Usenet 1994 October
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Albers Equal-Area Conic Map Projection
by Paul Bame
from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
* Albers Conic Equal-Area Projection
* Formulae taken from "Map Projections Used by the U.S.
* Geological Survey" Bulletin #1532
* Equation reference numbers and some variable names taken
* from the reference.
* To use, call albers setup() once and then albers_project()
* for each coordinate pair of interest.
#include "GraphicsGems.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
* This is the Clarke 1866 Earth spheroid data which is often
* used by the USGS - there are other spheroids however - see the
* book.
* Earth radii in different units */
#define CONST_EradiusKM (6378.2064) /* Kilometers */
#define CONST_EradiusMI (CONST_EradiusKM/1.609) /* Miles */
#define CONST_Ec (0.082271854) /* Eccentricity */
#define CONST_Ecsq (0.006768658) /* Eccentricity squared */
* To keep things simple, assume Earth radius is 1.0. Projected
* coordinates (X and Y obtained from albers project ()) are
* dimensionless and may be multiplied by any desired radius
* to convert to desired units (usually Kilometers or Miles).
#define CONST_Eradius 1.0
/* Pre-computed variables */
static double middlelon; /* longitude at center of map */
static double bigC, cone_const, r0; /* See the reference */
calc_q_msq(lat, qp, msqp)
double lat;
double *qp;
double *msqp;
* Given latitude, calculate 'q' [eq 3-12]
* if msqp is != NULL, m^2 [eq. 12-15].
double s, c, es;
s = sin(lat);
es = s * CONST_Ec;
*qp = (1.0 - CONST_Ecsq) * ((s / (1 - es * es))-
(1 / (2 * CONST_Ec)) * log((1 - es) / (1 + es)));
if (msqp != NULL)
c = cos(lat);
*msqp = c * c/ (1 - es * es);
albers_setup(southlat, northlat, originlon, originlat)
double southlat, northlat;
double originlon;
double originlat;
* Pre-compute a bunch of variables which are used by the
* albers_project()
* southlat Southern latitude for Albers projection
* northlat Northern latitute for Albers projection
* originlon Longitude for origin of projected map
* originlat Latitude for origin of projected map -
* often (northlat + southlat) / 2
double q1, q2, q0;
double m1sq, m2sq;
middlelon = originlon;
cal_q_msq(southlat, &q1, &m1sq);
cal_q_msq(northlat, &q2, &m2sq);
cal_q_msq(originlat, &q0, NULL);
cone_const = (m1sq - m2sq) / (q2 - q1);
bigC = m1sq + cone_const * q1;
r0 = CONST_Eradius * sqrt(bigC - cone_const *q0) / cone_const;
albers_project(lon, lat, xp, yp)
double lon, lat;
double *xp, *yp;
* Project lon/lat (in radians) according to albers_setup and
* return the results via xp, yp. Units of *xp and *yp are same
* as the units used by CONST_Eradius.
double q, r, theta;
calc_q_msq(lat, &q, NULL);
theta = cone_const * (lon -middlelon);
r = CONST_Eradius * sqrt(bigC - cone_const * q) / cone_const;
*xp = r * sin(theta);
*yp = r0 - r * cos(theta);
* Test value from the USGS book. Because of roundoff, the
* actual values are printed for visual inspection rather
* than guessing what constitutes "close enough".
/* Convert a degress, minutes pair to radians */
#define DEG_MIN2RAD(degrees, minutes) \
((double) ((degrees + minutes / 60.0) * M_PI / 180.0))
#define Nlat DEG_MIN2RAD(29, 30) /* 29 degrees, 30' North Lat */
#define Slat DEG_MIN2RAD(45, 30)
#define Originlat DEG_MIN2RAD(23, 0)
#define Originlon DEG_MIN2RAD(-96, 0) /* West longitude is negative */
#define Testlat DEG_MIN2RAD(35, 0)
#define Testlon DEG_MIN2RAD(-75, 0)
#define TestX 1885.4727
#define TestY 1535.9250
int i;
double x, y;
/* Setup is also from USGS book test set */
albers_setup(Slat, Nlat, Originlon, Originlat);
albers_project(Testlon, Testlat, &x, &y);
printf("%.41f, %.41f =?= %.41f, %.41f/n",
x * CONST_EradiusKM, y * CONST_EradiusKM,
TestX, TestY);
#endif /* TESTPROGRAM */