Usenet 1994 October
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Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
organization: University of East Anglia, Norwich
subject: v10i087: Names2, a random names generator (part 2 of 2)
From: jrk@sys.uea.ac.uk (Richard Kennaway)
Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 87
Submitted-by: jrk@sys.uea.ac.uk (Richard Kennaway)
Archive-name: names2/part02
This is the second part of the names generator, containing the data files.
Richard Kennaway SYS, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K.
Internet: jrk@sys.uea.ac.uk uucp: ...mcvax!ukc!uea-sys!jrk
echo x - MANIFEST2
sed 's/^X//' >MANIFEST2 <<'*-*-END-of-MANIFEST2-*-*'
XMANIFEST2 This file.
Xsindarin Sindarin word-list.
Xgerman Early German names.
Xchaucer An extract from Chaucer.
Xhong.lou.meng 18th century Chinese names.
echo x - sindarin
sed 's/^X//' >sindarin <<'*-*-END-of-sindarin-*-*'
Xadan edain adorn aduial aear aearon aer aerlinn aglar aglarni aglarond
Xaiglin aiglos alfirin alph amarth amlaith ammen amon amroth
Xamrun anann anborn ancalagon andaith andrast andros anduin
Xanfalas ang angband angbor angerthas angmar angren angrenost anim
Xannthennath annon annuminas annun anor anorien arador araglas aragorn
Xaragost arahad arahael aran aranarth aranuir araphant araphor arassuil
Xarathorn araval aravir aravorn araw argeleb argonath argonui arnen
Xarnor arth arthedain arvedui arvegil arveleg arvenienn arwen asfaloth
Xathelas athrad aur balan balchoth balrog barad barahir baran baranduin
Xbaranor bas bel belain belecthor beleg belegorn belegost beleriand beleth
Xbelfalas benadar beraid beregond beren bereth bergil berhael beruthiel beth
Xbladorthin borgil boromir brandir bregalad brethil bruinen cair calad calan
Xcalar calembel calen calenardhon calenhad carach caradhras caran caras
Xcarchost cardolan carn carnen celair celduin celeb celebdil celeborn
Xcelebrant celebrian celebrimbor celebrindal celebrindor celepharn
Xceleirdan celerdancelos cerin certh certhas cerveth chaered chebin chost
Xcir cirdan ciril cirith cirth conin cor cormallen craban crebain cuio
Xcurunir deadelos daer daeron dagor dagorlad damrod dain dan daro daur
Xdegil denethor derufin dervorin din dinen dinguruthos dior dir dirhael
Xdiriel dol dor dorenernil doriath dorthonion dorwinion druadan druwaith
Xduath duhirion duilin duin duinhir dum dun dunadan dunedain durthang
Xechant echor echuir ecthelion edain edhel edhellen edhellond edhil
Xedraith edro egalmoth egladil eglerio eithel elanor elbereth elenath
Xelin elladan elmoth elrohir elrond elros elwing emyn enedhwaith enedwaith
Xennor ennorath ennyn enyd ephel eradan erain erebor ered eredluin eregion
Xerelas erestor eriador ernil erui eryd erynesgalduin esgaroth estel ethir
Xethring ethuil falas fan fang fangorn fanghorn fanui fanuidhol fanuilos
Xfelagund fenn fennas fimbrethil finarfin findegil finduilas fing finglas
Xfingolfin finrod firith fladrif forlindon forlond formost forochel forod
Xforodwaith foron fuin galad galadh galdhon galadhremmen galadhrim galadon
Xgaladriel galadrim galathilion galdor galen galenas galion gaur gaurhoth
Xgebir geleb gelin gil gildor gilgalad giliath gilion gilraen gilrain
Xgilthoniel girion girithron glamdring glanduinglorfindel glos golasgil
Xgond gondobar gondolin gondor gonui gorgor gorgoroth gorthad govannen
Xguldur gundabad guruthos gwae gwaeron gwai gwaihir gwain gwanur gwath
Xgwathlo gwirith hador hael hain hal halbarad haldir hallas han harad
Xharadrim haradwaith harlondon harlond harnen harondor haudh hen henneth
Xherion hin hir hirgon hiriath hirluin hith hithaiglin hithlain hithoel
Xhithuihollen horn hoth huor huorn hurin iarwain iath iaur iavas idril
Ximlad imladris imloth inglorien ioreth iorlas ithil ithildrin ithilien
Xivanneth ivorwen kelos kiril kirith laer lain lam lamedon lammen landroval
Xlas lasgalen lasto lebennin lebethron lefnui legolas lembas lhaw lhun lim
Xlinn lindir linhir linnathon linnod lith lithui lithlad lond lor lorien
Xloss lossarnach lossen lossoth loth lothiriel lothlorien lothron luin
Xluthien lyg mablung mae magor mal malbeth mallen mallor mallorn mellryn
Xmallos malvegil marmedui megil melian mellon mellryn melui menel meneldor
Xmenelvagor mereth merethrond methed methedras min minas mindolluin
Xminhiriath minmo minrimmon minuial mir miriel miruvor mith mitheithel
Xmithlond mithrandir mithren mithrin mithril mor morannon mordor morgai
Xmorgoth morgul morgulduin moria morn morthond morwen muil nachaered naith
Xnallon nan nanduhirion nantasarion nar narbeleth narchost nardol
Xnargothrond narwain naug naugrim naur ndaedelos nef neldor neldoreth nen
Xnenuial ngaurhoth nguruthos nim nimbrethil nimloth nimrais nimrodel nin
Xnondalf ninui niphredil nogothrim nogrod noro norui nurn nurnen onen
Xonod onodrim oraeron oranor orbelain orch orcrist orgaladh orgaladhad
Xorgilion orithil ormenel orod orodnathon orodreth orodruin orophin
Xorthanc osgiliath ossir ossiriand palan palandiriel pant parth pedo pel
Xpelargir pelen pelennor peleth penna per peredhel perhael periainn
Xperiann periannath pheriain pheriannath pinn pinnath poros rais rammas
Xrandir rant rass rathrauros raw remm remmen remmirath ren rhiw rhosgobel
Xrhovanion rhu rhudaur riel ril rim rin ring ringlo roch rochand rochann
Xrodyn rant rass rath rohan roheryn rohir rohirrim rond rumil samm sammath
Xsarn sarnathrad sauron serni sernui silivren sir sirannon sirith suil sul
Xtaith talan talf targon tarlang tasar tasarinan taur taurnaneldor teithant
Xtelchar tew thangorodrim tharbad thingol thiw thon thond thoniel thoron
Xthorondir thorondor thorongil til tin tinuviel tir tiriel tirith tiro
Xtiw tolbrandir tolfalas torech torn torog tumladen tuor tur turgon tyrn
Xuchebin udun uial uilos ungol ungoliant urui vagor vedui vegil veleg vir
Xvorn wain waith yrch
echo x - german
sed 's/^X//' >german <<'*-*-END-of-german-*-*'
Xaachen adalbero adalbert adalbold adaldag adela adelheid aeddila
Xaethelred aethelstan agapitus agius alberada albrecht alcuin aleman
Xalsleben amelung amulrada andernach anselm ansfried aquilea aribo arn
Xarneburg arnolf arnulf arpads ascania asselburg athelstan augsburg azela
Xbabenberg bacco balderich baldwin ballenstedt bamberg bardowick bavaria
Xbelecke berengar bernhard berthild berthold bibra billing billung birten
Xblankenburg bohemia boleslas borghorst bote brandenburg bremen brun
Xbrunicho bruning brunshausen burchard burckhard burgscheidungen burkhard
Xb"oddekken b"orde cambrai capetia carinthia carolingia cathwulf
Xcharlemagne chazar christina chrobry chutizi coledizi conrad constance
Xdaleminz dedi derlingau dietrich dodicho dornburg dortmund drogo
Xdr"ubeck dyle eberhard edgar edith eila eilenburg einhard einsiedeln
Xeisdorf ekbert ekkard ekkehard ekkehart elbe elten emma emmerem engern
Xerfurt erich ermintrude ernst erwin eschwege esico essen ezzo fischbeck
Xfolcmar francia frankfurt fraxinetum freckenhorst frederick friderun
Xfrohse fulda gandersheim gebhard genbloux gerberga gerbstedt gernrode
Xgero gesecke giebichenstein gisela giselbert giselher godehard godesti
Xgodila grone gross guntram gunzelin gutenswegen g"uther hadwig hainault
Xhalberstadt haldensleben hamburg harzburg hatheburg hathui hathumoda hed
Xheeslingen heiningen helmarshausen helmburg helmern herford heribert
Xherman hermann hersfeld hessengau hessi hezilo hildesheim hildiward
Xhillersleben hilwartshausen hincmar hlawitschka hodo hohenaltheim
Xhohenstaufen hrotsvitha ida ifriqiya ilsenburg imma immeding ingelheim
Xippo irmgard isingrim jonas judith kalbe karl karlmann katlenburg
Xkaufungen kemnade kern kiev kinugunde koledizi kunigunde k"onigslutter
Xlaar lammspringe lampert lappenberg lech lenzen liudgard liudger liudolf
Xliudolfing liutbert liutbirg liuthar liutizi lothar lotharingia
Xluidprand luitpolding lusatia lutter l"uneburg magdeburg magyar mainz
Xmalacin marcswith marienthal mathilda maximin mecklenburg meginzo meibom
Xmeinwerk meissen memleben merseburg meschede metelen miesco mistui
Xmonreburg morawia mulde m"ollenbeck m"unster nadda neletice neuenheerse
Xniederaltaich nienburg nordgau nordgermersleben nordhausen
Xnordth"uringau northein nottuln obotria obotris oda odilo ohre
Xoldenstadt olvenstedt osnabr"uck otto ottonia outremer paderborn passau
Xpf"afer pf"afers pippin pl"otzkau pomarius poppo pr"um p"olde
Xquedlinburg querfurt radbod ragenold ratold ravenna recknitz reepsholt
Xregensburg reichenau reinhard reinhilde remi rheinfelden ricbert ricdag
Xrichenza richer rohr rothgard rottmersleben rudolf ruodlieb ruotger saal
Xsaalfeld salia salz salzburg sandersleben santersleben scapendal
Xschakensleben schaumburg schildesche schwabengau schweinfurt sch"oningen
Xsclavain sclavania selz serimunt shilluk siegfried sigebert sigebodo
Xsophia stade stavelot steterburg st"otterlingenburg suabia suitger
Xs"upplingenburg s"upplingenburger tagino tegernsee thangmar theodora
Xtheophanu thietmar thionville thuringia tribur tundersleben udalrich udo
Xutrecht verden viking vitzenberg vreden walbeck walsrode walthard
Xwarburg wazo welf wendhausen wergild werla werner westfalia wetter
Xwettin wettins wicfried wichmann widerad wimmelburg wipo wolfhere
Xwolmirstedt wulfhard w"urzburg zeitz zeven zwentibold "odingen
echo x - chaucer
sed 's/^X//' >chaucer <<'*-*-END-of-chaucer-*-*'
XHere bygynneth the Book of the Tales of Caunterbury.
XWhan that Aprill with his shoures soote
XThe droghte of March hath perced to the roote
XAnd bathed every veyne in swich licour
XOf which vertu engendred is the flour
XWhan Zephirus eek with his sweete breath
XInspired hath in every holt and heeth
XThe tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
XHath in the Ram his halve course yronne
XAnd smale foweles maken melodye
XThat slepen al the nyght with open ye
X(So priketh hem nature in hir corages)
XThanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages
XAnd palmeres for to seken straunge strondes
XTo ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes
XAnd specially from every shires ende
XOf Engelond to Caunterbury they wende
XThe hooly blisful martir for to seke
XThat hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.
XBifil that in that seson on a day
XInb Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay
XRedy to wenden on my pilgrimage
XTo Caunterbury with fuldevout corage
XAt nyght was come into that hostelrye
XWel nyne and twenty in a compaignye
XOf sondry folk, by aventure yfalle
XIn felaweshipe, and pilgrimes were they alle
XThat toward Caunterbury wolden ryde.
XThe chambres and the stbles weren wyde
XAnd wel we weren esed atte beste.
XAnd shortly, whan the sonne was to reste
XSo hadde I spoken with hem everichon
XThat I was of hir felaweshipe anon
XAnd made forward erly for to ryse,
XTo take oure way ther as I yow devyse.
XBut nathelees, whil I have tyme and space
XEr that I ferther in this tale pace
XMe thynketh it acordaunt to resoun
XTo telle you al the condicioun
XOf ech of hem, so as it semed me
XAnd whiche they weren, and of what degree
XAnd eek in what array that they were inne
XAnd at a knyght than wol I first bigynne.
XIncipit Liber Boecii de Consolacione Philosophie.
X Allas! I wepynge, am constreyned to bygynnnen vers of sorwful matere,
Xthat whilom in florysschyng studie made delitable ditees. For lo! randynge
XMuses of poetes enditen to me thynges to ben writen, and drery vers of
Xwretchidnesse weten my face with verray teres. At the leeste, no drede ne
Xmyghte overcomen tho Muses, that thei ne were felawes, and folwyden my wey
X(that is to seyn, whan I was exiled). They that weren glorie of my youthe,
Xwhilom weleful and grene, conforten now the sorwful wyerdes of me, olde
Xman. For eelde is comyn unwarly uppon me, hasted by the harmes that y
Xhave, and sorwe hath comandid his age to ben in me. Heeris hore arn schad
Xovertymeliche upon myn heved, and the slakke skyn trembleth of myn emptid
X Thilke deth of men is weleful that ne comyth noght in yeeris that be
Xswete, but cometh to wrecches often yclepid. Allas! allas! with how deef
Xan ere deth, cruwel, turneth awey fro wrecches, and nayteth to closen
Xwepynge eien. Whil Fortune, unfeithful, favourede me with lyghten goodes,
Xthe sorwful houre *that is to seyn, the deth) hadde almoost dreynt myn
Xheved. But now, for Fortune cloudy hath chaunged hir deceyvable chere to
Xme-ward, myn unpietous lif draweth along unagreable duellynges.
X O ye, my freended, what, or wherto avaunted ye me to be weleful? For
Xhe that hath fallen stood noght in stedefast degre.
X In the mene while that I, stille, recordede these thynges with myself,
Xand merkid my weply compleynte with office of poyntel, I saw, stondynge
Xaboven the heghte of myn heved, a womman of ful greet reverence by
Xsemblaunt, hit eien brennynge and cleer-seynge over the comune myghte of
Xmen; with a lifly colour and with swich vogour and strengthe that it ne
Xmyghte nat ben emptid, al were it so that sche was ful of so greet age
Xthat men ne wolden nat trowen in no manere that sche were of our elde. The
Xstature of hire was of a doutous jugement, for sometyme it semede that
Xsche touchede the hevene with the heghte of here heved; and whan sche hef
Xhir heved heyer, sche percede the selve hevenne so that the sighte of men
Xlokynge was in ydel. Hir clothes weren makid of right delye thredes and
Xsubtil craft, of perdurable matere; the whiche clothes sche hadde duskid
Xand dirked, as it is wont to dirken besmokede ymages. In the nethereste
Xhem of bordure of thise clothes, men redden ywoven in a Gekissch P (that
Xsignifieth the lif actif); and aboven that lettre, in the heieste bordure,
Xa Grekyssh T (that signifieth the lif contemplatif). And betwixen thise
Xtwo lettres ther were seyn degrees nobly ywrought in manere of laddres, by
Xwhich degrees men myghten clymben fro the nethereste lettre to the
Xuppereste. Natheles handes of some men hadden korve that cloth by
Xviolence or by strengthe, and everich man of hem hadde boren awey swiche
Xpeces as he myghte geten. And for sothe this forseide womman bar smale
Xbokis in hir right hand, and in hir left hand sche bar a ceptre.
X And whan she saugh thise poetical Muses aprochen aboute my bed and
Xenditynge wordes to my wepynges, sche was a litil amoeved, and glowede
Xwith cruel eighen. "Who", quod sche, "hath suffred aprochen to this sike
Xman thise comune strompettis of swich a place that men clepen the theatre;
Xthe whiche not oonly ne asswagen noght his sorwes with none remedies, but
Xthei wolden fedyn and noryssen hym with sweete venym. For sothe thise ben
Xtho that with thornes and prikkynges of talentz of afeccions, whiche that
Xne bien nothyng fructifyenge nor profitable, destroyen the corn plentyvous
Xof fruytes of resoun. For thei holden hertes of men in usage, but thei
Xdelyvre noght folk fro maladye. But yif ye Muses hadden withdrawen fro me
Xwith youre flateries any unkunnynge and unprofitable man, as men ben wont
Xto fynde comonly among the peple, I wolde wene suffre the lasse grevosly;
Xforwhi, in swych an unprofitable man, myne ententes weren nothyng
Xendamaged. But ye withdrawen me this man, that hath ben noryssed in the
Xstudies or scoles of Eleaticis and Achademycis in Grece. But goth now
Xrather awey, ye mermaydenes, which that ben swete til it be at the laste,
Xand suffreth this man to ben cured and heeled by myne muses (that is to
Xseyn, by noteful sciences)." And this the companye of Muses, iblamed,
Xcasten wrothly the chere dounward to the erthe, and, schewing be rednesse
Xhir schame, thei passeden sorwfully the thesschfold. And I, of whom the
Xsighte, ploungid in teeres, was dirked so that y ne myghte noght knowen
Xwhat that womman was of so imperial auctorite, I wax al abayssched and
Xastoned, and caste my syghte doun to the erthe, and bygan, stille, for to
Xabide what sche woolde doon aftirward. Tho com sche ner, and sette her
Xdoun uppon the uttereste corner of my bed, and sche, byholfynge my chere
Xthat was cast to the erthe hevy and grevous of wepynge, compleynde, with
Xthise wordis that I schal seyn, the perturbacion of my thought.
XThe Romaunt of the Rose
XAmant: Whanne I hadde herde all Resoun seyn
XWhich hadde spilt hir speche in veyn,
X"Dame", seide I, "I dar wel sey,
XOf this avaunt me wel I may
XThat from youre scole so devyaunt
XI am, that never the more avaunt
XRight nought am I thurgh youre doctrine.
XI dulle under youre duscipline;
XI wot no more that I wist er,
XTo me so contrarie and so fer
XIs every thing that ye me ler;
XAnd yit I can it all par cuer.
XMyn herte foryetith therof right nought,
XIt is so writen in my thought;
XAnd depe greven it is so tendir
XThat all be herte I can it rendre,
XAnd rede it over comunely;
XBit to mysilf lewedist am I.
XBut sith ye love discreven so,
XAnd lak and preise it, bothe twoo,
XDefyneth it into this letter,
XThat I may thenke on it the better;
XFor I herde never diffyne it er,
XAnd wilfully I wolde it ler."
XRaisoun: "If love be serched wel and sought,
XIt is a syknesse of the thought
XAnnexed and knet bitwixe tweyne,
XWhich male and female, with oo cheyne,
XSo frely byndith that they nyll twynne,
XWhether so therof they leese or wynne.
XThe roote springith, thurgh hoot brennyng
XInto disordinat desiryng
XFor to kissen and enbrace,
XAnd at her lust then to solace.
XOf other thyng love recchith nought,
XBut setteth her herte and all her thought
XMore for delectacioun
XThan ony procreacioun
XOf other fruyt by engendring;
XWhich love to God is not plesing;
XFor of her body fruyt to get
XThey yeve no force, they are so set
XUpon delit to pley in-feere.
XAnd somme have also this manere,
XTo feynen hem for love sek;
XSich love I preise not at a lek.
XFor paramours they do but feyne;
XTo love truly they disdeyne.
XThey falsen ladies traitoursly,
XAnd swern hem othes utterly,
XWith many a lesyng and many a fable,
XAnd all they fynden deceyvable.
XAnd whanne they han her lust geten,
XThe hoote ernes they al foryeten.
XWymmen, the harm they bien full sore;
XBut men this thenken evermore,
XThat lasse harm is, so mote I the,
XDecyve them than decyved be;
XAnd namely, where they ne may
XFynde non other mene wey.
echo x - hong.lou.meng
sed 's/^X//' >hong.lou.meng <<'*-*-END-of-hong.lou.meng-*-*'
Xzhang mei xue baoqin shi xiangyun jia baoyu tanchun youshi you erjie
Xwang xifeng feng san xing xue zhao zhou baochai bao er baoqin baoyu xue
Xpan youshi zhen shiyin jia lian zheng wang pan baochai li wan she liu
Xbao chai dai feng lian lin pan tan wan xing ying zhen xia daiyu wang
Xjiren yingchun fei hu junrong huan bin chang cong guang heng huan jing
Xjun lan lian ling qiaojie qiong rong sijie tanchun xichun xiluan
Xyuanchun zhen zheng jingui jia xing zhen da lai sheng gui qi li wan wen
Xdaiyu lin zhixiao xianglian loushi xia he song tian ye zhu jinxiang bao
Xhuan lan rong duo er lin lis qin shi tan xi xia ying yun liu zhang zhen
Xliu shan xue xia you zhao zhen zhu xue youan pan beijing shui huai qian
Xqiaojie qin baoqin xian sanjie xiangyun sijie jing shaozu sun tanchun
Xdequan xing shanbao xin ziteng shan xindeng xiluan bingzhong xiuyan
Xbaochai baoqin ke youshi yu lu yuanchun yingchun yun zhang dehui hua
Xguoji zhao zhen zhou rui zhuer ning guo daihua ruhai ziteng ren guang
Xtiandong tianliang shiyin yinglian xindeng xiangyun qin zhong bangye
Xqiaojie shiyin