Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
335 lines
/* netdata.c: convert text file to CMS netdata format */
/* output is a stream of 80-byte card images */
/* Author: Gary Mills <mills@cc.uofm.cdn> */
/* <mills@uofmcc.bitnet> */
/* Compilation Switches: */
/* MVS: Waterloo C v1.3 for MVS */
/* default: Amdahl UTS Unix System V */
/* #define MVS 1 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef MVS
#define ATE(c) (c)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
extern long time();
extern struct tm *gmtime();
extern char atetab[128]; /* ASCII to EBCDIC translation table */
#define ATE(c) atetab[c]
#define NUL '\0'
#define TCAST (long *)
#define SIZBUF 254
#define SIZREC 255
#ifdef MVS
#define ONODE "UOFMCC"
/* control record identifiers */
#define INMR01 "INMR01"
#define INMR02 "INMR02"
#define INMR03 "INMR03"
#define INMR06 "INMR06"
/* text unit keys */
#define INMLRECL 0x0042
#define INMFNODE 0x1011
#define INMFUID 0x1012
#define INMTNODE 0x1001
#define INMTUID 0x1002
#define INMFTIME 0x1024
#define INMNUMF 0x102f
#define INMSIZE 0x102c
#define INMDSORG 0x003c
#define INMUTILN 0x1028
#define INMRECFM 0x0049
#define INMTERM 0x0028
#define INMDSNAM 0x0002
#define INMFFM 0x102d
#define INMLCHG 0x1021
static char inbuf[SIZBUF];
static char rec[SIZREC];
static char tvalue[21];
#ifndef MVS
static struct stat sbuf;
static int count; /* output char count */
static FILE *ofile; /* output file */
char *acunit(), *abunit(), *acfield(), *inirec(), *membin();
main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv;
int n;
char *pend, *pstar;
FILE *ifile;
char c;
char *ouser, *dnode, *duser;
char *tcurr, *tlast;
char *fname, *ftype, *pgm;
int fsize, maxl;
long tbuf;
struct tm *tpt;
#ifdef MVS
tpt = localtime();
tbuf = time( TCAST 0 );
tpt = gmtime(&tbuf);
sprintf(tvalue, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%06d",
tpt->tm_year+1900, tpt->tm_mon+1, tpt->tm_mday,
tpt->tm_hour, tpt->tm_min, tpt->tm_sec, 0);
tcurr = tlast = tvalue;
ifile = stdin;
ofile = stdout;
ouser = duser = fname = "MAILER";
dnode = ONODE;
ftype = "MAIL";
fsize = 0x0800;
maxl = SIZBUF-1;
pgm = *argv++;
while ( argc )
if ( **argv == '-' )
c = tolower( (*argv)[1] );
if ( argc )
if ( c == 'n' )
fname = *argv++;
else if ( c == 't' )
ftype = *argv++;
else if ( c == 'u' )
ouser = *argv++;
else if ( c == 'd' )
dnode = *argv++;
else if ( c == 'v' )
duser = *argv++;
else if ( c == 's' )
fsize = atoi(*argv++);
if ( ( ifile = fopen(*argv, "r") ) != NULL )
#ifndef MVS
if ( 0 == fstat( fileno(ifile), &sbuf) )
fsize = sbuf.st_size;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open %s\n", pgm, *argv);
if ( argc )
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-n name -t type -u orig_user\n", pgm);
fprintf(stderr, " -d dest_node -v dest_user -s size file]\n");
#ifdef MVS
ofile = fopen("SYSUT2 ( bin", "w");
if ( ofile == NULL )
return 1;
pend = inirec(rec, INMR01, -1); /* header */
pend = abunit(pend, INMLRECL, 80, 2);
pend = acunit(pend, INMFNODE, ONODE);
pend = acunit(pend, INMFUID, ouser);
pend = acunit(pend, INMTNODE, dnode);
pend = acunit(pend, INMTUID, duser);
pend = acunit(pend, INMFTIME, tcurr);
pend = abunit(pend, INMNUMF, 1, 4);
finrec(rec, pend);
pend = inirec(rec, INMR02, 1); /* output utility */
pend = abunit(pend, INMSIZE, fsize, 8);
pend = abunit(pend, INMDSORG, 0x4000, 2);
pend = abunit(pend, INMLRECL, maxl, 4);
pend = acunit(pend, INMUTILN, "INMCOPY");
pend = abunit(pend, INMRECFM, 0x0002, 2);
pstar = pend;
pend = acunit(pend, INMDSNAM, "A");
pend = acfield(pend, fname);
pend = acfield(pend, ftype);
pstar[3] = 3;
pend = acunit(pend, INMFFM, "1");
pend = acunit(pend, INMLCHG, tlast);
finrec(rec, pend);
pend = inirec(rec, INMR03, -1); /* input data */
pend = abunit(pend, INMSIZE, fsize, 8);
pend = abunit(pend, INMDSORG, 0x4000, 2);
pend = abunit(pend, INMLRECL, 80, 2);
pend = abunit(pend, INMRECFM, 0x0001, 2);
finrec(rec, pend);
while ( n = igets(ifile) ) /* data records */
while ( n > 1 && inbuf[n-1] == ' ' )
inbuf[n] = NUL;
odata(n, inbuf);
pend = inirec(rec, INMR06, -1); /* trailer */
finrec(rec, pend);
return 0;
/* get input line, expanding tabs and padding null lines */
igets(fp) FILE *fp;
int c, col;
col = 0;
while ( ( c = getc(fp) ) != EOF )
if ( c == '\t' )
inbuf[col++] = ' ';
while ( col < SIZBUF-1 && col % 8 );
else if ( c == '\n' )
if ( col == 0 )
inbuf[col++] = ' ';
inbuf[col++] = c;
if ( !( col < SIZBUF-1 ) )
inbuf[col] = NUL;
return col;
/* initialize control record */
char *inirec(pt, s, n) char *pt, *s; int n;
*pt++ = 0; /* length bythe */
*pt++ = 0xe0; /* flag byte */
while ( *s ) /* identifier */
*pt++ = ATE( toupper(*s++) );
if ( n > 0 ) /* number of files */
pt = membin(pt, n, 4);
return pt;
/* finalize control record */
finrec(pt, pe) char *pt, *pe;
*pt = pe - pt; /* length byte */
while ( pt < pe ) /* record */
putc(*pt, ofile);
/* add a binary text unit */
char *abunit(pt, k, v, n) char *pt; int k, v, n;
pt = membin(pt, k, 2); /* key */
pt = membin(pt, 1, 2); /* count */
pt = membin(pt, n, 2); /* length */
pt = membin(pt, v, n); /* value */
return pt;
/* add a character text unit */
char *acunit(pt, k, s) char *pt; int k; char *s;
pt = membin(pt, k, 2); /* key */
pt = membin(pt, 1, 2); /* count */
pt = membin(pt, strlen(s), 2); /* length */
while ( *s ) /* value */
*pt++ = ATE( toupper(*s++) );
return pt;
/* add a character field */
char *acfield(pt, s) char *pt, *s;
pt = membin(pt, strlen(s), 2); /* length */
while ( *s ) /* value */
*pt++ = ATE( toupper(*s++) );
return pt;
/* add a binary item */
char *membin(pt, v, n) char *pt; int v, n;
char *pe;
pe = pt + n;
while ( --pe >= pt )
*pe = v;
v = v / 256;
return pt + n;
/* write a data record */
odata(n, pt) int n; char *pt;
char *pe;
pe = pt + n;
putc(n+2, ofile); /* length byte */
putc(0xc0, ofile); /* flag byte */
count = count + 2;
while ( pt < pe ) /* data */
putc(ATE(*pt), ofile);
/* pad last record */
while ( count % 80 )
putc(0, ofile);