Usenet 1994 October
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Text File
165 lines
'h': move west 'a': army report 'p': pick item
'y': move north-west 'r': redesignate 'd': change display
'k': move north 'w': cast spells/summon 'c': administration
'u': move north-east 'm': move selected unit '?': help screen
'l': move east 'F': go to next fleet 's': score
'n': move south-east 'f': fleet report 'B': budget status
'j': move south 'Z': move people 2 Sectors 'P': production stats
'b': move south-west 'S': diplomacy status 'N': read newspaper
'J': scroll south 'Q': quit (saves changes) 'W': write message
'K': scroll north 'M': magic 'R': read messages
'L': scroll east 'C': construct 'T': trade
'H': scroll west 'D': draft 't': transport via ship
'G': go to next army 'v': version credits
'g': group army report 'I': campaign information
'ctrl-L': redraw 'ESC': extra commands
All of the extended commands are accessed by typing the ESC key and
then one of the following extended command keys.
Each of the commands takes action on the currently selected army unit.
'a': set army status to ATTACK
'd': set army status to DEFEND
's': set army status to SCOUT
'm': set army status to MARCH
'g': set army status to GARRISON
'G': place army in a group with other armies
'S': set army status to SEIGE or SORTIE
'R': set army leader status to RULE
'+': combine selected and next army
'-': separate army into two units
'/': separate army into two equal units
Welcome to Conquer XVERSION
CONQUER is a multi player computer game designed to run under the UNIX
operating system. In CONQUER, each player is the leader of a nation,
composed of people (humans, orcs, elves, dwarves), resources, and land.
Rulers customize their nation at creation by chosing their race and by giving
their nation special powers (magic, combat factor, location, speed...)
and resources (civilians, troops, metal, gold...). Play involves building,
moving, and controlling armies and navies, diplomacy with other players,
and adjusting economic activity, which is primarily geared to the production
of gold for your treasury. Metals are needed, however to build ships & armies,
and food is needed to prevent revolts and keep people alive.
Command line format: conquer [-hs -nNAT -dDIR]
-h print this help text
-s print out scores
-n NTN run as nation NTN
-d DIR run on data in directory DIR
It is suggested that each player set up a shell alias for their game & nation
The game administrator should read documentation on using the conqrun command.
y,7 k,8 u,9
\ | /
\ | /
WEST (H) h,4 ---- 0 ---- l,6 (L) EAST
/ | \
/ | \
b,1 j,2 n,3
Figures in parenthesis indicate scrolling
Note either numeric keypad OR vi keys can be used
<cntrl>-L will redraw the screen
CONQUER COMMANDS -- lower case commands
'a': army report: Gives an army's details & permits changing army status,
merging 2 armies, splitting armies, and disbanding armies
'c': administration: Report on nation status and then change name, password,
add to combat bonus, or (if god) destroy a nation.
'd': change display: Change display mode. metal/jewel screens #'s are sector
value. Population screen #'s are the closest 100 people
'f': fleet report: Report on the status of your fleets.
'g': group report: As army report, but only show armies in current sector.
'm': move unit: move selected unit. The unit will stop when it runs out
of move points or runs into an army larger than it.
'p': pick item: allows you to select the next army or navy in the
sector. Other commands will operate on that unit.
'r': redesignate: you can change habitable sectors you own to other
designations. Towns require 500+ people & Capitols
require Towns. God can redesignate anything.
's': score: print out a screen showing the scores
't': transport: load/unload soldiers or civilians onto selected fleet.
'w': wizardry: cast spells if you have the ability
'?': help screen: print out this help text
CONQUER COMMANDS -- upper case commands pg. 1.
'B': budget : ESTIMATE your nations budget statistics
'C': construct: If you have cash, you can build fortifications and
ships in your Towns. Ships can only be built in Towns
located on the water.
'D': draft: You may draft a 1/4 of the starting sector population if it
was a Town/City/Cap and if you have the gold & metal. You
must draft soldiers in multiples of 10 men.
'F': next fleet: Move cursor to your next fleet.
'G': next army: Move cursor to your next army.
'I': information: Display a screen containing general conquer statistics.
'M': magic: Prints your magic powers & offers you the option to
purchase more (cost doubles each power). Monster Power
gives you the chance to take over NPC nations.
CONQUER COMMANDS -- upper case commands pg. 2.
'N': newspaper: Briefs you on world happenings. Note: News has 4 pages.
'P': production: ESTIMATE your nations production statistics
'S': diplomacy: Allow you to see and alter your diplomatic status.
'T': commerce: Allow you to trade with other nations.
'Q': quit: Save your move and quit the game. Note there is no
means supported to quit without saving your moves.
'R': read mail: Read mail messages
'W': write mail: Write mail messages. You can write to the administrator
and can post articles to the news board with this command.
'Z': move people: Civilians can move between two of your sectors at a cost
of 50 per civilian. Civilians naturally move in the update.
This section is offered to help beginning players understand the first
turns of the game. The objective at this point is to take land and to
make enough farms that your people don't starve. The first thing to do is
to look at sectors you can see (using the cursor keys). You
are looking for sectors with high (4+) food/metal/jewel values. You should
now assign soldiers to army groups (via. the Escape / G sequence). An army
group id is the same as a leader id. Then, pick an army or army group with
the 'p'ick command and 'm'ove it to a target sectors. When you stop the
army, it should take the sector, and you should be able to see a little bit
more of the world. Every army should try to take a different sector each
of the first few turns. 'r'edesignate sectors to farms (f),mines (m), or
goldmines ($). Now browse the other reports and forms to get a feel of the
game. When done, quit via the 'q'uit command. After the update,
civilians will have moved into your sectors, and will start producing.
Watch that food consumption early on!!!
To my knowledge Conquer runs well on UNIX (SYS V or BSD 4.3) systems. The
game treats turns like a hidden move wargame would... you enter all your
moves and the program and the program tells you what happens. Like wargames,
there is no turning back. Every move you make will be saved when you quit.
If you goof up real bad, you need to go to the administrator, and have him
log in (as god) and fix whatever you did.
Have Fun
The Ed