Usenet 1994 October
Text File
1,018 lines
*** 1376,1381 ****
--- 1390,1426 ----
/* */
+ /* FFiledir */
+ /* */
+ /* Return directory of current file */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************/
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int FFiledir(void)
+ #else
+ static int FFiledir()
+ #endif
+ {
+ char TmpBuf[LINELEN]; /* Should be _POSIX_PATH_MAX ? */
+ char *s;
+ #ifdef __MSDOS__
+ #define PATHSEP '\\'
+ #else
+ #define PATHSEP '/'
+ #endif
+ strcpy(TmpBuf, FileName);
+ s = TmpBuf + strlen(TmpBuf) - 1;
+ if (s < TmpBuf) return RetStrVal(".");
+ while (s > TmpBuf && *s != PATHSEP) s--;
+ if (*s == PATHSEP) {
+ *s = 0;
+ return RetStrVal(TmpBuf);
+ } else return RetStrVal(".");
+ }
+ /***************************************************************/
+ /* */
/* FAccess */
/* */
/* The UNIX access() system call. */
*** 1571,1576 ****
--- 1616,1622 ----
int year, day, mon, jahr;
int mout, dout;
int ans, r;
+ int adarbehave;
if (ARG(0).type != INT_TYPE || ARG(1).type != STR_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
day = ARG(0).v.val;
*** 1580,1591 ****
return E_BAD_DATE;
if (Nargs == 2) {
! r = GetNextHebrewDate(JulianToday, mon, day, 0, &ans);
if (r) return r;
RetVal.type = DATE_TYPE;
RetVal.v.val = ans;
return OK;
if (Nargs == 4) {
if (ARG(3).type != INT_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
jahr = ARG(3).v.val;
--- 1626,1644 ----
return E_BAD_DATE;
if (Nargs == 2) {
! r = GetNextHebrewDate(JulianToday, mon, day, 0, 0, &ans);
if (r) return r;
RetVal.type = DATE_TYPE;
RetVal.v.val = ans;
return OK;
+ if (Nargs == 5) {
+ if (ARG(4).type != INT_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
+ adarbehave = ARG(4).v.val;
+ if (adarbehave < 0) return E_2LOW;
+ if (adarbehave > 2) return E_2HIGH;
+ } else adarbehave = 0;
if (Nargs == 4) {
if (ARG(3).type != INT_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
jahr = ARG(3).v.val;
*** 1599,1605 ****
if (ARG(2).type == INT_TYPE) {
year = ARG(2).v.val;
! r = GetValidHebDate(year, mon, day, &mout, &dout, jahr);
if (r) return r;
r = HebToJul(year, mout, dout);
if (r<0) return E_DATE_OVER;
--- 1652,1658 ----
if (ARG(2).type == INT_TYPE) {
year = ARG(2).v.val;
! r = GetValidHebDate(year, mon, day, 0, &mout, &dout, jahr);
if (r) return r;
r = HebToJul(year, mout, dout);
if (r<0) return E_DATE_OVER;
*** 1607,1613 ****
RetVal.type = DATE_TYPE;
return OK;
} else if (ARG(2).type == DATE_TYPE) {
! r = GetNextHebrewDate(ARG(2).v.val, mon, day, jahr, &ans);
if (r) return r;
RetVal.v.val = ans;
RetVal.type = DATE_TYPE;
--- 1660,1666 ----
RetVal.type = DATE_TYPE;
return OK;
} else if (ARG(2).type == DATE_TYPE) {
! r = GetNextHebrewDate(ARG(2).v.val, mon, day, jahr, adarbehave, &ans);
if (r) return r;
RetVal.v.val = ans;
RetVal.type = DATE_TYPE;
*** 1681,1684 ****
--- 1734,2008 ----
RetVal.type = INT_TYPE;
RetVal.v.val = y;
return OK;
+ }
+ /****************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* FEasterdate - calc. easter Sunday from a year. */
+ /* */
+ /* from The Art of Computer Programming Vol 1. */
+ /* Fundamental Algorithms */
+ /* by Donald Knuth. */
+ /* */
+ /* Donated by Michael Salmon - thanks! */
+ /* */
+ /* I haven't examined this in detail, but I *think* int */
+ /* arithmetic is fine, even on 16-bit machines. */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************/
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int FEasterdate(void)
+ #else
+ static int FEasterdate()
+ #endif
+ {
+ int y, m, d;
+ int g, c, x, z, e, n;
+ if (ARG(0).type == INT_TYPE) {
+ y = ARG(0).v.val;
+ if (y < BASE) return E_2LOW;
+ else if (y > BASE+YR_RANGE) return E_2HIGH;
+ } else if (ARG(0).type == DATE_TYPE) {
+ FromJulian(ARG(0).v.val, &y, &m, &d); /* We just want the year */
+ } else return E_BAD_TYPE;
+ do {
+ g = (y % 19) + 1; /* golden number */
+ c = (y / 100) + 1; /* century */
+ x = (3 * c)/4 - 12; /* correction for non-leap year centuries */
+ z = (8 * c + 5)/25 - 5; /* special constant for moon sync */
+ d = (5 * y)/4 - x - 10; /* find sunday */
+ e = (11 * g + 20 + z - x) % 30; /* calc epact */
+ if ( e < 0 ) e += 30;
+ if ( e == 24 || (e == 25 && g > 11)) e++;
+ n = 44 - e; /* find full moon */
+ if ( n < 21 ) n += 30; /* after 21st */
+ d = n + 7 - (d + n)%7; /* calc sunday after */
+ if (d <= 31) m = 2;
+ else
+ {
+ d = d - 31;
+ m = 3;
+ }
+ RetVal.type = DATE_TYPE;
+ RetVal.v.val = Julian(y, m, d);
+ y++; } while (ARG(0).type == DATE_TYPE && RetVal.v.val < ARG(0).v.val);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ /***************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* FIsdst and FMinsfromutc */
+ /* */
+ /* Check whether daylight savings time is in effect, and */
+ /* get minutes from UTC. */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************/
+ PRIVATE int FTimeStuff ARGS ((int wantmins));
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int FIsdst(void)
+ #else
+ static int FIsdst()
+ #endif
+ {
+ return FTimeStuff(0);
+ }
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int FMinsfromutc(void)
+ #else
+ static int FMinsfromutc()
+ #endif
+ {
+ return FTimeStuff(1);
+ }
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int FTimeStuff(int wantmins)
+ #else
+ static int FTimeStuff(wantmins)
+ int wantmins;
+ #endif
+ {
+ int jul, tim;
+ int mins, dst;
+ jul = JulianToday;
+ tim = 0;
+ if (Nargs >= 1) {
+ if (ARG(0).type != DATE_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
+ jul = ARG(0).v.val;
+ if (Nargs >= 2) {
+ if (ARG(1).type != TIM_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
+ tim = ARG(1).v.val;
+ }
+ }
+ if (CalcMinsFromUTC(jul, tim, &mins, &dst)) return E_MKTIME_PROBLEM;
+ RetVal.type = INT_TYPE;
+ if (wantmins) RetVal.v.val = mins; else RetVal.v.val = dst;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ /***************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Sunrise and sunset functions. */
+ /* */
+ /* Algorithm from "Almanac for computers for the year 1978" */
+ /* by L. E. Doggett, Nautical Almanac Office, USNO. */
+ /* */
+ /* This code also uses some ideas found in programs written */
+ /* by Michael Schwartz and Marc T. Kaufman. */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************/
+ #define PI 3.1415926536
+ #define DEGRAD (PI/180.0)
+ #define RADDEG (180.0/PI)
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int SunStuff(int rise, double cosz, int jul)
+ #else
+ static int SunStuff(rise, cosz, jul)
+ int rise;
+ double cosz;
+ int jul;
+ #endif
+ {
+ int year, mon, day;
+ int jan0;
+ int mins, hours;
+ double M, L, tanA, sinDelta, cosDelta, a, a_hr, cosH, t, H, T;
+ double latitude, longdeg, UT, local;
+ /* Get offset from UTC */
+ if (CalculateUTC) {
+ if (CalcMinsFromUTC(jul, 12*60, &mins, NULL)) {
+ Eprint(ErrMsg[E_MKTIME_PROBLEM]);
+ return NO_TIME;
+ }
+ } else mins = MinsFromUTC;
+ /* Get latitude and longitude */
+ longdeg = (double) LongDeg + (double) LongMin / 60.0
+ + (double) LongSec / 3600.0;
+ latitude = DEGRAD * ((double) LatDeg + (double) LatMin / 60.0
+ + (double) LatSec / 3600.0);
+ FromJulian(jul, &year, &mon, &day);
+ jan0 = jul - Julian(year, 0, 1);
+ /* Following formula on page B6 exactly... */
+ t = (double) jan0;
+ if (rise) t += (6.0 + longdeg/15.0) / 24.0;
+ else t += (18.0 + longdeg/15.0) / 24.0;
+ /* Mean anomaly of sun for 1978 ... how accurate for other years??? */
+ M = 0.985600 * t - 3.251; /* In degrees */
+ /* Sun's true longitude */
+ L = M + 1.916*sin(DEGRAD*M) + 0.02*sin(2*DEGRAD*M) + 282.565;
+ if (L > 360.0) L -= 360.0;
+ /* Tan of sun's right ascension */
+ tanA = 0.91746 * tan(DEGRAD*L);
+ a = RADDEG * atan(tanA);
+ /* Move a into same quadrant as L */
+ if (0.0 <= L && L < 90.0) {
+ if (a < 0.0) a += 180.0;
+ } else if (90.0 <= L && L < 180.0) {
+ a += 180.0;
+ } else if (180.0 <= L && L < 270.0) {
+ a += 180.0;
+ } else {
+ if (a > 0.0) a += 180.0;
+ }
+ /* if (fabs(a - L) > 90.0)
+ a += 180.0; */
+ if (a > 360.0)
+ a -= 360.0;
+ a_hr = a / 15.0;
+ /* Sine of sun's declination */
+ sinDelta = 0.39782 * sin(DEGRAD*L);
+ cosDelta = sqrt(1 - sinDelta*sinDelta);
+ /* Cosine of sun's local hour angle */
+ cosH = (cosz - sinDelta * sin(latitude)) / (cosDelta * cos(latitude));
+ if (cosH > 1.0 || cosH < -1.0) return NO_TIME;
+ H = RADDEG * acos(cosH);
+ if (rise) H = 360.0 - H;
+ T = H / 15.0 + a_hr - 0.065710*t - 6.620;
+ if (T >= 24.0) T -= 24.0;
+ else if (T < 0.0) T+= 24.0;
+ UT = T + longdeg / 15.0;
+ local = UT + (double) mins / 60.0;
+ if (local < 0.0) local += 24.0;
+ else if (local >= 24.0) local -= 24.0;
+ hours = (int) local;
+ mins = (int) ((local - hours) * 60.0);
+ return hours*60 + mins;
+ }
+ /***************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Sunrise and Sunset functions. */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************/
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int FSun(int rise)
+ #else
+ static int FSun(rise)
+ int rise;
+ #endif
+ {
+ int jul = JulianToday;
+ static double cosz = -0.014543897; /* for sunrise and sunset */
+ int r;
+ if (Nargs >= 1) {
+ if (ARG(0).type != DATE_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
+ jul = ARG(0).v.val;
+ }
+ r = SunStuff(rise, cosz, jul);
+ if (r == NO_TIME) {
+ RetVal.v.val = 0;
+ RetVal.type = INT_TYPE;
+ } else {
+ RetVal.v.val = r;
+ RetVal.type = TIM_TYPE;
+ }
+ return OK;
+ }
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int FSunrise(void)
+ #else
+ static int FSunrise()
+ #endif
+ {
+ return FSun(1);
+ }
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PRIVATE int FSunset(void)
+ #else
+ static int FSunset()
+ #endif
+ {
+ return FSun(0);
*** ../p6/globals.h Thu Apr 22 10:24:07 1993
--- ./globals.h Mon Jun 28 12:29:31 1993
*** 31,69 ****
EXTERN int CurMon;
EXTERN int CurYear;
EXTERN int LineNo;
! EXTERN char FreshLine;
EXTERN char LineBuffer[LINELEN];
EXTERN char SubstBuffer[LINELEN];
EXTERN char TokBuffer[TOKSIZE+1];
EXTERN INIT( char *MsgCommand, NULL);
! EXTERN INIT( char ShowAllErrors, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int DebugFlag, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char DoCalendar, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char DoSimpleCalendar, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char PsCal, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int CalWidth, 80);
EXTERN INIT( int CalWeeks, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int CalMonths, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char Hush, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char NextMode, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char InfiniteDelta, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char RunDisabled, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char IgnoreOnce, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char SortByTime, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char SortByDate, 0);
EXTERN char *InitialFile;
EXTERN int FileAccessDate;
! #ifdef HAVE_QUEUED
! EXTERN INIT( char DontFork, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char DontQueue, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int NumQueued, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char DontIssueAts, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char Daemon, 0);
! #endif
EXTERN INIT( int ScFormat, SC_AMPM);
EXTERN INIT( int MaxSatIter, 150);
EXTERN INIT( char *FileName, NULL);
--- 31,68 ----
EXTERN int CurMon;
EXTERN int CurYear;
EXTERN int LineNo;
! EXTERN int FreshLine;
EXTERN char LineBuffer[LINELEN];
EXTERN char SubstBuffer[LINELEN];
EXTERN char TokBuffer[TOKSIZE+1];
EXTERN INIT( char *MsgCommand, NULL);
! EXTERN INIT( int ShowAllErrors, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int DebugFlag, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int DoCalendar, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int DoSimpleCalendar, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int PsCal, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int CalWidth, 80);
EXTERN INIT( int CalWeeks, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int CalMonths, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int Hush, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int NextMode, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int InfiniteDelta, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int RunDisabled, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int IgnoreOnce, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int SortByTime, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int SortByDate, 0);
EXTERN char *InitialFile;
EXTERN int FileAccessDate;
! EXTERN INIT( int DontFork, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int DontQueue, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int NumQueued, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int DontIssueAts, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int Daemon, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int ScFormat, SC_AMPM);
EXTERN INIT( int MaxSatIter, 150);
EXTERN INIT( char *FileName, NULL);
*** 71,79 ****
EXTERN INIT( int NumIfs, 0);
EXTERN INIT( unsigned int IfFlags, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int LastTriggerDate, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char LastTrigValid, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int LastTriggerTime, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( char ShouldCache, 0);
EXTERN char *CurLine;
EXTERN INIT( int NumTriggered, 0);
EXTERN int ArgC;
--- 70,78 ----
EXTERN INIT( int NumIfs, 0);
EXTERN INIT( unsigned int IfFlags, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int LastTriggerDate, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int LastTrigValid, 0);
EXTERN INIT( int LastTriggerTime, 0);
! EXTERN INIT( int ShouldCache, 0);
EXTERN char *CurLine;
EXTERN INIT( int NumTriggered, 0);
EXTERN int ArgC;
*** 81,86 ****
--- 80,97 ----
EXTERN INIT( int CalPad, 1);
+ /* Latitude and longitude */
+ EXTERN INIT( int LatDeg, LAT_DEG);
+ EXTERN INIT( int LatMin, LAT_MIN);
+ EXTERN INIT( int LatSec, LAT_SEC);
+ EXTERN INIT( int LongDeg, LONG_DEG);
+ EXTERN INIT( int LongMin, LONG_MIN);
+ EXTERN INIT( int LongSec, LONG_SEC);
+ /* UTC calculation stuff */
+ EXTERN INIT( int MinsFromUTC, 0);
+ EXTERN INIT( int CalculateUTC, 1);
+ EXTERN INIT( int FoldYear, 0);
/* List of months */
EXTERN char *MonthName[]
*** ../p6/hbcal.c Mon May 3 11:34:29 1993
--- ./hbcal.c Mon Jun 28 12:29:49 1993
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,57 ----
#define JAHR_FORWARD 1
+ #define ADAR2ADARB 0
+ #define ADAR2ADARA 1
+ #define ADAR2BOTH 2
static char *HebMonthNames[] = {
"Tishrey", "Heshvan", "Kislev", "Tevet", "Shvat", "Adar A", "Adar B",
"Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tamuz", "Av", "Elul", "Adar"};
*** 324,334 ****
/* */
! PUBLIC int GetValidHebDate(int yin, int min, int din,
int *mout, int *dout, int jahr)
! int GetValidHebDate(yin, min, din, mout, dout, jahr)
! int yin, min, din, *mout, *dout, jahr;
char *monlen;
--- 328,338 ----
/* */
! PUBLIC int GetValidHebDate(int yin, int min, int din, int adarbehave,
int *mout, int *dout, int jahr)
! int GetValidHebDate(yin, min, din, adarbehave, mout, dout, jahr)
! int yin, min, din, adarbehave, *mout, *dout, jahr;
char *monlen;
*** 344,355 ****
return E_BAD_DATE;
- /* Convert ADAR to ADAR-B */
- if (min == ADAR) *mout = min = ADARB;
ylen = DaysInHebYear(yin);
monlen = DaysInHebMonths(ylen);
if (din <= monlen[min]) return OK;
switch(jahr) {
--- 348,371 ----
return E_BAD_DATE;
ylen = DaysInHebYear(yin);
monlen = DaysInHebMonths(ylen);
+ /* Convert ADAR as necessary */
+ if (min == ADAR) {
+ switch(adarbehave) {
+ case ADAR2ADARA: if (monlen[ADARA]) *mout = min = ADARA;
+ else *mout = min = ADARB;
+ break;
+ case ADAR2ADARB: *mout = min = ADARB; break;
+ default:
+ Eprint("GetValidHebDate: Bad adarbehave value %d", adarbehave);
+ return E_SWERR;
+ }
+ }
if (din <= monlen[min]) return OK;
switch(jahr) {
*** 418,443 ****
/* */
! PUBLIC int GetNextHebrewDate(int julstart, int hm, int hd, int jahr, int *ans)
! int GetNextHebrewDate(julstart, hm, hd, jahr, ans)
! int julstart, hm, hd, jahr, *ans;
int r, yout, mout, dout, jul=1;
/* I initialize jul above to stop gcc from complaining about
possible use of uninitialized variable. You can take it
out if the small inefficiency really bothers you. */
JulToHeb(julstart, &yout, &mout, &dout);
r = 1;
while(r) {
! r = GetValidHebDate(yout, hm, hd, &mout, &dout, jahr);
if (dout == -1) return r;
if (r) {
! yout++;
jul = HebToJul(yout, mout, dout);
--- 434,471 ----
/* */
! PUBLIC int GetNextHebrewDate(int julstart, int hm, int hd,
! int jahr, int adarbehave, int *ans)
! int GetNextHebrewDate(julstart, hm, hd, jahr, adarbehave, ans)
! int julstart, hm, hd, jahr, adarbehave, *ans;
int r, yout, mout, dout, jul=1;
+ int adarflag = adarbehave;
/* I initialize jul above to stop gcc from complaining about
possible use of uninitialized variable. You can take it
out if the small inefficiency really bothers you. */
+ /* If adarbehave == ADAR2BOTH, set adarflag to ADAR2ADARA for now */
+ if (adarbehave == ADAR2BOTH) adarflag = ADAR2ADARA;
JulToHeb(julstart, &yout, &mout, &dout);
r = 1;
while(r) {
! r = GetValidHebDate(yout, hm, hd, adarflag, &mout, &dout, jahr);
if (dout == -1) return r;
if (r) {
! if (adarbehave == ADAR2BOTH && hm == ADAR) {
! if (adarflag == ADAR2ADARA) {
! adarflag = ADAR2ADARB;
! } else {
! adarflag = ADAR2ADARA;
! yout++;
! }
! } else yout++;
jul = HebToJul(yout, mout, dout);
*** 444,450 ****
if (jul < 0) return E_DATE_OVER;
if (jul >= julstart) break;
else {
! yout++;
r=1; /* Force loop to continue */
--- 472,485 ----
if (jul < 0) return E_DATE_OVER;
if (jul >= julstart) break;
else {
! if (adarbehave == ADAR2BOTH && hm == ADAR) {
! if (adarflag == ADAR2ADARA) {
! adarflag = ADAR2ADARB;
! } else {
! adarflag = ADAR2ADARA;
! yout++;
! }
! } else yout++;
r=1; /* Force loop to continue */
*** ../p6/init.c Thu Apr 29 15:08:41 1993
--- ./init.c Mon Jun 28 12:29:50 1993
*** 61,67 ****
* -z[n] = Daemon mode waking up every n (def 5) minutes.
* -bn = Time format for cal (0, 1, or 2)
* -xn = Max. number of iterations for SATISFY
! * -uname = Run as user 'name' - only valid when run by root.
* -kcmd = Run 'cmd' for MSG-type reminders instead of printing to stdout
* -iVAR=EXPR = Initialize and preserve VAR.
--- 61,68 ----
* -z[n] = Daemon mode waking up every n (def 5) minutes.
* -bn = Time format for cal (0, 1, or 2)
* -xn = Max. number of iterations for SATISFY
! * -uname = Run as user 'name' - only valid when run by root. If run
! * by non-root, changes environment but not effective uid.
* -kcmd = Run 'cmd' for MSG-type reminders instead of printing to stdout
* -iVAR=EXPR = Initialize and preserve VAR.
*** 116,121 ****
--- 117,130 ----
JulianToday = RealToday;
FromJulian(JulianToday, &CurYear, &CurMon, &CurDay);
+ #if !defined(HAVE_QUEUED)
+ DontFork = 1;
+ DontQueue = 1;
+ NumQueued = 0;
+ DontIssueAts = 0;
+ Daemon = 0;
+ #endif
/* Parse the command-line options */
i = 1;
while (i < argc) {
*** 229,236 ****
case 's':
case 'S':
DoSimpleCalendar = 1;
! PARSENUM(CalMonths, arg);
! if (!CalMonths) CalMonths = 1;
case 'p':
--- 238,251 ----
case 's':
case 'S':
DoSimpleCalendar = 1;
! if (*arg == '+') {
! arg++;
! PARSENUM(CalWeeks, arg);
! if (!CalWeeks) CalWeeks = 1;
! } else {
! PARSENUM(CalMonths, arg);
! if (!CalMonths) CalMonths = 1;
! }
case 'p':
*** 357,363 ****
--- 372,383 ----
CurMon = m;
CurDay = d;
if (JulianToday != RealToday) IgnoreOnce = 1;
+ /* Figure out the offset from UTC */
+ if (CalculateUTC)
+ (void) CalcMinsFromUTC(JulianToday, SystemTime()/60,
+ &MinsFromUTC, NULL);
*** 384,390 ****
fprintf(ErrFp, " -c[n] Produce a calendar for n (default 1) months\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -c+[n] Produce a calendar for n (default 1) weeks\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -w[n[,p[,s]]] Specify width, padding and spacing of calendar\n");
! fprintf(ErrFp, " -s[n] Produce 'simple calendar' for n (1) months\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -p[n] Same as -s, but input compatible with rem2ps\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -v Verbose mode\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -o Ignore ONCE directives\n");
--- 404,410 ----
fprintf(ErrFp, " -c[n] Produce a calendar for n (default 1) months\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -c+[n] Produce a calendar for n (default 1) weeks\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -w[n[,p[,s]]] Specify width, padding and spacing of calendar\n");
! fprintf(ErrFp, " -s[+][n] Produce 'simple calendar' for n (1) months (weeks)\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -p[n] Same as -s, but input compatible with rem2ps\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -v Verbose mode\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -o Ignore ONCE directives\n");
*** 402,408 ****
fprintf(ErrFp, " -x[n] Iteration limit for SATISFY clause (def=150)\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -kcmd Run 'cmd' for MSG-type reminders\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -g[d[d]] Sort reminders by date and time before issuing\n");
! fprintf(ErrFp, "-ivar=val Initialize var to val and preserve var\n");
--- 422,428 ----
fprintf(ErrFp, " -x[n] Iteration limit for SATISFY clause (def=150)\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -kcmd Run 'cmd' for MSG-type reminders\n");
fprintf(ErrFp, " -g[d[d]] Sort reminders by date and time before issuing\n");
! fprintf(ErrFp, " -ivar=val Initialize var to val and preserve var\n");
*** 436,445 ****
static char *home, *shell, *username, *logname;
myuid = getuid();
- if (myuid) {
- fprintf(ErrFp, "Remind: Only the super-user can use the '-u' option.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
pwent = getpwnam(user);
--- 456,461 ----
*** 448,459 ****
! if (setgid(pwent->pw_gid)) {
fprintf(ErrFp, "Remind: Could not change gid to %d\n", pwent->pw_gid);
! if (setuid(pwent->pw_uid)) {
fprintf(ErrFp, "Remind: Could not change uid to %d\n", pwent->pw_uid);
--- 464,475 ----
! if (!myuid && setgid(pwent->pw_gid)) {
fprintf(ErrFp, "Remind: Could not change gid to %d\n", pwent->pw_gid);
! if (!myuid && setuid(pwent->pw_uid)) {
fprintf(ErrFp, "Remind: Could not change uid to %d\n", pwent->pw_uid);
*** 535,540 ****
--- 551,566 ----
r=EvalExpr(&expr, &val);
if (r) {
fprintf(ErrFp, Err, ErrMsg[r]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*varname == '$') {
+ if (val.type != INT_TYPE) {
+ fprintf(ErrFp, Err, ErrMsg[E_BAD_TYPE]);
+ return;
+ }
+ r=SetSysVar(varname+1, val.v.val);
+ if (r) fprintf(ErrFp, Err, ErrMsg[r]);
*** ../p6/kall Thu Apr 22 10:24:09 1993
--- ./kall Mon Jun 28 12:30:15 1993
*** 25,31 ****
# NOTE: You may have to modify the next line, since PS is non-portable.
# The 'awk' command picks out the process IDs to pass them on to kill.
! rprocs=`ps cx | awk '{if(prog == $NF) print $1}' prog=$1 -`
if [ "$rprocs" != "" ]; then
echo -n "${me}: Sending $signal signal to $1 process(es)"
--- 25,31 ----
# NOTE: You may have to modify the next line, since PS is non-portable.
# The 'awk' command picks out the process IDs to pass them on to kill.
! rprocs=`ps cx | awk '{if(prog == $NF && $1 != mypid) print $1}' prog=$1 mypid=$$ -`
if [ "$rprocs" != "" ]; then
echo -n "${me}: Sending $signal signal to $1 process(es)"
*** ../p6/main.c Thu Apr 22 10:24:10 1993
--- ./main.c Mon Jun 28 12:39:37 1993
*** 30,38 ****
#ifdef __MSDOS__
#include <dos.h>
! # ifdef __MSC__
! # include <time.h>
! # endif
--- 30,36 ----
#ifdef __MSDOS__
#include <dos.h>
! #include <time.h>
*** 92,98 ****
/* Not doing a calendar. Do the regular remind loop */
! if (DebugFlag & DB_DUMP_VARS) DumpVarTable();
if (!Hush) {
if (DestroyOmitContexts())
--- 90,99 ----
/* Not doing a calendar. Do the regular remind loop */
! if (DebugFlag & DB_DUMP_VARS) {
! DumpVarTable();
! DumpSysVarByName(NULL);
! }
if (!Hush) {
if (DestroyOmitContexts())
*** 482,488 ****
if (err) return err;
if (!c) return E_EOLN;
! if (c != '_' && !isalpha(c)) return E_BAD_ID;
*out++ = c;
*out = 0;
--- 483,489 ----
if (err) return err;
if (!c) return E_EOLN;
! if (c != '$' && c != '_' && !isalpha(c)) return E_BAD_ID;
*out++ = c;
*out = 0;
*** 1048,1058 ****
if ( (r=ParseToken(p, TokBuffer)) ) return r;
/* Only allow RUN ON in top-level script */
! if (StriEq(TokBuffer, "ON")) {
if (TopLevel()) RunDisabled &= ~RUN_SCRIPT;
/* But allow RUN OFF anywhere */
! else if (StriEq(TokBuffer, "OFF"))
RunDisabled |= RUN_SCRIPT;
else return E_PARSE_ERR;
--- 1049,1059 ----
if ( (r=ParseToken(p, TokBuffer)) ) return r;
/* Only allow RUN ON in top-level script */
! if (! StrCmpi(TokBuffer, "ON")) {
if (TopLevel()) RunDisabled &= ~RUN_SCRIPT;
/* But allow RUN OFF anywhere */
! else if (! StrCmpi(TokBuffer, "OFF"))
RunDisabled |= RUN_SCRIPT;
else return E_PARSE_ERR;
*** 1088,1090 ****
--- 1089,1164 ----
return OK;
+ /***************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* CalcMinsFromUTC */
+ /* */
+ /* Attempt to calculate the minutes from UTC for a specific */
+ /* date. */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************/
+ /* The array FoldArray[2][7] contains sample years which begin
+ on the specified weekday. For example, FoldArray[0][2] is a
+ non-leapyear beginning on Wednesday, and FoldArray[1][5] is a
+ leapyear beginning on Saturday. Used to fold back dates which
+ are too high for the standard Unix representation.
+ NOTE: This implies that you cannot set BASE > 2001!!!!! */
+ static int FoldArray[2][7] = {
+ {2001, 2002, 2003, 2009, 2010, 2005, 2006},
+ {2024, 2008, 2020, 2004, 2016, 2000, 2012}
+ };
+ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
+ PUBLIC int CalcMinsFromUTC(int jul, int tim, int *mins, int *isdst)
+ #else
+ int CalcMinsFromUTC(jul, tim, mins, isdst)
+ int jul, tim, *mins, *isdst;
+ #endif
+ {
+ /* Convert jul and tim to an Unix tm struct */
+ int yr, mon, day;
+ struct tm local, utc, *temp;
+ time_t loc_t, utc_t;
+ FromJulian(jul, &yr, &mon, &day);
+ /* If the year is greater than 2037, some Unix machines have problems.
+ Fold it back to a "similar" year and trust that the UTC calculations
+ are still valid... */
+ if (FoldYear && yr>2037) {
+ jul = Julian(yr, 0, 1);
+ yr = FoldArray[IsLeapYear(yr)][jul%7];
+ }
+ local.tm_sec = 0;
+ local.tm_min = tim % 60;
+ local.tm_hour = tim / 60;
+ local.tm_mday = day;
+ local.tm_mon = mon;
+ local.tm_year = yr-1900;
+ local.tm_isdst = -1; /* We don't know whether or not dst is in effect */