Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,054 lines
#include "constants.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "externs.h"
typedef struct coords {
int x, y;
} coords;
coords doorstk[100];
int doorptr;
/* Always picks a correct direction */
correct_dir(rdir, cdir, y1, x1, y2, x2)
int *rdir, *cdir;
int y1, x1, y2, x2;
if (y1 < y2)
*rdir = 1;
else if (y1 == y2)
*rdir = 0;
*rdir = -1;
if (x1 < x2)
*cdir = 1;
else if (x1 == x2)
*cdir = 0;
*cdir = -1;
if ((*rdir != 0) && (*cdir != 0))
case 1:
*rdir = 0;
case 2:
*cdir = 0;
/* Chance of wandering direction */
rand_dir(rdir, cdir, y1, x1, y2, x2, chance)
int *rdir, *cdir;
int y1, x1, y2, x2;
int chance;
case 1:
*rdir = -1;
*cdir = 0;
case 2:
*rdir = 1;
*cdir = 0;
case 3:
*rdir = 0;
*cdir = -1;
case 4:
*rdir = 0;
*cdir = 1;
correct_dir(rdir, cdir, y1, x1, y2, x2);
/* Blanks out entire cave -RAK- */
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_HEIGHT; i++)
for (j = 0; j < MAX_WIDTH; j++)
cave[i][j] = blank_floor;
/* Fills in empty spots with desired rock -RAK- */
/* Note: 9 is a temporary value. */
floor_type fill;
int i, j;
cave_type *c_ptr;
for (i = 1; i < cur_height-1; i++)
for (j = 1; j < cur_width-1; j++)
c_ptr = &cave[i][j];
if ((c_ptr->fval == 0) || (c_ptr->fval == 8) || (c_ptr->fval == 9))
c_ptr->fval = fill.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = fill.ftopen;
/* Places indestructible rock around edges of dungeon -RAK- */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cur_height; i++)
cave[i][0].fval = boundary_wall.ftval;
cave[i][0].fopen = boundary_wall.ftopen;
cave[i][cur_width-1].fval = boundary_wall.ftval;
cave[i][cur_width-1].fopen = boundary_wall.ftopen;
for (i = 0; i < cur_width; i++)
cave[0][i].fval = boundary_wall.ftval;
cave[0][i].fopen = boundary_wall.ftopen;
cave[cur_height-1][i].fval = boundary_wall.ftval;
cave[cur_height-1][i].fopen = boundary_wall.ftopen;
/* Places "streamers" of rock through dungeon -RAK- */
place_streamer(rock, treas_chance)
floor_type rock;
int treas_chance;
int i, y, x, dir, ty, tx, t1, t2;
int flag;
cave_type *c_ptr;
/* Choose starting point and direction */
y = (cur_height/2.0) + 11 - randint(23);
x = (cur_width/2.0) + 16 - randint(33);
dir = randint(8); /* Number 1-4, 6-9 */
if (dir > 4)
dir = dir + 1;
/* Place streamer into dungeon */
flag = FALSE; /* Set to true when y, x are out-of-bounds*/
t1 = 2*DUN_STR_RNG + 1; /* Constants */
t2 = DUN_STR_RNG + 1;
for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_DEN; i++)
ty = y + randint(t1) - t2;
tx = x + randint(t1) - t2;
if (in_bounds(ty, tx))
c_ptr = &cave[ty][tx];
if (c_ptr->fval == rock_wall1.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock.ftopen;
if (randint(treas_chance) == 1)
place_gold(ty, tx);
if (!move(dir, &y, &x))
flag = TRUE;
while (!flag);
/* Place a trap with a given displacement of point -RAK- */
vault_trap(y, x, yd, xd, num)
int y, x, yd, xd, num;
int count, y1, x1, i;
int flag;
cave_type *c_ptr;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
flag = FALSE;
count = 0;
y1 = y - yd - 1 + randint(2*yd+1);
x1 = x - xd - 1 + randint(2*xd+1);
c_ptr = &cave[y1][x1];
if ((c_ptr->fval > 0) && (c_ptr->fval < 8) && (c_ptr->fval != 3))
if (c_ptr->tptr == 0)
place_trap(y1, x1, 1, randint(MAX_TRAPA));
flag = TRUE;
while ((!flag) && (count <= 5));
/* Place a trap with a given displacement of point -RAK- */
vault_monster(y, x, num)
int y, x, num;
int i, y1, x1;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
y1 = y;
x1 = x;
(void) summon_monster(&y1, &x1, TRUE);
/* Builds a room at a row, column coordinate -RAK- */
build_room(yval, xval)
int yval, xval;
int y_height, y_depth;
int x_left, x_right;
int i, j;
floor_type cur_floor;
if (dun_level <= randint(25))
cur_floor = lopen_floor; /* Floor with light */
cur_floor = dopen_floor; /* Dark floor */
y_height = yval - randint(4);
y_depth = yval + randint(3);
x_left = xval - randint(11);
x_right = xval + randint(11);
for (i = y_height; i <= y_depth; i++)
for (j = x_left; j <= x_right; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = cur_floor.ftval;
cave[i][j].fopen = cur_floor.ftopen;
for (i = (y_height - 1); i <= (y_depth + 1); i++)
cave[i][x_left-1].fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
cave[i][x_left-1].fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
cave[i][x_right+1].fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
cave[i][x_right+1].fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
for (i = x_left; i <= x_right; i++)
cave[y_height-1][i].fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
cave[y_height-1][i].fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
cave[y_depth+1][i].fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
cave[y_depth+1][i].fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
/* Builds a room at a row, column coordinate -RAK- */
/* Type 1 unusual rooms are several overlapping rectangular ones */
build_type1(yval, xval)
int yval, xval;
int y_height, y_depth;
int x_left, x_right;
int i0, i, j;
floor_type cur_floor;
cave_type *c_ptr;
if (dun_level <= randint(25))
cur_floor = lopen_floor; /* Floor with light */
cur_floor = dopen_floor; /* Dark floor */
for (i0 = 0; i0 < (1 + randint(2)); i0++)
y_height = yval - randint(4);
y_depth = yval + randint(3);
x_left = xval - randint(11);
x_right = xval + randint(11);
for (i = y_height; i <= y_depth; i++)
for (j = x_left; j <= x_right; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = cur_floor.ftval;
cave[i][j].fopen = cur_floor.ftopen;
for (i = (y_height - 1); i <= (y_depth + 1); i++)
c_ptr = &cave[i][x_left-1];
if (c_ptr->fval != cur_floor.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
c_ptr = &cave[i][x_right+1];
if (c_ptr->fval != cur_floor.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
for (i = x_left; i <= x_right; i++)
c_ptr = &cave[y_height-1][i];
if (c_ptr->fval != cur_floor.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
c_ptr = &cave[y_depth+1][i];
if (c_ptr->fval != cur_floor.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
/* Builds an unusual room at a row, column coordinate -RAK- */
/* Type 2 unusual rooms all have an inner room: */
/* 1 - Just an inner room with one door */
/* 2 - An inner room within an inner room */
/* 3 - An inner room with pillar(s) */
/* 4 - Inner room has a maze */
/* 5 - A set of four inner rooms */
build_type2(yval, xval)
int yval, xval;
int y_height, y_depth;
int x_left, x_right;
int i, j;
floor_type cur_floor;
if (dun_level <= randint(30))
cur_floor = lopen_floor; /* Floor with light */
cur_floor = dopen_floor; /* Dark floor */
y_height = yval - 4;
y_depth = yval + 4;
x_left = xval - 11;
x_right = xval + 11;
for (i = y_height; i <= y_depth; i++)
for (j = x_left; j <= x_right; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = cur_floor.ftval;
cave[i][j].fopen = cur_floor.ftopen;
for (i = (y_height - 1); i <= (y_depth + 1); i++)
cave[i][x_left-1].fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
cave[i][x_left-1].fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
cave[i][x_right+1].fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
cave[i][x_right+1].fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
for (i = x_left; i <= x_right; i++)
cave[y_height-1][i].fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
cave[y_height-1][i].fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
cave[y_depth+1][i].fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
cave[y_depth+1][i].fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
/* The inner room */
y_height = y_height + 2;
y_depth = y_depth - 2;
x_left = x_left + 2;
x_right = x_right - 2;
for (i = (y_height - 1); i <= (y_depth + 1); i++)
cave[i][x_left-1].fval = 8;
cave[i][x_right+1].fval = 8;
for (i = x_left; i <= x_right; i++)
cave[y_height-1][i].fval = 8;
cave[y_depth+1][i].fval = 8;
/* Inner room variations */
case 1: /* Just an inner room... */
switch(randint(4)) /* Place a door */
case 1: place_secret_door(y_height-1, xval); break;
case 2: place_secret_door(y_depth+1, xval); break;
case 3: place_secret_door(yval, x_left-1); break;
case 4: place_secret_door(yval, x_right+1); break;
vault_monster(yval, xval, 1);
case 2: /* Treasure Vault */
switch(randint(4)) /* Place a door */
case 1: place_secret_door(y_height-1, xval); break;
case 2: place_secret_door(y_depth+1, xval); break;
case 3: place_secret_door(yval, x_left-1); break;
case 4: place_secret_door(yval, x_right+1); break;
for (i = yval-1; i <= yval+1; i++)
cave[i][xval-1].fval = 8;
cave[i][xval+1].fval = 8;
cave[yval-1][xval].fval = 8;
cave[yval+1][xval].fval = 8;
switch(randint(4)) /* Place a door */
case 1: place_locked_door(yval-1, xval); break;
case 2: place_locked_door(yval+1, xval); break;
case 3: place_locked_door(yval, xval-1); break;
case 4: place_locked_door(yval, xval+1); break;
/* Place an object in the treasure vault */
case 1: place_up_stairs(yval, xval); break;
case 2: place_down_stairs(yval, xval); break;
default: place_object(yval, xval); break;
/* Guard the treasure well */
vault_monster(yval, xval, 2+randint(3));
/* If the monsters don't get 'em... */
vault_trap(yval, xval, 4, 10, 2+randint(3));
case 3: /* Inner pillar(s)... */
switch(randint(4)) /* Place a door */
case 1: place_secret_door(y_height-1, xval); break;
case 2: place_secret_door(y_depth+1, xval); break;
case 3: place_secret_door(yval, x_left-1); break;
case 4: place_secret_door(yval, x_right+1); break;
for (i = yval-1; i <= yval+1; i++)
for (j = xval-1; j <= xval+1; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = 8;
if (randint(2) == 1)
case 1:
for (i = yval-1; i <= yval+1; i++)
for (j = xval-6; j <= xval-4; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = 8;
for (i = yval-1; i <= yval+1; i++)
for (j = xval+4; j <= xval+6; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = 8;
case 2:
for (i = yval-1; i <= yval+1; i++)
for (j = xval-7; j <= xval-5; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = 8;
for (i = yval-1; i <= yval+1; i++)
for (j = xval+5; j <= xval+7; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = 8;
if (randint(3) == 1) /* Inner rooms */
for (i = xval-5; i <= xval+5; i++)
cave[yval-1][i].fval = 8;
cave[yval+1][i].fval = 8;
cave[yval][xval-5].fval = 8;
cave[yval][xval+5].fval = 8;
case 1: place_secret_door(yval+1, xval-3); break;
case 2: place_secret_door(yval-1, xval-3); break;
case 1: place_secret_door(yval+1, xval+3); break;
case 2: place_secret_door(yval-1, xval+3); break;
if (randint(3) == 1) place_object(yval, xval-2);
if (randint(3) == 1) place_object(yval, xval+2);
vault_monster(yval, xval-2, randint(2));
vault_monster(yval, xval+2, randint(2));
case 4: /* Maze inside... */
switch(randint(4)) /* Place a door */
case 1: place_secret_door(y_height-1, xval); break;
case 2: place_secret_door(y_depth+1, xval); break;
case 3: place_secret_door(yval, x_left-1); break;
case 4: place_secret_door(yval, x_right+1); break;
for (i = y_height; i <= y_depth; i++)
for (j = x_left; j <= x_right; j++)
if (0x1 & (j+i))
cave[i][j].fval = 8;
/* Monsters just love mazes... */
vault_monster(yval, xval-5, randint(3));
vault_monster(yval, xval+5, randint(3));
/* Traps make them entertaining... */
vault_trap(yval, xval-3, 2, 8, randint(3));
vault_trap(yval, xval+3, 2, 8, randint(3));
/* Mazes should have some treasure too.. */
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
random_object(yval, xval, 1);
case 5: /* Four small rooms... */
for (i = y_height; i <= y_depth; i++)
cave[i][xval].fval = 8;
for (i = x_left; i <= x_right; i++)
cave[yval][i].fval = 8;
case 1:
i = randint(10);
place_secret_door(y_height-1, xval-i);
place_secret_door(y_height-1, xval+i);
place_secret_door(y_depth+1, xval-i);
place_secret_door(y_depth+1, xval+i);
case 2:
i = randint(3);
place_secret_door(yval+i, x_left-1);
place_secret_door(yval-i, x_left-1);
place_secret_door(yval+i, x_right+1);
place_secret_door(yval-i, x_right+1);
/* Treasure in each one... */
random_object(yval, xval, 2+randint(2));
/* Gotta have some monsters... */
vault_monster(yval+2, xval-4, randint(2));
vault_monster(yval+2, xval+4, randint(2));
vault_monster(yval-2, xval-4, randint(2));
vault_monster(yval-2, xval+4, randint(2));
/* Builds a room at a row, column coordinate -RAK- */
/* Type 3 unusual rooms are cross shaped */
build_type3(yval, xval)
int yval, xval;
int y_height, y_depth;
int x_left, x_right;
int i0, i, j;
floor_type cur_floor;
cave_type *c_ptr;
if (dun_level <= randint(25))
cur_floor = lopen_floor; /* Floor with light */
cur_floor = dopen_floor; /* Dark floor */
i0 = 2 + randint(2);
y_height = yval - i0;
y_depth = yval + i0;
x_left = xval - 1;
x_right = xval + 1;
for (i = y_height; i <= y_depth; i++)
for (j = x_left; j <= x_right; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = cur_floor.ftval;
cave[i][j].fopen = cur_floor.ftopen;
for (i = (y_height - 1); i <= (y_depth + 1); i++)
c_ptr = &cave[i][x_left-1];
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
c_ptr = &cave[i][x_right+1];
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
for (i = x_left; i <= x_right; i++)
c_ptr = &cave[y_height-1][i];
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
c_ptr = &cave[y_depth+1][i];
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
i0 = 2 + randint(9);
y_height = yval - 1;
y_depth = yval + 1;
x_left = xval - i0;
x_right = xval + i0;
for (i = y_height; i <= y_depth; i++)
for (j = x_left; j <= x_right; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = cur_floor.ftval;
cave[i][j].fopen = cur_floor.ftopen;
for (i = (y_height - 1); i <= (y_depth + 1); i++)
c_ptr = &cave[i][x_left-1];
if (c_ptr->fval != cur_floor.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
c_ptr = &cave[i][x_right+1];
if (c_ptr->fval != cur_floor.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
for (i = x_left; i <= x_right; i++)
c_ptr = &cave[y_height-1][i];
if (c_ptr->fval != cur_floor.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
c_ptr = &cave[y_depth+1][i];
if (c_ptr->fval != cur_floor.ftval)
c_ptr->fval = rock_wall1.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = rock_wall1.ftopen;
/* Special features... */
case 1: /* Large middle pillar */
for (i = yval-1; i <= yval+1; i++)
for (j = xval-1; j <= xval+1; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = 8;
case 2: /* Inner treasure vault */
for (i = yval-1; i <= yval+1; i++)
cave[i][xval-1].fval = 8;
cave[i][xval+1].fval = 8;
cave[yval-1][xval].fval = 8;
cave[yval+1][xval].fval = 8;
switch(randint(4)) /* Place a door */
case 1: place_secret_door(yval-1, xval); break;
case 2: place_secret_door(yval+1, xval); break;
case 3: place_secret_door(yval, xval-1); break;
case 4: place_secret_door(yval, xval+1); break;
/* Place a treasure in the vault */
place_object(yval, xval);
/* Let's guard the treasure well... */
vault_monster(yval, xval, 2+randint(2));
/* Traps naturally */
vault_trap(yval, xval, 4, 4, 1+randint(3));
case 3:
if (randint(3) == 1)
cave[yval-1][xval-2].fval = 8;
cave[yval+1][xval-2].fval = 8;
cave[yval-1][xval+2].fval = 8;
cave[yval-1][xval+2].fval = 8;
cave[yval-2][xval-1].fval = 8;
cave[yval-2][xval+1].fval = 8;
cave[yval+2][xval-1].fval = 8;
cave[yval+2][xval+1].fval = 8;
if (randint(3) == 1)
place_secret_door(yval, xval-2);
place_secret_door(yval, xval+2);
place_secret_door(yval-2, xval);
place_secret_door(yval+2, xval);
else if (randint(3) == 1)
cave[yval][xval].fval = 8;
cave[yval-1][xval].fval = 8;
cave[yval+1][xval].fval = 8;
cave[yval][xval-1].fval = 8;
cave[yval][xval+1].fval = 8;
else if (randint(3) == 1)
cave[yval][xval].fval = 8;
case 4:
/* Constructs a tunnel between two points */
build_tunnel(row1, col1, row2, col2)
int row1, col1, row2, col2;
int tmp_row, tmp_col;
int row_dir, col_dir;
int i, j;
coords tunstk[1000];
coords wallstk[1000];
int tunptr;
int wallptr;
int stop_flag, door_flag;
cave_type *c_ptr, *d_ptr;
/* Main procedure for Tunnel */
/* Note: 9 is a temporary value */
stop_flag = FALSE;
door_flag = FALSE;
tunptr = 0;
wallptr = 0;
correct_dir(&row_dir, &col_dir, row1, col1, row2, col2);
if (randint(100) > DUN_TUN_CHG)
rand_dir(&row_dir, &col_dir, row1, col1, row2, col2, DUN_TUN_RND);
tmp_row = row1 + row_dir;
tmp_col = col1 + col_dir;
while (!in_bounds(tmp_row, tmp_col))
rand_dir(&row_dir, &col_dir, row1, col1, row2, col2, DUN_TUN_RND);
tmp_row = row1 + row_dir;
tmp_col = col1 + col_dir;
c_ptr = &cave[tmp_row][tmp_col];
if (c_ptr->fval == rock_wall1.ftval)
row1 = tmp_row;
col1 = tmp_col;
wallstk[wallptr].y = row1;
wallstk[wallptr].x = col1;
if (wallptr < 1000)
for (i = row1-1; i <= row1+1; i++)
for (j = col1-1; j <= col1+1; j++)
if (in_bounds(i, j))
d_ptr = &cave[i][j];
if ((d_ptr->fval >= 10) && (d_ptr->fval <= 12))
d_ptr->fval = 9;
else if (c_ptr->fval == corr_floor1.ftval)
row1 = tmp_row;
col1 = tmp_col;
if (!door_flag)
if (doorptr <= 100)
doorstk[doorptr].y = row1;
doorstk[doorptr].x = col1;
door_flag = TRUE;
if (randint(100) > DUN_TUN_CON)
stop_flag = TRUE;
else if (c_ptr->fval == 0)
row1 = tmp_row;
col1 = tmp_col;
tunstk[tunptr].y = row1;
tunstk[tunptr].x = col1;
if (tunptr < 1000)
door_flag = FALSE;
else if (c_ptr->fval != 9)
row1 = tmp_row;
col1 = tmp_col;
while (((row1 != row2) || (col1 != col2)) && (!stop_flag));
for (i = 0; i < tunptr; i++)
cave[tunstk[i].y][tunstk[i].x].fval = corr_floor1.ftval;
cave[tunstk[i].y][tunstk[i].x].fopen = corr_floor1.ftopen;
for (i = 0; i < wallptr; i++)
c_ptr = &cave[wallstk[i].y][wallstk[i].x];
if (c_ptr->fval == 9)
if (randint(100) < DUN_TUN_PEN)
place_door(wallstk[i].y, wallstk[i].x);
c_ptr->fval = corr_floor2.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = corr_floor2.ftopen;
int next_to(y, x)
int y, x;
int next;
if (next_to8(y, x, 4, 5, 6) > 2)
if (((cave[y-1][x].fval >= 10) && (cave[y-1][x].fval <= 12)) &&
((cave[y+1][x].fval >= 10) && (cave[y+1][x].fval <= 12)))
next = TRUE;
else if (((cave[y][x-1].fval >= 10) && (cave[y][x-1].fval <= 12)) &&
((cave[y][x+1].fval >= 10) && (cave[y][x+1].fval <= 12)))
next = TRUE;
next = FALSE;
next = FALSE;
/* Places door at y, x position if at least 2 walls found */
try_door(y, x)
int y, x;
if (randint(100) > DUN_TUN_JCT)
if (cave[y][x].fval == corr_floor1.ftval)
if (next_to(y, x))
place_door(y, x);
/* Cave logic flow for generation of new dungeon */
struct spot_type
int endx;
int endy;
int room_map[20][20];
int i, j, k, l;
int y1, x1, y2, x2;
int pick1, pick2;
int row_rooms, col_rooms;
int alloc_level;
worlint yloc[400];
worlint xloc[400];
int set_1_2();
int set_1_2_4();
int set_4();
row_rooms = 2*(cur_height/SCREEN_HEIGHT);
col_rooms = 2*(cur_width /SCREEN_WIDTH);
for (i = 0; i < row_rooms; i++)
for (j = 0; j < col_rooms; j++)
room_map[i][j] = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < randnor(DUN_ROO_MEA, 2); i++)
room_map[randint(row_rooms)-1][randint(col_rooms)-1] = TRUE;
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < row_rooms; i++)
for (j = 0; j < col_rooms; j++)
if (room_map[i][j] == TRUE)
yloc[k] = i * (quart_height * 2 + 1) + quart_height;
xloc[k] = j * (quart_width * 2 + 1) + quart_width;
if (dun_level > randint(DUN_UNUSUAL))
case 1: build_type1(yloc[k], xloc[k]); break;
case 2: build_type2(yloc[k], xloc[k]); break;
case 3: build_type3(yloc[k], xloc[k]); break;
build_room(yloc[k], xloc[k]);
for (l = 0; l < k; l++)
pick1 = randint(k) - 1;
pick2 = randint(k) - 1;
y1 = yloc[pick1];
x1 = xloc[pick1];
yloc[pick1] = yloc[pick2];
xloc[pick1] = xloc[pick2];
yloc[pick2] = y1;
xloc[pick2] = x1;
doorptr = 0;
for (l = 0; l < k-1; l++)
y1 = yloc[l];
x1 = xloc[l];
y2 = yloc[l+1];
x2 = xloc[l+1];
build_tunnel(y2, x2, y1, x1);
for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_MAG; i++)
place_streamer(rock_wall2, DUN_STR_MC);
for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_QUA; i++)
place_streamer(rock_wall3, DUN_STR_QC);
/* Place intersection doors */
for (i = 0; i < doorptr; i++)
try_door(doorstk[i].y, doorstk[i].x-1);
try_door(doorstk[i].y, doorstk[i].x+1);
try_door(doorstk[i].y-1, doorstk[i].x);
try_door(doorstk[i].y+1, doorstk[i].x);
alloc_level = (dun_level/3);
if (alloc_level < 2)
alloc_level = 2;
else if (alloc_level > 10)
alloc_level = 10;
place_stairs(2, randint(2)+2, 3);
place_stairs(1, randint(2), 3);
alloc_monster(set_1_2, (randint(8)+MIN_MALLOC_LEVEL+alloc_level), 0, TRUE);
alloc_object(set_4, 3, randint(alloc_level));
alloc_object(set_1_2, 5, randnor(TREAS_ROOM_ALLOC, 3));
alloc_object(set_1_2_4, 5, randnor(TREAS_ANY_ALLOC, 3));
alloc_object(set_1_2_4, 4, randnor(TREAS_GOLD_ALLOC, 3));
alloc_object(set_1_2_4, 1, randint(alloc_level));
if (dun_level >= WIN_MON_APPEAR) place_win_monster();
/* Builds a store at a row, column coordinate */
build_store(store_num, y, x)
int store_num, y, x;
int yval, y_height, y_depth;
int xval, x_left, x_right;
int i, j, cur_pos;
cave_type *c_ptr;
yval = y*10 + 5;
xval = x*16 + 16;
y_height = yval - randint(3);
y_depth = yval + randint(4);
x_left = xval - randint(6);
x_right = xval + randint(6);
for (i = y_height; i <= y_depth; i++)
for (j = x_left; j <= x_right; j++)
cave[i][j].fval = boundary_wall.ftval;
cave[i][j].fopen = boundary_wall.ftopen;
case 1:
i = randint(y_depth-y_height) + y_height - 1;
j = x_left;
case 2:
i = randint(y_depth-y_height) + y_height - 1;
j = x_right;
case 3:
i = y_depth;
j = randint(x_right-x_left) + x_left - 1;
case 4:
i = y_height;
j = randint(x_right-x_left) + x_left - 1;
c_ptr = &cave[i][j];
c_ptr->fval = corr_floor3.ftval;
c_ptr->fopen = corr_floor3.ftopen;
c_ptr->tptr = cur_pos;
t_list[cur_pos] = store_door[store_num];
/* Town logic flow for generation of new town */
int i, j, k, l, m;
int rooms[6];
int set_1_2();
set_seed(town_state, town_seed);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
rooms[i] = i;
l = 6;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
k = randint(l) - 1;
build_store(rooms[k], i, j);
for (m = k; m < l-1; m++)
rooms[m] = rooms[m+1];
if (0x1 & (turn / 5000))
{ /* Night */
for (i = 0; i < cur_height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < cur_width; j++)
if (cave[i][j].fval != dopen_floor.ftval)
cave[i][j].pl = TRUE;
place_stairs(2, 1, 0);
alloc_monster(set_1_2, MIN_MALLOC_TN, 3, TRUE);
{ /* Day */
for (i = 0; i < cur_height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < cur_width; j++)
cave[i][j].pl = TRUE;
place_stairs(2, 1, 0);
alloc_monster(set_1_2, MIN_MALLOC_TD, 3, TRUE);
/* Generates a random dungeon level -RAK- */
panel_row_min = 0;
panel_row_max = 0;
panel_col_min = 0;
panel_col_max = 0;
char_row = -1;
char_col = -1;
if (dun_level == 0)
cur_height = SCREEN_HEIGHT;
cur_width = SCREEN_WIDTH;
max_panel_rows = (cur_height/SCREEN_HEIGHT)*2 - 2;
max_panel_cols = (cur_width /SCREEN_WIDTH )*2 - 2;
panel_row = max_panel_rows;
panel_col = max_panel_cols;
cur_height = MAX_HEIGHT;
cur_width = MAX_WIDTH;
max_panel_rows = (cur_height/SCREEN_HEIGHT)*2 - 2;
max_panel_cols = (cur_width /SCREEN_WIDTH )*2 - 2;
panel_row = max_panel_rows;
panel_col = max_panel_cols;