Usenet 1994 October
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83 lines
Before installing, make sure you have...
1. The wp2x.c source code.
2. As many *.cfg files as you feel like using.
3. The manual page (wp2x.1l)
4. An ANSI-C compiler. At a minimum, your compiler must understand...
function prototypes
Installation procedure:
0. Decide if you want to have a lib/wp2x directory.
If so, define the preprocessor symbol WP2X_DIR to its name,
including double-quotation marks. The supplied man page
assumes you have chosen the name /usr/local/lib/wp2x.
If you choose a different name, or decide not to install
one, modify the man page accordingly.
1. Read the section titled PORTABILITY CONCERNS in wp2x.c.
Understand it.
If your operating system is not UNIX, MS-DOS,
or the Amiga, also read dopen.c and (if you want) create
a collection of #define's for your operating system, or live
with the `generic' configuration.
2. Compile wp2x.c with whatever compiler switches are necessary
to accomplish what is described in PORTABILITY CONCERNS.
See the file `HINTS' for suggestions. If your operating
system is one of those mentioned above, define the symbol
`UNIX', `MSDOS' or `AMIGA' (respectively) to your preprocessor.
3. Run the torture test by uudecoding torture.uue into torture.wp,
then typing
wp2x ascii.cfg torture.wp >torture.out
It should produce eight warnings.
If torture.out is not identical to torture.chk, find out
why and fix it. (Or complain to the author.)
3. Put the sample *.cfg files in a vaguely obvious place.
Adjust the directory name in the man page to point to that
vaguely obvious place.
4. Put the executable and man page in the places such things are
kept on your system.
* The first WP2X was written in Spring 1989 as a volunteer effort for the
Princeton University Computing and Information Technology Information
Center. (How's that for a mouthful.) People seemed to need to convert
WP4.2 files into other stuff, so I figured, hey, why not just hack one
up? How hard can it be?
It seemed to work fine, for the limited cases thrown at it.
* During Summer 1989, some more control codes were added and a
request for beta testers posted to the net. Response was mild.
* During Summer 1990, yet more control codes were added, and my
beta testers from 1989 seemed to have forgotten about me, so the
testing phase was abandoned.
* During Summer 1991, I made another request for beta testers in
comp.text.tex, and responses was decent. The result of this testing
phase is what you see before you.
Raymond Chen (raymond@math.berkeley.edu, rjc@math.princeton.edu)
This program and its supporting files are Copyright 1991 by
Raymond Chen. You may distribute the program freely, provided
it is distributed in its entirely, including this README file.
Any modifications to the program should be clearly marked as such.