Usenet 1994 October
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121 lines
/* A Digital Dissolve Effect
by Mike Morton
from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
* Code fragment to advance from one element to the next.
* int reg; /* current sequence element
* reg = 1; /* start in any non-zero state
* if (reg & 1) /* is the bottom bit set?
* reg = (reg >>1) ^ MASK; /* yes: toss out 1 bit; XOR in mask
* else reg = reg >>1; /* no: toss out 0 bit
int randmasks[32]; /* Gotta fill this in yourself. */
dissolve1 (height, width) /* first version of the dissolve /* algorithm */
int height, width; /* number of rows, columns */
int pixels, lastnum; /* number of pixels; */
/* last pixel's number */
int regwidth; /* "width" of sequence generator */
register long mask; /* mask to XOR with to*/
/* create sequence */
register unsigned long element;
/* one element of random sequence */
register int row, column;
/* row and column numbers for a pixel */
/* Find smallest register which produces enough pixel numbers */
pixels = height * width; /* compute number of pixels */
/* to dissolve */
lastnum = pixels-1; /* find last element (they go 0..lastnum) */
regwidth = bitwidth (lastnum); /* how wide must the */
/* register be? */
mask = randmasks [regwidth]; /* which mask is for that width? */
/* Now cycle through all sequence elements. */
element = 1; /* 1st element (could be any nonzero) */
do {
row = element / width; /* how many rows down is this pixel? */
column = element % width; /* and how many columns across? */
if (row < height) /* is this seq element in the array? */
copy (row, column); /* yes: copy the (r,c)'th pixel */
/* Compute the next sequence element */
if (element & 1) /* is the low bit set? */
element = (element >>1)^mask; /* yes: shift value, */
/* XOR in mask */
else element = (element >>1); /* no: just shift the value */
} while (element != 1); /* loop until we return */
/* to original element */
copy (0, 0); /* kludge: the loop doesn't produce (0,0) */
} /* end of dissolve1() */
int bitwidth (N) /* find "bit-width" needed to represent N */
unsigned int N; /* number to compute the width of */
int width = 0; /* initially, no bits needed to represent N */
while (N != 0) { /* loop 'til N has been whittled down to 0 */
N >>= 1; /* shift N right 1 bit (NB: N is unsigned) */
width++; /* and remember how wide N is */
} /* end of loop shrinking N down to nothing *
return (width); /* return bit positions counted */
} /* end of bitwidth() */
dissolve2 (height, width) /* fast version of the dissolve algorithm */
int height, width; /* number of rows, columns */
int rwidth, cwidth; /* bit width for rows, for columns */
int regwidth; /* "width" of sequence generator */
register long mask; /* mask to XOR with to create sequence */
register int rowshift; /* shift distance to get row */
/* from element */
register int colmask; /* mask to extract column from element */
register unsigned long element; /* one element of random */ /* sequence */
register int row, column; /* row and column for one pixel */
/* Find the mask to produce all rows and columns. */
rwidth = bitwidth (height); /* how many bits needed for height? */
cwidth = bitwidth (width); /* how many bits needed for width? */
regwidth = rwidth + cwidth; /* how wide must the register be? */
mask = randmasks [regwidth]; /* which mask is for that width? */
/* Find values to extract row and col numbers from each element. */
rowshift = cwidth; /* find dist to shift to get top bits (row) */
colmask = (1<<cwidth)-1; /* find mask to extract */
/* bottom bits (col) */
/* Now cycle through all sequence elements. */
element = 1; /* 1st element (could be any nonzero) */
do {
row = element >> rowshift; /* find row number for this pixel */
column = element & colmask; /* and how many columns across? */
if ((row < height) /* does element fall in the array? */
&& (column < width)) /* ...must check row AND column */
copy (row, column); /* in bounds: copy the (r,c)'th pixel */
/* Compute the next sequence element */
if (element & 1) /* is the low bit set? */
element = (element >>1)^mask; /* yes: shift value, /*
/* XOR in mask */
else element = (element >>1); /* no: just shift the value */
} while (element != 1); /* loop until we return to */
/* original element */
copy (0, 0); /* kludge: element never comes up zero */
} /* end of dissolve2() */