Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
369 lines
footobar.c: a collection of functions to convert internal representations of
variables and functions to external representations, and vice versa
#include "rc.h"
#define FSCHAR '\1'
#define FSSTRING "\1"
static char *getenvw(char *, bool);
static bool Fconv(Format *f, int ignore) { /* protect an exported name from brain-dead shells */
int c;
unsigned const char *s = va_arg(f->args, unsigned const char *);
while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
if (dnw[c] || c == '*' || (c == '_' && *s == '_'))
fmtprint(f, "__%02x", c);
fmtputc(f, c);
return FALSE;
/* used to turn a function in Node * form into something we can export to the environment */
extern char *fun2str(char *name, Node *n) {
return mprint("fn_%F={%T}", name, n);
/* convert a redirection to a printable form */
static bool Dconv(Format *f, int ignore) {
const char *name = "?";
int n = va_arg(f->args, int);
switch (n) {
case rCreate: name = ">"; break;
case rAppend: name = ">>"; break;
case rFrom: name = "<"; break;
case rHeredoc: name = "<<"; break;
case rHerestring: name = "<<<"; break;
fmtcat(f, name);
return FALSE;
/* defaultfd -- return the default fd for a given redirection operation */
extern int defaultfd(int op) {
return (op == rCreate || op == rAppend) ? 1 : 0;
/* convert a function in Node * form into something rc can parse (and humans can read?) */
static bool Tconv(Format *f, int ignore) {
Node *n = va_arg(f->args, Node *);
if (n == NULL) {
fmtprint(f, "()");
return FALSE;
switch (n->type) {
case nWord: fmtprint(f, "%S", n->u[0].s); break;
case nQword: fmtprint(f, "%#S", n->u[0].s); break;
case nBang: fmtprint(f, "! %T", n->u[0].p); break;
case nCase: fmtprint(f, "case %T", n->u[0].p); break;
case nNowait: fmtprint(f, "%T&", n->u[0].p); break;
case nCount: fmtprint(f, "$#%T", n->u[0].p); break;
case nFlat: fmtprint(f, "$^%T", n->u[0].p); break;
case nRmfn: fmtprint(f, "fn %T", n->u[0].p); break;
case nSubshell: fmtprint(f, "@ %T", n->u[0].p); break;
case nVar: fmtprint(f, "$%T", n->u[0].p); break;
case nAndalso: fmtprint(f, "%T&&%T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nAssign: fmtprint(f, "%T=%T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nConcat: fmtprint(f, "%T^%T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nElse: fmtprint(f, "{%T}else %T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nNewfn: fmtprint(f, "fn %T {%T}", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nIf: fmtprint(f, "if(%T)%T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nOrelse: fmtprint(f, "%T||%T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nArgs: fmtprint(f, "%T %T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nSwitch: fmtprint(f, "switch(%T){%T}", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nMatch: fmtprint(f, "~ %T %T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nVarsub: fmtprint(f, "$%T(%T)", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nWhile: fmtprint(f, "while(%T)%T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nLappend: fmtprint(f, "(%T %T)", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p); break;
case nForin: fmtprint(f, "for(%T in %T)%T", n->u[0].p, n->u[1].p, n->u[2].p); break;
case nDup:
if (n->u[2].i != -1)
fmtprint(f, "%D[%d=%d]", n->u[0].i, n->u[1].i, n->u[2].i);
fmtprint(f, "%D[%d=]", n->u[0].i, n->u[1].i);
case nBackq: {
Node *n0 = n->u[0].p, *n00;
if (n0 != NULL && n0->type == nVar
&& (n00 = n0->u[0].p) != NULL && n00->type == nWord && streq(n00->u[0].s, "ifs"))
fmtprint(f, "`");
fmtprint(f, "``%T", n0);
fmtprint(f, "{%T}", n->u[1].p);
case nCbody:
case nBody: {
Node *n0 = n->u[0].p;
if (n0 != NULL)
fmtprint(f, "%T", n->u[0].p);
if (n->u[1].p != NULL) {
if (n0 != NULL && n0->type != nNowait)
fmtprint(f, ";");
fmtprint(f, "%T", n->u[1].p);
case nBrace:
fmtprint(f, "{%T}", n->u[0].p);
if (n->u[1].p != NULL)
fmtprint(f, "%T", n->u[1].p);
case nEpilog:
case nPre:
fmtprint(f, "%T", n->u[0].p);
if (n->u[1].p != NULL)
fmtprint(f, " %T", n->u[1].p);
case nPipe: {
int ofd = n->u[0].i, ifd = n->u[1].i;
fmtprint(f, "%T|", n->u[2].p);
if (ifd != 0)
fmtprint(f, "[%d=%d]", ofd, ifd);
else if (ofd != 1)
fmtprint(f, "[%d]", ofd);
fmtprint(f, "%T", n->u[3].p);
case nRedir: {
int op = n->u[0].i;
fmtprint(f, "%D", op);
if (n->u[1].i != defaultfd(op))
fmtprint(f, "[%d]", n->u[1].i);
fmtprint(f, "%T", n->u[2].p);
case nNmpipe: {
int op = n->u[0].i;
fmtprint(f, "%D", op);
if (n->u[1].i != defaultfd(op))
fmtprint(f, "[%d]", n->u[1].i);
fmtprint(f, "{%T}", n->u[2].p);
return FALSE;
/* convert a List to a string, separating it with ^A characters. Used for exporting variables to the environment */
extern char *list2str(char *name, List *s) {
SIZE_T size, step;
List *t;
char *w, *x;
name = nprint("%F", name);
size = strlen(name) + listlen(s);
w = ealloc(size + 2);
t = s;
x = w;
strcpy(x, name);
strcpy(x += strlen(name), "=");
strcpy(x += conststrlen("="), t->w);
for (x += strlen(t->w), s = s->n; s != NULL; s = s->n) {
memcpy(x, FSSTRING, step = conststrlen(FSSTRING));
x += step;
memcpy(x, s->w, step = strlen(s->w));
x += step;
*x = '\0';
return w;
/* convert a List to an array, for execve() */
extern char **list2array(List *s, bool print) {
char **av;
int i;
/* 4 == 1 for the null terminator + 2 for the fake execve() + 1 for defaulting to sh */
av = nalloc((listnel(s) + 4) * sizeof (char *));
av += 3; /* hide the two free spots from rc (two for #! emulation, one for defaulting to sh) */
if (print)
fprint(2, "%L\n", s, " ");
for (i = 0; s != NULL; i++) {
av[i] = s->w;
s = s->n;
av[i] = NULL;
return av;
/* figure out the name of a variable given an environment string. copy this into malloc space */
extern char *get_name(char *s) {
int c;
char *r, *namebuf;
for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0' && s[i] != '='; i++)
if (s[i] == '\0')
return NULL;
r = namebuf = ealloc(i + 1);
while (1)
switch (c = *s++) {
case '=':
*r++ = '\0';
return namebuf;
case '_':
if (*s == '_') {
static const char hexchar[] = "0123456789abcdef";
char *h1 = strchr(hexchar, s[1]);
char *h2 = strchr(hexchar, s[2]);
if (h1 != NULL && h2 != NULL) {
*r++ = ((h1 - hexchar) << 4) | (h2 - hexchar);
s += 3;
*r++ = c;
/* get the next word from a variable's value as represented in the environment. */
static char *getenvw(char *s, bool saw_alpha) {
char *r;
for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0' && s[i] != FSCHAR; i++)
if (i == 0) {
if (s[i] == '\0' && !saw_alpha)
return NULL;
return clear(enew(char), (SIZE_T) 1);
r = strncpy(ealloc(i + 1), s, i);
r[i] = '\0';
return r;
/* take an environment entry for a variable (elements ^A separated) and turn it into a List */
extern List *parse_var(char *name, char *extdef) {
List *r, *top;
char *f;
bool saw_alpha;
top = r = enew(List);
extdef = strchr(extdef, '=') + 1;
if ((f = getenvw(extdef, FALSE)) == NULL) {
r->w = "";
r->m = NULL;
r->n = NULL;
} else {
while (1) {
r->w = f;
r->m = NULL;
extdef += strlen(f);
if (*extdef == FSCHAR) {
saw_alpha = TRUE;
} else {
saw_alpha = FALSE;
if ((f = getenvw(extdef, saw_alpha)) == NULL) {
r->n = NULL;
r = r->n = enew(List);
return top;
/* get an environment entry for a function and have rc parse it. */
#define PREFIX "fn x"
#define PRELEN conststrlen(PREFIX)
extern Node *parse_fn(char *name, char *extdef) {
Node *def;
char *s, old[PRELEN];
if ((s = strchr(extdef, '=')) == NULL)
return NULL;
memcpy(old, s -= (PRELEN-1), PRELEN);
memcpy(s, PREFIX, PRELEN);
def = parseline(s);
memcpy(s, old, PRELEN);
return (def == NULL || def->type != nNewfn) ? NULL : def->u[1].p;
static bool Aconv(Format *f, int c) {
char **a = va_arg(f->args, char **);
if (*a != NULL) {
fmtcat(f, *a);
while (*++a != NULL)
fmtprint(f, " %s", *a);
return FALSE;
static bool Lconv(Format *f, int c) {
List *l = va_arg(f->args, List *);
char *sep = va_arg(f->args, char *);
char *fmt = (f->flags & FMT_leftside) ? "%s%s" : "%-S%s";
if (l == NULL && (f->flags & FMT_leftside) == 0)
fmtprint(f, "()");
else {
List *s;
for (s = l; s != NULL; s = s->n)
fmtprint(f, fmt, s->w, s->n == NULL ? "" : sep);
return FALSE;
#define ISMETA(c) (c == '*' || c == '?' || c == '[')
static bool Sconv(Format *f, int ignore) {
int c;
unsigned char *s = va_arg(f->args, unsigned char *), *t = s;
bool quoted = (f->flags & FMT_altform) != 0; /* '#' */
bool metaquote = (f->flags & FMT_leftside) != 0; /* '-' */
if (*s == '\0') {
fmtprint(f, "''");
return FALSE;
if (!quoted) {
while ((c = *t++) != '\0')
if (nw[c] == 1 || (metaquote && ISMETA(c)))
goto quoteit;
fmtprint(f, "%s", s);
return FALSE;
fmtputc(f, '\'');
while ((c = *s++) != '\0') {
fmtputc(f, c);
if (c == '\'')
fmtputc(f, '\'');
fmtputc(f, '\'');
return FALSE;
void initprint(void) {
fmtinstall('A', Aconv);
fmtinstall('L', Lconv);
fmtinstall('S', Sconv);
fmtinstall('T', Tconv);
fmtinstall('D', Dconv);
fmtinstall('F', Fconv);
fmtinstall('F', fmtinstall('s', NULL));