Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
162 lines
/* Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Stanley T. Shebs, University of Utah. */
/* This program may be used, copied, modified, and redistributed freely */
/* for noncommercial purposes, so long as this notice remains intact. */
/* RCS $Header: unit.h,v 1.1 88/06/21 12:29:48 shebs Exp $ */
/* Definitions about units and their orders. */
#define NOTHING (MAXUTYPES+1) /* A number guaranteed to be a non-unit. */
/* Unit order types. Each type has a letter, name, short name, and some */
/* parameter types that guide how the order will be input. */
#define NONE 0
#define AWAKE 1
#define SENTRY 2
#define MOVEDIR 3
#define MOVETO 4
#define EDGE 5
#define FOLLOW 6
#define PATROL 7
#define ORDERNAMES \
{ "None", "Awake", "Sentry", "Dir Move", "Move to", \
"Follow Edge", "Follow Leader", "Patrol" }
/* Types of arguments that orders can have. */
#define NOARG 0
#define DIR 1
#define POS 2
#define LEADER 3
#define WAYPOINTS 4
#define ORDERARGS \
{ "no args", "no args", "no args", "direction", \
"destination", "direction", "unit", "waypoints" }
/* Number of points possible in order parameters. If actual number not */
/* implicit in order type, then will need a count field somewhere. */
#define NUMWPS 2
/* Bit-encoded flags that specify's units behavior when under orders. */
#define ENEMYWAKE 0x01
#define NEUTRALWAKE 0x02
#define SUPPLYWAKE 0x04
#define ATTACKUNIT 0x08
#define SHORTESTPATH 0x10
#define ALLFLAGS 0x1f
/* tiny hack structure */
typedef struct a_pt {
short x, y;
} Pt;
/* Definition of an "order", which is the means by which a unit keeps */
/* track of what it should do. Needs the encapsulation because orders */
/* show up in both units and in collections of standing orders. */
typedef struct a_order {
short type; /* type of order (awake, random, etc) */
short rept; /* number to repeat order */
short flags; /* bit vector of special flags */
union {
short dir; /* a direction */
struct a_unit *leader; /* pointer to a leader unit */
Pt pt[NUMWPS]; /* small array of coordinates */
} p; /* parameters of an order */
} Order;
/* A standing order is actually an array with an order for each unit type. */
/* The structure is allocated only when a standing order is given. */
typedef struct s_order {
Order *orders[MAXUTYPES];
} StandingOrder;
/* This structure should be small, because there may be many of them. */
/* On the other hand, changing shorts to chars would entail fiddling with */
/* mapfile code, so beware. */
typedef struct a_unit {
/* Level 1 detail */
short type; /* type (army, ship, etc) */
char *name; /* the name, if given */
short x, y; /* position of unit on map */
struct a_side *side; /* whose side this unit is on */
/* Level 2 detail */
short id; /* truly unique id number */
short number; /* semi-unique id number */
struct a_side *trueside; /* whose side this unit is really on */
short hp; /* how much more damage it can take */
short quality; /* "veteran-ness" */
short morale; /* how happy our guys are */
short fatigue; /* how tired they are */
short product; /* type of unit this unit is producing */
short schedule; /* when the unit will be done */
short built; /* how many units of current type made so far */
struct a_unit *transport; /* pointer to transporter if any */
short supply[MAXRTYPES]; /* how much supply we're carrying */
/* Level 3 detail */
short group; /* group to which unit belongs (machine) */
short goal; /* personal goal of unit */
short gx, gy; /* current goal position */
short movesleft; /* how many moves left in this turn */
short actualmoves; /* hexes actually covered this turn */
short lastdir; /* last direction of move */
short awake; /* true if unit temporarily awake */
Order orders; /* current orders being carried out */
StandingOrder *standing; /* pointer to collection of standing orders */
/* Never saved */
struct a_unit *occupant; /* pointer to first unit being carried */
struct a_unit *nexthere; /* pointer to fellow occupant */
struct a_unit *next; /* next unit in list of all units */
} Unit;
/* Some convenient macros. */
#define for_all_units(v) for (v = unitlist; v != NULL; v = v->next)
#define for_all_occupants(u1,u2) \
for (u2 = u1->occupant; u2 != NULL; u2 = u2->nexthere)
#define alive(u) ((u)->hp > 0)
#define cripple(u) ((u)->hp < utypes[(u)->type].crippled)
#define neutral(u) ((u)->side == NULL)
#define producing(u) ((u)->product != NOTHING)
#define busy(u) (producing(u) || (u)->schedule > 0)
#define idled(u) (utypes[(u)->type].maker && !busy(u))
#define mobile(u) (utypes[u].speed > 0)
#define could_occupy(u,t) (could_move(u,t))
/* Unit variables. */
extern Unit *unitlist, *tmpunit;
extern Unit *create_unit(), *read_basic_unit(), *random_start_unit();
extern Unit *find_unit();
extern int numunits, orderargs[];
extern char *ordernames[];
extern char *random_unit_name(), *unit_handle(), *short_unit_handle();
extern char *make_unit_name(), *order_desig();