Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
522 lines
* Project : tin - a threaded Netnews reader
* Module : init.c
* Author : I.Lea
* Created : 01-04-91
* Updated : 09-05-92
* Notes :
* Copyright : (c) Copyright 1991-92 by Iain Lea
* You may freely copy or redistribute this software,
* so long as there is no profit made from its use, sale
* trade or reproduction. You may not change this copy-
* right notice, and it must be included in any copy made
#include "tin.h"
char rcdir[PATH_LEN];
char rcfile[PATH_LEN];
char indexdir[PATH_LEN];
char killfile[PATH_LEN];
char postfile[PATH_LEN];
char unthreadfile[PATH_LEN];
char cvers[LEN];
char nntp_server[LEN];
char active_file[PATH_LEN];
char subscriptions_file[PATH_LEN];
char homedir[PATH_LEN];
char userid[LEN];
char delgroups[LEN];
char default_maildir[PATH_LEN]; /* mailbox dir where = saves are stored */
char newsrc[PATH_LEN];
char newnewsrc[PATH_LEN];
char add_addr[LEN]; /* address to add to rR reply to author with mail */
char bug_addr[LEN]; /* address to add send bug reports to */
char txt_help_bug_report[LEN]; /* address to add send bug reports to */
char reply_to[LEN]; /* Reply-To: address */
char my_org[LEN]; /* Organization: */
char my_distribution[LEN]; /* Distribution: */
char default_sigfile[PATH_LEN];
char default_signature[PATH_LEN];
char default_shell_command[LEN]; /* offers user default choice */
char killsubj[LEN]; /* contains Subject:'s not to be shown */
char killfrom[LEN]; /* conatins From:'s not to be shown */
char page_header[LEN]; /* page header of pgm name and version */
char default_savedir[PATH_LEN]; /* directory to save articles to */
char spooldir[PATH_LEN]; /* directory where news is */
char spooldir_alias[PATH_LEN]; /* alias of spooldir being used */
char mail_news_user[LEN]; /* mail new news to this user address */
char mailer[PATH_LEN]; /* mail program */
char mailbox[PATH_LEN]; /* system mailbox for each user */
char printer[LEN]; /* printer program specified from tinrc */
char cmd_line_printer[LEN]; /* printer program specified on cmd line */
char article[PATH_LEN]; /* ~/.article file */
char dead_article[PATH_LEN]; /* ~/dead.article file */
char progname[PATH_LEN]; /* program name */
char redirect_output[LEN]; /* /dev/null or nothing if -D option */
int xindex_supported = FALSE;
int xuser_supported = FALSE;
int xspooldir_supported = FALSE;
int NOTESLINES; /* set in set_win_size () */
int RIGHT_POS; /* set in set_win_size () */
int MORE_POS; /* set in set_win_size () */
int confirm_action;
int max_subj = 0;
int max_from = 0;
int max_active;
int num_active; /* one past top of active */
int group_top; /* one past top of my_group */
int groupname_len = 0; /* one past top of my_group */
int catchup = FALSE; /* mark all arts read in all subscribed groups */
int update_fork = FALSE; /* update index files by forked tin -u */
int verbose = FALSE; /* update index files only mode */
int start_line_offset; /* used by invoke_editor for line no. */
int inn_nntp_server = FALSE; /* read news via INN NNTP */
int read_news_via_nntp = FALSE; /* read news locally or via NNTP */
int local_index; /* do private indexing? */
int max_art;
int real_gid;
int real_uid;
int real_umask;
int start_editor_offset;
int tin_uid;
int tin_gid;
int top = 0;
int top_base;
int check_any_unread = FALSE;
int notify_new_groups = FALSE;
int start_any_unread = FALSE;
int catchup_read_groups; /* ask if read groups are to be marked read */
int cmd_line; /* batch / interactive mode */
int created_rcdir; /* checks if first time tin is started */
int default_printer; /* set to false if user give a printer with -p switch */
int default_show_author; /* show_author value from 'M' menu in tinrc */
int draw_arrow_mark; /* draw -> or highlighted bar */
int full_page_scroll; /* page half/full screen of articles/groups */
int killed_articles; /* killed / auto-selected hot articles */
int mark_saved_read; /* mark saved article/thread as read */
int num_of_hot_arts;
int num_of_killed_arts;
int num_of_tagged_arts;
int process_id;
int pos_first_unread; /* position cursor at first/last unread article */
int post_proc_type; /* type of post processing to be performed */
int print_header; /* print all of mail header or just Subject: & From lines */
int save_archive_name; /* save thread with name from Archive-name: field */
int mail_news; /* mail all arts to specified user */
int save_news; /* save all arts to savedir structure */
int show_author; /* show Subject & From or only Subject in group menu */
int show_only_unread; /* show only new/unread arts or all arts */
int spooldir_is_active; /* set TRUE if current spooldir is active news feed */
int sort_art_type; /* sort arts[] array by subject,from or date field */
int thread_arts; /* thread/unthread articles for viewing */
int update = TRUE; /* update index files only mode */
int update = FALSE; /* update index files only mode */
struct passwd *myentry;
* Get users home directory, userid, and a bunch of other stuff!
void init_selfinfo ()
extern char *getlogin ();
extern struct passwd *getpwnam ();
char nam[LEN];
char *p;
FILE *fp;
struct stat sb;
process_id = getpid ();
tin_uid = geteuid ();
tin_gid = getegid ();
real_uid = getuid ();
real_gid = getgid ();
real_umask = umask (0);
umask (real_umask);
#ifdef SVR4
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
* we're setuid, so index in /usr/spool/news even if user root
* This is quite essential if non local index files are
* to be updated during the night from crontab by root.
if (tin_uid != real_uid) {
local_index = FALSE;
set_real_uid_gid ();
} else { /* index in users home directory ~/.tin/.index */
local_index = TRUE;
myentry = (struct passwd *) 0;
if ((p = getlogin ()) != (char *) 0) {
myentry = getpwnam (p);
} else {
myentry = getpwuid (getuid ());
strcpy (userid, myentry->pw_name);
if ((p = (char *) getenv ("HOME")) != NULL) {
strcpy (homedir, p);
} else {
strcpy (homedir, myentry->pw_dir);
catchup_read_groups = FALSE;
confirm_action = TRUE;
created_rcdir = FALSE;
inverse_okay = FALSE;
draw_arrow_mark = TRUE;
draw_arrow_mark = FALSE;
default_move_group = 0;
#ifdef BSD
default_printer = TRUE;
default_printer = FALSE;
default_show_author = SHOW_FROM_NAME;
full_page_scroll = TRUE;
killed_articles = FALSE;
mark_saved_read = TRUE;
num_of_hot_arts = 0;
num_of_killed_arts = 0;
num_of_tagged_arts = 0;
post_proc_type = POST_PROC_NONE;
pos_first_unread = TRUE;
print_header = FALSE;
save_archive_name = TRUE;
save_news = FALSE;
show_only_unread = FALSE;
sort_art_type = SORT_BY_DATE_ASCEND;
start_editor_offset = TRUE;
thread_arts = TRUE;
killsubj[0] = '\0';
killfrom[0] = '\0';
cmd_line_printer[0] = '\0';
default_author_search[0] = '\0';
default_goto_group[0] = '\0';
default_group_search[0] = '\0';
default_subject_search[0] = '\0';
default_art_search[0] = '\0';
default_crosspost_group[0] = '\0';
default_mail_address[0] = '\0';
default_pipe_command[0] = '\0';
default_post_subject[0] = '\0';
default_regex_pattern[0] = '\0';
default_save_file[0] = '\0';
default_shell_command[0] = '\0';
nntp_server[0] = '\0';
proc_ch_default = 'n';
* set start spooldir to active newsfeed
strcpy (spooldir_alias, "news");
strcpy (spooldir, SPOOLDIR);
set_tindir ();
sprintf (active_file, "%s/active", LIBDIR);
sprintf (article, "%s/.article", homedir);
sprintf (dead_article, "%s/dead.article", homedir);
sprintf (delgroups, "%s/.delgroups", homedir);
sprintf (mailbox, "%s/%s", DEFAULT_MAILBOX, userid);
sprintf (default_maildir, "%s/%s", homedir, DEFAULT_MAILDIR);
sprintf (default_savedir, "%s/News", homedir);
sprintf (default_sigfile, "%s/.Sig", homedir);
sprintf (default_signature, "%s/.signature", homedir);
sprintf (subscriptions_file, "%s/subscriptions", LIBDIR);
strcpy (mailer, get_val ("MAILER", DEFAULT_MAILER));
strcpy (printer, DEFAULT_PRINTER);
strcpy (spooldir, SPOOLDIR);
strcpy (bug_addr, BUG_REPORT_ADDRESS);
strcpy (redirect_output, "> /dev/null 2>&1");
strcpy (newsrc, active_file); /* so that all groups are indexed */
sprintf (indexdir, "%s/.index", spooldir);
if (stat (indexdir, &sb) == -1) {
mkdir (indexdir, 0777);
if (stat (rcdir, &sb) == -1) {
created_rcdir = TRUE;
mkdir (rcdir, 0755);
if (tin_uid != real_uid) {
sprintf (indexdir, "%s/.index", spooldir);
set_tin_uid_gid ();
if (stat (indexdir, &sb) == -1) {
mkdir (indexdir, 0777);
set_real_uid_gid ();
} else if (stat (indexdir, &sb) == -1) {
mkdir (indexdir, 0755);
if (stat (postfile, &sb) == -1) {
if ((fp = fopen (postfile, "w")) != NULL) {
fclose (fp);
if (stat (unthreadfile, &sb) == -1) {
if ((fp = fopen (unthreadfile, "w")) != NULL) {
fclose (fp);
read_rcfile ();
show_author = default_show_author;
#endif /* INDEX_DAEMON */
if (stat (active_file, &sb) >= 0)
goto got_active;
* I hate forgetting to define LIBDIR correctly. Guess a couple
* of the likely places if it's not where LIBDIR says it is.
strcpy (active_file, "/usr/lib/news/active");
if (stat (active_file, &sb) >= 0)
goto got_active;
strcpy (active_file, "/usr/local/lib/news/active");
if (stat (active_file, &sb) >= 0)
goto got_active;
strcpy (active_file, "/usr/public/lib/news/active");
if (stat (active_file, &sb) >= 0)
goto got_active;
* Oh well. Revert to what LIBDIR says it is to produce a useful
* error message when read_active_file () fails later.
sprintf (active_file, "%s/active", LIBDIR);
* check enviroment for ORGANIZATION / NEWSORG
my_org[0] = '\0';
#ifdef apollo
if ((p = (char *) getenv ("NEWSORG")) != NULL) {
if ((p = (char *) getenv ("ORGANIZATION")) != NULL) {
my_strncpy (my_org, p, sizeof (my_org));
goto got_org;
* check ~/.tin/organization for organization
sprintf (nam, "%s/organization", rcdir);
fp = fopen (nam, "r");
* check LIBDIR/organization for system wide organization
if (fp == NULL) {
sprintf (nam, "%s/organization", LIBDIR);
fp = fopen (nam, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
sprintf (nam, "/usr/lib/news/organization");
fp = fopen (nam, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
sprintf (nam, "/usr/local/lib/news/organization");
fp = fopen (nam, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
sprintf (nam, "/usr/public/lib/news/organization");
fp = fopen (nam, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
sprintf (nam, "/etc/organization");
fp = fopen (nam, "r");
if (fp != NULL) {
if (fgets (my_org, sizeof (my_org), fp) != NULL) {
for (p = my_org; *p && *p != '\n'; p++)
*p = '\0';
fclose (fp);
* check enviroment for REPLYTO
reply_to[0] = '\0';
if ((p = (char *) getenv ("REPLYTO")) != NULL) {
my_strncpy (reply_to, p, sizeof (reply_to));
goto got_reply;
sprintf (nam, "%s/replyto", rcdir);
if ((fp = fopen (nam, "r")) != NULL) {
if (fgets (reply_to, sizeof (reply_to), fp) != NULL) {
reply_to[strlen (reply_to)-1] = '\0';
fclose (fp);
* check enviroment for DISTRIBUTION
my_distribution[0] = '\0';
if ((p = (char *) getenv ("DISTRIBUTION")) != NULL) {
my_strncpy (my_distribution, p, sizeof (my_distribution));
* check enviroment for ADD_ADDRESS
add_addr[0] = '\0';
if ((p = (char *) getenv ("ADD_ADDRESS")) != NULL) {
my_strncpy (add_addr, p, sizeof (add_addr));
goto got_add_addr;
sprintf (nam, "%s/add_address", rcdir);
if ((fp = fopen (nam, "r")) != NULL) {
if (fgets (add_addr, sizeof (add_addr), fp) != NULL) {
add_addr[strlen (add_addr)-1] = '\0';
fclose (fp);
* check enviroment for BUG_ADDRESS
if ((p = (char *) getenv ("BUG_ADDRESS")) != NULL) {
my_strncpy (bug_addr, p, sizeof (bug_addr));
goto got_bug_addr;
sprintf (nam, "%s/bug_address", rcdir);
if ((fp = fopen (nam, "r")) != NULL) {
if (fgets (bug_addr, sizeof (bug_addr), fp) != NULL) {
bug_addr[strlen (bug_addr)-1] = '\0';
fclose (fp);
sprintf (txt_help_bug_report, txt_help_bug, bug_addr);
* Set up ~/.tin directory & support files depending on where the news
* is being read from (ie. active news / CD-ROM spooldir). Note that
* any control files which may be specific to a given spooldir (various
* CD issues versus live news) should be under the spooldir_alias
* subdirectory also.
void set_tindir ()
extern int reread_active_file;
struct stat sb;
if (strcmp (spooldir_alias, "news") != 0) {
sprintf (rcdir, "%s/%s", get_val ("TINDIR", homedir), RCDIR);
* Create directories
if (stat (rcdir, &sb) == -1) {
mkdir (rcdir, 0755);
sprintf (rcdir, "%s/%s", rcdir, spooldir_alias);
if (stat (rcdir, &sb) == -1) {
created_rcdir = TRUE;
mkdir (rcdir, 0755);
* Use a separate .newsrc file for every spooldir
sprintf (newsrc, "%s/.newsrc", rcdir);
sprintf (newnewsrc, "%s/.newnewsrc", rcdir);
spooldir_is_active = FALSE;
reread_active_file = FALSE;
alarm (0);
} else {
if (stat (rcdir, &sb) == -1) {
mkdir (rcdir, 0755);
sprintf (rcdir, "%s/%s", get_val ("TINDIR", homedir), RCDIR);
sprintf (rcfile, "%s/%s", rcdir, RCFILE);
sprintf (killfile, "%s/%s", rcdir, KILLFILE);
sprintf (postfile, "%s/%s", rcdir, POSTFILE);
sprintf (unthreadfile, "%s/%s", rcdir, UNTHREADFILE);
sprintf (newsrc, "%s/.newsrc", homedir);
sprintf (newnewsrc, "%s/.newnewsrc", homedir);
spooldir_is_active = TRUE;
reread_active_file = TRUE;
sprintf (indexdir, "%s/%s", rcdir, INDEXDIR);
if (stat (indexdir, &sb) == -1) {
mkdir (indexdir, 0755);
int create_mail_save_dirs ()
int created = FALSE;
struct stat sb;
if (stat (default_maildir, &sb) == -1) {
mkdir (default_maildir, 0755);
created = TRUE;
if (stat (default_savedir, &sb) == -1) {
mkdir (default_savedir, 0755);
created = TRUE;
return (created);