Usenet 1994 October
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664 lines
/* par.c */
/* for Par 1.31 */
/* Copyright 1993 by */
/* Adam M. Costello */
/* This is ANSI C code. */
#include "charset.h" /* Also includes "errmsg.h". */
#include "buffer.h" /* Also includes <stddef.h>. */
#include "reformat.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#undef NULL
#define NULL ((void *) 0)
#define free(ptr)
const char * const usagemsg =
"par [help] [version] [B<op><set>] [P<op><set>] [Q<op><set>] [h[<hang>]]\n"
" [p<prefix>] [s<suffix>] [w<width>] [c[<cap>]] [d[<div>]] [f[<fit>]]\n"
" [g[<guess>]] [j[<just>]] [l[<last>]] [q[<quote>]] [R[<Report>]]\n"
" [t[<touch>]]\n"
"help usage message |"
"Boolean parameters:\n"
"version version number |"
"Option: If 1:\n"
"B<op><set> as <op> is =/+/-, |"
"c<cap> all words count as capitalized\n"
" replace/augment/diminish |"
"d<div> indentation delimits paragraphs\n"
" body chars by <set> |"
"f<fit> paragraphs are narrowed to\n"
"P<op><set> ditto for protective chars|"
" smoothen the right edge\n"
"Q<op><set> ditto for quote chars |"
"g<guess> wide sentence breaks preserved\n"
"h<hang> first <hang> lines of each|"
"j<just> paragraphs are justified\n"
" paragraph not searched for|"
"l<last> last lines treated like others\n"
" common prefixes & suffixes|"
"q<quote> vacant lines inserted between\n"
"p<prefix> prefix length |"
" different quote nesting levels\n"
"s<suffix> suffix length |"
"R<Report> too-long words cause errors\n"
"w<width> max output line length |"
"t<touch> suffixes are moved left\n"
"See par.doc or par.1 (the man page) for more information.\n"
static int digtoint(char c)
/* Returns the value represented by the digit c, or -1 if c is not a digit. */
const char *p, * const digits = "0123456789";
if (!c) return -1;
p = strchr(digits,c);
return p ? p - digits : -1;
/* We can't simply return c - '0' because this is ANSI C code, */
/* so it has to work for any character set, not just ones which */
/* put the digits together in order. Also, an array that could */
/* be referenced as digtoint[c] might be bad because there's no */
/* upper limit on CHAR_MAX. */
static int strtoudec(const char *s, int *pn)
/* Converts the longest prefix of string s consisting of decimal */
/* digits to an integer, which is stored in *pn. Normally returns */
/* 1. If *s is not a digit, then *pn is not changed, but 1 is */
/* still returned. If the integer represented is greater than */
/* 9999, then *pn is not changed and 0 is returned. */
int n = 0, d;
d = digtoint(*s);
if (d < 0) return 1;
do {
if (n >= 1000) return 0;
n = 10 * n + d;
d = digtoint(*++s);
} while (d >= 0);
*pn = n;
return 1;
static void parsearg(
const char *arg, int *phelp, int *pversion, charset *bodychars,
charset *protectchars, charset *quotechars, int *phang, int *pprefix,
int *psuffix, int *pwidth, int *pcap, int *pdiv, int *pfit, int *pguess,
int *pjust, int *plast, int *pquote, int *pReport, int *ptouch,
errmsg_t errmsg
/* Parses the command line argument in *arg, setting the objects pointed to */
/* by the other pointers as appropriate. *phelp and *pversion are boolean */
/* flags indicating whether the help and version options were supplied. */
const char *savearg = arg;
charset *chars, *change;
char oc;
int n;
*errmsg = '\0';
if (*arg == '-') ++arg;
if (!strcmp(arg, "help")) {
*phelp = 1;
if (!strcmp(arg, "version")) {
*pversion = 1;
if (*arg == 'B' || *arg == 'P' || *arg == 'Q' ) {
chars = *arg == 'B' ? bodychars :
*arg == 'P' ? protectchars :
/* *arg == 'Q' */ quotechars ;
if (*arg != '=' && *arg != '+' && *arg != '-') goto badarg;
change = parsecharset(arg + 1, errmsg);
if (change) {
if (*arg == '=') csswap(chars,change);
else if (*arg == '+') csadd(chars,change,errmsg);
else /* *arg == '-' */ csremove(chars,change,errmsg);
if (isdigit(*arg)) {
if (!strtoudec(arg, &n)) goto badarg;
if (n <= 8) *pprefix = n;
else *pwidth = n;
for (;;) {
while (isdigit(*arg)) ++arg;
oc = *arg;
if (!oc) break;
n = 1;
if (!strtoudec(++arg, &n)) goto badarg;
if (oc == 'h' || oc == 'p' || oc == 's' || oc == 'w') {
if (oc == 'h') *phang = n;
else {
if (!isdigit(*arg)) goto badarg;
if (oc == 'w') *pwidth = n;
else if (oc == 'p') *pprefix = n;
else /* oc == 's' */ *psuffix = n;
else {
if (n > 1) goto badarg;
if (oc == 'c') *pcap = n;
else if (oc == 'd') *pdiv = n;
else if (oc == 'f') *pfit = n;
else if (oc == 'g') *pguess = n;
else if (oc == 'j') *pjust = n;
else if (oc == 'l') *plast = n;
else if (oc == 'q') *pquote = n;
else if (oc == 'R') *pReport = n;
else if (oc == 't') *ptouch = n;
else goto badarg;
sprintf(errmsg, "Bad argument: %.*s\n", errmsg_size - 16, savearg);
*phelp = 1;
static char **readlines(const charset *protectchars,
const charset *quotechars, int quote, errmsg_t errmsg)
/* Reads lines from stdin until EOF, or until a line beginning with a */
/* protective character is encountered (in which case the protective */
/* character is pushed back onto the input stream), or until a blank */
/* line is encountered (in which case the newline is pushed back onto */
/* the input stream). Returns a NULL-terminated array of pointers to */
/* individual lines, stripped of their newline characters. Every NUL */
/* character is stripped, and every white character is changed to a */
/* space unless it is a newline. If quote is 1, vacant lines will be */
/* inserted as described for the q option in par.doc. Returns NULL */
/* on failure. */
buffer *cbuf = NULL, *lbuf = NULL;
int c, empty, blank, nonquote, oldnonquote = 0, qplen;
char ch, *ln = NULL, nullchar = '\0', *nullline = NULL, *qpstart, *qpend,
*oldqpstart = &nullchar, *oldqpend = &nullchar, *p, *op, *vln = NULL,
**lines = NULL;
*errmsg = '\0';
cbuf = newbuffer(sizeof (char), errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
lbuf = newbuffer(sizeof (char *), errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
for (empty = blank = 1; ; ) {
c = getchar();
if (c == EOF) break;
if (c == '\n') {
if (blank) {
additem(cbuf, &nullchar, errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
ln = copyitems(cbuf,errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
if (quote) {
qpstart = ln;
for (qpend = qpstart;
*qpend && csmember(*qpend, quotechars);
nonquote = *qpend != '\0';
while (qpend > qpstart && qpend[-1] == ' ') --qpend;
for (p = qpstart, op = oldqpstart;
p < qpend && op < oldqpend && *p == *op;
++p, ++op);
if ( (p < qpend && op == oldqpend || p == qpend && op < oldqpend)
&& nonquote && oldnonquote) {
qplen = p - qpstart;
vln = malloc((qplen + 1) * sizeof (char));
if (!vln) {
goto rlcleanup;
vln[qplen] = '\0';
additem(lbuf, &vln, errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
vln = NULL;
oldqpstart = qpstart;
oldqpend = qpend;
oldnonquote = nonquote;
additem(lbuf, &ln, errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
ln = NULL;
empty = blank = 1;
else {
if (empty) {
if (csmember((char) c, protectchars)) {
empty = 0;
if (!c) continue;
if (isspace(c)) c = ' ';
else blank = 0;
ch = c;
additem(cbuf, &ch, errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
if (!blank) {
additem(cbuf, &nullchar, errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
ln = copyitems(cbuf,errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
additem(lbuf, &ln, errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
ln = NULL;
additem(lbuf, &nullline, errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto rlcleanup;
lines = copyitems(lbuf,errmsg);
if (cbuf) freebuffer(cbuf);
if (lbuf) {
if (!lines)
for (;;) {
lines = nextitem(lbuf);
if (!lines) break;
if (ln) free(ln);
if (vln) free(vln);
return lines;
static void compresuflen(
const char * const *lines, const char * const *endline,
const charset *bodychars, int pre, int suf, int *ppre, int *psuf
/* lines is an array of strings, up to but not including endline. */
/* Writes into *ppre and *psuf the comprelen and comsuflen of the */
/* lines in lines. Assumes that they have already been determined */
/* to be at least pre and suf. endline must not equal lines. */
const char *start, *end, * const *line, *p1, *p2, *start2;
start = *lines;
for (end = start + pre; *end && !csmember(*end, bodychars); ++end);
for (line = lines + 1; line < endline; ++line) {
for (p1 = start + pre, p2 = *line + pre;
p1 < end && *p1 == *p2;
++p1, ++p2);
end = p1;
*ppre = end - start;
start2 = *lines + *ppre;
for (end = start2; *end; ++end);
for (start = end - suf;
start > start2 && !csmember(start[-1], bodychars);
for (line = lines + 1; line < endline; ++line) {
start2 = *line + *ppre;
for (p2 = start2; *p2; ++p2);
for (p1 = end - suf, p2 -= suf;
p1 > start && p2 > start2 && p1[-1] == p2[-1];
--p1, --p2);
start = p1;
while (end - start >= 2 && *start == ' ' && start[1] == ' ') ++start;
*psuf = end - start;
static void delimit(
const char * const *lines, const char * const *endline,
const charset *bodychars, int div, int pre, int suf, char *tags
/* lines is an array of strings, up to but not including endline. */
/* Sets each character in the parallel array tags to 'f', 'p', or */
/* 'v' according to whether the corresponding line in lines is the */
/* first line of a paragraph, some other line in a paragraph, or a */
/* vacant line, respectively, depending on the values of bodychars */
/* and div, according to "par.doc". It is assumed that the comprelen */
/* and comsuflen of the lines in lines have already been determined */
/* to be at least pre and suf, respectively. */
const char * const *line, *end, *p, * const *nextline;
char *tag, *nexttag;
int anyvacant = 0, status;
if (endline == lines) return;
if (endline == lines + 1) {
*tags = 'f';
compresuflen(lines, endline, bodychars, pre, suf, &pre, &suf);
line = lines;
tag = tags;
do {
*tag = 'v';
for (end = *line; *end; ++end);
end -= suf;
for (p = *line + pre; p < end; ++p)
if (*p != ' ') {
*tag = 'p';
if (*tag == 'v') anyvacant = 1;
} while (line < endline);
if (anyvacant) {
line = lines;
tag = tags;
do {
if (*tag == 'v') {
for (nextline = line + 1, nexttag = tag + 1;
nextline < endline && *nexttag == 'p';
++nextline, ++nexttag);
line = nextline;
tag = nexttag;
} while (line < endline);
if (!div) {
*tags = 'f';
line = lines;
tag = tags;
status = ((*lines)[pre] == ' ');
do {
if (((*line)[pre] == ' ') == status)
*tag = 'f';
} while (line < endline);
static void setaffixes(
const char * const *inlines, const char * const *endline,
const charset *bodychars, const charset *quotechars,
int hang, int quote, int *pprefix, int *psuffix
/* inlines is an array of strings, up to but not including */
/* endline. If either of *pprefix, *psuffix is less than 0, */
/* sets it to a default value based on inlines, bodychars, */
/* quotechars, hang, and quote, according to "par.doc". */
int numin, pre, suf;
const char *start, *p;
numin = endline - inlines;
if ((*pprefix < 0 || *psuffix < 0) && numin > hang + 1)
compresuflen(inlines + hang, endline, bodychars, 0, 0, &pre, &suf);
if (*pprefix < 0)
if (quote && numin == hang + 1) {
start = inlines[hang];
for (p = start; *p && csmember(*p, quotechars); ++p);
*pprefix = p - start;
else *pprefix = numin > hang + 1 ? pre : 0;
if (*psuffix < 0)
*psuffix = numin > hang + 1 ? suf : 0;
static void freelines(char **lines)
/* Frees the elements of lines, and lines itself. */
/* lines is a NULL-terminated array of strings. */
char **line;
for (line = lines; *line; ++line)
main(int argc, const char * const *argv)
int help = 0, version = 0, hang = 0, prefix = -1, suffix = -1, width = 72,
cap = 0, div = 0, fit = 0, guess = 0, just = 0, last = 0, quote = 0,
Report = 0, touch = -1, prefixbak, suffixbak, c;
charset *bodychars = NULL, *protectchars = NULL, *quotechars = NULL;
char *parinit = NULL, *arg, **inlines = NULL, **endline,
*tags = NULL, **firstline, *firsttag, *end, **nextline, *nexttag,
**outlines = NULL, **line;
const char *env, * const whitechars = " \f\n\r\t\v";
errmsg_t errmsg = { '\0' };
/* Process environment variables: */
env = getenv("PARBODY");
if (!env) env = "";
bodychars = parsecharset(env,errmsg);
if (*errmsg) {
help = 1;
goto parcleanup;
env = getenv("PARPROTECT");
if (!env) env = "";
protectchars = parsecharset(env,errmsg);
if (*errmsg) {
help = 1;
goto parcleanup;
env = getenv("PARQUOTE");
if (!env) env = "> ";
quotechars = parsecharset(env,errmsg);
if (*errmsg) {
help = 1;
goto parcleanup;
env = getenv("PARINIT");
if (env) {
parinit = malloc((strlen(env) + 1) * sizeof (char));
if (!parinit) {
goto parcleanup;
arg = strtok(parinit,whitechars);
while (arg) {
parsearg(arg, &help, &version, bodychars, protectchars,
quotechars, &hang, &prefix, &suffix, &width, &cap, &div,
&fit, &guess, &just, &last, "e, &Report, &touch, errmsg);
if (*errmsg || help || version) goto parcleanup;
arg = strtok(NULL,whitechars);
parinit = NULL;
/* Process command line arguments: */
while (*++argv) {
parsearg(*argv, &help, &version, bodychars, protectchars,
quotechars, &hang, &prefix, &suffix, &width, &cap, &div,
&fit, &guess, &just, &last, "e, &Report, &touch, errmsg);
if (*errmsg || help || version) goto parcleanup;
if (touch < 0) touch = fit || last;
prefixbak = prefix;
suffixbak = suffix;
/* Main loop: */
for (;;) {
for (;;) {
c = getchar();
if (csmember((char) c, protectchars))
while (c != '\n' && c != EOF) {
c = getchar();
if (c != '\n') break;
if (c == EOF) break;
inlines = readlines(protectchars,quotechars,quote,errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto parcleanup;
for (endline = inlines; *endline; ++endline);
if (endline == inlines) {
inlines = NULL;
tags = malloc((endline - inlines) * sizeof(char));
if (!tags) {
goto parcleanup;
delimit((const char * const *) inlines,
(const char * const *) endline, bodychars, div, 0, 0, tags);
firstline = inlines;
firsttag = tags;
do {
if (*firsttag == 'v') {
for (end = *firstline; *end; ++end);
while (end > *firstline && end[-1] == ' ') --end;
*end = '\0';
for (nexttag = firsttag + 1, nextline = firstline + 1;
nextline < endline && *nexttag == 'p';
++nexttag, ++nextline);
prefix = prefixbak;
suffix = suffixbak;
setaffixes((const char * const *) firstline,
(const char * const *) nextline,
bodychars, quotechars, hang, quote, &prefix, &suffix);
if (width <= prefix + suffix) {
"<width> (%d) <= <prefix> (%d) + <suffix> (%d)\n",
width, prefix, suffix);
goto parcleanup;
outlines =
reformat((const char * const *) firstline,
(const char * const *) nextline, hang, prefix, suffix,
width, cap, fit, guess, just, last, Report, touch, errmsg);
if (*errmsg) goto parcleanup;
for (line = outlines; *line; ++line)
outlines = NULL;
firsttag = nexttag;
firstline = nextline;
} while (firstline < endline);
tags = NULL;
inlines = NULL;
if (bodychars) freecharset(bodychars);
if (protectchars) freecharset(protectchars);
if (quotechars) freecharset(quotechars);
if (parinit) free(parinit);
if (inlines) freelines(inlines);
if (tags) free(tags);
if (outlines) freelines(outlines);
if (*errmsg) printf("par error:\n%.*s", errmsg_size, errmsg);
if (version) puts("par 1.31");
if (help) fputs(usagemsg,stdout);
exit(*errmsg ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS);