Usenet 1994 October
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Perl Script
311 lines
# Copyright (c) 1992 by IRCAM
# All rights reserved.
# For any information regarding this and other IRCAM software, please
# send email to:
# manager@ircam.fr
# mkskel 2.8 IRCAM 8/24/92
# Create a skeleton file for a program in C, perl or sh.
# Modification history
# 28-Jul-92 - Michel Fingerhut (fingerhu@ircam.fr)
# site-dependent configurable part (optional)
$ORG = "IRCAM"; # no blanks
$MAILHOST = "ircam.fr"; # fully qualified name (where author is)
$MANAGER = "manager@ircam.fr"; # full address whom to send questions to
$IDSTRING = "%I\045 $ORG \045G%"; # for SCCS, e.g.. (\045=%...)
$LOGSTRING= "Modification history"; # for RCS, might be $Log$, e.g.
$LIBSKEL = "/usr/local/lib/mkskel"; # where the skeletons are
$NAME = "NAME"; # default if not specified
$MKDEPEND = "cc -Em"; # or "gcc -M"; if none, default code
# end of configuration
$[ = 1; # set array base to 1
$, = ' '; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$dst) = localtime(time);
%month= ( 1, 'Jan', 2, 'Feb', 3, 'Mar', 4, 'Apr', 5, 'May', 6, 'Jun',
7, 'Jul', 8, 'Aug', 9, 'Sep', 10, 'Oct', 11, 'Nov', 12, 'Dec');
chop($hostname= `hostname`);
$options = "s:l:t:rv";
$usage = "Usage: $0 [-v] [-r] [-l dir] [-t type] [-s source] [file]\n";
require 'getopts.pl';
# check arguments and exit (before all the rest) if wrong
&Getopts($options) || die $usage ; # parse the arguments
if ($opt_v) {
print "2.8 IRCAM 8/24/92";
if ($opt_r) {
($IDSTRING, $LOGSTRING, $RCS) =('$Revision$ '."$ORG".' $Date$', '$Log$', 1);
} else {
$SCCS= 1;
# File types: pattern:INTERPRETER:COB:COM:COE
%types = ("c", ".+\.c::/*: *: */",
"cc", ".+\.cc:://://://",
"csh", ".+\.csh:/bin/csh:\043:\043:\043",
"h", ".+\.h::/*: *: */",
"lisp", ".+\.l::;:;:;",
"man", ".+.\[1-8]::.\\\":.\\\":.\\\"",
"perl", ".+\.pl|perl:/usr/local/bin/perl:#:#:#",
"sh", ".+\.sh:/bin/sh:#:#:#",
"make", "[Mm]akefile:/usr/local/bin/make:#:#:#",
"README", "[Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Mm][Ee]::::"
# File types for Makefiles: pattern for name, name of variable
%subtypes= (".*\\.h", "INCLUDES",
".*\\.c", "CFILES",
".*\\.(cc|c\\+\\+)", "CCFILES",
".*\\.f", "FFILES",
".*\\.s", "ASFILES",
".*\\.y", "YACCFILES",
".*\\.a", "LIBFILES",
".*\\.l", "LEXFILES",
".*\\.(sh|csh|pl)", "SHFILES",
".*\\.1", "MANFILES1",
".*\\.2", "MANFILES2",
".*\\.3", "MANFILES3",
".*\\.4", "MANFILES4",
".*\\.5", "MANFILES5",
".*\\.6", "MANFILES6",
".*\\.7", "MANFILES7",
".*\\.8", "MANFILES8",
".*\\.(mm|me|doc|tex)", "DOCFILES",
%subtype =("lib", 1, "sh", 1, "a.out", 1, "perl", 1, "csh", 1);
# Check arguments
$LIBDIR= $opt_l || $LIBSKEL || "./lib"; # where the skeletons are
die "Unknown file type\n" if defined $opt_t && ! defined $types{$opt_t};
if ($#ARGV) {
$file= $ARGV[1];
($suffix= $file) =~ s/.*\.//;
# Variables likely to be substituted
$MAILHOST = (gethostbyname($hostname))[1] unless defined $MAILHOST;
$MANAGER = "root@$MAILHOST" unless defined $MANAGER;
$ORG = "\U$1\E" if !defined $ORG && $MAILHOST =~ /\.([^\.]+)\.[^\.]*/;
$IDSTRING = "%I\045 $ORG \045G%" unless defined $IDSTRING;
$DATE = sprintf("%2d-%s-%d", $mday, $month{$mon+1}, $year);
$LOGIN = getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[1];
$AUTHOR = sprintf ("%s (%s@%s)", (getpwuid($<))[7], $LOGIN, $MAILHOST);
$GROUP = (getgrgid((getpwuid($<))[4]))[1];
$YEAR = "19$year"; # soon to modify...
$FILENAME = $file if defined $file; # else stdout
$NAME = (split(/\./, "\U$file\E"))[1] if defined $file; # else default
$Name = "\U$1\E\L$2\E" if $NAME=~ /(.)(.*)/;
$name = "\L$NAME\E";
# Determine type and execute
if (defined $opt_t) {
$type= $opt_t;
} else {
foreach $t (keys %types) {
$pattern= (split(/:/, $types{$t}))[1];
$type= $t, last if defined $file && $file =~ /^$pattern$/;
die "Can't tell which type!\n" if ! defined $type;
($pattern, $INTERPRETER, $COB, $COM, $COE)= split(/:/, $types{$type});
$SECTION= $suffix =~ /^[1-8]$/ ? $suffix : 1 if $type eq "man";
# special treatment for Makefiles
if ($type eq "make") {
# Target name comes right next, no default
$MAKEFILE= $ARGV[1] || "Makefile" ;
$TARGET = $ARGV[2] || "a.out";
# Type of processing (a.out, sh, lib, perl, csh)
if (defined $opt_s) {
die "Unknown source type\n" if ! defined $subtype{$opt_s};
$subtype = $opt_s;
} elsif ($TARGET =~ /.a$/) {
$subtype = "lib";
} else {
$subtype = "a.out";
$subtype=~ s/\./_/g;
eval "\$\U$subtype\E= 1";
# Define all variables according to the rest of the files
foreach $file (@ARGV[3..$#ARGV]) {
foreach $s (keys %subtypes) {
eval "\$$subtypes{$s} .= \"$file \"", last if $file =~ /^$s$/;
# now open the output and perform
&openfile($file) if defined $file;
# Open output file with backup
sub openfile {{
local($file)= $_[1];
if (-e $file) {
die "Files $file and $file.bak exist, not overwritten\n"
if -e "$file.bak";
print STDERR "renaming existing $file to $file.bak";
rename($file, "$file.bak");
open (STDOUT, ">$file") || die "Can't open $file for output: $!\n";
print STDERR "output file is $file";
# Read a file with substitutions and possible inclusions (recurse then)
sub dofile {{
local($file)= $_[1];
local($d)= 0;
open (FILE, $file) || die "Can't find $file: $!\n";
push(cond, 1) if ! $#cond; # initialize the stack
while (<FILE>) {
# perform action if keyword and not nested in a skipped conditional
$d++, $cond[$#cond] && push(cond, $d, &docondition($1)),
next if /^@@IF (.*)$/;
$d++, $cond[$#cond] && push(cond, $d, ! &docondition($1)),
next if /^@@IFN (.*)$/;
$d == $cond[$#cond-1] && push(cond, ! pop(cond)),
next if /^@@ELSE$/;
$d == $cond[$#cond-1] && (pop(cond), pop(cond)), $d--,
next if /^@@FI$/;
next if ! $cond[$#cond];
&doinclude($1), next if /^@@INCLUDE (.*)$/;
(print STDERR $1), next if /^@@MESSAGE (.*)$/;
# if not keyword, substitute variable and print (conditionals first)
while (/\$\${([^\?}]*)\?([^}]*)/) { # find all conditionals
$cond= $1;
$value= $2;
&docondition($cond)? s/\$\${[^}]*}/$value/ : s/\$\${[^}]*}//;
while (/.*\$\$(\w+).*/) { # find all variables occurrences
$value= eval "\$$1"; # compute the value
s/\$\$$1/$value/; # and do the replacement
s/\\\$\\\$/\$\$/g; # restore all escaped $$
close (FILE);
# doinclude - execute the INCLUDE directive
sub doinclude {{
local($file)= $_[1];
$n++; # for recursion
open("SAVE$n", "<&FILE") || die "dup: $!\n"; # save handle on "stack"
$where=tell(FILE); # and place
&dofile("$LIBDIR/$file"); # recurse on dofile
open(FILE, "<&SAVE$n") || die "dup: $!\n"; # restore handle
seek(FILE, $where, 0); # and place
# docondition - evaluate a condition
sub docondition {{
local($condition)= "$".$_[1];
$condition=~ s/\./_/g;
$condition=~ s/\|/\|\|\$/g;
$condition=~ s/\&/\&\&\$/g;
"" ne eval $condition;
# printlongline - fold lines with continuation characters
sub printlongline {{
local($line)= $_[1];
local($max)= 80; # for 1st line - 80, then less ('cause of tab)
while (length($line) > $max) {
# split at last white space before $max-2
($l1, $l2)= ($1, $2) if substr($line, 1, $max-2) =~/(.*)\s([^\s]*)/;
# print segment and repeat
printf "$l1 \\\n\t";
$line= $l2.substr($line, $max-1);
$max= 72;
# print last stuff
print $line;