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- /* @(#)items.c 1.4 90/04/05
- *
- * Procedures for manipulating the othello game panel items.
- *
- * Original SunView version by Ed Falk - Sun Microsystems Inc.
- *
- * Rewritten for independent use by
- * Rich Burridge, Sun Microsystems, Australia
- *
- * Copyright (c) Ed Falk & Rich Burridge - Sun Microsystems.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- * introductory messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- *
- * No responsibility is taken for any errors on inaccuracies inherent
- * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
- * to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- */
- #include "color.h"
- #include "othello.h"
- #include "extern.h"
- draw_button(item, color, image) /* Draw a panel button. */
- enum panel_type item ;
- int color ;
- enum image_type image ;
- {
- char *label ;
- int x, y ;
- x = items[(int) item].x ;
- y = items[(int) item].y ;
- if (iscolor)
- {
- draw_stencil(x, y, BWIDTH, BHEIGHT, RSRC, color,
- draw_image(x, y, BWIDTH, BHEIGHT, image) ;
- }
- else draw_stencil(x, y, BWIDTH, BHEIGHT, RSRC, C_WHITE, BUT_STENCIL, image) ;
- label = items[(int) item].text ;
- if (image == BUT_INVERT) color = C_WHITE ;
- else color = C_BLACK ;
- x += ((BWIDTH - get_strwidth(NFONT, label)) / 2) ;
- y += (nfont_height + (BHEIGHT - nfont_height) / 2) - 5 ;
- draw_text(x, y, NFONT, color, label) ;
- }
- draw_cycle(item, color, image)
- enum panel_type item ;
- int color ;
- enum image_type image ;
- {
- int x, y ;
- x = items[(int) item].x + (3 * BWIDTH) + (2 * BGAP) - CWIDTH ;
- y = items[(int) item].y ;
- if (iscolor)
- {
- draw_stencil(x, y, CWIDTH, CHEIGHT, RSRC, color, CY_STENCIL, CY_STENCIL) ;
- draw_image(x, y, CWIDTH, CHEIGHT, image) ;
- }
- else draw_stencil(x, y, CWIDTH, CHEIGHT, RSRC, C_WHITE, CY_STENCIL, image) ;
- }
- draw_cycle_item(item, choices, color, image) /* Display cycle panel item. */
- enum panel_type item ;
- char *choices[] ;
- int color ;
- enum image_type image ;
- {
- char *label ;
- int n, x, y ;
- n = (int) item ;
- label = items[n].text ;
- x = items[n].x ;
- y = items[n].y ;
- draw_text(x, y + bfont_height, BFONT, C_BLACK, label) ;
- set_cycle(item, choices[items[n].value]) ;
- draw_cycle(item, color, image) ;
- }
- draw_piece(piece, x, y, op) /* Draw an othello piece on the board. */
- int piece, x, y ;
- enum optype op ;
- {
- switch (piece)
- {
- case BLACK : draw_stencil(x, y, PSIZE, PSIZE, op, C_BLACK,
- break ;
- case WHITE : draw_stencil(x, y, PSIZE, PSIZE, op, C_BLACK,
- }
- }
- make_message(item) /* Display a message panel. */
- enum panel_type item ;
- {
- char *message ;
- int x, y ;
- message = items[(int) item].text ;
- x = items[(int) item].x ;
- y = items[(int) item].y ;
- color = (iscolor) ? C_BEIGE : C_WHITE ;
- color_area(x, y, TOTAL_WIDTH, 15, color) ;
- draw_text(x, y+nfont_height, NFONT, C_BLACK, message) ;
- }
- make_panel()
- {
- draw_button(DONE_BUT, C_LGREY, BUT_NORMAL) ;
- draw_button(LAST_BUT, C_LGREY, BUT_NORMAL) ;
- draw_button(NEW_GAME_BUT, C_LGREY, BUT_NORMAL) ;
- draw_button(UNDO_BUT, C_LGREY, BUT_NORMAL) ;
- draw_button(QUIT_BUT, C_LGREY, BUT_NORMAL) ;
- draw_cycle_item(ASPIRATION, asp_values, C_LGREY, CY_NORMAL) ;
- draw_cycle_item(DIFFICULTY, diff_values, C_LGREY, CY_NORMAL) ;
- draw_cycle_item(COMPUTER_PLAYS, comp_values, C_LGREY, CY_NORMAL) ;
- draw_cycle_item(REMARK, rem_values, C_LGREY, CY_NORMAL) ;
- make_message(REMARK_MES) ;
- make_message(PANEL_MES) ;
- make_message(SCORE_MES) ;
- }
- message(mtype, str)
- enum panel_type mtype ;
- char *str ;
- {
- int n ;
- n = (int) mtype ;
- color = (iscolor) ? C_BEIGE : C_WHITE ;
- color_area(items[n].x, items[n].y,
- get_strwidth(NFONT, items[n].text), nfont_height + 5, color) ;
- draw_text(items[n].x, items[n].y + nfont_height, NFONT, C_BLACK, str) ;
- STRCPY(items[n].text, str) ;
- }
- set_cycle(mtype, str)
- enum panel_type mtype ;
- char *str ;
- {
- int n, width, x ;
- n = (int) mtype ;
- color = (iscolor) ? C_BEIGE : C_WHITE ;
- width = (3 * BWIDTH) + (2 * BGAP) -
- get_strwidth(BFONT, items[n].text) - CWIDTH ;
- x = items[n].x + get_strwidth(BFONT, items[n].text) ;
- color_area(x, items[n].y, width, items[n].height, color) ;
- width = get_strwidth(NFONT, str) ;
- x = items[n].x + (3 * BWIDTH) + (2 * BGAP) - CWIDTH - width ;
- draw_text(x - 5, items[n].y + nfont_height, NFONT, C_BLACK, str) ;
- }