Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
397 lines
merge sort
Divide up the array into halves, then quarters, then eighths and so
on until it can be divided no more. Perform a "tape merge" on
adjacent sections, building up larger ordered subsections until
you're done.
This version has some nifty features:
1. It avoids mempcy for arrays of 4 byte or 8 bytes, so sorting
pointers, ints, longs, float, doubles, or appropriately size tiny
structures works quickly. Someday I will add merge2 and merge16
and round out the collection, but beyond that the savings are
2. After the merges of subsections become larger than a certain
number of records, a quick check is made to see if the last item
of the first subsection is less than the first item of the second
subsection; in this case the array is already in order there so
there's no point in doing a merge of the two subsections. This
feature can be turned off by setting _maybe_sorted to 0.
3. Array indexes and pointer math have been simplified to a degree.
A sophisticated compiler would have no trouble performing strength
reduction, but this way some improvement is available even if you
don't cc -O.
4. If it can't malloc the space it needs, it gives up and calls qsort().
Knuth mentions Von Neumann as the first person who implemented a
decent merge sort. Merge sort as an algorithm probably predates
electronic computers.
John Von Neumann, Collected Works 5, 1963
Knuth, Art of Computer Programming Vol 3, pg 159-168
O(n log n)
This code is recursive, although the algorithm can be (and often is)
implemented without recursion.
Unlike many sort algorithms, this takes 2n memory.
My choice of sizes for special sort functions and for the
MAYBE_THRESHOLD aren't necessarily ideal for all computers
for all time.
The alignment check is hopelessly RISC-centric, but easy to remove.
Copyright 1992 Michael Lee.
(1) Permission to use, copy, distribute, and make changes is granted
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(b) this copyright notice must be included verbatim in all copies and
(2) There is no warranty for this program, to the extent permitted by
applicable law. This program is provided "AS IS" without warranty of
any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to,
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of this
program is with the user. Should this program prove defective, the
user assumes the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
(3) In no event unless required by applicable law will the copyright
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(4) Object code produced by a compiler from this code may be
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sorting.h"
#include <assert.h>
int _maybe_sorted = 1;
static int merge4();
static int merge8();
static int mergen();
int merge_sort(base, nelem, width, cmpr_func)
char * base;
int nelem;
int width;
int (*cmpr_func)();
if (width == sizeof(chunk4) && (int) base % sizeof(chunk4) == 0)
return merge4((chunk4 *) base, nelem, cmpr_func);
else if (width == sizeof(chunk8) && (int) base % sizeof(chunk8) == 0)
return merge8((chunk8 *) base, nelem, cmpr_func);
return mergen(base, nelem, width, cmpr_func);
static int merge4(base, nelem, cmpr_func)
chunk4 * base;
int nelem;
int (*cmpr_func)();
int split;
int a, b;
chunk4 * c;
int in_order;
static chunk4 * out = NULL;
int mine = 0;
if (out == NULL)
out = (chunk4 *) malloc(nelem * sizeof(chunk4));
if (out == NULL)
qsort((char *) base, nelem, sizeof(chunk4), cmpr_func);
return 0;
mine = 1;
split = (nelem+1) / 2;
if (split > 1)
(void) merge4(base, split, cmpr_func);
if (nelem - split > 1)
(void) merge4(base+split, nelem-split, cmpr_func);
if (_maybe_sorted && nelem > MAYBE_THRESHOLD &&
(*cmpr_func)(base+split, base+split-1) >= 0)
if (mine)
free((char *) out);
out = NULL;
return 0;
a = 0;
b = split;
c = out;
while(a < split)
if (b >= nelem)
in_order = 1;
in_order = ((*cmpr_func)(base+a, base+b) <= 0);
if (in_order)
*c = *(base + a);
c ++;
a ++;
*c = *(base + b);
c ++;
b ++;
assert(c - out <= nelem);
assert(c - out <= nelem);
for (a = 0; a < c - out; a ++) base[a] = out[a];
if (mine)
free((char *) out);
out = NULL;
return 0;
static int merge8(base, nelem, cmpr_func)
chunk8 * base;
int nelem;
int (*cmpr_func)();
int split;
int a, b;
chunk8 * c;
int in_order;
static chunk8 * out = NULL;
int mine = 0;
if (out == NULL)
out = (chunk8 *) malloc(nelem * sizeof(chunk8));
if (out == NULL)
qsort((char *) base, nelem, sizeof(chunk8), cmpr_func);
return 0;
mine = 1;
split = (nelem+1) / 2;
if (split > 1)
(void) merge8(base, split, cmpr_func);
if (nelem - split > 1)
(void) merge8(base+split, nelem-split, cmpr_func);
if (_maybe_sorted && nelem > MAYBE_THRESHOLD &&
(*cmpr_func)(base+split, base+split-1) >= 0)
if (mine)
free((char *) out);
out = NULL;
return 0;
a = 0;
b = split;
c = out;
while(a < split)
if (b >= nelem)
in_order = 1;
in_order = ((*cmpr_func)(base+a, base+b) <= 0);
if (in_order)
*c = *(base + a);
c ++;
a ++;
*c = *(base + b);
c ++;
b ++;
assert(c - out <= nelem);
assert(c - out <= nelem);
for (a = 0; a < c - out; a ++) base[a] = out[a];
if (mine)
free((char *) out);
out = NULL;
return 0;
static int mergen(base, nelem, width, cmpr_func)
char * base;
int nelem;
int (*cmpr_func)();
int width;
int split, nw, sw;
int a, b;
char * c;
int in_order;
static char * out = NULL;
int mine = 0;
nw = nelem*width;
if (out == NULL)
out = (char *) malloc(nw);
if (out == NULL)
qsort(base, nelem, width, cmpr_func);
return 0;
mine = 1;
split = (nelem+1) / 2;
sw = split*width;
if (split > 1)
(void) mergen(base, split, width, cmpr_func);
if (nelem - split > 1)
(void) mergen(base+sw, nelem-split, width, cmpr_func);
if (_maybe_sorted && nelem > MAYBE_THRESHOLD &&
(*cmpr_func)(base+sw, base+sw-width) >= 0)
if (mine)
out = NULL;
return 0;
a = 0;
b = sw;
c = out;
while(a < sw)
if (b >= nw)
in_order = 1;
in_order = ((*cmpr_func)(base+a, base+b) <= 0);
/* todo: try coalescing adjacent iterations into the
same call to memcpy when in_order is the same */
if (in_order)
memcpy(c, base+a, width);
c += width;
a += width;
memcpy(c, base+b, width);
c += width;
b += width;
assert(c - out <= nelem * width);
assert(c - out <= nelem * width);
memcpy(base, out, c - out);
if (mine)
out = NULL;
return 0;