Usenet 1994 October
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static char sccsid[] = "@(#)$Id: stats.c, V4.1 88/11/16 17:31:26 $";
* stats.c - file system statistics
* Version : 4.1 - 88/11/16 17:31:26
* Author : Michael J. Young
* USmail : Software Development Technologies, Inc.
* 375 Dutton Rd
* Sudbury MA 01776
* UUCP : harvard!sdti!mjy
* Internet : mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM
* =========================================================================
* Note : This program has been placed in the public domain to permit
* unrestricted distribution and use. I have placed no copyright on it, but
* I request that you keep me informed about any enhancements and bug fixes
* you make so I can keep an up-to-date copy for further distribution.
* This program is being provided "as is", with no warrantee as to safety or
* accuracy of results. Use at your own risk.
* =========================================================================
* Modification History:
* Thu Jul 28 16:02:51 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Extracted from fsanalyze.c
* Mon Aug 08 11:27:39 EDT 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Revised OS_TYPE and FS_TYPE macros to avoid name-space conflicts
* Wed Nov 16 11:31:32 EST 1988 - M. Young (mjy@sdti.SDTI.COM),
* Placed under SCCS
#include "fsconfig.h"
#include "fsanalyze.h"
* calculated global statistics
long blocks = 0; /* running block count */
long free_inodes = 0; /* number of unused i-nodes */
long potential_seeks = 0; /* potential number of disk seeks
* during sequential access of a
* file */
long seeks = 0; /* actual number of disk seeks
* required during sequential access
* of a file */
long total_seek_distance = 0; /* actual distance of disk seeks
* required during sequential access
* of a file */
long rotates = 0; /* number of disk rotation delays */
long indirects = 0; /* number of files w/ more than
* 10 data blocks */
long double_indirects = 0; /* number of files w/ more than
/* one level of indirection */
long triple_indirects = 0; /* number of files w/ more than
* two levels of indirection */
long ind_blks = 0; /* number of blocks used for
* indirection */
int big_directories = 0; /* number of directories with
* indirection */
int num_directories = 0; /* number of directories */
int num_specials = 0; /* number of special files */
int linked_files = 0; /* number of multiply-linked files */
int sparse_files = 0; /* number of sparse files */
int size_errors = 0; /* number of file size discrepancies */
long unuseable = 0; /* unuseable bytes due to external
* fragmentation */
struct file_data file_log[NUMOFFEND] = {0}; /* worst offenders */
* init_stats : initializes per-file statistics structure
void init_stats (data, inode, file_size)
struct file_data *data; /* file stats to init */
int inode; /* i-node number */
long file_size; /* file size */
data->inode = inode;
data->total_blocks = data->data_blocks = 0;
data->potential_seeks = data->seeks = data->rotates = 0;
data->fragm = 0.0;
data->sparse = 0;
data->cost = 0;
data->min_cost = minimum_seeks (file_size);
data->rel_cost = 0.0;
data->wasted = 0;
* log_stats : updates global statistics based on the current file statistics.
* The current file is then checked to see if it qualifies as one of the
* worst offenders (i.e., most fragmented) encountered thus far. The worst
* offenders are determined based on their absolute number of disk seeks
* required to read the entire file. Such an absolute test (viz a viz a
* relative percentage test) ensures that very small, but fragmented, files
* will not clutter the output.
void log_stats (data)
struct file_data *data; /* file statistics to be
* logged */
int i, j; /* loop counters */
* update global statistics
blocks += data->total_blocks;
ind_blks += data->total_blocks - data->data_blocks;
potential_seeks += data->potential_seeks;
seeks += data->seeks;
total_seek_distance += data->cost;
rotates += data->rotates;
data->fragm = data->potential_seeks ? (float)data->seeks/(float)data->potential_seeks : 0.0;
data->rel_cost = (data->seeks ? (float)data->cost/(float)data->seeks : 0.0);
unuseable += data->wasted;
* update worst offender array
for (i = 0; i < NUMOFFEND; i++){
if (data->seeks > file_log[i].seeks){
for (j = NUMOFFEND-1; j > i; j--){
file_log[j] = file_log[j-1];
file_log[i] = *data;