Usenet 1994 October
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361 lines
;;; tplvars.el -- Variables for template-mode.
;;; Copyright (C) 1987 Mark A. Ardis.
(provide 'tplvars)
;;; User Options
(defvar tpl-ask-expansion-depth 1
"*Depth of recursive placeholder expansions at which to start asking
whether to expand. Possible values are:
-1 delete all placeholders
0 don't expand or delete placeholders---leave them alone
1 ask about expansion at level 1
n ask about expansion at level n of expanding
Defaults to 1, which means always ask."
) ; tpl-ask-expansion-depth
(defvar tpl-auto-load-new-templates nil
"*If non-nil load new templates after creating them with
'replace-wtih-placeholder. Otherwise, loading must be done
by invoking 'load-tpl-file. Defaults to nil."
) ; tpl-auto-load-new-templates
(defvar tpl-auto-save-new-templates nil
"*If non-nil save new templates after creating them with
'replace-wtih-placeholder. Otherwise, saving must be done
by invoking 'save-buffer. Defaults to nil."
) ; tpl-auto-save-new-templates
(defvar tpl-auto-template-alist nil
"*Global Alist of major modes and their associated template files.
Initialized by 'tpl-initialize-modes'."
) ; tpl-auto-template-alist
(defvar tpl-begin-placeholder "<"
"*Regular expression for beginning of placeholder."
) ; tpl-begin-placeholder
(defvar tpl-begin-template-body "^:begin"
"*Regular expression for beginning of template body."
) ; tpl-begin-template-body
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tpl-begin-template-body)
(setq-default tpl-begin-template-body "^:begin")
(defvar tpl-begin-template-definition "^Template"
"*Regular expression for beginning of template definition."
) ; tpl-begin-template-definition
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tpl-begin-template-definition)
(setq-default tpl-begin-template-definition "^Template")
(defvar tpl-destination-symbol "POINT"
"*Special symbol used as placeholder as location for point
after expanding a template."
) ; tpl-destination-symbol
(defvar tpl-display-begin ">>"
"*Delimiter marking beginning of a selected placeholder."
) ; tpl-display-begin
(defvar tpl-display-end "<<"
"*Delimiter marking end of a selected placeholder."
) ; tpl-display-end
(defvar tpl-end-placeholder ">"
"*Regular expression for end of placeholder."
) ; tpl-end-placeholder
(defvar tpl-end-template-body "^:end"
"*Regular expression for end of template body."
) ; tpl-end-template-body
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tpl-end-template-body)
(setq-default tpl-end-template-body "^:end")
(defvar tpl-fill-while-unscanning nil
"*If non-nil, use whatever fill mode is in effect while unscanning
(inserting) templates. Defaults to nil, which ensures that template
formats are not disturbed by context."
) ; tpl-fill-while-unscanning
(defvar tpl-form-placeholder-name-from-context nil
"*Option to generate placeholder names by looking for the first symbol
after point. Defaults to nil, which means use temporary names instead."
) ; tpl-form-placeholder-name-from-context
(defvar tpl-function-type "Function"
"*Name of function-type template type."
) ; tpl-function-type
(defvar tpl-get-placeholder-name-in-context t
"*If non-nil allow the user to type in the placeholder name within
the context of the template definition. Otherwise, use temporary
names. Defaults to t."
) ; tpl-get-placeholder-name-in-context
(defvar tpl-include-prefix-in-groups t
"*Option to include the prefix string (used to find the beginning of
a group) in the group."
) ; tpl-include-prefix-in-groups
(defvar tpl-indentation-size 2
"*Size of indentation units in columns."
) ; tpl-indentation-size
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tpl-indentation-size)
(setq-default tpl-indentation-size 2)
(defvar tpl-keep-optional-placeholders "ask"
"*Option to determine processing of optional placeholders in template-mode.
If t, then always keep them. If nil, then always delete them. If neither
t nor nil, then always ask."
) ; tpl-keep-optional-placeholders
(defvar tpl-lexical-type "Lexical"
"*Name of lexical-type template type."
) ; tpl-lexical-type
(defvar tpl-literal-whitespace nil
"*If non-nil leave leading whitespace in templates as-is.
Otherwise, calculate relative indentation units (see
'tpl-indentation-size' variable). Defaults to nil."
) ; tpl-literal-whitespace
(defvar tpl-load-path (list nil "/faculty/ardis/Gnu/Template/Templates")
"*List of directories to search for template files to load.
Each element is a string (directory name) or nil (try default directory).
Use 'template-mode-load-hook to change this value."
) ; tpl-load-path
(defvar tpl-new-template-buffer "new.tpl"
"*Buffer containing new templates."
) ; tpl-new-template-buffer
(defvar tpl-next-placeholder-number 1
"*Counter used to generate unique temporary placeholder names."
) ; tpl-next-placeholder-number
(defvar tpl-pattern-optional "#"
"*Regular expression for all optional placeholders."
) ; tpl-pattern-optional
(defvar tpl-pattern-other "."
"*Regular expression for all other tokens."
) ; tpl-pattern-other
(defvar tpl-pattern-placeholder nil
"*Regular expression for placeholder."
) ; tpl-pattern-placeholder
(defvar tpl-pattern-punctuation "\\s.+"
"*Regular expression for at least one punctuation character."
) ; tpl-pattern-punctuation
(defvar tpl-pattern-string ".*"
"*Regular expression for any string."
) ; tpl-pattern-string
(defvar tpl-pattern-symbol "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+"
"*Regular expression for at least one symbol character."
) ; tpl-pattern-symbol
(defvar tpl-pattern-whitespace "[ ]+"
"*Regular expression for at least one whitespace character."
) ; tpl-pattern-whitespace
(defvar tpl-pattern-word "\\sw+"
"*Regular expression for at least one word character."
) ; tpl-pattern-word
(defvar tpl-rebuild-all-templates-template nil
"*If non-nil rebuild the list of all templates after invoking
template-mode and after loading new templates. Otherwise, do not
(improves performance of starting up). Defaults to nil."
) ; tpl-rebuild-all-templates-template
(defvar tpl-repetition-type "Repetition"
"*Name of repetition-type template type."
) ; tpl-repetition-type
(defvar tpl-save-identifier-file nil
"*Option to save identifier table in a separate file. Defaults
to nil, which means save only in a buffer."
) ; tpl-save-identifier-file
(defvar tpl-selection-type "Selection"
"*Name of selection-type template type."
) ; tpl-selection-type
(defvar tpl-sep-placeholder ":"
"*Regular expression for placeholder body separator."
) ; tpl-sep-placeholder
(defvar tpl-sequence-type "Sequence"
"*Name of sequence-type template type."
) ; tpl-sequence-type
(defvar tpl-string-type "String"
"*Name of string-type template type."
) ; tpl-string-type
(defvar tpl-temporary-placeholder-name "TEMP"
"*Root of temporary placeholder names."
) ; tpl-temporary-placeholder-name
(defvar tpl-verify-end-of-group nil
"*Option to verify (by positioning point) the end of each group
of lines in 'query-replace-groups."
) ; tpl-verify-end-of-group
;;; Global Variables
(defvar lex-patterns nil
"A list of regular expressions to be used in recognizing tokens."
) ; lex-patterns
(defvar string-patterns nil
"A list of string patterns to be used in recognizing tokens."
) ; string-patterns
(defvar template-mode nil
"Minor mode symbol."
) ; template-mode
(make-variable-buffer-local 'template-mode)
(defvar template-mode-map nil
"Keymap for template-mode."
) ; template-mode-map
(defvar tpl-all-templates-file "ALLTEMPLATES"
"Name of dummy template file for all-templates-template."
) ; tpl-all-templates-name
(defvar tpl-all-templates-name "ALLTEMPLATES"
"Name of special template that is a selection of all other templates."
) ; tpl-all-templates-name
(defvar tpl-all-templates-template-invalid t
"Flag to indicate validity of all-templates-template."
) ; tpl-all-templates-template-invalid
(defvar tpl-begin-optional nil
"Regular expression for beginning of optional placeholder."
) ; tpl-begin-optional
(defvar tpl-buffer
"Current template buffer."
) ; tpl-buffer
(defvar tpl-comment-level 100
"Special value indicating alignment on comment column."
) ; tpl-comment-level
(defvar tpl-destination-marker (make-marker)
"Location (a marker) to leave point after expanding placeholder."
) ; tpl-destination-marker
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tpl-destination-marker)
(setq-default tpl-destination-marker (make-marker))
(defvar tpl-destination-needed nil
"Boolean flag used to signal whether a destination for point (after
expanding a placeholder) has been found yet."
) ; tpl-destination-needed
(defvar tpl-destination-placeholder nil
"Special placeholder used to place point after expanding a template."
) ; tpl-destination-placeholder
(defvar tpl-end-group nil
"Global variable to hold pattern for end of group."
) ; tpl-end-group
(defvar tpl-expansion-depth 1
"Current depth of recursive calls to expand placeholders.
Compared to tpl-ask-expansion-depth."
) ; tpl-expansion-depth
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tpl-expansion-depth)
(setq-default tpl-expansion-depth 1)
(defvar tpl-formed-placeholder-name nil
"Value formed by searching for next symbol after point."
) ; tpl-formed-placeholder-name
(defvar tpl-global-template-list nil
"Global Alist of major modes and their associated templates."
) ; tpl-global-template-list
(defvar tpl-indentation-type 'indentation
"Type of indentation terminals."
) ; tpl-indentation-type
(defvar tpl-local-template-list nil
"List of all templates and their tree values."
) ; tpl-local-template-list
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tpl-local-template-list)
(defvar tpl-menu-buffer "Menu"
"Buffer used for making selections of templates."
) ; tpl-menu-buffer
(defvar tpl-newline-token nil
"Token indicating presence of a newline."
) ; tpl-newline-token
(defvar tpl-newline-type 'newline
"Type of newline terminals."
) ; tpl-newline-type
(defvar tpl-next-placeholder-name (concat tpl-temporary-placeholder-name
"Next unique name for temporary placeholder."
) ; tpl-next-placeholder-number
(defvar tpl-optional-type 'optional
"Type of optional placeholders."
) ; tpl-optional-type
(defvar tpl-other-type 'other
"Type of other terminals."
) ; tpl-other-type
(defvar tpl-placeholder-type 'placeholder
"Type of all placeholders."
) ; tpl-placeholder-type
(defvar tpl-punctuation-type 'punctuation
"Type of punctuation terminals."
) ; tpl-punctuation-type
(defvar tpl-query-flag t
"If non-nil query about placeholder names."
) ; tpl-query-flag
(defvar tpl-saved-map nil
"Local keymap to restore when turning off template-mode."
) ; tpl-saved-map
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tpl-saved-map)
(defvar tpl-terminal-type 'terminal
"Type of all literal strings."
) ; tpl-terminal-type
(defvar tpl-textlong-buffer "Textlong"
"Buffer used for creating textlong values."
) ; tpl-textlong-buffer
(defvar tpl-whitespace-type 'whitespace
"Type of whitespace terminals."
) ; tpl-whitespace-type
(defvar tpl-word-type 'word
"Type of word terminals."
) ; tpl-word-type
(defvar tpl-work-buffer "Work"
"Buffer used for constructing temporary objects."
) ; tpl-work-buffer
;;; end of tplvars.el