Usenet 1994 October
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49 lines
Modifications for version 4.1:
o Added -r command line flag to allow recursive compression/
decompression of directory trees. As a side-effect, compress
no longer tries to compress/decompress anything that isn't
a regular file. In particular, it ignores symbolic links.
o zcat no longer cares whether a filename ends in .Z or
not - it relies on the magic number in the file. If zcat
is given a filename that doesn't end with .Z and the file
referenced doesn't exist, zcat will append a .Z and try
to open that instead.
o compress -f will now compress multiply hardlinked files.
Uncompress does not recreate the hard link, it creates
a new file.
o Removed compressdir/uncompressdir - no longer needed.
o Removed atob/btoa/tarmail/untarmail - my versions are
based on btoa 5.2 which is not compatible with the atob
included with compress4.0.
Compress version 4.0 improvements:
o compress() speedup (10-50%) by changing division hash to xor
o decompress() speedup (5-10%)
o Memory requirements reduced (3-30%)
o Stack requirements reduced to less than 4kb
o Removed 'Big+Fast' compress code (FBITS) because of compress speedup
o Portability mods for Z8000 and PC/XT (but not zeus 3.2)
o Default to 'quiet' mode
o Unification of 'force' flags
o Manual page overhaul
o Portability enhancement for M_XENIX
o Removed text on #else and #endif
o Added "-V" switch to print version and options
o Added #defines for SIGNED_COMPARE_SLOW
o Added Makefile and "usermem" program
o Removed all floating point computations
o New programs:
compressdir - compress all files on a directory
uncompressdir - uncompress all files on a directory
zcmp - cmp compressed files
zdiff - diff compressed files
The following are with thanks to philabs!per:
btoa - convert binary to ascii for mailing
atob - convert ascii to binary with checksum
tarmail - tar, compress, btoa, and mail files
untarmail - restore "tarmail" files
WARNING: These last few programs are not compatible
with the original ones from the net. The encoding
has changed. See btoa.c for more info.