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# Name: itokens.icn
# Title: itokens (Icon source-file tokenizer)
# Author: Richard L. Goerwitz
# $Revision: 1.11 $
# This file contains itokens() - a utility for breaking Icon source
# files up into individual tokens. This is the sort of routine one
# needs to have around when implementing things like pretty printers,
# preprocessors, code obfuscators, etc. It would also be useful for
# implementing cut-down implementations of Icon written in Icon - the
# sort of thing one might use in an interactive tutorial.
# Itokens(f, x) takes, as its first argument, f, an open file, and
# suspends successive TOK records. TOK records contain two fields.
# The first field, sym, contains a string that represents the name of
# the next token (e.g. "CSET", "STRING", etc.). The second field,
# str, gives that token's literal value. E.g. the TOK for a literal
# semicolon is TOK("SEMICOL", ";"). For a mandatory newline, itokens
# would suspend TOK("SEMICOL", "\n").
# Unlike Icon's own tokenizer, itokens() does not return an EOFX
# token on end-of-file, but rather simply fails. It also can be
# instructed to return syntactically meaningless newlines by passing
# it a nonnull second argument (e.g. itokens(infile, 1)). These
# meaningless newlines are returned as TOK records with a null sym
# field (i.e. TOK(&null, "\n")).
# NOTE WELL: If new reserved words or operators are added to a given
# implementation, the tables below will have to be altered. Note
# also that &keywords should be implemented on the syntactic level -
# not on the lexical one. As a result, a keyword like &features will
# be suspended as TOK("CONJUNC", "&") and TOK("IDENT", "features").
# Links: slshupto
# Requires: coexpressions
#link ximage, slshupto
link slshupto #make sure you have version 1.2 or above
global next_c, line_number
record TOK(sym, str)
# main: an Icon source code uglifier
# Stub main for testing; uncomment & compile. The resulting
# executable will act as an Icon file compressor, taking the
# standard input and outputting Icon code stripped of all
# unnecessary whitespace. Guaranteed to make the code a visual
# mess :-).
#procedure main()
# local separator, T
# separator := ""
# every T := itokens(&input) do {
# if any(&digits ++ &letters ++ '_.', \T.str, 1, 2) & \T.sym ~== "DOT"
# then writes(separator)
# if T.sym == "SEMICOL" then writes(";") else writes(T.str)
# if any(&digits ++ &letters ++ '_.', \T.str, -1, 0) & \T.sym ~== "DOT"
# then separator := " " else separator := ""
# }
# itokens: file x anything -> TOK records (a generator)
# (stream, nostrip) -> Rs
# Where stream is an open file, anything is any object (it only
# matters whether it is null or not), and Rs are TOK records.
# Note that itokens strips out useless newlines. If the second
# argument is nonnull, itokens does not strip out superfluous
# newlines. It may be useful to keep them when the original line
# structure of the input file must be maintained.
procedure itokens(stream, nostrip)
local T, last_token
# initialize to some meaningless value
last_token := TOK()
every T := \iparse_tokens(stream) do {
if \T.sym then {
if T.sym == "EOFX" then fail
else {
# If the last token was a semicolon, then interpret
# all ambiguously unary/binary sequences like "**" as
# beginners (** could be two unary stars or the [c]set
# intersection operator).
if \last_token.sym == "SEMICOL"
then suspend last_token := expand_fake_beginner(T)
else suspend last_token := T
} else {
if \nostrip
then suspend last_token := T
# expand_fake_beginner: TOK record -> TOK records
# Some "beginner" tokens aren't really beginners. They are token
# sequences that could be either a single binary operator or a
# series of unary operators. The tokenizer's job is just to snap
# up as many characters as could logically constitute an operator.
# Here is where we decide whether to break the sequence up into
# more than one op or not.
procedure expand_fake_beginner(next_token)
static exptbl
initial {
exptbl := table()
insert(exptbl, "CONCAT", [TOK("BAR", "|"), TOK("BAR", "|")])
insert(exptbl, "DIFF", [TOK("MINUS", "-"), TOK("MINUS", "-")])
insert(exptbl, "EQUIV", [TOK("NUMEQ", "="), TOK("NUMEQ", "="),
TOK("NUMEQ", "=")])
insert(exptbl, "INTER", [TOK("STAR", "*"), TOK("STAR", "*")])
insert(exptbl, "LCONCAT", [TOK("BAR", "|"), TOK("BAR", "|"),
TOK("BAR", "|")])
insert(exptbl, "LEXEQ", [TOK("NUMEQ", "="), TOK("NUMEQ", "=")])
insert(exptbl, "LEXNE", [TOK("TILDE", "~"), TOK("NUMEQ", "="),
TOK("NUMEQ", "=")])
insert(exptbl, "NOTEQUIV",[TOK("TILDE", "~"), TOK("NUMEQ","="),
TOK("NUMEQ", "="), TOK("NUMEQ", "=")])
insert(exptbl, "NUMNE", [TOK("TILDE", "~"), TOK("NUMEQ","=")])
insert(exptbl, "UNION", [TOK("PLUS", "+"), TOK("PLUS", "+")])
if \exptbl[next_token.sym]
then suspend !exptbl[next_token.sym]
else return next_token
# iparse_tokens: file -> TOK records (a generator)
# (stream) -> tokens
# Where file is an open input stream, and tokens are TOK records
# holding both the token type and actual token text.
# TOK records contain two parts, a preterminal symbol (the first
# "sym" field), and the actual text of the token ("str"). The
# parser only pays attention to the sym field, although the
# strings themselves get pushed onto the value stack.
# Note the following kludge: Unlike real Icon tokenizers, this
# procedure returns syntactially meaningless newlines as TOK
# records with a null sym field. Normally they would be ignored.
# I wanted to return them so they could be printed on the output
# stream, thus preserving the line structure of the original
# file, and making later diagnostic messages more usable.
procedure iparse_tokens(stream, getchar)
local elem, whitespace, token, last_token, primitives, reserveds
static be_tbl, reserved_tbl, operators
initial {
# Primitive Tokens
primitives := [
["identifier", "IDENT", "be"],
["integer-literal", "INTLIT", "be"],
["real-literal", "REALLIT", "be"],
["string-literal", "STRINGLIT", "be"],
["cset-literal", "CSETLIT", "be"],
["end-of-file", "EOFX", "" ]]
# Reserved Words
reserveds := [
["break", "BREAK", "be"],
["by", "BY", "" ],
["case", "CASE", "b" ],
["create", "CREATE", "b" ],
["default", "DEFAULT", "b" ],
["do", "DO", "" ],
["else", "ELSE", "" ],
["end", "END", "b" ],
["every", "EVERY", "b" ],
["fail", "FAIL", "be"],
["global", "GLOBAL", "" ],
["if", "IF", "b" ],
["initial", "INITIAL", "b" ],
["invocable", "INVOCABLE", "" ],
["link", "LINK", "" ],
["local", "LOCAL", "b" ],
["next", "NEXT", "be"],
["not", "NOT", "b" ],
["of", "OF", "" ],
["procedure", "PROCEDURE", "" ],
["record", "RECORD", "" ],
["repeat", "REPEAT", "b" ],
["return", "RETURN", "be"],
["static", "STATIC", "b" ],
["suspend", "SUSPEND", "be"],
["then", "THEN", "" ],
["to", "TO", "" ],
["until", "UNTIL", "b" ],
["while", "WHILE", "b" ]]
# Operators
operators := [
[":=", "ASSIGN", "" ],
["@", "AT", "b" ],
["@:=", "AUGACT", "" ],
["&:=", "AUGAND", "" ],
["=:=", "AUGEQ", "" ],
["===:=", "AUGEQV", "" ],
[">=:=", "AUGGE", "" ],
[">:=", "AUGGT", "" ],
["<=:=", "AUGLE", "" ],
["<:=", "AUGLT", "" ],
["~=:=", "AUGNE", "" ],
["~===:=", "AUGNEQV", "" ],
["==:=", "AUGSEQ", "" ],
[">>=:=", "AUGSGE", "" ],
[">>:=", "AUGSGT", "" ],
["<<=:=", "AUGSLE", "" ],
["<<:=", "AUGSLT", "" ],
["~==:=", "AUGSNE", "" ],
["\\", "BACKSLASH", "b" ],
["!", "BANG", "b" ],
["|", "BAR", "b" ],
["^", "CARET", "b" ],
["^:=", "CARETASGN", "b" ],
[":", "COLON", "" ],
[",", "COMMA", "" ],
["||", "CONCAT", "b" ],
["||:=", "CONCATASGN","" ],
["&", "CONJUNC", "b" ],
[".", "DOT", "b" ],
["--", "DIFF", "b" ],
["--:=", "DIFFASGN", "" ],
["===", "EQUIV", "b" ],
["**", "INTER", "b" ],
["**:=", "INTERASGN", "" ],
["{", "LBRACE", "b" ],
["[", "LBRACK", "b" ],
["|||", "LCONCAT", "b" ],
["|||:=", "LCONCATASGN","" ],
["==", "LEXEQ", "b" ],
[">>=", "LEXGE", "" ],
[">>", "LEXGT", "" ],
["<<=", "LEXLE", "" ],
["<<", "LEXLT", "" ],
["~==", "LEXNE", "b" ],
["(", "LPAREN", "b" ],
["-:", "MCOLON", "" ],
["-", "MINUS", "b" ],
["-:=", "MINUSASGN", "" ],
["%", "MOD", "" ],
["%:=", "MODASGN", "" ],
["~===", "NOTEQUIV", "b" ],
["=", "NUMEQ", "b" ],
[">=", "NUMGE", "" ],
[">", "NUMGT", "" ],
["<=", "NUMLE", "" ],
["<", "NUMLT", "" ],
["~=", "NUMNE", "b" ],
["+:", "PCOLON", "" ],
["+", "PLUS", "b" ],
["+:=", "PLUSASGN", "" ],
["?", "QMARK", "b" ],
["<-", "REVASSIGN", "" ],
["<->", "REVSWAP", "" ],
["}", "RBRACE", "e" ],
["]", "RBRACK", "e" ],
[")", "RPAREN", "e" ],
[";", "SEMICOL", "" ],
["?:=", "SCANASGN", "" ],
["/", "SLASH", "b" ],
["/:=", "SLASHASGN", "" ],
["*", "STAR", "b" ],
["*:=", "STARASGN", "" ],
[":=:", "SWAP", "" ],
["~", "TILDE", "b" ],
["++", "UNION", "b" ],
["++:=", "UNIONASGN", "" ],
["$(", "LBRACE", "b" ],
["$)", "RBRACE", "e" ],
["$<", "LBRACK", "b" ],
["$>", "RBRACK", "e" ],
["$", "RHSARG", "b" ],
["%$(", "BEGGLOB", "b" ],
["%$)", "ENDGLOB", "e" ],
["%{", "BEGGLOB", "b" ],
["%}", "ENDGLOB", "e" ],
["%%", "NEWSECT", "be"]]
# static be_tbl, reserved_tbl
reserved_tbl := table()
every elem := !reserveds do
insert(reserved_tbl, elem[1], elem[2])
be_tbl := table()
every elem := !primitives | !reserveds | !operators do {
insert(be_tbl, elem[2], elem[3])
/getchar := create {
line_number := 0
! ( 1(!stream, line_number +:=1) || "\n" )
whitespace := ' \t'
/next_c := @getchar | {
if \stream then
return TOK("EOFX")
else fail
repeat {
case next_c of {
"." : {
# Could be a real literal *or* a dot operator. Check
# following character to see if it's a digit. If so,
# it's a real literal. We can only get away with
# doing the dot here because it is not a substring of
# any longer identifier. If this gets changed, we'll
# have to move this code into do_operator().
last_token := do_dot(getchar)
suspend last_token
# write(&errout, "next_c == ", image(next_c))
"\n" : {
# If do_newline fails, it means we're at the end of
# the input stream, and we should break out of the
# repeat loop.
every last_token := do_newline(getchar, last_token, be_tbl)
do suspend last_token
if next_c === &null then break
"\#" : {
# Just a comment. Strip it by reading every character
# up to the next newline. The global var next_c
# should *always* == "\n" when this is done.
# write(&errout, "next_c == ", image(next_c))
"\"" : {
# Suspend as STRINGLIT everything from here up to the
# next non-backslashed quotation mark, inclusive
# (accounting for the _ line-continuation convention).
last_token := do_quotation_mark(getchar)
suspend last_token
# write(&errout, "next_c == ", image(next_c))
"'" : {
# Suspend as CSETLIT everything from here up to the
# next non-backslashed apostrophe, inclusive.
last_token := do_apostrophe(getchar)
suspend last_token
# write(&errout, "next_c == ", image(next_c))
&null : stop("iparse_tokens (lexer): unexpected EOF")
default : {
# If we get to here, we have either whitespace, an
# integer or real literal, an identifier or reserved
# word (both get handled by do_identifier), or an
# operator. The question of which we have can be
# determined by checking the first character.
if any(whitespace, next_c) then {
# Like all of the TOK forming procedures,
# do_whitespace resets next_c.
do_whitespace(getchar, whitespace)
# don't suspend any tokens
if any(&digits, next_c) then {
last_token := do_digits(getchar)
suspend last_token
if any(&letters ++ '_', next_c) then {
last_token := do_identifier(getchar, reserved_tbl)
suspend last_token
# write(&errout, "it's an operator")
last_token := do_operator(getchar, operators)
suspend last_token
# If stream argument is nonnull, then we are in the top-level
# iparse_tokens(). If not, then we are in a recursive call, and
# we should not emit all this end-of-file crap.
if \stream then {
return TOK("EOFX")
else fail
# do_dot: coexpression -> TOK record
# getchar -> t
# Where getchar is the coexpression that produces the next
# character from the input stream and t is a token record whose
# sym field contains either "REALLIT" or "DOT". Essentially,
# do_dot checks the next char on the input stream to see if it's
# an integer. Since the preceding char was a dot, an integer
# tips us off that we have a real literal. Otherwise, it's just
# a dot operator. Note that do_dot resets next_c for the next
# cycle through the main case loop in the calling procedure.
procedure do_dot(getchar)
local token
# global next_c
# write(&errout, "it's a dot")
# If dot's followed by a digit, then we have a real literal.
if any(&digits, next_c := @getchar) then {
# write(&errout, "dot -> it's a real literal")
token := "." || next_c
while any(&digits, next_c := @getchar) do
token ||:= next_c
if token ||:= (next_c == ("e"|"E")) then {
while (next_c := @getchar) == "0"
while any(&digits, next_c) do {
token ||:= next_c
next_c = @getchar
return TOK("REALLIT", token)
# Dot not followed by an integer; so we just have a dot operator,
# and not a real literal.
# write(&errout, "dot -> just a plain dot")
return TOK("DOT", ".")
# do_newline: coexpression x TOK record x table -> TOK records
# (getchar, last_token, be_tbl) -> Ts (a generator)
# Where getchar is the coexpression that returns the next
# character from the input stream, last_token is the last TOK
# record suspended by the calling procedure, be_tbl is a table of
# tokens and their "beginner/ender" status, and Ts are TOK
# records. Note that do_newline resets next_c. Do_newline is a
# mess. What it does is check the last token suspended by the
# calling procedure to see if it was a beginner or ender. It
# then gets the next token by calling iparse_tokens again. If
# the next token is a beginner and the last token is an ender,
# then we have to suspend a SEMICOL token. In either event, both
# the last and next token are suspended.
procedure do_newline(getchar, last_token, be_tbl)
local next_token
# global next_c
# write(&errout, "it's a newline")
# Go past any additional newlines.
while next_c == "\n" do {
# NL can be the last char in the getchar stream; if it *is*,
# then signal that it's time to break out of the repeat loop
# in the calling procedure.
next_c := @getchar | {
next_c := &null
suspend TOK(&null, next_c == "\n")
# If there was a last token (i.e. if a newline wasn't the first
# character of significance in the input stream), then check to
# see if it was an ender. If so, then check to see if the next
# token is a beginner. If so, then suspend a TOK("SEMICOL")
# record before suspending the next token.
if find("e", be_tbl[(\last_token).sym]) then {
# write(&errout, "calling iparse_tokens via do_newline")
# &trace := -1
# First arg to iparse_tokens can be null here.
\ (next_token := iparse_tokens(&null, getchar)).sym
if \next_token then {
# write(&errout, "call of iparse_tokens via do_newline yields ",
# ximage(next_token))
if find("b", be_tbl[next_token.sym])
then suspend TOK("SEMICOL", "\n")
# See below. If this were like the real Icon parser,
# the following line would be commented out.
else suspend TOK(&null, "\n")
return next_token
else {
# If this were a *real* Icon tokenizer, it would not emit
# any record here, but would simply fail. Instead, we'll
# emit a dummy record with a null sym field.
return TOK(&null, "\n")
# &trace := 0
# fail
# See above. Again, if this were like Icon's own tokenizer, we
# would just fail here, and not return any TOK record.
# &trace := 0
return TOK(&null, "\n")
# fail
# do_number_sign: coexpression -> &null
# getchar ->
# Where getchar is the coexpression that pops characters off the
# main input stream. Sets the global variable next_c. This
# procedure simply reads characters until it gets a newline, then
# returns with next_c == "\n". Since the starting character was
# a number sign, this has the effect of stripping comments.
procedure do_number_sign(getchar)
# global next_c
# write(&errout, "it's a number sign")
while next_c ~== "\n" do {
next_c := @getchar
# Return to calling procedure to cycle around again with the new
# next_c already set. Next_c should always be "\n" at this point.
# do_quotation_mark: coexpression -> TOK record
# getchar -> t
# Where getchar is the coexpression that yields another character
# from the input stream, and t is a TOK record with "STRINGLIT"
# as its sym field. Puts everything upto and including the next
# non-backslashed quotation mark into the str field. Handles the
# underscore continuation convention.
procedure do_quotation_mark(getchar)
local token
# global next_c
# write(&errout, "it's a string literal")
token := "\""
next_c := @getchar
repeat {
if next_c == "\n" & token[-1] == "_" then {
token := token[1:-1]
while any('\t ', next_c := @getchar)
} else {
if slshupto('"', token ||:= next_c, 2)
then {
next_c := @getchar
# resume outermost (repeat) loop in calling procedure,
# with the new (here explicitly set) next_c
return TOK("STRINGLIT", token)
next_c := @getchar
# do_apostrophe: coexpression -> TOK record
# getchar -> t
# Where getchar is the coexpression that yields another character
# from the input stream, and t is a TOK record with "CSETLIT"
# as its sym field. Puts everything upto and including the next
# non-backslashed apostrope into the str field.
procedure do_apostrophe(getchar)
local token
# global next_c
# write(&errout, "it's a cset literal")
token := "'"
next_c := @getchar
repeat {
if next_c == "\n" & token[-1] == "_" then {
token := token[1:-1]
while any('\t ', next_c := @getchar)
} else {
if slshupto("'", token ||:= next_c, 2)
then {
next_c := @getchar
# Return & resume outermost containing loop in calling
# procedure w/ new next_c.
return TOK("CSETLIT", token)
next_c := @getchar
# do_digits: coexpression -> TOK record
# getchar -> t
# Where getchar is the coexpression that produces the next char
# on the input stream, and where t is a TOK record containing
# either "REALLIT" or "INTLIT" in its sym field, and the text of
# the numeric literal in its str field.
procedure do_digits(getchar)
local token, tok_record, extras, digits, over
# global next_c
# For bases > 16
extras := "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz"
# Assume integer literal until proven otherwise....
tok_record := TOK("INTLIT")
# write(&errout, "it's an integer or real literal")
token := ("0" ~== next_c) | ""
while any(&digits, next_c := @getchar) do
token ||:= next_c
if token ||:= (next_c == ("R"|"r")) then {
digits := &digits
if over := ((10 < token[1:-1]) - 10) * 2 then
digits ++:= extras[1:over+1] | extras
next_c := @getchar
if next_c == "-" then {
token ||:= next_c
next_c := @getchar
while any(digits, next_c) do {
token ||:= next_c
next_c := @getchar
} else {
if token ||:= (next_c == ".") then {
while any(&digits, next_c := @getchar) do
token ||:= next_c
tok_record := TOK("REALLIT")
if token ||:= (next_c == ("e"|"E")) then {
next_c := @getchar
if next_c == "-" then {
token ||:= next_c
next_c := @getchar
while any(&digits, next_c) do {
token ||:= next_c
next_c := @getchar
tok_record := TOK("REALLIT")
tok_record.str := ("" ~== token) | "0"
return tok_record
# do_whitespace: coexpression x cset -> &null
# getchar x whitespace -> &null
# Where getchar is the coexpression producing the next char on
# the input stream. Do_whitespace just repeats until it finds a
# non-whitespace character, whitespace being defined as
# membership of a given character in the whitespace argument (a
# cset).
procedure do_whitespace(getchar, whitespace)
# write(&errout, "it's junk")
while any(whitespace, next_c) do
next_c := @getchar
# do_identifier: coexpression x table -> TOK record
# (getchar, reserved_tbl) -> t
# Where getchar is the coexpression that pops off characters from
# the input stream, reserved_tbl is a table of reserved words
# (keys = the string values, values = the names qua symbols in
# the grammar), and t is a TOK record containing all subsequent
# letters, digits, or underscores after next_c (which must be a
# letter or underscore). Note that next_c is global and gets
# reset by do_identifier.
procedure do_identifier(getchar, reserved_tbl)
local token
# global next_c
# write(&errout, "it's an indentifier")
token := next_c
while any(&letters ++ &digits ++ '_', next_c := @getchar)
do token ||:= next_c
return TOK(\reserved_tbl[token], token) | TOK("IDENT", token)
# do_operator: coexpression x list -> TOK record
# (getchar, operators) -> t
# Where getchar is the coexpression that produces the next
# character on the input stream, operators is the operator list,
# and where t is a TOK record describing the operator just
# scanned. Calls recognop, which creates a DFSA to recognize
# valid Icon operators. Arg2 (operators) is the list of lists
# containing valid Icon operator string values and names (see
# above).
procedure do_operator(getchar, operators)
local token, elem
token := next_c
# Go until recognop fails.
while elem := recognop(operators, token, 1) do
token ||:= (next_c := @getchar)
# write(&errout, ximage(elem))
if *\elem = 1 then
return TOK(elem[1][2], elem[1][1])
else fail
record dfstn_state(b, e, tbl)
record start_state(b, e, tbl, master_list)
# recognop: list x string x integer -> list
# (l, s, i) -> l2
# Where l is the list of lists created by the calling procedure
# (each element contains a token string value, name, and
# beginner/ender string), where s is a string possibly
# corresponding to a token in the list, where i is the position in
# the elements of l where the operator string values are recorded,
# and where l2 is a list of elements from l that contain operators
# for which string s is an exact match. Fails if there are no
# operators that s is a prefix of, but returns an empty list if
# there just aren't any that happen to match exactly.
# What this does is let the calling procedure just keep adding
# characters to s until recognop fails, then check the last list
# it returned to see if it is of length 1. If it is, then it
# contains list with the vital stats for the operator last
# recognized. If it is of length 0, then string s did not
# contain any recognizable operator.
procedure recognop(l, s, i)
local current_state, master_list, c, result, j
static dfstn_table
initial dfstn_table := table()
/i := 1
# See if we've created an automaton for l already.
/dfstn_table[l] := start_state(1, *l, &null, &null) & {
dfstn_table[l].master_list := sortf(l, i)
current_state := dfstn_table[l]
# Save master_list, as current_state will change later on.
master_list := current_state.master_list
s ? {
while c := move(1) do {
# Null means that this part of the automaton isn't
# complete.
if /current_state.tbl then
create_arcs(master_list, i, current_state, &pos)
# If the table has been clobbered, then there are no arcs
# leading out of the current state. Fail.
if current_state.tbl === 0 then
# write(&errout, "c = ", image(c))
# write(&errout, "table for current state = ",
# ximage(current_state.tbl))
# If we get to here, the current state has arcs leading
# out of it. See if c is one of them. If so, make the
# node to which arc c is connected the current state.
# Otherwise fail.
current_state := \current_state.tbl[c] | fail
# Return possible completions.
result := list()
every j := current_state.b to current_state.e do {
if *master_list[j][i] = *s then
put(result, master_list[j])
# return empty list if nothing the right length is found
return result
# create_arcs: fill out a table of arcs leading out of the current
# state, and place that table in the tbl field for
# current_state
procedure create_arcs(master_list, field, current_state, POS)
local elem, i, first_char, old_first_char
current_state.tbl := table()
old_first_char := ""
every elem := master_list[i := current_state.b to current_state.e][field]
do {
# Get the first character for the current position (note that
# we're one character behind the calling routine; hence
# POS-1).
first_char := elem[POS-1] | next
# If we have a new first character, create a new arc out of
# the current state.
if first_char ~== old_first_char then {
# Store the start position for the current character.
current_state.tbl[first_char] := dfstn_state(i)
# Store the end position for the old character.
(\current_state.tbl[old_first_char]).e := i-1
old_first_char := first_char
(\current_state.tbl[old_first_char]).e := i
# Clobber table with 0 if no arcs were added.
current_state.tbl := (*current_state.tbl = 0)
return current_state