Usenet 1994 October
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//$$ newmat.h definition file for new version of matrix package
// Copyright (C) 1991,2: R B Davies
#ifndef MATRIX_LIB
#define MATRIX_LIB 0
#define UpperTriangularMatrix UTMatrix
#define LowerTriangularMatrix LTMatrix
#define SymmetricMatrix SMatrix
#define DiagonalMatrix DMatrix
#define ReturnMatrix ReturnMatrixX
#define ReturnMatrix ReturnMatrixX&
#include "boolean.h"
#include "except.h"
/**************************** general utilities ****************************/
class GeneralMatrix;
void MatrixErrorNoSpace(void*); // no space handler
class LogAndSign
// Return from LogDeterminant function
// - value of the log plus the sign (+, - or 0)
Real log_value;
int sign;
LogAndSign() { log_value=0.0; sign=1; }
void operator*=(Real);
void ChangeSign() { sign = -sign; }
Real LogValue() const { return log_value; }
int Sign() const { return sign; }
Real Value() const;
// the following class is for counting the number of times a piece of code
// is executed. It is used for locating any code not executed by test
// routines. Use turbo GREP locate all places this code is called and
// check which ones are not accessed.
// Somewhat implementation dependent as it relies on "cout" still being
// present when ExeCounter objects are destructed.
class ExeCounter
int line; // code line number
int fileid; // file identifier
long nexe; // number of executions
static int nreports; // number of reports
void operator++() { nexe++; }
~ExeCounter(); // prints out reports
/**************************** class MatrixType *****************************/
// Is used for finding the type of a matrix resulting from the binary operations
// +, -, * and identifying what conversions are permissible.
// This class must be updated when new matrix types are added.
class GeneralMatrix; // defined later
class BaseMatrix; // defined later
class MatrixType
enum Attribute { Valid = 1,
Symmetric = 2,
Band = 4,
Upper = 8,
Lower = 16,
LUDeco = 32,
OneRow = 64,
OneCol = 128 };
enum { US = 0,
UT = Valid + Upper,
LT = Valid + Lower,
Rt = Valid,
Sm = Valid + Symmetric,
Dg = Valid + Band + Lower + Upper + Symmetric,
RV = Valid + OneRow,
CV = Valid + OneCol,
BM = Valid + Band,
UB = Valid + Band + Upper,
LB = Valid + Band + Lower,
SB = Valid + Band + Symmetric,
Ct = Valid + LUDeco,
BC = Valid + Band + LUDeco,
static nTypes() { return 11; } // number of different types
// exclude Ct, US, BC
int attribute;
MatrixType operator+(const MatrixType& t) const;
MatrixType operator*(const MatrixType&) const;
Boolean operator>=(const MatrixType& t) const;
Boolean operator==(const MatrixType& t) const
{ return (attribute == t.attribute); }
Boolean operator!=(const MatrixType& t) const { return !operator==(t); }
Boolean operator!() const { return (attribute & Valid) == 0; }
MatrixType i() const; // type of inverse
MatrixType t() const; // type of transpose
MatrixType AddEqualEl() const; // Add constant to matrix
MatrixType MultRHS() const; // type for rhs of multiply
MatrixType sub() const; // type of submatrix
MatrixType ssub() const; // type of sym submatrix
// MatrixType (Type tx) : attribute((int)tx) {}
// // (& doesn't work with AT&T)
MatrixType () {}
MatrixType (int i) : attribute(i) {}
GeneralMatrix* New() const; // new matrix of given type
GeneralMatrix* New(int,int,BaseMatrix*) const;
// new matrix of given type
operator char*() const; // for printing type
int BestFit() const;
void TestTypeAdd(); // test +
void TestTypeMult(); // test *
void TestTypeOrder(); // test >=
/************************* class MatrixBandWidth ***********************/
class MatrixBandWidth
int lower;
int upper;
MatrixBandWidth(const int l, const int u) : lower(l), upper (u) {}
MatrixBandWidth(const int i) : lower(i), upper(i) {}
MatrixBandWidth operator+(const MatrixBandWidth&) const;
MatrixBandWidth operator*(const MatrixBandWidth&) const;
MatrixBandWidth t() const { return MatrixBandWidth(upper,lower); }
Boolean operator==(const MatrixBandWidth& bw) const
{ return (lower == bw.lower) && (upper == bw.upper); }
/*********************** Array length specifier ************************/
// This class is introduced to avoid constructors such as
// ColumnVector(int)
// being used for conversions
class ArrayLengthSpecifier
int value;
int Value() const { return value; }
ArrayLengthSpecifier(int l) : value(l) {}
/*************************** Matrix routines ***************************/
class MatrixRowCol; // defined later
class MatrixRow;
class MatrixCol;
class GeneralMatrix; // defined later
class AddedMatrix;
class MultipliedMatrix;
class SubtractedMatrix;
class SolvedMatrix;
class ShiftedMatrix;
class ScaledMatrix;
class TransposedMatrix;
class NegatedMatrix;
class InvertedMatrix;
class RowedMatrix;
class ColedMatrix;
class DiagedMatrix;
class MatedMatrix;
class GetSubMatrix;
class ConstMatrix;
class ReturnMatrixX;
class Matrix;
class nricMatrix;
class RowVector;
class ColumnVector;
class SymmetricMatrix;
class UpperTriangularMatrix;
class LowerTriangularMatrix;
class DiagonalMatrix;
class CroutMatrix;
class BandMatrix;
class LowerBandMatrix;
class UpperBandMatrix;
class SymmetricBandMatrix;
class LinearEquationSolver;
static MatrixType MatrixTypeUnSp(MatrixType::US);
// AT&T needs this
class BaseMatrix : public Janitor // base of all matrix classes
// BaseMatrix() {}
virtual ~BaseMatrix() {}
virtual int search(const BaseMatrix*) const = 0;
// count number of times matrix
// is referred to
virtual MatrixType Type() const = 0; // type of a matrix
// virtual int NrowsV() const = 0;
// virtual int NcolsV() const = 0;
#ifndef GXX
virtual GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType mt=MatrixTypeUnSp) = 0;
// evaluate temporary
virtual GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType mt) = 0;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate() { return Evaluate(MatrixTypeUnSp); }
// void MatrixParameters(int& nr, int& nc, MatrixType& mt)
// { nr = NrowsV(); nc = NcolsV(); mt = Type(); }
AddedMatrix operator+(const BaseMatrix&) const; // results of operations
MultipliedMatrix operator*(const BaseMatrix&) const;
SubtractedMatrix operator-(const BaseMatrix&) const;
ShiftedMatrix operator+(Real) const;
ScaledMatrix operator*(Real) const;
ScaledMatrix operator/(Real) const;
ShiftedMatrix operator-(Real) const;
TransposedMatrix t() const;
// TransposedMatrix t;
NegatedMatrix operator-() const; // change sign of elements
InvertedMatrix i() const;
// InvertedMatrix i;
RowedMatrix AsRow() const;
ColedMatrix AsColumn() const;
DiagedMatrix AsDiagonal() const;
MatedMatrix AsMatrix(int,int) const;
GetSubMatrix SubMatrix(int,int,int,int) const;
GetSubMatrix SymSubMatrix(int,int) const;
GetSubMatrix Row(int) const;
GetSubMatrix Rows(int,int) const;
GetSubMatrix Column(int) const;
GetSubMatrix Columns(int,int) const;
AddedMatrix& operator+(const BaseMatrix&) const; // results of operations
MultipliedMatrix& operator*(const BaseMatrix&) const;
SubtractedMatrix& operator-(const BaseMatrix&) const;
ShiftedMatrix& operator+(Real) const;
ScaledMatrix& operator*(Real) const;
ScaledMatrix& operator/(Real) const;
ShiftedMatrix& operator-(Real) const;
TransposedMatrix& t() const;
// TransposedMatrix& t;
NegatedMatrix& operator-() const; // change sign of elements
InvertedMatrix& i() const;
// InvertedMatrix& i;
RowedMatrix& AsRow() const;
ColedMatrix& AsColumn() const;
DiagedMatrix& AsDiagonal() const;
MatedMatrix& AsMatrix(int,int) const;
GetSubMatrix& SubMatrix(int,int,int,int) const;
GetSubMatrix& SymSubMatrix(int,int) const;
GetSubMatrix& Row(int) const;
GetSubMatrix& Rows(int,int) const;
GetSubMatrix& Column(int) const;
GetSubMatrix& Columns(int,int) const;
Real AsScalar() const; // conversion of 1 x 1 matrix
virtual LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
virtual Real SumSquare() const;
virtual Real SumAbsoluteValue() const;
virtual Real MaximumAbsoluteValue() const;
virtual Real Trace() const;
Real Norm1() const;
Real NormInfinity() const;
virtual MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const; // bandwidths of band matrix
virtual void CleanUp() {} // to clear store
// BaseMatrix() : t(this), i(this) {}
friend GeneralMatrix;
friend Matrix;
friend nricMatrix;
friend RowVector;
friend ColumnVector;
friend SymmetricMatrix;
friend UpperTriangularMatrix;
friend LowerTriangularMatrix;
friend DiagonalMatrix;
friend CroutMatrix;
friend BandMatrix;
friend LowerBandMatrix;
friend UpperBandMatrix;
friend SymmetricBandMatrix;
friend AddedMatrix;
friend MultipliedMatrix;
friend SubtractedMatrix;
friend SolvedMatrix;
friend ShiftedMatrix;
friend ScaledMatrix;
friend TransposedMatrix;
friend NegatedMatrix;
friend InvertedMatrix;
friend RowedMatrix;
friend ColedMatrix;
friend DiagedMatrix;
friend MatedMatrix;
friend GetSubMatrix;
friend ConstMatrix;
friend ReturnMatrixX;
friend LinearEquationSolver;
/******************************* working classes **************************/
class GeneralMatrix : public BaseMatrix // declarable matrix types
int tag; // shows whether can reuse
int nrows, ncols; // dimensions
int storage; // total store required
Real* store; // point to store (0=not set)
GeneralMatrix(); // initialise with no store
GeneralMatrix(ArrayLengthSpecifier); // constructor getting store
void Add(GeneralMatrix*, Real); // sum of GM and Real
void Add(Real); // add Real to this
void Multiply(GeneralMatrix*, Real); // product of GM and Real
void Multiply(Real); // multiply this by Real
void Negate(GeneralMatrix*); // change sign
void Negate(); // change sign
void operator=(Real); // set matrix to constant
Real* GetStore(); // get store or copy
GeneralMatrix* BorrowStore(GeneralMatrix*, MatrixType);
// temporarily access store
void GetMatrix(const GeneralMatrix*); // used by = and initialise
void Eq(const BaseMatrix&, MatrixType); // used by =
int search(const BaseMatrix*) const;
virtual GeneralMatrix* Transpose(TransposedMatrix*, MatrixType);
void CheckConversion(const BaseMatrix&); // check conversion OK
void ReDimension(int, int, int); // change dimensions
// int NrowsV() const; // get dimensions
// int NcolsV() const; // virtual version
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixType Type() const = 0; // type of a matrix
int Nrows() const { return nrows; } // get dimensions
int Ncols() const { return ncols; }
int Storage() const { return storage; }
Real* Store() const { return store; }
virtual ~GeneralMatrix(); // delete store if set
void tDelete(); // delete if tag permits
Boolean reuse(); // TRUE if tag allows reuse
void Protect() { tag=-1; } // can't delete or reuse
int Tag() const { return tag; }
Boolean IsZero() const; // test matrix has all zeros
void Release() { tag=1; } // del store after next use
void Release(int t) { tag=t; } // del store after t accesses
void ReleaseAndDelete() { tag=0; } // delete matrix after use
void operator<<(const Real*); // assignment from an array
void operator<<(const BaseMatrix& X) { Eq(X,this->Type()); }
// = without checking type
void Inject(const GeneralMatrix&); // copy stored els only
virtual GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver(); // for solving
virtual void Solver(MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&) {}
virtual void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&) = 0; // Get matrix row
virtual void RestoreRow(MatrixRowCol&) {} // Restore matrix row
virtual void NextRow(MatrixRowCol&); // Go to next row
virtual void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&) = 0; // Get matrix col
virtual void RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol&) {} // Restore matrix col
virtual void NextCol(MatrixRowCol&); // Go to next col
Real SumSquare() const;
Real SumAbsoluteValue() const;
Real MaximumAbsoluteValue() const;
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
ConstMatrix c() const; // to access constant matrices
ConstMatrix& c() const; // to access constant matrices
void CheckStore() const; // check store is non-zero
virtual void SetParameters(const GeneralMatrix*) {}
// set parameters in GetMatrix
operator ReturnMatrixX() const; // for building a ReturnMatrix
operator ReturnMatrixX&() const; // for building a ReturnMatrix
void CleanUp(); // to clear store
friend Matrix;
friend nricMatrix;
friend SymmetricMatrix;
friend UpperTriangularMatrix;
friend LowerTriangularMatrix;
friend DiagonalMatrix;
friend CroutMatrix;
friend RowVector;
friend ColumnVector;
friend BandMatrix;
friend LowerBandMatrix;
friend UpperBandMatrix;
friend SymmetricBandMatrix;
friend BaseMatrix;
friend AddedMatrix;
friend MultipliedMatrix;
friend SubtractedMatrix;
friend SolvedMatrix;
friend ShiftedMatrix;
friend ScaledMatrix;
friend TransposedMatrix;
friend NegatedMatrix;
friend InvertedMatrix;
friend RowedMatrix;
friend ColedMatrix;
friend DiagedMatrix;
friend MatedMatrix;
friend GetSubMatrix;
friend ConstMatrix;
friend ReturnMatrixX;
friend LinearEquationSolver;
class Matrix : public GeneralMatrix // usual rectangular matrix
Matrix() {}
Matrix(int, int); // standard declaration
Matrix(const BaseMatrix&); // evaluate BaseMatrix
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
MatrixType Type() const;
Real& operator()(int, int); // access element
Real& element(int, int); // access element
Matrix(const Matrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int, int) const; // access element
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver();
Real Trace() const;
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void NextRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void NextCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void ReDimension(int,int); // change dimensions
class nricMatrix : public Matrix // for use with Numerical
// Recipes in C
Real** row_pointer; // points to rows
void MakeRowPointer(); // build rowpointer
void DeleteRowPointer();
nricMatrix() {}
nricMatrix(int m, int n) // standard declaration
: Matrix(m,n) { MakeRowPointer(); }
nricMatrix(const BaseMatrix& bm) // evaluate BaseMatrix
: Matrix(bm) { MakeRowPointer(); }
void operator=(const BaseMatrix& bm)
{ DeleteRowPointer(); Matrix::operator=(bm); MakeRowPointer(); }
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
void operator<<(const BaseMatrix& X)
{ DeleteRowPointer(); Eq(X,this->Type()); MakeRowPointer(); }
nricMatrix(const nricMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); MakeRowPointer(); }
void ReDimension(int m, int n) // change dimensions
{ DeleteRowPointer(); Matrix::ReDimension(m,n); MakeRowPointer(); }
~nricMatrix() { DeleteRowPointer(); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real** nric() const { CheckStore(); return row_pointer-1; }
void CleanUp(); // to clear store
class SymmetricMatrix : public GeneralMatrix
SymmetricMatrix() {}
SymmetricMatrix(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
Real& operator()(int, int); // access element
Real& element(int, int); // access element
MatrixType Type() const;
SymmetricMatrix(const SymmetricMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int, int) const; // access element
Real SumSquare() const;
Real SumAbsoluteValue() const;
Real Trace() const;
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
GeneralMatrix* Transpose(TransposedMatrix*, MatrixType);
void ReDimension(int); // change dimensions
class UpperTriangularMatrix : public GeneralMatrix
UpperTriangularMatrix() {}
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
UpperTriangularMatrix(const BaseMatrix&);
UpperTriangularMatrix(const UpperTriangularMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int, int) const; // access element
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
Real& operator()(int, int); // access element
Real& element(int, int); // access element
MatrixType Type() const;
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver() { return this; } // for solving
void Solver(MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
Real Trace() const;
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void NextRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void ReDimension(int); // change dimensions
class LowerTriangularMatrix : public GeneralMatrix
LowerTriangularMatrix() {}
LowerTriangularMatrix(const LowerTriangularMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int, int) const; // access element
LowerTriangularMatrix(const BaseMatrix& M);
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
Real& operator()(int, int); // access element
Real& element(int, int); // access element
MatrixType Type() const;
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver() { return this; } // for solving
void Solver(MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
Real Trace() const;
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void NextRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void ReDimension(int); // change dimensions
class DiagonalMatrix : public GeneralMatrix
DiagonalMatrix() {}
DiagonalMatrix(const BaseMatrix&);
DiagonalMatrix(const DiagonalMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int, int) const; // access element
Real operator()(int) const;
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
Real& operator()(int, int); // access element
Real& operator()(int); // access element
Real& element(int, int); // access element
Real& element(int); // access element
MatrixType Type() const;
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
Real Trace() const;
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void NextRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void NextCol(MatrixRowCol&);
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver() { return this; } // for solving
void Solver(MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
GeneralMatrix* Transpose(TransposedMatrix*, MatrixType);
void ReDimension(int); // change dimensions
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real* nric() const
{ CheckStore(); return store-1; } // for use by NRIC
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class RowVector : public Matrix
RowVector() {}
RowVector(ArrayLengthSpecifier n) : Matrix(1,n.Value()) {}
RowVector(const BaseMatrix&);
RowVector(const RowVector& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int) const; // access element
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
Real& operator()(int); // access element
Real& element(int); // access element
MatrixType Type() const;
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void NextCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol&);
GeneralMatrix* Transpose(TransposedMatrix*, MatrixType);
void ReDimension(int); // change dimensions
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real* nric() const
{ CheckStore(); return store-1; } // for use by NRIC
void CleanUp(); // to clear store
class ColumnVector : public Matrix
ColumnVector() {}
ColumnVector(ArrayLengthSpecifier n) : Matrix(n.Value(),1) {}
ColumnVector(const BaseMatrix&);
ColumnVector(const ColumnVector& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int) const; // access element
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
Real& operator()(int); // access element
Real& element(int); // access element
MatrixType Type() const;
GeneralMatrix* Transpose(TransposedMatrix*, MatrixType);
void ReDimension(int); // change dimensions
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real* nric() const
{ CheckStore(); return store-1; } // for use by NRIC
void CleanUp(); // to clear store
class CroutMatrix : public GeneralMatrix // for LU decomposition
int* indx;
Boolean d;
Boolean sing;
void ludcmp();
CroutMatrix(const BaseMatrix&);
MatrixType Type() const;
void lubksb(Real*, int=0);
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver() { return this; } // for solving
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
void Solver(MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void CleanUp(); // to clear store
/******************************* band matrices ***************************/
class BandMatrix : public GeneralMatrix // band matrix
void CornerClear() const; // set unused elements to zero
int lower, upper; // band widths
BandMatrix() { lower=0; upper=0; CornerClear(); }
BandMatrix(int n,int lb,int ub) { ReDimension(n,lb,ub); CornerClear(); }
// standard declaration
BandMatrix(const BaseMatrix&); // evaluate BaseMatrix
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
MatrixType Type() const;
Real& operator()(int, int); // access element
Real& element(int, int); // access element
BandMatrix(const BandMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int, int) const; // access element
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver();
Real Trace() const;
Real SumSquare() const { CornerClear(); return GeneralMatrix::SumSquare(); }
Real SumAbsoluteValue() const
{ CornerClear(); return GeneralMatrix::SumAbsoluteValue(); }
Real MaximumAbsoluteValue() const
{ CornerClear(); return GeneralMatrix::MaximumAbsoluteValue(); }
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void NextRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void ReDimension(int, int, int); // change dimensions
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
void SetParameters(const GeneralMatrix*);
class UpperBandMatrix : public BandMatrix // upper band matrix
UpperBandMatrix() {}
UpperBandMatrix(int n, int ubw) // standard declaration
: BandMatrix(n, 0, ubw) {}
UpperBandMatrix(const BaseMatrix&); // evaluate BaseMatrix
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
MatrixType Type() const;
UpperBandMatrix(const UpperBandMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver() { return this; }
void Solver(MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
void ReDimension(int n,int ubw) // change dimensions
{ BandMatrix::ReDimension(n,0,ubw); }
Real& operator()(int, int);
Real& element(int, int);
class LowerBandMatrix : public BandMatrix // upper band matrix
LowerBandMatrix() {}
LowerBandMatrix(int n, int lbw) // standard declaration
: BandMatrix(n, lbw, 0) {}
LowerBandMatrix(const BaseMatrix&); // evaluate BaseMatrix
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
MatrixType Type() const;
LowerBandMatrix(const LowerBandMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver() { return this; }
void Solver(MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
void ReDimension(int n,int lbw) // change dimensions
{ BandMatrix::ReDimension(n,lbw,0); }
Real& operator()(int, int);
Real& element(int, int);
class SymmetricBandMatrix : public GeneralMatrix
void CornerClear() const; // set unused elements to zero
int lower; // lower band width
SymmetricBandMatrix() { lower=0; CornerClear(); }
SymmetricBandMatrix(int n, int lb) { ReDimension(n,lb); CornerClear(); }
SymmetricBandMatrix(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator=(Real f) { GeneralMatrix::operator=(f); }
Real& operator()(int, int); // access element
Real& element(int, int); // access element
MatrixType Type() const;
SymmetricBandMatrix(const SymmetricBandMatrix& gm) { GetMatrix(&gm); }
#ifndef __ZTC__
Real operator()(int, int) const; // access element
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver();
Real SumSquare() const;
Real SumAbsoluteValue() const;
Real MaximumAbsoluteValue() const
{ CornerClear(); return GeneralMatrix::MaximumAbsoluteValue(); }
Real Trace() const;
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
GeneralMatrix* Transpose(TransposedMatrix*, MatrixType);
void ReDimension(int,int); // change dimensions
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
void SetParameters(const GeneralMatrix*);
class BandLUMatrix : public GeneralMatrix
// for LU decomposition of band matrix
int* indx;
Boolean d;
Boolean sing; // TRUE if singular
Real* store2;
int storage2;
void ludcmp();
int m1,m2; // lower and upper
BandLUMatrix(const BaseMatrix&);
MatrixType Type() const;
void lubksb(Real*, int=0);
GeneralMatrix* MakeSolver() { return this; } // for solving
LogAndSign LogDeterminant() const;
void Solver(MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
void GetRow(MatrixRowCol&);
void GetCol(MatrixRowCol&);
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void CleanUp(); // to clear store
/***************************** temporary classes *************************/
class MultipliedMatrix : public BaseMatrix
union { const BaseMatrix* bm1; GeneralMatrix* gm1; };
// pointers to summands
union { const BaseMatrix* bm2; GeneralMatrix* gm2; };
MultipliedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bm1x, const BaseMatrix* bm2x)
: bm1(bm1x),bm2(bm2x) {}
int search(const BaseMatrix*) const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
MatrixType Type() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class AddedMatrix : public MultipliedMatrix
AddedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bm1x, const BaseMatrix* bm2x)
: MultipliedMatrix(bm1x,bm2x) {}
MatrixType Type() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
#ifdef GXX
void SelectVersion(MatrixType, int&, int&) const;
void SelectVersion(MatrixType, Boolean&, Boolean&) const;
class SolvedMatrix : public MultipliedMatrix
SolvedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bm1x, const BaseMatrix* bm2x)
: MultipliedMatrix(bm1x,bm2x) {}
MatrixType Type() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
friend InvertedMatrix; // for operator*
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class SubtractedMatrix : public AddedMatrix
SubtractedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bm1x, const BaseMatrix* bm2x)
: AddedMatrix(bm1x,bm2x) {}
MatrixType Type() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
class ShiftedMatrix : public BaseMatrix
Real f;
union { const BaseMatrix* bm; GeneralMatrix* gm; };
ShiftedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx, Real fx) : bm(bmx),f(fx) {}
int search(const BaseMatrix*) const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
MatrixType Type() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
class ScaledMatrix : public ShiftedMatrix
ScaledMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx, Real fx) : ShiftedMatrix(bmx,fx) {}
MatrixType Type() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class NegatedMatrix : public BaseMatrix
union { const BaseMatrix* bm; GeneralMatrix* gm; };
NegatedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx) : bm(bmx) {}
int search(const BaseMatrix*) const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
MatrixType Type() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class TransposedMatrix : public NegatedMatrix
TransposedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx) : NegatedMatrix(bmx) {}
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
MatrixType Type() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class InvertedMatrix : public NegatedMatrix
InvertedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx) : NegatedMatrix(bmx) {}
MatrixType Type() const;
SolvedMatrix operator*(const BaseMatrix&) const; // inverse(A) * B
SolvedMatrix& operator*(const BaseMatrix&) const; // inverse(A) * B
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class RowedMatrix : public NegatedMatrix
MatrixType Type() const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
RowedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx) : NegatedMatrix(bmx) {}
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class ColedMatrix : public NegatedMatrix
MatrixType Type() const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
ColedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx) : NegatedMatrix(bmx) {}
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class DiagedMatrix : public NegatedMatrix
MatrixType Type() const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
DiagedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx) : NegatedMatrix(bmx) {}
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class MatedMatrix : public NegatedMatrix
int nr, nc;
MatrixType Type() const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
MatedMatrix(const BaseMatrix* bmx, int nrx, int ncx)
: NegatedMatrix(bmx), nr(nrx), nc(ncx) {}
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class ConstMatrix : public BaseMatrix
const GeneralMatrix* cgm;
MatrixType Type() const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
int search(const BaseMatrix*) const;
ConstMatrix(const GeneralMatrix* cgmx) : cgm(cgmx) {}
friend BaseMatrix;
friend GeneralMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
class ReturnMatrixX : public BaseMatrix // for matrix return
GeneralMatrix* gm;
MatrixType Type() const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
int search(const BaseMatrix*) const;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
friend BaseMatrix;
ReturnMatrixX(const ReturnMatrixX& tm);
ReturnMatrixX(const ReturnMatrixX& tm) : gm(tm.gm) {}
ReturnMatrixX(const GeneralMatrix* gmx) : gm((GeneralMatrix*&)gmx) {}
// ReturnMatrixX(GeneralMatrix&);
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
/**************************** submatrices ******************************/
class GetSubMatrix : public NegatedMatrix
int row_skip;
int row_number;
int col_skip;
int col_number;
MatrixType mt;
(const BaseMatrix* bmx, int rs, int rn, int cs, int cn, MatrixType mtx)
: NegatedMatrix(bmx),
row_skip(rs), row_number(rn), col_skip(cs), col_number(cn), mt(mtx) {}
GetSubMatrix(const GetSubMatrix& g)
: NegatedMatrix(g.bm), row_skip(g.row_skip), row_number(g.row_number),
col_skip(g.col_skip), col_number(g.col_number), mt(g.mt) {}
void SetUpLHS();
MatrixType Type() const;
// int NrowsV() const;
// int NcolsV() const;
friend BaseMatrix;
GeneralMatrix* Evaluate(MatrixType);
void operator=(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator<<(const BaseMatrix&);
void operator<<(const Real*); // copy from array
void operator<<(Real); // copy from constant
void Inject(const GeneralMatrix&); // copy stored els only
MatrixBandWidth BandWidth() const;
/***************************** exceptions ********************************/
class MatrixDetails
MatrixType type;
int nrows;
int ncols;
int ubw;
int lbw;
MatrixDetails(const GeneralMatrix& A);
void PrintOut();
class SpaceException : public Exception
static long st_type() { return 2; }
long type() const { return 2; }
static int action;
static void SetAction(int a) { action=a; }
class MatrixException : public Exception
static long st_type() { return 3; }
long type() const { return 3; }
MatrixException(int, const GeneralMatrix&);
MatrixException(int, const GeneralMatrix&, const GeneralMatrix&);
class DataException : public MatrixException
static long st_type() { return 3*53; }
long type() const { return 3*53; }
static int action;
DataException(const GeneralMatrix& A);
static void SetAction(int a) { action=a; }
class SingularException : public DataException
static long st_type() { return 3*53*109; }
long type() const { return 3*53*109; }
SingularException(const GeneralMatrix& A);
class NPDException : public DataException // Not positive definite
static long st_type() { return 3*53*113; }
long type() const { return 3*53*113; }
NPDException(const GeneralMatrix&);
class ConvergenceException : public MatrixException
static long st_type() { return 3*59; }
long type() const { return 3*59; }
static int action;
ConvergenceException(const GeneralMatrix& A);
static void SetAction(int a) { action=a; }
class ProgramException : public MatrixException
static long st_type() { return 3*61; }
long type() const { return 3*61; }
static int action;
ProgramException(char* c);
ProgramException(char* c, const GeneralMatrix&);
ProgramException(char* c, const GeneralMatrix&, const GeneralMatrix&);
ProgramException(const GeneralMatrix&);
static void SetAction(int a) { action=a; }
class IndexException : public ProgramException
static long st_type() { return 3*61*101; }
long type() const { return 3*61*101; }
IndexException(int i, const GeneralMatrix& A);
IndexException(int i, int j, const GeneralMatrix& A);
// next two are for access via element function
IndexException(int i, const GeneralMatrix& A, Boolean);
IndexException(int i, int j, const GeneralMatrix& A, Boolean);
class VectorException : public ProgramException // can't convert to vector
static long st_type() { return 3*61*107; }
long type() const { return 3*61*107; }
VectorException(const GeneralMatrix& A);
class NotSquareException : public ProgramException
static long st_type() { return 3*61*109; }
long type() const { return 3*61*109; }
NotSquareException(const GeneralMatrix& A);
class SubMatrixDimensionException : public ProgramException
static long st_type() { return 3*61*113; }
long type() const { return 3*61*113; }
class IncompatibleDimensionsException : public ProgramException
static long st_type() { return 3*61*127; }
long type() const { return 3*61*127; }
class NotDefinedException : public ProgramException
static long st_type() { return 3*61*131; }
long type() const { return 3*61*131; }
NotDefinedException(char* op, char* matrix);
class CannotBuildException : public ProgramException
static long st_type() { return 3*61*137; }
long type() const { return 3*61*137; }
CannotBuildException(char* matrix);
class InternalException : public MatrixException
static long st_type() { return 3*67; }
long type() const { return 3*67; }
static int action;
InternalException(char* c);
static void SetAction(int a) { action=a; }
/***************************** functions ***********************************/
inline LogAndSign LogDeterminant(const BaseMatrix& B)
{ return B.LogDeterminant(); }
inline Real SumSquare(const BaseMatrix& B) { return B.SumSquare(); }
inline Real Trace(const BaseMatrix& B) { return B.Trace(); }
inline Real SumAbsoluteValue(const BaseMatrix& B)
{ return B.SumAbsoluteValue(); }
inline Real MaximumAbsoluteValue(const BaseMatrix& B)
{ return B.MaximumAbsoluteValue(); }
inline Real Norm1(const BaseMatrix& B) { return B.Norm1(); }
inline Real Norm1(RowVector& RV) { return RV.MaximumAbsoluteValue(); }
inline Real NormInfinity(const BaseMatrix& B) { return B.NormInfinity(); }
inline Real NormInfinity(ColumnVector& CV)
{ return CV.MaximumAbsoluteValue(); }