Usenet 1994 October
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437 lines
Path: uunet!husc6!rutgers!clyde!cbosgd!mandrill!hal!ncoast!allbery
From: jv@mh.nl.UUCP (Johan Vromans)
Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
Subject: submission for comp.sources.misc
Message-ID: <5642@ncoast.UUCP>
Date: 14 Nov 87 20:34:49 GMT
Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
Lines: 425
Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8711/9
Some time ago, someone posted somewhere a shell script to generate UUCP
reports from UUCP files. I don't know who, when and where, but I made the
script running on our systems. The script took too long to complete, so I
rewrote the script in C.
This program has not been adapted to SVR3 (not having such a system). It is
not perfect either.
I added some code to generate weekly reports (using SYSLOG.WEEK).
Take it for what it is worth -- it generates fine reports on our systems.
Whoever wrote the shell script deserves the honour - I only converted it.
Remarks and fixes are welcome.
Real-Name: Johan Vromans | jv@mh.nl via European backbone
Multihouse N.V., Gouda, The Netherlands | uucp: ..{uunet!}mcvax!mh.nl!jv
"Its better to light a candle than to curse the darkness"
---------------- CUT HERE ----------------
/* uucpstat.c - to print the UUCP transaction statistics (aap 7/9/87)
* for System V Release 2 or 3 formatted UUCP transaction files
* Version 1.0
* This program will process the uucp transactions for each node and report
* total transaction statistics. Processing is performed on the file $UUCP_LOG
* which defaults to:
* /usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG (Rlse 2) or /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/xferstats (Rlse 3).
* Processing defaults to statistics for the current day. Options allow
* processing of all transactions found (usually the current week's
* transactions are maintained) or a specific day's transactions.
* Output is directed to standard output.
* uucp.stat is non-intrusive and should be installed with 755 permissions.
* Set the variable: $RLSE_LVL to the System V major release level that
* you are running prior to installation.
* syntax: uucp.stat [<option>]
* where <option> is one or more of the following:
* -a : process all transactions found
* -u : do not display user statistics
* -n : do not display node statistics
* -t : do not display total statistics
* mm/dd : process transactions for month/day.
* (do not use leading zeroes)
* -h : display syntax only
* -w : use logfile.WEEK, implies -a
* -v : display program parameters
* If no <option> is specified, process today's transactions only.
#define PROG_VERSION "1.0" /* Program Version number */
#define RLSE_LVL 2 /* major system V release level */
#include <stdio.h>
#define EOS '\0'
#if RLSE_LVL == 2
char UUCP_log[] = "/usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
char UUCP_log[] = "/usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/xferstats";
int D_month;
int D_day;
int D_year;
char local_node[20];
char cur_node[20];
char cur_login[32];
char *wrkname;
int uulog;
char *my_name;
/* Print mode flags */
int PF_user = 1;
int PF_node = 1;
int PF_grand = 1;
int PF_param = 0;
int PF_weekly = 0;
int f_date = 1; /* default is current day's */
int nrecs;
int user_xact;
long user_bytes;
int user_time;
int node_xact;
long node_bytes;
int node_time;
int tot_xact;
long tot_bytes;
int tot_time;
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
init (argc, argv);
pre_process ();
sort ();
process ();
return (0);
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
init (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
struct utsname u;
struct stat st;
long time();
int c;
long now = time (&now);
char *tempnam ();
struct tm *lt;
wrkname = tempnam (NULL, "UU");
my_name = argv[0];
uname (&u);
strncpy (local_node, u.nodename, UTSLEN);
local_node[UTSLEN] = '\0';
lt = localtime (&now);
D_day = lt->tm_mday;
D_month = lt->tm_mon + 1;
D_year = lt->tm_year;
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "aunthwv")) != EOF) {
switch (c) {
case '?':
case 'h':
fprintf (stderr, " syntax: %s [<option>]\n", my_name);
fprintf (stderr, " where <option> is one or more of the following:\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -h : display syntax \n");
fprintf (stderr, " -a : process statistics for all days found \n");
fprintf (stderr, " -u : do not display user statistics\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -n : do not display node statistics\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -t : do not display total statistics\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -w : display weekly stats\n");
fprintf (stderr, " mo/day : process statistics for specific month/day\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -v : display program characteristics\n");
fprintf (stderr, " default is to process today's transactions only\n");
case 'u':
PF_user = 0;
case 'n':
PF_node = 0;
case 't':
PF_grand = 0;
case 'v':
PF_param = 1;
case 'a':
f_date = 0;
#if RLSE_LVL == 2
case 'w':
PF_weekly = 1;
f_date = 0;
strcat (UUCP_log, ".WEEK");
if (argc > optind) {
c = atoi (argv[optind]);
D_day = c % 100;
D_month = c / 100;
if (D_day == 0 || D_day > 31 || D_month == 0 || D_month > 12) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: invalid date spec: %s\n",
my_name, argv[optind]);
f_date = 1;
print_params ();
if (((uulog = open (UUCP_log, 0)) < 0) ||
(fstat (uulog, &st) < 0) ||
(st.st_size == 0)) {
fprintf (stderr, "File: %s unaccessible or empty\n", UUCP_log);
exit (1);
/* print routines */
/* Display Individual login User Stats */
printit (node, login, xact, bytes, time)
char *node, *login;
int xact, time;
long bytes;
printf ("%-8s %-8s %6d %9ld %8d", node, login, xact, bytes, time);
if (time != 0)
printf ("%10d\n", bytes / time);
printf ("\n\n");
user_stats ()
if (PF_user) {
printit (cur_node, cur_login, user_xact, user_bytes, user_time);
/* Display cur_node Statistics */
node_stats ()
if (PF_node) {
printit (cur_node, "TOTAL:", node_xact, node_bytes, node_time);
printf ("\n");
/* Display Grand Totals */
grand_totals ()
if (PF_grand) {
printf ("_________________________________________________________________\n\n");
printit (local_node, "", tot_xact, tot_bytes, tot_time);
printf ("\n");
print_params ()
if (PF_param) {
printf ("[%s] Version: %s O/S Rlse Level: %d\n",
printf ("[%s] Transaction File: %s\n", my_name, UUCP_log);
printf ("[%s] Print Flags:%s%s%s\n\n\n", my_name,
PF_user ? " User" : "",
PF_node ? " Node" : "",
PF_grand ? " Total" : "");
/* Print header */
print_header ()
long time();
long now = time (&now);
char *ctime ();
char *cp = ctime (&now);
static char *m_tab = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
cp[24] = '\0';
if (PF_param)
printf ("\n\n");
printf ("\tUUCP Network Transaction Statistics\n");
printf ("\tNode: %s %s\n", local_node, cp);
if (f_date)
printf ("\t(Transactions of: %.3s %d 19%d)\n\n",
&m_tab[3*(D_month-1)], D_day, D_year);
printf ("\t(All Transactions)\n\n");
printf ("Node User Xact Bytes Time Rate (Bytes/Sec)\n");
printf ("_________________________________________________________________\n\n");
/* phase 2 - pre-processing of UUCP_log file
* by making one pass at the UUCP_log file and extracting just the
* fields for cur_node & username, byte count and transaction time,
* then sorting them by node and login, we can process the sub-totals
* and totals synchronously and process more quickly then by mutiple passes.
pre_process ()
char buf [BUFSIZ];
char *cp;
FILE *uu = fdopen (uulog, "r");
FILE *wrkfile = fopen (wrkname, "w");
int mtmp, dtmp;
int etime;
long bytes;
if (PF_param)
printf ("Selecting ...\n");
nrecs = 0;
while ((cp = fgets (buf, BUFSIZ, uu)) != NULL) {
while (*cp == ' ') cp++;
if (*cp == '[') continue;
if (sscanf (cp, "%[^!]!%s %*s (%d/%d%*s %*s %*s %*s %ld / %d",
cur_node, cur_login, &mtmp, &dtmp, &bytes, &etime) != 6) {
fprintf (stderr, "** fmt ** %s", buf);
/* if a date option was specified then extract only the records */
/* for that date */
if (f_date) {
if (mtmp != D_month || dtmp != D_day)
#if RLSE_LVL == 3
# Rlse 3 xaction log file has time as fractional number
fprintf (wrkfile, "%s %s %ld %d\n", cur_node, cur_login, bytes, etime);
fclose (wrkfile);
fclose (uu);
/* now sort the stream in order of node login bytes time */
sort ()
char buf [BUFSIZ];
if (PF_param)
printf ("Sorting %d records ...\n", nrecs);
sprintf (buf, "sort -o %s %s", wrkname, wrkname);
system (buf);
/* phase 3 - process each transaction record and calculate/display stats */
process ()
FILE *wrkfile = fopen (wrkname, "r");
char buf [BUFSIZ];
char node [64];
char login [64];
long bytes;
int etime;
*node = *cur_node = EOS;
*login = *cur_login = EOS;
tot_xact = tot_bytes = tot_time = 0;
user_xact = user_bytes = user_time = 0;
node_xact = node_bytes = node_time = 0;
print_header ();
while (fgets (buf, BUFSIZ, wrkfile) != NULL) {
sscanf (buf, "%s %s %ld %d", node, login, &bytes, &etime);
if (!strcmp (node, cur_node) || *node == EOS) {
/* first entry or same node as previous entry */
if (!strcmp (login, cur_login) || *login == EOS) {
/* first entry or same cur_login as previous entry */
user_bytes += bytes;
user_time += etime;
else {
/* cur_login is different than previous login. */
/* print current user's summaries. */
if (*cur_login)
user_stats ();
/* init counters for new cur_login */
user_xact = 1;
user_bytes = bytes;
user_time = etime;
strcpy (cur_login, login);
/* update node statistics */
node_bytes += bytes;
node_time += etime;
strcpy (cur_node, node);
else {
/* node name is different than previous entry */
/* print previous user and cur_node totals */
if (*cur_node) {
user_stats ();
node_stats ();
/* init counters for new cur_node */
strcpy (cur_node, node);
strcpy (cur_login, login);
user_xact = 1;
user_bytes = bytes;
user_time = etime;
node_xact = 1;
node_bytes = bytes;
node_time = etime;
/* update grand totals */
tot_bytes += bytes;
tot_time += etime;
if (*cur_node) {
user_stats ();
node_stats ();
grand_totals ();
printf ("No transactions found\n");
fclose (wrkfile);
unlink (wrkname);