Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
290 lines
* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
* @(#)externs.h 5.2 (Berkeley) 3/9/88
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "machdep.h"
/* program mode */
int mode;
jmp_buf restart;
#define MODE_PLAYER 1
#define MODE_DRIVER 2
#define MODE_LOGGER 3
/* command line flags */
char debug; /* -D */
char randomize; /* -x, give first available ship */
char longfmt; /* -l, print score in long format */
char nobells; /* -b, don't ring bell before Signal */
/* other initial modes */
char issetuid; /* running setuid */
#define die() ((rand() >> 3) % 6 + 1)
#define sqr(a) ((a) * (a))
#define abs(a) ((a) > 0 ? (a) : -(a))
#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define grappled(a) ((a)->file->ngrap)
#define fouled(a) ((a)->file->nfoul)
#define snagged(a) (grappled(a) + fouled(a))
#define grappled2(a, b) ((a)->file->grap[(b)->file->index].sn_count)
#define fouled2(a, b) ((a)->file->foul[(b)->file->index].sn_count)
#define snagged2(a, b) (grappled2(a, b) + fouled2(a, b))
#define Xgrappled2(a, b) ((a)->file->grap[(b)->file->index].sn_turn < turn-1 ? grappled2(a, b) : 0)
#define Xfouled2(a, b) ((a)->file->foul[(b)->file->index].sn_turn < turn-1 ? fouled2(a, b) : 0)
#define Xsnagged2(a, b) (Xgrappled2(a, b) + Xfouled2(a, b))
#define cleangrapple(a, b, c) Cleansnag(a, b, c, 1)
#define cleanfoul(a, b, c) Cleansnag(a, b, c, 2)
#define cleansnag(a, b, c) Cleansnag(a, b, c, 3)
#define sterncolour(sp) ((sp)->file->stern+'0'-((sp)->file->captured?10:0))
#define sternrow(sp) ((sp)->file->row + dr[(sp)->file->dir])
#define sterncol(sp) ((sp)->file->col + dc[(sp)->file->dir])
#define capship(sp) ((sp)->file->captured?(sp)->file->captured:(sp))
#define readyname(r) ((r) & R_LOADING ? '*' : ((r) & R_INITIAL ? '!' : ' '))
/* loadL and loadR, should match loadname[] */
#define L_EMPTY 0 /* should be 0, don't change */
#define L_GRAPE 1
#define L_CHAIN 2
#define L_ROUND 3
#define L_DOUBLE 4
#define L_EXPLODE 5
* readyL and readyR, these are bits, except R_EMPTY
#define R_EMPTY 0 /* not loaded and not loading */
#define R_LOADING 1 /* loading */
#define R_DOUBLE 2 /* loading double */
#define R_LOADED 4 /* loaded */
#define R_INITIAL 8 /* loaded initial */
#define HULL 0
#define RIGGING 1
#define W_CAPTAIN 1
#define W_CAPTURED 2
#define W_CLASS 3
#define W_CREW 4
#define W_DBP 5
#define W_DRIFT 6
#define W_EXPLODE 7
#define W_FILE 8
#define W_FOUL 9
#define W_GUNL 10
#define W_GUNR 11
#define W_HULL 12
#define W_MOVE 13
#define W_OBP 14
#define W_PCREW 15
#define W_UNFOUL 16
#define W_POINTS 17
#define W_QUAL 18
#define W_UNGRAP 19
#define W_RIGG 20
#define W_COL 21
#define W_DIR 22
#define W_ROW 23
#define W_SIGNAL 24
#define W_SINK 25
#define W_STRUCK 26
#define W_TA 27
#define W_ALIVE 28
#define W_TURN 29
#define W_WIND 30
#define W_FS 31
#define W_GRAP 32
#define W_RIG1 33
#define W_RIG2 34
#define W_RIG3 35
#define W_RIG4 36
#define W_BEGIN 37
#define W_END 38
#define W_DDEAD 39
#define NLOG 10
struct logs {
char l_name[20];
int l_uid;
int l_shipnum;
int l_gamenum;
int l_netpoints;
struct BP {
short turnsent;
struct ship *toship;
short mensent;
struct snag {
short sn_count;
short sn_turn;
#define NSCENE nscene
#define NSHIP 10
#define NBP 3
#define NNATION 8
#define N_A 0
#define N_B 1
#define N_S 2
#define N_F 3
#define N_J 4
#define N_D 5
#define N_K 6
#define N_O 7
struct File {
int index;
char captain[20]; /* 0 */
short points; /* 20 */
char loadL; /* 22 */
char loadR; /* 24 */
char readyL; /* 26 */
char readyR; /* 28 */
struct BP OBP[NBP]; /* 30 */
struct BP DBP[NBP]; /* 48 */
char struck; /* 66 */
struct ship *captured; /* 68 */
short pcrew; /* 70 */
char movebuf[10]; /* 72 */
char drift; /* 82 */
short nfoul;
short ngrap;
struct snag foul[NSHIP]; /* 84 */
struct snag grap[NSHIP]; /* 124 */
char RH; /* 224 */
char RG; /* 226 */
char RR; /* 228 */
char FS; /* 230 */
char explode; /* 232 */
char sink; /* 234 */
char dir;
short col;
short row;
char loadwith;
char stern;
struct ship {
char *shipname; /* 0 */
struct shipspecs *specs; /* 2 */
char nationality; /* 4 */
short shiprow; /* 6 */
short shipcol; /* 8 */
char shipdir; /* 10 */
struct File *file; /* 12 */
struct scenario {
char winddir; /* 0 */
char windspeed; /* 2 */
char windchange; /* 4 */
char vessels; /* 12 */
char *name; /* 14 */
struct ship ship[NSHIP]; /* 16 */
struct scenario scene[];
int nscene;
struct shipspecs {
char bs;
char fs;
char ta;
short guns;
char class;
char hull;
char qual;
char crew1;
char crew2;
char crew3;
char gunL;
char gunR;
char carL;
char carR;
char rig1;
char rig2;
char rig3;
char rig4;
short pts;
struct shipspecs specs[];
struct scenario *cc; /* the current scenario */
struct ship *ls; /* &cc->ship[cc->vessels] */
#define SHIP(s) (&cc->ship[s])
#define foreachship(sp) for ((sp) = cc->ship; (sp) < ls; (sp)++)
struct windeffects {
char A, B, C, D;
struct windeffects WET[7][6];
struct Tables {
char H, G, C, R;
struct Tables RigTable[11][6];
struct Tables HullTable[11][6];
char AMMO[9][4];
char HDT[9][10];
char HDTrake[9][10];
char QUAL[9][5];
char MT[9][3];
char *countryname[];
char *classname[];
char *directionname[];
char *qualname[];
char loadname[];
char rangeofshot[];
char dr[], dc[];
int winddir;
int windspeed;
int turn;
int game;
int alive;
int people;
char hasdriver;
char *info();
char *quality();
double arctan();
char *saywhat();
struct ship *closestenemy();
char *calloc();
char *rindex();
char *strcpy();
char *strcat();
char *strncpy();
char *getenv();
char *gets();