Usenet 1994 October
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The Sybase DB-Library - Perl savestr() conflict
Ah! The joys of tying different packages together!
Both Perl and DB-Library have a function called savestr(). The
DB-Library version is used in dbcmd() to add an SQL command to the
list of commands pointed to by dpproc->dbcmdbuf, and in dbuse() as
well. Now there are several ways to work around this problem.
1) Compile sybperl.c with -DBROKEN_DBCMD. I've written some code
that emulates calls to dbcmd() and dbuse(). This works OK on my
machine/OS/Version of Perl/Version of DBlib, but it relies on
the internal storing method used by DBlib, and that might
change in the future.
2) Recompile Perl (specifically, uperl.o in the Perl source
directory) with some suitable flags (eg -Dsavestr=p_savestr).
This does not create any compatibility problems, but is a
lengthy procedure.
3) Do something like:
cc -c sybperl.c
ld -r -o sybperl2.o sybperl.o -lsybdb
[edit sybperl2.o and replace `_savestr' with something like `_savest1']
cc -o sybperl uperl.o sybperl2.o
This is not a bad solution, but won't work if you have shared
library versions of libsybdb.a
4) Edit uperl.o and replace savestr with something else. This is
the solution I've chosen as the default. It is relatively fast,
does not rely on any internal knowledge of DB-Library, and does
not require Perl to be recompiled.
The Makefile gives some information on how to achieve these
different options.
Thanks to Teemu Torma for providing the initial input on this problem.
Sybperl Memory Usage
The general format of a Sybperl script usually looks somewhat like
&dbcmd( query text );
while(@data = &dbnextrow)
process data
If you are using a version of Perl prior to release 4, patchlevel
35, then this method will result in a rather important memory
leak. There are two ways around this problem:
1) Upgrade to Perl 4, patchlevel 35 :-)
2) Write a subroutine that calls &dbnextrow and stores the returned
array to a local variable, and which in turn returns that array to
the main while() loop, like so:
sub getRow
@data = &dbnextrow;
while(@data = &getRow)
This technique should keep the memory usage of Sybperl to a
manageable level.
Please let me know if you find any other problems with Sybperl so
that I can look into it.
Thank you.
Michael Peppler <mpeppler@itf.ch>