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- Path: uunet!zephyr.ens.tek.com!tekred!saab!billr
- From: billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM (Bill Randle)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.games
- Subject: v09i068: umoria3 - single player dungeon simulation (ver. 5.2), Part13/31
- Message-ID: <5599@tekred.CNA.TEK.COM>
- Date: 16 May 90 19:16:48 GMT
- Sender: news@tekred.CNA.TEK.COM
- Lines: 1361
- Approved: billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM
- Submitted-by: wilson@ernie.Berkeley.EDU (Jim Wilson)
- Posting-number: Volume 9, Issue 68
- Archive-name: umoria3/Part13
- Supersedes: umoria2: Volume 5, Issue 32-37,41-52,87
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 13 (of 31)."
- # Contents: atari_st/ERRORS source/monsters.c util/printit.c
- # Wrapped by billr@saab on Wed May 16 11:54:24 1990
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'atari_st/ERRORS' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'atari_st/ERRORS'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'atari_st/ERRORS'\" \(50 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'atari_st/ERRORS' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- Xthe makefile is obsolete, and needs to be updated
- if test 50 -ne `wc -c <'atari_st/ERRORS'`; then
- echo shar: \"'atari_st/ERRORS'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'atari_st/ERRORS'
- fi
- if test -f 'source/monsters.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'source/monsters.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'source/monsters.c'\" \(40781 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'source/monsters.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/* monsters.c: monster definitions
- X
- X Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
- X
- X This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
- X not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
- X included in all such copies. */
- X
- X#include "constant.h"
- X#include "config.h"
- X#include "types.h"
- X
- X/* Following are creature arrays and variables */
- X /* Creatures must be defined here */
- X /* See types.h under creature_type for a complete list
- X of all variables for creatures. Some of the less obvious
- X are explained below.
- X
- X Hit points: #1, #2: where #2 is the range of each roll and
- X #1 is the number of added up rolls to make.
- X Example: a creature with 5 eight-sided hit die
- X is given {5,8}.
- X
- X Attack types:
- X 1 Normal attack
- X 2 Poison Strength
- X 3 Confusion attack
- X 4 Fear attack
- X 5 Fire attack
- X 6 Acid attack
- X 7 Cold attack
- X 8 Lightning attack
- X 9 Corrosion attack
- X 10 Blindness attack
- X 11 Paralysis attack
- X 12 Steal Money
- X 13 Steal Object
- X 14 Poison
- X 15 Lose dexterity
- X 16 Lose constitution
- X 17 Lose intelligence
- X 18 Lose wisdom
- X 19 Lose experience
- X 20 Aggravation
- X 21 Disenchants
- X 22 Eats food
- X 23 Eats light
- X 24 Eats charges
- X 99 Blank
- X
- X Attack descriptions:
- X 1 hits you.
- X 2 bites you.
- X 3 claws you.
- X 4 stings you.
- X 5 touches you.
- X 6 kicks you.
- X 7 gazes at you.
- X 8 breathes on you.
- X 9 spits on you.
- X 10 makes a horrible wail.
- X 11 embraces you.
- X 12 crawls on you.
- X 13 releases a cloud of spores.
- X 14 begs you for money.
- X 15 You've been slimed.
- X 16 crushes you.
- X 17 tramples you.
- X 18 drools on you.
- X 19 insults you.
- X 99 is repelled.
- X
- X Example: For a creature which bites for 1d6, then stings for
- X 2d4 and loss of dex you would use:
- X {1,2,1,6},{15,4,2,4}
- X
- X CMOVE flags:
- XMovement. 00000001 Move only to attack
- X . 00000002 Move, attack normal
- X . 00000008 20% random movement
- X . 00000010 40% random movement
- X . 00000020 75% random movement
- XSpecial + 00010000 Invisible movement
- X + 00020000 Move through door
- X + 00040000 Move through wall
- X + 00080000 Move through creatures
- X + 00100000 Picks up objects
- X + 00200000 Multiply monster
- XCarries = 01000000 Carries objects.
- X = 02000000 Carries gold.
- X = 04000000 Has 60% of time.
- X = 08000000 Has 90% of time.
- X = 10000000 1d2 objects/gold.
- X = 20000000 2d2 objects/gold.
- X = 40000000 4d2 objects/gold.
- XSpecial ~ 80000000 Win-the-Game creature.
- X
- X SPELL Flags:
- XFrequency 000001 1 These add up to x. Then
- X(1 in x). 000002 2 if RANDINT(X) = 1 the
- X . 000004 4 creature casts a spell.
- X . 000008 8
- XSpells = 000010 Teleport short (blink)
- X = 000020 Teleport long
- X = 000040 Teleport player to monster
- X = 000080 Cause light wound
- X = 000100 Cause serious wound
- X = 000200 Hold person (Paralysis)
- X = 000400 Cause blindness
- X = 000800 Cause confusion
- X = 001000 Cause fear
- X = 002000 Summon monster
- X = 004000 Summon undead
- X = 008000 Slow Person
- X = 010000 Drain Mana
- X = 020000 Not Used
- X = 040000 Not Used
- XBreaths + 080000 Breath Lightning
- X + 100000 Breath Gas
- X + 200000 Breath Acid
- X + 400000 Breath Frost
- X + 800000 Breath Fire
- X
- X CDEFENSE flags:
- X 0001 Hurt by Slay Dragon.
- X 0002 Hurt by Slay Animal.
- X 0004 Hurt by Slay Evil.
- X 0008 Hurt by Slay Undead.
- X 0010 Hurt by Frost.
- X 0020 Hurt by Fire.
- X 0040 Hurt by Poison.
- X 0080 Hurt by Acid.
- X 0100 Hurt by Light-Wand.
- X 0200 Hurt by Stone-to-Mud.
- X 0400 Not used.
- X 0800 Not used.
- X 1000 Cannot be charmed or slept.
- X 2000 Can be seen with infra-vision.
- X 4000 Max Hit points.
- X 8000 Not used.
- X
- X
- X Sleep (sleep) : A measure in turns of how fast creature
- X will notice player (on the average).
- X Area of affect (aaf) : Max range that creature is able to "notice"
- X the player.
- X */
- X
- X#ifdef MACGAME
- Xcreature_type *c_list;
- X#else
- Xcreature_type c_list[MAX_CREATURES] = {
- X{"Filthy Street Urchin" ,0x0012000AL,0x00000000L,0x2034, 0, 40,
- X 4, 1, 11, 'p', {1,4} , {72,148,0,0} , 0},
- X{"Blubbering Idiot" ,0x0012000AL,0x00000000L,0x2030, 0, 0,
- X 6, 1, 11, 'p', {1,2} , {79,0,0,0} , 0},
- X{"Pitiful-Looking Beggar" ,0x0012000AL,0x00000000L,0x2030, 0, 40,
- X 10, 1, 11, 'p', {1,4} , {72,0,0,0} , 0},
- X{"Mangy-Looking Leper" ,0x0012000AL,0x00000000L,0x2030, 0, 50,
- X 10, 1, 11, 'p', {1,1} , {72,0,0,0} , 0},
- X{"Squint-Eyed Rogue" ,0x07120002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 0, 99,
- X 10, 8, 11, 'p', {2,8} , {5,149,0,0} , 0},
- X{"Singing, Happy Drunk" ,0x06120038L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 0, 0,
- X 10, 1, 11, 'p', {2,3} , {72,0,0,0} , 0},
- X{"Mean-Looking Mercenary" ,0x0B12000AL,0x00000000L,0x2034, 0, 250,
- X 10, 20, 11, 'p', {5,8} , {9,0,0,0} , 0},
- X{"Battle-Scarred Veteran" ,0x0B12000AL,0x00000000L,0x2030, 0, 250,
- X 10, 30, 11, 'p', {7,8} , {15,0,0,0} , 0},
- X{"Grey Mushroom patch" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 1, 0,
- X 2, 1, 11, ',', {1,2} , {91,0,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Giant Yellow Centipede" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 2, 30,
- X 8, 12, 11, 'c', {2,6} , {26,60,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Giant White Centipede" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 2, 40,
- X 7, 10, 11, 'c', {3,5} , {25,59,0,0} , 1},
- X{"White Icky-Thing" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x0020, 2, 10,
- X 12, 7, 11, 'i', {3,5} , {63,0,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Clear Icky-Thing" ,0x00010012L,0x00000000L,0x0020, 1, 10,
- X 12, 6, 11, 'i', {2,5} , {63,0,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Giant White Mouse" ,0x0020000AL,0x00000000L,0x2072, 1, 20,
- X 8, 4, 11, 'r', {1,3} , {25,0,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Large Brown Snake" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 3, 99,
- X 4, 35, 10, 'R', {4,6} , {26,73,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Large White Snake" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 2, 99,
- X 4, 30, 11, 'R', {3,6} , {24,0,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Kobold" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 5, 10,
- X 20, 16, 11, 'k', {3,7} , {5,0,0,0} , 1},
- X{"White Worm mass" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x01B2, 2, 10,
- X 7, 1, 10, 'w', {4,4} , {173,0,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Floating Eye" ,0x00000001L,0x0001000DL,0x2100, 1, 10,
- X 2, 6, 11, 'e', {3,6} , {146,0,0,0} , 1},
- X{"Shrieker Mushroom patch" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 1, 0,
- X 2, 1, 11, ',', {1,1} , {203,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Blubbering Icky-Thing" ,0x0B180012L,0x00000000L,0x0020, 8, 10,
- X 14, 4, 11, 'i', {5,8} , {174,210,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Metallic Green Centipede" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 3, 10,
- X 5, 4, 12, 'c', {4,4} , {68,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Novice Warrior" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 6, 5,
- X 20, 16, 11, 'p', {9,4} , {6,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Novice Rogue" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 6, 5,
- X 20, 12, 11, 'p', {8,4} , {5,148,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Novice Priest" ,0x07020002L,0x0000108CL,0x2030, 7, 10,
- X 20, 10, 11, 'p', {7,4} , {4,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Novice Mage" ,0x07020002L,0x0000089CL,0x2030, 7, 5,
- X 20, 6, 11, 'p', {6,4} , {3,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Yellow Mushroom patch" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 2, 0,
- X 2, 1, 11, ',', {1,1} , {100,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"White Jelly" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x11A0, 10, 99,
- X 2, 1, 12, 'J', {8,8} , {168,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Giant Green Frog" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x00A2, 6, 30,
- X 12, 8, 11, 'f', {2,8} , {26,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Giant Black Ant" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 8, 80,
- X 8, 20, 11, 'a', {3,6} , {27,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"White Harpy" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 5, 10,
- X 16, 17, 11, 'h', {2,5} , {49,49,25,0} , 2},
- X{"Blue Yeek" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 4, 10,
- X 18, 14, 11, 'y', {2,6} , {4,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Green Worm mass" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x0132, 3, 10,
- X 7, 3, 10, 'w', {6,4} , {140,0,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Large Black Snake" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 9, 75,
- X 5, 38, 10, 'R', {4,8} , {27,74,0,0} , 2},
- X{"Poltergeist" ,0x0F15003AL,0x0000001FL,0x110C, 6, 10,
- X 8, 15, 13, 'G', {2,5} , {93,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Metallic Blue Centipede" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 7, 15,
- X 6, 6, 12, 'c', {4,5} , {69,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Giant White Louse" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x01F2, 1, 10,
- X 6, 5, 12, 'l', {1,1} , {24,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Black Naga" ,0x0710000AL,0x00000000L,0x20E4, 20, 120,
- X 16, 40, 11, 'n', {6,8} , {75,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Spotted Mushroom patch" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 3, 0,
- X 2, 1, 11, ',', {1,1} , {175,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Yellow Jelly" ,0x00000001L,0x0001000FL,0x11A0, 12, 99,
- X 2, 1, 12, 'J', {10,8} , {169,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Scruffy-Looking Hobbit" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 4, 10,
- X 16, 8, 11, 'p', {3,5} , {3,148,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Huge Brown Bat" ,0x00000022L,0x00000000L,0x2162, 4, 40,
- X 8, 12, 13, 'b', {2,6} , {25,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Giant White Ant" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 7, 80,
- X 8, 16, 11, 'a', {3,6} , {27,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Yellow Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 9, 99,
- X 2, 10, 11, 'm', {8,8} , {3,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Metallic Red Centipede" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 12, 20,
- X 8, 9, 12, 'c', {4,8} , {69,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Yellow Worm mass" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x01B2, 4, 10,
- X 7, 4, 10, 'w', {4,8} , {182,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Large Green Snake" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 10, 70,
- X 5, 40, 10, 'R', {6,8} , {27,74,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Radiation Eye" ,0x00000001L,0x0001000BL,0x2100, 6, 10,
- X 2, 6, 11, 'e', {3,6} , {88,0,0,0} , 3},
- X{"Drooling Harpy" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 7, 10,
- X 16, 22, 11, 'h', {2,8} , {49,49,25,79} , 3},
- X{"Silver Mouse" ,0x0020000AL,0x00000000L,0x0072, 1, 10,
- X 8, 5, 11, 'r', {1,1} , {212,0,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Black Mushroom patch" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 8, 0,
- X 2, 1, 11, ',', {8,8} , {71,0,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Blue Jelly" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x11A0, 14, 99,
- X 2, 1, 11, 'J', {12,8} , {125,0,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Creeping Copper Coins" ,0x12000002L,0x00000000L,0x1000, 9, 10,
- X 3, 24, 10, '$', {7,8} , {3,170,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Giant White Rat" ,0x0020000AL,0x00000000L,0x2072, 1, 30,
- X 8, 7, 11, 'r', {2,2} , {153,0,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Giant Black Centipede" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 11, 30,
- X 8, 20, 11, 'c', {5,8} , {25,59,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Giant Blue Centipede" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 10, 50,
- X 8, 20, 11, 'c', {4,8} , {26,61,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Blue Worm mass" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x01A2, 5, 10,
- X 7, 12, 10, 'w', {5,8} , {129,0,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Large Grey Snake" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 14, 50,
- X 6, 41, 10, 'R', {6,8} , {28,75,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Jackal" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2032, 8, 30,
- X 12, 16, 11, 'j', {3,8} , {29,0,0,0} , 4},
- X{"Green Naga" ,0x0710000AL,0x00000000L,0x2064, 30, 120,
- X 18, 40, 11, 'n', {9,8} , {75,118,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Green Glutton Ghost" ,0x0F150032L,0x0000003FL,0x110C, 15, 10,
- X 10, 20, 13, 'G', {3,6} , {211,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"White Mushroom patch" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 5, 0,
- X 2, 1, 11, ',', {1,1} , {147,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Green Jelly" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x1120, 18, 99,
- X 2, 1, 12, 'J', {22,8} , {136,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Skeleton Kobold" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x100C, 12, 40,
- X 20, 26, 11, 's', {5,8} , {5,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Silver Jelly" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 15, 40,
- X 2, 25, 11, 'J', {20,8} , {213,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Giant Black Frog" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x00A2, 12, 40,
- X 12, 18, 11, 'f', {4,8} , {29,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Grey Icky-Thing" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x0020, 10, 15,
- X 14, 12, 11, 'i', {4,8} , {66,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Disenchanter Eye" ,0x00000001L,0x00010009L,0x2100, 20, 10,
- X 2, 10, 10, 'e', {7,8} , {207,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Black Yeek" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 8, 10,
- X 18, 16, 11, 'y', {2,8} , {4,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Red Worm mass" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x2192, 6, 10,
- X 7, 12, 10, 'w', {5,8} , {111,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Giant House Fly" ,0x00000022L,0x00000000L,0x0062, 10, 20,
- X 12, 16, 13, 'F', {3,8} , {25,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Copperhead Snake" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 15, 1,
- X 6, 20, 11, 'R', {4,6} , {158,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Rot Jelly" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 15, 99,
- X 2, 30, 11, 'J', {20,8} , {209,0,0,0} , 5},
- X{"Purple Mushroom patch" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 12, 0,
- X 2, 1, 12, ',', {1,1} , {183,0,0,0} , 6},
- X{"Brown Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 20, 99,
- X 2, 12, 11, 'm', {15,8} , {89,0,0,0} , 6},
- X{"Giant Brown Bat" ,0x0000001AL,0x00000000L,0x2162, 10, 30,
- X 10, 15, 13, 'b', {3,8} , {26,0,0,0} , 6},
- X{"Creeping Silver Coins" ,0x16000002L,0x00000000L,0x1000, 18, 10,
- X 4, 30, 10, '$', {12,8} , {5,171,0,0} , 6},
- X{"Orc" ,0x0B020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 16, 30,
- X 20, 32, 11, 'o', {9,8} , {7,0,0,0} , 6},
- X{"Grey Harpy" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 14, 10,
- X 16, 20, 12, 'h', {3,8} , {50,50,25,0} , 6},
- X{"Blue Icky-Thing" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x0020, 12, 20,
- X 14, 14, 11, 'i', {4,8} , {126,0,0,0} , 6},
- X{"Rattlesnake" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 20, 1,
- X 6, 24, 11, 'R', {6,7} , {159,0,0,0} , 6},
- X{"Bloodshot Eye" ,0x00000001L,0x00010007L,0x2100, 15, 10,
- X 2, 6, 11, 'e', {4,8} , {143,0,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Red Naga" ,0x0710000AL,0x00000000L,0x20E4, 40, 120,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'n', {11,8} , {76,82,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Red Jelly" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x11A0, 26, 99,
- X 2, 1, 11, 'J', {26,8} , {87,0,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Giant Red Frog" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x00A2, 16, 50,
- X 12, 16, 11, 'f', {5,8} , {83,0,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Green Icky-Thing" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x0020, 18, 20,
- X 14, 12, 11, 'i', {5,8} , {137,0,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Zombie Kobold" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x102C, 14, 30,
- X 20, 14, 11, 'z', {6,8} , {1,1,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Lost Soul" ,0x0F15001AL,0x0001002FL,0x110C, 18, 10,
- X 12, 10, 11, 'G', {2,8} , {11,185,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Greedy Little Gnome" ,0x0B020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 13, 10,
- X 18, 14, 11, 'p', {3,8} , {6,149,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Giant Green Fly" ,0x00000022L,0x00000000L,0x0062, 15, 20,
- X 12, 14, 12, 'F', {3,8} , {27,0,0,0} , 7},
- X{"Brown Yeek" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 11, 10,
- X 18, 18, 11, 'y', {3,8} , {5,0,0,0} , 8},
- X{"Green Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 28, 75,
- X 2, 14, 11, 'm', {21,8} , {94,0,0,0} , 8},
- X{"Skeleton Orc" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x100C, 26, 40,
- X 20, 36, 11, 's', {10,8} , {14,0,0,0} , 8},
- X{"Seedy Looking Human" ,0x13020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 22, 20,
- X 20, 26, 11, 'p', {8,8} , {17,0,0,0} , 8},
- X{"Red Icky-Thing" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x0020, 22, 20,
- X 14, 18, 12, 'i', {4,8} , {64,117,0,0} , 8},
- X{"Bandit" ,0x13020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 26, 10,
- X 20, 24, 11, 'p', {8,8} , {13,148,0,0} , 8},
- X{"Yeti" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x2024, 30, 10,
- X 20, 24, 11, 'Y', {11,8} , {51,51,27,0} , 9},
- X{"Bloodshot Icky-Thing" ,0x00000012L,0x0001000BL,0x0020, 24, 20,
- X 14, 18, 11, 'i', {7,8} , {65,139,0,0} , 9},
- X{"Giant Grey Rat" ,0x0020000AL,0x00000000L,0x2072, 2, 20,
- X 8, 12, 11, 'r', {2,3} , {154,0,0,0} , 9},
- X{"Black Harpy" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x2034, 19, 10,
- X 16, 22, 12, 'h', {3,8} , {50,50,26,0} , 9},
- X{"Giant Black Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2162, 16, 25,
- X 12, 18, 13, 'b', {2,8} , {29,0,0,0} , 9},
- X{"Clear Yeek" ,0x07030002L,0x00000000L,0x0030, 14, 10,
- X 18, 24, 11, 'y', {3,6} , {4,0,0,0} , 9},
- X{"Orc Shaman" ,0x0B020002L,0x00008085L,0x2034, 30, 20,
- X 20, 15, 11, 'o', {7,8} , {5,0,0,0} , 9},
- X{"Giant Red Ant" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 22, 60,
- X 12, 34, 11, 'a', {4,8} , {27,85,0,0} , 9},
- X{"King Cobra" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 28, 1,
- X 8, 30, 11, 'R', {8,8} , {144,161,0,0} , 9},
- X{"Clear Mushroom patch" ,0x00210001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 1, 0,
- X 4, 1, 12, ',', {1,1} , {70,0,0,0} , 10},
- X{"Giant White Tick" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0022, 27, 20,
- X 12, 40, 10, 't', {15,8} , {160,0,0,0} , 10},
- X{"Hairy Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 32, 70,
- X 2, 15, 11, 'm', {15,8} , {151,0,0,0} , 10},
- X{"Disenchanter Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x0001000BL,0x10A0, 40, 70,
- X 2, 20, 11, 'm', {16,8} , {206,0,0,0} , 10},
- X{"Giant Red Centipede" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 24, 50,
- X 12, 26, 12, 'c', {3,8} , {25,164,0,0} , 10},
- X{"Creeping Gold Coins" ,0x1A000002L,0x00000000L,0x1000, 32, 10,
- X 5, 36, 10, '$', {18,8} , {14,172,0,0} , 10},
- X{"Giant Fruit Fly" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x0062, 4, 10,
- X 8, 14, 12, 'F', {2,2} , {25,0,0,0} , 10},
- X{"Brigand" ,0x13020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 35, 10,
- X 20, 32, 11, 'p', {9,8} , {13,149,0,0} , 10},
- X{"Orc Zombie" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x102C, 30, 25,
- X 20, 24, 11, 'z', {11,8} , {3,3,0,0} , 11},
- X{"Orc Warrior" ,0x0B020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 34, 25,
- X 20, 36, 11, 'o', {11,8} , {15,0,0,0} , 11},
- X{"Vorpal Bunny" ,0x0020000AL,0x00000000L,0x2072, 2, 30,
- X 8, 10, 12, 'r', {2,3} , {28,0,0,0} , 11},
- X{"Nasty Little Gnome" ,0x13020002L,0x000020B5L,0x2034, 32, 10,
- X 18, 10, 11, 'p', {4,8} , {4,0,0,0} , 11},
- X{"Hobgoblin" ,0x0F020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 38, 30,
- X 20, 38, 11, 'H', {12,8} , {9,0,0,0} , 11},
- X{"Black Mamba" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x00B2, 40, 1,
- X 10, 32, 12, 'R', {10,8} , {163,0,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Grape Jelly" ,0x00000001L,0x0001000BL,0x11A0, 60, 99,
- X 2, 1, 11, 'J', {52,8} , {186,0,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Master Yeek" ,0x07020002L,0x00008018L,0x2030, 28, 10,
- X 18, 24, 11, 'y', {5,8} , {7,0,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Priest" ,0x13020002L,0x00000285L,0x2030, 36, 40,
- X 20, 22, 11, 'p', {7,8} , {12,0,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Giant Clear Ant" ,0x00010002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 24, 60,
- X 12, 18, 11, 'a', {3,7} , {27,0,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Air Spirit" ,0x00030022L,0x00000000L,0x1000, 40, 20,
- X 12, 20, 13, 'E', {5,8} , {2,0,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Skeleton Human" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x100C, 38, 30,
- X 20, 30, 11, 's', {12,8} , {7,0,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Human Zombie" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x102C, 34, 20,
- X 20, 24, 11, 'z', {11,8} , {3,3,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Moaning Spirit" ,0x0F15000AL,0x0001002FL,0x110C, 44, 10,
- X 14, 20, 11, 'G', {4,8} , {99,178,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Swordsman" ,0x13020002L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 40, 20,
- X 20, 34, 11, 'p', {11,8} , {18,0,0,0} , 12},
- X{"Killer Brown Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 38, 30,
- X 10, 40, 11, 'K', {13,8} , {41,0,0,0} , 13},
- X{"Ogre" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 42, 30,
- X 20, 32, 11, 'o', {13,8} , {16,0,0,0} , 13},
- X{"Giant Red Speckled Frog" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x00A2, 32, 30,
- X 12, 20, 11, 'f', {6,8} , {41,0,0,0} , 13},
- X{"Magic User" ,0x13020002L,0x00002413L,0x2030, 35, 10,
- X 20, 10, 11, 'p', {7,8} , {11,0,0,0} , 13},
- X{"Black Orc" ,0x0B020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 40, 20,
- X 20, 36, 11, 'o', {12,8} , {17,0,0,0} , 13},
- X{"Giant Long-Eared Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2162, 20, 20,
- X 12, 20, 13, 'b', {5,8} , {27,50,50,0} , 13},
- X{"Giant Gnat" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x0062, 1, 10,
- X 8, 4, 13, 'F', {1,2} , {24,0,0,0} , 13},
- X{"Killer Green Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 46, 30,
- X 12, 45, 11, 'K', {16,8} , {43,0,0,0} , 14},
- X{"Giant Flea" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x0062, 1, 10,
- X 8, 25, 12, 'F', {2,2} , {25,0,0,0} , 14},
- X{"Giant White Dragon Fly" ,0x00000012L,0x0040000AL,0x0062, 54, 50,
- X 20, 20, 11, 'F', {5,8} , {122,0,0,0} , 14},
- X{"Hill Giant" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 52, 50,
- X 20, 36, 11, 'P', {16,8} , {19,0,0,0} , 14},
- X{"Skeleton Hobgoblin" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x100C, 46, 30,
- X 20, 34, 11, 's', {13,8} , {14,0,0,0} , 14},
- X{"Flesh Golem" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x1030, 48, 10,
- X 12, 10, 11, 'g', {12,8} , {5,5,0,0} , 14},
- X{"White Dragon Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00400004L,0x0162, 40, 50,
- X 12, 20, 13, 'b', {2,6} , {121,0,0,0} , 14},
- X{"Giant Black Louse" ,0x00200012L,0x00000000L,0x01F2, 1, 10,
- X 6, 7, 12, 'l', {1,1} , {25,0,0,0} , 14},
- X{"Guardian Naga" ,0x1710000AL,0x00000000L,0x20E4, 60, 120,
- X 20, 50, 11, 'n', {24,8} , {77,31,0,0} , 15},
- X{"Giant Grey Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2162, 22, 15,
- X 12, 22, 13, 'b', {4,8} , {29,50,50,0} , 15},
- X{"Giant Clear Centipede" ,0x00010002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 30, 30,
- X 12, 30, 11, 'c', {5,8} , {34,62,0,0} , 15},
- X{"Giant Yellow Tick" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0022, 48, 20,
- X 12, 48, 10, 't', {20,8} , {162,0,0,0} , 15},
- X{"Giant Ebony Ant" ,0x00200002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 3, 60,
- X 12, 24, 11, 'a', {3,4} , {33,0,0,0} , 15},
- X{"Frost Giant" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x0024, 54, 50,
- X 20, 38, 11, 'P', {17,8} , {120,0,0,0} , 15},
- X{"Clay Golem" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x1200, 50, 10,
- X 12, 20, 11, 'g', {14,8} , {7,7,0,0} , 15},
- X{"Huge White Bat" ,0x00200012L,0x00000000L,0x2162, 3, 40,
- X 7, 12, 12, 'b', {3,8} , {29,0,0,0} , 15},
- X{"Giant Tan Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2162, 18, 40,
- X 12, 18, 12, 'b', {3,8} , {95,49,49,0} , 15},
- X{"Violet Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x00010009L,0x10A0, 50, 70,
- X 2, 15, 11, 'm', {17,8} , {145,0,0,0} , 15},
- X{"Umber Hulk" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x2124, 75, 10,
- X 20, 20, 11, 'U', {20,8} , {92,5,5,36} , 16},
- X{"Gelatinous Cube" ,0x2F18000AL,0x00000000L,0x1020, 36, 1,
- X 12, 18, 10, 'C', {45,8} , {115,0,0,0} , 16},
- X{"Giant Black Rat" ,0x0020000AL,0x00000000L,0x2072, 3, 20,
- X 8, 16, 11, 'r', {3,4} , {155,0,0,0} , 16},
- X{"Giant Green Dragon Fly" ,0x00000012L,0x0010000AL,0x0032, 58, 50,
- X 20, 20, 11, 'F', {5,8} , {156,0,0,0} , 16},
- X{"Fire Giant" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2014, 62, 50,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'P', {20,8} , {102,0,0,0} , 16},
- X{"Green Dragon Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00100004L,0x2112, 44, 50,
- X 12, 22, 13, 'b', {2,7} , {153,0,0,0} , 16},
- X{"Quasit" ,0x1103000AL,0x000010FAL,0x1004, 48, 20,
- X 20, 30, 11, 'q', {5,8} , {176,51,51,0} , 16},
- X{"Troll" ,0x0F020002L,0x00000000L,0x2024, 64, 40,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'T', {17,8} , {3,3,29,0} , 17},
- X{"Water Spirit" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x1020, 58, 40,
- X 12, 28, 12, 'E', {8,8} , {13,0,0,0} , 17},
- X{"Giant Brown Scorpion" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 62, 20,
- X 12, 44, 11, 'S', {11,8} , {34,86,0,0} , 17},
- X{"Earth Spirit" ,0x0016000AL,0x00000000L,0x1200, 64, 50,
- X 10, 40, 11, 'E', {13,8} , {7,7,0,0} , 17},
- X{"Fire Spirit" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x3010, 66, 20,
- X 16, 30, 12, 'E', {10,8} , {101,0,0,0} , 18},
- X{"Uruk-Hai Orc" ,0x0B020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 68, 20,
- X 20, 42, 11, 'o', {14,8} , {18,0,0,0} , 18},
- X{"Stone Giant" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2204, 80, 50,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'P', {22,8} , {20,0,0,0} , 18},
- X{"Stone Golem" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x1200, 100, 10,
- X 12, 75, 10, 'g', {28,8} , {9,9,0,0} , 19},
- X{"Grey Ooze" ,0x07180022L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 40, 1,
- X 15, 10, 11, 'O', {6,8} , {127,0,0,0} , 19},
- X{"Disenchanter Ooze" ,0x07180022L,0x00000000L,0x10B0, 50, 1,
- X 15, 15, 11, 'O', {6,8} , {205,0,0,0} , 19},
- X{"Giant Spotted Rat" ,0x0020000AL,0x00000000L,0x2072, 3, 20,
- X 8, 20, 11, 'r', {4,3} , {155,0,0,0} , 19},
- X{"Mummified Kobold" ,0x0B020002L,0x00000000L,0x102C, 46, 75,
- X 20, 24, 11, 'M', {13,8} , {5,5,0,0} , 19},
- X{"Killer Black Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 75, 30,
- X 12, 46, 11, 'K', {18,8} , {44,0,0,0} , 19},
- X{"Red Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x3090, 64, 70,
- X 2, 16, 11, 'm', {17,8} , {108,0,0,0} , 19},
- X{"Quylthulg" ,0x00010000L,0x00002017L,0x5000, 200, 0,
- X 10, 1, 11, 'Q', {4,8} , {0,0,0,0} , 20},
- X{"Giant Red Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2162, 40, 20,
- X 12, 24, 12, 'b', {5,8} , {30,51,51,0} , 20},
- X{"Giant Black Dragon Fly" ,0x00000012L,0x00200009L,0x0072, 58, 50,
- X 20, 22, 11, 'F', {4,8} , {141,0,0,0} , 20},
- X{"Cloud Giant" ,0x07020002L,0x00000000L,0x2034, 125, 50,
- X 20, 44, 11, 'P', {24,8} , {130,0,0,0} , 20},
- X{"Black Dragon Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00200004L,0x2152, 50, 50,
- X 12, 24, 13, 'b', {2,8} , {112,0,0,0} , 21},
- X{"Blue Dragon Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00080004L,0x2052, 54, 50,
- X 12, 26, 13, 'b', {3,6} , {131,0,0,0} , 21},
- X{"Mummified Orc" ,0x0B020002L,0x00000000L,0x102C, 56, 75,
- X 20, 28, 11, 'M', {14,8} , {13,13,0,0} , 21},
- X{"Killer Boring Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 70, 30,
- X 12, 48, 11, 'K', {18,8} , {44,0,0,0} , 21},
- X{"Killer Stag Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 80, 30,
- X 12, 50, 11, 'K', {20,8} , {41,10,0,0} , 22},
- X{"Black Mold" ,0x00000081L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 68, 50,
- X 2, 18, 11, 'm', {15,8} , {21,0,0,0} , 22},
- X{"Iron Golem" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x1080, 160, 10,
- X 12, 99, 9, 'g', {80,8} , {10,10,0,0} , 22},
- X{"Giant Yellow Scorpion" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 60, 20,
- X 12, 38, 11, 'S', {12,8} , {31,167,0,0} , 22},
- X{"Green Ooze" ,0x073A0012L,0x00000000L,0x1030, 6, 1,
- X 15, 5, 10, 'O', {4,8} , {116,0,0,0} , 22},
- X{"Black Ooze" ,0x073A0012L,0x0001000BL,0x1030, 7, 1,
- X 10, 6, 9, 'O', {6,8} , {138,0,0,0} , 23},
- X{"Warrior" ,0x13020002L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 60, 40,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'p', {15,8} , {18,0,0,0} , 23},
- X{"Red Dragon Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00800004L,0x2152, 60, 50,
- X 12, 28, 13, 'b', {3,8} , {105,0,0,0} , 23},
- X{"Killer Blue Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 85, 30,
- X 14, 50, 11, 'K', {20,8} , {44,0,0,0} , 23},
- X{"Giant Silver Ant" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 45, 60,
- X 10, 38, 11, 'a', {6,8} , {114,0,0,0} , 23},
- X{"Crimson Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 65, 50,
- X 2, 18, 11, 'm', {16,8} , {2,97,0,0} , 23},
- X{"Forest Wight" ,0x0F02000AL,0x0000100FL,0x112C, 140, 30,
- X 20, 30, 11, 'W', {12,8} , {5,5,187,0} , 24},
- X{"Berzerker" ,0x13020002L,0x00000000L,0x2030, 65, 10,
- X 20, 20, 11, 'p', {15,8} , {7,7,0,0} , 24},
- X{"Mummified Human" ,0x0B020002L,0x00000000L,0x102C, 70, 60,
- X 20, 34, 11, 'M', {17,8} , {13,13,0,0} , 24},
- X{"Banshee" ,0x0F15001AL,0x0001002FL,0x110C, 60, 10,
- X 20, 24, 12, 'G', {6,8} , {99,188,0,0} , 24},
- X{"Giant Troll" ,0x0F020002L,0x00000000L,0x2024, 85, 50,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'T', {19,8} , {5,5,41,0} , 25},
- X{"Giant Brown Tick" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0022, 70, 20,
- X 12, 50, 10, 't', {18,8} , {157,142,0,0} , 25},
- X{"Killer Red Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 85, 30,
- X 14, 50, 11, 'K', {20,8} , {84,0,0,0} , 25},
- X{"Wooden Mold" ,0x00000001L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 100, 50,
- X 2, 50, 11, 'm', {25,8} , {171,0,0,0} , 25},
- X{"Giant Blue Dragon Fly" ,0x00000012L,0x00080009L,0x0072, 75, 50,
- X 20, 24, 11, 'F', {6,8} , {29,0,0,0} , 25},
- X{"Giant Grey Ant Lion" ,0x0008000AL,0x00000000L,0x0032, 90, 40,
- X 10, 40, 11, 'A', {19,8} , {39,0,0,0} , 26},
- X{"Disenchanter Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2162, 75, 1,
- X 14, 24, 13, 'b', {4,8} , {204,0,0,0} , 26},
- X{"Giant Fire Tick" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x2012, 90, 20,
- X 14, 54, 11, 't', {16,8} , {109,0,0,0} , 26},
- X{"White Wraith" ,0x0F02000AL,0x0000100CL,0x112C, 165, 10,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'W', {15,8} , {5,5,189,0} , 26},
- X{"Giant Black Scorpion" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 85, 20,
- X 12, 50, 11, 'S', {13,8} , {32,167,0,0} , 26},
- X{"Clear Ooze" ,0x0719000AL,0x00000000L,0x10B0, 12, 1,
- X 10, 14, 11, 'O', {4,8} , {90,0,0,0} , 26},
- X{"Killer Fire Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x2012, 95, 30,
- X 14, 45, 11, 'K', {13,8} , {41,110,0,0} , 27},
- X{"Vampire" ,0x17020002L,0x00001209L,0x112C, 175, 10,
- X 20, 45, 11, 'V', {20,8} , {5,5,190,0} , 27},
- X{"Giant Red Dragon Fly" ,0x00000012L,0x00800008L,0x2052, 75, 50,
- X 20, 24, 11, 'F', {7,8} , {96,0,0,0} , 27},
- X{"Shimmering Mold" ,0x00000081L,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 180, 50,
- X 2, 24, 11, 'm', {32,8} , {135,0,0,0} , 27},
- X{"Black Knight" ,0x13020002L,0x0000010FL,0x2034, 140, 10,
- X 20, 60, 11, 'p', {25,8} , {23,0,0,0} , 28},
- X{"Mage" ,0x13020002L,0x00002C73L,0x2030, 150, 10,
- X 20, 30, 11, 'p', {10,8} , {14,0,0,0} , 28},
- X{"Ice Troll" ,0x0F020002L,0x00000000L,0x0024, 160, 50,
- X 20, 46, 11, 'T', {22,8} , {4,4,123,0} , 28},
- X{"Giant Purple Worm" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x2032, 400, 30,
- X 14, 65, 11, 'w', {65,8} , {7,113,166,0} , 29},
- X{"Young Blue Dragon" ,0x1F00000AL,0x0008100BL,0x2005, 300, 70,
- X 20, 50, 11, 'd', {33,8} , {52,52,29,0} , 29},
- X{"Young White Dragon" ,0x1F00000AL,0x0040100BL,0x0025, 275, 70,
- X 20, 50, 11, 'd', {32,8} , {52,52,29,0} , 29},
- X{"Young Green Dragon" ,0x1F00000AL,0x0010100BL,0x2005, 290, 70,
- X 20, 50, 11, 'd', {32,8} , {52,52,29,0} , 29},
- X{"Giant Fire Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2152, 85, 10,
- X 14, 30, 12, 'b', {5,8} , {106,52,52,0} , 29},
- X{"Giant Glowing Rat" ,0x0020000AL,0x00000000L,0x2072, 4, 20,
- X 8, 24, 11, 'r', {3,3} , {132,0,0,0} , 29},
- X /* Now things are going to get tough. */
- X /* Some of the creatures have Max hit points, denoted in */
- X /* their CDEFENSE flags as the '4000' bit set */
- X{"Skeleton Troll" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x500C, 225, 20,
- X 20, 55, 11, 's', {14,8} , {5,5,41,0} , 30},
- X{"Giant Lightning Bat" ,0x00000012L,0x00000000L,0x2042, 80, 10,
- X 15, 34, 12, 'b', {8,8} , {133,53,53,0} , 30},
- X{"Giant Static Ant" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 80, 60,
- X 10, 40, 11, 'a', {8,8} , {134,0,0,0} , 30},
- X{"Grave Wight" ,0x0F02000AL,0x0000190AL,0x512C, 325, 30,
- X 20, 35, 11, 'W', {12,8} , {6,6,191,0} , 30},
- X{"Killer Slicer Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 200, 30,
- X 14, 55, 11, 'K', {22,8} , {48,0,0,0} , 30},
- X{"Giant White Ant Lion" ,0x0008000AL,0x00000000L,0x0022, 175, 40,
- X 12, 45, 11, 'A', {20,8} , {124,0,0,0} , 30},
- X{"Ghost" ,0x1715000AL,0x0001002FL,0x510C, 350, 10,
- X 20, 30, 12, 'G', {13,8} , {99,192,184,0} , 31},
- X{"Giant Black Ant Lion" ,0x0008000AL,0x00000000L,0x0032, 170, 40,
- X 14, 45, 11, 'A', {23,8} , {39,119,0,0} , 31},
- X{"Death Watch Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 190, 30,
- X 16, 60, 11, 'K', {25,8} , {47,67,0,0} , 31},
- X{"Ogre Mage" ,0x0B020002L,0x0000A355L,0x6034, 250, 30,
- X 20, 42, 11, 'o', {14,8} , {19,0,0,0} , 31},
- X{"Two-Headed Troll" ,0x0F020002L,0x00000000L,0x6024, 275, 50,
- X 20, 48, 11, 'T', {14,8} , {7,7,29,29} , 32},
- X{"Invisible Stalker" ,0x00030022L,0x00000000L,0x1000, 200, 20,
- X 20, 46, 13, 'E', {19,8} , {5,0,0,0} , 32},
- X{"Giant Hunter Ant" ,0x00000002L,0x00000000L,0x0002, 150, 1,
- X 16, 40, 11, 'a', {12,8} , {46,0,0,0} , 32},
- X{"Ninja" ,0x13020002L,0x00000000L,0x6034, 300, 10,
- X 20, 65, 11, 'p', {15,8} , {152,80,0,0} , 32},
- X{"Barrow Wight" ,0x0F02000AL,0x00001308L,0x512C, 375, 10,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'W', {13,8} , {7,7,193,0} , 33},
- X{"Skeleton 2-Headed Troll" ,0x00020002L,0x00000000L,0x500C, 325, 20,
- X 20, 48, 11, 's', {20,8} , {8,8,28,28} , 33},
- X{"Water Elemental" ,0x0008000AL,0x00000000L,0x1020, 325, 50,
- X 12, 36, 11, 'E', {25,8} , {9,9,0,0} , 33},
- X{"Fire Elemental" ,0x0008000AL,0x00000000L,0x3010, 350, 70,
- X 16, 40, 10, 'E', {25,8} , {103,0,0,0} , 33},
- X{"Lich" ,0x1F020002L,0x00019F75L,0x510C, 750, 60,
- X 20, 50, 11, 'L', {25,8} , {179,194,214,0} , 34},
- X{"Master Vampire" ,0x17020002L,0x00001307L,0x512C, 700, 10,
- X 20, 55, 11, 'V', {23,8} , {5,5,195,0} , 34},
- X{"Spirit Troll" ,0x17150002L,0x00000000L,0x510C, 425, 10,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'G', {15,8} , {53,53,29,185} , 34},
- X{"Giant Red Scorpion" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 275, 40,
- X 12, 50, 12, 'S', {18,8} , {29,165,0,0} , 34},
- X{"Earth Elemental" ,0x001E000AL,0x00000000L,0x1200, 375, 90,
- X 10, 60, 10, 'E', {30,8} , {22,22,0,0} , 34},
- X{"Young Black Dragon" ,0x1F00000AL,0x0020100BL,0x6005, 600, 50,
- X 20, 55, 11, 'd', {32,8} , {53,53,29,0} , 35},
- X{"Young Red Dragon" ,0x1F00000AL,0x0080100AL,0x6015, 650, 50,
- X 20, 60, 11, 'd', {36,8} , {54,54,37,0} , 35},
- X{"Necromancer" ,0x13020002L,0x00005763L,0x6030, 600, 10,
- X 20, 40, 11, 'p', {17,8} , {15,0,0,0} , 35},
- X{"Mummified Troll" ,0x0F020002L,0x00000000L,0x502C, 400, 50,
- X 20, 38, 11, 'M', {18,8} , {15,15,0,0} , 35},
- X{"Giant Red Ant Lion" ,0x0008000AL,0x00000000L,0x2012, 350, 40,
- X 14, 48, 11, 'A', {23,8} , {107,0,0,0} , 35},
- X{"Mature White Dragon" ,0x2F00000AL,0x0040100AL,0x4025, 1000, 70,
- X 20, 65, 11, 'd', {48,8} , {54,54,37,0} , 35},
- X{"Xorn" ,0x00160002L,0x00000000L,0x4200, 650, 10,
- X 20, 80, 11, 'X', {20,8} , {5,5,5,0} , 36},
- X{"Giant Mottled Ant Lion" ,0x0008000AL,0x00000000L,0x0032, 350, 40,
- X 14, 50, 12, 'A', {24,8} , {38,0,0,0} , 36},
- X{"Grey Wraith" ,0x0F02000AL,0x00001308L,0x512C, 700, 10,
- X 20, 50, 11, 'W', {23,8} , {9,9,196,0} , 36},
- X{"Young Multi-Hued Dragon" ,0x4F00000AL,0x00F81005L,0x6005, 1250, 50,
- X 20, 55, 11, 'd', {40,8} , {55,55,38,0} , 36},
- X{"Mature Blue Dragon" ,0x2F00000AL,0x00081009L,0x6005, 1200, 70,
- X 20, 75, 11, 'd', {48,8} , {54,54,38,0} , 36},
- X{"Mature Green Dragon" ,0x2F00000AL,0x0010100AL,0x6005, 1100, 70,
- X 20, 70, 11, 'd', {48,8} , {52,52,29,0} , 36},
- X{"Iridescent Beetle" ,0x0000000AL,0x00000000L,0x0002, 850, 30,
- X 16, 60, 11, 'K', {32,8} , {45,10,146,0} , 37},
- X{"King Vampire" ,0x17020002L,0x00001307L,0x512C, 1000, 10,
- X 20, 65, 11, 'V', {38,8} , {5,5,198,0} , 37},
- X{"King Lich" ,0x1F020002L,0x00019F73L,0x510C, 1400, 50,
- X 20, 65, 11, 'L', {52,8} , {180,197,214,0} , 37},
- X{"Mature Red Dragon" ,0x2F00000AL,0x00801808L,0x6015, 1400, 30,
- X 20, 80, 11, 'd', {60,8} , {56,56,39,0} , 37},
- X{"Mature Black Dragon" ,0x2F00000AL,0x00201009L,0x6005, 1350, 30,
- X 20, 55, 11, 'd', {58,8} , {54,54,38,0} , 37},
- X{"Mature Multi-Hued Dragon" ,0x6F00000AL,0x00F81A05L,0x6005, 1650, 50,
- X 20, 65, 11, 'd', {80,8} , {56,56,39,0} , 38},
- X{"Ancient White Dragon" ,0x4F000002L,0x00401A09L,0x4025, 1500, 80,
- X 20, 80, 12, 'D', {88,8} , {54,54,37,0} , 38},
- X{"Emperor Wight" ,0x1B02000AL,0x00001306L,0x512C, 1600, 10,
- X 20, 40, 12, 'W', {48,8} , {10,10,199,0} , 38},
- X{"Black Wraith" ,0x1F02000AL,0x00001307L,0x512C, 1700, 10,
- X 20, 55, 11, 'W', {50,8} , {10,10,200,0} , 38},
- X{"Nether Wraith" ,0x1F07000AL,0x00005316L,0x512C, 2100, 10,
- X 20, 55, 11, 'W', {58,8} , {10,10,202,0} , 39},
- X{"Sorcerer" ,0x1F020002L,0x0000FF73L,0x6030, 2150, 10,
- X 20, 50, 12, 'p', {30,8} , {16,0,0,0} , 39},
- X{"Ancient Blue Dragon" ,0x4F000002L,0x00081A08L,0x6005, 2500, 80,
- X 20, 90, 12, 'D', {87,8} , {55,55,39,0} , 39},
- X{"Ancient Green Dragon" ,0x4F000002L,0x00101A09L,0x6005, 2400, 80,
- X 20, 85, 12, 'D', {90,8} , {54,54,38,0} , 39},
- X{"Ancient Black Dragon" ,0x4F000002L,0x00201A07L,0x6005, 2500, 70,
- X 20, 90, 12, 'D', {90,8} , {55,55,38,0} , 39},
- X{"Crystal Ooze" ,0x073B000AL,0x00000000L,0x10A0, 8, 1,
- X 10, 30, 9, 'O', {12,8} , {128,0,0,0} , 40},
- X{"Disenchanter Worm" ,0x00200022L,0x00000000L,0x01B2, 30, 10,
- X 7, 5, 10, 'w', {10,8} , {208,0,0,0} , 40},
- X{"Rotting Quylthulg" ,0x00010000L,0x00004014L,0x5000, 1000, 0,
- X 20, 1, 12, 'Q', {12,8} , {0,0,0,0} , 40},
- X{"Ancient Red Dragon" ,0x6F000002L,0x00801E06L,0x6015, 2750, 70,
- X 20, 100, 12, 'D', {105,8} , {56,56,40,0} , 40},
- X{"Death Quasit" ,0x1103000AL,0x000010FAL,0x1004, 1000, 0,
- X 20, 80, 13, 'q', {55,8} , {177,58,58,0} , 40},
- X{"Emperor Lich" ,0x2F020002L,0x00019F72L,0x510C,10000, 50,
- X 20, 75, 12, 'L', {38,40} , {181,201,214,0} , 40},
- X{"Ancient Multi-Hued Dragon",0x7F000002L,0x00F89E05L,0x6005,12000, 70,
- X 20, 100, 12, 'D', {52,40} , {57,57,42,0} , 40},
- X /* Winning creatures should follow here. */
- X /* Winning creatures are denoted by the 32 bit in CMOVE */
- X /* Iggy is not a win creature, just a royal pain in the ass. */
- X{"Evil Iggy" ,0x7F130002L,0x0001D713L,0x5004,18000, 0,
- X 30, 80, 12, 'p', {60,40} , {81,150,0,0} , 50},
- X /* Here is the only actual win creature. */
- X{"Balrog" ,0xFF1F0002L,0x0081C743L,0x5004,55000L, 0,
- X 40, 125, 13, 'B', {75,40} , {104,78,214,0} , 100}
- X};
- X#endif
- X
- X/* ERROR: attack #35 is no longer used */
- Xstruct m_attack_type monster_attacks[N_MONS_ATTS] = {
- X/* 0 */ {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 2}, {1, 1, 1, 3}, {1, 1, 1, 4},
- X {1, 1, 1, 5}, {1, 1, 1, 6}, {1, 1, 1, 7}, {1, 1, 1, 8},
- X {1, 1, 1, 9}, {1, 1, 1, 10}, {1, 1, 1, 12}, {1, 1, 2, 2},
- X {1, 1, 2, 3}, {1, 1, 2, 4}, {1, 1, 2, 5}, {1, 1, 2, 6},
- X {1, 1, 2, 8}, {1, 1, 3, 4}, {1, 1, 3, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 6},
- X/* 20 */{1, 1, 3, 8}, {1, 1, 4, 3}, {1, 1, 4, 6}, {1, 1, 5, 5},
- X {1, 2, 1, 1}, {1, 2, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 1, 3}, {1, 2, 1, 4},
- X {1, 2, 1, 5}, {1, 2, 1, 6}, {1, 2, 1, 7}, {1, 2, 1, 8},
- X {1, 2, 1, 10}, {1, 2, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 2, 4}, {1, 2, 2, 5},
- X {1, 2, 2, 6}, {1, 2, 2, 8}, {1, 2, 2, 10}, {1, 2, 2, 12},
- X/* 40 */{1, 2, 2, 14}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 12}, {1, 2, 4, 4},
- X {1, 2, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 4, 6}, {1, 2, 4, 8}, {1, 2, 5, 4},
- X {1, 2, 5, 8}, {1, 3, 1, 1}, {1, 3, 1, 2}, {1, 3, 1, 3},
- X {1, 3, 1, 4}, {1, 3, 1, 5}, {1, 3, 1, 8}, {1, 3, 1, 9},
- X {1, 3, 1, 10}, {1, 3, 1, 12}, {1, 3, 3, 3}, {1, 4, 1, 2},
- X/* 60 */{1, 4, 1, 3}, {1, 4, 1, 4}, {1, 4, 2, 4}, {1, 5, 1, 2},
- X {1, 5, 1, 3}, {1, 5, 1, 4}, {1, 5, 1, 5}, {1, 10, 5, 6},
- X {1, 12, 1, 1}, {1, 12, 1, 2}, {1, 13, 1, 1}, {1, 13, 1, 3},
- X {1, 14, 0, 0}, {1, 16, 1, 4}, {1, 16, 1, 6}, {1, 16, 1, 8},
- X {1, 16, 1, 10}, {1, 16, 2, 8}, {1, 17, 8, 12}, {1, 18, 0, 0},
- X/* 80 */{2, 1, 3, 4}, {2, 1, 4, 6}, {2, 2, 1, 4}, {2, 2, 2, 4},
- X {2, 2, 4, 4}, {2, 4, 1, 4}, {2, 4, 1, 7}, {2, 5, 1, 5},
- X {2, 7, 1, 6}, {3, 1, 1, 4}, {3, 5, 1, 8}, {3, 13, 1, 4},
- X {3, 7, 0, 0}, {4, 1, 1, 1}, {4, 1, 1, 4}, {4, 2, 1, 2},
- X {4, 2, 1, 6}, {4, 5, 0, 0}, {4, 7, 0, 0}, {4, 10, 0, 0},
- X/*100 */{4, 13, 1, 6}, {5, 1, 2, 6}, {5, 1, 3, 7}, {5, 1, 4, 6},
- X {5, 1, 10, 12}, {5, 2, 1, 3}, {5, 2, 3, 6}, {5, 2, 3, 12},
- X {5, 5, 4, 4}, {5, 9, 3, 7}, {5, 9, 4, 5}, {5, 12, 1, 6},
- X {6, 2, 1, 3}, {6, 2, 2, 8}, {6, 2, 4, 4}, {6, 5, 1, 10},
- X {6, 5, 2, 3}, {6, 8, 1, 5}, {6, 9, 2, 6}, {6, 9, 3, 6},
- X/*120 */{7, 1, 3, 6}, {7, 2, 1, 3}, {7, 2, 1, 6}, {7, 2, 3, 6},
- X {7, 2, 3, 10}, {7, 5, 1, 6}, {7, 5, 2, 3}, {7, 5, 2, 6},
- X {7, 5, 4, 4}, {7, 12, 1, 4}, {8, 1, 3, 8}, {8, 2, 1, 3},
- X {8, 2, 2, 6}, {8, 2, 3, 8}, {8, 2, 5, 5}, {8, 5, 5, 4},
- X {9, 5, 1, 2}, {9, 5, 2, 5}, {9, 5, 2, 6}, {9, 8, 2, 4},
- X/*140 */{9, 12, 1, 3}, {10, 2, 1, 6}, {10, 4, 1, 1}, {10, 7, 2, 6},
- X {10, 9, 1, 2}, {11, 1, 1, 2}, {11, 7, 0, 0}, {11, 13, 2, 4},
- X {12, 5, 0, 0}, {13, 5, 0, 0}, {13, 19, 0, 0}, {14, 1, 1, 3},
- X {14, 1, 3, 4}, {14, 2, 1, 3}, {14, 2, 1, 4}, {14, 2, 1, 5},
- X {14, 2, 1, 6}, {14, 2, 1, 10}, {14, 2, 2, 4}, {14, 2, 2, 5},
- X/*160 */{14, 2, 2, 6}, {14, 2, 3, 4}, {14, 2, 3, 9}, {14, 2, 4, 4},
- X {14, 4, 1, 2}, {14, 4, 1, 4}, {14, 4, 1, 8}, {14, 4, 2, 5},
- X {14, 5, 1, 2}, {14, 5, 1, 3}, {14, 5, 2, 4}, {14, 5, 2, 6},
- X {14, 5, 3, 5}, {14, 12, 1, 2}, {14, 12, 1, 4}, {14, 13, 2, 4},
- X {15, 2, 1, 6}, {15, 2, 3, 6}, {15, 5, 1, 8}, {15, 5, 2, 8},
- X/*180 */{15, 5, 2, 10}, {15, 5, 2, 12}, {15, 12, 1, 3}, {16, 13, 1, 2},
- X {17, 3, 1, 10}, {18, 5, 0, 0}, {19, 5, 5, 8}, {19, 5, 12, 8},
- X {19, 5, 14, 8}, {19, 5, 15, 8}, {19, 5, 18, 8}, {19, 5, 20, 8},
- X {19, 5, 22, 8}, {19, 5, 26, 8}, {19, 5, 30, 8}, {19, 5, 32, 8},
- X {19, 5, 34, 8}, {19, 5, 36, 8}, {19, 5, 38, 8}, {19, 5, 42, 8},
- X/*200 */{19, 5, 44, 8}, {19, 5, 46, 8}, {19, 5, 52, 8}, {20, 10, 0, 0},
- X {21, 1, 0, 0}, {21, 5, 0, 0}, {21, 5, 1, 6}, {21, 7, 0, 0},
- X {21, 12, 1, 4}, {22, 5, 2, 3}, {22, 12, 0, 0}, {22, 15, 1, 1},
- X/*212 */{23, 1, 1, 1}, {23, 5, 1, 3}, {24, 5, 0, 0}
- X};
- X
- X
- Xmonster_type m_list[MAX_MALLOC];
- Xint16 m_level[MAX_MONS_LEVEL+1];
- X
- X/* Blank monster values */
- Xmonster_type blank_monster = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,FALSE,0,FALSE};
- Xint16 mfptr; /* Cur free monster ptr */
- Xint16 mon_tot_mult; /* # of repro's of creature */
- if test 40781 -ne `wc -c <'source/monsters.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'source/monsters.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'source/monsters.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'util/printit.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'util/printit.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'util/printit.c'\" \(15429 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'util/printit.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# This is a shell archive, meaning:
- X# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
- X# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
- X# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
- X# Makefile
- X# print_items.c
- X# print_monsters.c
- X# This archive created: Wed Mar 2 09:26:44 1988
- Xexport PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
- Xif test -f 'Makefile'
- Xthen
- X echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'Makefile'"
- Xelse
- Xcat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile'
- X
- Xall: print_items print_monsters
- X
- Xprint_items: print_items.c treasure1.o
- X cc print_items.c treasture1.o -o print_items
- X print_items > items
- X
- Xprint_monsters: print_monsters.c monsters.o
- X cc print_monsters.c treasture1.o -o print_monsters
- X print_monsters > monsters
- X
- Xchmod +x 'Makefile'
- Xfi
- Xif test -f 'print_items.c'
- Xthen
- X echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'print_items.c'"
- Xelse
- Xcat << \SHAR_EOF > 'print_items.c'
- X/* written by Carlton Hommel */
- X#include "constants.h"
- X#include "types.h"
- X
- X#define Strength 0x00000001
- X#define Dexterity 0x00000002
- X#define Constitution 0x00000004
- X#define Intelligence 0x00000008
- X#define Wisdom 0x00000010
- X#define Charisma 0x00000020
- X#define Searching 0x00000040
- X#define Slow_digestion 0x00000080
- X#define Stealth 0x00000100
- X#define Aggravation 0x00000200
- X#define Teleportation 0x00000400
- X#define Regeneration 0x00000800
- X#define Speed 0x00001000
- X#define Slay_Dragon 0x00002000
- X#define Slay_Monster 0x00004000
- X#define Slay_Evil 0x00008000
- X#define Slay_Undead 0x00010000
- X#define Cold_Brand 0x00020000
- X#define Flame_Brand 0x00040000
- X#define Resist_Fire 0x00080000
- X#define Resist_Acid 0x00100000
- X#define Resist_Cold 0x00200000
- X#define Sustain_Stat 0x00400000
- X#define Free_Action 0x00800000
- X#define See_Invisible 0x01000000
- X#define Resist_Lightning 0x02000000
- X#define Feather_Fall 0x04000000
- X#define Blindness 0x08000000
- X#define Timidness 0x10000000
- X#define Tunneling 0x20000000
- X#define Infra_vision 0x40000000
- X#define Cursed 0x80000000
- X
- Xextern treasure_type object_list[];
- Xextern treasure_type inventory_init[];
- Xextern treasure_type gold_list[];
- Xextern treasure_type trap_lista[];
- Xextern treasure_type trap_listb[];
- Xmain()
- X{
- X int i;
- X treasure_type *t;
- X
- X printf("[tval,sub] p1\tLvl $ lbs\t Dam [+, +]\t[AC,+]\tflags\tName\n");
- X for (i=0; i<MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
- X t = &object_list[i];
- X call_it(t);
- X }
- X printf("\n[tval,sub] p1\tLvl $ lbs\t Dam [+, +]\t[AC,+]\tflags\tName\n");
- X for (i=0; i<INVEN_INIT_MAX; i++) {
- X t = &inventory_init[i];
- X call_it(t);
- X }
- X printf("\n[tval,sub] p1\tLvl $ lbs\t Dam [+, +]\t[AC,+]\tflags\tName\n");
- X for (i=0; i<MAX_GOLD; i++) {
- X t = &gold_list[i];
- X call_it(t);
- X }
- X printf("\n[tval,sub] p1\tLvl $ lbs\t Dam [+, +]\t[AC,+]\tflags\tName\n");
- X for (i=0; i<MAX_TRAPB; i++) {
- X t = &trap_listb[i];
- X call_it(t);
- X }
- X printf("\n[tval,sub] p1\tLvl $ lbs\t Dam [+, +]\t[AC,+]\tflags\tName\n");
- X for (i=0; i<MAX_TRAPA; i++) {
- X t = &trap_lista[i];
- X call_it(t);
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xcall_it(t)
- Xtreasure_type *t;
- X{
- X printf("[%2d,%3d] ", t->tval, t->subval);
- X
- X if (t->p1)
- X printf("%d\t", t->p1);
- X else printf(" \t");
- X
- X printf("%2d %4d %3d\t", t->level, t->cost, t->weight);
- X
- X if (strcmp(t->damage, "0d0"))
- X printf("%5s ", t->damage);
- X else printf(" ");
- X
- X if (t->tohit!=0 || t->todam!=0)
- X printf("[%d, %d]\t", t->tohit, t->todam);
- X else printf(" \t");
- X
- X if (t->ac!=0 || t->toac!=0)
- X printf("{%d, %d}\t",
- X t->ac, t->toac);
- X else printf(" \t");
- X
- X printf("'%c' \"%s\"\t",
- X t->tchar, t->name);
- X
- X print_flags(t->tval, t->flags);
- X
- X printf("\n");
- X}
- X
- Xprint_flags(tval, flags)
- Xchar tval;
- Xunsigned int flags;
- X{
- X int count;
- X unsigned int mask;
- X
- X if (flags == 0)
- X return;
- X
- X if (tval==80) {
- X printf("<");
- X for (count=0,mask=0x01; count<32; mask <<= 1, count++) {
- X switch (flags & mask) {
- X case 0x00000001: printf("poison(lvl+rnd(10)) "); break;
- X case 0x00000002: printf("blind(10*lvl+rnd(250)) "); break;
- X case 0x00000004: printf("fear(lvl+rnd(10) "); break;
- X case 0x00000008: printf("confused(lvl+rnd(10) "); break;
- X case 0x00000010: printf("hallucinate(25*lvl+rnd(200)+200) "); break;
- X case 0x00000020: printf("cure_poison "); break;
- X case 0x00000040: printf("cure_blindness "); break;
- X case 0x00000080: printf("cure_fear "); break;
- X case 0x00000100: printf("cure_confuse "); break;
- X case 0x00000200: printf("lose_str "); break;
- X case 0x00000400: printf("lose_con "); break;
- X case 0x00000800: printf("lose_int "); break;
- X case 0x00001000: printf("lose_wis "); break;
- X case 0x00002000: printf("lose_dex "); break;
- X case 0x00004000: printf("lose_chr "); break;
- X case 0x00008000: printf("rest_str "); break;
- X case 0x00010000: printf("rest_con "); break;
- X case 0x00020000: printf("rest_int "); break;
- X case 0x00040000: printf("rest_wis "); break;
- X case 0x00080000: printf("rest_dex "); break;
- X case 0x00100000: printf("rest_chr "); break;
- X case 0x00200000: printf("-hp(rnd(3)) "); break;
- X case 0x00400000: printf("-hp(rnd(6)) "); break;
- X case 0x00800000: printf("-hp(rnd(12)) "); break;
- X case 0x01000000: printf("-hp(rnd(3d6)) "); break;
- X case 0x02000000: printf("-hp(rnd(3d12)) "); break;
- X case 0x04000000: printf("hp(rnd(4)) "); break;
- X case 0x08000000: printf("hp(rnd(8)) "); break;
- X case 0x10000000: printf("hp(rnd(2d8)) "); break;
- X case 0x20000000: printf("hp(rnd(3d8)) "); break;
- X case 0x40000000: printf("major_heal "); break;
- X case 0x80000000: printf("??? "); break;
- X }
- X }
- X printf(">");
- X }
- X else
- X if (tval>=10 && tval<=45) {
- X printf("<");
- X for (count=0,mask=0x01; count<32; mask <<= 1, count++) {
- X switch (flags & mask) {
- X case Strength : printf("Strength "); break;
- X case Dexterity : printf("Dexterity "); break;
- X case Constitution : printf("Constitution "); break;
- X case Intelligence : printf("Intelligence "); break;
- X case Wisdom : printf("Wisdom "); break;
- X case Charisma : printf("Charisma "); break;
- X case Searching : printf("Searching "); break;
- X case Slow_digestion : printf("Slow_digestion "); break;
- X case Stealth : printf("Stealth "); break;
- X case Aggravation : printf("Aggravation "); break;
- X case Teleportation : printf("Teleportation "); break;
- X case Regeneration : printf("Regeneration "); break;
- X case Speed : printf("Speed "); break;
- X case Slay_Dragon : printf("Slay_Dragon "); break;
- X case Slay_Monster : printf("Slay_Monster "); break;
- X case Slay_Evil : printf("Slay_Evil "); break;
- X case Slay_Undead : printf("Slay_Undead "); break;
- X case Cold_Brand : printf("Cold_Brand "); break;
- X case Flame_Brand : printf("Flame_Brand "); break;
- X case Resist_Fire : printf("Resist_Fire "); break;
- X case Resist_Acid : printf("Resist_Acid "); break;
- X case Resist_Cold : printf("Resist_Cold "); break;
- X case Sustain_Stat : printf("Sustain_Stat "); break;
- X case Free_Action : printf("Free_Action "); break;
- X case See_Invisible : printf("See_Invisible "); break;
- X case Resist_Lightning : printf("Resist_Lightning "); break;
- X case Feather_Fall : printf("Feather_Fall "); break;
- X case Blindness : printf("Blindness "); break;
- X case Timidness : printf("Timidness "); break;
- X case Tunneling : printf("Tunneling "); break;
- X case Infra_vision : printf("Infra_vision "); break;
- X case Cursed : printf("Cursed "); break;
- X }
- X }
- X printf(">");
- X }
- X}
- Xfi
- Xif test -f 'print_monsters.c'
- Xthen
- X echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'print_monsters.c'"
- Xelse
- Xcat << \SHAR_EOF > 'print_monsters.c'
- X/* written by Carlton Hommel */
- X#include "constants.h"
- X#include "types.h"
- X
- X#define M_A_ONLY 0x00000001
- X#define M_NORMAL 0x00000002
- X#define M_RANDOM_20 0x00000008
- X#define M_RANDOM_40 0x00000010
- X#define M_RANDOM_75 0x00000020
- X#define M_INVIS 0x00010000
- X#define M_DOOR 0x00020000
- X#define M_WALL 0x00040000
- X#define M_CREATURE 0x00080000
- X#define M_SCAVANGE 0x00100000
- X#define M_MULTIPLY 0x00200000
- X#define M_CARRY_TREAS 0x01000000
- X#define M_CARRY_GOLD 0x02000000
- X#define M_TREAS_60 0x04000000
- X#define M_TREAS_90 0x08000000
- X#define M_LITTLE_TREAS 0x10000000
- X#define M_SOME_TREAS 0x20000000
- X#define M_MUCH_TREAS 0x40000000
- X#define M_TOTAL_WINNER 0x80000000
- X
- X#define S_1 0x00000001
- X#define S_2 0x00000002
- X#define S_4 0x00000004
- X#define S_8 0x00000008
- X#define S_BLINK 0x00000010
- X#define S_TELEPORT 0x00000020
- X#define S_TELE_TO 0x00000040
- X#define S_CAUSE_LIGHT 0x00000080
- X#define S_CAUSE_HEAVY 0x00000100
- X#define S_HOLD 0x00000200
- X#define S_BLIND 0x00000400
- X#define S_CONFUSION 0x00000800
- X#define S_FEAR 0x00001000
- X#define S_SUMMON_MONST 0x00002000
- X#define S_SUMMON_UNDEAD 0x00004000
- X#define S_SLOW 0x00008000
- X#define S_DRAIN_MANA 0x00010000
- X#define S_B_LIGHTNING 0x00080000
- X#define S_B_GAS 0x00100000
- X#define S_B_ACID 0x00200000
- X#define S_B_COLD 0x00400000
- X#define S_B_FIRE 0x00800000
- X
- X#define C_SLAY_DRAG 0x00000001
- X#define C_SLAY_MONS 0x00000002
- X#define C_SLAY_EVIL 0x00000004
- X#define C_SLAY_UNDEAD 0x00000008
- X#define C_COLD 0x00000010
- X#define C_FIRE 0x00000020
- X#define C_POISON 0x00000040
- X#define C_ACID 0x00000080
- X#define C_LIGHT 0x00000100
- X#define C_ROCKY 0x00000200
- X#define C_NOSLEEP 0x00001000
- X#define C_INFRASEE 0x00002000
- X#define C_MAXHPS 0x00004000
- X
- Xextern creature_type c_list[];
- X
- Xmain()
- X{
- X int i;
- X creature_type *c;
- X
- X printf(" Lvl(Ep) [HD, AC]\tspd aaf/{sleep}\t\t Name\tDamage(special) <Defense> {Moves} /* Spells */\n");
- X for (i=0; i<MAX_CREATURES; i++) {
- X c = &c_list[i];
- X call_it(c);
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xcall_it(c)
- Xcreature_type *c;
- X{
- X /* Line 1 */
- X printf("'%c' ", c->cchar);
- X printf("%2d", c->level);
- X printf("(%4d) ", c->mexp);
- X printf("[%4s, %2d]\t", c->hd, c->ac);
- X
- X printf("%2d ", c->speed);
- X printf("%2d/", c->aaf);
- X printf("{%d}\t", c->sleep);
- X
- X printf("%20.20s\t", c->name);
- X print_damage(c->damage);
- X printf("\t");
- X
- X print_flags_cdefense(c->cdefense);
- X printf(" ");
- X print_flags_cmove(c->cmove);
- X printf(" ");
- X print_flags_spells(c->spells);
- X
- X printf("\n");
- X
- X}
- X
- Xprint_damage(attstr)
- Xchar *attstr;
- X{
- X int xpos, attype, adesc;
- X vtype attx;
- X dtype damstr;
- X char *string, *index();
- X
- X/* printf("\"%s\" ", c->damage); */
- X
- X while (strlen(attstr) > 0) {
- X if (string = index(attstr, '|'))
- X xpos = strlen(attstr) - strlen(string);
- X else xpos = -1;
- X if (xpos >= 0) {
- X (void) strncpy(attx, attstr, xpos);
- X attx[xpos] = '\0';
- X (void) strcpy(attstr, &attstr[xpos+1]);
- X }
- X else {
- X (void) strcpy(attx, attstr);
- X attstr[0] = '\0';
- X }
- X
- X (void) sscanf(attx, "%d %d %s", &attype, &adesc, damstr);
- X switch(attype) {
- X case 1: printf("%s ", damstr); break;
- X case 2: printf("%s(-Str) ", damstr); break;
- X case 3: printf("%s(Conf) ", damstr); break;
- X case 4: printf("%s(Fear) ", damstr); break;
- X case 5: printf("%s(Fire) ", damstr); break;
- X case 6: printf("%s(Acid) ", damstr); break;
- X case 7: printf("%s(Cold) ", damstr); break;
- X case 8: printf("%s(Zap) ", damstr); break;
- X case 9: printf("%s(Acid) ", damstr); break;
- X case 10: printf("%s(Blind) ", damstr); break;
- X case 11: printf("%s(Paral) ", damstr); break;
- X case 12: printf("%s(-Money) ", damstr); break;
- X case 13: printf("%s(-Object) ", damstr);break;
- X case 14: printf("%s(Poison) ", damstr); break;
- X case 15: printf("%s(-Dex) ", damstr); break;
- X case 16: printf("%s(-Con ) ", damstr); break;
- X case 17: printf("%s(-Int ) ", damstr); break;
- X case 18: printf("%s(-Wis) ", damstr); break;
- X case 19: printf("%s(-Exp) ", damstr); break;
- X case 20: printf("%s(Aggr) ", damstr); break;
- X case 21: printf("%s(-Magic) ", damstr); break;
- X case 22: printf("%s(-Food) ", damstr); break;
- X case 23: printf("%s(-Light) ", damstr); break;
- X case 24: printf("%s(-Charges) ", damstr);break;
- X default:
- X case 99: printf("%s(Blank) ", damstr); break;
- X }
- X
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xprint_flags_spells(spells)
- Xunsigned int spells;
- X{
- X int count;
- X unsigned int mask;
- X
- X if (spells == 0)
- X return;
- X
- X printf("/*");
- X for (count=0,mask=0x01; count<32; mask <<= 1, count++) {
- X switch (spells & mask) {
- X case S_1: printf("S_1 "); break;
- X case S_2: printf("S_2 "); break;
- X case S_4: printf("S_4 "); break;
- X case S_8: printf("S_8 "); break;
- X case S_BLINK: printf("S_BLINK "); break;
- X case S_TELEPORT: printf("S_TELEPORT "); break;
- X case S_TELE_TO: printf("S_TELE_TO "); break;
- X case S_CAUSE_LIGHT: printf("S_CAUSE_LIGHT "); break;
- X case S_CAUSE_HEAVY: printf("S_CAUSE_HEAVY "); break;
- X case S_HOLD: printf("S_HOLD "); break;
- X case S_BLIND: printf("S_BLIND "); break;
- X case S_CONFUSION: printf("S_CONFUSION "); break;
- X case S_FEAR: printf("S_FEAR "); break;
- X case S_SUMMON_MONST: printf("S_SUMMON_MONST "); break;
- X case S_SUMMON_UNDEAD: printf("S_SUMMON_UNDEAD "); break;
- X case S_SLOW: printf("S_SLOW "); break;
- X case S_DRAIN_MANA: printf("S_DRAIN_MANA "); break;
- X case S_B_LIGHTNING: printf("S_B_LIGHTNING "); break;
- X case S_B_GAS: printf("S_B_GAS "); break;
- X case S_B_ACID: printf("S_B_ACID "); break;
- X case S_B_COLD: printf("S_B_COLD "); break;
- X case S_B_FIRE: printf("S_B_FIRE "); break;
- X }
- X }
- X printf("*/");
- X}
- X
- Xprint_flags_cmove(cmove)
- Xunsigned int cmove;
- X{
- X int count;
- X unsigned int mask;
- X
- X if (cmove == 0)
- X return;
- X
- X printf("<");
- X for (count=0,mask=0x01; count<32; mask <<= 1, count++) {
- X switch (cmove & mask) {
- X case M_A_ONLY: printf("M_A_ONLY "); break;
- X case M_NORMAL: /*printf("M_NORMAL ");*/ break;
- X case M_RANDOM_20: printf("M_20 "); break;
- X case M_RANDOM_40: printf("M_40 "); break;
- X case M_RANDOM_75: printf("M_75 "); break;
- X case M_INVIS: printf("M_INVIS "); break;
- X case M_DOOR: printf("M_DOOR "); break;
- X case M_WALL: printf("M_WALL "); break;
- X case M_CREATURE: printf("M_GHOSTLY "); break;
- X case M_SCAVANGE: printf("M_SCAVANGE "); break;
- X case M_MULTIPLY: printf("M_MULTIPLY "); break;
- X case M_CARRY_TREAS: printf("M_TREAS "); break;
- X case M_CARRY_GOLD: printf("M_GOLD "); break;
- X case M_TREAS_60: printf("M_T_60 "); break;
- X case M_TREAS_90: printf("M_T_90 "); break;
- X case M_LITTLE_TREAS: printf("M_T_1D2 "); break;
- X case M_SOME_TREAS: printf("M_T_2D2 "); break;
- X case M_MUCH_TREAS: printf("M_T_4D2 "); break;
- X case M_TOTAL_WINNER: printf("M_WINNER "); break;
- X }
- X }
- X printf(">");
- X}
- X
- Xprint_flags_cdefense(cdefense)
- Xunsigned int cdefense;
- X{
- X int count;
- X unsigned int mask;
- X
- X if (cdefense == 0)
- X return;
- X
- X printf("{");
- X for (count=0,mask=0x01; count<32; mask <<= 1, count++) {
- X switch (cdefense & mask) {
- X case C_SLAY_DRAG: printf("DRAGON "); break;
- X case C_SLAY_MONS: printf("MONSTER "); break;
- X case C_SLAY_EVIL: printf("EVIL "); break;
- X case C_SLAY_UNDEAD: printf("UNDEAD "); break;
- X case C_COLD: printf("C_COLD "); break;
- X case C_FIRE: printf("C_FIRE "); break;
- X case C_POISON: printf("C_POISON "); break;
- X case C_ACID: printf("C_ACID "); break;
- X case C_LIGHT: printf("C_LIGHT "); break;
- X case C_ROCKY: printf("C_ROCKY "); break;
- X case C_NOSLEEP: printf("C_NOSLEEP "); break;
- X case C_INFRASEE: printf("C_INFRASEE "); break;
- X case C_MAXHPS: printf("C_MAXHPS "); break;
- X }
- X }
- X printf("}");
- X}
- Xfi
- Xexit 0
- X# End of shell archive
- if test 15429 -ne `wc -c <'util/printit.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'util/printit.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'util/printit.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 13 \(of 31\).
- cp /dev/null ark13isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 31 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0