Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,007 lines
* Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, John F. Haugh II
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
* non-commercial purpose, provided this copyright notice is preserved
* in all copies of source code, or included in human readable form
* and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
* distribution media.
* This software is provided on an AS-IS basis and the author makes
* no warrantee of any kind.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)chage.c 3.12 08:07:05 19 Jul 1993";
* Set up some BSD defines so that all the BSD ifdef's are
* kept right here
#ifndef BSD
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#define bzero(a,n) memset(a, 0, n)
#include <strings.h>
#define strchr index
#define strrchr rindex
#include "config.h"
#include "pwd.h"
* chage depends on some form of aging being present. It makes no sense
* to have a program that has no input.
#include "shadow.h"
#ifndef AGING
#define AGING
#endif /* AGING */
#else /* !SHADOWPWD */
#if !defined(ATT_AGE) && defined(AGING)
#undef AGING
#endif /* !ATT_AGE && AGING */
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
#include <syslog.h>
#ifndef LOG_WARN
#endif /* !LOG_WARN */
#endif /* USE_SYSLOG */
#ifdef AGING
* Global variables
char *Prog;
long mindays;
long maxdays;
long lastday;
long warndays;
long inactdays;
long expdays;
void cleanup();
* External identifiers
extern long a64l();
extern char *l64a();
extern int pw_lock(), pw_open(),
pw_unlock(), pw_close(),
extern struct passwd *pw_locate();
extern int spw_lock(), spw_open(),
spw_unlock(), spw_close(),
extern struct spwd *spw_locate();
extern int optind;
extern char *optarg;
extern char *getlogin ();
#ifdef NDBM
extern int pw_dbm_mode;
extern int sp_dbm_mode;
* Password aging constants
* DAY - seconds in a day
* WEEK - seconds in a week
* SCALE - convert from clock to aging units
#define DAY (24L*3600L)
#define WEEK (7*DAY)
#ifdef ITI_AGING
#define SCALE (1)
#define SCALE (DAY)
#if !defined(MDY_DATE) && !defined(DMY_DATE) && !defined(YMD_DATE)
#define MDY_DATE 1
#if (defined (MDY_DATE) && (defined (DMY_DATE) || defined (YMD_DATE))) || \
(defined (DMY_DATE) && (defined (MDY_DATE) || defined (YMD_DATE)))
Error: You must only define one of MDY_DATE, DMY_DATE, or YMD_DATE
* days and juldays are used to compute the number of days in the
* current month, and the cummulative number of days in the preceding
* months. they are declared so that january is 1, not 0.
static short days[13] = { 0,
31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, /* JAN - JUN */
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; /* JUL - DEC */
static short juldays[13] = { 0,
0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, /* JAN - JUN */
181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 }; /* JUL - DEC */
* #defines for messages. This facilitates foreign language conversion
* since all messages are defined right here.
#define USAGE \
"Usage: %s [ -l ] [ -m min_days ] [ -M max_days ] [ -W warn ]\n\
[ -I inactive ] [ -E expire ] [ -d last_day ] user\n"
#define USAGE \
"Usage: %s [ -l ] [ -m min_days ] [ -M max_days ] [ -d last_day ] user\n"
#define DBMERROR "Error updating the DBM password entry.\n"
#define UNK_USER "%s: unknown user: %s\n"
#define NO_LFLAG "%s: do no include \"l\" with other flags\n"
#define NO_PERM "%s: permission denied\n"
#define NO_PWLOCK "%s: can't lock password file\n"
#define NO_PWOPEN "%s: can't open password file\n"
#define CHANGE_INFO "Changing the aging information for %s\n"
#define AGE_CHANGED "changed password expiry for %s\n"
#define FIELD_ERR "%s: error changing fields\n"
#define NO_PWUPDATE "%s: can't update password file\n"
#define NO_PWCLOSE "%s: can't rewrite password file\n"
#define LOCK_FAIL "failed locking %s\n"
#define OPEN_FAIL "failed opening %s\n"
#define WRITE_FAIL "failed updating %s\n"
#define CLOSE_FAIL "failed rewriting %s\n"
#ifdef MDY_DATE
#define LAST_CHG "Last Password Change (MM/DD/YY)"
#define ACCT_EXP "Account Expiration Date (MM/DD/YY)"
#define EPOCH "12/31/69"
#ifdef DMY_DATE
#define LAST_CHG "Last Password Change (DD/MM/YY)"
#define ACCT_EXP "Account Expiration Date (DD/MM/YY)"
#define EPOCH "31/12/69"
#ifdef YMD_DATE
#define LAST_CHG "Last Password Change (YY/MM/DD)"
#define ACCT_EXP "Account Expiration Date (YY/MM/DD)"
#define EPOCH "69/12/31"
#define DBMERROR2 "error updating DBM shadow entry.\n"
#define NO_SPLOCK "%s: can't lock shadow password file\n"
#define NO_SPOPEN "%s: can't open shadow password file\n"
#define NO_SPUPDATE "%s: can't update shadow password file\n"
#define NO_SPCLOSE "%s: can't rewrite shadow password file\n"
#define DBMERROR2 "error updating DBM passwd entry.\n"
* usage - print command line syntax and exit
usage ()
fprintf (stderr, USAGE, Prog);
exit (1);
* strtoday - compute the number of days since 1970.
* the total number of days prior to the current date is
* computed. january 1, 1970 is used as the origin with
* it having a day number of 0. the gmtime() routine is
* used to prevent confusion regarding time zones.
strtoday (str)
char *str;
char slop[2];
int month;
int day;
int year;
long total;
* start by separating the month, day and year. the order
* is compiled in ...
#ifdef MDY_DATE
if (sscanf (str, "%d/%d/%d%c", &month, &day, &year, slop) != 3)
return -1;
#ifdef DMY_DATE
if (sscanf (str, "%d/%d/%d%c", &day, &month, &year, slop) != 3)
return -1;
#ifdef YMD_DATE
if (sscanf (str, "%d/%d/%d%c", &year, &month, &day, slop) != 3)
return -1;
* the month, day of the month, and year are checked for
* correctness and the year adjusted so it falls between
* 1970 and 2069.
if (month < 1 || month > 12)
return -1;
if (day < 1)
return -1;
if ((month != 2 || (year % 4) != 0) && day > days[month])
return -1;
else if ((month == 2 && (year % 4) == 0) && day > 29)
return -1;
if (year < 0)
return -1;
else if (year < 69)
year += 2000;
else if (year < 99)
year += 1900;
if (year < 1970 || year > 2069)
return -1;
* the total number of days is the total number of days in all
* the whole years, plus the number of leap days, plus the
* number of days in the whole months preceding, plus the number
* of days so far in the month.
total = ((year - 1970) * 365) + (((year + 1) - 1970) / 4);
total += juldays[month] + (month > 2 && (year % 4) == 0 ? 1:0);
total += day - 1;
return total;
* new_fields - change the user's password aging information interactively.
* prompt the user for all of the password age values. set the fields
* from the user's response, or leave alone if nothing was entered. the
* value (-1) is used to indicate the field should be removed if possible.
* any other negative value is an error. very large positive values will
* be handled elsewhere.
new_fields ()
char buf[BUFSIZ];
char *cp;
long value;
struct tm *tp;
printf ("Enter the new value, or press return for the default\n\n");
sprintf (buf, "%ld", mindays);
change_field (buf, "Minimum Password Age");
if (((mindays = strtol (buf, &cp, 10)) == 0 && *cp) || mindays < -1)
return 0;
sprintf (buf, "%ld", maxdays);
change_field (buf, "Maximum Password Age");
if (((maxdays = strtol (buf, &cp, 10)) == 0 && *cp) || maxdays < -1)
return 0;
value = lastday * SCALE;
tp = gmtime (&value);
sprintf (buf, "%02d/%02d/%02d",
#ifdef MDY_DATE
tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_mday, tp->tm_year
#ifdef DMY_DATE
tp->tm_mday, tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_year
#ifdef YMD_DATE
tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_mday
change_field (buf, LAST_CHG);
if (strcmp (buf, EPOCH) == 0)
lastday = -1;
else if ((lastday = strtoday (buf)) == -1)
return 0;
sprintf (buf, "%ld", warndays);
change_field (buf, "Password Expiration Warning");
if (((warndays = strtol (buf, &cp, 10)) == 0 && *cp) || warndays < -1)
return 0;
sprintf (buf, "%ld", inactdays);
change_field (buf, "Password Inactive");
if (((inactdays = strtol (buf, &cp, 10)) == 0 && *cp) || inactdays < -1)
return 0;
value = expdays * SCALE;
tp = gmtime (&value);
sprintf (buf, "%02d/%02d/%02d",
#ifdef MDY_DATE
tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_mday, tp->tm_year
#ifdef DMY_DATE
tp->tm_mday, tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_year
#ifdef YMD_DATE
tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_mday
change_field (buf, ACCT_EXP);
if (strcmp (buf, EPOCH) == 0)
expdays = -1;
else if ((expdays = strtoday (buf)) == -1)
return 0;
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
return 1;
* list_fields - display the current values of the expiration fields
* display the password age information from the password fields. date
* values will be displayed as a calendar date, or the word "Never" if
* the date is 1/1/70, which is day number 0.
list_fields ()
struct tm *tp;
char *cp;
long changed;
long expires;
* Start with the easy numbers - the number of days before the
* password can be changed, the number of days after which the
* password must be chaged, the number of days before the
* password expires that the user is told, and the number of
* days after the password expires that the account becomes
* unusable.
printf ("Minimum:\t%d\n", mindays);
printf ("Maximum:\t%d\n", maxdays);
printf ("Warning:\t%d\n", warndays);
printf ("Inactive:\t%d\n", inactdays);
* The "last change" date is either "Never" or the date the
* password was last modified. The date is the number of
* days since 1/1/1970.
printf ("Last Change:\t\t");
if (lastday <= 0) {
printf ("Never\n");
} else {
changed = lastday * SCALE;
tp = gmtime (&changed);
cp = asctime (tp);
printf ("%6.6s, %4.4s\n", cp + 4, cp + 20);
* The password expiration date is determined from the last
* change date plus the number of days the password is valid
* for.
printf ("Password Expires:\t");
if (lastday <= 0 || maxdays >= 10000*(DAY/SCALE) || maxdays <= 0) {
printf ("Never\n");
} else {
expires = changed + maxdays * SCALE;
tp = gmtime (&expires);
cp = asctime (tp);
printf ("%6.6s, %4.4s\n", cp + 4, cp + 20);
* The account becomes inactive if the password is expired
* for more than "inactdays". The expiration date is calculated
* and the number of inactive days is added. The resulting date
* is when the active will be disabled.
printf ("Password Inactive:\t");
if (lastday <= 0 || inactdays <= 0 ||
maxdays >= 10000*(DAY/SCALE) || maxdays <= 0) {
printf ("Never\n");
} else {
expires = changed + (maxdays + inactdays) * SCALE;
tp = gmtime (&expires);
cp = asctime (tp);
printf ("%6.6s, %4.4s\n", cp + 4, cp + 20);
* The account will expire on the given date regardless of the
* password expiring or not.
printf ("Account Expires:\t");
if (expdays <= 0) {
printf ("Never\n");
} else {
expires = expdays * SCALE;
tp = gmtime (&expires);
cp = asctime (tp);
printf ("%6.6s, %4.4s\n", cp + 4, cp + 20);
* chage - change a user's password aging information
* This command controls the password aging information.
* The valid options are
* -m minimum number of days before password change (*)
* -M maximim number of days before password change (*)
* -d last password change date (*)
* -l password aging information
* -W expiration warning days (*)
* -I password inactive after expiration (*)
* -E account expiration date (*)
* (*) requires root permission to execute.
* All of the time fields are entered in the internal format
* which is either seconds or days.
* The options -W, -I and -E all depend on the SHADOWPWD
* macro being defined.
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int flag;
int lflg = 0;
int mflg = 0;
int Mflg = 0;
int dflg = 0;
int Wflg = 0;
int Iflg = 0;
int Eflg = 0;
struct spwd *sp;
struct spwd spwd;
char new_age[5];
int ruid = getuid ();
struct passwd *pw;
struct passwd pwent;
char name[BUFSIZ];
* Get the program name so that error messages can use it.
if (Prog = strrchr (argv[0], '/'))
Prog = argv[0];
#ifdef NDBM
sp_dbm_mode = O_RDWR;
pw_dbm_mode = O_RDWR;
* Parse the flags. The difference between password file
* formats includes the number of fields, and whether the
* dates are entered as days or weeks. Shadow password
* file info =must= be entered in days, while regular
* password file info =must= be entered in weeks.
while ((flag = getopt (argc, argv, "lm:M:W:I:E:d:")) != EOF)
while ((flag = getopt (argc, argv, "lm:M:d:")) != EOF)
switch (flag) {
case 'l':
case 'm':
mindays = strtol (optarg, 0, 10);
case 'M':
maxdays = strtol (optarg, 0, 10);
case 'd':
if (strchr (optarg, '/'))
lastday = strtoday (optarg);
lastday = strtol (optarg, 0, 10);
case 'W':
warndays = strtol (optarg, 0, 10);
case 'I':
inactdays = strtol (optarg, 0, 10);
case 'E':
if (strchr (optarg, '/'))
expdays = strtoday (optarg);
expdays = strtol (optarg, 0, 10);
usage ();
* Make certain the flags do not conflict and that there is
* a user name on the command line.
if (argc != optind + 1)
usage ();
if (lflg && (mflg || Mflg || dflg || Wflg || Iflg || Eflg))
if (lflg && (mflg || Mflg || dflg))
fprintf (stderr, NO_LFLAG, Prog);
closelog ();
usage ();
* An unprivileged user can ask for their own aging information,
* but only root can change it, or list another user's aging
* information.
if (ruid != 0 && ! lflg) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_PERM, Prog);
closelog ();
exit (1);
* Lock and open the password file. This loads all of the
* password file entries into memory. Then we get a pointer
* to the password file entry for the requested user.
if (! pw_lock ()) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_PWLOCK, Prog);
syslog (LOG_ERR, LOCK_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
closelog ();
exit (1);
if (! pw_open (ruid != 0 || lflg ? O_RDONLY:O_RDWR)) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_PWOPEN, Prog);
cleanup (1);
syslog (LOG_ERR, OPEN_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
closelog ();
exit (1);
if (! (pw = pw_locate (argv[optind]))) {
fprintf (stderr, UNK_USER, Prog, argv[optind]);
cleanup (1);
closelog ();
exit (1);
* For shadow password files we have to lock the file and
* read in the entries as was done for the password file.
* The user entries does not have to exist in this case;
* a new entry will be created for this user if one does
* not exist already.
if (! spw_lock ()) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_SPLOCK, Prog);
cleanup (1);
syslog (LOG_ERR, LOCK_FAIL, "/etc/shadow");
closelog ();
exit (1);
if (! spw_open ((ruid != 0 || lflg) ? O_RDONLY:O_RDWR)) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_SPOPEN, Prog);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_ERR, OPEN_FAIL, "/etc/shadow");
closelog ();
exit (1);
if (sp = spw_locate (argv[optind]))
spwd = *sp;
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
strcpy (name, pw->pw_name);
pwent = *pw;
* Set the fields that aren't being set from the command line
* from the password file.
if (sp) {
if (! Mflg)
maxdays = spwd.sp_max;
if (! mflg)
mindays = spwd.sp_min;
if (! dflg)
lastday = spwd.sp_lstchg;
if (! Wflg)
warndays = spwd.sp_warn;
if (! Iflg)
inactdays = spwd.sp_inact;
if (! Eflg)
expdays = spwd.sp_expire;
#ifdef ATT_AGE
#endif /* ATT_AGE */
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
#ifdef ATT_AGE
if (pwent.pw_age && strlen (pwent.pw_age) >= 2) {
if (! Mflg)
maxdays = c64i (pwent.pw_age[0]) * (WEEK/SCALE);
if (! mflg)
mindays = c64i (pwent.pw_age[1]) * (WEEK/SCALE);
if (! dflg && strlen (pwent.pw_age) == 4)
lastday = a64l (pwent.pw_age+2) * (WEEK/SCALE);
} else {
mindays = 0;
maxdays = 10000L * (DAY/SCALE);
lastday = -1;
warndays = inactdays = expdays = -1;
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
#endif /* ATT_AGE */
* Print out the expiration fields if the user has
* requested the list option.
if (lflg) {
if (ruid != 0 && ruid != pw->pw_uid) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_PERM, Prog);
closelog ();
exit (1);
list_fields ();
cleanup (2);
closelog ();
exit (0);
* If none of the fields were changed from the command line,
* let the user interactively change them.
if (! mflg && ! Mflg && ! dflg && ! Wflg && ! Iflg && ! Eflg)
if (! mflg && ! Mflg && ! dflg)
printf (CHANGE_INFO, name);
if (! new_fields ()) {
fprintf (stderr, FIELD_ERR, Prog);
cleanup (2);
closelog ();
exit (1);
* There was no shadow entry. The new entry will have the
* encrypted password transferred from the normal password
* file along with the aging information.
if (sp == 0) {
sp = &spwd;
bzero (&spwd, sizeof spwd);
sp->sp_namp = strdup (pw->pw_name);
sp->sp_pwdp = strdup (pw->pw_passwd);
sp->sp_flag = -1;
pwent.pw_passwd = "!";
#ifdef ATT_AGE
pwent.pw_age = "";
if (! pw_update (&pwent)) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_PWUPDATE, Prog);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_ERR, WRITE_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
closelog ();
exit (1);
#if defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM)
(void) pw_dbm_update (&pwent);
endpwent ();
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
* Copy the fields back to the shadow file entry and
* write the modified entry back to the shadow file.
* Closing the shadow and password files will commit
* any changes that have been made.
sp->sp_max = maxdays;
sp->sp_min = mindays;
sp->sp_lstchg = lastday;
sp->sp_warn = warndays;
sp->sp_inact = inactdays;
sp->sp_expire = expdays;
if (! spw_update (sp)) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_SPUPDATE, Prog);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_ERR, WRITE_FAIL, "/etc/shadow");
closelog ();
exit (1);
#else /* !SHADOWPWD */
* fill in the new_age string with the new values
if (maxdays > (63 * 7) && mindays == 0) {
new_age[0] = '\0';
} else {
if (maxdays > (63 * 7))
maxdays = 63 * 7;
if (mindays > (63 * 7))
mindays = 63 * 7;
new_age[0] = i64c (maxdays / 7);
new_age[1] = i64c ((mindays + 6) / 7);
if (lastday == 0)
new_age[2] = '\0';
strcpy (new_age + 2, l64a (lastday / 7));
pw->pw_age = new_age;
if (! pw_update (pw)) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_PWUPDATE, Prog);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_ERR, WRITE_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
closelog ();
exit (1);
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
#ifdef NDBM
* See if the shadow DBM file exists and try to update it.
if (access ("/etc/shadow.pag", 0) == 0 && ! sp_dbm_update (sp)) {
fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
closelog ();
exit (1);
endspent ();
#else /* !SHADOWPWD */
* See if the password DBM file exists and try to update it.
if (access ("/etc/passwd.pag", 0) == 0 && ! pw_dbm_update (pw)) {
fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
closelog ();
exit (1);
endpwent ();
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
#endif /* NDBM */
* Now close the shadow password file, which will cause all
* of the entries to be re-written.
if (! spw_close ()) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_SPCLOSE, Prog);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_ERR, CLOSE_FAIL, "/etc/shadow");
closelog ();
exit (1);
#endif /* SHADOWPWD */
* Close the password file. If any entries were modified, the
* file will be re-written.
if (! pw_close ()) {
fprintf (stderr, NO_PWCLOSE, Prog);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_ERR, CLOSE_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
closelog ();
exit (1);
cleanup (2);
syslog (LOG_INFO, AGE_CHANGED, name);
closelog ();
exit (0);
* cleanup - unlock any locked password files
cleanup (state)
int state;
switch (state) {
case 2:
spw_unlock ();
case 1:
pw_unlock ();
case 0:
#else /* !AGING */
* chage - but there is no age info!
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
if (Prog = strrchr (argv[0], '/'))
Prog = argv[0];
fprintf (stderr, "%s: no aging information present\n", Prog);
exit (1);
#endif /* AGING */