Usenet 1994 October
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412 lines
;;; tplscan.el -- Scanner for template package
;;; Copyright (C) 1987 Mark A. Ardis.
(require 'tplvars)
(provide 'tplscan)
;;; All global variables are in "tplvars".
(defun tpl-make-pattern (pn pv)
"Constructor for lexical patterns."
(list (list 'name pn) (list 'value pv))
) ; defun tpl-make-pattern
(defun tpl-pattern-name (p)
"Selector for name field of lexical patterns."
(car (cdr (assq 'name p)))
) ; defun tpl-pattern-name
(defun tpl-pattern-value (p)
"Selector for value field of lexical patterns."
(car (cdr (assq 'value p)))
) ; defun tpl-pattern-value
(defun tpl-make-token (tt tn tv)
"Constructor for tokens."
(list (list 'type tt) (list 'name tn) (list 'value tv))
) ; defun tpl-make-token
(defun tpl-token-type (token)
"Selector for type field of tokens."
(car (cdr (assq 'type token)))
) ; defun tpl-token-type
(defun tpl-token-name (token)
"Selector for name field of tokens."
(car (cdr (assq 'name token)))
) ; defun tpl-token-name
(defun tpl-token-value (token)
"Selector for value field of tokens."
(car (cdr (assq 'value token)))
) ; defun tpl-token-value
(defun tpl-make-line (indent-level token-list)
"Constructor for lines."
(list (list 'indent indent-level) (list 'tokens token-list))
) ; defun tpl-make-line
(defun tpl-line-indent (line)
"Selector for indentation field of lines."
(car (cdr (assq 'indent line)))
) ; defun tpl-line-indent
(defun tpl-line-tokens (line)
"Selector for token-list field of lines."
(car (cdr (assq 'tokens line)))
) ; defun tpl-line-tokens
(defun tpl-scan-region (start stop pattern-list)
"Scan the text between START and STOP using PATTERN-LIST for tokens.
Return an indented line-list of tokens."
; Local Variables
(let (start-col last-col this-col indent-level last-indent
line line-list more)
; Body
(goto-char start)
(setq start-col (current-column))
(setq line-list nil)
(narrow-to-region start stop)
(and (boundp 'template-scan-hook)
(funcall template-scan-hook))
(if (eobp)
(setq more nil)
(setq more t)
) ; if (eobp)
(while more
; Scan a line
(setq line (tpl-scan-line start-col pattern-list))
(setq line-list (append line-list (list line)))
; Advance to next line
(if (not (eobp))
(setq more nil)
) ; if (not (eobp))
) ; while more
) ; save-restriction
; return
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-scan-region
(defun tpl-scan-line (start-col pattern-list)
"Scan a line of text, returning an indentation-line of tokens.
START-COL is the origin column for a region.
PATTERN-LIST is the list of tokens to scan for."
; Local Variables
(let (this-col indent-level line)
; Body
(if tpl-literal-whitespace
(beginning-of-line nil)
(setq line (tpl-make-line 0 (tpl-scan-token-list pattern-list)))
) ; progn
; else
(setq this-col (current-column))
((>= this-col comment-column)
(setq indent-level tpl-comment-level)
) ; progn
) ; comment
((<= this-col start-col)
(setq indent-level 0)
) ; progn
) ; too small
(setq indent-level (- this-col start-col))
) ; progn
) ; t
) ; cond
; Scan tokens and make into a line
(setq line (tpl-make-line indent-level
(tpl-scan-token-list pattern-list)))
) ; progn
) ; if tpl-literal-whitespace
; return
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-scan-line
(defun tpl-scan-token (pattern-list)
"Scan the text at point and return a token.
PATTERN-LIST is the list of tokens to scan for."
; Local Variables
(let (pattern pn pv token found start)
; Body
(setq found nil)
(while (and pattern-list (not found))
(setq pattern (car pattern-list))
(setq pattern-list (cdr pattern-list))
(setq pn (tpl-pattern-name pattern))
(setq pv (tpl-pattern-value pattern))
(if (looking-at pv)
(setq found t)
) ; if (looking-at pattern)
) ; while (and pattern-list (not found))
(if (not found)
(error "Unable to scan text.")
) ; if (not found)
(setq start (point))
(re-search-forward pv)
(setq token (tpl-make-token tpl-terminal-type pn
(buffer-substring start (point))))
token ; return
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-scan-token
(defun tpl-scan-token-list (pattern-list)
"Scan the current line and return a list of tokens.
PATTERN-LIST is the list of tokens to scan for."
; Local Variables
(let (save-list token token-list)
; Body
(setq token-list nil)
(setq save-list pattern-list)
(while (not (eolp))
(setq pattern-list save-list)
(setq token (tpl-scan-token pattern-list))
(setq token-list (append token-list (list token)))
) ; while (not (eolp))
; return
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-scan-token-list
(defun tpl-scan-template ()
"Scan the template at point and return its tree value."
; Local Variables
(let (start template-name template-type token-list tree save-patterns)
; Body
(re-search-forward tpl-begin-template-definition)
(re-search-forward tpl-pattern-whitespace)
(setq start (point))
(re-search-forward tpl-pattern-symbol)
(setq template-name (buffer-substring start (point)))
(re-search-forward tpl-pattern-whitespace)
(setq start (point))
(re-search-forward tpl-pattern-word)
(setq template-type (buffer-substring start (point)))
(re-search-forward tpl-begin-template-body)
(beginning-of-line 2)
(setq start (point))
(re-search-forward tpl-end-template-body)
(end-of-line 0)
(if (or (equal template-type tpl-lexical-type)
(equal template-type tpl-function-type))
(setq token-list (buffer-substring start (point)))
; else
(if (equal template-type tpl-string-type)
(setq token-list (tpl-scan-region start (point) string-patterns))
; else
(setq token-list (tpl-scan-region start (point) lex-patterns))
) ; if (equal template-type tpl-string-type)
) ; if (or ...)
(setq tree (tpl-make-token template-type template-name token-list))
; return
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-scan-template
(defun tpl-scan-placeholder ()
"Scan the placeholder at point and return its tree value."
; Local Variables
(let (save start placeholder-type placeholder-name token-type)
; Body
(setq save (point))
(re-search-forward tpl-begin-placeholder)
(if (looking-at tpl-pattern-optional)
(setq token-type tpl-optional-type)
(re-search-forward tpl-pattern-optional)
) ; progn
; else
(setq token-type tpl-placeholder-type)
) ; progn
) ; if (looking-at tpl-pattern-optional)
(setq start (point))
(if (looking-at tpl-destination-symbol)
(forward-char (length tpl-destination-symbol))
(re-search-forward tpl-pattern-symbol)
) ; if
(setq placeholder-type (buffer-substring start (point)))
(if (looking-at tpl-sep-placeholder)
(re-search-forward tpl-sep-placeholder)
(setq start (point))
(re-search-forward tpl-pattern-symbol)
(setq placeholder-name (buffer-substring start (point)))
) ; progn
; else
(setq placeholder-name nil)
) ; progn
) ; if (looking-at tpl-sep-placeholder)
(setq placeholder (tpl-make-token
(goto-char save)
; return
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-scan-placeholder
(defun tpl-unscan (token &optional column)
"Insert at point the values of tokens in the tree rooted by TOKEN.
Optional second argument COLUMN specifies where to indent rigidly.
Default is the current column."
; Local Variables
(let (begin-template start-column token-list line-list line save-hook)
; Body
; Save auto-fill-hook and reset
(setq save-hook auto-fill-hook)
(if (not tpl-fill-while-unscanning)
(setq auto-fill-hook nil)
) ; if
; Unscan template
(setq begin-template (point))
(if column
(setq start-column column)
; else
(setq start-column (current-column))
) ; if column
(setq line-list (tpl-token-value token))
(while line-list
(setq line (car line-list))
(setq line-list (cdr line-list))
(if (= tpl-comment-level (tpl-line-indent line))
(indent-to comment-column)
; else
(indent-to (+ start-column (tpl-line-indent line)))
) ; if
(setq token-list (tpl-line-tokens line))
(while token-list
(setq token (car token-list))
(setq token-list (cdr token-list))
;(debug "tpl-unscan token:" token)
(insert-before-markers (tpl-token-value token))
) ; while token-list
(if line-list
) ; if line-list
) ; while line-list
(if (and (boundp 'template-unscan-hook)
(funcall template-unscan-hook begin-template (point) start-column)
) ; if
; Reset auto-fill-hook
(setq auto-fill-hook save-hook)
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-unscan
(defun tpl-fix-syntax (string)
"Change any syntax entries in STRING from (word or symbol or quote)
to punctuation."
; Local Variables
(let (char)
; Body
(while (> (length string) 0)
(setq char (string-to-char string))
(setq string (substring string 1))
(if (or (equal (char-syntax char) ? )
(equal (char-syntax char) ?_)
(equal (char-syntax char) ?'))
(modify-syntax-entry char ". ")
) ; if
) ; while
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-fix-syntax
(defun tpl-initialize-scan ()
"Initialize environment for scan."
; Local Variables
(let ()
; Body
; Make all characters non-symbols
(tpl-fix-syntax tpl-begin-placeholder)
(tpl-fix-syntax tpl-end-placeholder)
(tpl-fix-syntax tpl-sep-placeholder)
(tpl-fix-syntax tpl-pattern-optional)
; Build composite patterns
(setq tpl-begin-optional (concat tpl-begin-placeholder
(setq tpl-destination-placeholder (concat tpl-begin-placeholder
(setq tpl-pattern-placeholder (concat tpl-begin-placeholder
"\\(" tpl-pattern-optional "\\)?"
"\\(" tpl-sep-placeholder
tpl-pattern-symbol "\\)?"
; Build lexical patterns
(setq lex-patterns
(tpl-make-pattern tpl-placeholder-type tpl-pattern-placeholder)
(tpl-make-pattern tpl-whitespace-type tpl-pattern-whitespace)
(tpl-make-pattern tpl-word-type tpl-pattern-word)
(tpl-make-pattern tpl-punctuation-type tpl-pattern-punctuation)
(tpl-make-pattern tpl-other-type tpl-pattern-other)
(setq string-patterns
(tpl-make-pattern tpl-string-type tpl-pattern-string)
(setq tpl-newline-token
(tpl-make-token tpl-terminal-type tpl-newline-type nil))
) ; let
) ; defun tpl-initialize-scan
;;; end of tplscan.el