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Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
From: sjg@zen.void.oz.au (Simon J. Gerraty)
Subject: v34i027: pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell, v4, Patch08
Message-ID: <1992Dec13.033015.6978@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
X-Md4-Signature: d7d38bc976062eec9124f1095b7e38f3
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1992 03:30:15 GMT
Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
Submitted-by: sjg@zen.void.oz.au (Simon J. Gerraty)
Posting-number: Volume 34, Issue 27
Archive-name: pdksh/patch08
Environment: UNIX
Patch-To: pdksh: Volume 25, Issue 47-55
This is patch08.
It contains a couple of very useful bug fixes.
Including that of pipes such as:
$ zcat foo.tar.Z | tar tvf - | more
not terminating immediately when you press 'q'.
Apply this patch by changing directory to the root
of the source tree and using the command:
patch -p0 < this_file
The following is a complete list of patches to date.
# PD ksh Version 4
Prereq: 09-Nov-91
Prereq: 10-Nov-91
Prereq: 25-Nov-91
Prereq: 25-Apr-92
Prereq: 26-Apr-92
Prereq: 27-Apr-92
Prereq: 12-May-92
Prereq: 02-Aug-92
Prereq: 12-Aug-92
*** PATCHDATES.old Thu Aug 13 00:14:06 1992
--- PATCHDATES Sun Dec 6 00:14:24 1992
*** 8,10 ****
--- 8,11 ----
+ 05-Dec-92
*** README.old Tue May 12 19:30:10 1992
--- README Sun Dec 6 00:14:30 1992
*** 1,5 ****
Public Domain Korn Shell
! Version 4.5
--- 1,5 ----
Public Domain Korn Shell
! Version 4.8
*** 7,18 ****
intended to be the ultimate shell but rather a usable ksh work
alike. For those of us who have to work on multiple systems it
is nice to have the same user interface on all. I resisted
! moving to the ksh on a Bull system at work for nearly a year due
! to the lack of a ksh on my Sun systems. When I first picked up
! the 3.2 PD KSH a couple of years ago, it took only a few minutes
! to convert a C-shell fan to a ksh fan :-) Pdksh is not 100%
! compatible with the ksh. Having said that, I use it daily
! beside a real ksh88 and find them virtually indistinguishable.
I only run this shell on sun's and only for interactive use. I
use it on sun4c, sun3 and sun386 systems. The shell itself has
--- 7,20 ----
intended to be the ultimate shell but rather a usable ksh work
alike. For those of us who have to work on multiple systems it
is nice to have the same user interface on all. I resisted
! moving to the ksh on a System V machine where I worked, for
! nearly a year due to the lack of a ksh on my Sun systems. When
! I first picked up the 3.2 PD KSH a couple of years ago, it took
! only a few minutes to convert a C-shell fan to a ksh fan :-)
! Pdksh is not 100% compatible with the ksh. Having said that, I
! use it daily beside a real ksh88 and find them virtually
! indistinguishable. With one exception - arrays! If some one
! feels like adding arrays, I for one would appreciate it :-)
I only run this shell on sun's and only for interactive use. I
use it on sun4c, sun3 and sun386 systems. The shell itself has
*** 21,40 ****
MACHINES for details of systems that the shell has been built
! I have released this version of the shell (with the kind
! permission of the previous maintainers and major contributors) to
! ensure that it is available from usenet archive sites. Of
! course it remains in the Public Domain. Equally obviously
! neither myself nor any other contributors make any claims of
! suitability etc. Ie. NO WARRANTY!!! If you make any changes
! and distribute them, please leave your own finger prints in the
! source. Its bad enough being flamed for my own bugs let alone
! anyone elses :-)
- This update includes Job Control for System V (POSIX), many bug
- fixes and a simple history file mechanism. See sh/ChangeLog.
--- 23,37 ----
MACHINES for details of systems that the shell has been built
! I released version 4.0 of the shell (with the kind permission of
! the previous maintainers and major contributors) to ensure that
! it is available from usenet archive sites. Of course it remains
! in the Public Domain. Equally obviously neither myself nor any
! other contributors make any claims of suitability etc. Ie. NO
! WARRANTY!!! If you make any changes and distribute them, please
! leave your own finger prints in the source. Its bad enough
! being flamed for my own bugs let alone anyone elses :-)
*** bug-report.old Thu Aug 13 00:14:09 1992
--- bug-report Sun Dec 6 00:14:34 1992
*** 2,8 ****
Subject: [area]: [synopsis] [replace with actual area and short description]
! PD KSH: 4.7 12-Aug-92
[Official patches will edit this line to indicate the patch level]
--- 2,8 ----
Subject: [area]: [synopsis] [replace with actual area and short description]
! PD KSH: 4.8 05-Dec-92
[Official patches will edit this line to indicate the patch level]
*** etc/ksh.kshrc.old Mon Aug 10 22:00:08 1992
--- etc/ksh.kshrc Sun Dec 6 00:14:48 1992
*** 17,23 ****
# RCSid:
! # $Id: ksh.kshrc,v 1.3 1992/08/10 12:00:08 sjg Exp $
# @(#)Copyright (c) 1991 Simon J. Gerraty
--- 17,23 ----
# RCSid:
! # $Id: ksh.kshrc,v 1.4 1992/12/05 13:14:48 sjg Exp $
# @(#)Copyright (c) 1991 Simon J. Gerraty
*** 97,102 ****
--- 97,105 ----
alias cls=clear
alias logout=exit
alias bye=exit
+ alias p='ps -l'
+ alias j=jobs
+ alias o='fg %-'
# add your favourite aliases here
*** ksh.1.old Mon Aug 10 21:59:15 1992
--- ksh.1 Sun Dec 6 00:14:37 1992
*** 1,4 ****
! .\" $Id: ksh.1,v 1.2 1992/08/10 11:59:15 sjg Exp $
.nr OJ 1 \" Job Control
.nr OE 1 \" Command Editing
.nr OB 1 \" BSD enhanced ulimit options
--- 1,4 ----
! .\" $Id: ksh.1,v 1.3 1992/12/05 13:14:37 sjg Exp $
.nr OJ 1 \" Job Control
.nr OE 1 \" Command Editing
.nr OB 1 \" BSD enhanced ulimit options
*** 88,94 ****
.SS Alternation
Csh provides a filename expansion method known as alternation.
This has been added into this version of ksh.
! When performing filename subsitution, you can get the shell to create
a set of strings for you. For example, `exampl{a,b,c,d,e}' will expand
to ``exampla examplb examplc exampld example''.
A comma separated set of strings in curly braces
--- 88,94 ----
.SS Alternation
Csh provides a filename expansion method known as alternation.
This has been added into this version of ksh.
! When performing filename substitution, you can get the shell to create
a set of strings for you. For example, `exampl{a,b,c,d,e}' will expand
to ``exampla examplb examplc exampld example''.
A comma separated set of strings in curly braces
*** 112,118 ****
The editor used by the \fIfc\fP command.
During startup the shell checks the value of \fBFCEDIT\fP,
! \fBEDITOR\fP and finally \fBVISUAL\fP to try and determin what
command line edit mode to use. Note that this is not strictly
ksh compatible behaviour.
--- 112,118 ----
The editor used by the \fIfc\fP command.
During startup the shell checks the value of \fBFCEDIT\fP,
! \fBEDITOR\fP and finally \fBVISUAL\fP to try and determine what
command line edit mode to use. Note that this is not strictly
ksh compatible behaviour.
*** 178,184 ****
A single \fB#\fP results in the shortest match,
two \fB#\fP's results in the longest match.
.IP "${var%pattern} ${var%%pattern}"
! Like \fB#\fP substition, but deleting from the end of the value.
.SS Expressions
Expressions can be used with the \fBlet\fP command,
as numeric arguments to the \fBtest\fP command,
--- 178,184 ----
A single \fB#\fP results in the shortest match,
two \fB#\fP's results in the longest match.
.IP "${var%pattern} ${var%%pattern}"
! Like \fB#\fP substitution, but deleting from the end of the value.
.SS Expressions
Expressions can be used with the \fBlet\fP command,
as numeric arguments to the \fBtest\fP command,
*** 250,256 ****
.IP "fc [\fB\-e\fP \fIeditor\fP] [\fB\-lnr\fP] [\fIfirst\fP [\fIlast\fP]]"
\fIFirst\fP and \fIlast\fP select commands.
Commands can be selected by history number,
! or a string specifing the most recent command starting with that string.
The \fB\-l\fP option lists the command on stdout,
and \fB\-n\fP inhibits the default command numbers.
The \fB\-r\fP option reverses the order of the list.
--- 250,256 ----
.IP "fc [\fB\-e\fP \fIeditor\fP] [\fB\-lnr\fP] [\fIfirst\fP [\fIlast\fP]]"
\fIFirst\fP and \fIlast\fP select commands.
Commands can be selected by history number,
! or a string specifying the most recent command starting with that string.
The \fB\-l\fP option lists the command on stdout,
and \fB\-n\fP inhibits the default command numbers.
The \fB\-r\fP option reverses the order of the list.
*** 340,346 ****
.ta 5n 10n
\t\-i\tThe variable's value is stored as an integer.
! \t\-x\tThe variable is exported to the enviroment.
\t\-r\tThe variable is read-only cannot be reassigned a value.
--- 340,346 ----
.ta 5n 10n
\t\-i\tThe variable's value is stored as an integer.
! \t\-x\tThe variable is exported to the environment.
\t\-r\tThe variable is read-only cannot be reassigned a value.
*** 466,472 ****
job reporting. The jobs and kill commands
functions as above, and you will
be informed when background jobs complete. Fg and bg are not
! availiable.
.SS "Interactive Input Line Editing"
--- 466,472 ----
job reporting. The jobs and kill commands
functions as above, and you will
be informed when background jobs complete. Fg and bg are not
! available.
.SS "Interactive Input Line Editing"
*** 540,546 ****
(note that the ASCII
character is written as \s-1^[\s0\|),
! then the editing function performed is decribed.
Note that
.I "editing command"
names are used only with the
--- 540,546 ----
(note that the ASCII
character is written as \s-1^[\s0\|),
! then the editing function performed is described.
Note that
.I "editing command"
names are used only with the
*** 873,879 ****
\fB[\fP \fIexpression\fP \fB]\fP
! \fBTest\f evalutates the \fIexpression\fP and returns zero status if true,
and non-zero status otherwise.
It is normally used as the controlling command of the \fBif\fP and \fBwhile\fP statements.
--- 873,879 ----
\fB[\fP \fIexpression\fP \fB]\fP
! \fBTest\f evaluates the \fIexpression\fP and returns zero status if true,
and non-zero status otherwise.
It is normally used as the controlling command of the \fBif\fP and \fBwhile\fP statements.
*** sh/ChangeLog.old Thu Aug 13 00:15:18 1992
--- sh/ChangeLog Sun Dec 6 00:15:01 1992
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,40 ----
+ Sat Dec 5 23:54:40 1992 Simon J. Gerraty (sjg@zen)
+ * finally fixed the fd leakage that caused pipes to not terminate
+ immediately.
+ Sat Nov 28 23:01:38 1992 Simon J. Gerraty (sjg@zen)
+ * Makefile: added install target
+ Wed Nov 25 09:10:11 1992 Simon J. Gerraty (sjg@zen)
+ * c_cd(c_ksh.c): fixed bug causing cd ., cd .. to look at $CDPATH.
+ Thu Nov 19 23:32:42 1992 Simon J. Gerraty (sjg@zen)
+ * For now bind emacs mode complete-list to ESC=
+ Tue Sep 15 15:24:38 1992 Simon J. Gerraty (sjg@zen)
+ * main.c: call init_editmode() between processing .profile and
+ .kshrc so that edit mode can be explicitly set in .kshrc
+ regardless of FCEDIT, EDITOR and VISUAL values.
+ Tue Sep 15 15:08:06 1992 Philippe Michel (michel@thomson-lcr.fr)
+ * main.c: fixed bug in command line argument processing.
+ Fri Aug 21 15:24:37 1992 Bruce Momjian (root%candle.uucp@bts.com)
+ * exec.c: replace all calls of execute(tree, 0) with
+ execute(tree, flags & XXWHL) to ensure it is passed to children.
+ Thu Aug 20 23:18:45 1992 Simon J. Gerraty (sjg@zen)
+ * fixed bug in complex_history: histsize not initialized before
+ call to alloc().
Thu Aug 13 00:00:42 1992 Simon J. Gerraty (sjg@zen)
* setstr(), varsub(): be robust when given dud args.
*** sh/Makefile.old Thu Aug 13 00:00:07 1992
--- sh/Makefile Sun Dec 6 00:15:06 1992
*** 1,5 ****
# PD Bourne/Korn Shell
! # $Id: Makefile,v 1.3 1992/08/10 12:02:18 sjg Exp $
SHELL = /bin/sh
MAKE = make
--- 1,5 ----
# PD Bourne/Korn Shell
! # $Id: Makefile,v 1.4 1992/12/05 13:15:06 sjg Exp $
SHELL = /bin/sh
MAKE = make
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,17 ----
LN = ln -s
+ CHMOD=chmod
+ prefix=/usr/local
+ target=$(prefix)/bin/ksh
# You _can_ build this shell without the ../std tree if your
# system provides a sufficiently POSIX environment, or if your
# BSD system is a Sun or close. If not try ../std.
*** 107,116 ****
makedepend $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2)
! @echo "Try:"
! @echo "cp ksh /bin"
! @echo "strip /bin/ksh"
! @echo "chmod 555 /bin/ksh"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -S -o $@ $<
--- 113,121 ----
makedepend $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2)
! -if test -f $(target); then mv $(target) $(target).old; fi
! cp ksh $(target)
! $(CHMOD) 755 $(target)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -S -o $@ $<
*** sh/c_ksh.c.old Sat Apr 25 18:33:28 1992
--- sh/c_ksh.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:11 1992
*** 3,9 ****
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: c_ksh.c,v 1.2 1992/04/25 08:33:28 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
--- 3,9 ----
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: c_ksh.c,v 1.3 1992/12/05 13:15:11 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
*** 78,85 ****
dir = strval(v_oldpwd = global("OLDPWD"));
prt = 1;
! if (dir[0] == '/' || (dir[0] == '.' && (dir[1] == '/' ||
! (dir[1] == '.' && dir[2] == '/')))) {
* dir is an explicitly named path, so no CDPATH search
--- 78,87 ----
dir = strval(v_oldpwd = global("OLDPWD"));
prt = 1;
! if (dir[0] == '/' ||
! (dir[0] == '.' &&
! (dir[1] == '.' || dir[1] == '/' || dir[1] == '\0'))) {
* dir is an explicitly named path, so no CDPATH search
*** sh/config.h.old Thu Aug 13 00:15:22 1992
--- sh/config.h Sun Dec 6 00:15:15 1992
*** 1,7 ****
* Configuration file for the PD ksh
! * RCSid: $Id: config.h,v 1.5 1992/08/12 14:15:22 sjg Exp $
#ifndef _CONFIG_H
--- 1,7 ----
* Configuration file for the PD ksh
! * RCSid: $Id: config.h,v 1.6 1992/12/05 13:15:15 sjg Exp $
#ifndef _CONFIG_H
*** 49,61 ****
/* #define SILLY /* Game of life in EMACS mode */
/* #define SWTCH /* Handle SWTCH for shl(1) */
! /*
! * better to leave this one out, and let users that
! * like it add
! * bind '^[^['=complete-list
! * to their .kshrc
! */
! /*#define COMPLETE_LIST /* default to Emacs style completion */
* ALTERNATIONS is csh not ksh, but it is such a nice feature...
--- 49,55 ----
/* #define SILLY /* Game of life in EMACS mode */
/* #define SWTCH /* Handle SWTCH for shl(1) */
* ALTERNATIONS is csh not ksh, but it is such a nice feature...
*** sh/emacs.c.old Mon Aug 10 22:02:31 1992
--- sh/emacs.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:20 1992
*** 10,16 ****
#ifdef EMACS
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: emacs.c,v 1.3 1992/08/10 12:02:31 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
--- 10,16 ----
#ifdef EMACS
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: emacs.c,v 1.4 1992/12/05 13:15:20 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
*** 203,215 ****
{x_stuff, "stuff", 0, 0, 0 },
{x_transpose, "transpose-chars", 0, CTRL('T'), 0 },
- {x_complete, "complete", 1, 0, 0 },
- {x_comp_list, "complete-list", 1, CTRL('['), 0 },
- #else
{x_complete, "complete", 1, CTRL('['), 0 },
! {x_comp_list, "complete-list", 1, 0, 0 },
! #endif
{x_enumerate, "list", 1, '?', 0 },
{x_comp_file, "complete-file", 1, CTRL('X'), 0 },
{x_comp_comm, "complete-command", 2, CTRL('['), 0 },
--- 203,210 ----
{x_stuff, "stuff", 0, 0, 0 },
{x_transpose, "transpose-chars", 0, CTRL('T'), 0 },
{x_complete, "complete", 1, CTRL('['), 0 },
! {x_comp_list, "complete-list", 1, '=', 0 },
{x_enumerate, "list", 1, '?', 0 },
{x_comp_file, "complete-file", 1, CTRL('X'), 0 },
{x_comp_comm, "complete-command", 2, CTRL('['), 0 },
*** sh/eval.c.old Thu Aug 13 00:15:28 1992
--- sh/eval.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:25 1992
*** 3,9 ****
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: eval.c,v 1.4 1992/08/12 14:15:28 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
--- 3,9 ----
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: eval.c,v 1.5 1992/12/05 13:15:25 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
*** 469,479 ****
ofd1 = savefd(1);
dup2(pv[1], 1);
! #if 0
! exchild(t, XXCOM|XPIPEO);
! #else
- #endif
dup2(ofd1, 1);
xp->split = 1; /* waitlast() */
--- 469,477 ----
ofd1 = savefd(1);
dup2(pv[1], 1);
! (void) fd_clexec(pv[0]);
! (void) fd_clexec(ofd1);
dup2(ofd1, 1);
xp->split = 1; /* waitlast() */
*** sh/exec.c.old Mon Aug 10 22:02:38 1992
--- sh/exec.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:29 1992
*** 3,9 ****
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: exec.c,v 1.4 1992/08/10 12:02:38 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
--- 3,9 ----
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: exec.c,v 1.5 1992/12/05 13:15:29 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
*** 46,56 ****
--- 46,66 ----
(void) memset(clexec_tab, 0, sizeof(clexec_tab)-1);
+ #endif
+ /*
+ * we now use this function always.
+ */
int fd;
+ #ifndef F_SETFD
+ static int once = 0;
+ if (once++ == 0)
+ init_clexec();
if (fd < sizeof(clexec_tab))
clexec_tab[fd] = 1;
*** 57,64 ****
return 0;
return -1;
! }
--- 67,76 ----
return 0;
return -1;
! #else
! return fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, 1);
+ }
*** 123,128 ****
--- 135,142 ----
while (t->type == TPIPE) {
(void) dup2(pv[1], 1); /* stdout of curr */
+ (void) fd_clexec(pv[0]);
+ (void) fd_clexec(pv[1]);
exchild(t->left, flags);
(void) dup2(pv[0], 0); /* stdin of next */
*** 131,136 ****
--- 145,152 ----
flags &= ~ XPIPEO;
(void) dup2(e.savefd[1], 1); /* stdout of last */
+ (void) fd_clexec(e.savefd[0]);
+ (void) fd_clexec(e.savefd[1]);
exchild(t, flags);
(void) dup2(e.savefd[0], 0); /* close pipe in */
if (!(flags&XBGND))
*** 139,148 ****
case TLIST:
while (t->type == TLIST) {
! execute(t->left, 0);
t = t->right;
! rv = execute(t, 0);
case TASYNC:
--- 155,164 ----
case TLIST:
while (t->type == TLIST) {
! execute(t->left, flags & XXWHL);
t = t->right;
! rv = execute(t, flags & XXWHL);
case TASYNC:
*** 151,159 ****
case TOR:
case TAND:
! rv = execute(t->left, 0);
if (t->right != NULL && (rv == 0) == (t->type == TAND))
! rv = execute(t->right, 0);
case TFOR:
--- 167,175 ----
case TOR:
case TAND:
! rv = execute(t->left, flags & XXWHL);
if (t->right != NULL && (rv == 0) == (t->type == TAND))
! rv = execute(t->right, flags & XXWHL);
case TFOR:
*** 165,171 ****
goto Break1;
while (*ap != NULL) {
setstr(global(t->str), *ap++);
! rv = execute(t->left, 0);
--- 181,187 ----
goto Break1;
while (*ap != NULL) {
setstr(global(t->str), *ap++);
! rv = execute(t->left, flags & XXWHL);
*** 183,189 ****
if ((cp = do_selectargs(ap, cp)) == (char *)1)
setstr(global(t->str), cp);
! rv = execute(t->left, 0);
--- 199,205 ----
if ((cp = do_selectargs(ap, cp)) == (char *)1)
setstr(global(t->str), cp);
! rv = execute(t->left, flags & XXWHL);
*** 193,199 ****
while ((i = setjmp(e.jbuf)))
if (i == LBREAK)
goto Break2;
! while ((execute(t->left, 0) == 0) == (t->type == TWHILE))
rv = execute(t->right, XXWHL);
--- 209,215 ----
while ((i = setjmp(e.jbuf)))
if (i == LBREAK)
goto Break2;
! while ((execute(t->left, flags & XXWHL) == 0) == (t->type == TWHILE))
rv = execute(t->right, XXWHL);
*** 202,210 ****
case TELIF:
if (t->right == NULL)
break; /* should be error */
! rv = execute(t->left, 0) == 0 ?
! execute(t->right->left, 0) :
! execute(t->right->right, 0);
case TCASE:
--- 218,226 ----
case TELIF:
if (t->right == NULL)
break; /* should be error */
! rv = execute(t->left, flags & XXWHL) == 0 ?
! execute(t->right->left, flags & XXWHL) :
! execute(t->right->right, flags & XXWHL);
case TCASE:
*** 215,225 ****
goto Found;
! rv = execute(t->left, 0);
case TBRACE:
! rv = execute(t->left, 0);
case TFUNCT:
--- 231,241 ----
goto Found;
! rv = execute(t->left, flags & XXWHL);
case TBRACE:
! rv = execute(t->left, flags & XXWHL);
case TFUNCT:
*** 351,357 ****
if (setjmp(e.jbuf))
rv = exstat; /* return # */
! rv = execute(tp->val.t, 0);
case CEXEC: /* executable command */
--- 367,373 ----
if (setjmp(e.jbuf))
rv = exstat; /* return # */
! rv = execute(tp->val.t, flags & XXWHL);
case CEXEC: /* executable command */
*** sh/history.c.old Thu Aug 13 00:15:33 1992
--- sh/history.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:34 1992
*** 5,11 ****
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: history.c,v 1.4 1992/08/12 14:15:33 sjg Exp $";
* This file contains
--- 5,11 ----
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: history.c,v 1.5 1992/12/05 13:15:34 sjg Exp $";
* This file contains
*** 643,650 ****
histfd = fcntl(histfd, F_DUPFD, FDBASE);
! (void) fcntl(histfd, F_SETFD, 1); /* close on exec */
(void) flock(histfd, LOCK_EX);
hsize = lseek(histfd, 0L, L_XTND);
--- 643,650 ----
histfd = fcntl(histfd, F_DUPFD, FDBASE);
! (void) fd_clexec(histfd);
(void) flock(histfd, LOCK_EX);
hsize = lseek(histfd, 0L, L_XTND);
*** sh/io.c.old Mon Aug 10 22:02:49 1992
--- sh/io.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:39 1992
*** 3,9 ****
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: io.c,v 1.3 1992/08/10 12:02:49 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
--- 3,9 ----
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: io.c,v 1.4 1992/12/05 13:15:39 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
*** 147,157 ****
return -1;
errorf("too many files open in shell\n");
- #ifdef F_SETFD
- (void) fcntl(nfd, F_SETFD, 1);
- #else
(void) fd_clexec(ttyfd);
- #endif
} else
nfd = fd;
--- 147,153 ----
*** sh/jobs.c.old Mon Aug 10 22:02:52 1992
--- sh/jobs.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:43 1992
*** 2,8 ****
* Process and job control
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: jobs.c,v 1.5 1992/08/10 12:02:52 sjg Exp $";
--- 2,8 ----
* Process and job control
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: jobs.c,v 1.6 1992/12/05 13:15:43 sjg Exp $";
*** 320,327 ****
for (i = (flags&XXWHL) ? 1 : 0; i < NUFILE; i++)
- /* create child process */
- forksleep = 0;
#ifdef JOBS
/* don't allow SIGCHLD until we are ready */
--- 320,325 ----
*** 331,336 ****
--- 329,336 ----
# endif
+ /* create child process */
+ forksleep = 0;
while ((i = fork()) < 0 && errno == EAGAIN && forksleep < 32) {
if (forksleep) {
*** sh/main.c.old Thu Aug 13 00:15:39 1992
--- sh/main.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:49 1992
*** 3,9 ****
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: main.c,v 1.6 1992/08/12 14:15:39 sjg Exp $";
#define EXTERN /* define EXTERNs in sh.h */
--- 3,9 ----
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: main.c,v 1.7 1992/12/05 13:15:49 sjg Exp $";
#define EXTERN /* define EXTERNs in sh.h */
*** 119,127 ****
ainit(&aperm); /* initialize permanent Area */
- #ifndef F_SETFD
- init_clexec();
- #endif
/* set up base enviroment */
e.type = E_NONE;
--- 119,124 ----
*** 238,248 ****
if (s->type == STTY) {
ttyfd = fcntl(0, F_DUPFD, FDBASE);
- #ifdef F_SETFD
- (void) fcntl(ttyfd, F_SETFD, 1);
- #else
(void) fd_clexec(ttyfd);
- #endif
#ifdef EMACS
--- 235,241 ----
*** 254,269 ****
if (!qflag)
! l->argv = &argv[argi];
l->argc = argc - argi;
l->argv[0] = name;
! if (name[0] == '-') {
flag[FTALKING] = 1;
(void) include("/etc/profile");
(void) include(".profile");
/* include $ENV */
arg = substitute(strval(global("ENV")), DOTILDE);
--- 247,271 ----
if (!qflag)
! l->argv = &argv[argi - 1];
l->argc = argc - argi;
l->argv[0] = name;
! if (name[0] == '-' ||
! ((arg = strrchr(name, '/')) && *++arg == '-')) {
flag[FTALKING] = 1;
(void) include("/etc/profile");
(void) include(".profile");
+ /*
+ * do this after reading *profile but before
+ * reading $ENV if any.
+ */
+ #if defined(EMACS) || defined(VI)
+ if (flag[FTALKING])
+ init_editmode();
+ #endif
/* include $ENV */
arg = substitute(strval(global("ENV")), DOTILDE);
*** 278,286 ****
signal(SIGTERM, trapsig);
- #if defined(EMACS) || defined(VI)
- init_editmode();
- #endif
} else
flag[FHASHALL] = 1;
--- 280,285 ----
*** sh/patchlevel.h.old Thu Aug 13 00:15:45 1992
--- sh/patchlevel.h Sun Dec 6 00:15:52 1992
*** 1,6 ****
! * $Id: patchlevel.h,v 4.7 1992/08/12 14:15:45 sjg Exp $
#define VERSION 4
! #define PATCHLEVEL 7
--- 1,6 ----
! * $Id: patchlevel.h,v 4.8 1992/12/05 13:15:52 sjg Exp $
#define VERSION 4
! #define PATCHLEVEL 8
*** sh/version.c.old Thu Aug 13 00:15:53 1992
--- sh/version.c Sun Dec 6 00:15:55 1992
*** 3,9 ****
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: version.c,v 1.6 1992/08/12 14:15:53 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
--- 3,9 ----
#ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Id: version.c,v 1.7 1992/12/05 13:15:55 sjg Exp $";
#include "stdh.h"
*** 12,59 ****
#include "patchlevel.h"
char ksh_version [] =
! "KSH_VERSION=@(#)PD KSH v4.7 92/08/12";
- /***
- $Log: version.c,v $
- * Revision 1.6 1992/08/12 14:15:53 sjg
- * Patch07: fix some build problems,
- * and avoid core dump from arg processing bug.
- *
- * Revision 1.5 1992/08/10 12:03:29 sjg
- * Update for patch06.
- * Contributions from Peter Collinson, Neil Smithline and sjg
- *
- * Revision 1.4 1992/05/12 09:30:37 sjg
- * see ChangeLog
- *
- * Revision 1.3 1992/05/03 08:29:20 sjg
- * Update for Patch05
- *
- * Revision 1.2 1992/04/25 08:33:28 sjg
- * Added RCS key.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1992/04/18 05:51:48 sjg
- * Initial revision
- *
- Version 4.0 91/11/09 sjg
- distribution
- Revision 3.3 89/03/27 15:52:29 egisin
- distribution
- Revision 3.2 88/12/14 20:10:41 egisin
- many fixes
- Revision 3.1 88/11/03 09:18:36 egisin
- alpha distribution
- Revision 1.3 88/10/20 17:34:03 egisin
- added @(#) to ksh_version
- Revision 1.2 88/09/27 19:01:58 egisin
- fix version.c
- Revision 1.1 88/09/27 18:59:06 egisin
- Initial revision
- ***/
--- 12,17 ----
#include "patchlevel.h"
char ksh_version [] =
! "KSH_VERSION=@(#)PD KSH v4.8 92/12/05";
exit 0 # Just in case...