Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
203 lines
quicksort, or partition exchange sort
Sort by partitioning, then sort the partitions, and so on.
C. A. R. Hoare.
This particular implementation is taken from K&R2.
Hoare, Comp. J. 5, 1962
Knuth, Vol 3, page 114ff
Kernighan & Ritchie The C Programming Language, Revised Edition, pg 87
Standish, Data Structure Techniques pg 23-27
Sedgewick, Implementing Quicksort Programs CACM 21:10 October 1978
Best case O(n log n)
Worse case O(n^2)
Same problems as with merge_sort.
Copyright 1992 Michael Lee.
(1) Permission to use, copy, distribute, and make changes is granted
providing that (a) that you do so without charging anyone a fee and
(b) this copyright notice must be included verbatim in all copies and
(2) There is no warranty for this program, to the extent permitted by
applicable law. This program is provided "AS IS" without warranty of
any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to,
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of this
program is with the user. Should this program prove defective, the
user assumes the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
(3) In no event unless required by applicable law will the copyright
holder be liable to the user for damages, including any general,
special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use
or inability to use this program (including but not limited to loss of
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(4) Object code produced by a compiler from this code may be
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restrictions (1)(a) or (1)(b).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "sorting.h"
static char * copy_buffer = NULL;
static int quick_sortn();
static int quick_sort4();
static int quick_sort8();
int quick_sort(base, nelem, width, cmpr_func)
char * base;
int nelem;
int width;
int (*cmpr_func)();
copy_buffer = malloc(width);
assert(copy_buffer != NULL);
if (width == sizeof(chunk4) && (long) base % sizeof(chunk4) == 0)
quick_sort4((chunk4 *) base, cmpr_func, 0, nelem-1);
else if (width == sizeof(chunk8) && (long) base % sizeof(chunk8) == 0)
quick_sort8((chunk8 *) base, cmpr_func, 0, nelem-1);
quick_sortn(base, width, cmpr_func, 0, nelem-1);
copy_buffer = NULL;
static quick_sortn(base, width, cmpr_func, left, right)
char * base;
int width;
int (*cmpr_func)();
int left, right;
int i, last;
int half = (left+right)/2;
if (left >= right) return;
memcpy(copy_buffer, base+width*left, width);
memcpy(base+width*left, base+width*half, width);
memcpy(base+width*half, copy_buffer, width);
last = left;
for (i = left + 1; i <= right; i++)
if ((*cmpr_func)(base+width*i, base+width*left) < 0)
last ++;
if (last == i) continue;
memcpy(copy_buffer, base+width*last, width);
memcpy(base+width*last, base+width*i, width);
memcpy(base+width*i, copy_buffer, width);
memcpy(copy_buffer, base+width*left, width);
memcpy(base+width*left, base+width*last, width);
memcpy(base+width*last, copy_buffer, width);
quick_sortn(base, width, cmpr_func, left, last-1);
quick_sortn(base, width, cmpr_func, last+1, right);
static quick_sort4(base, cmpr_func, left, right)
chunk4 * base;
int (*cmpr_func)();
int left, right;
int i, last;
chunk4 temp;
if (left >= right) return;
temp = base[left];
base[left] = base[(left+right)/2];
base[(left+right)/2] = temp;
last = left;
for (i = left + 1; i <= right; i++)
if ((*cmpr_func)(&base[i], &base[left]) < 0)
last ++;
if (last == i) continue;
temp = base[last];
base[last] = base[i];
base[i] = temp;
temp = base[left];
base[left] = base[last];
base[last] = temp;
quick_sort4(base, cmpr_func, left, last-1);
quick_sort4(base, cmpr_func, last+1, right);
static quick_sort8(base, cmpr_func, left, right)
chunk8 * base;
int (*cmpr_func)();
int left, right;
int i, last;
chunk8 temp;
if (left >= right) return;
temp = base[left];
base[left] = base[(left+right)/2];
base[(left+right)/2] = temp;
last = left;
for (i = left + 1; i <= right; i++)
if ((*cmpr_func)(&base[i], &base[left]) < 0)
last ++;
if (last == i) continue;
temp = base[last];
base[last] = base[i];
base[i] = temp;
temp = base[left];
base[left] = base[last];
base[last] = temp;
quick_sort8(base, cmpr_func, left, last-1);
quick_sort8(base, cmpr_func, last+1, right);