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From sce!mitel!uunet!lll-winken!ames!haven!umd5!jonnyg Tue May 23 15:37:24 EDT 1989
Article: 91 of comp.lang.lisp.x
Path: cognos!sce!mitel!uunet!lll-winken!ames!haven!umd5!jonnyg
From: jonnyg@umd5.umd.edu (Jon Greenblatt)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp.x
Subject: Xlisp2.0 speedups... (Part 1 of 3)
Message-ID: <4912@umd5.umd.edu>
Date: 18 May 89 16:58:56 GMT
Reply-To: jonnyg@umd5.umd.edu (Jon Greenblatt)
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 910
The following are changes I have made to xlisp 2.0 source. Most of these
changes produce considerable speed ups. This distribution is very
rough but maybe someone can wade through it and come of with a cleaned
up version of the speed ups. Note this is a striaght context diff so
more than just the speed ups are included, BEWARE! If you are able to
clean up or enhance these speed ups in any way I would apreciate the
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlbfun.c ../xlisp/xlbfun.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlbfun.c Sun May 7 22:25:38 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlbfun.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:23 1989
*** 558,563 ****
--- 558,578 ----
return (val);
+ LVAL xcopyarray()
+ {
+ LVAL src, dest;
+ int num;
+ register int i;
+ src = xlgavector();
+ dest = xlgavector();
+ xllastarg();
+ num = (getsize(src) < getsize(dest)) ? getsize(src) : getsize(dest);
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ setelement(dest,i,getelement(src,i));
+ return(dest);
+ }
/* xerror - special form 'error' */
LVAL xerror()
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xldbug.c ../xlisp/xldbug.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xldbug.c Sun May 7 22:25:43 1989
--- ../xlisp/xldbug.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:24 1989
*** 14,20 ****
extern char buf[];
/* external routines */
! extern char *malloc();
/* forward declarations */
FORWARD LVAL stacktop();
--- 14,20 ----
extern char buf[];
/* external routines */
! extern char *xlmalloc();
/* forward declarations */
FORWARD LVAL stacktop();
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xldmem.c ../xlisp/xldmem.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xldmem.c Sun May 7 22:25:46 1989
--- ../xlisp/xldmem.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:25 1989
*** 6,13 ****
#include "xlisp.h"
/* node flags */
! #define MARK 1
! #define LEFT 2
/* macro to compute the size of a segment */
#define segsize(n) (sizeof(SEGMENT)+((n)-1)*sizeof(struct node))
--- 6,13 ----
#include "xlisp.h"
/* node flags */
! #define MARK 0x20
! #define LEFT 0x40
/* macro to compute the size of a segment */
#define segsize(n) (sizeof(SEGMENT)+((n)-1)*sizeof(struct node))
*** 21,37 ****
SEGMENT *segs,*lastseg,*fixseg,*charseg;
int anodes,nsegs,gccalls;
long nnodes,nfree,total;
! LVAL fnodes;
/* external procedures */
! extern char *malloc();
! extern char *calloc();
/* forward declarations */
! FORWARD LVAL newnode();
FORWARD unsigned char *stralloc();
FORWARD SEGMENT *newsegment();
/* cons - construct a new cons node */
LVAL cons(x,y)
LVAL x,y;
--- 21,50 ----
SEGMENT *segs,*lastseg,*fixseg,*charseg;
int anodes,nsegs,gccalls;
long nnodes,nfree,total;
! LVAL fnodes = NIL;
/* external procedures */
! extern char *xlmalloc();
! extern char *xlcalloc();
/* forward declarations */
! FORWARD LVAL Newnode();
FORWARD unsigned char *stralloc();
FORWARD SEGMENT *newsegment();
+ LVAL _nnode;
+ FIXTYPE _tfixed;
+ int _tint;
+ #define newnode(type) (((_nnode = fnodes) != NIL) ? \
+ ((fnodes = cdr(_nnode)), \
+ nfree--, \
+ (_nnode->n_type = type), \
+ rplacd(_nnode,NIL), \
+ _nnode) \
+ : (_nnode = Newnode(type)))
/* cons - construct a new cons node */
LVAL cons(x,y)
LVAL x,y;
*** 129,140 ****
/* cvfixnum - convert an integer to a fixnum node */
! LVAL cvfixnum(n)
LVAL val;
- if (n >= SFIXMIN && n <= SFIXMAX)
- return (&fixseg->sg_nodes[(int)n-SFIXMIN]);
val = newnode(FIXNUM);
val->n_fixnum = n;
return (val);
--- 142,151 ----
/* cvfixnum - convert an integer to a fixnum node */
! LVAL Cvfixnum(n)
LVAL val;
val = newnode(FIXNUM);
val->n_fixnum = n;
return (val);
*** 151,157 ****
/* cvchar - convert an integer to a character node */
! LVAL cvchar(n)
int n;
if (n >= CHARMIN && n <= CHARMAX)
--- 162,168 ----
/* cvchar - convert an integer to a character node */
! LVAL Cvchar(n)
int n;
if (n >= CHARMIN && n <= CHARMAX)
*** 180,185 ****
--- 191,225 ----
return (val);
+ #ifdef WINDOWS
+ LVAL newwinobj(size)
+ int size;
+ {
+ LVAL val;
+ val = newnode(WINOBJ);
+ if (size > 0) {
+ xlprot1(val);
+ if ((val->n_winobj = xldcalloc(1,size)) == NULL) {
+ findmem();
+ if ((val->n_winobj = xldcalloc(1,size)) == NULL)
+ xlfail("insufficient memory");
+ }
+ xlpop();
+ }
+ else val->n_winobj = NULL;
+ return(val);
+ }
+ LVAL cvwinobj(p)
+ char *p;
+ {
+ LVAL val;
+ val = newnode(WINOBJ);
+ val->n_winobj = p;
+ return(val);
+ }
+ #endif
/* newclosure - allocate and initialize a new closure */
LVAL newclosure(name,type,env,fenv)
LVAL name,type,env,fenv;
*** 204,212 ****
vect = newnode(VECTOR);
vect->n_vsize = 0;
if (bsize = size * sizeof(LVAL)) {
! if ((vect->n_vdata = (LVAL *)calloc(1,bsize)) == NULL) {
! if ((vect->n_vdata = (LVAL *)calloc(1,bsize)) == NULL)
xlfail("insufficient vector space");
vect->n_vsize = size;
--- 244,252 ----
vect = newnode(VECTOR);
vect->n_vsize = 0;
if (bsize = size * sizeof(LVAL)) {
! if ((vect->n_vdata = (LVAL *)xldcalloc(1,bsize)) == NULL) {
! if ((vect->n_vdata = (LVAL *)xldcalloc(1,bsize)) == NULL)
xlfail("insufficient vector space");
vect->n_vsize = size;
*** 217,223 ****
/* newnode - allocate a new node */
! LOCAL LVAL newnode(type)
int type;
LVAL nnode;
--- 257,263 ----
/* newnode - allocate a new node */
! LVAL Newnode(type)
int type;
LVAL nnode;
*** 248,256 ****
unsigned char *sptr;
/* allocate memory for the string copy */
! if ((sptr = (unsigned char *)malloc(size)) == NULL) {
! if ((sptr = (unsigned char *)malloc(size)) == NULL)
xlfail("insufficient string space");
total += (long)size;
--- 288,296 ----
unsigned char *sptr;
/* allocate memory for the string copy */
! if ((sptr = (unsigned char *)xldmalloc(size)) == NULL) {
! if ((sptr = (unsigned char *)xldmalloc(size)) == NULL)
xlfail("insufficient string space");
total += (long)size;
*** 330,336 ****
LVAL ptr;
register LVAL this,prev,tmp;
! int type,i,n;
/* initialize */
prev = NIL;
--- 370,376 ----
LVAL ptr;
register LVAL this,prev,tmp;
! register int i,n;
/* initialize */
prev = NIL;
*** 340,380 ****
for (;;) {
/* descend as far as we can */
! while (!(this->n_flags & MARK))
/* check cons and symbol nodes */
! if ((type = ntype(this)) == CONS) {
! if (tmp = car(this)) {
! this->n_flags |= MARK|LEFT;
! rplaca(this,prev);
! }
! else if (tmp = cdr(this)) {
! this->n_flags |= MARK;
! }
! else { /* both sides nil */
! this->n_flags |= MARK;
! }
! prev = this; /* step down the branch */
! this = tmp;
! }
! /* mark other node types */
else {
! this->n_flags |= MARK;
! switch (type) {
! case SYMBOL:
! case OBJECT:
! case VECTOR:
! case CLOSURE:
! for (i = 0, n = getsize(this); --n >= 0; ++i)
! if (tmp = getelement(this,i))
! mark(tmp);
! break;
! }
! break;
! }
/* backup to a point where we can continue descending */
for (;;)
--- 380,409 ----
for (;;) {
/* descend as far as we can */
! while (!(this->n_type & MARK))
/* check cons and symbol nodes */
! if ((i = (this->n_type |= MARK) & TYPEFIELD) == CONS) {
! if (tmp = car(this)) {
! this->n_type |= LEFT;
! rplaca(this,prev);}
! else if (tmp = cdr(this))
! else /* both sides nil */
! prev = this; /* step down the branch */
! this = tmp;
! }
else {
! if ((i & ARRAY) != 0)
! for (i = 0, n = getsize(this); i < n;)
! if (tmp = getelement(this,i++))
! if ((tmp->n_type & (ARRAY|MARK)) == ARRAY ||
! tmp->n_type == CONS)
! mark(tmp);
! else tmp->n_type |= MARK;
! break;
! }
/* backup to a point where we can continue descending */
for (;;)
*** 381,388 ****
/* make sure there is a previous node */
if (prev) {
! if (prev->n_flags & LEFT) { /* came from left side */
! prev->n_flags &= ~LEFT;
tmp = car(prev);
if (this = cdr(prev)) {
--- 410,417 ----
/* make sure there is a previous node */
if (prev) {
! if (prev->n_type & LEFT) { /* came from left side */
! prev->n_type &= ~LEFT;
tmp = car(prev);
if (this = cdr(prev)) {
*** 399,406 ****
/* no previous node, must be done */
! else
! return;
--- 428,434 ----
/* no previous node, must be done */
! else return;
*** 407,434 ****
/* sweep - sweep all unmarked nodes and add them to the free list */
LOCAL sweep()
! SEGMENT *seg;
! LVAL p;
! int n;
- /* empty the free list */
fnodes = NIL;
! nfree = 0L;
/* add all unmarked nodes */
for (seg = segs; seg; seg = seg->sg_next) {
! if (seg == fixseg) /* don't sweep the fixnum segment */
- else if (seg == charseg) /* don't sweep the character segment */
- continue;
p = &seg->sg_nodes[0];
! for (n = seg->sg_size; --n >= 0; ++p)
! if (!(p->n_flags & MARK)) {
switch (ntype(p)) {
case STRING:
if (getstring(p) != NULL) {
total -= (long)getslength(p);
! free(getstring(p));
case STREAM:
--- 435,463 ----
/* sweep - sweep all unmarked nodes and add them to the free list */
LOCAL sweep()
! register SEGMENT *seg;
! register LVAL p;
! register int n;
fnodes = NIL;
! nfree = 0l;
/* add all unmarked nodes */
for (seg = segs; seg; seg = seg->sg_next) {
! if (seg == fixseg || seg == charseg)
! /* don't sweep the fixed segments */
p = &seg->sg_nodes[0];
! for (n = seg->sg_size; --n >= 0;)
! if (p->n_type & MARK)
! (p++)->n_type &= ~MARK;
! else {
switch (ntype(p)) {
case STRING:
if (getstring(p) != NULL) {
total -= (long)getslength(p);
! /* Using getstring here breaks VMEM (JonnyG) */
! xldfree(p->n_string);
case STREAM:
*** 435,440 ****
--- 464,474 ----
if (getfile(p))
+ #ifdef WINDOWS
+ case WINOBJ:
+ free_winobj(p);
+ break;
+ #endif
case SYMBOL:
case OBJECT:
case VECTOR:
*** 441,447 ****
if (p->n_vsize) {
total -= (long) (p->n_vsize * sizeof(LVAL));
! free(p->n_vdata);
--- 475,481 ----
if (p->n_vsize) {
total -= (long) (p->n_vsize * sizeof(LVAL));
! xldfree(p->n_vdata);
*** 448,458 ****
p->n_type = FREE;
! fnodes = p;
! nfree += 1L;
- else
- p->n_flags &= ~MARK;
--- 482,490 ----
p->n_type = FREE;
! fnodes = p++;
! nfree++;
*** 485,491 ****
SEGMENT *newseg;
/* allocate the new segment */
! if ((newseg = (SEGMENT *)calloc(1,segsize(n))) == NULL)
return (NULL);
/* initialize the new segment */
--- 517,524 ----
SEGMENT *newseg;
/* allocate the new segment */
! if ((newseg = (SEGMENT *)xlcalloc(1,segsize(n))) == NULL)
return (NULL);
/* initialize the new segment */
*** 666,677 ****
s_gcflag = s_gchook = NIL;
/* allocate the evaluation stack */
! if ((xlstkbase = (LVAL **)malloc(EDEPTH * sizeof(LVAL *))) == NULL)
xlfatal("insufficient memory");
xlstack = xlstktop = xlstkbase + EDEPTH;
/* allocate the argument stack */
! if ((xlargstkbase = (LVAL *)malloc(ADEPTH * sizeof(LVAL))) == NULL)
xlfatal("insufficient memory");
xlargstktop = xlargstkbase + ADEPTH;
xlfp = xlsp = xlargstkbase;
--- 699,710 ----
s_gcflag = s_gchook = NIL;
/* allocate the evaluation stack */
! if ((xlstkbase = (LVAL **)xlmalloc(EDEPTH * sizeof(LVAL *))) == NULL)
xlfatal("insufficient memory");
xlstack = xlstktop = xlstkbase + EDEPTH;
/* allocate the argument stack */
! if ((xlargstkbase = (LVAL *)xlmalloc(ADEPTH * sizeof(LVAL))) == NULL)
xlfatal("insufficient memory");
xlargstktop = xlargstkbase + ADEPTH;
xlfp = xlsp = xlargstkbase;
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xldmem.h ../xlisp/xldmem.h
*** ../xlisp.org/xldmem.h Sun May 7 22:25:47 1989
--- ../xlisp/xldmem.h Wed Apr 5 16:45:38 1989
*** 13,21 ****
#define CHARMAX 255
#define CHARSIZE 256
- /* new node access macros */
- #define ntype(x) ((x)->n_type)
/* cons access macros */
#define car(x) ((x)->n_car)
#define cdr(x) ((x)->n_cdr)
--- 13,18 ----
*** 23,72 ****
#define rplacd(x,y) ((x)->n_cdr = (y))
/* symbol access macros */
! #define getvalue(x) ((x)->n_vdata[0])
! #define setvalue(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[0] = (v))
! #define getfunction(x) ((x)->n_vdata[1])
! #define setfunction(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[1] = (v))
! #define getplist(x) ((x)->n_vdata[2])
! #define setplist(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[2] = (v))
! #define getpname(x) ((x)->n_vdata[3])
! #define setpname(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[3] = (v))
#define SYMSIZE 4
/* closure access macros */
! #define getname(x) ((x)->n_vdata[0])
! #define setname(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[0] = (v))
! #define gettype(x) ((x)->n_vdata[1])
! #define settype(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[1] = (v))
! #define getargs(x) ((x)->n_vdata[2])
! #define setargs(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[2] = (v))
! #define getoargs(x) ((x)->n_vdata[3])
! #define setoargs(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[3] = (v))
! #define getrest(x) ((x)->n_vdata[4])
! #define setrest(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[4] = (v))
! #define getkargs(x) ((x)->n_vdata[5])
! #define setkargs(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[5] = (v))
! #define getaargs(x) ((x)->n_vdata[6])
! #define setaargs(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[6] = (v))
! #define getbody(x) ((x)->n_vdata[7])
! #define setbody(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[7] = (v))
! #define getenv(x) ((x)->n_vdata[8])
! #define setenv(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[8] = (v))
! #define getfenv(x) ((x)->n_vdata[9])
! #define setfenv(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[9] = (v))
! #define getlambda(x) ((x)->n_vdata[10])
! #define setlambda(x,v) ((x)->n_vdata[10] = (v))
#define CLOSIZE 11
/* vector access macros */
#define getsize(x) ((x)->n_vsize)
! #define getelement(x,i) ((x)->n_vdata[i])
! #define setelement(x,i,v) ((x)->n_vdata[i] = (v))
/* object access macros */
! #define getclass(x) ((x)->n_vdata[0])
! #define getivar(x,i) ((x)->n_vdata[i+1])
! #define setivar(x,i,v) ((x)->n_vdata[i+1] = (v))
/* subr/fsubr access macros */
#define getsubr(x) ((x)->n_subr)
--- 20,69 ----
#define rplacd(x,y) ((x)->n_cdr = (y))
/* symbol access macros */
! #define getvalue(x) (ACESSV(x,0))
! #define setvalue(x,v) (ACESSV(x,0) = (v))
! #define getfunction(x) (ACESSV(x,1))
! #define setfunction(x,v) (ACESSV(x,1) = (v))
! #define getplist(x) (ACESSV(x,2))
! #define setplist(x,v) (ACESSV(x,2) = (v))
! #define getpname(x) (ACESSV(x,3))
! #define setpname(x,v) (ACESSV(x,3) = (v))
#define SYMSIZE 4
/* closure access macros */
! #define getname(x) (ACESSV(x,0))
! #define setname(x,v) (ACESSV(x,0) = (v))
! #define gettype(x) (ACESSV(x,1))
! #define settype(x,v) (ACESSV(x,1) = (v))
! #define getargs(x) (ACESSV(x,2))
! #define setargs(x,v) (ACESSV(x,2) = (v))
! #define getoargs(x) (ACESSV(x,3))
! #define setoargs(x,v) (ACESSV(x,3) = (v))
! #define getrest(x) (ACESSV(x,4))
! #define setrest(x,v) (ACESSV(x,4) = (v))
! #define getkargs(x) (ACESSV(x,5))
! #define setkargs(x,v) (ACESSV(x,5) = (v))
! #define getaargs(x) (ACESSV(x,6))
! #define setaargs(x,v) (ACESSV(x,6) = (v))
! #define getbody(x) (ACESSV(x,7))
! #define setbody(x,v) (ACESSV(x,7) = (v))
! #define getenv(x) (ACESSV(x,8))
! #define setenv(x,v) (ACESSV(x,8) = (v))
! #define getfenv(x) (ACESSV(x,9))
! #define setfenv(x,v) (ACESSV(x,9) = (v))
! #define getlambda(x) (ACESSV(x,10))
! #define setlambda(x,v) (ACESSV(x,10) = (v))
#define CLOSIZE 11
/* vector access macros */
#define getsize(x) ((x)->n_vsize)
! #define getelement(x,i) (ACESSV(x,i))
! #define setelement(x,i,v) (ACESSV(x,i) = (v))
/* object access macros */
! #define getclass(x) (ACESSV(x,0))
! #define getivar(x,i) (ACESSV(x,i+1))
! #define setivar(x,i,v) (ACESSV(x,i+1) = (v))
/* subr/fsubr access macros */
#define getsubr(x) ((x)->n_subr)
*** 78,84 ****
#define getchcode(x) ((x)->n_chcode)
/* string access macros */
! #define getstring(x) ((x)->n_string)
#define getslength(x) ((x)->n_strlen)
/* file stream access macros */
--- 75,81 ----
#define getchcode(x) ((x)->n_chcode)
/* string access macros */
! #define getstring(x) (ACESSS((x)->n_string))
#define getslength(x) ((x)->n_strlen)
/* file stream access macros */
*** 93,114 ****
#define gettail(x) ((x)->n_cdr)
#define settail(x,v) ((x)->n_cdr = (v))
/* node types */
#define FREE 0
#define SUBR 1
#define FSUBR 2
#define CONS 3
! #define SYMBOL 4
! #define FIXNUM 5
! #define FLONUM 6
! #define STRING 7
! #define OBJECT 8
! #define STREAM 9
! #define VECTOR 10
! #define CLOSURE 11
! #define CHAR 12
! #define USTREAM 13
/* subr/fsubr node */
#define n_subr n_info.n_xsubr.xs_subr
#define n_offset n_info.n_xsubr.xs_offset
--- 90,121 ----
#define gettail(x) ((x)->n_cdr)
#define settail(x,v) ((x)->n_cdr = (v))
+ #define getwinobj(x) (ACESSS((x)->n_winobj))
+ #define setwinobj(x,v) ((x)->n_winobj = (v))
/* node types */
#define FREE 0
+ #define SYMBOL 17
+ #define OBJECT 18
+ #define VECTOR 19
+ #define CLOSURE 20
#define SUBR 1
#define FSUBR 2
#define CONS 3
! #define FIXNUM 4
! #define FLONUM 5
! #define STRING 6
! #define STREAM 7
! #define CHAR 8
! #define USTREAM 9
! #define WINOBJ 10
+ #define ARRAY 16
+ #define TYPEFIELD 0x1f
+ /* new node access macros */
+ #define ntype(x) ((x)->n_type & TYPEFIELD)
/* subr/fsubr node */
#define n_subr n_info.n_xsubr.xs_subr
#define n_offset n_info.n_xsubr.xs_offset
*** 137,146 ****
#define n_vsize n_info.n_xvector.xv_size
#define n_vdata n_info.n_xvector.xv_data
/* node structure */
typedef struct node {
char n_type; /* type of node */
- char n_flags; /* flag bits */
union ninfo { /* value */
struct xsubr { /* subr/fsubr node */
struct node *(*xs_subr)(); /* function pointer */
--- 144,155 ----
#define n_vsize n_info.n_xvector.xv_size
#define n_vdata n_info.n_xvector.xv_data
+ /* window/font node */
+ #define n_winobj n_info.n_xwinobj.xw_ptr
/* node structure */
typedef struct node {
char n_type; /* type of node */
union ninfo { /* value */
struct xsubr { /* subr/fsubr node */
struct node *(*xs_subr)(); /* function pointer */
*** 171,176 ****
--- 180,188 ----
int xv_size; /* vector size */
struct node **xv_data; /* vector data */
} n_xvector;
+ struct xwinobj { /* window/font object */
+ char *xw_ptr; /* Generic structure pointer */
+ } n_xwinobj;
} n_info;
} *LVAL;
*** 187,195 ****
extern LVAL cvstring(); /* convert a string */
extern LVAL cvfile(); /* convert a FILE * to a file */
extern LVAL cvsubr(); /* convert a function to a subr/fsubr */
! extern LVAL cvfixnum(); /* convert a fixnum */
extern LVAL cvflonum(); /* convert a flonum */
! extern LVAL cvchar(); /* convert a character */
extern LVAL newstring(); /* create a new string */
extern LVAL newvector(); /* create a new vector */
--- 199,207 ----
extern LVAL cvstring(); /* convert a string */
extern LVAL cvfile(); /* convert a FILE * to a file */
extern LVAL cvsubr(); /* convert a function to a subr/fsubr */
! extern LVAL Cvfixnum(); /* convert a fixnum */
extern LVAL cvflonum(); /* convert a flonum */
! extern LVAL Cvchar(); /* convert a character */
extern LVAL newstring(); /* create a new string */
extern LVAL newvector(); /* create a new vector */
*** 196,198 ****
--- 208,249 ----
extern LVAL newobject(); /* create a new object */
extern LVAL newclosure(); /* create a new closure */
extern LVAL newustream(); /* create a new unnamed stream */
+ /* Speed ups, reduce function calls for fixed characters and numbers */
+ /* Speed is exeptionaly noticed on machines with large a instruction cache */
+ /* No size effects here (JonnyG) */
+ extern SEGMENT *fixseg,*charseg;
+ extern FIXTYPE _tfixed;
+ extern int _tint;
+ #define cvfixnum(n) ((_tfixed = n), \
+ ((_tfixed > SFIXMIN && _tfixed < SFIXMAX) ? \
+ &fixseg->sg_nodes[(int)_tfixed-SFIXMIN] : \
+ Cvfixnum(_tfixed)))
+ #define cvchar(c) ((_tint = c), \
+ ((_tint >= CHARMIN && _tint <= CHARMIN) ? \
+ &charseg->sg_nodes[_tint-CHARMIN] : \
+ Cvchar(_tint)))
+ extern char *xldmalloc();
+ extern char *xldcalloc();
+ #ifdef VMEM
+ extern char *vload();
+ extern unsigned char *vaccess();
+ #define ACESSV(x,i) (((LVAL *)vaccess((x)->n_vdata))[i])
+ #define ACESSS(x) (vaccess(x))
+ #else
+ #define xlfcalloc xlcalloc
+ #define ACESSV(x,i) (x)->n_vdata[i]
+ #define ACESSS(x) x
+ #endif
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlfio.c ../xlisp/xlfio.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlfio.c Sun May 7 22:25:52 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlfio.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:27 1989
*** 349,355 ****
/* copy the substring into the stream */
for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
! xlputc(val,str[i]);
/* restore the stack */
--- 349,355 ----
/* copy the substring into the stream */
for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
! xlputc(val,getstring(string) + i);
/* restore the stack */
*** 450,456 ****
LOCAL LVAL getstroutput(stream)
LVAL stream;
! unsigned char *str;
LVAL next,val;
int len,ch;
--- 450,456 ----
LOCAL LVAL getstroutput(stream)
LVAL stream;
! int i;
LVAL next,val;
int len,ch;
*** 462,471 ****
val = newstring(len + 1);
/* copy the characters into the new string */
! str = getstring(val);
while ((ch = xlgetc(stream)) != EOF)
! *str++ = ch;
! *str = '\0';
/* return the string */
return (val);
--- 462,471 ----
val = newstring(len + 1);
/* copy the characters into the new string */
! i = 0;
while ((ch = xlgetc(stream)) != EOF)
! getstring(val)[i++] = ch;
! getstring(val)[i] = '\0';
/* return the string */
return (val);
From sce!mitel!uunet!lll-winken!ames!haven!umd5!jonnyg Tue May 23 15:37:32 EDT 1989
Article: 92 of comp.lang.lisp.x
Path: cognos!sce!mitel!uunet!lll-winken!ames!haven!umd5!jonnyg
From: jonnyg@umd5.umd.edu (Jon Greenblatt)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp.x
Subject: Xlisp 2.0 speedups (Part 2 of 3)
Message-ID: <4913@umd5.umd.edu>
Date: 18 May 89 16:59:37 GMT
Reply-To: jonnyg@umd5.umd.edu (Jon Greenblatt)
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 913
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlftab.c ../xlisp/xlftab.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlftab.c Sun May 7 22:25:54 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlftab.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:28 1989
*** 11,17 ****
! rmlpar(),rmrpar(),rmsemi(),
--- 11,17 ----
! rmlpar(),rmrpar(),rmlbrace(),rmrbrace(),rmsemi(),
*** 70,76 ****
! xtrace(),xuntrace();
/* functions specific to xldmem.c */
LVAL xgc(),xexpand(),xalloc(),xmem();
--- 70,76 ----
! xtrace(),xuntrace(),xcopyarray();
/* functions specific to xldmem.c */
LVAL xgc(),xexpand(),xalloc(),xmem();
*** 90,96 ****
/* the function table */
FUNDEF funtab[] = {
/* read macro functions */
{ NULL, S, rmhash }, /* 0 */
{ NULL, S, rmquote }, /* 1 */
--- 90,95 ----
*** 100,107 ****
{ NULL, S, rmlpar }, /* 5 */
{ NULL, S, rmrpar }, /* 6 */
{ NULL, S, rmsemi }, /* 7 */
! { NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 8 */
! { NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 9 */
/* methods */
{ NULL, S, clnew }, /* 10 */
--- 99,106 ----
{ NULL, S, rmlpar }, /* 5 */
{ NULL, S, rmrpar }, /* 6 */
{ NULL, S, rmsemi }, /* 7 */
! { NULL, S, rmlbrace }, /* 8 */
! { NULL, S, rmrbrace }, /* 9 */
/* methods */
{ NULL, S, clnew }, /* 10 */
*** 426,432 ****
{ "SORT", S, xsort }, /* 284 */
/* extra table entries */
! { NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 285 */
{ NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 286 */
{ NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 287 */
{ NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 288 */
--- 425,431 ----
{ "SORT", S, xsort }, /* 284 */
/* extra table entries */
! { "COPY-ARRAY", S, xcopyarray }, /* 285 */
{ NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 286 */
{ NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 287 */
{ NULL, S, xnotimp }, /* 288 */
*** 447,453 ****
{0,0,0} /* end of table marker */
! };
/* xnotimp - function table entries that are currently not implemented */
LOCAL LVAL xnotimp()
--- 446,452 ----
{0,0,0} /* end of table marker */
! };
/* xnotimp - function table entries that are currently not implemented */
LOCAL LVAL xnotimp()
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlglob.c ../xlisp/xlglob.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlglob.c Sun May 7 22:25:55 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlglob.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:28 1989
*** 22,27 ****
--- 22,28 ----
LVAL s_1plus=NIL,s_2plus=NIL,s_3plus=NIL;
LVAL s_1star=NIL,s_2star=NIL,s_3star=NIL;
LVAL s_minus=NIL,s_printcase=NIL;
+ LVAL s_send=NIL,s_sendsuper=NIL;
/* keywords */
LVAL k_test=NIL,k_tnot=NIL;
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlimage.c ../xlisp/xlimage.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlimage.c Sun May 7 22:25:57 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlimage.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:28 1989
*** 22,28 ****
/* external procedures */
extern SEGMENT *newsegment();
extern FILE *osbopen();
! extern char *malloc();
/* forward declarations */
OFFTYPE readptr();
--- 22,28 ----
/* external procedures */
extern SEGMENT *newsegment();
extern FILE *osbopen();
! extern char *xlmalloc();
/* forward declarations */
OFFTYPE readptr();
*** 170,176 ****
p = cviptr(off);
p->n_type = type;
- p->n_flags = 0;
off += 2;
--- 170,175 ----
*** 192,198 ****
case VECTOR:
max = getsize(p);
! if ((p->n_vdata = (LVAL *)malloc(max * sizeof(LVAL))) == NULL)
xlfatal("insufficient memory - vector");
total += (long)(max * sizeof(LVAL));
for (i = 0; i < max; ++i)
--- 191,197 ----
case VECTOR:
max = getsize(p);
! if ((p->n_vdata = (LVAL *)xlmalloc(max * sizeof(LVAL))) == NULL)
xlfatal("insufficient memory - vector");
total += (long)(max * sizeof(LVAL));
for (i = 0; i < max; ++i)
*** 200,206 ****
case STRING:
max = getslength(p);
! if ((p->n_string = (unsigned char *)malloc(max)) == NULL)
xlfatal("insufficient memory - string");
total += (long)max;
for (cp = getstring(p); --max >= 0; )
--- 199,205 ----
case STRING:
max = getslength(p);
! if ((p->n_string = (unsigned char *)xlmalloc(max)) == NULL)
xlfatal("insufficient memory - string");
total += (long)max;
for (cp = getstring(p); --max >= 0; )
*** 247,257 ****
case VECTOR:
if (p->n_vsize)
! free(p->n_vdata);
case STRING:
if (getslength(p))
! free(getstring(p));
case STREAM:
if ((fp = getfile(p)) && (fp != stdin && fp != stdout))
--- 246,256 ----
case VECTOR:
if (p->n_vsize)
! xlfree(p->n_vdata);
case STRING:
if (getslength(p))
! xlfree(getstring(p));
case STREAM:
if ((fp = getfile(p)) && (fp != stdin && fp != stdout))
*** 259,265 ****
next = seg->sg_next;
! free(seg);
--- 258,264 ----
next = seg->sg_next;
! xlfree(seg);
*** 302,308 ****
char *p = (char *)&node->n_info;
int n = sizeof(union ninfo);
node->n_type = type;
- node->n_flags = 0;
while (--n >= 0)
*p++ = osbgetc(fp);
--- 301,306 ----
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlinit.c ../xlisp/xlinit.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlinit.c Sun May 7 22:25:59 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlinit.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:29 1989
*** 27,32 ****
--- 27,33 ----
extern LVAL a_fixnum,a_flonum,a_string,a_stream,a_object;
extern LVAL a_vector,a_closure,a_char,a_ustream;
extern LVAL s_gcflag,s_gchook;
+ extern LVAL s_send,s_sendsuper;
extern FUNDEF funtab[];
/* xlinit - xlisp initialization routine */
*** 106,111 ****
--- 107,114 ----
s_eql = xlenter("EQL");
s_ifmt = xlenter("*INTEGER-FORMAT*");
s_ffmt = xlenter("*FLOAT-FORMAT*");
+ s_send = xlenter("SEND");
+ s_sendsuper = xlenter("SEND-SUPER");
/* symbols set by the read-eval-print loop */
s_1plus = xlenter("+");
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlisp.c ../xlisp/xlisp.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlisp.c Sun May 7 22:26:02 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlisp.c Thu Apr 6 10:06:46 1989
*** 6,12 ****
#include "xlisp.h"
/* define the banner line string */
! #define BANNER "XLISP version 2.0, Copyright (c) 1988, by David Betz"
/* global variables */
jmp_buf top_level;
--- 6,12 ----
#include "xlisp.h"
/* define the banner line string */
! #define BANNER "XLISP version 2.0w, Copyright (c) 1988, by David Betz"
/* global variables */
jmp_buf top_level;
*** 52,60 ****
/* initialize and print the banner line */
/* setup initialization error handler */
if (setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf))
--- 52,63 ----
+ #ifdef X11
+ parse_args(&argc,argv);
+ #endif
/* initialize and print the banner line */
/* setup initialization error handler */
if (setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf))
*** 61,67 ****
xlfatal("fatal initialization error");
if (setjmp(top_level))
xlfatal("RESTORE not allowed during initialization");
/* initialize xlisp */
--- 64,69 ----
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlisp.h ../xlisp/xlisp.h
*** ../xlisp.org/xlisp.h Sun May 7 22:26:12 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlisp.h Wed Apr 5 16:23:51 1989
*** 4,10 ****
Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
/* system specific definitions */
! /* #define UNIX */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
--- 4,11 ----
Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
/* system specific definitions */
! #define X11
! /* #define ADEBUG */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
*** 24,29 ****
--- 25,35 ----
/* OFFTYPE number the size of an address (int) */
/* for the BSD 4.3 system. Might work for AT&T garbage */
+ #ifdef X11
+ #define UNIX
+ #define WINDOWS
+ #endif
#ifdef UNIX
#define NNODES 2000
*** 82,87 ****
--- 88,105 ----
#define OFFTYPE long
+ #ifdef MSW
+ #define NNODES 1000
+ #define AFMT "%lx"
+ #define OFFTYPE long
+ #define WINDOWS
+ #define VMEM
+ #define MSC
+ #define xlmalloc WMalloc
+ #define xlcalloc WCalloc
+ #define xlfree WFree
+ #endif
/* for the Mark Williams C compiler - Atari ST */
#ifdef MWC
#define AFMT "%lx"
*** 148,153 ****
--- 166,176 ----
#ifndef UCHAR
#define UCHAR unsigned char
+ #ifndef xlmalloc
+ #define xlmalloc malloc
+ #define xlcalloc calloc
+ #define xlfree free
+ #endif
/* useful definitions */
#define TRUE 1
*** 160,166 ****
#include "xldmem.h"
/* program limits */
! #define STRMAX 100 /* maximum length of a string constant */
#define HSIZE 199 /* symbol hash table size */
#define SAMPLE 100 /* control character sample rate */
--- 183,189 ----
#include "xldmem.h"
/* program limits */
! #define STRMAX 512 /* maximum length of a string constant */
#define HSIZE 199 /* symbol hash table size */
#define SAMPLE 100 /* control character sample rate */
*** 173,178 ****
--- 196,203 ----
#define FT_RMLPAR 5
#define FT_RMRPAR 6
#define FT_RMSEMI 7
+ #define FT_RMLBRACE 8
+ #define FT_RMRBRACE 9
#define FT_CLNEW 10
#define FT_CLISNEW 11
#define FT_CLANSWER 12
*** 179,191 ****
#define FT_OBISNEW 13
#define FT_OBCLASS 14
#define FT_OBSHOW 15
/* macro to push a value onto the argument stack */
#define pusharg(x) {if (xlsp >= xlargstktop) xlargstkoverflow();\
! *xlsp++ = (x);}
/* macros to protect pointers */
! #define xlstkcheck(n) {if (xlstack - (n) < xlstkbase) xlstkoverflow();}
#define xlsave(n) {*--xlstack = &n; n = NIL;}
#define xlprotect(n) {*--xlstack = &n;}
--- 204,216 ----
#define FT_OBISNEW 13
#define FT_OBCLASS 14
#define FT_OBSHOW 15
/* macro to push a value onto the argument stack */
#define pusharg(x) {if (xlsp >= xlargstktop) xlargstkoverflow();\
! *(xlsp++) = (x);}
/* macros to protect pointers */
! #define xlstkcheck(n) {if ((xlstack - (n)) < xlstkbase) xlstkoverflow();}
#define xlsave(n) {*--xlstack = &n; n = NIL;}
#define xlprotect(n) {*--xlstack = &n;}
*** 230,235 ****
--- 255,261 ----
#define ustreamp(x) ((x) && ntype(x) == USTREAM)
#define boundp(x) (getvalue(x) != s_unbound)
#define fboundp(x) (getfunction(x) != s_unbound)
+ #define winobjp(x) ((x) && ntype(x) == WINOBJ)
/* shorthand functions */
#define consa(x) cons(x,NIL)
*** 323,326 ****
/* error reporting functions (don't *really* return at all) */
extern LVAL xltoofew(); /* report "too few arguments" error */
extern LVAL xlbadtype(); /* report "bad argument type" error */
--- 349,351 ----
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlobj.c ../xlisp/xlobj.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlobj.c Sun May 7 22:26:20 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlobj.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:40 1989
*** 41,47 ****
/* xsendsuper - send a message to the superclass of an object */
LVAL xsendsuper()
! LVAL env,p;
for (env = xlenv; env; env = cdr(env))
if ((p = car(env)) && objectp(car(p)))
return (sendmsg(car(p),
--- 41,47 ----
/* xsendsuper - send a message to the superclass of an object */
LVAL xsendsuper()
! register LVAL env,p;
for (env = xlenv; env; env = cdr(env))
if ((p = car(env)) && objectp(car(p)))
return (sendmsg(car(p),
*** 97,104 ****
int xlobgetvalue(pair,sym,pval)
LVAL pair,sym,*pval;
! LVAL cls,names;
! int ivtotal,n;
/* find the instance or class variable */
for (cls = cdr(pair); objectp(cls); cls = getivar(cls,SUPERCLASS)) {
--- 97,104 ----
int xlobgetvalue(pair,sym,pval)
LVAL pair,sym,*pval;
! register LVAL cls,names;
! register int ivtotal,n;
/* find the instance or class variable */
for (cls = cdr(pair); objectp(cls); cls = getivar(cls,SUPERCLASS)) {
*** 133,140 ****
int xlobsetvalue(pair,sym,val)
LVAL pair,sym,val;
! LVAL cls,names;
! int ivtotal,n;
/* find the instance or class variable */
for (cls = cdr(pair); objectp(cls); cls = getivar(cls,SUPERCLASS)) {
--- 133,140 ----
int xlobsetvalue(pair,sym,val)
LVAL pair,sym,val;
! register LVAL cls,names;
! register int ivtotal,n;
/* find the instance or class variable */
for (cls = cdr(pair); objectp(cls); cls = getivar(cls,SUPERCLASS)) {
*** 309,315 ****
LOCAL LVAL sendmsg(obj,cls,sym)
LVAL obj,cls,sym;
! LVAL msg,msgcls,method,val,p;
/* look for the message in the class or superclasses */
for (msgcls = cls; msgcls; ) {
--- 309,316 ----
LOCAL LVAL sendmsg(obj,cls,sym)
LVAL obj,cls,sym;
! LVAL method,val;
! register LVAL msg,msgcls,p;
/* look for the message in the class or superclasses */
for (msgcls = cls; msgcls; ) {
*** 316,322 ****
/* lookup the message in this class */
for (p = getivar(msgcls,MESSAGES); p; p = cdr(p))
! if ((msg = car(p)) && car(msg) == sym)
goto send_message;
/* look in class's superclass */
--- 317,323 ----
/* lookup the message in this class */
for (p = getivar(msgcls,MESSAGES); p; p = cdr(p))
! if ((msg = car(p)) ? car(msg) == sym : 0)
goto send_message;
/* look in class's superclass */
*** 363,369 ****
LOCAL LVAL evmethod(obj,msgcls,method)
LVAL obj,msgcls,method;
! LVAL oldenv,oldfenv,cptr,name,val;
CONTEXT cntxt;
/* protect some pointers */
--- 364,370 ----
LOCAL LVAL evmethod(obj,msgcls,method)
LVAL obj,msgcls,method;
! LVAL oldenv,oldfenv,name,cptr,val;
CONTEXT cntxt;
/* protect some pointers */
*** 420,428 ****
/* listlength - find the length of a list */
LOCAL int listlength(list)
! LVAL list;
! int len;
for (len = 0; consp(list); len++)
list = cdr(list);
return (len);
--- 421,429 ----
/* listlength - find the length of a list */
LOCAL int listlength(list)
! register LVAL list;
! register int len;
for (len = 0; consp(list); len++)
list = cdr(list);
return (len);
*** 470,473 ****
--- 471,473 ----
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlprin.c ../xlisp/xlprin.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlprin.c Sun May 7 22:26:23 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlprin.c Fri May 5 13:35:51 1989
*** 33,38 ****
--- 33,41 ----
case FSUBR:
+ case WINOBJ:
+ putsymbol(fptr,"<Windows object>",flag);
+ break;
case CONS:
for (nptr = vptr; nptr != NIL; nptr = next) {
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlread.c ../xlisp/xlread.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlread.c Sun May 7 22:26:26 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlread.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:41 1989
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,21 ----
extern LVAL s_quote,s_function,s_bquote,s_comma,s_comat;
extern LVAL s_rtable,k_wspace,k_const,k_nmacro,k_tmacro;
extern LVAL k_sescape,k_mescape;
+ extern LVAL s_send, s_sendsuper;
extern char buf[];
/* external routines */
*** 29,35 ****
/* forward declarations */
FORWARD LVAL callmacro();
FORWARD LVAL psymbol(),punintern();
! FORWARD LVAL pnumber(),pquote(),plist(),pvector();
FORWARD LVAL tentry();
/* xlload - load a file of xlisp expressions */
--- 30,36 ----
/* forward declarations */
FORWARD LVAL callmacro();
FORWARD LVAL psymbol(),punintern();
! FORWARD LVAL pnumber(),pquote(),plist(),pmessage(),pvector();
FORWARD LVAL tentry();
/* xlload - load a file of xlisp expressions */
*** 366,371 ****
--- 367,386 ----
return (consa(plist(fptr)));
+ /* rmlbrace - read macro for '{' */
+ LVAL rmlbrace()
+ {
+ LVAL fptr,mch;
+ /* get the file and macro character */
+ fptr = xlgetfile();
+ mch = xlgachar();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* make the return value */
+ return (consa(pmessage(fptr)));
+ }
/* rmrpar - read macro for ')' */
LVAL rmrpar()
*** 372,377 ****
--- 387,398 ----
xlfail("misplaced right paren");
+ /* rmbrace - read macro for '}' */
+ LVAL rmrbrace()
+ {
+ xlfail("misplaced right brace");
+ }
/* rmsemi - read macro for ';' */
LVAL rmsemi()
*** 485,490 ****
--- 506,555 ----
return (val);
+ /* plist - parse a message */
+ LOCAL LVAL pmessage(fptr)
+ LVAL fptr;
+ {
+ LVAL val,expr,lastnptr,nptr;
+ LVAL mess = s_send;
+ /* protect some pointers */
+ xlstkcheck(2);
+ xlsave(val);
+ xlsave(expr);
+ if (nextch(fptr) == '+') { /* Look for super class message */
+ mess = s_sendsuper;
+ xlgetc(fptr);
+ }
+ /* keep appending nodes until a closing paren is found */
+ for (lastnptr = NIL; nextch(fptr) != '}'; )
+ /* get the next expression */
+ if (readone(fptr,&expr) == EOF)
+ badeof(fptr);
+ else {
+ nptr = consa(expr);
+ if (lastnptr == NIL)
+ val = nptr;
+ else
+ rplacd(lastnptr,nptr);
+ lastnptr = nptr;
+ }
+ /* skip the closing bracket */
+ xlgetc(fptr);
+ val = cons(mess,val);
+ /* restore the stack */
+ xlpopn(2);
+ /* return successfully */
+ return (val);
+ }
/* pvector - parse a vector */
LOCAL LVAL pvector(fptr)
LVAL fptr;
*** 807,811 ****
--- 872,878 ----
defmacro('(', k_tmacro,FT_RMLPAR);
defmacro(')', k_tmacro,FT_RMRPAR);
defmacro(';', k_tmacro,FT_RMSEMI);
+ defmacro('{', k_tmacro,FT_RMLBRACE);
+ defmacro('}', k_tmacro,FT_RMRBRACE);
diff -c ../xlisp.org/xlsym.c ../xlisp/xlsym.c
*** ../xlisp.org/xlsym.c Sun May 7 22:26:32 1989
--- ../xlisp/xlsym.c Wed Apr 5 16:18:43 1989
*** 4,10 ****
Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
#include "xlisp.h"
/* external variables */
extern LVAL obarray,s_unbound;
extern LVAL xlenv,xlfenv,xldenv;
--- 4,11 ----
Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
#include "xlisp.h"
! #undef HSIZE
! #define HSIZE 399
/* external variables */
extern LVAL obarray,s_unbound;
extern LVAL xlenv,xlfenv,xldenv;
*** 16,22 ****
LVAL xlenter(name)
char *name;
! LVAL sym,array;
int i;
/* check for nil */
--- 17,24 ----
LVAL xlenter(name)
char *name;
! register LVAL sym,array;
! LVAL sym2;
int i;
/* check for nil */
*** 31,44 ****
return (car(sym));
/* make a new symbol node and link it into the list */
! xlsave1(sym);
! sym = consd(getelement(array,i));
! rplaca(sym,xlmakesym(name));
! setelement(array,i,sym);
/* return the new symbol */
! return (car(sym));
/* xlmakesym - make a new symbol node */
--- 33,45 ----
return (car(sym));
/* make a new symbol node and link it into the list */
! xlsave1(sym2);
! sym2 = consd(getelement(array,i));
! rplaca(sym2,xlmakesym(name));
! setelement(array,i,sym2);
/* return the new symbol */
! return (car(sym2));
/* xlmakesym - make a new symbol node */
*** 68,74 ****
/* xlxgetvalue - get the value of a symbol */
LVAL xlxgetvalue(sym)
! LVAL sym;
register LVAL fp,ep;
LVAL val;
--- 69,75 ----
/* xlxgetvalue - get the value of a symbol */
LVAL xlxgetvalue(sym)
! register LVAL sym;
register LVAL fp,ep;
LVAL val;
*** 95,101 ****
/* xlsetvalue - set the value of a symbol */
! LVAL sym,val;
register LVAL fp,ep;
--- 96,103 ----
/* xlsetvalue - set the value of a symbol */
! register LVAL sym;
! LVAL val;
register LVAL fp,ep;
*** 137,143 ****
/* xlxgetfunction - get the functional value of a symbol */
LVAL xlxgetfunction(sym)
! LVAL sym;
register LVAL fp,ep;
--- 139,145 ----
/* xlxgetfunction - get the functional value of a symbol */
LVAL xlxgetfunction(sym)
! register LVAL sym;
register LVAL fp,ep;
*** 192,198 ****
LVAL sym,prp;
! LVAL last,p;
last = NIL;
for (p = getplist(sym); consp(p) && consp(cdr(p)); p = cdr(last)) {
if (car(p) == prp)
--- 194,200 ----
LVAL sym,prp;
! register LVAL last,p;
last = NIL;
for (p = getplist(sym); consp(p) && consp(cdr(p)); p = cdr(last)) {
if (car(p) == prp)
*** 208,214 ****
LOCAL LVAL findprop(sym,prp)
LVAL sym,prp;
! LVAL p;
for (p = getplist(sym); consp(p) && consp(cdr(p)); p = cdr(cdr(p)))
if (car(p) == prp)
return (cdr(p));
--- 210,216 ----
LOCAL LVAL findprop(sym,prp)
LVAL sym,prp;
! register LVAL p;
for (p = getplist(sym); consp(p) && consp(cdr(p)); p = cdr(cdr(p)))
if (car(p) == prp)
return (cdr(p));
*** 217,226 ****
/* hash - hash a symbol name string */
int hash(str,len)
! char *str;
! int i;
! for (i = 0; *str; )
i = (i << 2) ^ *str++;
i %= len;
return (i < 0 ? -i : i);
--- 219,228 ----
/* hash - hash a symbol name string */
int hash(str,len)
! register char *str;
! register int i = 0;
! while (*str)
i = (i << 2) ^ *str++;
i %= len;
return (i < 0 ? -i : i);