02/13/90 asm.8051 <stauffer@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Kenneth Stauffer)> v10i060: An 8031/8051 Assembler
02/13/90 revcat_db <dennis@virtech.UUCP (Dennis P. Bednar)> v10i061: Backwards cat
02/13/90 config42 <steven@cwi.nl (Steven Pemberton)> v10i062: config.c v4.2, Everything you wanted to know about your C compiler (and more)
02/13/90 man_burst.csh <news@cs.utexas.edu.uucp@@uunet.uu.net:emx.utexas.edu> v10i063: man_burst, csh script to expand multi-name mans via .so references
03/06/90 two-stats/part01 <rsk@oldfield.CS.ColoState.Edu (Rich Kulawiec)> v10i097: Another (two more!) version(s) of stat(1)
03/06/90 tourney/part01 <jack@blind-lemon.cs.unlv.edu> v10i098: source to program to run NCAA basketball tourney
03/09/90 queue-900309/part01 <comp-sources-misc-request@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)> v10INF6: queue of c.s.misc submissions and changes in newsgroup