Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,030 lines
#define TAKER
#include "dink_sym.h"
#include "dink_glb.h"
void taker(n)
/* */
/* --- Object Taking Subroutine --- */
/* */
/* Program by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 20 May 1990 */
/* (c) Copywrite 1990 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. */
/* */
int n ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void clip_in(int), clip_out(int), ender(int), eater(int) ;
register int i, j ;
int sw_done, gleep_holder, ammo_flag ;
/* Alias in the object for the single word "take" command */
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY]) {
j = 0 ;
/* See if there is only one object on the floor */
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) if (n == object[i][J_loc]) {
j++ ;
tag[object[i][J_parse_id]] = TRUE ;
if (room[n][M_gleep] != 0) {
j++ ;
tag[V_gleep] = TRUE ;
if (room[n][M_gleep] > 1) tag[V_PLURAL] = TRUE ;
/* Complain if there isn't a single object on the ground */
if (j > 1) {
printf ("What exactly do you want me to take? \n");
return ;
ammo_flag = F_no_clip ;
if (tag[V_clip]) ammo_flag = F_normal_clip ;
if (tag[V_org_clip]) ammo_flag = F_org_clip ;
/* deal with special case of "orange clip" implied by its being alone */
if (tag[V_clip]&&(object[O_clip][J_loc] != n)&&
(object[O_org_clip][J_loc] == n)) {
tag[V_org_clip] = TRUE ;
tag[V_clip] = FALSE ;
if (V_clip == sent[1]) sent[1] = V_org_clip ;
/* deal with the verb "attach" */
if (verb == V_attach) {
if (tag[V_rifle]&&(ammo_flag != F_no_clip)) {
clip_in(ammo_flag) ;
return ;
if ((n != R_office_mang)&&(room[n][M_obj_cnt] <= 0)) {
printf ("There is nothing here that I can attach!\n");
return ;
/* Check to see if player already has the item */
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
if (object[i][J_parse_id] == sent[1]) {
if (object[i][J_loc] == B_have) {
printf ("You already have a %s in your possession.\n",vocab[sent[1]-1]);
return ;
else break ;
sw_done = FALSE ;
if (tag[V_safe]) {
if (n != R_office_mang) {
printf("There is no safe here. \n") ;
return ;
if (room[R_office_mang][M_rm_status] != S_open) {
printf("I can't do it because the safe is closed. \n") ;
return ;
/* Special case of "take pill" */
if ((tag[V_pill])&&(object[O_pills][J_loc] == B_have)) {
eater(n) ;
return ;
/* Reject "take" command when there is nothing to take */
if ((n != R_office_mang)&&(verb != V_attach)&&(verb != V_remove)&&
(room[n][M_obj_cnt] <= 0)&&(room[n][M_gleep] == 0)&&
(!((n == R_gleep_tank)&&(gleep_score > 0)))&&
(room[n][M_rm_type] != T_unmovable_obj)) {
printf ("There is nothing here that you can take! \n");
return ;
/* player takes something from the gleep tank */
if (tag[V_tank]) {
if (n != R_gleep_tank) {
printf("I see no gleep tank to take anything from. \n") ;
return ;
printf("\nYou climb up onto the edge of the gleep tank and reach\n");
printf("into the dark blue fluid. Suddenly the fluid begins a\n");
printf("furious boiling that instantly reduces your hand into\n") ;
printf("bleached white bones. The shock and pain disturbs your\n");
printf("balance and you fall into the horrible stuff!! There is\n");
printf("once again a furious boiling. Eventually the fluid stills\n");
printf("and becomes clear again. On the bottom of the tank can\n") ;
printf("be seen a white, clean, \"medical school quality\" human\n");
printf("skeleton.\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
/* gleep taking routine */
if (tag[V_gleep]) {
if (!tag[V_safe]) {
/* This block is for inaccessible or nonexistant gleeps */
if ((room[n][M_gleep] == 0)&&(!((n == R_office_mang)&&
(room[R_office_mang][M_rm_status] == S_open)&&(gleep_safe != 0)))) {
if ((n != R_gleep_tank)||(gleep_score==0)) {
printf("There are no gleeps here to take!\n") ;
return ;
else {
printf("There are no gleeps on the floor but I see ") ;
if (gleep_score == 1)
printf("a gleep in the gleep tank.\n");
printf("%d gleeps in the gleep tank.\n",gleep_score) ;
return ;
/* This block is for accessible gleeps */
if ((n == R_office_mang)&&
(room[R_office_mang][M_rm_status] == S_open)&&(gleep_safe != 0)) {
gleep_holder = gleep_safe ;
else gleep_holder = 0 ;
if ((!tag[V_PLURAL])||
(room[n][M_gleep]+gleep_holder == 1)) {
printf("Gleep taken. \n") ;
++gleep_count ;
if (gleep_holder == 0) --room[n][M_gleep] ;
else --gleep_holder ;
else {
printf("Gleeps taken. \n") ;
gleep_count += room[n][M_gleep]+gleep_holder ;
room[n][M_gleep] = 0 ;
gleep_holder = 0 ;
gleep_safe = gleep_holder ;
return ;
else {
if ((n == R_office_mang)&&
(room[R_office_mang][M_rm_status] == S_open)&&(gleep_safe != 0)) {
if (tag[V_PLURAL]) {
printf("Gleeps taken from safe. \n") ;
gleep_count += gleep_safe ;
gleep_safe = 0 ;
else {
printf("Gleep taken from safe. \n") ;
++gleep_count ;
--gleep_safe ;
else printf("There are no gleeps in the safe!\n") ;
return ;
} /* end of the gleep taking block */
/* deal with the special case of the platypus picture */
if ((n == R_office_mang) && tag[V_picture]) {
printf("The picture can not be removed. It appears to be hinged ");
printf("to the wall. \n");
return ;
/* treat the verb "remove" in the context of "remove clip from rifle" */
if (verb == V_remove) {
if ((!tag[V_safe])&&(ammo_flag != F_no_clip)) {
clip_out(n) ;
return ;
if (carry_count > 5) {
printf("I can't do it!\n") ;
printf("I'm holding so many things that I can't take anymore!\n") ;
return ;
if (carry_weight >= 800) {
printf("I can't do it!\n") ;
printf("This junk I'm carrying is too heavy! I can't carry anymore!\n");
return ;
/* find the object(s) in this room */
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
if ((carry_count > 5)||(carry_weight >= 800)) break ;
/* See if the object is in the safe and was requested */
if ((n == R_office_mang)&&(object[i][J_loc] == B_in_safe)&&
(room[R_office_mang][M_rm_status] == S_open)&&
((!tag[V_treasure])||(object[i][J_value] > 0))) {
object[i][J_loc]= B_have;
carry_count++ ;
carry_weight += object[i][J_weight] ;
sw_done = TRUE ;
/* See if the object is in the room and was requested */
if ((object[i][J_loc]==n)&&(tag[object[i][J_parse_id]]||
((!tag[V_treasure])||(object[i][J_value] > 0))) {
/* see if the object can be taken */
if ((object[i][J_type] == Z_normal)||
(object[i][J_type] == Z_alias)) {
--room[n][M_obj_cnt] ;
carry_count++ ;
carry_weight += object[i][J_weight] ;
object[i][J_loc] = B_have;
sw_done = TRUE ;
/* see if this is a nonmovable, nonacting object */
if ((object[i][J_type] == Z_unmovable) &&
(object[i][J_loc]==n) && (!tag[V_all])) {
switch(object[i][J_parse_id]) {
case V_bulldust:
printf("The bulldust is so fine that it wafts away with a touch.\n") ;
return ;
/* Cockroach(es) */
case V_cockroach:
printf("I will not touch the filthy things!\n") ;
return ;
/* Kangaroo(s) */
case V_kangaroo:
printf("You make a grab for the kangaroo but it leaps away!\n") ;
return ;
case V_poster:
printf("I think this sort of poster is best left on the wall.\n") ;
return ;
/* Spinifex(es) */
case V_spinifex:
printf("The thorns on the spinifex are large and nasty.\n") ;
printf("I'll just leave them to roll about.\n") ;
return ;
} /* end of switch block */
} /* end of nonmovable object block */
/* see if taking the object causes special action */
if (object[i][J_type] == Z_transform) {
switch(object[i][J_parse_id]) {
/* ACME doormat */
case V_mat:
printf("As you lift up the dirty old doormat, you find half \n") ;
printf("hidden in the dust.... a large brass key. \n") ;
object[O_mat][J_type] = Z_normal ;
carry_count++ ;
carry_weight += object[O_mat][J_weight];
object[O_mat][J_loc]= B_have;
object[O_key][J_loc]=R_office_entr ;
sw_done = TRUE ;
return ;
/* Map of the ACME Mine */
case V_map:
printf("As you picked up the old map from the floor, most of it");
printf(" crumbled into \ndust leaving only one small piece. \n") ;
object[O_map][J_loc] = B_unmade ;
object[O_map_frag][J_loc] = B_have ;
carry_count++ ;
carry_weight += object[O_map_frag][J_weight] ;
--room[n][M_obj_cnt] ;
sw_done = TRUE ;
return ;
} /* end of the special action block */
} /* end of the object scan loop */
/* take all gleeps if any */
if (tag[V_all]&&(!tag[V_treasure])) {
if (room[n][M_gleep] > 0) {
gleep_count += room[n][M_gleep] ;
room[n][M_gleep] = 0 ;
sw_done = TRUE ;
if ((gleep_safe != 0)&&(n == R_office_mang)&&
(room[R_office_mang][M_rm_status] == S_open)) {
gleep_count += gleep_safe ;
gleep_safe = 0 ;
sw_done = TRUE ;
/* Announce the "take" was successful */
if (sw_done) {
if (((carry_count > 5)||(carry_weight >= 800))&&(tag[V_all]))
printf("You've taken as much as you can.\n") ;
else printf ("Done \n");
/* --or-- announce the "take" was unsuccessful */
else {
if (tag[V_all]) printf("I see nothing which I can take.\n") ;
else {
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY])
printf("What exactly should I take?\n") ;
else {
printf ("I don't see a") ;
if (tag[V_PLURAL]) printf("ny") ;
printf (" %s around here. \n",vocab[sent[1]-1]);
return ;
} /* --- end of the "taker" subroutine --- */
void loader()
/* */
/* --- Rifle Loading Subroutine --- */
/* */
/* Program by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 29 April 1990 */
/* (c) Copywrite 1990 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. */
/* */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void clip_in(int) ;
int ammo_flag ;
/* Reject single verb load command */
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY]) {
printf("What exactly do you want me to load?\n") ;
return ;
if (!tag[V_rifle]) {
printf("I don't know how I could load that.\n") ;
return ;
/* Deal with implied clip type command */
if (!tag[V_clip]) {
if ((object[O_clip][J_loc] != B_have)&&
(object[O_org_clip][J_loc] == B_have)) ammo_flag = F_org_clip ;
if ((object[O_clip][J_loc] == B_have)&&
(object[O_org_clip][J_loc] != B_have)) ammo_flag = F_normal_clip ;
/* the case were there is no clip is found in clip_in */
/* Deal with specific "load [orange] clip" command */
else {
if (tag[V_orange]) {
if (object[O_org_clip][J_loc] == B_have)
ammo_flag = F_org_clip ;
else {
printf("You don't possess the orange ammunition clip.\n") ;
return ;
else {
if (object[O_clip][J_loc] == B_have)
ammo_flag = F_normal_clip ;
/* assume "load clip" with no normal clip implies orange clip */
else {
if (object[O_org_clip][J_loc] == B_have)
ammo_flag = F_org_clip ;
printf("You don't possess an ammunition clip to load.\n") ;
return ;
clip_in(ammo_flag) ;
} /* --- end of the "loader" subroutine --- */
void unloader(n)
/* */
/* --- Rifle Unloading Subroutine --- */
/* */
/* Program by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 29 April 1990 */
/* (c) Copywrite 1990 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. */
/* */
int n ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void clip_out(int) ;
/* Reject single verb load command */
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY]) {
printf("What exactly do you want me to unload?\n") ;
return ;
if (!tag[V_rifle]) {
printf("I don't know how I could unload that.\n") ;
return ;
clip_out(n) ;
} /* --- end of the "unloader" subroutine --- */
void dropper(n)
/* */
/* --- Object Dropping Subroutine --- */
/* */
/* Program by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 21 May 1990 */
/* (c) Copywrite 1990 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. */
/* */
int n ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void clip_in(int), clip_out(int), boom(void) ;
void objlooker(int), gleeper(int), unlocker(int) ;
register int i, k ;
int sw_possess, sw_done, ammo_flag, sw_object, i_10, i_fract, sw_shot ;
/* respond to "verb only" command */
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY]) {
printf ("You'll have to be more specific. \n");
return ;
/* deal with special case of "orange clip" implied by its being alone */
if (tag[V_clip]&&(object[O_clip][J_loc] != B_have)&&
(clip_flag != F_normal_clip)&&
((object[O_org_clip][J_loc] == B_have)||(clip_flag == F_org_clip))) {
tag[V_org_clip] = TRUE ;
tag[V_clip] = FALSE ;
if (V_clip == sent[1]) sent[1] = V_org_clip ;
ammo_flag = F_no_clip ;
if (tag[V_clip]) ammo_flag = F_normal_clip ;
if (tag[V_org_clip]) ammo_flag = F_org_clip ;
/* deal with special cases of the verbs */
switch(verb) {
case V_put:
/* special case of putting (destroying) an object in water */
if (tag[V_tank]||tag[V_gleep]||tag[V_safe]||
tag[V_river]||tag[V_billabong]||tag[V_stream]) break ;
/* special case of "put key in door(lock)" */
if (tag[V_key] && tag[V_door]) {
unlocker(n) ;
return ;
if (!tag[V_cap]) {
if ((!tag[V_rifle])&&(ammo_flag != F_no_clip)) {
printf("What am I to put the clip into? \n") ;
return ;
if (tag[V_rifle]&&(ammo_flag != F_no_clip))
clip_in(ammo_flag) ;
printf("I don't understand what this is to be put into. \n") ;
return ;
case V_insert:
if (tag[V_safe]) break ;
if (ammo_flag != F_no_clip) {
if (!tag[V_rifle]) {
printf("What am I to insert the clip into? \n") ;
else {
clip_in(ammo_flag) ;
return ;
if (tag[V_cap]) {
if (!tag[V_dynamite]) {
printf("I see no reason why I should put a blasting cap into that.\n") ;
return ;
else goto cap_in ;
printf("I can think of some interesing places to insert this. \n") ;
printf("However I shall not reduce myself to such vulgarity.\n");
return ;
case V_eject:
/* Command "eject clip" ejects clip from rifle no matter what type*/
if ((ammo_flag == F_normal_clip)&&(clip_flag == F_org_clip))
ammo_flag = F_org_clip ;
case V_drop:
if (((ammo_flag == F_org_clip)&&(clip_flag == F_org_clip))||
((ammo_flag == F_normal_clip)&&(clip_flag == F_normal_clip))) {
clip_out(n) ;
return ;
break ;
} /* end of switch */
/* Deal with "drop" when user has no objects */
if (tag[V_all]&&(carry_count == 0)&&(gleep_count == 0)) {
printf("You dill! You have nothing to drop!\n") ;
return ;
/* deal with "drop in safe ..." errors */
if (tag[V_safe]) {
/* see if this is the managers office */
if (n != R_office_mang) {
printf("There is no safe here! \n");
return ;
/* See if the safe is open */
if (room[R_office_mang][M_rm_status] != S_open) {
printf ("I can't do it! The safe is closed. \n");
return ;
/* gleep droping routine */
if (tag[V_gleep]||tag[V_tank]) {
/* drop gleeps in a normal way */
if (!tag[V_tank]) {
if (gleep_count == 0) {
printf("You have no gleeps to drop! \n") ;
return ;
if ((!tag[V_PLURAL])||(gleep_count == 1)) {
if (tag[V_safe]) {
printf("Gleep put into safe.\n") ;
++gleep_safe ;
--gleep_count ;
else {
printf("Gleep dropped. \n") ;
--gleep_count ;
++room[n][M_gleep] ;
else {
if (tag[V_safe]) {
printf("Gleeps put into safe.\n") ;
gleep_safe += gleep_count ;
gleep_count = 0 ;
else {
printf("Gleeps dropped. \n") ;
room[n][M_gleep] += gleep_count ;
gleep_count = 0 ;
gleep_drop = TRUE ;
return ;
/* drop objects(including gleeps) into a gleep tank */
else {
if (n != R_gleep_tank) {
printf("I don't see a gleep tank here. \n") ;
return ;
if (tag[V_gleep]) {
if (gleep_count <= 0) {
printf("You have no gleeps to put in the tank. \n") ;
return ;
if ((!tag[V_PLURAL])||(gleep_count == 1)) {
printf("Your gleep falls into the tank with a \"plonk\".\n") ;
++gleep_score ;
--gleep_count ;
if (tag[V_PLURAL]&&(gleep_count > 1)) {
printf("Your gleeps fall into the tank causing a splash.\n") ;
gleep_score += gleep_count ;
gleep_count = 0 ;
/* drop non-gleeps into the tank */
/* the "drop all" routine */
if (tag[V_all]) {
sw_possess = FALSE ;
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
if ((object[i][J_loc] == B_have)&&
(object[i][J_value] > 0))) {
sw_possess = TRUE ;
object[i][J_loc] = B_destroyed;
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
if (gleep_count == 0) {
if (sw_possess) {
printf("You dump everything into the gleep tank. There is a furious\n");
printf("bubbling as the corrosive fluid of the tank turns the\n");
printf("objects into NOTHING.\n") ;
printf("You've got nothing to throw into the tank.\n") ;
else {
if (sw_possess) {
printf("You fling everything into the gleep tank. The gleep");
if (gleep_count > 1) {
printf("s\nsplash into the tank and settle to the bottom of the\n") ;
else {
printf("\nplonks into the tank and settles to the bottom of the\n") ;
printf("tank. However the other objects begin to dissolve the\n");
printf("moment the tank's fluid touches them. Time passes and\n");
printf("the objects dissolve into NOTHING.\n") ;
/* you possess no non-gleeps */
else {
if (gleep_count == 1)
printf("Your gleep falls into the tank with a \"plonk\".\n") ;
printf("Your gleeps fall into the tank causing a splash.\n") ;
gleep_score += gleep_count ;
gleep_count = 0 ;
return ;
} /* end of the "drop all" if block */
/* Individual non-gleeps are dropped into the tank */
/* see if your are holding the object(s) */
for (i=0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
if (tag[object[i][J_parse_id]]) {
if (object[i][J_loc]== B_have) {
printf ("You fling the %s into the gleep tank. As soon as it\n",
printf ("touched the tank's fluid there was a furious effervescence\n");
printf ("as it began to dissolve. With the passage of time, the\n") ;
printf ("fluid stills and there is NOTHING left.\n") ;
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
object[i][J_loc] = B_destroyed;
return ;
else {
printf("You don't have a %s to toss into the gleep tank.\n",
return ;
} /* object scan "for" loop */
return ;
sw_done = FALSE ;
/* the "drop all" routine */
if (tag[V_all]) {
/* Deal with throwing stuff into water */
if(tag[V_stream]) {
if (n == R_stream) {
printf("You fling everything into the stream.\n");
goto destroy_all ;
printf("I see no stream to toss stuff into.\n") ;
return ;
if(tag[V_billabong]) {
if ((n == R_stream)||(n == R_slime)||
(n == R_billabong)) {
printf("You fling everything into the billabong.\n");
goto destroy_all ;
printf("I see no billabong to toss stuff into.\n") ;
return ;
if(tag[V_river]) {
if ((n == R_dike)||(n == R_river_edge)||
(n == R_river_exit)) {
printf("You fling everything into the river.\n");
goto destroy_all ;
printf("I see no river to toss stuff into.\n") ;
return ;
if (!tag[V_safe]) {
/* normal drop */
if (room[n][M_rm_type] != T_looping) {
/* normal room */
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
if ((object[i][J_loc] == B_have)&&
(object[i][J_value] > 0))) {
sw_done = TRUE ;
/* see if the blasting cap was hard dropped */
if ((i == O_cap)&&(verb != V_slow_drop)) {
printf("Bang!! The blasting cap you were carrying detonated when\n") ;
printf("it hit the ground. Fortunately no damage was caused.\n") ;
object[O_cap][J_loc] = B_destroyed;
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[O_cap][J_weight] ;
return ;
/* see if the dynamite with blasting cap was hard dropped */
if ((i == O_dynamite)&&(object[O_dynamite][J_type] == Z_alias)&&
(verb != V_slow_drop)) {
boom () ;
printf("Dropping a stick of dynamite with a blasting cap in it\n");
printf("ranks high as one of the dumbest things a person can do.\n") ;
printf("Needless to say you were blown to bits.\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
++room[n][M_obj_cnt] ;
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
object[i][J_loc] = n;
/* set valuable switch if valuable object dropped in Ned's area */
if (object[i][J_value] > 0) {
for (k = 22; k <= 41; k++)
if (k == n) sw_valuable = TRUE;
for (k = 144; k <= 146; k++)
if (k == n) sw_valuable = TRUE;
/* drop all gleeps */
if ((gleep_count > 0)&&
(!tag[V_treasure])) {
room[n][M_gleep] += gleep_count ;
gleep_count = 0 ;
sw_done = TRUE ;
gleep_drop = TRUE ;
if (sw_done) {
printf ("Done\n");
objlooker(n) ;
gleeper(n) ;
else printf("Don't have it to drop.\n") ;
return ;
/* object destroyer room */
else {
/* Code assumes that user has something to drop */
printf ("You dropped everything you had in a heap, which \n");
printf ("promptly vaporized into a bright blue flash followed \n");
printf ("by a low \"BOOM\". \n") ;
printf (" --- You've blown it Bozo!! ---\n") ;
gleep_count = 0 ;
carry_count = 0 ;
carry_weight = 0 ;
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
if (object[i][J_loc] == B_have)
object[i][J_loc] = B_destroyed;
return ;
/* "drop all into the safe" routine */
else {
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
if ((object[i][J_loc] == B_have) &&
(object[i][J_value] > 0))) {
object[i][J_loc] = B_in_safe ;
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
sw_done = TRUE ;
if (!tag[V_treasure]) {
gleep_safe += gleep_count ;
gleep_count = 0 ;
sw_done = TRUE ;
if (sw_done) printf ("Done \n");
else printf("You don't have it to put in the safe!\n") ;
return ;
/* see if your are holding the object(s) */
for (i=0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
sw_object = FALSE ;
if (tag[object[i][J_parse_id]]) {
sw_object = TRUE ;
if (object[i][J_loc] == B_have) {
/* Safe storage routine */
if (tag[V_safe]) {
object[i][J_loc] = B_in_safe ;
printf ("The %s is now inside the safe. \n",
sw_done = TRUE ;
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
continue ;
/* Single 'drop' routine */
if (tag[V_river]||tag[V_billabong]||
tag[V_stream]) {
/* The object is to be dropped in water */
if(tag[V_stream]) {
if (n == R_stream) {
printf("You fling the %s into the stream.\n",
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
object[i][J_loc] = B_destroyed;
return ;
printf("I see no stream to toss it into.\n") ;
return ;
if(tag[V_billabong]) {
if ((n == R_stream)||
(n == R_slime)||(n == R_billabong)) {
printf("You fling the %s into the billabong.\n",
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
object[i][J_loc] = B_destroyed;
return ;
printf("I see no billabong to toss it into.\n") ;
return ;
if(tag[V_river]) {
if ((n == R_dike)||(n == R_river_edge)||
(n == R_river_exit)) {
printf("You fling the %s into the river.\n",
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
object[i][J_loc] = B_destroyed;
return ;
printf("I see no river to toss it into.\n") ;
return ;
/* Normal Drop */
else if (room[n][M_rm_type] != T_looping) {
if ((i == O_cap)&&(verb != V_slow_drop))
goto cap_drop ;
if ((i==O_dynamite)&&(verb != V_slow_drop)&&
(object[O_dynamite][J_type] == Z_alias))
goto dynamite_drop ;
/* If the he rifle is dropped. See if it kills the player */
if (i==O_rifle) {
sw_shot = FALSE ;
if ((clip_flag != F_no_clip) &&
(object[O_rifle][J_property] > 0)) switch(rifle_flag) {
case F_safety:
break ;
case F_single:
printf("\nBam!\n\n") ;
sw_shot = TRUE ;
break ;
case F_triple:
printf("\n") ;
if (object[O_rifle][J_property] >= 3) {
printf("Bam! Bam! Bam! \n\n") ;
else {
for (i = 1; i <= object[O_rifle][J_property]; i++)
printf("Bam! ") ;
printf("\n") ;
sw_shot = TRUE ;
break ;
case F_auto:
printf("\n") ;
if (object[O_rifle][J_property] >= 30) {
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
printf("Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! \n") ;
else {
i_10 = object[O_rifle][J_property]/10 ;
i_fract = object[O_rifle][J_property]-(i_10*10) ;
for (i = 1; i <= i_10; i++)
printf("Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! \n") ;
for (i = 1; i <= i_fract; i++)
printf("Bam! ") ;
printf("\n") ;
sw_shot = TRUE ;
break ;
} /* end of the switch block */
if (sw_shot) {
printf("Dropping a loaded and armed automatic rifle is a stupid way\n");
if ((object[O_rifle][J_property] == 1) ||
(rifle_flag == F_single)) {
printf("to commit suicide. Needless to say you were hit by the\n") ;
printf("bullet after the rifle went off.\n") ;
else {
printf("to commit suicide. The bullets shot from the rifle fly\n") ;
printf("around. One of them bounces back and hits you!\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
} /* end of "drop rifle" block */
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
++room[n][M_obj_cnt] ;
object[i][J_loc] = n;
sw_done = TRUE ;
/* set valuable switch if valuable object dropped in Ned's area */
if (object[i][J_value] > 0) {
for (k = 22; k <= 41; k++)
if (k == n) sw_valuable = TRUE ;
for (k = 144; k <= 146; k++)
if (k == n) sw_valuable = TRUE ;
continue ;
else {
printf ("As the %s left your possession there was a bright \n",
printf ("blue flash, followed by a low \"BOOM\" as it vaporized \n");
printf ("into nonexistence. \n");
carry_count-- ;
carry_weight -= object[i][J_weight] ;
object[i][J_loc] = B_destroyed;
return ;
if (object[i][J_loc] == B_unmade) continue ;
} /* end of the object requested block */
if ((!sw_done)&&sw_object) {
printf("You do not possess a %s.\n", vocab[object[i][J_parse_id]-1]);
return ;
} /* end of the object scan loop */
if (sw_done) {
printf ("Done \n");
objlooker(n) ;
gleeper(n) ;
printf("I don't understand what it is I'm supposed to drop.\n") ;
return ;
/* cap insertion routine */
/* see if your are holding the dynamite or the cap */
if ((object[O_cap][J_loc] != B_have)&&
(object[O_dynamite][J_loc] != B_have)) {
printf("You bloody dill! You have neither the dynamite or a ");
printf("blasting cap.\n") ;
return ;
if (object[O_cap][J_loc] != B_have) {
printf("You've got the dynamite but you need a blasing cap.\n") ;
return ;
if (object[O_dynamite][J_loc] != B_have) {
printf("You've got the blasting cap but you need some dynamite.\n") ;
return ;
/* transform the two objects into one */
printf("With some trepidation, you slide the blasting cap into\n");
printf("the dynamite. What you are now holding is VERY dangerous.\n");
object[O_cap][J_loc] = B_unmade ;
object[O_dynamite][J_type] = Z_alias ;
carry_weight -= object[O_cap][J_weight] ;
carry_count-- ;
} /* --- end of the "dropper" subroutine --- */