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/* FILE: widgetlib.c
/* DATE: August 1988.
/* AUTHOR: Richard A. Culshaw.
/* DESCRIPTION: Contains the code to manipulate the widget structures
/* and the i/o. It forms a single library that should
/* be linked in with all code using these widgets.
/* DISCLAIMER: This file is deemed to be public-domain, on the simple
/* provisos that this section remains in this file and
/* that code using it do not do so for monetary gain.
/* Neither the author, nor the authors employees at the
/* time of developing this code, accept any liability or
/* responsibility for the use, abuse or misuse of this
/* code.
#include <widget.h>
extern char *malloc();
int textwindowdefined = FALSE;
int widx, widy;
int maxwidy;
int scry;
int curid;
int sizescreg;
int screenborder = 0;
WINDOW *screen;
WINDOW *screenbox;
WINDOW *edge1;
WINDOW *edge2;
initialisewidgets ()
/* sets up screen and initialises global variables */
int i, endwidgets();
widx = widy = scry = 0;
curid = 1;
maxwidy = LINES - 3;
initscr ();
crmode ();
noecho ();
cmdlist = NULLCMD;
lbllist = NULLLBL;
tgllist = NULLTGL;
inplist = NULLINP;
actlist = NULLCH;
for (i=0; i<18; i++)
signal (i, endwidgets);
drawtextwindow (y)
/* draws the text window and draws a box around it */
int y;
int i;
if ((screenborder & VERTICAL) && (screenborder & HORIZONTAL)) {
box (screenbox, '|', '-');
mvwaddch (screenbox, 0, 0, '.');
mvwaddch (screenbox, 0, COLS-2, '.');
mvwaddch (screenbox, LINES-y-1, 0, '`');
mvwaddch (screenbox, LINES-y-1, COLS-2, '\'');
touchwin (screenbox);
wrefresh (screenbox);
else if (screenborder & HORIZONTAL) {
waddstr (edge1, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
waddstr (edge2, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
wrefresh (edge1);
wrefresh (edge2);
else if (screenborder & VERTICAL) {
for (i=0; i<=sizescreg; i++) {
mvwaddch (edge1, i, 0, '|');
mvwaddch (edge2, i, 0, '|');
wrefresh (edge1);
wrefresh (edge2);
touchwin (screen);
wrefresh (screen);
int opentextwindow (position, border)
/* define the text window from current position down + position * widget depth*/
int position;
int border;
if ((position >= 0) && (!textwindowdefined) && (widy + 3*position < 21)) {
maxwidy = widy + position * 3 + 3;
if ((border & VERTICAL) && (border & HORIZONTAL)) {
screenbox = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, COLS-1, maxwidy, 0);
screen = newwin (LINES-2-maxwidy, COLS-3, maxwidy+1, 1);
sizescreg = LINES-2-maxwidy;
else if (border & HORIZONTAL) {
screen = newwin (LINES-2-maxwidy, COLS-1, maxwidy+1, 0);
edge1 = newwin (1, COLS-1, maxwidy, 0);
edge2 = newwin (1, COLS-1, LINES-1, 0);
sizescreg = LINES-2-maxwidy;
else if (border & VERTICAL) {
screen = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, COLS-3, maxwidy, 1);
edge1 = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, 1, maxwidy, 0);
edge2 = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, 1, maxwidy, COLS-2);
sizescreg = LINES-maxwidy;
else {
screen = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, COLS-1, maxwidy, 0);
sizescreg = LINES-maxwidy;
screenborder = border;
scrollok (screen, TRUE);
drawtextwindow (maxwidy);
wmove (screen, scry, 0);
wrefresh (screen);
textwindowdefined = 1;
return sizescreg;
int addtochlist (ch, id, type)
/* add a new character to array of activation chars.
* returns TRUE if successful (char not already in list) else FALSE
char ch;
int id;
struct chentry *chlist;
struct chentry *newentry;
/* search list to see char already entered in the list */
chlist = actlist;
if (chlist != NULLCH) {
while (chlist -> next != NULLCH)
if (chlist -> ch == ch)
return FALSE; /* char exists => error */
chlist = chlist -> next;
newentry = (struct chentry*)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct chentry));
chlist -> next = newentry;
else {
newentry = (struct chentry*)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct chentry));
actlist = newentry;
/* char not there so add to list */
newentry -> ch = ch;
newentry -> id = id;
newentry -> type = type;
newentry -> next = NULLCH;
return TRUE;
WIDGETTYPE widgettype (ptr)
/* given a widget pointer returns the type of widget.
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct tglwid *tlist;
struct lblwid *llist;
struct inpwid *ilist;
/* is it a command widget ? */
for (clist = cmdlist; clist != NULLCMD; clist = clist -> next)
if ((clist != NULLCMD) && (clist -> id == ptr))
return CMD;
/* is it a toggle widget ? */
for (tlist = tgllist; tlist != NULLTGL; tlist = tlist -> next)
if ((tlist != NULLTGL) && (tlist -> id == ptr))
return TGL;
/* is it a label widget ? */
for (llist = lbllist; llist != NULLLBL; llist = llist -> next)
if ((llist != NULLLBL) && (llist -> id == ptr))
return LBL;
/* is in an input widget ? */
for (ilist = inplist; ilist != NULLINP; ilist = ilist -> next)
if ((ilist != NULLINP) && (ilist -> id == ptr))
return INP;
/* doesn't exist, return error */
return FALSE;
boxwidget (widget, length)
WINDOW *widget;
int length;
int i;
wmove (widget, 0, 1);
for (i=1; i < length; i++)
waddch (widget, '-');
wmove (widget, 2, 1);
for (i=1; i < length; i++)
waddch (widget, '-');
mvwaddch (widget, 1, 0, '|');
mvwaddch (widget, 1, length, '|');
mvwaddch (widget, 0, 0, '.');
mvwaddch (widget, 0, length, '.');
mvwaddch (widget, 2, 0, '`');
mvwaddch (widget, 2, length, '\'');
drawcmdwidget (widget, info, ch, length, boolean)
WINDOW *widget;
char info[];
char ch;
int length;
int boolean;
boxwidget (widget, length-1);
wmove (widget, 1, 1);
wstandout (widget);
waddch (widget, ch);
if (!boolean)
wstandend (widget);
wprintw (widget, ":%s", info);
if (boolean)
wstandend (widget);
wrefresh (widget);
drawlblwidget (widget, info, pos, difference, space, boolean)
WINDOW *widget;
char info[];
char pos;
int difference;
int space;
int boolean;
boxwidget (widget, space+1);
/* work out justification */
if ((pos & LEFTJUST) || (difference == 0))
wmove (widget, 1, 1);
else if (pos & RIGHTJUST)
wmove (widget, 1, 1+difference);
else if (pos & CENTRE)
wmove (widget, 1, difference / 2 + 1);
if (boolean)
wstandout (widget);
wprintw (widget, "%s", info);
if (boolean)
wstandend (widget);
wrefresh (widget);
drawtglwidget (widget, info, tgl, toggle, length, boolean)
WINDOW *widget;
char info[];
char tgl[];
char toggle;
int length;
int boolean;
boxwidget (widget, length-1);
wmove (widget, 1, 1);
wstandout (widget);
wprintw (widget, "%c", toggle);
if (!boolean)
wstandend (widget);
wprintw (widget, ":%s:", info);
if (!boolean)
wstandout (widget);
wprintw (widget, "%s", tgl);
wstandend (widget);
wrefresh (widget);
drawinpwidget (widget, info, ch, length, boolean, exec)
WINDOW *widget;
char info[];
char ch;
int length;
int boolean;
boxwidget (widget, length-1);
wmove (widget, 1, 1);
if (boolean)
wstandout (widget);
if (exec)
wprintw (widget, "%s", info);
wprintw (widget, "%c:%s", ch, info);
if (boolean)
wstandend (widget);
waddch (widget, '>');
wrefresh (widget);
screenrefresh ()
/* clear the screen and redraw all the widgets and the text screen if present */
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct lblwid *llist;
struct tglwid *tlist;
struct inpwid *ilist;
/* clear the entire screen */
/* redraw all the command widgets */
clist = cmdlist;
while (clist != NULLCMD) {
touchwin (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
clist = clist -> next;
/* redraw all the label widgets */
llist = lbllist;
while (llist != NULLLBL) {
touchwin (llist -> widget);
wrefresh (llist -> widget);
llist = llist -> next;
/* redraw all the toggle widgets */
tlist = tgllist;
while (tlist != NULLTGL) {
touchwin (tlist -> widget);
wrefresh (tlist -> widget);
tlist = tlist -> next;
/* redraw all the input widgets */
ilist = inplist;
while (ilist != NULLINP) {
touchwin (ilist -> widget);
wrefresh (ilist -> widget);
ilist = ilist -> next;
/* redraw text window if present */
if (textwindowdefined) {
touchwin (screen);
touchwin (screenbox);
wrefresh (screenbox);
wrefresh (screen);
WIDGET widgetinput ()
/* scan standard input for chars and act on them */
struct cmdwid *list;
struct chentry *chlist;
char ch;
int i;
int j;
for (;;)
ch = getchar ();
if (ch == '\014') {
screenrefresh ();
chlist = actlist;
while ((chlist != NULLCH) && (chlist -> ch != ch))
chlist = chlist -> next;
if (chlist == NULLCH)
if (chlist -> type == 1) { /* does char activate a command widget ? */
for (list = cmdlist; list != NULLCMD; list = list->next)
if (list -> id == chlist -> id)
if (list -> active)
return (*(list -> func))();
else if (chlist -> type == 2) /* does char activate a toggle widget ?*/
togglewidget (chlist -> id);
return (getinput (chlist -> id)); /* must activate input widget */
togglewidget (id)
/* toggle widget given its id */
struct tglwid *list;
int i=0;
int x,y;
int pos;
list = tgllist;
/* find toggle widget with given id */
while (list -> id != id)
list = list -> next;
if (!list -> active)
/* increase its toggle value */
pos = ++(list -> cur);
if (pos == list -> total) /* do we need to wrap round values */
{ pos = 0;
list -> cur = 0;
/* output new toggle value */
wstandout (list -> widget);
mvwaddstr (list -> widget, 1, list -> xtgl, list -> tgl[pos]);
wstandend (list -> widget);
getyx (list -> widget, y, x);
for (; x < list -> length-1; x++)
waddch (list -> widget, ' ');
wrefresh (list -> widget);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
int getinput (id)
/* get input from an input widget and put value into given place */
struct inpwid *list;
int i = 0;
int j;
int cursor = 0;
int index = 0;
WINDOW *widgy;
int max;
char ch = '\0';
int flag = 0;
int sofi;
highlight (id);
list = inplist;
/* find the input widget with the given id */
while (list -> id != id)
list = list -> next;
if (!list -> active)
widgy = list -> widget;
sofi = list -> sofi;
max = list -> length - sofi - 1;
wmove (widgy, 1, sofi);
wrefresh (widgy);
/* repeatidly get chars from stdin until carriage return is pressed */
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') {
if ((ch > 31) || (ch == '\025') || (ch == '\014'))
switch (ch) {
/* delete ? */
case '\177' : if ((!flag) && (cursor > 0)){ /* chars don't spill over */
cursor -= 1;
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, cursor + sofi, ' ');
wmove (widgy, 1, cursor + sofi);
index -= 1;
wrefresh (widgy);
else if (cursor > 0){ /* chars spill over */
index -= 1;
if (index == max-1) {
flag = 0;
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, sofi-1, '>');
for (j=0; j < max-1; j++)
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, j+sofi, list -> input [index-max+j+1]);
wmove (widgy, 1, cursor + sofi);
wrefresh (widgy);
else /* nothing to delete ! */
/* ^U pressed (delete all) */
case '\025' : index = cursor = 0;
wmove (widgy, 1, sofi);
for (j=0; j < max; j++)
waddch (widgy, ' ');
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, sofi-1, '>');
wrefresh (widgy);
/* ^L pressed (screen refresh) */
case '\014' : screenrefresh ();
wmove (widgy,1,cursor+sofi);
wrefresh (widgy);
/* default = all other chars except remaining control chars */
default : if (index < list -> lofs) { /* space still remaining ? */
list -> input [index++] = ch;
if (cursor == (max-1)) { /* about to spill over ? */
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, sofi-1, '<');
for (j=0; j < max-2; j++)
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, j+sofi, list ->input [index-max+j+1]);
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, cursor+sofi-1, ch);
flag = 1;
else /* not spilt over */
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, (cursor++) +sofi, ch);
wrefresh (widgy);
else /* no room left ! */
/* terminate input */
list -> input [index] = '\0';
/* clean up input line */
wmove (widgy, 1, sofi);
for (j=0; j < max; j++)
waddch (widgy, ' ');
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, sofi-1, '>');
wrefresh (widgy);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
dehighlight (id);
return id;
WIDGET mkcmdwidget (info, acpt, func, line)
/* make a new command widget */
char info[];
char acpt;
int (*func)();
int line;
struct cmdwid *list;
struct cmdwid *temp;
int length = 0;
while (info [length++] != '\0') /* work out length of command */
length += 3;
if ((line == 1) || ((length + widx) > COLS-1) || widx == COLS-1)
if (widy + 3 == maxwidy) /* go onto next line */
else {
widy += 3;
widx = 0;
if (!addtochlist (acpt, curid, 1)) /* activation char in use ? */
/* find end of list and allocate memory for new entry */
temp = cmdlist;
if (temp != NULLCMD) {
while (temp -> next != NULLCMD)
temp = temp -> next;
list = (struct cmdwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct cmdwid));
temp -> next = list;
else {
list = (struct cmdwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct cmdwid));
cmdlist = list;
/* create and display new widget */
list -> widget = newwin (3, length, widy, widx);
drawcmdwidget (list -> widget, info, acpt, length, FALSE);
/* assign information to be withheld */
list -> x = widx;
list -> y = widy;
list -> id = curid;
strcpy (list -> msg ,info);
list -> func = func;
list -> acpt = acpt;
list -> length = length;
list -> next = NULLCMD;
list -> active = TRUE;
curid += 1;
widx += length;
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (curid-1);
WIDGET mklblwidget (info, pos, space, line)
/* make a new label widget */
char info[];
int pos;
int space;
int line;
struct lblwid *list;
struct lblwid *temp;
int length = 0;
int difference;
if (!((pos & CENTRE) || (pos & LEFTJUST) || (pos & RIGHTJUST)))
pos = pos|LEFTJUST;
/* calculate length of label widget */
while (info [length++] != '\0')
length -= 1;
if ((space < length) && (space > 0)) /* not given enough room so error */
if (space <= 0)
if ((line == 1) || (widx == COLS-1))
space += COLS - 3;
space += COLS - 3 - widx;
difference = space - length;
if ((line == 1) || ((space + 2 + widx) > COLS-1) || (widx == COLS-1))
/* not enough room on existing line so go onto next */
if (widy + 3 == maxwidy)
else {
widx = 0;
widy += 3;
/* find end of list and alllocate memory for new entry */
temp = lbllist;
if (temp != NULLLBL) {
while (temp -> next != NULLLBL)
temp = temp -> next;
list = (struct lblwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct lblwid));
temp -> next = list;
else {
list = (struct lblwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct lblwid));
lbllist = list;
/* create new and display new widget */
list -> widget = newwin (3, space+2, widy, widx);
drawlblwidget (list -> widget, info, pos, difference, space, !(pos & NOHIGH));
/* assign information to be withheld */
list -> x = widx;
list -> y = widy;
list -> id = curid;
strcpy (list -> msg ,info);
list -> pos = pos;
list -> length = space+2;
list -> difference = difference;
list -> next = NULLLBL;
curid += 1;
widx += space+2;
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (curid - 1);
WIDGET mktglwidget (info, num, tgl, toggle, line)
/* make a new toggle widget */
char info[];
int num;
char *tgl[10];
char toggle;
int line;
int length = 0;
struct tglwid *list;
struct tglwid *temp;
int xtgl;
int max = 0;
int i, j, x;
/* calculate maximum length of toggle */
for (i=0; i < num; i++)
for (j=0, x=0; tgl[i][j] != '\0'; j++)
if ((x-1)>max)
max = x-1;
while (info [length++] != '\0')
xtgl = length + 3;
length = length + max + 5;
if ((line == 1) || ((length + widx) > COLS-1) || (widx == COLS-1))
/* not enough room on existing line so go onto next */
if (widy + 3 == maxwidy)
else {
widx = 0;
widy += 3;
/* add char to activation list if not already in use */
if (!addtochlist (toggle, curid, 2))
/* find end of list and allocate memory for new entry */
temp = tgllist;
if (temp != NULLTGL) {
while (temp -> next != NULLTGL)
temp = temp -> next;
list = (struct tglwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct tglwid));
temp -> next = list;
else {
list = (struct tglwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct tglwid));
tgllist = list;
/* create and display new widget */
list -> widget = newwin (3, length, widy, widx);
drawtglwidget (list -> widget, info, tgl[0], toggle, length, FALSE);
/* assign information to be withheld */
list -> x = widx;
list -> y = widy;
list -> id = curid;
strcpy (list -> msg ,info);
list -> xtgl = xtgl;
list -> total = num;
for (i=0; i<num; i++)
strcpy (list -> tgl[i], tgl[i]);
list -> cur = 0;
list -> toggle = toggle;
list -> length = length;
list -> next = NULLTGL;
list -> active = TRUE;
curid += 1;
widx += length;
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (curid-1);
WIDGET mkinpwidget (info, acpt, input, lofs, length, line, exec)
/* make a new input widget */
char info[];
char acpt;
char input[];
int lofs;
int length;
int line;
int exec;
struct inpwid *list;
struct inpwid *temp;
int count = 0;
int offset;
if (exec)
offset = 3;
offset = 5;
while (info [count++] != '\0')
if (length <= 0)
if ((line == 1) || (widx == COLS-1))
length += COLS-offset-count;
length += COLS-offset-widx-count;
length += offset-1+count;
if ((line == 1) || ((length + widx) > COLS-1) || (widx == COLS -1))
/* if no room on existing line go onto next */
if (widy + 3 == maxwidy)
else {
widx = 0;
widy += 3;
/* add activation char to list if not already in use */
if (!addtochlist (acpt, curid, 3))
/* find end of list and allocate memory for new entry */
temp = inplist;
if (temp != NULLINP) {
while (temp -> next != NULLINP)
temp = temp -> next;
list = (struct inpwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct inpwid));
temp -> next = list;
else {
list = (struct inpwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct inpwid));
inplist = list;
/* create and display new widget */
list -> widget = newwin (3, length, widy, widx);
drawinpwidget (list -> widget, info, acpt, length, FALSE, exec);
/* assign information to be withheld */
list -> x = widx;
list -> y = widy;
list -> id = curid;
strcpy (list -> msg ,info);
list -> acpt = acpt;
list -> input = input;
list -> lofs = lofs;
if (exec)
list -> sofi = count+1;
list -> sofi = count+3;
list -> length = length;
list -> next = NULLINP;
list -> exec = exec;
list -> active = TRUE;
curid += 1;
widx += length;
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
if (exec)
getinput (curid-1);
return (curid-1);
cleartextwindow ()
werase (screen);
wrefresh (screen);
scry = 0;
report (info)
/* place given info into data screen */
char *info;
int i, count = 0;
if (textwindowdefined) {
if (scry == sizescreg) /* scroll window if reached bottom */
scroll (screen);
scry -= 1;
for (i=0; info[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (info[i] == '\n')
count += 1;
mvwaddstr (screen, scry, 0, info);
scry += 1+count;
wrefresh (screen);
int tsttglwidget (ptr)
/* return the index value of the current state of the given toggle widget */
struct tglwid *list;
int i=0;
/* locate the record of the given toggle widget pointer */
list = tgllist;
while ((list != NULLTGL) && (list -> id != ptr))
list = list -> next;
/* if it exists return index value else return error FALSE */
if (list -> id == ptr)
return list -> cur;
return FALSE;
deletechentry (ch)
/* remove the entry from character list for killed widget */
char ch;
struct chentry *chlist;
struct chentry *previous;
chlist = actlist;
if (chlist -> ch == ch) { /* is required entry at head of list ? */
actlist = chlist -> next;
free ((char*)chlist); /* deallocate memory for deleted entry */
else {
while (chlist -> ch != ch) { /* locate required entry in the list */
previous = chlist;
chlist = chlist -> next;
previous -> next = chlist -> next; /* remove entry by skiping it */
free ((char*)chlist); /* deallocate memory for deleted entry */
killcmdwidget (ptr)
/* kill a command widget given a valid pointer */
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct cmdwid *previous;
clist = cmdlist;
if (clist -> id == ptr) { /* required widget at head of list ? */
cmdlist = clist -> next;
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> acpt);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* if last widget added */
widx -= clist -> length; /* pull back widx */
free ((char*)clist);
else {
while (clist -> id != ptr) { /* find widget in list */
previous = clist;
clist = clist -> next;
previous -> next = clist -> next; /* skip unrequired widget in list */
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> acpt);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* if last widget added */
widx -= clist -> length; /* pull back widx */
free ((char*)clist);
killlblwidget (ptr)
/* kill label widget given a valid pointer */
struct lblwid *clist;
struct lblwid *previous;
clist = lbllist;
if (clist -> id == ptr) { /* is widget at head of list ? */
lbllist = clist -> next;
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
else {
while (clist -> id != ptr) { /* find widget in linked list */
previous = clist;
clist = clist -> next;
previous -> next = clist -> next; /* skip widget in list */
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
killtglwidget (ptr)
/* kill toggle widget given a valid pointer */
struct tglwid *clist;
struct tglwid *previous;
clist = tgllist;
if (clist -> id == ptr) { /* is widget at head of list ? */
tgllist = clist -> next;
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> toggle);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
else {
while (clist -> id != ptr) { /* find widget in linked list */
previous = clist;
clist = clist -> next;
previous -> next = clist -> next; /* skip widget in list */
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> toggle);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
killinpwidget (ptr)
/* kill an input widget given a valid pointer */
struct inpwid *clist;
struct inpwid *previous;
clist = inplist;
if (clist -> id == ptr) { /* is widget at head of list ? */
inplist = clist -> next;
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> acpt);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
else {
while (clist -> id != ptr) { /* locate widget in linked list */
previous = clist;
clist = clist -> next;
previous -> next = clist -> next; /* skip entry in linked list */
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> acpt);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
int killwidget (ptr)
/* kills the widget identified by ptr */
switch (widgettype (ptr)) {
case CMD : killcmdwidget (ptr); /* command widget */
home ();
return TRUE;
case TGL : killtglwidget (ptr); /* toggle widget */
home ();
return TRUE;
case LBL : killlblwidget (ptr); /* label widget */
home ();
return TRUE;
case INP : killinpwidget (ptr); /* input widget */
home ();
return TRUE;
case FALSE : return FALSE; /* doesn't exist */
int chactive (ptr, boolean, blank)
/* given a widget ptr and a boolean value will activate/deactivate a widget */
int boolean;
int blank;
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct tglwid *tlist;
struct inpwid *ilist;
int i;
switch (widgettype (ptr)) {
case CMD: for (clist = cmdlist; clist != NULLCMD; clist = clist -> next)
if ((clist != NULLCMD) && (clist -> id == ptr)) {
if ((!boolean) && (blank)) {
wmove (clist->widget, 1, 1);
for (i=0; i < clist->length-2; i++)
waddch (clist->widget, ' ');
wrefresh (clist->widget);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return(clist -> active = boolean);
case TGL: for (tlist = tgllist; tlist != NULLTGL; tlist = tlist -> next)
if ((tlist != NULLTGL) && (tlist -> id == ptr)) {
if ((!boolean) && (blank)) {
wmove (tlist->widget, 1, 1);
for (i=0; i < tlist->length-2; i++)
waddch (tlist->widget, ' ');
wrefresh (tlist->widget);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return(tlist -> active = boolean);
case INP: for (ilist = inplist; ilist != NULLINP; ilist = ilist -> next)
if ((ilist != NULLINP) && (ilist -> id == ptr)) {
if ((!boolean) && (blank)) {
wmove (ilist->widget, 1, 1);
for (i=0; i < ilist->length-2; i++)
waddch (ilist->widget, ' ');
wrefresh (ilist->widget);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (ilist -> active = boolean);
default : return FALSE;
int activate (ptr)
/* reactivate a widget given its ptr */
int boolean;
boolean = (chactive (ptr, TRUE));
light (ptr, FALSE);
return boolean;
int deactivate (ptr, blank)
/* deactivates a widget given its ptr */
int blank;
return (chactive (ptr, FALSE, blank));
int light (ptr, boolean)
/* will highlight or dehighlight a given widget */
int boolean;
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct tglwid *tlist;
struct lblwid *llist;
struct inpwid *ilist;
switch (widgettype (ptr)) {
case CMD: for (clist = cmdlist; clist != NULLCMD; clist = clist -> next)
if ((clist != NULLCMD) && (clist -> id == ptr)) {
if (clist -> active)
drawcmdwidget (clist->widget,clist->msg,clist->acpt,clist->length,boolean);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (clist -> active);
case TGL: for (tlist = tgllist; tlist != NULLTGL; tlist = tlist -> next)
if ((tlist != NULLTGL) && (tlist -> id == ptr)) {
if (tlist -> active)
drawtglwidget (tlist->widget,tlist->msg,tlist->tgl[tlist->cur],tlist->toggle,tlist->length,boolean);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (tlist -> active);
case LBL: for (llist = lbllist; llist != NULLLBL; llist = llist -> next)
if ((llist != NULLLBL) && (llist -> id == ptr))
drawlblwidget (llist->widget,llist->msg,llist->pos,llist->difference,llist->length-2,boolean);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return TRUE;
case INP: for (ilist = inplist; ilist != NULLINP; ilist = ilist -> next)
if ((ilist != NULLINP) && (ilist -> id == ptr)) {
if (ilist -> active)
drawinpwidget (ilist->widget,ilist->msg,ilist->acpt,ilist->length,boolean,ilist->exec);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (ilist -> active);
return FALSE;
int highlight (ptr)
/* highlights the given ACTIVE widget */
return (light (ptr, TRUE));
int dehighlight (ptr)
/* dehighlights the given ACTIVE widget */
return (light (ptr, FALSE));
home ()
/* scans the current state of the screen and places the x,y cursor coordinates
at the end of widget furthest down and to the right */
struct cmdwid *clist = cmdlist;
struct lblwid *llist = lbllist;
struct tglwid *tlist = tgllist;
struct inpwid *ilist = inplist;
int x, y;
x = y = 0;
/* look through command widgets */
while (clist != NULLCMD) {
if (clist -> y > y) {
y = clist -> y;
x = clist->x + clist->length;
else if ((clist->x + clist->length > x) && (clist -> y == y)) {
x = clist->x + clist->length;
clist = clist -> next;
/* look through toggle widgets */
while (tlist != NULLTGL) {
if (tlist -> y > y) {
y = tlist -> y;
x = tlist->x + tlist->length;
else if ((tlist->x + tlist->length > x) && (tlist -> y == y)) {
x = tlist->x + tlist->length;
tlist = tlist -> next;
/* look through label widgets */
while (llist != NULLLBL) {
if (llist -> y > y) {
y = llist -> y;
x = llist->x + llist->length;
else if ((llist->x + llist->length > x) && (llist -> y == y)) {
x = llist->x + llist->length;
llist = llist -> next;
/* look through input widgets */
while (ilist != NULLINP) {
if (ilist -> y > y) {
y = ilist -> y;
x = ilist->x + ilist->length;
else if ((ilist->x + ilist->length > x) && (ilist -> y == y)) {
x = ilist->x + ilist->length;
ilist = ilist -> next;
/* update screen x,y coordinates */
widx = x;
widy = y;
int changelblwidget (ptr, info, pos)
char info[];
int pos;
struct lblwid *list = lbllist;
int length = 0;
while ((list != NULLLBL) && (list->id != ptr))
list = list -> next;
if (list == NULLLBL)
return FALSE;
if (!((pos & CENTRE) || (pos & LEFTJUST) || (pos & RIGHTJUST)))
pos = pos|LEFTJUST;
/* calculate length of label widget */
while (info [length++] != '\0')
length -= 1;
if (list->length-2 < length) /* not given enough room so error */
return FALSE;
list -> difference = list->length-2 - length;
strcpy (list -> msg, info);
list -> pos = pos;
werase (list->widget);
drawlblwidget (list->widget,info,pos,list->difference,list->length-2,!(pos & NOHIGH));
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (TRUE);
endwidgets ()
/* tidy up at the end */
struct cmdwid *clist = cmdlist;
struct lblwid *llist = lbllist;
struct tglwid *tlist = tgllist;
struct inpwid *ilist = inplist;
while (clist != NULLCMD) {
killcmdwidget (clist -> id);
clist = cmdlist;
while (llist != NULLLBL) {
killlblwidget (llist -> id);
llist = lbllist;
while (tlist != NULLTGL) {
killtglwidget (tlist -> id);
tlist = tgllist;
while (ilist != NULLINP) {
killinpwidget (ilist -> id);
ilist = inplist;
killtextwindow ();
endwin ();
exit (0);
killtextwindow ()
/* destroy screen and any borders */
if (textwindowdefined) {
werase (screen);
wrefresh (screen);
delwin (screen);
textwindowdefined = FALSE;
if ((screenborder & VERTICAL) && (screenborder & HORIZONTAL)) {
werase (screenbox);
wrefresh (screenbox);
delwin (screenbox);
else if ((screenborder & VERTICAL) || (screenborder & HORIZONTAL)) {
werase (edge1);
werase (edge2);
wrefresh (edge1);
wrefresh (edge2);
delwin (edge1);
delwin (edge2);
maxwidy = LINES - 2;
screenborder = 0;