Usenet 1994 October
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From: Raphael Manfredi <ram@acri.fr>
Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
Subject: v43i127: mailagent - Flexible mail filtering and processing package, v3.0, Patch10
Date: 24 Jul 1994 19:41:26 -0500
Organization: Advanced Computer Research Institute, Lyon, France
Sender: kent@sparky.sterling.com
Approved: kent@sparky.sterling.com
Message-ID: <30v1nm$i4p@sparky.sterling.com>
X-Md4-Signature: 8d110af6ec215184b4f7f975884744f1
Submitted-by: Raphael Manfredi <ram@acri.fr>
Posting-number: Volume 43, Issue 127
Archive-name: mailagent/patch10
Environment: UNIX, Perl
Patch-To: mailagent: Volume 41, Issue 1-26
[The latest patch for mailagent version 3.0 is #11.]
System: mailagent version 3.0
Patch #: 10
Priority: LOW
Subject: patch #8, continued
Date: Fri Jul 01 17:27:46 MET DST 1994
From: Raphael Manfredi <ram@acri.fr>
See patch #8.
Fix: From rn, say "| patch -p -N -d DIR", where DIR is your mailagent source
directory. Outside of rn, say "cd DIR; patch -p -N <thisarticle".
If you don't have the patch program, apply the following by hand,
or get patch (version 2.0, latest patchlevel).
After patching:
If patch indicates that patchlevel is the wrong version, you may need
to apply one or more previous patches, or the patch may already
have been applied. See the patchlevel.h file to find out what has or
has not been applied. In any event, don't continue with the patch.
If you are missing previous patches they can be obtained from me:
Raphael Manfredi <ram@acri.fr>
If you send a mail message of the following form it will greatly speed
Subject: Command
@SH mailpatch PATH mailagent 3.0 LIST
^ note the c
where PATH is a return path FROM ME TO YOU either in Internet notation,
or in bang notation from some well-known host, and LIST is the number
of one or more patches you need, separated by spaces, commas, and/or
hyphens. Saying 35- says everything from 35 to the end.
To get some more detailed instructions, send me the following mail:
Subject: Command
@SH mailhelp PATH
Index: patchlevel.h
Prereq: 9
< #define PATCHLEVEL 9
> #define PATCHLEVEL 10
Index: agent/files/mailagent.cf
*** agent/files/mailagent.cf.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:02 1994
--- agent/files/mailagent.cf Fri Jul 1 17:16:02 1994
*** 2,8 ****
# Configuration file for mailagent
! # $Id: mailagent.cf,v 1994/04/25 15:11:03 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 2,8 ----
# Configuration file for mailagent
! # $Id: mailagent.cf,v 1994/07/01 14:51:36 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 13,18 ****
--- 13,21 ----
# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
# $Log: mailagent.cf,v $
+ # Revision 1994/07/01 14:51:36 ram
+ # patch8: eleven new config variables for better tuning
+ #
# Revision 1994/04/25 15:11:03 ram
# patch7: added new 'fromesc' config variable for From line escapes
*** 61,66 ****
--- 64,70 ----
# Define main configuration parameters
+ umask : 077 # Default umask
spool : ~/var/mailagent # Spool directory
queue : $spool/queue # Queue directory (must exist)
logdir : ~/var/log # Where logfile is stored
*** 80,94 ****
--- 84,112 ----
mmdf : OFF # Allow MMDF-style mailbox delivery
mmdfbox : OFF # Force new folders to MMDF format
fromesc : ON # Escape leading From into >From
+ fromall : OFF # Escape all From, even within paragraph
# MH-style folders
mhprofile: ~/.mh_profile # Name of the MH profile file (optional)
msgprefix: .msg_prefix # File containing message name prefix
+ # Locking parameters
+ lockmax : 20 # Maximum number of locking attempts
+ lockdelay: 2 # Amount of seconds between two lock attempts
+ lockhold : 3600 # Amount of seconds before breaking lock
+ # Timeout parameters
+ queuewait: 60 # Delay for filter before calling mailagent
+ queuehold: 1800 # Amount of seconds queued mail remains skipped
+ queuelost: 86400 # Timeout before flagging old queued mail
+ runmax : 3600 # Timeout for RUN command and friends
# Optional parameters (for experts...)
#compress : ~/.compress # Folder compression list
#newcmd : $spool/newcmd # Definition of new filtering commands
#perlib : pl # Extended perl library search path
+ #tome : also-me # Alternate logins for me
+ #rulemac : ON # Macro substitution in rule patterns
# Database hashing directory (in $spool) and other controls
hash : dbr # Hashing directory
Index: agent/pl/listqueue.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/pl/listqueue.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:19 1994
--- agent/pl/listqueue.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:19 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: listqueue.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:56 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: listqueue.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:01:45 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: listqueue.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:01:45 ram
+ ;# patch8: now honours new queuehold and queuelost config variables
+ ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:56 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 112,121 ****
# is an emergency saving done by the filter.
$file =~ s/^mbox\.// && ($status = 'Backup');
$file =~ s/^$cf'user\.// && ($status = 'Backup');
! if ($file =~ /^qm/ && (time - $mtime) < 1800) {
# Queue mails starting with 'qm' have been queued by the filter
# program. To avoid race conditions, those mails are skipped for
! # half an hour (cf to pqueue subroutine).
$status = 'Skipped' unless $status; # Filter queued mail
} else {
# Processing of mail allowed (mailagent -q would flush it)
--- 115,124 ----
# is an emergency saving done by the filter.
$file =~ s/^mbox\.// && ($status = 'Backup');
$file =~ s/^$cf'user\.// && ($status = 'Backup');
! if ($file =~ /^qm/ && (time - $mtime) < $cf'queuehold) {
# Queue mails starting with 'qm' have been queued by the filter
# program. To avoid race conditions, those mails are skipped for
! # some time (cf to pqueue subroutine).
$status = 'Skipped' unless $status; # Filter queued mail
} else {
# Processing of mail allowed (mailagent -q would flush it)
*** 127,133 ****
$queued = 'Now' if (time - $mtime) < 60;
$star = '';
$star = '*' if $directory ne $cf'queue; # Spot out-of-queue mails
! if ((time - $mtime) > 86400) { # Also spot old mails
$star = '#';
$star = '@' if $directory ne $cf'queue;
--- 130,136 ----
$queued = 'Now' if (time - $mtime) < 60;
$star = '';
$star = '*' if $directory ne $cf'queue; # Spot out-of-queue mails
! if ((time - $mtime) > $cf'queuelost) { # Also spot old mails
$star = '#';
$star = '@' if $directory ne $cf'queue;
Index: agent/test/pl/cmd.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/test/pl/cmd.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:29 1994
--- agent/test/pl/cmd.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:29 1994
*** 1,37 ****
# Common actions at the top of each command test
! # $Id: cmd.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:22 ram Exp $
! #
! # Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
! #
! # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
! # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
! # You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
! # that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
! # of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
! #
! # $Log: cmd.pl,v $
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:22 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
! do '../pl//init.pl';
chdir '../out';
do '../pl/mail.pl';
! &cp_mail;
$user = $ENV{'USER'};
unlink "$user", 'agentlog', 'send.mail', 'send.news';
$cmd = "$mailagent -L $ENV{'LEVEL'} -r ../actions mail 2>/dev/null";
# We might need this
do '../pl/logfile.pl';
- sub cp_mail {
- local($_);
- open(MAIL, '../mail');
- open(HERE, '>mail');
- print HERE while <MAIL>;
- close MAIL;
- close HERE;
- }
--- 1,31 ----
# Common actions at the top of each command test
! ;# $Id: cmd.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:09:44 ram Exp $
! ;#
! ;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
! ;#
! ;# You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
! ;# as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
! ;# You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
! ;# that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
! ;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
! ;#
! ;# $Log: cmd.pl,v $
! ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:09:44 ram
! ;# patch8: the cp_mail routine is now located in mail.pl
! ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:22 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
! do '../pl/init.pl';
chdir '../out';
do '../pl/mail.pl';
! &cp_mail; # From mail.pl
$user = $ENV{'USER'};
unlink "$user", 'agentlog', 'send.mail', 'send.news';
$cmd = "$mailagent -L $ENV{'LEVEL'} -r ../actions mail 2>/dev/null";
# We might need this
do '../pl/logfile.pl';
Index: agent/test/cmd/perl.t
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/test/cmd/perl.t.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:26 1994
--- agent/test/cmd/perl.t Fri Jul 1 17:16:27 1994
*** 1,6 ****
# Test PERL command
! # $Id: perl.t,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:38 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,6 ----
# Test PERL command
! # $Id: perl.t,v 1994/07/01 15:08:05 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 11,22 ****
# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
# $Log: perl.t,v $
# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:38 ram
# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
do '../pl/cmd.pl';
! unlink 'perl.1', 'perl.2', 'never', 'always';
open(PERL, ">perl.1") || print "1\n";
print PERL <<'EOP';
--- 11,25 ----
# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
# $Log: perl.t,v $
+ # Revision 1994/07/01 15:08:05 ram
+ # patch8: added test for correct exit status propagation
+ #
# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:38 ram
# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
do '../pl/cmd.pl';
! unlink 'perl.1', 'perl.2', 'never', 'always', 'exit_ok';
open(PERL, ">perl.1") || print "1\n";
print PERL <<'EOP';
*** 29,35 ****
open(PERL, ">perl.2") || print "2\n";
print PERL <<'EOP';
unlink 'always' if -d '../out';
! &exit(0) if $ARGV[1] != 'arg 1' || $ARGV[2] != 'arg 2';
&perl('perl.1'); # Recursion
--- 32,38 ----
open(PERL, ">perl.2") || print "2\n";
print PERL <<'EOP';
unlink 'always' if -d '../out';
! &exit(1) if $ARGV[1] ne 'arg 1' || $ARGV[2] ne 'arg 2';
&perl('perl.1'); # Recursion
*** 42,47 ****
-f 'never' && print "5\n";
&get_log(6, 'always');
&check_log('^To: ram', 7) == 2 || print "8\n";
! unlink 'mail', 'perl.1', 'perl.2', 'never', 'always';
print "0\n";
--- 45,51 ----
-f 'never' && print "5\n";
&get_log(6, 'always');
&check_log('^To: ram', 7) == 2 || print "8\n";
+ -f 'exit_ok' || print "9\n";
! unlink 'mail', 'perl.1', 'perl.2', 'never', 'always', 'exit_ok';
print "0\n";
Index: agent/test/cmd/umask.t
*** agent/test/cmd/umask.t.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:27 1994
--- agent/test/cmd/umask.t Fri Jul 1 17:16:27 1994
*** 0 ****
--- 1,64 ----
+ # Test UMASK command
+ # $Id: umask.t,v 1994/07/01 15:08:10 ram Exp $
+ #
+ # Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
+ #
+ # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
+ # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
+ # You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
+ # that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
+ # of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
+ #
+ # $Log: umask.t,v $
+ # Revision 1994/07/01 15:08:10 ram
+ # patch8: created
+ #
+ do '../pl/misc.pl'; # Uses &add_option
+ sub cleanup {
+ unlink $user, 'ok.1', 'ok.2', 'ok.3', 'never';
+ }
+ open(PERL, ">umask_is") || print "1\n";
+ print PERL <<'EOP';
+ $mode = $ARGV[1];
+ $mode = oct($mode) if $mode =~ /^0/;
+ $umask = umask;
+ &exit($mode == $umask ? 0 : 1);
+ close PERL;
+ &add_header('X-Tag: umask #1');
+ `$cmd`;
+ $? == 0 || print "2\n";
+ -f $user && print "3\n";
+ -f 'never' && print "4\n";
+ -f 'ok.1' || print "5\n";
+ -f 'ok.2' || print "6\n";
+ &cleanup;
+ &replace_header('X-Tag: umask #3');
+ system '(cat mail; echo " "; cat mail) > mail2 && mv mail2 mail';
+ print "7\n" if $?;
+ $cmd =~ s/\bmail\b/-f mail/;
+ &add_option("-o 'umask: 027'");
+ &replace_header('X-Tag: umask #2');
+ # At this point, we're going to process two messages in mail. The first
+ # one is tagged 'umask #2' and the second is tagged 'umask #3'. We wish
+ # to make sure that mailagent restores the default umask before processing
+ # a new message.
+ `$cmd`;
+ $? == 0 || print "8\n";
+ -f $user && print "9\n";
+ -f 'never' && print "10\n";
+ -f 'ok.1' || print "11\n";
+ -f 'ok.2' || print "12\n";
+ -f 'ok.3' || print "13\n";
+ &cleanup;
+ unlink 'umask_is';
+ print "0\n";
Index: agent/pl/makedir.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/pl/makedir.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:19 1994
--- agent/pl/makedir.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:19 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: makedir.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:59 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: makedir.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:02:07 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,26 ****
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: makedir.pl,v $
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:59 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
# Make directories for files
! # E.g, for /usr/lib/perl/foo, it will check for all the
! # directories /usr, /usr/lib, /usr/lib/perl and make
! # them if they do not exist.
sub makedir {
local($dir, $mode) = @_; # directory name, mode (optional)
! $mode = 0700 unless defined $mode;
if (!-d $dir && $dir ne '') {
# Make parent dir first
&makedir($parent, $mode) if ($parent = $dir) =~ s|(.*)/.*|\1|;
--- 9,30 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: makedir.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:02:07 ram
+ ;# patch8: default mode is now 0777, relies on umask for proper setting
+ ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:59 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
# Make directories for files
! # E.g, for /usr/lib/perl/foo, it will check for all the directories /usr,
! # /usr/lib, /usr/lib/perl and make them if they do not exist.
! # Note: default mode is now 0777 since we have an umask config parameter.
sub makedir {
local($dir, $mode) = @_; # directory name, mode (optional)
! $mode = 0777 unless defined $mode;
! $dir =~ s|/$||; # no trailing / or we'll try to make dir twice
if (!-d $dir && $dir ne '') {
# Make parent dir first
&makedir($parent, $mode) if ($parent = $dir) =~ s|(.*)/.*|\1|;
Index: agent/pl/runcmd.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/pl/runcmd.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:23 1994
--- agent/pl/runcmd.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:23 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: runcmd.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:15 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: runcmd.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:04:58 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: runcmd.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:04:58 ram
+ ;# patch8: new UMASK command
+ ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:15 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 57,62 ****
--- 60,66 ----
;# STRIP header(s) Removes the lines from the message's header
;# SUBST var // Apply a substitution on variable
;# TR var // Apply a translation on variable
+ ;# UMASK value Set a new umask for the process
;# UNIQUE Delete message if already in history and REJECT
;# VACATION on/off Allow/disallow vacation messages
;# WRITE folder Writes mail in folder (replaces, does not append)
*** 199,204 ****
--- 203,209 ----
'STRIP', 'run_strip', # Strip some header lines
'SUBST', 'run_subst', # Substitution on variable
'TR', 'run_tr', # Translation on variable
+ 'UMASK', 'run_umask', # Set new umask
'UNIQUE', 'run_unique', # Delete message if already in history
'VACATION', 'run_vacation', # Allow or forbid vacation messages
'WRITE', 'run_write', # Write mail in folder
*** 231,236 ****
--- 236,242 ----
'RESYNC', 1,
'STRIP', 1,
+ 'UMASK', 1,
Index: agent/pl/parse.pl
*** agent/pl/parse.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:21 1994
--- agent/pl/parse.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:21 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: parse.pl,v 1994/04/25 15:18:14 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: parse.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:04:02 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: parse.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:04:02 ram
+ ;# patch8: now systematically escape leading From if fromall is ON
+ ;#
;# Revision 1994/04/25 15:18:14 ram
;# patch7: global fix for From line escapes to make them configurable
*** 93,100 ****
$lines++; # One more line in body
$length += length($_); # Update length of message
# Protect potentially dangerous lines when asked to do so
s/^From(\s)/>From$1/ if $last_was_nl && $cf'fromesc =~ /on/i;
! $last_was_nl = /^$/; # Keep track of single '\n'
$Header{'Body'} .= $_;
# Deal with builtin commands
--- 96,106 ----
$lines++; # One more line in body
$length += length($_); # Update length of message
# Protect potentially dangerous lines when asked to do so
+ # From could normally be mis-interpreted only after a blank line,
+ # but some "broken" User Agents also look for them everywhere...
+ # That's where fromall must be set to ON to escape all of them.
s/^From(\s)/>From$1/ if $last_was_nl && $cf'fromesc =~ /on/i;
! $last_was_nl = /^$/ || $cf'fromall =~ /on/i;
$Header{'Body'} .= $_;
# Deal with builtin commands
Index: agent/pl/checklock.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/pl/checklock.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:16 1994
--- agent/pl/checklock.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:16 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: checklock.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:36 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: checklock.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:00:20 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: checklock.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:00:20 ram
+ ;# patch8: now honours new lockhold config variable for lock breaking
+ ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:36 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 23,33 ****
# There is a lock file -- look for how long it's been there
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($lockfile);
! if ((time - $mtime) > 3600) {
! # More than one hour !! Something must have gone wrong
unlink $lockfile;
$file =~ s|.*/(.*)|$1|; # Keep only basename
! &add_log("UNLOCKED $file (lock older than one hour)")
if $loglvl > 5;
--- 26,36 ----
# There is a lock file -- look for how long it's been there
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($lockfile);
! if ((time - $mtime) > $cf'lockhold) {
! # More than outdating time!! Something must have gone wrong
unlink $lockfile;
$file =~ s|.*/(.*)|$1|; # Keep only basename
! &add_log("UNLOCKED $file (lock older than $cf'lockhold seconds)")
if $loglvl > 5;
Index: agent/test/pl/init.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/test/pl/init.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:30 1994
--- agent/test/pl/init.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:30 1994
*** 1,16 ****
# Set up mailagent and filter paths
! # $Id: init.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:24 ram Exp $
! #
! # Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
! #
! # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
! # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
! # You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
! # that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
! # of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
! #
! # $Log: init.pl,v $
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:24 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
--- 1,19 ----
# Set up mailagent and filter paths
! ;# $Id: init.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:10:38 ram Exp $
! ;#
! ;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
! ;#
! ;# You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
! ;# as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
! ;# You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
! ;# that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
! ;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
! ;#
! ;# $Log: init.pl,v $
! ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:10:38 ram
! ;# patch8: fixed RCS leading comment string
! ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:24 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 24,26 ****
--- 27,30 ----
# Make sure no lock were left by previous test
unlink "$pwd/out/filter.lock", "$pwd/out/perl.lock";
Index: agent/pl/matching.pl
*** agent/pl/matching.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:20 1994
--- agent/pl/matching.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:20 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: matching.pl,v 1994/04/25 15:17:49 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: matching.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:02:33 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: matching.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:02:33 ram
+ ;# patch8: allow macro substitution on patterns if rulemac is ON
+ ;#
;# Revision 1994/04/25 15:17:49 ram
;# patch7: fixed selector combination logic and added some debug logs
*** 213,218 ****
--- 216,223 ----
# Attempt a match of a pattern against a selector, return boolean status.
# If pattern is preceded by a '!', the boolean status is negated.
+ # If the 'rulemac' configuration variable is set to ON, a macro substitution
+ # is performed on the search pattern.
sub selector_match {
local($selector) = shift(@_); # The selector on which pattern applies
local($pattern) = shift(@_); # The pattern to apply
*** 224,229 ****
--- 229,235 ----
$matcher = $Matcher{$selector};
$matcher = 'match_var' unless $matcher;
$pattern =~ s/^!// && ($not = '!');
+ ¯os_subst(*pattern) if $cf'rulemac =~ /on/i; # Macro substitution
$matched = &$matcher($selector, $pattern, $range);
$matched = !$matched if $not; # Revert matching status if ! pattern
if ($loglvl > 19) {
Index: agent/test/cmd/leave.t
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/test/cmd/leave.t.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:25 1994
--- agent/test/cmd/leave.t Fri Jul 1 17:16:25 1994
*** 1,6 ****
# Test LEAVE command
! # $Id: leave.t,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:33 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,6 ----
# Test LEAVE command
! # $Id: leave.t,v 1994/07/01 15:07:21 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 11,21 ****
# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
# $Log: leave.t,v $
# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:33 ram
# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
! do '../pl/cmd.pl';
&add_header('X-Tag: leave');
--- 11,24 ----
# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
# $Log: leave.t,v $
+ # Revision 1994/07/01 15:07:21 ram
+ # patch8: added tests for new fromall config option
+ #
# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:33 ram
# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
! do '../pl/misc.pl'; # Need &add_option also
&add_header('X-Tag: leave');
*** 54,59 ****
--- 57,72 ----
&get_log(11, $user);
&check_log('^>From', 12) == 2 || print "13\n";
&check_log('^From line', 14) == 1 || print "15\n";
+ # Make sure all From lines are escaped when fromall is activated.
+ &add_option('-o fromall:ON');
+ unlink "$user";
+ `$cmd`;
+ $? == 0 || print "16\n";
+ -f "$user" || print "17\n";
+ &get_log(18, $user);
+ &check_log('^>From', 19) == 3 || print "20\n";
+ ¬_log('^From line', 21);
unlink <emerg/*>;
unlink "$user", 'mail', 'ok';
Index: agent/test/pl/logfile.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/test/pl/logfile.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:31 1994
--- agent/test/pl/logfile.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:31 1994
*** 1,16 ****
# Get log file (by default) or any other file into @log
! # $Id: logfile.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:24 ram Exp $
! #
! # Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
! #
! # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
! # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
! # You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
! # that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
! # of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
! #
! # $Log: logfile.pl,v $
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:24 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
--- 1,19 ----
# Get log file (by default) or any other file into @log
! ;# $Id: logfile.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:10:42 ram Exp $
! ;#
! ;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
! ;#
! ;# You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
! ;# as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
! ;# You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
! ;# that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
! ;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
! ;#
! ;# $Log: logfile.pl,v $
! ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:10:42 ram
! ;# patch8: fixed RCS leading comment string
! ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:24 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
Index: agent/pl/read_conf.pl
*** agent/pl/read_conf.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:22 1994
--- agent/pl/read_conf.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:22 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: read_conf.pl,v 1994/04/25 15:21:34 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: read_conf.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:04:50 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: read_conf.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:04:50 ram
+ ;# patch8: set proper default values for new optional config variables
+ ;#
;# Revision 1994/04/25 15:21:34 ram
;# patch7: made sure new variable 'fromesc' has a meaningful default
*** 110,115 ****
--- 113,128 ----
# Backward compatibility -- RAM, 25/04/94
$fromesc = 'ON' unless defined $fromesc; # If absent from ~/.mailagent
+ $lockmax = 20 unless defined $lockmax;
+ $lockdelay = 2 unless defined $lockdelay;
+ $lockhold = 3600 unless defined $lockhold;
+ $queuewait = 60 unless defined $queuewait;
+ $queuehold = 1800 unless defined $queuehold;
+ $queuelost = 86400 unless defined $queuelost;
+ $runmax = 3600 unless defined $runmax;
+ $umask = 077 unless defined $umask;
+ $umask = oct($umask) if $umask =~ /^0/; # Translate umask into decimal
# Update @INC perlib search path with the perlib variable. Paths not
# starting by a '/' are supposed to be under the mailagent private lib
*** MANIFEST.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:34 1994
--- MANIFEST Fri Jul 1 17:16:34 1994
*** 148,153 ****
--- 148,154 ----
agent/pl/sendfile.pl Perl library to send files in shar / kit mode
agent/pl/stats.pl Mailagent's statistics recording and printing
agent/pl/tilde.pl Perl library to perform ~name expansion
+ agent/pl/umask.pl Handles UMASK in local mode
agent/pl/unpack.pl Perl library to unpack archive files
agent/pl/usrmac.pl User-defined macros
agent/test/ Regression test suite
*** 200,205 ****
--- 201,207 ----
agent/test/cmd/strip.t Test STRIP command
agent/test/cmd/subst.t Test SUBST command
agent/test/cmd/tr.t Test TR command
+ agent/test/cmd/umask.t Test UMASK command
agent/test/cmd/unique.t Test UNIQUE command
agent/test/cmd/unknown.t Make sure unknown command defaults correctly
agent/test/cmd/vacation.t Test VACATION command
*** 213,218 ****
--- 215,221 ----
agent/test/filter/hook.t Ensure hooks are correctly invoked
agent/test/filter/list.t Check matching on lists like To and Newsgroups
agent/test/filter/loop.t Check loop detection
+ agent/test/filter/macros.t Check optional macro subsitution in patterns
agent/test/filter/mode.t Make sure mode selection logic works
agent/test/filter/multiple.t Check multiple selectors
agent/test/filter/not.t Negated pattern tests
Index: agent/test/pl/misc.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/test/pl/misc.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:32 1994
--- agent/test/pl/misc.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:32 1994
*** 1,16 ****
# Common actions at the top of each misc test
! # $Id: misc.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:26 ram Exp $
! #
! # Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
! #
! # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
! # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
! # You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
! # that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
! # of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
! #
! # $Log: misc.pl,v $
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:26 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
--- 1,19 ----
# Common actions at the top of each misc test
! ;# $Id: misc.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:11:55 ram Exp $
! ;#
! ;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
! ;#
! ;# You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
! ;# as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
! ;# You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
! ;# that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
! ;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
! ;#
! ;# $Log: misc.pl,v $
! ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:11:55 ram
! ;# patch8: fixed RCS leading comment string
! ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:50:26 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
Index: agent/pl/acs_rqst.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/pl/acs_rqst.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:11 1994
--- agent/pl/acs_rqst.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:11 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: acs_rqst.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:32 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: acs_rqst.pl,v 1994/07/01 14:56:37 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: acs_rqst.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 14:56:37 ram
+ ;# patch8: now uses lockmax and lockdelay config variables
+ ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:32 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 41,48 ****
# process is written. It is checked afterwards.
sub acs_rqst {
local($file) = @_; # file to be locked
! local($max) = 30; # max number of attempts
! local($delay) = 2; # seconds to wait between attempts
local($mask); # to save old umask
local($stamp); # string written in lock file
&checklock($file); # avoid long-lasting locks
--- 44,51 ----
# process is written. It is checked afterwards.
sub acs_rqst {
local($file) = @_; # file to be locked
! local($max) = $cf'lockmax; # max number of attempts
! local($delay) = $cf'lockdelay; # seconds to wait between attempts
local($mask); # to save old umask
local($stamp); # string written in lock file
&checklock($file); # avoid long-lasting locks
Index: agent/pl/umask.pl
*** agent/pl/umask.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:23 1994
--- agent/pl/umask.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:23 1994
*** 0 ****
--- 1,42 ----
+ ;# $Id: umask.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:05:10 ram Exp $
+ ;#
+ ;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
+ ;#
+ ;# You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
+ ;# as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
+ ;# You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
+ ;# that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
+ ;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
+ ;#
+ ;# $Log: umask.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:05:10 ram
+ ;# patch8: created
+ ;#
+ ;#
+ package u_mask;
+ # Handles the UMASK command. Since the umask may be set locally in rules,
+ # we must record the previous global setting to be able to restore it when
+ # we leave scope.
+ # Initialize at rule entrance
+ sub init {
+ $umask = -1;
+ }
+ # When leaving a rule, reset the umask if it has been set locally.
+ # If a global setting has been used, then we do not wish to interfere.
+ sub reset {
+ return if $umask == -1; # Umask was not changed locally in rule
+ umask($umask); # Restore previous umask
+ }
+ # Record a local umask settting
+ sub set {
+ local($new) = @_; # New umask wanted
+ $umask = umask($new); # Set new umask, save previous one
+ # Failure of the umask() system call is unlikely.
+ }
+ package main;
Index: agent/magent.SH
*** agent/magent.SH.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:06 1994
--- agent/magent.SH Fri Jul 1 17:16:07 1994
*** 24,30 ****
# via the filter. Mine looks like this:
# "|exec /users/ram/mail/filter >>/users/ram/.bak 2>&1"
! # $Id: magent.SH,v 1994/01/26 09:27:56 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 24,30 ----
# via the filter. Mine looks like this:
# "|exec /users/ram/mail/filter >>/users/ram/.bak 2>&1"
! # $Id: magent.SH,v 1994/07/01 14:54:29 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 35,40 ****
--- 35,43 ----
# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
# $Log: magent.SH,v $
+ # Revision 1994/07/01 14:54:29 ram
+ # patch8: fixed leading From date format (spacing problem)
+ #
# Revision 1994/01/26 09:27:56 ram
# patch5: new -F option to force procesing on filtered messages
*** 426,431 ****
--- 429,435 ----
# Faked leading From line (used for digest items, by SPLIT)
local($now) = &ctime(time);
+ $now =~ s/\s(\d:\d\d:\d\d)\b/0$1/; # Add leading 0 if hour < 10
$FAKE_FROM = "From mailagent " . $now;
*** 633,637 ****
--- 637,642 ----
$grep -v '^;#' pl/usrmac.pl >>magent
$grep -v '^;#' pl/tilde.pl >>magent
$grep -v '^;#' pl/mh.pl >>magent
+ $grep -v '^;#' pl/umask.pl >>magent
chmod 755 magent
$eunicefix magent
Index: agent/pl/pqueue.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/pl/pqueue.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:21 1994
--- agent/pl/pqueue.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:21 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: pqueue.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:09 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: pqueue.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:04:20 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: pqueue.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:04:20 ram
+ ;# patch8: now honours new queuehold config variable
+ ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:49:09 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 38,45 ****
foreach $file (@filter_files) {
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($file);
! if ((time - $mtime) > 1800) {
! # More than 30 minutes -- there must have been a failure
push(@files, $file); # Add file to the to-be-parsed list
--- 41,48 ----
foreach $file (@filter_files) {
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($file);
! if ((time - $mtime) > $cf'queuehold) {
! # More than queue timeout -- there must have been a failure
push(@files, $file); # Add file to the to-be-parsed list
Index: agent/pl/interface.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/pl/interface.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:18 1994
--- agent/pl/interface.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:18 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: interface.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:53 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: interface.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:01:19 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,18 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: interface.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:01:19 ram
+ ;# patch8: new UMASK command
+ ;# patch8: cannot dataload exit
+ ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:53 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 64,79 ****
--- 68,87 ----
sub strip { &interface'dispatch; }
sub subst { &interface'dispatch; }
sub tr { &interface'dispatch; }
+ sub umask { &interface'dispatch; }
sub unique { &interface'dispatch; }
sub vacation { &interface'dispatch; }
sub write { &interface'dispatch; }
# A perl filtering script should call &exit and not exit directly.
+ # Perload OFF
+ # (Cannot be data-loaded or it will corrupt $@ expected by &main'perl)
sub exit {
local($code) = @_;
die "OK\n" unless $code;
die "Exit $code\n";
+ # Perload ON
package interface;
Index: agent/filter/parser.h
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/filter/parser.h.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:06 1994
--- agent/filter/parser.h Fri Jul 1 17:16:06 1994
*** 11,17 ****
! * $Id: parser.h,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:19 ram Exp $
* Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 11,17 ----
! * $Id: parser.h,v 1994/07/01 14:54:06 ram Exp $
* Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 22,27 ****
--- 22,30 ----
* of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
* $Log: parser.h,v $
+ * Revision 1994/07/01 14:54:06 ram
+ * patch8: new routine get_confval to get integer config variables
+ *
* Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:19 ram
* Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 34,38 ****
--- 37,50 ----
extern void read_conf(); /* Read configuration file */
extern void set_env_vars(); /* Set correct environment variables */
extern char *homedir(); /* Location of the home directory */
+ extern int get_confval(); /* Get configuration value */
+ /*
+ * Parameters for get_confval().
+ */
+ #define CF_MANDATORY 0 /* Must be there, or fatal error */
+ #define CF_DEFAULT 1 /* Use default value if not there */
Index: agent/filter/logfile.c
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/filter/logfile.c.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:04 1994
--- agent/filter/logfile.c Fri Jul 1 17:16:04 1994
*** 11,17 ****
! * $Id: logfile.c,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:14 ram Exp $
* Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 11,17 ----
! * $Id: logfile.c,v 1994/07/01 14:53:21 ram Exp $
* Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 22,27 ****
--- 22,30 ----
* of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
* $Log: logfile.c,v $
+ * Revision 1994/07/01 14:53:21 ram
+ * patch8: metaconfig now defines Strerror instead of strerror
+ *
* Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:14 ram
* Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 181,187 ****
sprintf(where, "%s", strerror(errno));
! sprintf(where, "%s", strerror(errno)); /* Macro defined by Configure */
sprintf(where, "error #%d", errno);
--- 184,190 ----
sprintf(where, "%s", strerror(errno));
! sprintf(where, "%s", Strerror(errno)); /* Macro defined by Configure */
sprintf(where, "error #%d", errno);
Index: agent/test/filter/macros.t
*** agent/test/filter/macros.t.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:28 1994
--- agent/test/filter/macros.t Fri Jul 1 17:16:28 1994
*** 0 ****
--- 1,36 ----
+ # Test patterns with macros in them
+ # $Id: macros.t,v 1994/07/01 15:09:17 ram Exp $
+ #
+ # Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
+ #
+ # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
+ # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
+ # You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
+ # that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
+ # of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
+ #
+ # $Log: macros.t,v $
+ # Revision 1994/07/01 15:09:17 ram
+ # patch8: created
+ #
+ do '../pl/filter.pl';
+ &add_header('X-Tag: macros');
+ &replace_header("To: $user@eiffel.com");
+ `$cmd`;
+ $? == 0 || print "1\n";
+ -f "$user" && print "2\n"; # Must have been deleted
+ unlink $user; # Just in case
+ # Now check that macro susbstitution occurs in pattern when enabled
+ $cmd =~ s/^(\S+)/$1 -o 'rulemac: ON'/;
+ `$cmd`;
+ $? == 0 || print "3\n";
+ -f "$user" || print "4\n"; # This time, it has been leaved
+ unlink $user;
+ print "0\n";
Index: agent/test/rules
*** agent/test/rules.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:32 1994
--- agent/test/rules Fri Jul 1 17:16:33 1994
*** 2,8 ****
# Mailagent rules for filter regression tests
! # $Id: rules,v 1994/04/25 15:26:12 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 2,8 ----
# Mailagent rules for filter regression tests
! # $Id: rules,v 1994/07/01 15:12:23 ram Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 13,18 ****
--- 13,21 ----
# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
# $Log: rules,v $
+ # Revision 1994/07/01 15:12:23 ram
+ # patch8: added test rules for macro substitution in patterns
+ #
# Revision 1994/04/25 15:26:12 ram
# patch7: added three more tests in filter/group
*** 146,149 ****
--- 149,157 ----
<RANGE> Body <-3, ->: /request/ { SAVE never.5; REJECT };
<RANGE> Cc <-1, ->: must { SAVE never.6 };
+ # filter/macros
+ X-Tag: /macros/ { REJECT MACROS };
+ <MACROS> To: %u { LEAVE };
Index: agent/pl/header.pl
Prereq: 3.0
*** agent/pl/header.pl.old Fri Jul 1 17:16:17 1994
--- agent/pl/header.pl Fri Jul 1 17:16:17 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! ;# $Id: header.pl,v 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:49 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
--- 1,4 ----
! ;# $Id: header.pl,v 1994/07/01 15:00:51 ram Exp $
;# Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Raphael Manfredi
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,17 ----
;# of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
;# $Log: header.pl,v $
+ ;# Revision 1994/07/01 15:00:51 ram
+ ;# patch8: fixed leading From date format (spacing problem)
+ ;#
;# Revision 3.0 1993/11/29 13:48:49 ram
;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
*** 126,132 ****
--- 129,137 ----
require 'ctime.pl';
local($date) = &'ctime(time);
# Traditionally, MTAs add a ',' right after week day
+ # Moreover, RFC-822 and RFC-1123 require a leading 0 if hour < 10
$date =~ s/^(\w+)(\s)/$1,$2/;
+ $date =~ s/\s(\d:\d\d:\d\d)\b/0$1/;
chop($date); # Ctime adds final new-line
*** End of Patch 10 ***
exit 0 # Just in case...