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Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
From: lwall@netlabs.com (Larry Wall)
Subject: v30i033: perl - The perl programming language, Patch22
Message-ID: <1992Jun11.180156.29879@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
X-Md4-Signature: a4f9af2c555f881298a086024a338c39
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1992 18:01:56 GMT
Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
Submitted-by: lwall@netlabs.com (Larry Wall)
Posting-number: Volume 30, Issue 33
Archive-name: perl/patch22
Environment: UNIX, MS-DOS, OS2
Patch-To: perl: Volume 18, Issue 19-54
System: perl version 4.0
Patch #: 22
Priority: highish
Subject: patch #20, continued
See patch #20.
Fix: From rn, say "| patch -p -N -d DIR", where DIR is your perl source
directory. Outside of rn, say "cd DIR; patch -p -N <thisarticle".
If you don't have the patch program, apply the following by hand,
or get patch (version 2.0, latest patchlevel).
After patching:
If patch indicates that patchlevel is the wrong version, you may need
to apply one or more previous patches, or the patch may already
have been applied. See the patchlevel.h file to find out what has or
has not been applied. In any event, don't continue with the patch.
If you are missing previous patches they can be obtained from me:
Larry Wall
If you send a mail message of the following form it will greatly speed
Subject: Command
@SH mailpatch PATH perl 4.0 LIST
^ note the c
where PATH is a return path FROM ME TO YOU either in Internet notation,
or in bang notation from some well-known host, and LIST is the number
of one or more patches you need, separated by spaces, commas, and/or
hyphens. Saying 35- says everything from 35 to the end.
Index: patchlevel.h
Prereq: 21
< #define PATCHLEVEL 21
> #define PATCHLEVEL 22
Index: atarist/atarist.c
*** atarist/atarist.c.old Mon Jun 8 17:35:03 1992
--- atarist/atarist.c Mon Jun 8 17:35:05 1992
*** 0 ****
--- 1,282 ----
+ /*
+ * random stuff for atariST
+ */
+ #include "EXTERN.h"
+ #include "perl.h"
+ /* call back stuff, atari specific stuff below */
+ /* Be sure to refetch the stack pointer after calling these routines. */
+ int
+ callback(subname, sp, gimme, hasargs, numargs)
+ char *subname;
+ int sp; /* stack pointer after args are pushed */
+ int gimme; /* called in array or scalar context */
+ int hasargs; /* whether to create a @_ array for routine */
+ int numargs; /* how many args are pushed on the stack */
+ {
+ static ARG myarg[3]; /* fake syntax tree node */
+ int arglast[3];
+ arglast[2] = sp;
+ sp -= numargs;
+ arglast[1] = sp--;
+ arglast[0] = sp;
+ if (!myarg[0].arg_ptr.arg_str)
+ myarg[0].arg_ptr.arg_str = str_make("",0);
+ myarg[1].arg_type = A_WORD;
+ myarg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab = stabent(subname, FALSE);
+ myarg[2].arg_type = hasargs ? A_EXPR : A_NULL;
+ return do_subr(myarg, gimme, arglast);
+ }
+ int
+ callv(subname, sp, gimme, argv)
+ char *subname;
+ register int sp; /* current stack pointer */
+ int gimme; /* called in array or scalar context */
+ register char **argv; /* null terminated arg list, NULL for no arglist */
+ {
+ register int items = 0;
+ int hasargs = (argv != 0);
+ astore(stack, ++sp, Nullstr); /* reserve spot for 1st return arg */
+ if (hasargs) {
+ while (*argv) {
+ astore(stack, ++sp, str_2mortal(str_make(*argv,0)));
+ items++;
+ argv++;
+ }
+ }
+ return callback(subname, sp, gimme, hasargs, items);
+ }
+ #include <process.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ long _stksize = 64*1024L;
+ unsigned long __DEFAULT_BUFSIZ__ = 4 * 1024L;
+ /*
+ * The following code is based on the do_exec and do_aexec functions
+ * in file doio.c
+ */
+ int
+ do_aspawn(really,arglast)
+ STR *really;
+ int *arglast;
+ {
+ register STR **st = stack->ary_array;
+ register int sp = arglast[1];
+ register int items = arglast[2] - sp;
+ register char **a;
+ char **argv;
+ char *tmps;
+ int status;
+ if (items) {
+ New(1101,argv, items+1, char*);
+ a = argv;
+ for (st += ++sp; items > 0; items--,st++) {
+ if (*st)
+ *a++ = str_get(*st);
+ else
+ *a++ = "";
+ }
+ *a = Nullch;
+ if (really && *(tmps = str_get(really)))
+ status = spawnvp(-P_WAIT,tmps,argv); /* -P_WAIT is a hack, see spawnvp.c in the lib */
+ else
+ status = spawnvp(-P_WAIT,argv[0],argv);
+ Safefree(argv);
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ int
+ do_spawn(cmd)
+ char *cmd;
+ {
+ return system(cmd);
+ }
+ #if 0 /* patchlevel 79 onwards we can */
+ /*
+ * we unfortunately cannot use the super efficient fread/write from the lib
+ */
+ size_t fread(void *data, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *fp)
+ {
+ size_t i, j;
+ unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)data;
+ int c;
+ for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ for(j = 0; j < size; j++)
+ {
+ if((c = getc(fp)) == EOF)
+ return 0;
+ *buf++ = c;
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ size_t fwrite(const void *data, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *fp)
+ {
+ size_t i, j;
+ const unsigned char *buf = (const unsigned char *)data;
+ for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ for(j = 0; j < size; j++)
+ {
+ if(fputc(*buf++, fp) == EOF)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ #endif
+ #ifdef HAS_SYSCALL
+ #define __NO_INLINE__
+ #include <osbind.h> /* must include this for proper protos */
+ /* these must match osbind.pl */
+ #define TRAP_1_W 1
+ #define TRAP_1_WW 2
+ #define TRAP_1_WL 3
+ #define TRAP_1_WLW 4
+ #define TRAP_1_WWW 5
+ #define TRAP_1_WLL 6
+ #define TRAP_1_WWLL 7
+ #define TRAP_1_WLWW 8
+ #define TRAP_1_WWLLL 9
+ #define TRAP_13_W 10
+ #define TRAP_13_WW 11
+ #define TRAP_13_WL 12
+ #define TRAP_13_WWW 13
+ #define TRAP_13_WWL 14
+ #define TRAP_13_WWLWWW 15
+ #define TRAP_14_W 16
+ #define TRAP_14_WW 17
+ #define TRAP_14_WL 18
+ #define TRAP_14_WWW 19
+ #define TRAP_14_WWL 20
+ #define TRAP_14_WWLL 21
+ #define TRAP_14_WLLW 22
+ #define TRAP_14_WLLL 23
+ #define TRAP_14_WWWL 24
+ #define TRAP_14_WWWWL 25
+ #define TRAP_14_WLLWW 26
+ #define TRAP_14_WWWWWWW 27
+ #define TRAP_14_WLLWWWWW 28
+ #define TRAP_14_WLLWWWWLW 29
+ #define TRAP_14_WLLWWWWWLW 30
+ int syscall(trap, fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12 )
+ unsigned long trap, fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12;
+ {
+ /* for now */
+ switch(trap)
+ {
+ case TRAP_1_W:
+ return trap_1_w(fn);
+ case TRAP_1_WW:
+ return trap_1_ww(fn, a1);
+ case TRAP_1_WL:
+ return trap_1_wl(fn, a1);
+ case TRAP_1_WLW:
+ return trap_1_wlw(fn, a1, a2);
+ case TRAP_1_WWW:
+ return trap_1_www(fn, a1, a2);
+ case TRAP_1_WLL:
+ return trap_1_wll(fn, a1, a2);
+ case TRAP_1_WWLL:
+ return trap_1_wwll(fn, a1, a2, a3);
+ case TRAP_1_WLWW:
+ return trap_1_wlww(fn, a1, a2, a3);
+ case TRAP_1_WWLLL:
+ return trap_1_wwlll(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4);
+ case TRAP_13_W:
+ return trap_13_w(fn);
+ case TRAP_13_WW:
+ return trap_13_ww(fn, a1);
+ case TRAP_13_WL:
+ return trap_13_wl(fn, a1);
+ case TRAP_13_WWW:
+ return trap_13_www(fn, a1, a2);
+ case TRAP_13_WWL:
+ return trap_13_wwl(fn, a1, a2);
+ case TRAP_13_WWLWWW:
+ return trap_13_wwlwww(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);
+ case TRAP_14_W:
+ return trap_14_w(fn);
+ case TRAP_14_WW:
+ return trap_14_ww(fn, a1);
+ case TRAP_14_WL:
+ return trap_14_wl(fn, a1);
+ case TRAP_14_WWW:
+ return trap_14_www(fn, a1, a2);
+ case TRAP_14_WWL:
+ return trap_14_wwl(fn, a1, a2);
+ case TRAP_14_WWLL:
+ return trap_14_wwll(fn, a1, a2, a3);
+ case TRAP_14_WLLW:
+ return trap_14_wllw(fn, a1, a2, a3);
+ case TRAP_14_WLLL:
+ return trap_14_wlll(fn, a1, a2, a3);
+ case TRAP_14_WWWL:
+ return trap_14_wwwl(fn, a1, a2, a3);
+ case TRAP_14_WWWWL:
+ return trap_14_wwwwl(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4);
+ case TRAP_14_WLLWW:
+ return trap_14_wllww(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4);
+ case TRAP_14_WWWWWWW:
+ return trap_14_wwwwwww(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
+ case TRAP_14_WLLWWWWW:
+ return trap_14_wllwwwww(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7);
+ return trap_14_wllwwwwlw(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);
+ return trap_14_wllwwwwwlw(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
Index: lib/bigfloat.pl
*** lib/bigfloat.pl.old Mon Jun 8 17:48:39 1992
--- lib/bigfloat.pl Mon Jun 8 17:48:39 1992
*** 1,8 ****
package bigfloat;
require "bigint.pl";
# Arbitrary length float math package
# number format
# canonical strings have the form /[+-]\d+E[+-]\d+/
# Input values can have inbedded whitespace
--- 1,9 ----
package bigfloat;
require "bigint.pl";
# Arbitrary length float math package
+ # by Mark Biggar
+ #
# number format
# canonical strings have the form /[+-]\d+E[+-]\d+/
# Input values can have inbedded whitespace
*** 66,72 ****
# negation
sub main'fneg { #(fnum_str) return fnum_str
local($_) = &'fnorm($_[0]);
! substr($_,0,1) =~ tr/+-/-+/ if ($_ ne '+0E+0'); # flip sign
--- 67,74 ----
# negation
sub main'fneg { #(fnum_str) return fnum_str
local($_) = &'fnorm($_[0]);
! vec($_,0,8) =^ ord('+') ^ ord('-') unless $_ eq '+0E+0'; # flip sign
! s/^H/N/;
*** 73,79 ****
# absolute value
sub main'fabs { #(fnum_str) return fnum_str
local($_) = &'fnorm($_[0]);
! substr($_,0,1) = '+' unless $_ eq 'NaN'; # mash sign
--- 75,81 ----
# absolute value
sub main'fabs { #(fnum_str) return fnum_str
local($_) = &'fnorm($_[0]);
! s/^-/+/; # mash sign
*** 198,215 ****
local($x, $y) = (&'fnorm($_[0]),&'fnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq "NaN" || $y eq "NaN") {
- } elsif ($x eq $y) {
- 0;
- } elsif (ord($x) != ord($y)) {
- (ord($y) - ord($x)); # based on signs
} else {
! local($xm,$xe) = split('E',$x);
! local($ym,$ye) = split('E',$y);
! if ($xe ne $ye) {
! ($xe - $ye) * (substr($x,0,1).'1');
! } else {
! &bigint'cmp($xm,$ym); # based on value
! }
--- 200,212 ----
local($x, $y) = (&'fnorm($_[0]),&'fnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq "NaN" || $y eq "NaN") {
} else {
! ord($y) <=> ord($x)
! ||
! ( local($xm,$xe,$ym,$ye) = split('E', $x."E$y"),
! (($xe <=> $ye) * (substr($x,0,1).'1')
! || &bigint'cmp($xm,$ym))
! );
Index: lib/bigint.pl
*** lib/bigint.pl.old Mon Jun 8 17:48:42 1992
--- lib/bigint.pl Mon Jun 8 17:48:42 1992
*** 138,156 ****
# GCD -- Euclids algorithm Knuth Vol 2 pg 296
sub main'bgcd { #(num_str, num_str) return num_str
local($x,$y) = (&'bnorm($_[0]),&'bnorm($_[1]));
! if ($x eq 'NaN') {
! }
! elsif ($y eq 'NaN') {
! 'NaN';
! }
! else {
($x, $y) = ($y,&'bmod($x,$y)) while $y ne '+0';
! # routine to add two base 100000 numbers
# stolen from Knuth Vol 2 Algorithm A pg 231
# there are separate routines to add and sub as per Kunth pg 233
sub add { #(int_num_array, int_num_array) return int_num_array
--- 138,152 ----
# GCD -- Euclids algorithm Knuth Vol 2 pg 296
sub main'bgcd { #(num_str, num_str) return num_str
local($x,$y) = (&'bnorm($_[0]),&'bnorm($_[1]));
! if ($x eq 'NaN' || $y eq 'NaN') {
! } else {
($x, $y) = ($y,&'bmod($x,$y)) while $y ne '+0';
! # routine to add two base 1e5 numbers
# stolen from Knuth Vol 2 Algorithm A pg 231
# there are separate routines to add and sub as per Kunth pg 233
sub add { #(int_num_array, int_num_array) return int_num_array
*** 158,179 ****
$car = 0;
for $x (@x) {
last unless @y || $car;
! $x -= 100000 if $car = (($x += shift @y + $car) >= 100000);
for $y (@y) {
last unless $car;
! $y -= 100000 if $car = (($y += $car) >= 100000);
(@x, @y, $car);
! # subtract base 100000 numbers -- stolen from Knuth Vol 2 pg 232, $x > $y
sub sub { #(int_num_array, int_num_array) return int_num_array
local(*sx, *sy) = @_;
$bar = 0;
for $sx (@sx) {
last unless @y || $bar;
! $sx += 100000 if $bar = (($sx -= shift @sy + $bar) < 0);
--- 154,175 ----
$car = 0;
for $x (@x) {
last unless @y || $car;
! $x -= 1e5 if $car = (($x += shift @y + $car) >= 1e5);
for $y (@y) {
last unless $car;
! $y -= 1e5 if $car = (($y += $car) >= 1e5);
(@x, @y, $car);
! # subtract base 1e5 numbers -- stolen from Knuth Vol 2 pg 232, $x > $y
sub sub { #(int_num_array, int_num_array) return int_num_array
local(*sx, *sy) = @_;
$bar = 0;
for $sx (@sx) {
last unless @y || $bar;
! $sx += 1e5 if $bar = (($sx -= shift @sy + $bar) < 0);
*** 195,201 ****
for $y (@y) {
$prod = $x * $y + $prod[$cty] + $car;
$prod[$cty++] =
! $prod - ($car = int($prod * (1/100000))) * 100000;
$prod[$cty] += $car if $car;
$x = shift @prod;
--- 191,197 ----
for $y (@y) {
$prod = $x * $y + $prod[$cty] + $car;
$prod[$cty++] =
! $prod - ($car = int($prod * 1e-5)) * 1e5;
$prod[$cty] += $car if $car;
$x = shift @prod;
*** 218,232 ****
$srem = $y[0];
$sr = (shift @x ne shift @y) ? '-' : '+';
$car = $bar = $prd = 0;
! if (($dd = int(100000/($y[$#y]+1))) != 1) {
for $x (@x) {
$x = $x * $dd + $car;
! $x -= ($car = int($x * (1/100000))) * 100000;
push(@x, $car); $car = 0;
for $y (@y) {
$y = $y * $dd + $car;
! $y -= ($car = int($y * (1/100000))) * 100000;
else {
--- 214,228 ----
$srem = $y[0];
$sr = (shift @x ne shift @y) ? '-' : '+';
$car = $bar = $prd = 0;
! if (($dd = int(1e5/($y[$#y]+1))) != 1) {
for $x (@x) {
$x = $x * $dd + $car;
! $x -= ($car = int($x * 1e-5)) * 1e5;
push(@x, $car); $car = 0;
for $y (@y) {
$y = $y * $dd + $car;
! $y -= ($car = int($y * 1e-5)) * 1e5;
else {
*** 235,254 ****
@q = (); ($v2,$v1) = @y[$#y-1,$#y];
while ($#x > $#y) {
($u2,$u1,$u0) = @x[($#x-2)..$#x];
! $q = (($u0 == $v1) ? 99999 : int(($u0*100000+$u1)/$v1));
! --$q while ($v2*$q > ($u0*100000+$u1-$q*$v1)*100000+$u2);
if ($q) {
($car, $bar) = (0,0);
for ($y = 0, $x = $#x-$#y-1; $y <= $#y; ++$y,++$x) {
$prd = $q * $y[$y] + $car;
! $prd -= ($car = int($prd * (1/100000))) * 100000;
! $x[$x] += 100000 if ($bar = (($x[$x] -= $prd + $bar) < 0));
if ($x[$#x] < $car + $bar) {
$car = 0; --$q;
for ($y = 0, $x = $#x-$#y-1; $y <= $#y; ++$y,++$x) {
! $x[$x] -= 100000
! if ($car = (($x[$x] += $y[$y] + $car) > 100000));
--- 231,250 ----
@q = (); ($v2,$v1) = @y[$#y-1,$#y];
while ($#x > $#y) {
($u2,$u1,$u0) = @x[($#x-2)..$#x];
! $q = (($u0 == $v1) ? 99999 : int(($u0*1e5+$u1)/$v1));
! --$q while ($v2*$q > ($u0*1e5+$u1-$q*$v1)*1e5+$u2);
if ($q) {
($car, $bar) = (0,0);
for ($y = 0, $x = $#x-$#y-1; $y <= $#y; ++$y,++$x) {
$prd = $q * $y[$y] + $car;
! $prd -= ($car = int($prd * 1e-5)) * 1e5;
! $x[$x] += 1e5 if ($bar = (($x[$x] -= $prd + $bar) < 0));
if ($x[$#x] < $car + $bar) {
$car = 0; --$q;
for ($y = 0, $x = $#x-$#y-1; $y <= $#y; ++$y,++$x) {
! $x[$x] -= 1e5
! if ($car = (($x[$x] += $y[$y] + $car) > 1e5));
*** 259,265 ****
if ($dd != 1) {
$car = 0;
for $x (reverse @x) {
! $prd = $car * 100000 + $x;
$car = $prd - ($tmp = int($prd / $dd)) * $dd;
unshift(@d, $tmp);
--- 255,261 ----
if ($dd != 1) {
$car = 0;
for $x (reverse @x) {
! $prd = $car * 1e5 + $x;
$car = $prd - ($tmp = int($prd / $dd)) * $dd;
unshift(@d, $tmp);
Index: usub/bsdcurses.mus
*** usub/bsdcurses.mus.old Mon Jun 8 17:52:25 1992
--- usub/bsdcurses.mus Mon Jun 8 17:52:26 1992
*** 1,6 ****
! /* $RCSfile: bsdcurses.mus,v $$Revision: $$Date: 91/11/05 19:04:53 $
* $Log: bsdcurses.mus,v $
* Revision 91/11/05 19:04:53 lwall
* initial checkin
--- 1,9 ----
! /* $RCSfile: bsdcurses.mus,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 16:05:28 $
* $Log: bsdcurses.mus,v $
+ * Revision 92/06/08 16:05:28 lwall
+ * patch20: &getcap eventually dumped core in bsdcurses
+ *
* Revision 91/11/05 19:04:53 lwall
* initial checkin
*** 476,484 ****
CASE int erasechar
! CASE char* getcap
! I char* str
case US_getyx:
if (items != 3)
--- 479,496 ----
CASE int erasechar
! case US_getcap:
! if (items != 1)
! fatal("Usage: &getcap($str)");
! else {
! char* retval;
! char* str = (char*) str_get(st[1]);
! char output[50], *outputp = output;
! retval = tgetstr(str, &outputp);
! str_set(st[0], (char*) retval);
! }
! return sp;
case US_getyx:
if (items != 3)
Index: c2ph.SH
*** c2ph.SH.old Mon Jun 8 17:45:44 1992
--- c2ph.SH Mon Jun 8 17:45:45 1992
*** 19,24 ****
--- 19,25 ----
: Move anything that needs config subs from !NO!SUBS! section to !GROK!THIS!.
: Protect any dollar signs and backticks that you do not want interpreted
: by putting a backslash in front. You may delete these comments.
+ rm -f c2ph
$spitshell >c2ph <<!GROK!THIS!
*** 36,42 ****
# See the usage message for more. If this isn't enough, read the code.
! $RCSID = '$RCSfile: c2ph.SH,v $$Revision: $$Date: 91/11/05 16:02:29 $';
--- 37,43 ----
# See the usage message for more. If this isn't enough, read the code.
! $RCSID = '$RCSfile: c2ph.SH,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 11:56:08 $';
Index: atarist/test/ccon
*** atarist/test/ccon.old Mon Jun 8 17:44:56 1992
--- atarist/test/ccon Mon Jun 8 17:44:56 1992
*** 0 ****
--- 1,5 ----
+ require 'osbind.pl';
+ &Cconws("Hello World\r\n");
+ $str = "This is a string being printed by Fwrite Gemdos trap\r\n";
+ &Fwrite(1, length($str), $str);
Index: cflags.SH
*** cflags.SH.old Mon Jun 8 17:45:49 1992
--- cflags.SH Mon Jun 8 17:45:50 1992
*** 19,24 ****
--- 19,25 ----
: Move anything that needs config subs from !NO!SUBS! section to !GROK!THIS!.
: Protect any dollar signs and backticks that you do not want interpreted
: by putting a backslash in front. You may delete these comments.
+ rm -f cflags
$spitshell >cflags <<!GROK!THIS!
Index: x2p/cflags.SH
*** x2p/cflags.SH.old Mon Jun 8 17:52:53 1992
--- x2p/cflags.SH Mon Jun 8 17:52:53 1992
*** 19,24 ****
--- 19,25 ----
: Move anything that needs config subs from !NO!SUBS! section to !GROK!THIS!.
: Protect any dollar signs and backticks that you do not want interpreted
: by putting a backslash in front. You may delete these comments.
+ rm -f cflags
$spitshell >cflags <<!GROK!THIS!
Index: lib/chat2.pl
*** lib/chat2.pl.old Mon Jun 8 17:48:49 1992
--- lib/chat2.pl Mon Jun 8 17:48:49 1992
*** 108,113 ****
--- 108,114 ----
die "Cannot exec @cmd: $!";
+ $PID{$next} = $pid;
$next; # return symbol for switcharound
*** 258,267 ****
--- 259,273 ----
## like close $handle
sub close { ## public
+ local($pid);
if ($_[0] =~ /$nextpat/) {
+ $pid = $PID{$_[0]};
*S = shift;
+ } else {
+ $pid = $PID{$next};
+ waitpid($pid,0);
if (defined $S{"needs_close"}) { # is it a listen socket?
local(*NS) = $S{"needs_close"};
delete $S{"needs_close"};
Index: cmd.c
*** cmd.c.old Mon Jun 8 17:45:54 1992
--- cmd.c Mon Jun 8 17:45:55 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $RCSfile: cmd.c,v $$Revision: $$Date: 91/11/11 16:29:33 $
* Copyright (c) 1991, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $RCSfile: cmd.c,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 12:00:39 $
* Copyright (c) 1991, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,15 ----
* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
* $Log: cmd.c,v $
+ * Revision 92/06/08 12:00:39 lwall
+ * patch20: the switch optimizer didn't do anything in subroutines
+ * patch20: removed implicit int declarations on funcions
+ *
* Revision 91/11/11 16:29:33 lwall
* patch19: do {$foo ne "bar";} returned wrong value
* patch19: some earlier patches weren't propagated to alternate 286 code
*** 34,40 ****
# include <varargs.h>
! static STR str_chop;
void grow_dlevel();
--- 38,44 ----
# include <varargs.h>
! static STR strchop;
void grow_dlevel();
*** 81,86 ****
--- 85,94 ----
dlevel = entdlevel;
+ if (debug & 4)
+ deb("mortals = (%d/%d) stack, = (%d/%d)\n",
+ tmps_max, tmps_base,
+ savestack->ary_fill, firstsave);
#ifdef TAINT
tainted = 0; /* Each statement is presumed innocent */
*** 575,586 ****
match = (retstr->str_cur != 0);
tmps = str_get(retstr);
tmps += retstr->str_cur - match;
! str_nset(&str_chop,tmps,match);
*tmps = '\0';
retstr->str_nok = 0;
retstr->str_cur = tmps - retstr->str_ptr;
! retstr = &str_chop;
goto flipmaybe;
match = cmd->c_short->str_u.str_useful; /* just to get register */
--- 583,594 ----
match = (retstr->str_cur != 0);
tmps = str_get(retstr);
tmps += retstr->str_cur - match;
! str_nset(&strchop,tmps,match);
*tmps = '\0';
retstr->str_nok = 0;
retstr->str_cur = tmps - retstr->str_ptr;
! retstr = &strchop;
goto flipmaybe;
match = cmd->c_short->str_u.str_useful; /* just to get register */
*** 728,733 ****
--- 736,745 ----
goto doswitch;
+ if (multiline) {
+ cmd = cmd->c_next; /* can't assume anything */
+ goto tail_recursion_entry;
+ }
match = *(str_get(STAB_STR(cmd->c_stab))) & 255;
match -= cmd->ucmd.scmd.sc_offset;
*** 942,948 ****
# ifndef I_VARARGS
! deb(pat,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8)
char *pat;
register int i;
--- 954,960 ----
# ifndef I_VARARGS
! void deb(pat,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8)
char *pat;
register int i;
*** 954,960 ****
# else
! deb(va_alist)
va_list args;
--- 966,972 ----
# else
! void deb(va_alist)
va_list args;
*** 973,978 ****
--- 985,991 ----
# endif
+ int
register CMD *cmd;
register CMD *which;
Index: cmd.h
*** cmd.h.old Mon Jun 8 17:46:02 1992
--- cmd.h Mon Jun 8 17:46:02 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $RCSfile: cmd.h,v $$Revision: $$Date: 91/06/07 10:28:50 $
* Copyright (c) 1991, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $RCSfile: cmd.h,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 12:01:02 $
* Copyright (c) 1991, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,14 ----
* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
* $Log: cmd.h,v $
+ * Revision 92/06/08 12:01:02 lwall
+ * patch20: removed implicit int declarations on funcions
+ *
* Revision 91/06/07 10:28:50 lwall
* patch4: new copyright notice
* patch4: length($`), length($&), length($') now optimized to avoid string copy
*** 167,169 ****
--- 170,176 ----
void opt_arg();
ARG* evalstatic();
int cmd_exec();
+ #ifdef DEBUGGING
+ void deb();
+ #endif
+ int copyopt();
Index: config.H
*** config.H.old Mon Jun 8 17:46:07 1992
--- config.H Mon Jun 8 17:46:07 1992
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,15 ----
* that running config.h.SH again will wipe out any changes you've made.
* For a more permanent change edit config.sh and rerun config.h.SH.
+ /*SUPPRESS 460*/
*** 25,35 ****
/*#undef EUNICE /**/
/*#undef VMS /**/
* This symbol contains the number of bytes required to align a double.
* Usual values are 2, 4, and 8.
! #define ALIGNBYTES 2 /**/
/* BIN
* This symbol holds the name of the directory in which the user wants
--- 26,41 ----
/*#undef EUNICE /**/
/*#undef VMS /**/
+ /* LOC_SED
+ * This symbol holds the complete pathname to the sed program.
+ */
+ #define LOC_SED "/bin/sed" /**/
* This symbol contains the number of bytes required to align a double.
* Usual values are 2, 4, and 8.
! #define ALIGNBYTES 8 /**/
/* BIN
* This symbol holds the name of the directory in which the user wants
*** 40,46 ****
* This symbol contains an encoding of the order of bytes in a long.
! * Usual values (in octal) are 01234, 04321, 02143, 03412...
#define BYTEORDER 0x4321 /**/
--- 46,52 ----
* This symbol contains an encoding of the order of bytes in a long.
! * Usual values (in hex) are 0x1234, 0x4321, 0x2143, 0x3412...
#define BYTEORDER 0x4321 /**/
*** 68,75 ****
--- 74,89 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bcopy routine is available
* to copy blocks of memory. Otherwise you should probably use memcpy().
+ * If neither is defined, roll your own.
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bcopy routine is available
+ * to copy potentially overlapping copy blocks of bcopy. Otherwise you
+ * should probably use memmove() or memcpy(). If neither is defined,
+ * roll your own.
+ */
#define HAS_BCOPY /**/
+ #define SAFE_BCOPY /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bzero routine is available
*** 89,96 ****
* 1 = couldn't cast < 0
* 2 = couldn't cast >= 0x80000000
! /*#undef CASTNEGFLOAT /**/
! #define CASTFLAGS 1 /**/
* This symbol is defined if this system declares "char *sprintf()" in
--- 103,110 ----
* 1 = couldn't cast < 0
* 2 = couldn't cast >= 0x80000000
! #define CASTNEGFLOAT /**/
! #define CASTFLAGS 0 /**/
* This symbol is defined if this system declares "char *sprintf()" in
*** 180,186 ****
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the gethostent() routine is
* available to lookup host names in some data base or other.
! /*#undef HAS_GETHOSTENT /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpgrp() routine is
--- 194,200 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the gethostent() routine is
* available to lookup host names in some data base or other.
! #define HAS_GETHOSTENT /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpgrp() routine is
*** 232,237 ****
--- 246,257 ----
/*#undef index strchr /* cultural */
/*#undef rindex strrchr /* differences? */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the isascii routine is available
+ * to test characters for asciiness.
+ */
+ #define HAS_ISASCII /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the killpg routine is available
* to kill process groups. If unavailable, you probably should use kill
*** 256,263 ****
--- 276,303 ----
* to copy blocks of memory. Otherwise you should probably use bcopy().
* If neither is defined, roll your own.
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcpy routine is available
+ * to copy potentially overlapping copy blocks of memory. Otherwise you
+ * should probably use memmove() or bcopy(). If neither is defined,
+ * roll your own.
+ */
#define HAS_MEMCPY /**/
+ /*#undef SAFE_MEMCPY /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memmove routine is available
+ * to move potentially overlapping blocks of memory. Otherwise you
+ * should use bcopy() or roll your own.
+ */
+ /*#undef HAS_MEMMOVE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memset routine is available
+ * to set a block of memory to a character. If undefined, roll your own.
+ */
+ #define HAS_MEMSET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mkdir routine is available
* to create directories. Otherwise you should fork off a new process to
*** 273,297 ****
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgctl() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_MSGCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgget() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_MSGGET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgrcv() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_MSGRCV /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgsnd() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_MSGSND /**/
--- 313,337 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgctl() routine is
! * available to control message passing.
#define HAS_MSGCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgget() routine is
! * available to get messages.
#define HAS_MSGGET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgrcv() routine is
! * available to receive messages.
#define HAS_MSGRCV /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgsnd() routine is
! * available to send messages.
#define HAS_MSGSND /**/
*** 326,331 ****
--- 366,377 ----
#define HAS_RENAME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rewindir routine is
+ * available to rewind directories.
+ */
+ #define HAS_REWINDDIR /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rmdir routine is available
* to remove directories. Otherwise you should fork off a new process to
*** 333,338 ****
--- 379,390 ----
#define HAS_RMDIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the seekdir routine is
+ * available to seek into directories.
+ */
+ #define HAS_SEEKDIR /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the select() subroutine
* exists.
*** 347,365 ****
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semctl() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_SEMCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semget() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_SEMGET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semop() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_SEMOP /**/
--- 399,417 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semctl() routine is
! * available to control semaphores.
#define HAS_SEMCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semget() routine is
! * available to get semaphores ids.
#define HAS_SEMGET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semop() routine is
! * available to perform semaphore operations.
#define HAS_SEMOP /**/
*** 437,443 ****
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmat() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmat() routine
--- 489,495 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmat() routine is
! * available to attach a shared memory segment.
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmat() routine
*** 449,467 ****
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmctl() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_SHMCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmdt() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_SHMDT /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmget() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
#define HAS_SHMGET /**/
--- 501,519 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmctl() routine is
! * available to control a shared memory segment.
#define HAS_SHMCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmdt() routine is
! * available to detach a shared memory segment.
#define HAS_SHMDT /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmget() routine is
! * available to get a shared memory segment id.
#define HAS_SHMGET /**/
*** 520,525 ****
--- 572,583 ----
#define HAS_SYSCALL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the telldir routine is
+ * available to tell your location in directories.
+ */
+ #define HAS_TELLDIR /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the truncate routine is
* available to truncate files.
*** 737,745 ****
--- 795,808 ----
/*#undef I_MY_DIR /**/
/*#undef DIRNAMLEN /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that we're using our own malloc.
+ */
* This symbol defines the kind of ptr returned by malloc and realloc.
+ #define MYMALLOC /**/
#define MALLOCPTRTYPE char /**/
Index: msdos/config.h
*** msdos/config.h.old Mon Jun 8 17:49:30 1992
--- msdos/config.h Mon Jun 8 17:49:31 1992
*** 79,86 ****
--- 79,94 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bcopy routine is available
* to copy blocks of memory. Otherwise you should probably use memcpy().
+ * If neither is defined, roll your own.
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bcopy routine is available
+ * to copy potentially overlapping copy blocks of bcopy. Otherwise you
+ * should probably use memmove() or memcpy(). If neither is defined,
+ * roll your own.
+ */
/*#undef HAS_BCOPY /**/
+ /*#undef SAFE_BCOPY /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bzero routine is available
*** 243,248 ****
--- 251,262 ----
#define index strchr /* cultural */
#define rindex strrchr /* differences? */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the isascii routine is available
+ * to test characters for asciiness.
+ */
+ #define HAS_ISASCII /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the killpg routine is available
* to kill process groups. If unavailable, you probably should use kill
*** 267,274 ****
--- 281,308 ----
* to copy blocks of memory. Otherwise you should probably use bcopy().
* If neither is defined, roll your own.
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcpy routine is available
+ * to copy potentially overlapping copy blocks of memory. Otherwise you
+ * should probably use memmove() or bcopy(). If neither is defined,
+ * roll your own.
+ */
#define HAS_MEMCPY /**/
+ /*#undef SAFE_MEMCPY /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memmove routine is available
+ * to move potentially overlapping blocks of memory. Otherwise you
+ * should use bcopy() or roll your own.
+ */
+ /*#undef HAS_MEMMOVE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memset routine is available
+ * to set a block of memory to a character. If undefined, roll your own.
+ */
+ #define HAS_MEMSET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mkdir routine is available
* to create directories. Otherwise you should fork off a new process to
*** 284,308 ****
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgctl() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_MSGCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgget() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_MSGGET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgrcv() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_MSGRCV /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgsnd() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_MSGSND /**/
--- 318,342 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgctl() routine is
! * available to control message passing.
/*#undef HAS_MSGCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgget() routine is
! * available to get messages.
/*#undef HAS_MSGGET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgrcv() routine is
! * available to receive messages.
/*#undef HAS_MSGRCV /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the msgsnd() routine is
! * available to send messages.
/*#undef HAS_MSGSND /**/
*** 337,342 ****
--- 371,382 ----
#define HAS_RENAME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rewindir routine is
+ * available to rewind directories.
+ */
+ #define HAS_REWINDDIR /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rmdir routine is available
* to remove directories. Otherwise you should fork off a new process to
*** 344,349 ****
--- 384,395 ----
#define HAS_RMDIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the seekdir routine is
+ * available to seek into directories.
+ */
+ #define HAS_SEEKDIR /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the select() subroutine
* exists.
*** 358,376 ****
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semctl() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_SEMCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semget() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_SEMGET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semop() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_SEMOP /**/
--- 404,422 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semctl() routine is
! * available to control semaphores.
/*#undef HAS_SEMCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semget() routine is
! * available to get semaphores ids.
/*#undef HAS_SEMGET /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the semop() routine is
! * available to perform semaphore operations.
/*#undef HAS_SEMOP /**/
*** 448,472 ****
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmat() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_SHMAT /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmctl() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_SHMCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmdt() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_SHMDT /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmget() routine is
! * available to stat symbolic links.
/*#undef HAS_SHMGET /**/
--- 494,524 ----
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmat() routine is
! * available to attach a shared memory segment.
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmat() routine
+ * returns a pointer of type void*.
+ */
/*#undef HAS_SHMAT /**/
+ /*#undef VOIDSHMAT /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmctl() routine is
! * available to control a shared memory segment.
/*#undef HAS_SHMCTL /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmdt() routine is
! * available to detach a shared memory segment.
/*#undef HAS_SHMDT /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the shmget() routine is
! * available to get a shared memory segment id.
/*#undef HAS_SHMGET /**/
*** 528,533 ****
--- 580,591 ----
/*#undef HAS_SYSCALL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the telldir routine is
+ * available to tell your location in directories.
+ */
+ #define HAS_TELLDIR /**/
* This symbol, if defined, indicates that the truncate routine is
* available to truncate files.
*** 745,755 ****
--- 803,819 ----
/*#undef I_MY_DIR /**/
/*#undef DIRNAMLEN /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that we're using our own malloc.
+ */
* This symbol defines the kind of ptr returned by malloc and realloc.
+ #define MYMALLOC /**/
#define MALLOCPTRTYPE void /**/
* This symbol contains the number of bits of random number the rand()
* function produces. Usual values are 15, 16, and 31.
*** 758,764 ****
* This symbol holds the name of the directory in which the user wants
! * to put publicly executable scripts for the package in question. It
* is often a directory that is mounted across diverse architectures.
#define SCRIPTDIR "C:/bin/perl" /**/
--- 822,828 ----
* This symbol holds the name of the directory in which the user wants
! * to keep publicly executable scripts for the package in question. It
* is often a directory that is mounted across diverse architectures.
#define SCRIPTDIR "C:/bin/perl" /**/
Index: consarg.c
*** consarg.c.old Mon Jun 8 17:46:26 1992
--- consarg.c Mon Jun 8 17:46:28 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $RCSfile: consarg.c,v $$Revision: $$Date: 91/11/05 16:21:16 $
* Copyright (c) 1991, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $RCSfile: consarg.c,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 12:26:27 $
* Copyright (c) 1991, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,17 ----
* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
* $Log: consarg.c,v $
+ * Revision 92/06/08 12:26:27 lwall
+ * patch20: new warning for use of x with non-numeric right operand
+ * patch20: modulus with highest bit in left operand set didn't always work
+ * patch20: illegal lvalue message could be followed by core dump
+ * patch20: deleted some minor memory leaks
+ *
* Revision 91/11/05 16:21:16 lwall
* patch11: random cleanup
* patch11: added eval {}
*** 57,62 ****
--- 63,69 ----
else {
arg[3].arg_flags = 0;
+ arg[3].arg_len = 0;
arg[3].arg_type = A_EXPR;
arg[3].arg_ptr.arg_arg = limarg;
*** 63,68 ****
--- 70,76 ----
else {
arg[3].arg_flags = 0;
+ arg[3].arg_len = 0;
arg[3].arg_type = A_NULL;
arg[3].arg_ptr.arg_arg = Nullarg;
*** 344,350 ****
case O_REPEAT:
! CHECK12;
i = (int)str_gnum(s2);
tmps = str_get(s1);
--- 352,361 ----
case O_REPEAT:
! if (dowarn && !s2->str_nok && !looks_like_number(s2))
! warn("Right operand of x is not numeric");
i = (int)str_gnum(s2);
tmps = str_get(s1);
*** 392,403 ****
yyerror("Illegal modulus of constant zero");
return arg;
! tmp2 = (long)str_gnum(s1);
#ifndef lint
! if (tmp2 >= 0)
! str_numset(str,(double)(tmp2 % tmplong));
! else
str_numset(str,(double)((tmplong-((-tmp2 - 1) % tmplong)) - 1));
tmp2 = tmp2;
--- 403,416 ----
yyerror("Illegal modulus of constant zero");
return arg;
! value = str_gnum(s1);
#ifndef lint
! if (value >= 0.0)
! str_numset(str,(double)(((unsigned long)value) % tmplong));
! else {
! tmp2 = (long)value;
str_numset(str,(double)((tmplong-((-tmp2 - 1) % tmplong)) - 1));
+ }
tmp2 = tmp2;
*** 847,852 ****
--- 860,866 ----
"Illegal expression (%s) as lvalue",opname[arg1->arg_type]);
+ return arg;
arg[1].arg_type = A_LEXPR | (arg[1].arg_type & A_DONT);
if (arg->arg_type == O_ASSIGN && (arg1[1].arg_flags & AF_ARYOK)) {
*** 871,876 ****
--- 885,891 ----
"Illegal item (%s) as lvalue",argname[arg[1].arg_type&A_MASK]);
+ return arg;
arg[1].arg_type = A_LVAL | (arg[1].arg_type & A_DONT);
*** 897,902 ****
--- 912,918 ----
return arg;
+ void
ARG *arg;
*** 976,1001 ****
node = arg;
arg = op_new(i);
tmpstr = arg->arg_ptr.arg_str;
! *arg = *node; /* copy everything except the STR */
! #else
! (void)bcopy((char *)node, (char *)arg, sizeof(ARG));
! #endif
arg->arg_ptr.arg_str = tmpstr;
for (j = i; ; ) {
! arg[j] = node[2];
! #else
! (void)bcopy((char *)(node+2), (char *)(arg+j), sizeof(ARG));
! #endif
arg[j].arg_flags |= AF_ARYOK;
--j; /* Bug in Xenix compiler */
if (j < 2) {
! arg[1] = node[1];
! #else
! (void)bcopy((char *)(node+1), (char *)(arg+1), sizeof(ARG));
! #endif
--- 992,1005 ----
node = arg;
arg = op_new(i);
tmpstr = arg->arg_ptr.arg_str;
! StructCopy(node, arg, ARG); /* copy everything except the STR */
arg->arg_ptr.arg_str = tmpstr;
for (j = i; ; ) {
! StructCopy(node+2, arg+j, ARG);
arg[j].arg_flags |= AF_ARYOK;
--j; /* Bug in Xenix compiler */
if (j < 2) {
! StructCopy(node+1, arg+1, ARG);
*** 1008,1013 ****
--- 1012,1019 ----
arg[2].arg_flags |= AF_ARYOK;
arg->arg_type = O_LIST;
arg->arg_len = i;
+ str_free(arg->arg_ptr.arg_str);
+ arg->arg_ptr.arg_str = Nullstr;
return arg;
Index: t/comp/cpp.t
Prereq: 4.0
*** t/comp/cpp.t.old Mon Jun 8 17:52:01 1992
--- t/comp/cpp.t Mon Jun 8 17:52:02 1992
*** 1,6 ****
#!./perl -P
! # $Header: cpp.t,v 4.0 91/03/20 01:50:05 lwall Locked $
print "1..3\n";
--- 1,18 ----
#!./perl -P
! # $RCSfile: cpp.t,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 15:42:08 $
! open(CONFIG,"../config.sh") || die;
! while (<CONFIG>) {
! if (/^cppstdin/) {
! if (/^cppstdin='(.*cppstdin)'/ && ! -e $1) {
! print "1..0\n";
! exit; # Can't test till after install, alas.
! }
! last;
! }
! }
! close CONFIG;
print "1..3\n";
Index: hints/cray.sh
*** hints/cray.sh.old Mon Jun 8 17:47:47 1992
--- hints/cray.sh Mon Jun 8 17:47:48 1992
*** 0 ****
--- 1,3 ----
+ case `uname -r` in
+ 6.1*) shellflags="-m+65536" ;;
+ esac
Index: lib/ctime.pl
Prereq: 4.0
*** lib/ctime.pl.old Mon Jun 8 17:48:52 1992
--- lib/ctime.pl Mon Jun 8 17:48:52 1992
*** 3,9 ****
;# Waldemar Kebsch, Federal Republic of Germany, November 1988
;# kebsch.pad@nixpbe.UUCP
;# Modified March 1990, Feb 1991 to properly handle timezones
! ;# $Id: ctime.pl,v 1.8 91/02/04 18:28:12 hakanson Exp $
;# Marion Hakanson (hakanson@cse.ogi.edu)
;# Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
--- 3,9 ----
;# Waldemar Kebsch, Federal Republic of Germany, November 1988
;# kebsch.pad@nixpbe.UUCP
;# Modified March 1990, Feb 1991 to properly handle timezones
! ;# $RCSfile: ctime.pl,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 13:38:06 $
;# Marion Hakanson (hakanson@cse.ogi.edu)
;# Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,30 ----
package ctime;
local($time) = @_;
+ local($[) = 0;
local($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
# Determine what time zone is in effect.
*** End of Patch 22 ***
exit 0 # Just in case...