Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
594 lines
/* Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Stanley T. Shebs, University of Utah. */
/* This program may be used, copied, modified, and redistributed freely */
/* for noncommercial purposes, so long as this notice remains intact. */
/* RCS $Header: init.c,v 1.2 88/06/28 10:06:13 shebs Exp $ */
/* Initialization is complicated, because xconq needs lots of setup for */
/* maps, units, sides, and the like. The data must also be able to come */
/* from saved games, scenarios, bare maps in files, period descriptions, */
/* or be synthesized if necessary. */
#include "config.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "period.h"
#include "side.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "global.h"
extern char *rawfilenames[];
extern int numfiles, giventime;
int good_place(); /* to make gcc happy */
/* Keep track of whether each sort of data has been loaded or not. */
/* The version isn't important enough to need any sort of flag. */
bool periodmade, mapmade, globalsmade, sidesmade, unitsmade;
bool populations = FALSE; /* true if populace ever nonzero */
int favterr[MAXUTYPES]; /* "favorite terrain" of each unit type */
int numhexes[MAXUTYPES]; /* temporaries used by country placement */
int countryx[MAXSIDES], countryy[MAXSIDES]; /* centers of countries */
int snameused[MAXSNAMES]; /* flags side names already used by somebody */
int unameused[MAXUNAMES]; /* flags unit names already used */
/* Either load a saved game or load mapfiles from cmd line and then make up */
/* any stuff that didn't get loaded. */
int i;
periodmade = mapmade = globalsmade = sidesmade = unitsmade = FALSE;
if (saved_game()) {
printf("Restoring from \"%s\" ...\n", SAVEFILE);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < numfiles; ++i) {
if (!mapmade) {
printf("Please wait six days while I create the world...\n");
if (!globalsmade) {
if (!sidesmade) {
if (numsides <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "No player sides in this game!\n");
} else if (numsides < numgivens) {
"Warning: only made %d of the %d sides requested.\n",
numsides, numgivens);
if (!unitsmade) {
printf("\nThe time is %s.\n", period.name);
/* Sort out the mess created by loading some things and creating others. */
/* Should only be possible to start with 0 units when building a scenario. */
/* Need to make friends and enemies; normally the machine players gang up */
/* on the humans. */
bool hasany;
int x, y;
Unit *unit;
Side *side, *side2;
if (period.scale != world.scale) {
"Reality check: Period is %d km/hex but map is %d km/hex.\n",
period.scale, world.scale);
if (no_statistics()) {
for_all_units(unit) {
if (!neutral(unit)) unit->side->balance[unit->type][FIRSTUNIT]++;
for_all_sides(side) {
side->timeleft = giventime;
hasany = FALSE;
for_all_units(unit) {
if (unit->side == side) {
hasany = TRUE;
if (!hasany && (unit = random_start_unit()) != NULL) {
unit_changes_side(unit, side, FIRSTUNIT, -1);
unit->trueside = unit->side;
set_product(unit, period.firstptype);
for_all_sides(side) {
for_all_sides(side2) {
if (neutral_side(side, side2)) {
if (side->host != NULL || side2->host != NULL)
declare_war(side, side2);
declare_alliance(side, side2);
/* this slowness is necessary to solve chicken/egg problems of loading */
/* units and sides from files... */
if (period.allseen || world.known) {
for_all_sides(side) {
for (x = 0; x < world.width; ++x) {
for (y = 0; y < world.height; ++y) {
set_side_view(side, x, y, EMPTY);
if ((unit = unit_at(x, y)) != NULL) {
if (utypes[unit->type].alreadyseen ||
utypes[unit->type].seealways ||
unit->side == side) {
see_exact(side, x, y);
if (utypes[unit->type].seealways) {
set_cover(side, x, y, 100);
iview_hex(x, y)
int x, y;
Unit *unit;
set_side_view(tmpside, x, y, EMPTY);
if ((unit = unit_at(x, y)) != NULL) {
if (cover(tmpside, x, y) > 0 || utypes[unit->type].alreadyseen) {
see_exact(tmpside, unit->x, unit->y);
Unit *unit;
for_all_units(unit) {
if (!neutral(unit)) {
see_exact(unit->side, unit->x, unit->y);
if (period.knownradius > 0) {
tmpside = unit->side;
apply_to_area(unit->x, unit->y, period.knownradius, iview_hex);
int u;
Side *side = sidelist;
for_all_unit_types(u) if (side->balance[u][FIRSTUNIT] > 0) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* Invent global values as necessary. */
if (Debug) printf("Going to make up some globals ...\n");
global.time = 0;
global.endtime = DEFAULTTURNS;
global.setproduct = TRUE;
global.leavemap = FALSE;
global.numconds = 0;
if (Debug) printf("... Done making up globals.\n");
/* Create some random sides with default characteristics. */
int i;
Side *side;
if (Debug) printf("Going to make up some sides ...\n");
for (i = 0; i < MAXSNAMES; ++i) snameused[i] = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < numgivens; ++i) {
side = create_side(random_side_name(), humans[i], hosts[i]);
/* Pretty bad if side creation fails... */
if (side == NULL) abort();
if (Debug) printf("... Done making up sides.\n");
/* If no units supplied with the map, then make some up and place them. */
/* There is an option to start with one or with a country. */
int u, t, i;
if (Debug) printf("Going to make up some units ...\n");
for_all_unit_types(u) {
favterr[u] = 0; /* doesn't really matter which one */
for_all_terrain_types(t) {
if (utypes[u].favored[t] > utypes[u].favored[favterr[u]])
favterr[u] = t;
/* Check for existence of favorite terrain on map */
for (i = 0; i < MAXUNAMES; ++i) unameused[i] = FALSE;
if (Debug) printf("... Done making up units.\n");
/* Place all the units belonging to countries. Once placed, set ownership */
/* and production appropriately. */
int x0, y0, u, i, num, first = period.firstutype, numleft[MAXUTYPES];
Unit *unit;
Side *side;
for_all_sides(side) {
find_a_place(&x0, &y0);
if (Debug) printf("Country at %d,%d\n", x0, y0);
countryx[side_number(side)] = x0; countryy[side_number(side)] = y0;
place_inhabitants(side, x0, y0);
if (first != NOTHING) {
unit = create_unit(first, random_unit_name(first));
occupy_hex(unit, x0, y0);
unit_changes_side(unit, side, FIRSTUNIT, -1);
unit->trueside = unit->side;
set_product(unit, period.firstptype);
for_all_unit_types(u) {
num = utypes[u].incountry;
if (first == u) num--;
numleft[u] = num;
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
unit = create_unit(u, random_unit_name(u));
if (place_unit(unit, x0, y0)) {
if (first == NOTHING) {
unit_changes_side(unit, side, FIRSTUNIT, -1);
unit->trueside = unit->side;
} else {
kill_unit(unit, -1);
/* second pass for units that have to be occupants */
for_all_unit_types(u) {
for (i = 0; i < numleft[u]; ++i) {
unit = create_unit(u, random_unit_name(u));
if (place_unit(unit, x0, y0)) {
if (first == NOTHING) {
unit_changes_side(unit, side, FIRSTUNIT, -1);
unit->trueside = unit->side;
} else {
/* give up finally - needs to be more informative */
fprintf(stderr, "Can't place a %s!\n", utypes[u].name);
/* Work hard to find a place for a side's country. First make some random *
/* trials, then start searching from the "center" of the map outwards. */
/* If neither approach works, things are too screwed up to keep going. */
find_a_place(cxp, cyp)
int *cxp, *cyp;
int tries, x, y, diam = (2 * period.countrysize + 1);
for (tries = 0; tries < 200; ++tries) {
x = random(world.width);
x = wrap(x);
y = random(world.height - diam) + period.countrysize;
if (good_place(x, y)) {
*cxp = x; *cyp = y;
if (Debug) printf("Country placed on try %d\n", tries);
if (search_area(world.width/2, world.height/2,
max(world.width, world.height), good_place, cxp, cyp)) {
if (Debug) printf("Country placed after search\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't place all the countries!\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Try bigger maps or fewer sides next time.\n");
/* Decide whether the given location is desirable for a country. It should */
/* not be too near or too far from other sides' countries, and there must be */
/* enough terrain to place all the initial units. In addition, the center */
/* of the country must have the right terrain for the firstutype. */
count_hexes(x, y)
int x, y;
int u, terr = terrain_at(x, y);
for_all_unit_types(u) if (terr == favterr[u]) numhexes[u]++;
good_place(cx, cy)
int cx, cy;
bool toofar = TRUE, notfirst = FALSE;
int c, px, py, t, u, x, y, toplace, allhexes, first = period.firstutype;
for (c = 0; c < numsides; ++c) {
px = countryx[c]; py = countryy[c];
if (px > 0 && py > 0) {
notfirst = TRUE;
if (distance(cx, cy, px, py) < period.mindistance) return FALSE;
if (distance(cx, cy, px, py) < period.maxdistance) toofar = FALSE;
if (toofar && notfirst) return FALSE;
if (first != NOTHING && terrain_at(cx, cy) != favterr[first])
return FALSE;
toplace = allhexes = 0;
for_all_unit_types(u) numhexes[u] = 0;
apply_to_area(cx, cy, period.countrysize, count_hexes);
for_all_unit_types(u) {
if (utypes[u].incountry > numhexes[u]) return FALSE;
toplace += utypes[u].incountry;
allhexes += numhexes[u];
return (toplace < allhexes);
/* Place the populace on appropriate terrain within the country. */
/* If countries overlap, then flip coins to decide about intermix (heh-heh, */
/* so it resembles 17th-century Germany - more fun that way!). */
/* The loops are a standard regular hexagon filler. */
place_inhabitants(side, x0, y0)
Side *side;
int x0, y0;
int x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, dist = period.countrysize;
y1 = interior(y0 - dist);
y2 = interior(y0 + dist);
for (y = y1; y <= y2; ++y) {
x1 = x0 - (y < y0 ? (y - y1) : dist);
x2 = x0 + (y > y0 ? (y2 - y) : dist);
for (x = x1; x <= x2; ++x) {
if (ttypes[terrain_at(wrap(x), y)].inhabitants) {
populations = TRUE;
if (unpopulated(wrap(x), y) || flip_coin()) {
set_people_at(wrap(x), y, 8+side_number(side));
/* The basic conditions that *must* be met by an initial unit placement. */
int tmputype;
valid_place(x, y)
int x, y;
Unit *unit = unit_at(x, y);
return ((unit == NULL && utypes[tmputype].favored[terrain_at(x, y)] > 0) ||
(unit != NULL && could_carry(unit->type, tmputype)));
/* Put a unit down somewhere in the designated area, following constraints */
/* on terrain and adjacency. Returns success of placement. */
/* "favterr" is poorly and unrobustly handled here... */
place_unit(unit, cx, cy)
Unit *unit;
int cx, cy;
bool canmove = FALSE;
int u = unit->type, t, tries, x, y, chance, r, favterr = 0;
int csize = period.countrysize;
for_all_terrain_types(t) {
if (could_move(u, t))
canmove = TRUE;
if (utypes[u].favored[t] > utypes[u].favored[favterr])
favterr = t;
tmputype = u;
for (tries = 0; tries < 500; ++tries) {
x = random(2*csize+1) + cx - csize; x = wrap(x);
y = random(2*csize+1) + cy - csize; y = interior(y);
if (valid_place(x, y) && distance(cx, cy, x, y) <= csize) {
chance = 100;
t = terrain_at(x, y);
if (canmove && !could_move(u, t)) chance -= 90;
for_all_resource_types(r) {
if (utypes[u].produce[r] > 0 && utypes[u].productivity[t] == 0)
chance -= 20;
if (adj_unit(x, y)) chance -= 70;
if (probability(chance)) {
occupy_hex(unit, x, y);
if (Debug) printf("Unit placed on try %d\n", tries);
return TRUE;
if (search_area(cx, cy, csize, valid_place, &x, &y)) {
occupy_hex(unit, x, y);
if (Debug) printf("Unit placed after search\n");
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* The number of neutral units is given by a parameter, and adjusted by */
/* the number of units assigned to specific countries. The number is at */
/* least 1 (if nonzero density), even for small maps. */
int u, num, i;
for_all_unit_types(u) {
if (utypes[u].density > 0) {
num = (((utypes[u].density * world.width * world.height) / 10000) -
(numsides * utypes[u].incountry));
num = max(1, num);
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
place_neutral(create_unit(u, random_unit_name(u)));
/* Neutral places should be uncommon in hostile terrain. If we can't find */
/* a place, just blow it off and go to the next one. */
Unit *unit;
int tries, x, y, u = unit->type;
for (tries = 0; tries < 500; ++tries) {
x = random(world.width); y = random(world.height - 2) + 1;
if ((probability(utypes[u].favored[terrain_at(x, y)])) &&
(unit_at(x, y) == NULL) &&
(!adj_unit(x, y) || flip_coin())) {
occupy_hex(unit, x, y);
kill_unit(unit, ENDOFWORLD);
/* True if anybody already on given hex or adjacent to it. */
adj_unit(x, y)
int x, y;
int d, x1, y1;
for_all_directions(d) {
x1 = wrap(x + dirx[d]); y1 = y + diry[d];
if (unit_at(x1, y1)) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Give the unit what it is declared to have stockpiled already. */
Unit *unit;
int r, u = unit->type;
for_all_resource_types(r) {
unit->supply[r] =
(utypes[u].storage[r] * utypes[u].stockpile[r]) / 100;
/* Pick any name not already used in the giant array of unit names. */
/* First try randomly, then sequentially. */
char *
int u;
int i, n;
if (utypes[u].named) {
for (i = 0; i < period.numunames; ++i) {
if (!unameused[(n = random(period.numunames))]) {
unameused[n] = TRUE;
return unames[n];
for (i = 0; i < period.numunames; ++i) {
if (!unameused[i]) {
unameused[i] = TRUE;
return unames[i];
return NULL;
} else {
return NULL;
/* Pick a side name not already used. Don't get uptight if we ran out of */
/* names; perhaps a unit will lend a name, and certainly the players will */
/* notice and change side names manually! */
char *
int i, n;
for (i = 0; i < period.numsnames; ++i) {
if (!snameused[(n = random(period.numsnames))]) {
snameused[n] = TRUE;
return snames[n];
for (i = 0; i < period.numsnames; ++i) {
if (!snameused[i]) {
snameused[i] = TRUE;
return snames[i];
return "???";
/* Quicky test needed in a couple places. */
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen(SAVEFILE, "r")) != NULL) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;