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- /* @(#)events.c 1.5 90/04/09
- *
- * Procedures for handling various events in the Othello game.
- *
- * Original SunView version by Ed Falk - Sun Microsystems Inc.
- *
- * Rewritten for independent use by
- * Rich Burridge, Sun Microsystems, Australia
- *
- * Copyright (c) Ed Falk & Rich Burridge - Sun Microsystems.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- * introductory messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- *
- * No responsibility is taken for any errors on inaccuracies inherent
- * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
- * to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- */
- #include "othello.h"
- #include "color.h"
- #include "extern.h"
- check_button_down(item)
- enum panel_type item ;
- {
- int n ;
- n = (int) item ;
- if ((curx > items[n].x) && (curx < (items[n].x + items[n].width)) &&
- (cury > items[n].y) && (cury < (items[n].y + items[n].height)))
- {
- down = nextc ;
- itemno = n ;
- but_inverted = itemno ;
- draw_button((enum panel_type) itemno, C_LGREY, BUT_INVERT) ;
- }
- }
- check_cycle_down(item)
- enum panel_type item ;
- {
- int ix, n, reply ;
- n = (int) item ;
- ix = items[n].x + (3 * BWIDTH) + (2 * BGAP) - CWIDTH ;
- if ((curx > ix) && (curx < (ix + (items[n].width / 2))) &&
- (cury > items[n].y) && (cury < (items[n].y + items[n].height)) &&
- nextc != RIGHT_DOWN)
- {
- direction = INCREMENT ;
- down = nextc ;
- itemno = n ;
- draw_cycle((enum panel_type) n, C_LGREY, CY_LINVERT) ;
- }
- else if ((curx > ix) && (curx < (ix + items[n].width)) &&
- (cury > items[n].y) && (cury < (items[n].y + items[n].height)) &&
- nextc != RIGHT_DOWN)
- {
- direction = DECREMENT ;
- down = nextc ;
- itemno = n ;
- draw_cycle((enum panel_type) n, C_LGREY, CY_RINVERT) ;
- }
- else if ((curx > ix) && (curx < (ix + items[n].width)) &&
- (cury > items[n].y) && (cury < (items[n].y + items[n].height)))
- {
- direction = NONE ;
- down = RIGHT_DOWN ;
- itemno = n ;
- if ((reply = do_menu((enum panel_type) itemno)))
- {
- nextc = RIGHT_UP ;
- handle_item(reply - 1) ;
- draw_cycle((enum panel_type) itemno, C_LGREY, CY_NORMAL) ;
- }
- }
- }
- check_item_down()
- {
- int n ;
- for (n = 0; n < MAXITEMS; n++)
- switch (items[n].type)
- {
- case P_BUTTON : check_button_down((enum panel_type) n) ;
- break ;
- case P_CYCLE : check_cycle_down((enum panel_type) n) ;
- break ;
- case P_MESSAGE : /* do nothing. */ ;
- }
- }
- check_item_up()
- {
- if ((nextc == LEFT_UP && down == LEFT_DOWN) ||
- (nextc == MIDDLE_UP && down == MIDDLE_DOWN) ||
- (nextc == RIGHT_UP && down == RIGHT_DOWN))
- {
- if (items[itemno].type == P_BUTTON && but_inverted == -1) return ;
- handle_item(items[itemno].value) ;
- if (items[itemno].type == P_BUTTON)
- draw_button((enum panel_type) itemno, C_LGREY, BUT_NORMAL) ;
- else if (items[itemno].type == P_CYCLE)
- draw_cycle((enum panel_type) itemno, C_LGREY, CY_NORMAL) ;
- }
- }
- do_action()
- {
- switch (nextc)
- {
- case MOUSE_MOVING : draw_piece(next_player, piece_x, piece_y, RINV) ;
- piece_x = curx - PIECE_RAD ;
- piece_y = cury - PIECE_RAD ;
- draw_piece(next_player, piece_x, piece_y, RINV) ;
- break ;
- case EXIT_WINDOW : set_cursor(CANVASCUR) ;
- draw_piece(next_player, piece_x, piece_y, RINV) ;
- cmode = (enum cantype) ((int) cmode - 1) ;
- break ;
- case LEFT_DOWN :
- case LEFT_UP :
- case MIDDLE_DOWN :
- case MIDDLE_UP :
- case RIGHT_DOWN :
- case RIGHT_UP : set_cursor(CANVASCUR) ;
- do_selection(nextc) ;
- }
- }
- do_cycle_key(item, ch)
- enum panel_type item ;
- int ch ;
- {
- int val ;
- if (!validkey)
- {
- validkey = cur_ch ;
- message(PANEL_MES, items[(int) item].text) ;
- }
- else
- {
- val = -1 ;
- switch (item)
- {
- case ASPIRATION : if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '6') val = ch - '1' ;
- break ;
- case COMPUTER_PLAYS : switch (ch)
- {
- case 'b' :
- case 'B' : val = 0 ;
- break ;
- case 'w' :
- case 'W' : val = 1 ;
- break ;
- default : return ;
- }
- break ;
- case DIFFICULTY : if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '4') val = ch - '1' ;
- break ;
- case REMARK : switch (ch)
- {
- case 'n' :
- case 'N' : val = 0 ;
- break ;
- case 'y' :
- case 'Y' : val = 1 ;
- break ;
- default : return ;
- }
- }
- if (val != -1)
- {
- validkey = 0 ;
- message(PANEL_MES, "") ;
- if (item == COMPUTER_PLAYS && val == items[(int) item].value)
- return ;
- items[(int) item].value = item_value = val ;
- direction = NONE ;
- (*items[(int) item].func)() ;
- }
- }
- }
- do_key_move(n1, n2)
- int n1, n2 ;
- {
- move = (n1 - 'a') * BOARD_SIZE + (n2 - '1') ;
- next_player = (int) cmode - 1 ;
- cmode = (enum cantype) ((int) cmode + 1) ;
- make_move() ;
- validkey = 0 ;
- }
- get_xy(n, x, y) /* Return piece coordinates given board index. */
- int n, *x,*y ;
- {
- *x = (n & 7) * CELL_SIZE + BBORDER + PIECE_MARGIN ;
- *y = (n >> 3) * CELL_SIZE + BBORDER + PIECE_MARGIN ;
- }
- handle_board_event()
- {
- switch (cmode)
- {
- case WHITE_START :
- case BLACK_START : next_player = (int) cmode - 1 ;
- if (nextc == LEFT_DOWN || nextc == MIDDLE_DOWN ||
- nextc == RIGHT_DOWN)
- {
- set_cursor(NOCURSOR) ;
- piece_x = curx - BBORDER - (PIECE_RAD) ;
- piece_y = cury - BBORDER - (PIECE_RAD) ;
- draw_piece(next_player, piece_x, piece_y, RINV) ;
- cmode = (enum cantype) ((int) cmode + 1) ;
- }
- break ;
- case BLACK_MOVING : do_action() ;
- }
- }
- handle_event()
- {
- process_event() ;
- if (nextc == FRAME_REPAINT) init_canvas() ;
- else if (nextc == KEYBOARD) handle_key() ;
- else if (nextc == EXIT_WINDOW && but_inverted != -1)
- {
- draw_button((enum panel_type) but_inverted, C_LGREY, BUT_NORMAL) ;
- but_inverted = -1 ;
- down = 0 ;
- }
- else if (cury > (CY + BBORDER)) handle_board_event() ;
- else if (nextc == LEFT_UP || nextc == MIDDLE_UP || nextc == RIGHT_UP)
- check_item_up() ;
- else if (nextc == LEFT_DOWN || nextc == MIDDLE_DOWN || nextc == RIGHT_DOWN)
- check_item_down() ;
- }
- handle_item(val)
- int val ;
- {
- items[itemno].value = item_value = val ;
- (*items[itemno].func)() ;
- but_inverted = -1 ;
- down = 0 ;
- }
- handle_key() /* Process the latest key that the user has pressed. */
- {
- char str[8] ; /* To display half move position. */
- int nextc ;
- if (cur_ch == ESCAPE) validkey = 0 ;
- if (validkey)
- {
- nextc = cur_ch ;
- cur_ch = validkey ;
- }
- switch (cur_ch)
- {
- case 'A' : do_cycle_key(ASPIRATION, nextc) ;
- break ;
- case 'C' : do_cycle_key(COMPUTER_PLAYS, nextc) ;
- break ;
- case 'D' : do_cycle_key(DIFFICULTY, nextc) ;
- break ;
- case 'r' :
- case 'R' : do_cycle_key(REMARK, nextc) ;
- break ;
- case 'l' :
- case 'L' : last() ;
- break ;
- case 'n' :
- case 'N' : new_game() ;
- break ;
- case 'q' :
- case 'Q' : quit() ;
- case 's' :
- case 'S' : suggest() ;
- break ;
- case 'u' :
- case 'U' : undo() ;
- break ;
- case '1' :
- case '2' :
- case '3' :
- case '4' :
- case '5' :
- case '6' :
- case '7' :
- case '8' : if (!validkey)
- {
- validkey = cur_ch ;
- SPRINTF(str, "Move: %c", cur_ch) ;
- message(PANEL_MES, str) ;
- }
- else if (nextc >= 'a' && nextc <= 'h')
- {
- SPRINTF(str, "Move: %c%c", cur_ch, nextc) ;
- message(PANEL_MES, str) ;
- do_key_move(nextc, cur_ch) ;
- }
- else validkey = 0 ;
- break ;
- case 'a' :
- case 'b' :
- case 'c' :
- case 'd' :
- case 'e' :
- case 'f' :
- case 'g' :
- case 'h' : if (!validkey)
- {
- validkey = cur_ch ;
- SPRINTF(str, "Move: %c", cur_ch) ;
- message(PANEL_MES, str) ;
- }
- else if (nextc >= '1' && nextc <= '8')
- {
- SPRINTF(str, "Move: %c%c", cur_ch, nextc) ;
- message(PANEL_MES, str) ;
- do_key_move(cur_ch, nextc) ;
- }
- else validkey = 0 ;
- break ;
- default : message(PANEL_MES, "") ;
- validkey = 0 ;
- }
- }