X?X: This unit produces a shell script "loc" which can be used to find out
X?X: where in a list of directories something is. It then uses loc to
X?X: determine the location of commonly used programs. It leaves loc sitting
X?X: around for other Configure units to use, but arranges for its demise
X?X: at the end of Configure.
X?X: To add a new program to find, add it both to the ?MAKE: line and to either
X?X: the loclist or trylist variable.
X?RCS: $Log: Loc.U,v $
X?RCS: Revision 2.0 88/06/28 23:13:25 lwall
X?RCS: Baseline.
X?MAKE:Loc loclist expr sed echo cat rm mv cp tail tr mkdir sort uniq grep trylist test inews egrep more pg Mcc vi mailx mail cpp: startsh eunicefix n c Myread Oldconfig