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static char sccsid[] = "@(#)$Id: fsanalyze.c, V4.1 88/11/16 17:30:08 $";
* fsanalyze.c - file system analyzer
* Version : 4.1 - 88/11/16 17:30:08
* Author : Michael J. Young
* USmail : Software Development Technologies, Inc.
* 375 Dutton Rd
* Sudbury MA 01776
* UUCP : harvard!sdti!mjy
* Internet : mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM
* =========================================================================
* Note : This program has been placed in the public domain to permit
* unrestricted distribution and use. I have placed no copyright on it, but
* I request that you keep me informed about any enhancements and bug fixes
* you make so I can keep an up-to-date copy for further distribution.
* This program is being provided "as is", with no warrantee as to safety or
* accuracy of results. Use at your own risk.
* =========================================================================
* Modification History:
* Date Author Description
* ----------- -------- -----------------------------------------------
* 28 Jul 1987 MJY Originated
* 5 Oct 1987 MJY Capability to analyze individual files,
* Added error checking to file system argument,
* Added -o flag
* Prints out volume and file system name in summary
* 12 Oct 1987 MJY Use /etc/fsstat to do file system validity
* checking
* 9 Nov 1987 MJY print out warning if file system is mounted
* 12 Nov 1987 MJY Volume size statistics now long instead of int
* 7 Jan 1988 MJY Modified blk_no() to use l3tol()
* Wed Mar 9 17:51:38 EST 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Rewrite for portability between various versions of System V, esp.
* SCO XENIX and 5.3 systems. First (incomplete) attempt at porting
* to BSD 4.3. See README for details.
* Thu Apr 7 10:03:21 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Seeks for files that span cylinders due to their sheer size are
* ignored. Average seek distance is now reported.
* Wed Apr 13 17:33:03 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Completed port to BSD. Fixed bug in inode numbering for BSD.
* Symbolic links now handled correctly for individual files.
* Wed Jun 15 14:08:30 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Number of top offenders is now a configurable parameter via the
* NUMOFFEND macro in fsconfig.h.
* Fri Jun 24 16:22:10 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Make top offender size report consistent with anal_file reports.
* Tue Jul 26 15:24:30 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Added wasted space metric
* Modified BSD rotation delay algorithm
* Thu Jul 28 16:15:22 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Opt_interleave() formula now makes sense
* Re-organized code and general cleanup in preparation for posting.
* Mon Aug 08 11:27:39 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Revised OS_TYPE and FS_TYPE macros to avoid name-space conflicts
* Wed Nov 16 11:31:32 EST 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Placed under SCCS
* Include files
#include "fsconfig.h"
#include "fsanalyze.h"
* Global Variables *
* interface to system error messages
extern char *sys_errlist[];
extern int sys_nerr;
* error : performs a function similar to perror(3), but supports variable
* argument lists. Prints out a formatted error string to stderr, followed if
* possible by an appropriate system error message. Control is then
* returned to the system with an error status. This function does not
* return.
/* VARARGS0 */
void error (va_alist)
va_dcl /* varargs */
int err; /* 1st arg - error number */
char *str; /* 2nd arg - error format string */
va_list args;
err = va_arg (args, int);
str = va_arg (args, char *);
vfprintf (stderr, str, args);
if (err <= sys_nerr && err > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", sys_errlist[err]);
fprintf (stderr, "unknown error : %d\n", err);
* print out partial report, if possible
if (fil_sys != NULL)print_report ();
exit(1); /* exit with error status */
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int next_param;
extern int stat ();
struct stat f_stat;
* perform various initialization functions
next_param = init (argc, argv);
if (next_param == argc){
* no individual files to check, scan entire file system
printf ("Analyzing file system %s...\n", special);
* scan through all i-nodes in the file system
* print out statistics summary
else {
* scan individual files instead of entire file system
printf (" \t Seek Wasted\n");
printf (" Name \ti-node Fragments Size %% Dist Space\n");
for (; next_param < argc; next_param++){
if (stat (argv[next_param], &f_stat) != 0){
error (errno, "error opening \"%s\"\n",
else {
* make sure the inode belongs to the correct device
* (for BSD systems with symbolic links)
if ((f_stat.st_dev == fs_device) &&
!IS_SPECIAL (f_stat.st_mode)){
anal_file (f_stat.st_ino, argv[next_param]);
return (0);