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Path: uunet!husc6!rutgers!clyde!cbosgd!mandrill!hal!ncoast!allbery
From: chip@vector.UUCP (Chip Rosenthal)
Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
Subject: smail 2.5 installation under SCO XENIX
Message-ID: <6298@ncoast.UUCP>
Date: 29 Nov 87 02:44:15 GMT
Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
Lines: 322
Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8711/21
{{{ Daniel - I have received over a dozen requests for the following }}}
{{{ package, so I though it might be best to post to comp.sources.misc. }}}
{{{ It is used to install smail V2.5 under SCO XENIX. }}}
{{{ -chip }}}
#! /bin/sh
# this is a 'shar' archive - run through sh(C) to extract:
# -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2837 Nov 25 13:03 Makefile.sco
# -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4386 Nov 25 13:44 README.sco
# -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2095 Nov 25 13:42 execmail.c
# 3 files total
echo "x - README.sco (file 1 of 3)"
sed -e 's/.//' << 'END_OF_FILE_README.sco' > README.sco
#This package implements the stock "smail V2.5" distribution under SCO XENIX.
#The main problem with using "smail" under XENIX is that the installation
#really doesn't correspond to the standard BSD or SYSV installation,
#although it is closest to the "SYSV without sendmail" installation. Some
#of the issues are:
# - there is neither "binmail" nor "mailx" under SCO XENIX
# - the mail executables are mostly in "/usr/bin", not "/bin"
# - "rmail" is a seperate program, not just a link to "mail"
# - the standard mail interface barfs on internet (user@site) addresses
#Aside from the installation issues, there are a couple of other things
#you need to watch for:
#1) SCO XENIX is distributed with an empty "nodename" entry in the
# kernal's "uname" structure. If you haven't placed your system's
# name there, you will either need to do so or define your system
# name in the "defs.h" file (the HOSTNAME definiton).
#2) There are several places in the source where NULL is used to
# terminate a string. Since NULL is defined as "(char *)0" in the
# SCO XENIX "stdio.h" file, compiler warnings are generated by
# this. Although "smail" will work in spite of these errors, you
# might want to clean them up by changing NULL to '\0' in the
# following places:
# file line(s)
# ======= =======
# alias.c 461
# deliver.c 284
# nptx.c 128,165
#3) You need to compile "smail" as a pure executable (-i) and extend
# the stack size. This has been done in the attached "Makefile".
#In regards to the internet address (user@site) problem -- this is a
#limitation of /usr/bin/mail. If it does the mailing, it complains about
#the "@" character. The solution is to force /usr/bin/mail to let
#/usr/lib/mail/execmail do the mailing. This is done by placing a "set
#execmail" line in the /usr/lib/mail/mailrc file. The included "execmail"
#program replaces the standard execmail. It forces all mail to go through
#"smail" to handle the internet addresses.
#The "Flow.Diagram" file shows how mail works in various situations -- none
#of which correspond to how mail works with SCO XENIX. The following
#diagrams show the mail flow for SCO XENIX:
#vanilla SCO XENIX mail flow
# mail is /usr/bin/mail
# rmail is /usr/bin/rmail
# execmail is /usr/lib/mail/execmail
#LOCAL mail ---------\ /--------------------- LOCAL
# +-- execmail --+
#REMOTE rmail ---------/ \------- uux --------- REMOTE
#Note that there is no "mailx" in XENIX. Also note that "rmail" is
#a seperate program, not just a link to "mail". This flow is the
#case only if "set execmail" is defined in /usr/lib/mail/mailrc.
#Modified SCO XENIX mail flow
# /usr/bin/rmail is renamed to /usr/bin/rmail.old and is ignored
# /usr/lib/mail/execmail is renamed to /usr/lib/mail/execmail.old and ignored
# mail is still /usr/bin/mail
# smail is smail copied to /bin/smail
# rmail is a link from /bin/smail to /bin/rmail
# lmail is a link from /usr/lib/mail/mail.local to /bin/lmail
# execmail is execmail copied to /usr/lib/mail/execmail
#LOCAL mail --- execmail --- smail ---\ /--- lmail -------- LOCAL
# +-------+
#REMOTE rmail -------------------------/ \--- uux ---------- REMOTE
#To install smail under SCO XENIX, do the following:
#(1) Ensure "smail" can find out your host name (see note 1 near the
# beginning of this message).
#(2) Make sure "defs.h" contains what you want. (The only change I
# made was to redefine ALIASES to "/usr/lib/mail/aliases".)
#(3) See if the makefile definitions look reasonable to you.
#(4) Type "make" to compile the sources.
#(5) Type "make install" to put everything in its place.
#There is a "make remove" option which deinstalls "smail" and returns
#you to a stock SCO XENIX mail configuration.
#If you want to make you setup more System V-ish, you could rename
#"/usr/bin/mail" to "/usr/bin/mailx" and install the "svbinmail" included
#in the smail package as "/bin/mail". You would, however, have to change
#READER to "/usr/bin/mailx" in "svbinmail.c".
#I'd be interested in any suggestions or comments you might have.
#Chip Rosenthal
#25 Nov 87
echo "original file size: 113 632 4386 README.sco"
echo "extracted file size: `wc README.sco`"
echo "x - Makefile.sco (file 2 of 3)"
sed -e 's/.//' << 'END_OF_FILE_Makefile.sco' > Makefile.sco
## Makefile for smail under SCO XENIX
## Wed Nov 25 13:02:54 CST 1987 - C. Rosenthal
## Documented for net distribution.
## @(#)Makefile 2.5 (smail) 9/15/87
## Things to do:
## make make executables
## make all " "
## make install perform XENIX installation
## make remove de-install smail
## make clean cleanup this directory
## make clobber ...and remove executables from this dir
#SHELL= /bin/sh
#CFLAGS = -i -O
##LIBS = -lmalloc ** don't use -lmalloc!! it causes core dumps **
#OBJECTS = main.o map.o resolve.o deliver.o misc.o alias.o pw.o headers.o getpath.o str.o getopt.o
#all: smail execmail
##all: smail svbinmail lcasep pathproc mkfnames nptx
#smail: $(OBJECTS)
# cc -F 5000 $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o smail $(LIBS)
#$(OBJECTS): defs.h
# cc $(CFLAGS) -c $<
#svbinmail: svbinmail.c defs.h
# cc $(CFLAGS) svbinmail.c -o $@
#lcasep: lcasep.c
# cc $(CFLAGS) lcasep.c -o lcasep
#pathproc: pathproc.sh
# cp pathproc.sh pathproc
# chmod 755 pathproc
#mkfnames: mkfnames.sh
# cp mkfnames.sh mkfnames
# chmod 755 mkfnames
#nptx: nptx.o pw.o str.o
# cc $(CFLAGS) nptx.o pw.o str.o -o nptx $(LIBS)
#nptx.o: nptx.c
# cc $(CFLAGS) -c nptx.c
#execmail: execmail.c
# cc $(CFLAGS) execmail.c -o execmail
# rm -f *.o *.ln a.out core
#clobber: clean
# rm -f smail rmail lcasep pathproc mkfnames svbinmail nptx execmail
## SCO XENIX Installation #
#INSTALL= /bin/lmail /bin/rmail /bin/smail /usr/lib/mail/execmail
#CHANGE= /usr/bin/rmail.old /usr/lib/mail/execmail.old
#MANDIR= /usr/man/local/man8
#MANPAGES= $(MANDIR)/aliases.$(MANSUF) \
# $(MANDIR)/lcasep.$(MANSUF) \
# $(MANDIR)/mkfnames.$(MANSUF) \
# $(MANDIR)/nptx.$(MANSUF) \
# $(MANDIR)/pathproc.$(MANSUF) \
# $(MANDIR)/paths.$(MANSUF) \
# $(MANDIR)/smail.$(MANSUF)
#install: all $(CHANGE) $(INSTALL) $(MANPAGES)
# @echo "=== Your global mailrc needs to contain 'set execmail'."
# @echo "=== I'll check and add it if required..."
# grep 'set execmail' /usr/lib/mail/mailrc > /dev/null || \
# echo 'set execmail' >> /usr/lib/mail/mailrc
# -rm $(INSTALL)
# -rm $(MANPAGES)
# -mv /usr/bin/rmail.old /usr/bin/rmail
# -mv /usr/lib/mail/execmail.old /usr/lib/mail/execmail
#/usr/bin/rmail.old: ; mv /usr/bin/rmail $@
#/usr/lib/mail/execmail.old: ; mv /usr/lib/mail/execmail $@
#/bin/smail: smail ; cp $? $@
#/bin/rmail: /bin/smail ; -ln $? $@
#/bin/lmail: /usr/lib/mail/mail.local ; ln $? $@
#/usr/lib/mail/execmail: execmail ; cp $? $@
#$(MANDIR)/aliases.$(MANSUF): aliases.8 ; cp $? $@
#$(MANDIR)/lcasep.$(MANSUF): lcasep.8 ; cp $? $@
#$(MANDIR)/mkfnames.$(MANSUF): mkfnames.8 ; cp $? $@
#$(MANDIR)/nptx.$(MANSUF): nptx.8 ; cp $? $@
#$(MANDIR)/pathproc.$(MANSUF): pathproc.8 ; cp $? $@
#$(MANDIR)/paths.$(MANSUF): paths.8 ; cp $? $@
#$(MANDIR)/smail.$(MANSUF): smail.8 ; cp $? $@
echo "original file size: 103 356 2837 Makefile.sco"
echo "extracted file size: `wc Makefile.sco`"
echo "x - execmail.c (file 3 of 3)"
sed -e 's/.//' << 'END_OF_FILE_execmail.c' > execmail.c
# * execmail - Replacement for execmail for smail under SCO XENIX
# *
# * This program is derived from an article from Chip Salzenberg (chip@ateng).
# * Below is his news article and the program. Note that his article suggests
# * that "/usr/lib/mail/execmail" (the original one--not the replacement)
# * be used as the local delivery agent. Unfortunately, this munges up
# * the "From" line in the mail header. Instead, "/usr/lib/mail/mail.local"
# * should be used.
# *
# * Wed Nov 25 13:41:01 CST 1987 - C. Rosenthal
# * Commented for net distribution.
# */
# * From: chip@ateng.UUCP (Chip Salzenberg)
# * Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix
# * Subject: RFC822 addresses and Xenix `mail'
# * Message-ID: <92@ateng.UUCP>
# * Date: 2 Nov 87 15:19:09 GMT
# * Organization: A.T. Engineering, Tampa, FL
# * Lines: 96
# *
# * In article <536@bms-at.UUCP> stuart@bms-at.UUCP (Stuart D. Gathman) writes:
# * >
# * >Unfortunately, SCO mail screens addresses for garbage characters
# * >(e.g. '@' & '.') before passing mail to /bin/rmail. As I say on
# * >many occasions, "Gee, they sure went to a lot of trouble to make
# * >it not work!"
# *
# * This `feature' is easy to defeat.
# *
# * In the /usr/lib/news/mailrc file, add this line:
# *
# * set execmail
# *
# * This causes the mail program to hand all mail to /usr/lib/mail/execmail.
# * (This gem is courtesy of Tom Walsh <uunet!foobar!tw> -- thanks, Tom.)
# *
# * It is then necessary to rename the existing /usr/lib/mail/execmail to
# * something else, say execmail.x, and then have smail use execmail.x as the
# * local delivery agent.
# *
# * And of course, you need to install a replacement for execmail. This is
# * my execmail replacement:
# *
# */
##include <stdio.h>
##define SMAIL "/bin/smail"
#main(argc, argv)
#int argc;
#char **argv;
# char *progname = argv[0];
# /*
# * Drop the execmail options.
# */
# while (argv[1][0] == '-') {
# switch (argv[1][1]) {
# case 'f':
# case 'h':
# argv += 2;
# break;
# default:
# ++argv;
# break;
# }
# }
# argv[0] = progname;
# execv(SMAIL, argv);
# fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't execute smail!\n", progname);
# exit(1);
echo "original file size: 78 331 2095 execmail.c"
echo "extracted file size: `wc execmail.c`"
echo "extracted 3 files"
exit 0