa.
- If you cannot eat it now, tin it or freeze it.
- You can wield a cockatrice corpse if you're wearing gloves, but don't go down
- stairs while carrying one, especially if you are overloaded. They are
- wonderful for clearing out zoos, barracks, and throne rooms.
- To determine whether an item is blessed, regular, or cursed, drop it on an
- altar. If the glow is amber, it's blessed. Black means cursed.
- Dropping water or unholy water at a lawful altar will turn it into holy
- water.
- Dropping water (holy or unholy) at a neutral altar will make it normal water.
- Dropping water or holy water at a chaotic altar will make it unholy water.
- A ring of levitation will protect you from a xan (they're real short).
- It is possible to lose telepathy if you are not chaotic and you kill a
- peaceful human.
- Gremlins can steal intrinsics from you.
- It is possible to jump through an escaped trapdoor by hitting '>'.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | The Character |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Alignment:
- Every character and monster in nethack has an alignment. Even some objects
- (specifically artifacts, or named weapons) have alignments. Describing
- exactly what alignment is and what it entails is tricky, however. Expressed
- simply, alignment is what side you've aligned yourself with - good, evil, or
- neither. What is considered "good" and "evil" in nethack is very much the
- traditional medieval picture of good and evil. Thus, a brief description of
- the three alignments and the behavior expected from a character of that
- alignment follows:
- Chaotic: A chaotic character has basically aligned him/herself with the side
- of evil. He/she likes doing things that would normally be considered "bad"
- just for the joy of it. Chaotics tend to have the attitude of "looking out
- for number one." A chaotic character will probably kill anything that walks,
- just for fun, and will tend to rob shops as a principle.
- Neutral: Neutrality tends to be a refusal to take sides. The attitude of a
- neutral is basically "live and let live." A character who is neutral
- probably won't kill creatures that aren't bothering it, but won't have any
- qualms about killing those that do. A neutral character won't really care
- about robbing from shops, as long as it will benefit him/her.
- Lawful: A lawful character has aligned him/herself with the side of good.
- He/she will tend to follow societal rules, even if it won't benefit him/her.
- A lawful character will have the attitude that "there is a higher good."
- Lawful characters usually will try to befriend other creatures, but may
- attempt to hunt down and kill those creatures that are by their very nature
- "evil." (Chaotic monsters especially would be considered to be "evil" by a
- lawful type.) A lawful character would never even think of robbing a shop.
- Now, here's how alignment works in nethack: There is a number associated
- with your alignment, which will determine if you are "stridently aligned,"
- etc. This number is increased for every action you perform which is in
- keeping with your alignment, and decreased for every action you perform which
- would be against your alignment. Thus, if a lawful character were to rob a
- shop or kill a lawful creature, this alignment would be decreased. If a
- chaotic character, on the other hand, were to do the very same thing, the
- number would be increased.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Carrying Capacity:
- In order to compute the carrying capacity of a character, you need to know
- three things: the character's strength, level, and if either leg is wounded.
- Strength is divided into two parts, and is shown as str/nn. Str ranges from
- 1 to 18 (and can jump to 25 with gauntlets of power), and nn ranges from 01
- to ** (** is used since 100 won't fit in the two digit space).
- There are two different methods for computing your carrying capacity,
- depending on how your game of nethack was originally compiled. On most
- systems, nethack is compiled with the HARD option set to on. If that is the
- case on your system, use Method 1 for computing your carrying capacity. If
- your system has HARD set to off, use Method 2 for computing your carrying
- capacity.
- In either case, how strength affects carrying capacity varies depending upon
- the strength. The character's level is always multiplied by five and added
- into the carrying capacity (although in Method 1, you only can count the
- first 16 levels for this), and finally, for each wounded leg (either the
- left, right, or both can be wounded) you have to subtract ten from the
- carrying capacity. Thus, the formulae for figuring out your carrying
- capacity are as follows:
- Method 1:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Strength | Capacity |
- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | 1-18 | 5*level + 5*str - 10*(wounded legs) |
- | 18/01-25 | 5*level(up to level 16) + 40 - 10*(wounded legs) |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Method 2:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Strength | Capacity |
- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | 1-18 | 5*level + 5*str - 10*(wounded legs) |
- | 18/01-18/50 | 5*level + 90 + nn - 10*(wounded legs) |
- | 18/51-18/75 | 5*level + 140 + 2*(nn-50) - 10*(wounded legs) |
- | 18/76-18/90 | 5*level + 190 + 3*(nn-75) - 10*(wounded legs) |
- | 18/91-18/95 | 5*level + 235 + 5*(nn-90) - 10*(wounded legs) |
- | 18/96-18/99 | 5*level + 260 + 10*(nn-95) - 10*(wounded legs) |
- | 18/** | 5*level + 410 - 10*(wounded legs) |
- | 25 | 5*level + 380 - 10*(wounded legs) |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Interestingly enough, with Method 2, a strength of 25 doesn't allow as much
- of a carrying capacity as 18/** does.
- In either case, when you are levitating, your carrying capacity is
- automatically at maximum.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Character Classes:
- The Archeologist
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +2 bull whip |
- | 1 uncursed of blessed +0 leather armor |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 fedora |
- | 3 uncursed food rations |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +(random) pick axe |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed tinning kit |
- | 1 uncursed sack |
- | 10% chance of 1 uncursed tin opener - otherwise |
- | 25% chance of 1 uncursed lamp - otherwise |
- | 10% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1 | Digger | speed, stealth |
- | 2 | Digger | |
- | 3-5 | Field Worker | |
- | 6-9 | Investigator | |
- | 10 | Exhumer | searching |
- | 11-13 | Exhumer | |
- | 14-17 | Excavator | |
- | 18-21 | Spelunker | |
- | 22-25 | Speleologist | |
- | 26-29 | Collector | |
- | 30 | Curator | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Lawful
- The archeologist in nethack is basically an Indiana Jones clone. The
- clothing is the same, the abilities are the same, and to all intents and
- purposes, the goals are the same: Survive, explore, and bring back lots of
- exotic treasures!
- The archeologist starts with the innate ability to identify any gem.
- The Barbarian
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 two-handed sword |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 axe |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 ring mail |
- | 1 uncursed food ration |
- | 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1 | Plunderer | poison resistance |
- | 2 | Plunderer | |
- | 3-5 | Pillager | |
- | 6 | Bandit | |
- | 7 | Bandit | speed |
- | 8-9 | Bandit | |
- | 10-13 | Brigand | |
- | 14 | Raider | |
- | 15 | Raider | searching |
- | 16-17 | Raider | |
- | 18-21 | Reaver | |
- | 22-25 | Slayer | |
- | 26-29 | Chieftain | |
- | 30 | Conqueror | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Chaotic
- Conan was, is, and always will be the classic example of a barbarian. Good
- wine, good food, good money, and good women are what a barbarian considers to
- be the most important aspects of life, and they will do almost anything in
- their pursuit of these things, including delving deep into the dungeons of
- nethack.
- The Caveman
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +1 club |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +1 bow |
- | 13-42 uncursed or blessed +0 arrows |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 leather armor |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1-2 | Troglodyte | |
- | 3-5 | Aborigine | |
- | 6 | Wanderer | |
- | 7 | Wanderer | speed |
- | 8-9 | Wanderer | |
- | 10-13 | Vagrant | |
- | 14 | Wayfarer | |
- | 15 | Wayfarer | warning |
- | 16-17 | Wayfarer | |
- | 18-21 | Roamer | |
- | 22-25 | Nomad | |
- | 26-29 | Rover | |
- | 30 | Pioneer | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Lawful
- "You Jane, Me Stupid." That about sums up the eloquent vocabulary, stunning
- personality, and puissant brain-power of a caveman.
- The Elf
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven short sword |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven bow |
- | 16-35 uncursed or blessed +0 elven arrows |
- | 50% chance of 1 uncursed or blessed +0 mithril |
- | otherwise 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven cloak |
- | 2 uncursed lembas wafers |
- | 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold - otherwise |
- | 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1 | Edhel | searching, see invis. |
- | | | sleep res., speed |
- | 2-5 | Edhel | |
- | 6-9 | Ohtar | |
- | 10-13 | Kano | |
- | 14-17 | Arandur | |
- | 18-21 | Hir | |
- | 22-25 | Aredhel | |
- | 26-29 | Ernil | |
- | 30 | Elentar | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Lawful
- Elves are hardy folk of humanoid stock. Nethack elves are fashioned after
- Tolkien's elves, and as such are tall, thin, and light of foot. Elves have
- excellent vision, and thus are more likely to notice things like secret
- doors.
- The Healer
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 scalpel |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +1 pair of leather gloves |
- | 1 uncursed stethoscope |
- | 4 uncursed or blessed potions of healing |
- | 4 uncursed or blessed potions of extra healing |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed wand of sleep |
- | 1 blessed spellbook of healing |
- | 1 blessed spellbook of extra healing |
- | 5 uncursed apples |
- | 4% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1-2 | PreMed | poison resistance |
- | 3-5 | Med Student | |
- | 6-9 | Medic | |
- | 10-13 | Intern | |
- | 14 | Doctor | |
- | 15 | Doctor | warning |
- | 16-17 | Doctor | |
- | 18-21 | Physician | |
- | 22-25 | Specialist | |
- | 26-29 | Surgeon | |
- | 30 | Chief Surgeon | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Lawful
- The healer has dedicated his life to medicine and have the capability to
- restore hit points through their spells. Healers are not trained in the
- skills of fighting, but when in need, healers can turn their sharpened
- scalpel against a foe.
- The Knight
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 long sword |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +2 spear |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +1 ring mail |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 helmet |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 small shield |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 pair of leather gloves |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1-2 | Gallant | |
- | 3-5 | Esquire | |
- | 6 | Bachelor | |
- | 7 | Bachelor | speed |
- | 8-9 | Bachelor | |
- | 10-13 | Sergeant | |
- | 14-17 | Knight | |
- | 18-21 | Banneret | |
- | 22-25 | Chevalier | |
- | 26-29 | Seignieur | |
- | 30 | Paladin | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Lawful
- The knight is considered by many to be one of the hardest nethack characters
- to play. The knight does not start with exceptional items, does not gain
- much as he goes along, and is constrained by many more rules than normal
- characters, because of the code of chivalry that a knight must follow.
- The Priest
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 blessed +1 mace |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 chain mail |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 small shield |
- | 4 potions of holy water |
- | 1 uncursed clove of garlic |
- | 2 uncursed or blessed random spellbooks * |
- | 10% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker - otherwise |
- | 10% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1-2 | Aspirant | |
- | 3-5 | Acolyte | |
- | 6 | Adept | |
- | 7 | Adept | warning |
- | 8-9 | Adept | |
- | 10-13 | Priest | |
- | 14-17 | Curate | |
- | 18-19 | Canon | |
- | 20 | Canon | fire resistance |
- | 21 | Canon | |
- | 22-25 | Lama | |
- | 26-29 | Patriarch | |
- | 30 | High Priest | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Neutral
- The priest is a cleric who has set him/herself apart for service to his/her
- deity. Priests begin the game blessed with the ability to immediately
- determine whether items are cursed, uncursed, or blessed. Also, since many
- orders have injunctions against the shedding of blood, priests are trained in
- kicking instead, and get bonuses when doing so.
- The Rogue:
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 short sword |
- | 6-15 uncursed +0 daggers |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +1 leather armor |
- | 1 uncursed potion of sickness |
- | 1 uncursed lock pick (9 charges) |
- | 1 uncursed sack |
- | 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1 | Footpad | stealth |
- | 2 | Footpad | |
- | 3-5 | Cutpurse | |
- | 6-9 | Rogue | |
- | 10 | Pilferer | searching |
- | 11-13 | Pilferer | |
- | 14-17 | Robber | |
- | 18-21 | Burglar | |
- | 22-25 | Filcher | |
- | 26-29 | Magsman | |
- | 30 | Thief | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Chaotic
- The rogue is an outlaw, a bandit who makes his living off of the misery of
- others. Killing, maiming, and despoiling passing strangers gives a rogue
- great glee.
- The Samurai
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 katana (long sword) |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 wakizashi (short sword) |
- | 9 uncursed or blessed shurikens (throwing stars) |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 splint mail |
- | 3 uncursed or blessed fortune cookies |
- | 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1 | Chigo | speed |
- | 2 | Chigo | |
- | 3-5 | Bushi | |
- | 6-13 | Genin | |
- | 14 | Chunin | |
- | 15 | Chunin | stealth |
- | 16-21 | Chunin | |
- | 22-30 | Jonin | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Lawful
- The samurai is an ancient order of Japanese warrior, the oriental equivalent
- of a european knight. The samurai follows the code of bushido, much like the
- knight follows the code of chivalry.
- Samurai get bonuses when kicking due to their martial arts training.
- The Tourist
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 21-40 uncursed or blessed +2 darts |
- | 10 uncursed random food items |
- | 2 uncursed or blessed potions of extra healing |
- | 4 uncursed or blessed scrolls of magic mapping |
- | 1 uncursed expensive camera |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 hawaiian shirt |
- | 1 uncursed credit card |
- | 4% chance of 1 uncursed tin opener - otherwise |
- | 4% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker - otherwise |
- | 4% chance of 1 uncursed leash |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1-2 | Rambler | |
- | 3-5 | Sightseer | |
- | 6-9 | Excursionist | |
- | 10 | Peregrinator | searching |
- | 11-13 | Peregrinator | |
- | 14-17 | Traveler | |
- | 18-19 | Journeyer | |
- | 20-21 | Journeyer | poison resistance |
- | 22-25 | Voyager | |
- | 26-29 | Explorer | |
- | 30 | Adventurer | |
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Alignment: Neutral
- "Oh Wanda! Take a look at that beautiful lake! (*CLICK*)" Tourists are just
- what they sound like - loud, hungry, overweight people carrying cameras and
- wearing ugly clothing who have no business being where they are. As
- adventurers, it must be said that playing a tourist is truly a challenge.
- The Valkyrie
- -----------------------------------------------------
- | Starting Equipment: |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +1 long sword |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +0 dagger |
- | 1 uncursed or blessed +3 small shield |
- | 1 uncursed food ration |
- | 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | Level | Title | Intrinsics |
- |---------------------------------------------------|
- | 1 | Stripling | stealth, cold res. |
- | 2 | Stripling | |
- | 3-5 | Skirmisher | |
- | 6 | Fighter | |
- | 7 | Fighter | speed |
- | 8-9 | Fighter | |
- | 10-13 | Woman-at-arms | |
- | 14-17 | Warrior | |
- | 18-21 | Swashbuckler | |
- | 22-25 | Heroine | |